What does the name for a boy mean. Russian and modern names for a boy

Change, go to a country in which the middle name is not used, therefore, when choosing the name of the parents, nothing. Choosing the same name boy, it is necessary to look so that it goes well with both the surname and patronymic. Names that do not have a pronounced sexual characteristic, such as Valya, Sasha or Zhenya, should be taken if the surname leaves no doubt that its bearer is a boy, a man. So, for example, Zhenya Stepanov will feel much more confident than Valya Petrenko, who sooner or later will become a little uncomfortable, once again specifying that he is a boy.

Undoubtedly, the chosen name will also affect the character of the future son. If you want to see him firm, purposeful, then his name should be the same. For example, Boris, Gleb, Yegor. A softer name - Ilya, Alexei, Leonid - will definitely add softness to the character of the heir. But you can stop at the golden mean - Andrei, Peter, Stepan. And you definitely need to make sure that the chosen name goes well with the patronymic, so that one smoothly flows into the other, and it will be much easier for people around your son to name full name Lev Petrovich, rather than, for example, Viktor Grigorievich.

AT recent times the tradition of naming children according to the church calendar is being revived. This is a good tradition, it is not necessary to take the names of those saints on whose day your son's birthday falls. Look through all the names that are close to the cherished date and definitely among them there will be one that you will definitely like. Well, some parents hesitate with the name until the very birth, and then, looking into their dear little eyes, they immediately understand: "Here he is - their Vanechka." Well, of course, you need to follow the euphony of the name. Some nicknames or combinations of initials can expose a guy to gross ridicule, and this circumstance can result in a serious psychological problem for him. Therefore, choosing between ambition and the inner peace of your unborn child, you should listen to common sense.


There are plenty of male names - and each of them is beautiful in its own way. But what should a future mother pay attention to when choosing a name for a boy? If this happened and you cannot choose a name, then do not be upset, in later pregnancy, take a list of male names and read it out loud, naturally the names that you like and choose a name with the baby.

Useful advice

Quite often, in the description of the mystery of names, we find a correspondence with what is really happening or has already happened in the lives of people with the corresponding name. And by choosing this or that name for our child according to its meaning, we strive (or at least hope) to ensure a successful cloudless future. But, despite the meaning of the name, naming the boy "Maxim", it is impossible to say unequivocally how his fate will turn out.

When a person is called, for him it is the most pleasant sound. To make it happen with your baby, you need to take this task responsibly. Everything in this world is named, the essence itself is formed around the name. Therefore, it is impossible to deny the great influence of a few specific letters on the self-perception and worldview of a person.

Some argue that the name can even change fate. If you approach the matter not with such fatalistic views, the question still remains, how to choose the right name for the boy.

Indeed, in ancient times people were called, both in honor of heroes and gods, and in words with an impartial meaning that could express belonging to a particular genus or type of activity.

Now parents are used to relying on sound or fashion. But it is especially important not to make a mistake when using Old Slavonic names. Because the true meaning can be very different from what is commonly understood now by this word.

Choosing a name for a child boy: approaches

There are several methods for making a decision in this case. Sometimes even a whole family council gathers. To come to a consensus, you need to understand what strategy you will follow. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

A man is the head and successor of the family. But all the foundations are laid in childhood. Even the character begins to form from the name. The baby hears it even in the womb, if it is chosen in advance. A person will never forget or confuse this name with some other. Remember when at an early age bullies wanted to offend, they changed names. Because there is nothing more personal, undividedly belonging to the future man. Therefore, before sorting through the options in your head, pay attention to these key points:

  • Think about the future. The name of the boy in the future should become a harmonious patronymic for his children.
  • Don't make fun of the kids. Funny, self-invented or borrowed names from the series are not The best way express your love. Since the baby will simply be bullied at school or in kindergarten. Thus, you seek to express your individuality, but the child will suffer from this, who will become uncomfortable in society. This brings particular inconvenience in childhood, when the direct guys say everything they think, or in youth - the time of the first loves and romantic experiences.
  • Don't name after your father. The continuity of generations is a plus, but not in this case. According to psychologists, due to the coincidence in sound, it is more difficult for a boy to identify himself as a separate person. He begins to feel like a shadow of his father, which leads to depression, neurosis, loss of a sense of his originality.

Remember that there is no wrong choice, because everything is unique and largely determined by taste. The name can be considered a gift from parents to a child. It is the first and most important small man subsequently appreciated all its value in full, take into account these rules.


Conservative families are very reluctant to change the established way of life. Therefore, they are reluctant to experiment. But if you are in doubt about how best to name a baby boy in an unusual or familiar way. This technique has its advantages, because if a child wants to know the history of his name, he will understand that the choice has deep roots. So baby:

  • perceives the experience of generations;
  • learns to appreciate and respect their past;
  • represents the fate and life of his relatives;
  • keeps important facts about his family and passes them on to his children.

To make the stories more visual, pick up a family photo album. Such a family book will pass through the years if it has a strong body. The Russian House of Genealogy will help with this.

Heraldry specialists will be able to design a family coat of arms and place it on the cover of a family book or album. The history of the life of relatives, the intricacies of their destinies will come to life before the eyes of the baby.

Flipping through the pages, he will study these facts against the backdrop of the developments in the country's past. Thus, a person learns to fit his life into the general context, thanks to which a responsible and honest family man, a patriot of his Motherland and a conscientious specialist is brought up. People of this type of character are highly valued in society. And the beginning of a brilliant path begins with a name.

According to the church calendar

Previously, there was no question of how to name the child, since there was a codified name. This collection showed how to name a boy according to the church calendar. Until now, many believers believe this approach is the only true one. By naming a child in honor of an archangel or a saint, one can hope for good health and happy life peanut. Some are confused by the archaic sound of these options, others think that the possibilities in this regard are rather limited.

But the list for each month is very large. Moreover, it is not necessary to call it the way it was pronounced several centuries ago. John is replaced by Ivan, Alexy by Alexei. But you can be absolutely sure that none of the names carries negative meanings.

Many meanings are associated with God, so if you believe that the name can become a talisman and protection for a boy, you will not find a better option.

So beautiful name Jeremiah (transformed into Jeremiah-Yerema-Yermiy) is understood as "exalted by God." Also, when a child is baptized, there will be no difficulties: a worldly name will not need to be translated into a church one.

Sometimes help comes from an unexpected direction and you may hear the right option in a conversation with a friend or colleagues. But choose what name it is better to call recently born boy, better in a close family circle. After all, only relatives can take into account such important points, how:

  • Nationality. There are interethnic marriages, then the husband and wife need to use all their diplomatic abilities. But, if both of you have eastern roots, or vice versa, are primordially Russian, then it is better not to conflict with national traditions. Otherwise, the name of the child will be in sharp contrast with his appearance, lifestyle and traditions.
  • Place of residence. In a big city, where there is a high level of agglomeration and people of different views, religions, and origins live in the same territory, it is not so surprising unusual names. But if in a small town or settlement you name a young city dweller Alfred or Marseille, this will arouse great interest.
  • Diminutive forms. You must consider the possibility of transforming the name. When you want to express your tenderness and call the child in a different way, it should not be too difficult to pronounce or hurt your ear.

These rules will help not to make a mistake with the choice even to close people, and will also affect the avoidance of disputes.

By harmony

In everyday communication, we pay special attention to sound. Therefore, when deciding which name to choose for a boy, say it several times, change it, decline it. Pay attention to how it is perceived by ear in combination with the surname and, most importantly, with the patronymic. There are a few rules to help you decide:

  • Uniformity. The name should reflect the traditions of naming one nation. Since not only does Thomas Ivanovich or Bruce Pavlovich sound ridiculous, but they themselves foreign names do not have the opportunity to become a patronymic subsequently. Combinations Evgeny Dzhekovich or Semyon Dzhonovich are incorrect and not allowed.
  • The length of the components. Combinations acquire special beauty if the name is short, and the patronymic has a long duration, and also if they consist of approximately the same number of letters. For example: Miron Pavlovich, Igor Stepanovich, Lev Nikolaevich, Yuri Alexandrovich.
  • End-beginning. Pay attention to the juncture of words. The best option is if the first of them ends in a vowel, and the next one begins with a consonant: Danila Timofeevich, Nikita Romanovich. The reverse combination is also acceptable: Semyon Alekseevich, Artem Igorevich. Consider also alliteration: the name should be melodious, melodic. Avoid rough, grinding sounds and similar combinations (gr, mx, skr).

This moment is very important, because when the young man grows up and becomes a man, subordinates, unfamiliar and officials will address him in this way.

By time of year

If you do not take into account astrology, but take into account the natural cycles of nature, then each season affects the character and psychophysical characteristics in the development of the baby. How beautiful to name an already born boy according to the seasonal calendar?

  • Winter. A strong and decisive character is guaranteed for a small man. It is in the first months that hardening occurs for future life. For fearless frost fighters, such names as Pavel, Alexei, Semyon, Valentin, Stepan, Arseny, Elisha, Luka are suitable. Such melodic options will help soften the stubborn disposition.
  • Spring. Nature itself disposes to lyrics and it is not by chance that future poets, directors, actors and musicians are born at this time. Be able to consider the subtle mental organization of the first-born, but for a happy journey, award one of these names: Rodion, Nathan, Timur, Ruslan, Bogdan, Vlas, Valery.
  • Summer. Bright, lively personalities. The energy in them boils and calm names they will not like it, they will feel like in someone else's clothes. Take a closer look at these options: Lev, Gleb, Gordey, Vladislav, Trofim, Rostislav, Makar, Igor, Naum.
  • Autumn. Such people are most prone to analysis, reflection. They make sensitive, talented psychologists. Therefore, the name should reflect all the dignity of this person: Dmitry, David, Mikhail, Oleg, Prokhor, Roman.

Having picked up the right combination, walk around with this thought. Model life situations, imagine whether the boy will be comfortable if you call him that way.

List of beautiful names

The process of selecting combinations is quite complicated, so do not try to solve everything at once. Write down the options you like the most, get distracted, then return to them again. So you should eliminate more assumptions. To decide what to name a child, find a ready-made list of beautiful names for boys. It could be church calendar, an alphabetical index, or a handwritten list.

Please note that the fashion for foreign or fictitious names is a thing of the past. Now more and more people are turning their attention to family and national traditions. In order to have something to rely on, it is necessary now to think about their preservation. The Russian House of Genealogy will make durable and exquisite family books, where significant family talismans will be collected - photos, movie tickets from the first trip together with the baby, the first drawings of the young painter.

To make it easy and happy for the baby to go through life, pay attention to the forgotten, but beautiful names:

  • Arkady, Adrian, Athanasius;
  • Boris, Boyan;
  • Veniamin, Vladlen, Vsevolod;
  • German, Gordey, Gabriel;
  • Demid, Demyan;
  • Efim, Evstigney;
  • Ignat, Ilya;
  • Konstantin, Kuzma, Cornelius;
  • Lubomir, Leonid, Lukyan;
  • Martin, Matthew, Mark.

Once you have decided, look at the value. It will either confirm your choice, or make you think more.

As a conclusion

What name you can call the boy is up to you, but do not ignore simple rules, which will facilitate this process and save you from disappointments later. Remember that the baby must go through all the stages with complete comfort and self-love - from the cradle to old age.

A name is something given to us by our parents. This is what we give to our children. It is very important, because it can become a reliable amulet and protective talisman for you.

Sergey. Sergei means "clear". Clarity is the purity and strength of the mind. This name is a good universal amulet, as well as a kind of happy talisman. True, Sergey still has frequent problems with his opponents.

Anton. A strong name that protects its owner from a love spell and from clouding his mind. There is a weak resistance to the evil eye and curses. Anton is a warrior who fights for his freedom and recognition, so he does not always manage to defend himself, because the essence of this name is struggle.

Alexei. Translated from Greek means "protector". Protection is always good. The amulet from this name turns out to be good, but not always stable. This inconstancy prevents Aleksei from being protected from the evil eye or a love spell.

Michael. This name arguably fits the description of the ideal protection for a boy or a grown man, since the camp of specialists is divided into two large parts - those who believe that this name is one of the best, and those who consider it mediocre in terms of protection. Due to this confusion, we only give it sixth place on our list.

Kirill. This name means "master", which hints at a special energy. Cyril is his own boss, so he is definitely not afraid of simple evil eyes. Do you want to provide the boy with protection and strength? - call him Cyril.

Valery. The meaning is similar to Cyril, but is interpreted a little differently. This is a stronger name-amulet, because it was always worn by the most persistent men. It grants stable protection from almost all types of energy impact.

Victor. He is the winner and he is the winner. The highest level of energy is able to give Victor protection from everything that comes from people who are evil and hostile. We give bronze to this excellent name, which is both beautiful and a talisman.

Igor. From time immemorial, Igor was painted with calmness, strength and equanimity. These qualities help to see the world in the right light, abstracting from everything that may be unnecessary. Igor is absolutely not worried about the very possibility of being cursed. He knows it won't affect him. This makes Igor the most strong name-amulet on our list. Almost the strongest.

Alexander. ancient name meaning "defender of the clan". This spiritual talisman is able to provide stable protection not only for the boy or man himself, but for his entire family. Thus, Alexander is the best name for protection from filth, evil eye, envy, curses and all invisible problems.

Don't forget that a name is like a name for a ship. Whatever you call a boy, that will be his life. Our ancestors believed that names have a special magic that gives a person strength, luck and protection.

We also advise you to familiarize yourself with female amulets. Find out how powerful your name is, or help yourself decide what to name your unborn child. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.10.2016 06:02

The presence of damage or the evil eye on a person is always manifested by troubles and poor health. However, there are several...

From time immemorial, in the territories of our country, they knew that the name of a person has a secret, sacred meaning. In ancient times, in Rus', it was believed that by naming a child, we define him life path. Therefore, a certain meaning was invested in each name, which had a direct impact on its future fate. In this article, we will look at beautiful Russian and Slavic male names with their detailed description. And we will be able to determine which name is most suitable for your baby.

Male names for a child are popular in 2019 by months

To help expectant mothers, we have prepared lists of names for boys,
based on information from the church calendar.


Grigory, Lev, Andrey, Roman, Arseny, Stepan, Vladislav, Nikita, Gleb, Mark, David, Yaroslav, Evgeny, Matvey, Fedor, Nikolai.


Alexey, Andrey, Artemy, Victor, Nikita, Daniil, Denis, Egor, Igor, Lev, Leonid, Pavel, Peter, Roman, Ruslan, Sergey, Semyon, Timofey.


Stepan, Vladimir, Timofey, Yaroslav, Pavel, Yegor, Sergey, Vladislav, Fedor, Konstantin, Maxim, Artyom, Nikita.


Yuri, Plato, Denis, Yaroslav, Miron, Vasily, Leo, Stepan, Evgeny, Savely, David, Grigory, Timur.

Cyril, Victor, Fedor, Bogdan, Konstantin, Adam, Leonid, Roman, Pavel, Artemy, Peter, Alexei, Miron, Vladimir.


Nikolay, Ruslan, Alexey, Yuri, Yaroslav, Semyon, Evgeny, Oleg, Artur, Peter, Stepan, Ilya, Vyacheslav, Sergey, Vasily.


Styopa, Fedor, Stas, Vyacheslav, George, Anton, Boris, Zakhar, Arseny, Viktor, Rodion, Svyatoslav, Igor, Gordey.


Yuri, Miroslav, Luka, Yegor, Igor, Gleb, Kolya, David, Leon, Zhenya, Vasya, Miron, Savely, Oleg, Daniel, Savva, Denis, Svyatoslav.


Roma, Kirill, Nikolai, Artyom, Kostya, Vladimir, Styopa, Vyacheslav, Denis, Pasha, Victor, Mikhail, Andrey, Vadim, Anatoly.


Ilya, Styopa, Fedor, Georg, Semyon, Oleg, Lev, Demyan, Anton, Vladislav, Artem, Elisha, Radik, Borya, Stas.


Mark, Vlad, Jan, Pasha, Vitya, Leonid, Vasya, Ignat, Yura, Peter, Anatoly, Valera, Eric, Marat, Miron, Vitya, Anatoly.


Roman, Nika, Plato, Seryozha, Timur, Zhenya, Semyon, Anatoly, Oleg, Adam, Igor, Phil, Arthur, Marcel, Valera, Jan, Nazar, Leon.

Modern male names

Fashion extends its influence to all spheres of human life. Even choosing a name for children, we are guided by its tendencies. On the one hand, it limits the admissible naming convention. On the other hand, it dictates the desire to name the child a rare and beautiful name.

List popular male names for 2019:

  • Alexander -husband's protector. A brave, assertive, self-confident young man. Easily finds friends and associates of interest. Achieve any set goals. An excellent leader with good intuition. Developed a sense of long before the family.
  • Andrewcourageous, courageous, man. The soul of the company, quickly gets along with the people around. Hardworking and dedicated guy. Very kind, adheres to generally accepted moral values ​​and traditions. Can hold leadership positions. Cheerful and cheerful, appreciates family and loved ones.
  • Alexei -protector, protector. Active, energetic, with subtle intuition. The man is strong in spirit. I am confident in my success and goes to the bitter end. Persistent in any situation, finds a way out of the existing difficulties. Well adapted to life, but does not like global changes. Loyal husband and caring father.
  • Vladimir -owning the world. Obedient, neat, smart boy. Strives for continuous self-learning. Leader by nature. In people he appreciates devotion and fidelity. Can be a rare intellectual, a capable leader. He cares about his reputation. Caring family man.
  • Victor -winner. Adventurer, loves adventure. Developed sense of duty. Diligent and patient at work. Defeats others with persistence and patience. A good but demanding father. He helps his wife in everything.
  • Vadim -calling, having attraction. Not vindictive, quick-witted, does not remember insults. He puts his best effort into everything he does. Straightforward, telling the truth. He is not shy about his desires. commercial propensity. Faithful to the family, but turns it on late.
  • Denis -belonging to Dionysus, a merry fellow. Very mobile, curious, easy to learn, quickly remembers information. He is principled, but does not impose his opinion on others. Society's favorite. He chooses a companion in life in the likeness of his views and interests.
  • Evgeniy -noble, with good genes. A big dreamer, he shows ingenuity everywhere. Prefers to find compromises peacefully. Smart, notices even the smallest details. Understands technology, is fond of logical tasks. An exemplary husband and an excellent father.
  • Konstantin -resistant, permanent, flint. Patient, balanced, capable of a serious act. Conscientious and decent worker. He subtly feels beauty, sees works of art in his own way. Values ​​loved ones.
  • Kirill -lord, sir. Curious about everything. Smart, has a strong will. Analytical mindset, analyzes every action. Strives to dominate. There is an entrepreneurial spirit. Does not pay attention to the opinions of others when choosing life aspirations.
  • Maksim -the greatest, reaching the heights. Noble, achieves a lot in life. Energetic, proud and very smart guy. Extraordinary and outstanding personality. He manipulates people well, a psychologist with developed intuition and imagination. Faithful husband and father.
  • Mark -hammer, marquis. Smiling, polite, capable of self-sacrifice. Makes a great career. Few people fully open up, it is difficult for him to express feelings. His companion should be a reliable assistant and rear in everything.
  • Novel -Roman, from Rome. Agile and flexible, witty pioneer. Expressed ability to art. Loves freedom, both in thoughts and in actions. True to his ideas and principles. Brings your desires to life.
  • Ruslan -blond, with blond hair. Emotional, courageous, uninhibited, self-confident. Very purposeful, goes to great lengths for the sake of his desires. Strives for fame. Popular in his company. Loves her children.
  • Sergey -noble, high, servant of God. Very sociable and charming, open to everyone and everyone, good-natured. Creative, cunning and quick-witted, develops his talents. Can find a solution to any problem. He takes care of his wife, an exemplary family man.
  • Stanislav -made glorious, established glory. Kind, but quick-tempered nature. Mobile and energetic, prone to leadership. Generous, unpretentious, but emotional person. A smart and funny friend.
  • Timur -strong, iron, steel. He has undeniable strength of character. Persistent and purposeful, he realizes his desires and dreams. Loves travel and adventure. He reads a lot and plays sports. Patient and good-natured father and husband.
  • Yuri -venerable, high place. Calm, balanced, concentrated, thoughtful and intelligent young man. Strong-willed personality, with a large share of charisma. Finds true friends. Homely owner, loves comfort and order. It is considered with the opinion of relatives.
  • Jan -God's mercy. Educated, intelligent, conservative, with a sober mind. Guided by logic. Persistent and stubborn, gets what he wants under any circumstances. He makes all the decisions himself. Hospitable, wonderful host. Rarely shows tenderness, but immensely adores the family.

Russian male names

The main part of our names was formed after the arrival Christian faith to Rus'. Now, these names are very common and familiar to our ears. However, most of them are of Greek, Latin, Germanic, Syrian and Slavic origin.

List and Description Russian male names:

  • Anatoly -east, sunrise, dawn. Calm, quiet, balanced, knowing his way. She loves to fantasize, craft, read books. Sensitive and attractive with its bright personality. Enjoys authority at work. Fair, does not allow offense. He needs a patient woman.
  • Anton -opposing, fighting. Active, with a flexible mind and subtle intuition. Reliable comrade and friend. Deep-thinking, knows how to win over. Medical talent. Marries late.
  • Boris -prominent, strong, fighter. Overcomes all obstacles and difficulties. Prefers to communicate with talented people. Gets into the lead. He does not tolerate the interference of outsiders in the affairs of the family. Caring family man.
  • Basil -regal, king. Patient and balanced guy. Endowed with intelligence, sociable, simultaneously solves several cases. Open, never loses his temper. Impeccable moral conduct. Attached to the family, willingly spends time with them.
  • Vitaly -viable, giving life. Solid character, with pronounced leadership qualities. Always finds something interesting to do. Hardworking, specialist in the chosen field. Maintains harmony and warmth in relationships in any way. Goes on concessions to relatives.
  • Gregory -awake, not sleeping. Restless, inquisitive, energetic young man. Polite, sensitive, tactful, cares about others. He likes applied sciences. Reads a lot. Safe in marriage.
  • Dmitry -dedicated to the goddess Dimeter. Kind, active, strong-willed person. A devoted friend and comrade. A penchant for technical sciences. Does good career. Business is based on logic. Gallant with girls.
  • Egor -farmer. A practical and businesslike young man. Hardworking, diligent, observes order in all endeavors. He does not tolerate deception, he is sincere with other people. Expressed leadership skills. Looking for a decent and good-natured girl.
  • Ivan -pardoned by God. Active and strong-willed, distinguished by an enviable quick reaction. It strikes others with its originality, choleric. Very hardy, calmly and persistently goes his way. A versatile nature, a supporter of the preservation of customs. He does not tolerate compromises, is highly moral, devoted to the family.
  • Ilya -believer, my God is the Lord. Artistic, ironic, many-sided. In the company he is cheerful and sociable, kind and not conflict, easily makes friends. Subtle intuition helps to accept right decisions. Looking for a woman close in spirit.
  • Michael -equal, like God. Handsome, gentle and smart guy. He has a developed sense of beauty, is well versed in art. Tries to live in harmony with the environment. A wonderful, generous and hospitable friend. He needs a soul mate.
  • Nikita -winner. Cheerful and stubborn, he realizes his fantasies in creativity. Curious and charming, he is always invited to visit. He likes to travel, can radically change his place of residence. He will be happy if his wife is like him in character.
  • Nicholas -conqueror of nations. Secretive, striving to move forward, despite obstacles. Analyzes all occurring events. Smart and quick-witted, reaches heights in his career. He needs a sensual and soft wife.
  • Oleg -lucky, clear, holy. A devoted friend and comrade. Oleg always has his own opinion on everything. He does not change his principles. A sharp mind and a penchant for the exact sciences make him successful in his career. Concentration, accuracy, consistency are his traits. Attentive and kind owner.
  • Peter -solid, reliable, stone, rock. Courageous, independent, temperamental and generous young man. Fulfills his desires with the help of an unshakable will. Good worker. He loves beauty, kindness, honesty, purity and sincerity in every person. Expects devotion and understanding from the spouse.
  • Semyon -God heard. Soft, merciful, generous, women dream of him. Caring father and husband, attentive son. Reliable and devoted friend. Smart and strong-willed, an excellent worker. Able to secretly manipulate people. Appreciates the work of others.
  • Stepan -wreath, crown. Differs in observation. Cheerful, sociable, not conflict, endearing. Strong and outstanding personality. practical mindset and excellent memory. Harmony in the family will be with a girl of a calm disposition.

Slavic male names

Our ancestors, choosing a name for a child, were guided by a certain algorithm. It was based on ancient knowledge about the universe, nature and the origin of man. Unfortunately, only fragments of this information have come down to us. Today, we know the definition of some rare and beautiful Slavic names for boys.

List Slavic male names with description:

  • Belogor -sublime, lofty spirit, sacred mountain. Expressed need for dominance. The winner in any dispute, a dangerous competitor. Always striving to be "higher, stronger, faster" than others. Achieves goals and delivers results. Devoted husband.
  • Vladislav -a good ruler who owns glory. Smart and attentive, he is able to solve all problems and problems. Strong-willed, firm and courageous character. Has self-respect, is not afraid of the truth. Successful, thoughtful, leader. Attentive to his woman and descendants.
  • Vsevolod -domineering, in position. Compliant, but possessing the gift of persuasion. Cautious, knows how to avoid unpleasant situations. Courageous, protector and support for loved ones. Looking for peace and comfort in the house, he will honor the woman who organizes it. Appreciates relatives and comfort in dealing with them.
  • Vyacheslav -more glorious, seeking glory. Needs approval, he always needs to be in the spotlight. Developed leadership qualities, a dangerous opponent. Painstaking and hardworking, strives to be the first. Gifted with many talents. Loves children.
  • Darislav -dominant, with the gift of glory. Charming, charming, friendly, will find a common language with any person. Full of energy, enthusiasm and desires. Interested in exact sciences and modern technologies. Looking for understanding and sincerity in his soul mate.
  • Dobrynya -daring, kind, kindness itself. Emotional and very inquisitive, able to do several things at once. He has a strong spirit and the will to win. Achieves set goals. He has many friends, surrounded by a noisy company. He needs a calm and balanced woman.
  • Zlatozar -an accurate eye with a clear vision. Movable, intelligent, going his own way. Endowed with the gift of foresight, sensitive intuition. developed logical thinking. A leader by nature, occupies a high position in society. For the sake of his beloved and children, he is ready for anything.
  • Miloslav -good, nice, dear to everyone. Observant, reserved, cautious guy. The first place in his life is occupied by high moral values. romantic nature. Very attached to the family.
  • Mstislav -capable of revenge, a glorious protector. Ambitious, strives to be the first in everything and better than others. Persistent, stubborn, hardy, achieves his goals. He does not tolerate monotony, he works on himself. His wife will feel completely safe. Tied to relatives.
  • Miroslav -famous for his peace. Always calm, smiling and friendly young man. But he does not tolerate when someone else's opinion is imposed on him. Hardy and stubborn, can become an athlete. At the same time, a creative person, with a lot of ideas and designs, a rich imagination. Faithful husband and father.
  • Ratibor -fearless fighter, strong warrior. A multifaceted personality, with a great interest in everything unknown in the universe. Handyman. She loves to travel to distant lands, to make wood and metal, to invent something new. Appreciate your home. Respects family members.
  • Svyatoslav -light, sacred majesty. Calm, balanced, maintaining restraint in any situation. Friendly and sociable, the soul of the company. Ambitious, adventurous, looking for adventure. Hard-working young man. Caring father and caring husband.
  • Svetozar -illuminating with light. Sincere, decent, pleasant in every way. Favorite of fate and environment. principled, stubborn, high moral principles. adherent of traditional values. Reliable family man.
  • Yaroslav -bright, glorious vitality. Independent, energetic and agile, strives to be the best in everything. Strong leadership qualities, leads the crowd. Confidently moving towards the intended goals. Wife and children always come first for him.

Our name book is very diverse, sometimes it is difficult to decide on the choice of a name for your baby. Do not forget that it should be combined with a patronymic and be comfortable for the child in the future. In order not to miscalculate, choose a name with heart and soul.

Write in the comments what you want to name your child)

Names for boys must be chosen as responsibly as possible. With all the desire of the child, it is impossible to change it. Only upon reaching the age of majority will the guy be able to change his name. And before that, he will have to go through a difficult school path with a strange name, if such eccentric parents choose him.

We strongly recommend that before you call the boy by any name, think carefully about your choice. Say the combination of first and last name out loud. If what you hear does not cause you embarrassment and discomfort, you can consider the chosen version of the male name for the child.

How to choose names for boys

If your last name is long, choose a short name for a boy. Be wary of non-standard names, exclude options for beautiful names from another culture. Remember the old joke about the boy who they wanted to call Gleb, but his grandmother dissuaded him, citing the fact that the child would be teased with bread at school. As a result, the baby was named Anton.

There is no getting away from this, but modern children are quite cruel in their nicknames. Peer bullying can cause psychological trauma. It is your duty, as parents, to choose the right masculine name for the child and raise him in such a way that other children respect him already in childhood.

Boys are not characterized by too soft names. Such a boy will never be taken seriously in any society. Male names for a child should be simple. Usually highlighting due to excess extravagance adds problems. Say the name out loud, think, would you like such a name for yourself? Ask friends or relatives to say the name out loud, you may not like the sound from the outside.

Remember that the names of boys can affect the fate of the child. Children from a very early age hear the owl's name, absorb its sound and fully associate it with themselves. Never choose masculine names for a child based on current fashion. The fashion impulse will pass, but the name will remain. Also, you should not select the names of boys based on the names of your idols.

When determining what to name your son, consider the option of religious saints who can become your baby's guardian angel. If you are looking for male names that are beautiful, modern and worthy for your baby, look at the table that contains all male names for a child.

Male names for a child

Name Meaning Origin

Boy names starting with A

August great, sacred, majestic latin
Avtandil heart of the motherland Georgian
Adam first man, red clay Hebrew
Adolf noble wolf Old Germanic
Akbar eldest, greatest Arabic
Akim (Ekim) God offers Hebrew
aladin sublime faith Arabic
Alexander defender of the people ancient Greek
Alexei defender ancient Greek
Ali exalted Arabic
Alonso courage, wisdom, resourcefulness Spanish
Albert noble brilliance Germanic
Alfred free, unencumbered Old Germanic
Anatoly Oriental Greek
Anwar radiant Persian
Andrey (Anzhey) courageous, brave Greek
Andronicus winner ancient Greek
Anisim execution, execution Greek
Anton (Anthony) fighting, competing in strength latin
Apollo (Appolinarius) belonging to Apollo - the god of the Sun ancient Greek
Arkady blessed, inhabitant of Arcadia Greek
Armen resident of Armenia Greek
Arnold soaring eagle Old Germanic
Arsen (Arseny) strong, courageous Greek
Artem (Artemy) healthy, unharmed Greek
Arthur bear Celtic
Arkhip (Archipp) chief of cavalry Greek
Askold golden voice singer Old Norse
Aslan mighty lion Arabic
Athanas (Athanasius) immortality Greek
Ahmad famous person Turkic
Ashot the fire Turkic

Boy names starting with B

Bogdan given by God Slavic
Boniface (Boniface) good fortune latin
Boris fighter Slavic
Bronislav glorious defender Slavic
bruno swarthy Germanic
Bulat strong, strong, with a rod Turkic

Boys names starting with B

Vadim strong, strong, healthy latin
Valery strong, rich latin
Walter manager of people, protector Old Germanic
Vasily (Vasilides) royalty Greek
Benjamin son of the right hand Hebrew
Victor (Victorin) winner conquering all latin
William knight Old Germanic
William desired Germanic
Vissarion gorge, valley, forest, forest dweller Greek
Vitaly life, life latin
Vladimir ruler of the world, ruler of the world Slavic
Vladislav illustrious Slavic
Vlas lethargy, inflexibility ancient Greek
Voldemar famous ruler Old Germanic
Vsevolod owning everything and everyone Slavic
Vyacheslav (Vatslav, Wenceslas) great, glorious Slavic

Boys names starting with G

Gabriel strength of faith in God Hebrew
Galaction lactic Greek
Hamlet twin, twin Old Germanic
Hector omnipotent, guardian Greek
Gennady noble Greek
Henry powerful, rich Old Germanic
George farmer Greek
Gerasim honorable, respected Greek
Hermann blood, native latin
Gleb favorite of the gods Old Norse
Gogi (Gochi) brave, brave Georgian
Gordey name of the famous king of Phrygia Greek
Gorislav burning, blazing glory Slavic
Gregory awake, vigilant Greek
Gustav military adviser Germanic

Boys names starting with D

David favorite, long-awaited Hebrew
Daniel my judge Hebrew
Demyan subduing, humble latin
Denis belonging to the god Dionysus, inspired ancient Greek
Jamal (Jamil) beautiful, pleasant Arabic
Dmitry dedicated to the goddess of fertility Demeter Greek
Dobrynya daring, dexterous Slavic
Dorotheus God's gift Greek

Boy names starting with E

Evgeniy noble, noble Greek
Yevsey (Evseny) pious, spiritual Greek
Egor farmer Greek
Elisha savior of the living Hebrew
Emelyan flattering Greek
Eremey crowned by God Hebrew
Erofei sacred Greek
Yefim pious Greek
Ephraim (Ephraim) prolific Jewish

Boy names starting with Z

Zakhar God remembers Hebrew
Siegfried favorite of the gods Old Germanic
Zinovy life given by Zeus ancient Greek

Boys names starting with I

Jacob (Jacob) second-born of two twins Hebrew
Ivan (Jean) gracious, the god Yahweh has mercy Hebrew
Ignatius (Ignatius) fiery, fiery latin
Igor militant, strong Old Norse
Israel God rules here Hebrew
Izyaslav famed Slavic
Jesus God help everyone Hebrew
Hilarion cheerful, joyful, carefree Greek
Ilya fortress, impregnability, Yahweh is my God Hebrew
Innocent innocent, virgin latin
Joseph (Osip) God will multiply, add Hebrew

Boy names starting with K

Casimir peaceful, serene Polish
Kamal perfection Arabic
Karen generosity, generosity Arabic
Karim merciful, generous Arabic
Charles bold Old Germanic
Qasim distributing, separating, separating Turkic
Castor beaver Greek
Kirill lord, lord, master Greek
Klim vine Greek
Conon witty, smart latin
Konstantin persistent, permanent latin
Roots horn or dogwood berry latin
Christian one who belongs to Christ latin
Kuzma tamer Greek

Boy names starting with L

laurel laurel tree, wreath, victory, celebration latin
a lion Lion is the king of the animals Greek
Leonid lion-like latin
Leopold bold as a lion Old Germanic
Luke light coloured latin

Boy names starting with M

Makar blessed, happy Greek
Maksim greatest, biggest latin
Mark a hammer latin
Martin militant, strong latin
Matvey God's man, God's gift Hebrew
Mahmoud nice, kind Arabic
Myron fragrant Greek
Mitrofan found by mother Greek
Michael like God Hebrew
Micah equal to God Hebrew
Mstislav gloriously revenges Hebrew
Murad (Murat) desired, achievable goal Arabic
Muslim conqueror Arabic
Mukhtar chosen one Arabic

Boys names starting with N

Nathan God gave Hebrew
Naum comforter, sedative Hebrew
Nestor repatriated Greek
Nikita winner Greek
Nikifor victorious, hero Greek
Nicholas conqueror of nations Greek

Boy names starting with O

Oleg holy, sacred Old Norse
Lobster remembering everything Arabic
Orestes mountain Greek
Oscar divine chariot Old Norse
Otto owning something Germanic

Names for boys starting with P

Paul small, petty latin
Pahom broad-shouldered, healthy Greek
Peresvet brightest, luminous, very bright Slavic
Peter stone, rock, stronghold Greek
Plato broad-shouldered ancient Greek
Prokhor leading in the dance, dancing Greek

Boys names starting with R

Ramadan from the name of the post among Muslims: Ramadan Arabic
Ramon skillfully defending Spanish
Rashid (Rashit) on the right track Arabic
Rezo favor, mercy Arabic
Renat resurrected, resurrected
short for "revolution, science, technology"
Richard smashing, conquering without a miss Old Germanic
Robert unfading, eternal glory Old Germanic
Rodion wild rose, rose, thorn Greek
Novel Roman, Roman, resident of Rome latin
Rostislav growing fame Slavic
Ruben pointing to son
Rudolf Red Wolf Old Germanic
Ruslan (Arslan) lion, lion Turkic
Rustam (Rustem) mighty Turkic

Boys names starting with C

Savva old man Aramaic
Savely begged from God Hebrew
Svyatoslav holy glory Slavic
Sevastyan venerable, sacred, wise Greek
Semyon (Simeon, Simon) heard, listening, heard Hebrew
Seraphim burning, fiery angel, fiery Hebrew
Sergey clear, venerable, well-born latin
Solomon peaceful, without enmity Hebrew
Stanislav most glorious Slavic
Stepan wreath Greek
Sultan power Arabic

Boy names starting with T

Taras troublemaker, rebel Greek
Theodore gift of god Greek
Timothy God-fearing, God-fearing Greek
Timur iron Turkic
Tikhon lucky, bringing happiness Greek
Trofim breadwinner Greek

Boys names starting with F

Fazil worthy, excellent, best Arabic
Farhat (Farhad, Farhid) understandable, clear Persian
Fedor given by God Greek
Felix happy, sunny latin
Fidel devotee, student latin
Philip fond of horses Greek
Thomas twin Hebrew

Boys names starting with X

Hakim wise Arabic
Khariton generous, generous Greek
Christopher carrying the faith of Christ Greek

Boys names starting with C

Caesar dissecting latin

Boy names starting with E

Edwin brought victory with the sword Old Germanic
Edgar city ​​guard Old Germanic
Edward (Edward) cares about prosperity, craves wealth Old Germanic
Eldar divine gift Arabic
Emil diligent, precise latin
Emmanuel God with us Hebrew
Eric nobility, leadership Old Norse
Ernest serious, severe, thorough Old Germanic

Boy names starting with Y

Julian a person from the genus Julius, July latin
Julius curly, soft, fluffy latin
Yuri farmer latin

Boy names starting with I

Jan given by God Slavic
Yaroslav strong, glorious Slavic

In this collection you can find rare and beautiful, popular and outdated names for boys. Choose the name that matches the surname and patronymic of the boy. Sometimes in families the boy is called the name of his father. Some combinations sound interesting, and some are just ridiculous. Do not overstep the bounds of reason when choosing a name for a boy.

Names for boys through the eyes of psychologists

When choosing a name for a boy, psychologists do not recommend children to call their parents' names. In most cases, the sound of such a combination will be heavy. Such names tend to be abbreviated. And if in the case of San Sanych everything is fine, then Nikolai Nikolaevich can be reduced to a strange Kolya-Kol. It doesn't sound very nice. In addition, children who bear the names of their fathers often grow up moody, nervous and irritable.

On the other hand, if you want to give your son the name of his father, psychologists do not dissuade parents. In some families, this is a ritual that is repeated from generation to generation. In many ways, the nature of the child will depend on the upbringing and education of the parents themselves. Therefore, it is necessary to decide how to name the boy after a careful analysis of the surname and the chosen name.

Another pitfall when choosing a male name lies in the so-called names of the mutual sex. We are talking about such names as Sasha (Alexander and Alexandra), Zhenya (Eugene and Evgenia), Valya (Valentin and Valentina). When choosing such a name for a boy, it is especially necessary to take into account the combination of the surname. For example, Sasha Malinsky makes it clear that a boy is hiding behind the name, but if the child's name is Zhenya Karpevich, then it is not clear whether it is a boy or a girl.

A lot has already been said about children's ridicule. Psychologists always try to draw the attention of parents to such moments. Choose a male name that is not only beautiful and modern, but one that cannot be understood ambiguously or with ugly overtones.

Before naming your son by the name you have chosen, read the history of this name. Perhaps its meaning or origin will not please you or not suit you. Surely, you do not know that the names Maria, Ivan and Anna are not originally Russian. These are Hebrew names in origin. There are many mysteries in male names that you should find out before the name becomes a companion of your child.

Another advice from psychologists on how to call a boy concerns a rude (brutal) and affectionate (diminutive) name. If in childhood a boy shows signs of rudeness and severity, he should be called pet name in everyday life (Maksik, Maksimka, Lyosha, Lyoshenka). This can soften the character of a nimble baby. Also, on the contrary, if the child is too timid and shy, you can give him courage by the courageous form of his name (Max, Lyokha).

In order to develop a strong character in a boy, psychologists recommend choosing solid-sounding names. It can be Dmitry, Grigory, Gleb, Igor, Bogdan, Artem. In such names, voiced paired consonants occupy the majority and are often combined with the letter R. Remember that these strong and firm names can easily be turned into gentle and affectionate ones.

The names Mikhail, Alexei, Ilya are distinguished by a calmer and more accommodating character. These names are not prone to conflict in most cases. But do not forget that the key role here is played by the upbringing of the boy and his environment. In such names, vowels and sonorous sounds (l, m, n, d) predominate. Names that cannot be unequivocally attributed to either hard or soft are considered neutral. These are Roman, Pavel, Arkady, Andrey.

It is important to take into account the phonetic structure of the name, but it is even more important when choosing a male name to take into account the direct and indirect associations that it causes. A simple test confirms this. If you ask a stranger to draw up a psychological portrait of a person, his conclusions will be connected only with the associations that the name calls for.

Most often, the name Alexander evokes the association of an imperious strong man. This name is identified with famous and great people. All Alexandra in absentia receive a lot of positive qualities. The name Vladimir evokes associations of firmness, cunning, strength and intelligence. A person who "owns the world" cannot have other characteristics.

But Mikhail almost always evokes the image of a bear in his mind. Therefore, a person with this name is credited with strength, clumsiness, simplicity and hard work. Thus, male names evoke a number of associations that largely determine the fate of a person. The further development of the personality also depends on the name and the attitude of those around him.

When choosing a name, pay special attention to associations. The chosen name will cause you many mental images. If you like them, all without exception, then do not hesitate to name the boy. The perfect name for your baby has been found.

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