How to become a god after death. "God became Man, so that man might become God

Remembering the history of the John Frum cult

Become a god modern world not so difficult. It is enough to take a few “magic” things with you (for example, lighters, firearms, delicious food, etc.) and find a quieter island. Approximately this was guided by the American soldier John Frum, who managed to perpetuate his name in the cult of the island of Tanna, which is part of the state of Vanuatu (islands in Oceania).

John Frum or From

The cult of a certain John Frum appeared abruptly and unexpectedly. It happened in the late 30s of the last century. And it still remains a mystery who this man was, who managed to become a deity for the natives of Tanna.

John Frum managed to become a deity for the natives of Tanna

Some researchers believe that in fact the person's surname is not Frum at all. In their opinion, the locals simply distorted "John from ...", which translates as "John from." And most likely from America. The researchers came to this conclusion for one reason - there is simply no surname Frum. This is confirmed by the UK census data for 1851 and 1901.

In the 30s of the 20th century, one of the local natives named Manekhivi suddenly began to promote the cargo cult. Its meaning was that the followers were required to abandon all European "quirks" (namely: money, education, Christianity) and unquestioningly follow the traditional rites. And then all white-skinned people would leave the islands, and divine grace would fall on the natives. And they would live even better than the Europeans.

In the legends that the natives carefully keep, John Frum is described as a short, fair-haired man, dressed in a coat with shiny buttons. He walked around the island, distributing prophecies right and left, with which he set up the natives to forgive Christian missionaries.

As befits a deity, Frum left the island as unexpectedly as he appeared. And, of course, he promised to return. And so that the people were waiting for him, Frum said that he would not return empty-handed, but with some kind of "cargo". At his second coming, a "great event" will take place. All the old people will suddenly look younger, all diseases will disappear, and white-skinned people will leave the islands. Well, the "load" is enough for all the followers of the cult.

On the verge

And the people, as they say, imbued. The cult of John Frum began to spread across the island at a phenomenal rate. Churches and Christian schools will lose all their "visitors" overnight. And the government, of course, began to worry. And, among other things, there was another excellent occasion - Frum promised that when he returned, he would bring new money with him, which would depict a coconut. Therefore, the natives had to get rid of unnecessary "papers".

And in 1941, the natives "ripened". They began to spend their savings and stopped working. The economy of the island was seriously shaken. The administration of the colony began to investigate. Some of the most ardent followers of the cult even managed to be arrested, but this did not bring any benefit. Frum's cult grew stronger every day.

Oil was added to the fire inadvertently by the Americans, who placed their base on the island. The fact is that among the soldiers there were black people. They, unlike the natives, looked good, they had no problems with food and money. At the same time, they had a lot of "cargo", no less than whites. The natives perked up! John Frum, in their opinion, was about to return. And in order to make it easier for him, the natives themselves created a fake runway on the island, mock-ups of aircraft and towers, where the "controllers" were on duty. In general, Frum did not have a chance to fly past. And the priests of the cult a day several times communicated with their god. A woman wrapped in wires acted as an intermediary. She fell into a trance and carried a variety of nonsense, which the priests interpreted in their own way. The state is on the brink of disaster...

Aboriginal people create fake runway for Froome's return

Wait for me and I will come back…

But Frum did not arrive then, and slowly the excitement around his figure began to subside. But this does not mean at all that the natives abandoned their faith. They just became more reserved.

Toward the end of the 50s of the last century, the then young British TV presenter and naturalist David Attenborough arrived on the island. The purpose of his visit is to study the cult of John Frum. With the collected material, he came to the chief priest Nambas. And he, barely seeing the guest, said that he was waiting for his arrival, because John told him about white-skinned strangers. And he did it on the radio. The priest did not allow journalists to look at the radio itself. Then Attenborough asked: "Have you seen Frum?" Nambas replied that "my seeing him a bunch of times". Then the priest said that John would return to them on February 15th, but exact year unknown. Therefore, every year on this day, the natives go to the runway and wait for the arrival of their god with a rich "cargo". By the way, under the “load” the islanders meant literally everything: from some toothpicks to food.

After talking with the priest, Attenborough had an interesting conversation with one of the cult members named Sam:

“I looked at him.

Sam, it's been nineteen years since John Frum said that the "cargo" will come, but the "cargo" still does not come. Nineteen years - are you waiting too long?

Sam lifted his eyes from the ground and looked at me.

If you can wait two thousand years for Jesus Christ and he doesn't come, then I can wait more than nineteen years for John Frum."

cargo cults

The religions of the islands of Oceania are a very curious "thing". The point is that there new religion can literally spring up from scratch and be popular. At the same time, four features can be distinguished, to which all the cults of Oceania correspond.

First, the speed of the emergence and spread of a new faith. Literally in a matter of months, a certain cult can become almost the most popular in the country.

Secondly, it is the variability of faith. About eighty years have passed since the first mention of John Frum, but it is already unknown whether this person really was and what he looked like exactly.

About 80 years have passed since the first mention of Frum

Thirdly, this is the appearance of similar cults on several islands. And, interestingly, local residents do not even have to communicate with each other. It feels like the cults are blown across Oceania by the wind.

And fourthly, all new cults are somehow similar to the older ones. As if the natives suddenly remember ancient faith ancestors and "restart" it, after adjusting it a little.

Hello dear friends! Today there will be a strong practice - how to become a god. We will learn to create in the same way as the Creator creates. If you can feel this practice, your consciousness can change a lot.

Is it possible to imagine that parents would want to see their child underdeveloped? It looks like absurdity. Why do people think that God created people weak and helpless? Maybe it's beneficial to someone?

Every person has the ability and power of God. Now you will become the Creator of your world. Familiarize yourself with this practice, retire, relax, become very mindful. You must be the attention itself. Imaginative thinking is required. Let's create images. So let's start.

Imagine yourself not as a simple person, but as a yogi in meditation. You go into deep meditation. Your imagination is at its peak. Your thoughts speed up.

Imagine a planet in your mind. She has nothing on her, just a ball. You start thinking and the atmosphere and favorable conditions for life appear on the planet. Your planet is covered with mountains, rivers, seas, oceans, grass, trees. You mentally create a living planet.

Think of a moon or two, a sun or two suns. What color are you? Think of a color for the sun. Think about what creatures will live on this planet. Create them with your imagination. Think of a person. How many arms or legs or heads will he have? Just fantasize. How many eyes, teeth, what does it look like?

Now make that person become aware of himself as separate from you. Give him a soul. Let him be distant from you, but his soul had a connection with you. He can live without you as he wants, but on a soul level, he can communicate with you.

Pair him up. Let them live together, comprehend a friend, a planet, plants. Think about how they can comprehend you, because they do not see you. Here is the key point. They came from your imagination. How can they comprehend you if you imagine them?

You have now created the sun, the moon, the planet with the help of thoughts and feelings in the world of images and populated it. You can continue to create worlds in this world of images and destroy them with one thought. You have created a real world in the world of images, now it exists.

If you are alone in the universe, will you continue to create your world, feel it and communicate with your created children?

Now look at how the world was created in the Vedas, the Bible, Hermetism, among the yogis. Surprisingly similar picture, where everything is created through images and the mind. You have become a god for your universe. Perhaps you have put a program in your people or other beings that they can also create their own worlds.

After this practice, think that what you now have, you yourself have created with your images and thoughts. On average, a person has about 70,000 thoughts per day. What were these thoughts about, what images did they carry?

Now you know how to become a god 🙂

Bright thoughts to you! Sincerely, .

Surely, you often heard such a phrase: "He (she) is a real god." Usually they say this about people who have reached a certain level of skill in some business, or it happens that people take on everything and do it better than others. Consider how to become a god in real life.

gods in real life

Famous directors, athletes, writers, businessmen and many representatives of different professions have become real gods in their field. Many people consider Woody Allen the god of cinema and, in particular, the comedy genre, Leonardo da Vinci is called the god of invention, and Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin is the god of prose. This list can be continued for quite a long time, but the essence is the same: all these people in society are considered, if not gods, then real geniuses.

Geniuses and Gods

What separates a genius from common man? This, of course, is the presence of talent. Talent, as you know, is given to a person from birth, but it must be developed. Ancient philosophers believed that there are no mediocre people, everyone can be good at something. But in order to find out what exactly, you can spend a lifetime. Remember that the ability to learn is a human being from birth, and the more you do a certain thing, the more you strive to learn and improve your skills, the more you can achieve in your business.

Divine Mastery

A striking example of this are people who go in for sports and martial arts. At the same time, it should be noted that the same martial arts arose not thanks to any teachers whose names are famous throughout the world, but thanks to ordinary people who once thought about the need to be able to defend themselves and protect others without weapons. Practicing every day, these people managed to reach a certain level of skill and at some point became real gods in their field. Of course, they did not succeed all at once. Moreover, no one taught them the skill, but at some point they began to understand that their body had become much stronger. They had a lightning-fast reaction, often they stopped feeling pain.

How do you become gods

But where did these people start? Where do all people who have reached the highest level of mastery in their field begin? Of course, it all starts with the thought that you can achieve what you want, with faith in yourself. Basically, people who have become real gods, can be called great people, and great people are distinguished not only by their developed skills and abilities, but also by their desire to help other people, because following many creeds, God takes care of every person.

Therefore, to become a god in real life, you need to take care of other people. It is appropriate in this case to talk about Jesus Christ, whom many people consider the closest to God. There are many stories and legends associated with it. modern man sometimes seem incredible. For example, in the Bible and Old Testament There are many lines about how Jesus Christ was able to heal seemingly incurable people, endow the blind with sight. Scientific theologians believe that Jesus Christ developed these abilities in himself from childhood, he learned the basics of medicine, studied anatomy, although, unfortunately, there is no direct evidence of this.

At the same time, it is known that even in ancient China, healers could treat people with their hands alone, without the use of any potions. The same goes for India. The study of methods of influence on human body through direct contact - this is generally characteristic for many eastern countries and Asian countries. Until now, modern medicine cannot explain some of the abilities that people have, including ordinary people.

It is also known that in case of danger, a person who does not have proper physical fitness is able to jump over obstacles that exceed his own height and hide from danger.

Thus, some amazing and incredible abilities that can be called divine are latent in many of us.

It was a long time ago. God decided to become a man. He went to the world of people, built a house, started a family, gave birth to children and began to live like all people.
He began to love and hate, cry and laugh, learned sadness and joy, poverty and wealth, birth and death.
Just could not understand why people get sick, grow old and die?
Where did Time come from and where does it flow, mercilessly destroying the old and constantly creating the new?
And in order to find answers to his questions, he set off on a journey, wandering through mountains and dales, through forests and deserts.
He talked with many sages, but the answers did not satisfy him.
And he realized that people would not be able to give him answers to his questions.
And then he began to seek God, for he heard from people that there is a God, and He knows EVERYTHING.
And then one day, on the top of the mountain, he met a gray-haired old man.
People called Him God, for He lived forever and knew everything.
As soon as a man wanted to ask Him his question, God said: “There is no need to say anything. I know who you are and I know why you came here. You don't need answers to your questions. THE QUESTIONS YOU NEED TO FIND ME. You have found Me and now, all you have to do is remember yourself, remember Who You Are.” And God disappeared.
And then the man remembered how it all began, how He was God, and how he decided to become a man - YES I AM GOD, but a man - then I became TEMPORARILY.
And as soon as he remembered this, the man disappeared, having dissolved in God, and with him all his questions disappeared. Thus man became God again.
There are two interesting points in this parable, we will try to understand them.
First, a person could not get answers to his questions from people. Why?
Because each person stands at some stage of his spiritual development.
And therefore, from this step, he cannot see the Whole Truth, he sees only that part of it, which is available to him on his step, in accordance with his development.
Only God knows the Truth, for He is both Truth and Knowledge.
But since God lives in a person, this means that a person can find answers to all questions only in himself. After all, GOD lives in him, and GOD knows EVERYTHING, from whom else can he learn anything about himself, and in general about everything.
And the second. We need questions only in order to lead us to God, but when we have come to God, we no longer need questions or answers to them, because questions exist only in our mind, and we need the mind itself, only for to bring us to God.
This is God - the Mind asks us questions so that I, a person, can find, remember Himself - GOD.
He gives me answers, but only when He sees that I really want to find these answers. Further, we no longer need the mind, because God is outside the Mind.
And when we understand that we no longer need the Mind, then God will open, i.e. reveal himself to us. Or rather, a person will become GOD. Then I am God living in the body, I realize myself as God, and I will not need the body anymore.
This will be both Realization and Liberation.
So it turns out that this parable is about each of us.
How I, GOD, became a man, and as being a man, I began to seek God - Myself.
Why do I need these searches? To know YOURSELF.
Otherwise, how can I live without remembering my kinship?

Let's move to the level of abstraction above, we will argue from the standpoint of development principles. One of the basic principles of development is gradualness. According to this principle, the development of any quality, skill, etc. occurs in stages, starting with the first stage, moving to the second, and so on. It is impossible, having stepped over the stages, to really end up at the final point.
Considering from the point of view of this principle the quality of a person “generosity”, that is, the ability to share with others, the following stages can be distinguished. At the very beginning, we don’t have things: there is a high need to own things, and we can’t talk about the desire to share yet due to the lack of things. At the next stage, the things are already there and it is the possession of these things that brings satisfaction: the more things you have (and, perhaps, others have less), the higher the satisfaction. At the next stage, the satisfaction from the sole possession of things falls and the satisfaction from the fact that your things bring satisfaction to other people increases, there is a desire to share.

The development curve drops below zero. This is no longer development, but degradation, although outwardly the person seems to be generous. It was a neurotic path of development based on the tyranny of NADO. Now, all his life, a person will be forced to publicly share, because otherwise he will be tormented by anxiety, a feeling of NECESSARY. OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) develops.

Realizing this state of affairs, of course, you can get out of this hole. For example, isolate yourself from everyone, creating for yourself an abundance of things and no reason to share. The neurotic turns himself into an outcast and gradually the swing of balance goes in the other direction, and yet there is a desire to share. True, in a true unconscious neurotic, the swing will again turn in the other direction: from movement towards people, to movement against or away from people. From one hole to another. Once, having sufficiently swung the swing in one direction, they will swing by inertia according to the law of forced oscillations. Of course, until a person himself changes this law, following the laws of changing laws. Laws changing laws, Carl!

The path of development, which seemed to be fast, in fact turned out to be wandering in the forest with the subsequent exit to the same path of the notorious natural path of development, which could have been taken at the very beginning.

This example can be called very allegorical in relation to other developmental processes. People wander in the woods, taking nootropics, eventually returning to the beginning of the path after their withdrawal. However, I will not say that this tool is definitely evil. Every medium has its indications. Most people initially wander in the forest and they do not have the resources to get out of it to the path, they do not even have the resources to understand what this path should look like and where to look for it. These can be cognitive, temporal resources. Or, perhaps, there are no resources to realize the neurotic swing in which you are already, and these very laws of changing laws. In these cases, the tool can provide those resources.

Returning to the example from the beginning of the article, what should a father do in such a situation so as not to disturb the natural process of development. You should let your daughter decide for herself what to do with the things presented to her, despite the possible negative assessments of the guests. The developed independence of the parent's personality suggests that his self-esteem will not fall from this. It is necessary to value trust and understanding in the family, this will help to understand the motives of the child's actions - whether they are healthy and natural desires or a consequence of the hopelessness of coercion mechanisms. To influence a person, you must first understand him. But in order to learn to understand another person, you must first learn to understand yourself. And that means reflecting and developing awareness. These are the stages on the path of natural development.

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