Diana and Dina are different names. The name Dina and Diana: the origin of the names, are these names different or not? What is the difference between the name Dina and Diana? Dina and Diana: what is the correct name, how to write the full name in the passport? The name Dina and Diana: are these names different or not, their similarity

Diana's patron planet: Moon.

Colors favorable for the owner of the name Diana: green, blue.

Diana's favorite colors: red, orange.

Diana Talisman Stones: carnelian, red pomegranate.

History of the name Diana

There is no consensus on the origin of this name. In ancient Rome, this was the name of the goddess of the moon, the patroness of women in childbirth. However, some researchers talk about the Arabic roots of this name, someone points to its Jewish roots.

The meaning of the name Diana

exquisite, rare name Diana attracts with her mystery and unusualness. Any Diana is plastic, like a panther, wise, cunning and not without a certain degree of deceit. However, this does not show up externally. Perhaps in the grace of a wild cat, but to suspect this innocent creature, this lovely child in deceit and cruelty, does not occur to anyone. Yes, perhaps no one, except for Diana herself and her closest people, knows what a tough and critical mind is hidden behind a charming appearance, what great power and courage behind defenselessness. Diana is a rare intellectual, and you can’t refuse her logic. No wonder the favorite pastime of many Diana is a game of chess.

Diana is a born strategist and diplomat. It is from such women that the best life companions are obtained. Diana has a strong intuition and the ability to clairvoyance. She can anticipate a situation several months before it occurs. Diana is charming and quirky. Trying to please everyone at once, she often herself does not distinguish the line between sincerity and flattery. The smile seems to stick to her face and does not leave Diana even in rare moments of loneliness. In fact, she lives in constant tension, and not far from a nervous breakdown. The energy and karma of the name is unusual, in fact, just like the name itself. The karma of the name is somewhat unfounded, since Diana is a person of mood.

Diana is not capable of long-term relationships with friends, and therefore in her life there is a constant change of friends. Some acquaintances stop being friends with her, while others appear in her life. This is not to say that Diana is a bad friend, but she often has a changing point of view and a fickle character.

Famous in the history of Diana

Diana, Princess of Wales (1961-1997) - from 1981 to 1996 the first wife of the Prince Welsh Charles, heir to the British throne. Commonly known as Princess Diana, Lady Diana or Lady Di. Diana was actively involved in charitable and peacekeeping activities (in particular, she was an activist in the movement to stop the production of anti-personnel mines and the fight against AIDS). She was one of the most popular women in the world of her time. In the UK, she has always been considered the most popular member of the royal family, she was called the "Queen of Hearts". Diana became famous for her kindness and the fact that she could communicate with representatives of different walks of life. The listed qualities of the character of the princess are typical of other women with the name Diana.

Dina and Diana: difference and similarity in names.

beautiful and famous name Diana has a lot of popularity (like Princess Diana), but also a lot of controversy. After all, the name Dean is very consonant and is considered a diminutive and abbreviated form. Naturally, how many people, so many opinions exist. But our task is to establish the correct belief, dispel the myths and confirm it with facts.

The name Dina and Diana: are these names different or not, their similarities and differences?

To put the final verdict, it is worth understanding their similarities and differences. Of course, there are several aspects of our lives that may have small or significant differences. Therefore, it is necessary to understand in detail in each area.

Consider the astrological meaning of the name Diana:

  • If we talk about childhood, then these are calm and obedient girls who rarely cause problems for their parents. Diana is a cheerful and cheerful child.
  • At school, she is also considered a good student and gets good grades, but studying does not arouse the necessary interest and excitement in her. By the way, she learns the exact sciences more easily, which is very rare for a female.
  • In no case should parents put pressure on the baby to become an excellent student, or scold her for bad grades, since you can get the opposite result.
  • Despite obedience, a girl with age will become stubborn and persistent. Therefore, especially at a young age, conflicts with parents may arise. Especially if there is too much pressure.
  • A distinctive feature of Diana is a firm and strong-willed character, as well as a great sense of purpose. Even as a child I was used to achieving my goals. Like a huntress, she likes to set a goal for herself and look for a solution to the task.
  • By the way, this will help her achieve great results in the future. And yet, for this she has, perhaps, not quite good and correct character traits - cunning and prudence. Yes, this girl sees nothing wrong with lying for the sake of good intentions and goals.
  • But he does not tolerate deception in his address. Moreover, she has excellent intuition and will figure out a deceiver with incredible speed.
  • Persistence grows with the girl, and her unwillingness to listen to other people's advice is only further aggravated by this. She rarely gets along with her mother. Precisely because of the fact that he likes to accept and do everything on his own.
  • Another outstanding feature is the masculine disposition and desire for leadership. She will not only show this quality at work (which will only be a plus for Diana herself), but at home she will not become a quiet and obedient wife.
  • She rarely becomes attached to people, so she can easily part. No, she has feelings, but she knows how to hide them well in the depths of her soul. In the first place, she will have a benefit, since prudence often takes over.

And a little more advice - it's better not to quarrel with such a girl. Diana is very vindictive and even after many years she will not forget the offender. And if there is a chance to take revenge, then she will certainly take advantage of it.

  • It is also worth highlighting that Diana is a conservative from head to toe. She hates change (especially if they are not included in her plans), and she even treats unfamiliar people with a little caution.

Love and family life:

  • Diana, despite her strong and even tough character, will become a caring wife. But such changes are possible only under the influence of strong feelings. Often the lifeline will be precisely that rare quality - to control oneself. But the household will certainly feel the change in her mood.
  • She knows how to win over those around her. She not only has many friends, but also fans. But she is guided more by reason than by feelings. By the way, marriage can also be entered into by calculation.
  • Diana, because of her inability to yield and easily let people go, often remarries. In marriage, she values ​​her independence above all else. By the way, with such a girl there is no place for a weak man. And it should be borne in mind that she will not become an exemplary housewife. You should not even try to put her in four walls.
Diana's love life
  • But he brings up children properly, because he knows how to control himself and his feelings well. They will not be pampered, rather, on the contrary, they will be unnecessarily strict with them.
  • There is another drawback - she is overly boastful. And family life will not be an exception, and the spouse will be fully dedicated to all its achievements. As a rule, men treat such girls with distrust and apprehension.


  • Unfortunately, Diana cannot boast of good health. Since childhood, she has been growing up as a weak and sickly child. She suffers not only from bronchitis, but also from tonsillitis and other viral diseases. Therefore, such a girl with early years should be tempered and her immunity should be increased.
  • She is not uncommonly allergic, and may also have back problems (such as scoliosis). By the way, she is not one of those girls who can carry the disease on their feet. High temperatures can completely knock it out of action.

intimate side:

  • Diana is a passionate person, but she has many principles and prohibitions, which she will speak about immediately and directly on the forehead. Sometimes, even with excessive directness.
  • This girl is not a supporter of short-term and casual relationships. The reason for this is not only her prudence and prudence, but also self-doubt.

Diana's life
  • Yes, such a girl is not fully aware of her sexuality and does not know her full potential herself. Therefore, she needs a companion nearby who will help her liberate herself and raise her self-esteem.

Compatibility with male names

  • She suits men: Alexander, Vladimir, Dmitry, Roman, Andrey and Stanislav
  • But with Vladislav, Gleb, Oleg and Konstantin family life will not add up in the best way

A girl named Dina:

  • As a child, Dina can give her parents a lot of trouble. The fact is that this is a stubborn child, but too vulnerable and shy. She likes to meet all expectations and be good for everyone, which, of course, does not work out. From this, she begins to close herself. And this may affect her behavior.
  • She has a well-developed sense of care and compassion, so you can increase her value with the help of a pet. Just let Dina look after him herself, no need to give her advice hand in hand.

Interesting: Dina is a very good artist. Even as a child, she notices an analogy that society is more loyal to sweet and weak personalities. Therefore, she often likes to play in public and enjoy the result. By the way, her skill lies in the fact that this is very difficult to guess. But parents should take note of this aspect and prevent its inflection.

  • With age, Dina begins to grow a sense of duty and responsibility. She rarely has problems at school or at work. She knows the limit of the permissible measure and will never cross it. She gets along well with teachers and superiors. More precisely, do not swear with them. After all, he knows his place.
  • But if the power is in her hands, then it is worth hiding. Here she can even go too far. In general, Dina seems to be a powerful woman who knows the price of everything.
  • But Dina cannot refuse to help someone. This is her little weakness. It seems to be a good quality, but many begin to take advantage of this position, or Dina can thus cause damage to herself.

Dean's first name
  • There is one distinguishing feature - it is cunning. Yes, Dina is very cunning and thinks through every action a few steps ahead. And in adulthood, he does it at once by 10 positions. The fact is that with age, her character becomes tougher. She becomes more prickly, persistent and prudent.
  • But Dina also has a great diligence. At work, as a rule, he moves slowly and without any jumps. Dina has a well-developed memory and she has a good reaction.

And a little advice - Do not intentionally lie or offend Dean. She is very vindictive and vindictive. Moreover, revenge will take a long time, process and prepare in order to strike at the most inopportune moment and cause damage to the maxims. Yes, despite the fact that Dina herself often resorts to cunning and deceit, she will not tolerate this in her address.

Family life and love:

  • She has no rapport with men. She has an attractive appearance, but the combative and slightly tough character scare the guys away faster. Such girls have great determination and prudence, but before men they appear in the form of an imperious and mercantile woman.
  • But here, as a rule, he chooses the wrong representatives as partners. Yes, and men are often disappointed in her. She is a much more shy and vulnerable girl, but at first glance it seems bold and liberated. That's why there are misunderstandings.
  • He does not seek to marry early, but if this happens, it will soon end in divorce. In general, according to statistics, Dina often remarries (maybe several times down the aisle). And often she remains a single mother at all.

Dina's family life
  • All this is the result of her temper. Dina's character only becomes heavier with age, and this will certainly affect family life.
  • But the one who can feel and reveal her will feel all the delights of her care. Yes, she will be a good hostess. But there should be a sensitive and understanding man nearby.
  • It is also important that the life partner be a strong personality, then she will be able to give the role of leader in the family to her spouse.


  • In general, Dina's health is not bad. Its main problem is excess weight which will appear at a later age.
  • Also, there may be problems with the joints and spine. Therefore, Dina needs to go in for sports or visit the pool, as well as monitor her diet.

Dina's Sexuality:

  • In sex, Dina cannot be called a passionate and courageous person. Here, as in family life, misrepresentation occurs. Men expect hot and crazy sex with her, and get a modest woman who asks to turn off the light. Therefore, often in youth and youth, men simply run away from her after the first night.
  • Dina is disappointed in the chosen passions, because, again, she attracts the wrong men. But the one who will become her life companion and shoulder of help will be able to reveal her inner potential.


  • Suitable for her: Alexey, Yuri, Sergey, Pavel, Anton and Vladislav
  • But you should avoid: Bogdan, Anatoly, Gleb, Vasily, Daniel, Roman and Timofey

And when is the name day:

  • Diana's name Orthodox faith No! Therefore, name days are celebrated only according to the Catholic calendar.
  • There is only one day - June 9th. Occasionally they celebrate August 13, but this is the day of the Angel Anna.
  • Also, this name seems to be composed of Anna and Daria, because Diana celebrate their name day.
  • Dina also celebrates only once a year the day of the Angel - June 30 (in honor of St. Dinara).

IMPORTANT: Both names are absent in the Orthodox sacraments. Although Dina has her name days, the woman mentioned in the Old Testament patriarchs is not a prophetess or a righteous woman. Therefore, Dinah and Diana need to be baptized under any other name you like. It will be very handy if this day is the day of the Angel (or not far from the chosen day) of the name. That is, the girls will have two names - one for the church, the other for the public world.

It is already possible to draw a final conclusion, which has visual confirmation.

Diana and Dina are different names! Although they differ only in one letter, only the root Di is similar between them. Here are the differences:

  • in the astrological realm. As you can see, the names are completely different meaning and influence on the character of the carrier. Yes, there are some similar character traits, but not so many.
  • from the church side, these are different names. Moreover, there are no such names in Orthodoxy (here is another similarity) and they do not celebrate name days (only according to the Catholic calendar).
  • and most importantly, it is a legal aspect. According to all documents, these will be not just different, but not even related names.

The name Dina and Diana: the origin of the names

The names Dina and Diana have a very consonant sound (and spelling too). They are separated by only one letter. And we know that the legal side is very demanding in its field and the slightest change (even one letter) will make a new name.

What is Origin of the name Diana:

  • Most of our names have Roman roots - that's a fact. The name Diana is no exception.
  • Moreover, the name takes its roots from the time ancient rome. In those days there was even a goddess with that name.

Interesting Facts: Diana is the goddess of the plant and living world, as well as hunting. She is also known for representing the moon. Also, it was the goddess of femininity and fertility. It has another name - Trivia. That is, the goddess of the three roads. It was a sign of triple power: in heaven, on earth and under the earth.

  • If we talk about translation from ancient Roman, then the name means "pure". And also, there is a translation as "divine".
  • In Persian, the name Diana was translated as "messenger of health and good deeds."
  • By the way! The name Diana is very popular in the USA. For example, in the 1930s given name entered the 200 most common, and in the 90s took 96th place.

Name Dina and Diana

What is Dean's history:

  • The country of birth is completely different and has Arabic roots!
  • But takes its meaning back in Old Testament as "avenged" or "retribution, justice".
  • There is a version that the name comes from the male "Din", which means "faith" and "religion". Therefore, Dina is translated as "faithful."
  • There is one version - Dina is similar to the Greek word "dynamis", which means "strength". Therefore, one of the characteristics of the name is strong.

Dina and Diana: what is the correct name, how to write the full name in the passport?

So call: Dina Dina, and Diana Diana. And in the passport write down exactly the same as you say. Each of these names is independent! And Dina is not a shortened form of Diana, but a completely different name. Therefore, when designing, it is worth carefully checking each letter. After all, in the future, this can lead to a number of problems and shortcomings.

Full and abbreviated name, as will be on behalf of Dean and Diana. We have already found out that these are different names. Therefore, each name will have its own full and abbreviated form.

Name Diana:

  • Brief and diminutive - affectionate form Names: Dianka, Dina, Diya, Ana (Anya), Dean and Didi
  • And here are the synonyms: Diana (Dayana), Dian, Diana, Dianna, Diana, Dianne

How to correctly call Dina and Diana

Dean's name:

  • Abbreviated forms: Ina, Di, Dean, Dinka, Dinochka, Dine, Dineke, Daina
  • But the synonyms of the name: Dinara, Medica, Blandina, Nadezhda and Dekabrina

As can be seen, there are slight similarities in short forms name, but there are differences, especially in the names - synonyms.

Can Dina be called Diana and vice versa?

We have already analyzed these names completely and, moreover, separately. Therefore, there can be only one answer - no. Diana cannot be called Dina or vice versa. We have indicated all possible forms of names above.

Video: The meaning of the name Diana

There is nothing more boring than lying on the trestle bed by the pool, exhausted by the tropical heat, and through half-open eyelids watching the lazy movements of the guests of a half-dead hotel. Life is beautiful, but for you it almost stopped; you are a fly frozen in amber. This is vacation.

Someone's bare feet splashed briskly towards the sea, and from somewhere behind them, from the balcony, they were rushing in Russian:
- Dinka, come back! Who did I tell!
My hand itself reached for a cigarette.

Do you suffer from a split personality? I've had this thing for as long as I can remember. My mother, being a zealous admirer of all the fine arts, awarded me the wondrous name of Diana, but in kindergarten sample of the early eighties mother's originality did not find any understanding or sympathy. The outside world unanimously baptized Diana into Dinka. My family, in turn, did not categorically accept the innovation - this incomprehensible Dinka fit into the slender idyll of our house, like a tail not sewn on a mare. Diana, in literal translation from Latin, means "divine." The family recognized only her as their own. And so my strange two-faced life began.

The outside world unanimously baptized Diana into Dinka. My family, in turn, did not accept the innovation categorically.

Dinka grew up as a wild child, a little bandit, and Diana grew up as a sentimental father-mother's daughter. Dinka jumped on the roofs of garages until dark, Dinka settled in abandoned workshops, Dinka led hooligan raids on the collective farm garden, Dinka's trademarks were abrasions and broken knees.

But Diana certainly returned home, Diana changed into soft flannel pajamas, full of touching forget-me-nots; Diana, burning herself, hurried to finish her large cup of aromatic cocoa; Diana turned on the night light and climbed into bed to start from there with a book in her hands to the Valley of the Mummy Trolls or follow Alice to Wonderland.

Years passed. The small town near Moscow, where Diana was born, plunged into the wild nineties. Someone from Dink's yard company drank himself, someone left in a narcotic cut, some already shook their sentences like adults, but their dearest friend, Max Shmelev, turned into an influential criminal authority named Shmel. The townspeople made up stories about his grandiose mansion, but few people saw it, hidden from prying eyes by century-old pines and a high blank fence.
Empty shelves of local grocery stores, the devastation of the public utility system, unemployment, criminal showdowns - all this made Diana's parents think about moving to Moscow. And so, on the eve of Diana's twenty-one-year anniversary, it happened - a spacious three-ruble note, through laborious intricate manipulations, was exchanged for a cramped one-room apartment.

Diana is delighted - right from her window she could admire the sparkling domes of the majestic Yelokhov Cathedral for hours. What about Dink? Dinka accumulated anger. Still - this is for her, with her pride, she will have to get used to living in a kitchen the size of a closet, along with a stinking garbage pail!

Having neither education nor work experience, Dinka already had very serious views on the most delicious Moscow apartment offers and was seriously tormented that sooner or later they all sailed away from her. Once, Dina skipped lectures at the Academy, spending the whole day lying on her sagging ottoman, surrounded by newspaper job advertisements. The next day, student Diana Maikova did not appear at the Faculty of Art History again, but a bright, long-legged girl, an energetic and meticulous trainee of Dina, wound up in the real estate company "Chance". From now on, student notes calmly reclined on the mezzanine, and Dina did not part with her only thick notebook, scrupulously entering all the nuances of the new craft there.

With an artist's eye, she appreciated the richness of the texture in the "boar" and, giving free rein to her imagination, she came up with a new funny doll.

Five years later, Dina has already registered her own elite company. Among her clients was a suave middle-aged gentleman with a short, rearing haircut, and la a young boar. "Boar" did not let go of the phone, and by how often the latter called, and by the tone of communication, it was easy to understand that his business was booming. The gentleman's appearance was completely unadvantaged, but Dink was simply blinded by his smile - the characteristic restrained smile of a winner.

Diana perceived reality differently. With an artist's eye, she appreciated the richness of the texture in the "boar" and, giving free rein to her imagination, she came up with a new funny doll. Dolls were Diana's passion, she sculpted them at the first opportunity, generously endowing her sad princesses and cheeky children with improbably puny little bodies near and far; but even more was kept in the recesses of her memory of an unrealized and outlandish people waiting for their incarnation.

Alexander, namely, that was the name of the "boar", as they say, heaped happiness. Dinka not only picked up the best option for a country apartment for him at the most humane price, but also fell in love with him selflessly. Sasha by all indications was her hero. Not like dad with his boring discussions about some Sumerian canon in art and traditional ten-hour kefir. It was truly a powerful, masculine shoulder.

It would be a mistake to suspect Dinka of self-interest. On the contrary, she willingly demonstrated her independence. She proved by deed her right to be a friend of her hero, and not a burden. However, Dinka was always freedom-loving, preferring hobbies in the spirit of "came-saw-won". One of these hobbies, leaving her house with her hygiene kit, prophesied in her hearts: “Durynda, someday you will have to budget your love pleasures.”

Only to Sasha Dinka suddenly became firmly attached. She tirelessly took care of her hero, who at times had a mischievous heart. And, God right, Dinka even thought about whether to include a new original item in the next working plans - “pregnancy”.
Dinka was relaxing in the spa, melting in the hands of a magician-masseur and in her dreams about the upcoming evening, when an unfamiliar number appeared on her mobile phone. A certain Marina insistently suggested that Dinka meet and talk about ... Sasha.

Marina was offended and came with her resentment to Dina. Flushed with pleasure, the girl leaked "information" to Dina.

Further, Dina did not remember the details well. She did not suspect that Sasha had a habit of taking pretty companions on his business trips. They had an unspoken conflict with Marina - she was paid less than promised. Marina was offended and came with her resentment to Dina. Flushed with pleasure, the girl leaked "information" to Dina.

As it turned out, Sasha still had one weakness - to philosophize about Dean at his leisure. The most neutral epithets characterized her as obsessive, preoccupied and depraved. And those words that made it difficult for Dina to breathe, and it’s scary, painful, impossible to repeat.

Dinka was silent, filled with righteous anger. Diana stupidly goggled frightened children's eyes and trembled her lips. Marina had already left a long time ago, and Dina sat and sat until the waiter turned to her when she ran out of cigarettes. You can’t think so long, especially if the decision has already been made a long time ago.

It's time to visit your little home. Have you ever had a whim to see your first love?

Dina knew that Sasha had a black streak. Only Sasha did not know that he had chosen his own fate. One day, rumors reached Dina that Sasha's well-established printing business had changed hands. Dina immediately felt better and almost stopped short of breath. The unforgettable Shmelev, who was her first man, played a beautiful combination; and Dina needlessly feared that his methods would be rude.

The once dearly loved doll still occupied a place of honor in the puppet team on the chest of drawers. The doll smiled at her with Sasha's smile, but only now this smile seemed to Dinka slightly surprised. Dinka went out onto the balcony and with all her might threw the black-and-white figurine straight into the garbage bin. In the yard of her childhood, Dinka was always distinguished by accuracy.

Dina remembers well that clear frosty day, the sun festively played with glare on the snowy streets. Throwing her coat over her shoulders, Dinka went out to smoke in the courtyard of the business center, where she rented premises for an office. Yes, the nerves have already calmed down, the former confidence has almost returned to Dinka. Almost... The former feeling of drive from winning did not come.

Coming closer, I saw: a red fluffy lump - a kitten, whining either from the cold, or from hunger, or ... was he calling someone?

Something squeaked from the side of the roadway - the short-sighted Dina decided that someone had dropped the mobile phone. Coming closer, I saw: a red fluffy lump - a kitten, whining either from the cold, or from hunger, or ... was he calling someone? Her, right?

Get your ass up and get on the sidewalk! - Dinka tried to duplicate her thought, poking at the kitten with the sharp nose of her boot, - Here you will be crushed, understand? This world is not for the weak. Well?
- Dina Anatolyevna! Dina Anatolyevna! Rather up! - Dinka tossed her head and saw Natalya, who leaned almost half a body out of the window and vigorously waved her arms.
- Restless, - muttered Dean. Although Dina sympathized with the intern Natasha - this girl very much reminded her of herself nine years ago - but at the first opportunity she gave her the most offensive scoldings.

Out of breath, excited, the trainee rushed towards Dina along the corridor, waving some paper like a flag:
- Dina Anatolyevna, I have already managed to print it out! INCIDENT!

Dina tore out the sheet:
“The ex-head of the Rus-Press publishing and printing complex, Alexander Pereverzov, died today in his country house from an attack of coronary heart disease. Alexander Gennadyevich Pereverzov was born in Rostov-on-Don in 1965...”

Dina sighed ruefully.
- I told Alex that jokes are bad with the heart. It's a pity. We must send a wreath.

I'm leaving, dear, - Dina opened her coat, and Natalya saw a trembling fluffy ball in her hands. My cat hasn't had lunch yet.
“And bring me a box of a new fax machine to my car,” the strange boss ordered casually and disappeared behind the elevator doors.

“Probably she went crazy from shock,” Natalya explained to herself and rushed like a bullet for the box.

“Only and everything??” - Natalya, who was an unwitting witness to the boss's beautiful romance, clearly expected a little more emotion.

A year later, Diana could not miss the opening of the international doll exhibition. The exhibits were unique, almost alive and all so different. Only two dolls were similar to each other. They sat together, back to back; they looked in different directions.

This doll is strikingly similar to you, - Diana heard a voice behind her. The voice belonged young man with an open high forehead and gentle intelligent eyes. - I'm Sergei. And you are Diana, I know. We used to study together at the Academy. I'm just a sculptor. And then you disappeared... And who is the second girl? Do you have a sister?
- Sister? Right!
- Is she here?
No, she'll never come back...
- It's sad... But I'm incredibly glad that you've returned.
"Farewell, Dinka, farewell! I will remember you!"

Diana and Dina are different names? and got the best answer

Answer from *KISUNYA*[guru]
Yes!! !
The meaning of the name Diana
Diana divine (lat). In ancient Roman mythology, the goddess of the moon and hunting (in ancient Greek mythology Diana corresponds to Artemis).
They grow up calm, kind and obedient children. They are accommodating, sensitive to someone else's grief and very compassionate. Little Diana gets hurt by her mother more than once for bringing home homeless kittens. The name Diana sounds firm, and in the character of this girl there is really enough pragmatism, firmness and even stubbornness. Thanks to these qualities, she manages to achieve success in life. However, Diana a kind person, she, as in childhood, is responsive and always ready to selflessly help a person in trouble. However, it is not easy to deceive Diana, she is endowed with excellent intuition. Sympathetic herself, she does not tolerate people who are cold, indifferent, who consider themselves "balanced".
Diana is a good hostess, hospitable and hospitable. Her favorite colors are blue, purple, black. "Winter" with a difficult, somewhat male character, they are stubborn, they will always do it their own way, even if they understand that they are wrong; they don't get along with their own mother. They are the undisputed leaders both at home and at work, where they have many friends, mostly men. Resolute and self-confident, they will take up any task and complete it. They know how to quickly win over people, but just as quickly and without regret part, if circumstances require. They are often married twice. By profession, Diana: engineers, draftsmen, actresses, ballerinas, hairdressers, teachers, dressmakers, fashion designers, art historians.
The meaning of the name Dina
From Arabic - true.
Often a sharp, quick-tempered girl, Dina gives a lot of trouble to her parents. She is sometimes cheerful and serene, sometimes gloomy and closed. The reason for such a drastic change is Dina's vulnerable mental warehouse, and parents should not forget about it. As a child, Dina loves to take care of someone, it would be nice if you buy her a dog with a good-natured, good-natured character.
Selfless, will come to the aid of anyone who needs it, even if she is not asked for it. But she is also able to stand up for herself, the one who offends her will not want to do this a second time.
Those born in the summer fall in love early, they experience the vicissitudes of first love very much.
Maximalists. They love smart, well-read people, they themselves love to read. They read enthusiastically - from detective stories to culinary recipes. Dina's good memory and fast reaction, she easily learns driving skills. Sociable.
Dina is unlucky in the first, and sometimes in subsequent marriages. Quite often, Dina is a single mother. Not the least reason for this is her character, which becomes more and more prickly over time. She becomes stubborn, categorical and harsh in her statements, does not spare authorities, can easily offend. Like a compressed spring - any trifle infuriates her.
Dina is hardworking and practical. She knows exactly what is beneficial for her, and will not fail to do just that. People around her often find her cunning, and it must be admitted that they are not mistaken in their opinion. Dina knows how to adapt. And yet in life, especially in her personal life, she is often unlucky. Dina's fighting nature, her directness and rigidity scare away men, especially those who dream of a quiet marriage with tea parties on Sundays and a wife knitting socks. But in essence, Dina is a very good person and has many purely feminine virtues. She cooks well and is extremely resourceful. Guests like her dishes, and when they say goodbye, they will certainly ask for a "recipe". Behind Dina's directness, most often there are not materialistic considerations, but a sincere belief that she is fighting for the truth. Dina, in addition, is selfless in her care for family members, faithful in marriage, a good worker.

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