Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker when is the holiday. St. Nicholas Day: the most interesting traditions, rituals and signs

In prayers on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Orthodox believers seek help in healing from illnesses, strengthening families, protecting children, getting rid of poverty and poverty, a safe journey and returning to their homeland, eliminating power magical rituals and evil eye, release from captivity.

22nd of May Orthodox world honors the memory of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Lycia, who is better known as Nicholas the Wonderworker or Nicholas the Pleasant. In Rus', on May 22, Nikola Veshny, he was also called Nikola spring, Nikolin's day, Nikola grass. Spring in Old Slavonic meant spring, heat was finally established on the ground.

In prayers on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Orthodox believers seek help in healing from illnesses, strengthening families, protecting children, getting rid of poverty and poverty, a safe journey and returning to their homeland, eliminating the power of magical rituals and evil evil eye, release from captivity.

Both Orthodox peasants and service people prayed to him, since Nikolai the Ugodnik patronized everyone without exception. May 22, Nikola Veshny was of particular importance for those whose life was connected with the cultivation of the land, as they carefully listened to those signs that had been accumulated for many millennia since the righteous life and death of St. Nicholas the Pleasant.

This day is especially revered by the Orthodox, despite the fact that Nicholas the Wonderworker himself is not among the apostles of God. Location common people he deserved good deeds, which are remembered on the day of St. Nicholas.

folk traditions

In Rus', Nicholas the Pleasant was considered the "senior" among the saints. He was called "merciful", temples were built in honor of him and children were named.
On Nikola Winter, people arranged festive meals - they baked pies with fish, brewed mash and beer, and on Nikola Summer, or Spring, the peasants arranged religious processions- with icons and banners they went to the fields, performed prayers at the wells - they asked for rain.
On May 22, Nikola Veshny blessed the dew, so there was a tradition of washing with it. It was believed that morning dew would give a person health and happiness, and the earth would give a rich harvest.
On May 22, Nikola Veshny was also known for protecting cattle from evil spirits. It was to drive out herds of horses at night. Only bachelors were chosen as shepherds. The shepherds always prayed before driving the horses out. The shepherds did not get off their saddles, because there was a belief that on this day, evil spirits could ride a horse to death. If in the herd the horses began to tremble, that with certain cries they drove away the unclean.
They tried to pay off all debts to Nikola Veshny, to make peace with long-standing enemies. It was also supposed to be generous in alms and treats to the poor and destitute, so as not to share their sad fate.
Peasants planted potatoes and buckwheat, sheared sheep. The remains of last year's grain were sold, as the sowing had already been carried out, and according to tradition, the leftovers sold on time were supposed to attract a rich harvest.

Folk omens May 22 (Nikola Veshny)
Pay close attention to weather conditions.
If Nikola Veshny gives rain on May 22, then the harvest will be notable.
A frog croaking in the morning foreshadowed the harvest of oats.
If nightingales sang in the morning, it means that cereals will also be born.
Name day on May 22 to Nikola Veshny at Heraclius. Basil, Gabriel, Joseph, Nicholas.
You can’t refuse Nikolai to anyone who asks you for help, otherwise, for refusing to help those in need, the family will endure poverty and disaster for 7 years.
On this day, any work is welcome: at home, around the house, in the garden and in the garden.

On this day, the hostesses tried to put things in order in the house, from the very morning they began to clean up, since the saint does not like disorder.

By the day of St. Nicholas, they tried to pay off all debts, otherwise it was believed that there would be no financial luck all year.
It's a good omen if it's raining on Nicholas. Morning dew on Nicholas is considered healing, they try to wash themselves with it for beauty and health, to walk barefoot on the grass.
It has long been believed that St. Nicholas patronizes lovers, so the newlyweds and those who were going to play the wedding asked for protection and help from the saint.
On this day, there was a ban on picking up scissors, and now there is a sign not to cut your hair on Nikolai.

Prayer to Nicholas the Pleasant
Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the most beautiful servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper!
Help me a sinner and despondent in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins, having sinned from my youth, in all my life, deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, implore the Lord God, all creatures of the Sodetel, to deliver me from air ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and forever and ever.

At the end of spring in Rus', since ancient times, one of the two folk-Christian holidays associated with the most revered in Christian world holy - Nikolay Ugodnik, which is also called Nicholas the Wonderworker or Saint Nicholas.

When is the holiday of the summer St. Nicholas the Wonderworker celebrated?

Holiday summer Nicholas the Wonderworker, or, as it is also called, Nikola summer, Nikola spring, or Nicholas day, noted 22nd of May, which corresponds to May 9 in the old style.

Who is Nicholas the Wonderworker

Saint Nicholas is one of the most revered saints in Christianity. In Rus', he was considered a protector ordinary people and animals, as well as the patron saint of navigation, trade, agriculture and children. In addition, Saint Nicholas is considered the intercessor of the slandered and innocently condemned.

Nicholas the Wonderworker is commemorated twice. Nikola Summer celebrated 22nd of May in honor of the transfer in 1087 of the relics of St. Nicholas from the city of Myra in the territory of modern Turkey to the city of Bar in Italy.

The second holiday is the so-called Nikola winter- noted December 19th. This is the day of memory of St. Nicholas, which is associated with the end of his earthly life.

According to legend, Nicholas the Wonderworker was born in the 3rd century in the Greek colony of Patara in Asia Minor into a Christian family. From his youth, Nicholas was a zealous Christian and unmercenary, and he was also credited with numerous miracles that he performed with the help of prayer.

Nicholas the Pleasant (he is sometimes even called Nikola Marine) is especially revered by sailors, because, according to legend, the saint knew how to pacify the stormy sea with his prayer and even somehow resurrected a sailor who crashed when falling from the mast.

After his death, Nicholas the Wonderworker was buried in a special shrine in the church of the city of Mira. However, Italian merchants, fearing persecution of Christians and the destruction of relics, stole the shrine in 1087 and transported it to Italy, where it has since been kept in the crypt of the Basilica of St. Nicholas in the Italian city of Bar.

Nikola Summer - traditions and rituals

Nikola Summer or spring or Nicholas day- this is the day of the Slavic folk calendar, corresponding to the summer Nicholas the Wonderworker, the holiday also falls on May 22.

In Rus', on this day, Nikolai Ugodnik was prayed with requests to save livestock and crops, since it was believed that this saint was very close to God, and, therefore, was responsible for the weather and various elements.

It was customary for owners of horses and other livestock to perform various rituals on Nikola Summer to protect livestock from diseases, predators and other misfortunes.

For example, there were special rites for protection from wolves. The peasants stuck a knife into the table or into the threshold, put iron in the oven or covered the stone with a pot, saying: "My cow, my nurse - sit under the pot from the wolf, and you, the wolf - gnaw your sides."

Signs and sayings on Nikolin's day

Before Nikola, be strong, at least tear yourself apart, but live with Nikola - don’t grieve (that is, the cold is over, summer is ahead).

Father Nikola! Come on big rain! On our rye, on a woman's flax, water with a bucket!

Ask Nikola, and he will tell the Savior (that is, he will help with the harvest).

What is the day for the summer (spring) Nikola, such is the winter Nikola.

The Orthodox feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is celebrated annually on December 19. The monk, being a colossally revered saint, is the true patron of travelers and brave sailors, workers in various industries, peasants and children. On the icons, he is depicted with a miter (liturgical attire) on his head, which symbolizes the bishopric.

Based on the biography of the reverend, the tradition of Christmas gifts originates.

Icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker

The origin of the holiday

On this day, a significant event takes place, which is very fond of children and parents: at night, a fictional character visits families, who wants to do something nice and puts gifts next to the beds, inside the shoes or in hanging socks.

This holiday tradition has real historical roots.

A very poor family lived in the house adjacent to the dwelling of St. Nicholas of Myra. The wife died, and the widower was left with a beautiful daughter who loves young man from the wealthy class. Wealthy relatives of the young man did not want to accept a charming girl without the necessary dowry.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, who had a rich inheritance, decided to help the poor beauty. He changed his clothes and no one could recognize him. Having approached the window of the poor people, Nikolai sincerely threw a bag of gold coins into the house.

Thus, this holy man helped loving hearts and allowed them to unite in marriage.

There is another version of the appearance of this Orthodox holiday. Once a heavy cart of a simple peasant got stuck in the mud. He couldn't pull out his good on his own. At this time, miracle workers were passing by, who were on their way to the Almighty Lord. One of the saints (Kasyan), having heard the request of a simple peasant, took offense at him and passed by in his clean clothes.

After some time, Nikolai appeared next to the cart, who, without hesitation, began to help a man in his trouble. However, the Wonderworker himself was smeared with mud.

When the saints came to the Almighty, He asked them why Nicholas was late and looked so indecent. God began to listen to the story of the Wonderworker, and then listened to Kasyan. The latter replied that he could never come to the Creator in dirty clothes.

The Almighty made a decision: the Kasyan holiday will take place only once a year, while with St. Nicholas deserves two days - a summer celebration (May 22) and a winter one (December 19).

The holy images of Nicholas began to be painted in the 10th century. However, the origin of the most ancient canvas has roots in the VIII century. The monk is depicted both half-length and full-length. A classic example of the latter option is a fresco located in Kiev's Golden-Domed Monastery. It was created at the beginning of the XII century. The saint is depicted with a blessing gesture and open Scripture.

In many cities in Rus', temples and cathedrals are dedicated to Nikolai Ugodnik.

Read about churches in honor of St. Nicholas:

In 866 Prince Askold of Kyiv was baptized in the name of the saint. After his death, Princess Olga erected on his grave the first church in Rus', Archbishop Nicholas.

In the Kremlin, one of the main towers is called Nikolskaya.

The feast of St. Nicholas is celebrated on December 19. In Rus', it quickly took root and spread throughout the territory.

On the basis of everyday biography, a tradition of Christmas gifts appeared. The miracle worker patronizes people of various professions and all children who want magic on a certain day.

Prayers on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Pleasant of God, in Rus' from time immemorial has been revered hardly on a par with Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, above all other saints. There was even a legend among the people that Nikolai was supposed to become God, but he refused. According to the conviction of a Russian, St. Nicholas was his first assistant in all matters and a protector from all troubles. One of the epics says: “Lord, Lord, the light will have mercy, and Holy Mother The Mother of God will intercede, and save, yes, Mykola the Many-Merciful.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Pleasure of God (

The anonymous author of the French book “NOUVE AU VOYAGE DU NORT” (“New Journeys to the North”), published in 1682, among other things, notes: “The simple Russian people are extremely stupid and idolater. Those who live in the North, in Arkhangelsk, Kola on the Kola Peninsula, etc., do not know any other god than St. Nicholas, who, in their opinion, rules the whole world. They claim that he sailed on a millstone from Italy itself to the harbor that bears his name, near Arkhangelsk. And if anyone expresses disbelief in this story, he is at least risking his life.

Let's leave assessments of the intellectual level of a Russian person by a visiting French scribbler on his conscience. Nevertheless, the essence of his note corresponded to the truth: the veneration of Nicholas the Wonderworker in Rus' was such that the saint was perceived as "the main protector of the Russian land." Moreover, in the Middle Ages, our western neighbors, the Poles, perceived it as such. Of course, they did not have warm feelings for Rus', but as a given they stated the fact that “Nikola is the patron god of all Russians” (the medieval writer Yan Lisovsky writes about this, in particular).

Another French traveler, de la Martiniere, also noting that the Russians revere St. Nicholas as a god, added that as a result, the Tatars also call all Russian icons “Nikolai”. Martiniere, however, pointed out that the Tatars, as Muslims, do not recognize the veneration of icons. But the Austrian diplomat Herberstein says that sometimes the Tatars turn to St. Nicholas with prayers.

The canonical life reports that St. Nicholas lived in the 3rd-4th centuries, was the archbishop of the city of Myra in Lycia, an Asia Minor province of the Roman Empire (the territory of modern Turkey) and belonged to the number of prominent church leaders of the first centuries of Christianity. During the persecution of Christians undertaken by the Roman emperor Diocletian, Saint Nicholas, together with his co-religionists, was imprisoned and stayed there for a long time, “enduring severe suffering, enduring hunger and thirst and prison overcrowding.” When the Christian Constantine the Great replaced the pagan Diocletian and his successors on the Roman throne, Nicholas was released and continued his church activities.

It is not by chance that Saint Nicholas is revered as a miracle worker. Even during his lifetime, he became famous as a pacifier of the warring and a deliverer from a vain death. The life tells how St. Nicholas calmed sea storms with a word and saved sinking ships, so he was revered as the patron of all sailors and travelers. Repeatedly he appeared in a dream to the powerful of this world in order to restore justice and save the innocently condemned. There is a legend about how he revived three young men killed by robbers. But often the help of St. Nicholas was not of a miraculous nature, but was an ordinary human mercy - not so common, however, in all ages.

By the way, Saint Nicholas has been known in Rus' for a very long time (in particular, Prince Askold was baptized under the name of Nicholas back in 860), but the real cult of the saint began to take shape only from the end of the 11th century. And here it was not without politics. The then Prince of Kyiv Vsevolod Yaroslavovich, although he was considered a "Greekophile", led a very active policy of interaction with the Western world. His daughter Eupraxia became the wife of the German emperor Henry IV, who was in a state of fierce enmity with the Roman throne. The marriage, meanwhile, was also unhappy. And Eupraxia had to resort to the help of the Pope, seeking the dissolution of the marriage, and he willingly used the revelations of Eupraxia about the private life of the emperor - for the ecumenical denunciation of the latter. Vsevolod maintained partnership relations with the papal throne. And when, in 1087, Italian merchants transferred the relics of St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra, from Mir to the Italian city of Bari, explaining their act by the desire to save the Christian shrine from destruction by the Muslim Turks, Vsevolod established a holiday in Rus' in honor of this event. This is a holiday, which is now called "Nikola Veshny" (i.e., "spring") and falls on May 22 (May 9 to julian calendar).

Henry IV (

Meanwhile in Greek church There is no such holiday to this day. In the Roman Church, St. Nicholas gained popularity under the guise of St. Nikolaus (the prototype of Santa Claus), but he is seriously revered only in Bari, where the saint's relics are laid to rest in the crypt of the basilica that bears his name. But in Rus', the veneration of St. Nicholas, and by all sectors of society, has become unprecedented.

This happened because in Rus' the image of St. Nicholas, a mourner for human misfortunes, completely obscured the image of Nicholas, the church hierarch. In the popular mind, Nikolai turned into a peasant - "peasant" - a saint, wise and just, understanding everyday human needs, always ready to help. However, such ideas are inherent not only to peasants: Nikola Ugodnik has long been considered the patron saint of military people, and with the advent of the Russian fleet, his sailors (he is also considered the patron saint of sailors in Greece).

Basilica of Saint Nicholas in the Italian city of Bari, where the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker are kept (

Nicholas the Pleasant, Nicholas the Merciful became the hero of many Russian folk legends, and in them Nicholas is often opposed to other saints - proud and impregnable. One of the legends says that somehow St. Kasyan and Nikola Ugodnik were walking along the earth, they saw a peasant trying to pull out a cart bogged down in the mud. Kasyan passed by - he did not want to soil the heavenly dress, and Nikola helped the peasant.

When the Lord God found out about this, he put Nikola two holidays a year - in spring and autumn. These are, respectively, the aforementioned "Nikola Veshny", also called "Nikola with feed" (this means that the herbs are ripe for livestock), and "Nikola Winter", celebrated on December 19 (December 6 according to the Julian calendar). And Kasyanov's Day (popularly also called Kasyan the Unmerciful, Kasyan the Envy, Crooked Kasyan) is celebrated once every 4 years - February 29th.

Fragment of an interview with hegumen Sergius (Rybko), rector of the temple Reverend Sergius Radonezhsky, about the holidays of St. Nicholas of the Spring and St. Nicholas of the Winter.

One of the most revered saints in Orthodoxy. He is considered the protector of the common people, the patron of navigation, trade and agriculture. The memory of Nicholas the Wonderworker is honored with two great holidays, one of which falls on May 22 and is associated with the transfer in 1087 of the relics of the saint from the Lycian World to the city of Bar (Italy), and the second - on December 19 - is the Day of the death of Nicholas and is celebrated as the day of finding Church of the new heavenly patron.

St. Nicholas the Pleasant was called the miracle worker for the innumerable number of things he had done. miraculous healings and resurrections from the dead, for the ability to tame and subjugate the elements of the sea, for other miracles that took place even at prayer appeal to him. The love of the people and the enormous authority of the holy Archbishop Nicholas are inextricably linked with his bright faith, as well as with sensitivity to people's requests, with his quick and merciful help.

On Saint Nicholas Day
I want to wish good
To help and support
From the Holy to you was.

He hears all prayers
Will strengthen you in difficult times
Believe, sincerely love,
He will reward you with happiness.

Today is Saint Nicholas Day
May the holiday only bring light to you!
I wish you well, I wish you health
Let your soul sing with joy!

Let Nikolay dreams come true
So that your life seems like magic!
Let happiness shine in your eyes
And every moment will be filled with good!

Congratulations on Nikolin's day, with the beginning of summer! We wish the warmth of this bright holiday to warm your soul, so that the grace of God does not leave you and your home, and our intercessor, Nicholas the Wonderworker, helps you in all your endeavors.

On the day of Nicholas the Wonderworker
We wish you great miracles
May wishes come true
Let happiness grow to heaven
Let Nicholas the Holy Pleasant
Brings great joy
And to everyone who sacredly believes in a miracle,
May you be lucky!

Nikolin's day is warmly coming
And in the church the bell sings.
You pray to the miracle worker
May it protect you for the rest of your life.
On Nikolin's day to you with kindness
Let happiness come into the house
May faith in the Lord Christ
Your soul will be pure.
Lord bless you
Nicola will protect from troubles.

Today, on Saint Nicholas Day,
Wishing you health, joy,
I also want to wish happiness
To never know grief and misfortune!

May May rage in the heart and soul,
Love and tenderness are pouring over the edge,
Saint Nicholas let him help in life,
And let him inspire you for good deeds!

Congratulations on Nikola's Day
And I wish that the Holy
Was always by your side
He led by the hand.

Let the advice whisper in your ear
Let it always help
Faith in your heart is good
To always be firm.

Most importantly, pray from the heart
Don't give up, don't complain
And then great happiness
Waiting, of course, ahead.

Nikolin spring day
Joyfully meet,
Let the hearts of love
May will fill us.

May our prayers
Heaven will hear
Nicholas Saint to us
Give miracles.

May he give healing
He is soul and body
Give love, hope
Strengthen our faith.

To you on Nikolin's day
I wish you happiness
Let good deeds
The saint blesses.

On Saint Nicholas Day
I wish you happiness.
Let May bring joy
Nikolay will be next.

May the Holy One always help
Let sadness not gnaw at you
Let him help with advice
Let him give all the answers.

Turn to him in prayer
With a pure and open heart
He will always hear you
And send help from above.

Spring is coming, bringing warmth,
The sadness is long gone
On Nikolin's day now we want
Wish health to all relatives,
Congratulations to all Nikolaev,
Troubles and grief - they do not know
To live and prosper in abundance,
And happy to meet happiness!
May comfort reign in their family,
Let relatives carry love
And warm in the cold
Always enjoy life!

On Nikolin's day I wish you
So that troubles do not happen in life,
Let Nicholas protect
Your every life dawn.

And if there's a road ahead
First you pray to him
Let him take away the alarm with his hand,
So that all hopes are gone!

Congratulations: 46 in verse, 6 in prose.

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