A chronic disease in which Causes of chronic diseases. The world of chronic diseases or how to beat chronic diseases video

We inherit and pass on to our children not only a set of chromosomes, but also miasms, toxins. And they have their own “tail” up to the 7-9th knee.

All chronic diseases originate from a deep-seated primary disease. Hahnemann concluded that the primary disease sought must be of a “miasmatic” chronic nature. The primary disease is exacerbated by the addition of increasingly severe symptoms. In Chronic Diseases, Hahnemann wrote: “Through analysis and logic, I have been able to establish that all chronic diseases stem from a specific skin disease or skin manifestation – these underlying causes can be labeled as chronic miasms.”

Also important to the clinician are psychosocial information, such as information about education and profession, workplace situations, satisfaction, marital status, and possible current conflicts and burdens. This is followed by a thorough physical examination. These include, for example, neurological, orthopedic or internal procedures. If necessary, imaging techniques such as, for example, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging are also used. Blood tests or electrophysiological studies may also be helpful.

Miasm- a stable condition, inherited, formed as a result of some past diseases or conditions. Modern researchers dealing with the problem of miasms are interpreted as a state of altered reactivity of the body.

These root causes will never disappear on their own, but will grow and decay. All these apparently benign skin lesions - itchy rashes, warts and chancres - have deep root causes that are sources of human destruction.

Chronic pain: therapy in school medicine

Chronic pain is treated in a variety of ways, depending on the type and intensity of the pain.

Chronic Pain: You Can Do It Yourself

You can also do a lot for chronic pain. Chronic pain means prolonged stress for those affected, combined with anxiety, frustration, despair and depressed mood. These negative emotions increase the pain. Relaxation techniques help break this circle of the devil. For example, autogenic training, biofeedback, yoga, progressive muscle relaxation, and mindfulness training are suitable.

Eventually, by examining patients, their illnesses, and pre-existing illnesses, Hahnemann came to the conclusion that there were three locally manifested illnesses that could be considered the forerunners of three groups of chronic illnesses that occur later in life:
1) a group of diseases following the initial skin manifestation - itchy rashes;
2) a group of diseases that occur after the treatment of skin manifestations: venereal papillomas, warts;
3) a group of diseases following the initial skin manifestations: chancre.

They affect pain relief, support pain management, and stimulate the body's self-healing effects. In addition to acupuncture, other complementary therapies can also relieve chronic pain, such as acupressure, osteopathy, magnetic therapy, and reflex therapy. Consult with an experienced physician.

Tablets are taken in ascending order, i.e. about a week, #9, then #11, etc. allow dissolution of the tablets. For low pain, take the tablets once a day, for more severe chronic pain, you can take it up to ten times a day. More than 70% of Germans suffer from chronic diseases. Travel insurance such as foreign illness insurance or trip cancellation insurance for chronically ill patients?

Itchy rashes, papillomas and chancre are not a disease, but the result of a disease that is firmly rooted in the body and expresses itself in the form of itchy rashes, papillomas or chancre.

... If we know nothing about the features and properties of our enemy, is it possible to conduct active combat operations on an equal footing? The miasm is determined by the genotype.

Is travel insurance chronically ill?

We say yes and explain the following features of chronic illness travel protection. In this chapter, we will clarify this issue and would like to start by saying, “Yes, travel insurance is also beneficial for patients with chronic diseases.”

When does chronic disease occur? It's usually pretty simple here, when you're on medication daily, you have a chronic illness. All illnesses that have already been diagnosed by a doctor and therefore cannot be considered unexpected are treated as a pre-existing illness in travel insurance.

The principle and rule of miasm is to destroy life. Hahnemann published Chronic Diseases in 1828. He was ridiculed, criticized, cursed. Despite criticism, Hahnemann remained steadfast in his discoveries. He was convinced of his concept and did not realize that his followers might misunderstand him and therefore would not be able to derive much benefit from this discovery for humanity.

FROM scientific point In terms of vision, this means: if the disease is not cured or the cause of the disease cannot be eliminated, one speaks of a chronic disease. Almost 20% of the population is chronically ill by this definition, and about 80% of the world's population suffers from chronic diseases.

The following chronic diseases are most commonly known. Unfortunately, there are still many diseases that can be classified as chronic. Third party insurance and travel insurance only limit acute, sudden and unexpected illness. This should be clear to all travel insurance holders. Of course, an acute illness can also be the start of a chronic illness, but as long as it has never been diagnosed before, it is considered a travel insurance trigger.

The theory of chronic disease abstract concept. Hahnemann proposed it after 12 years of hard work.

We must understand what the body wants to express in the form of this or that physical suffering, in this or that disease. The disease is caused by a certain deep and invisible imbalance in the body.

Disease is the result of actions destructive forces on the body, especially or specially prepared for their reception ...

Abroad health insurance is never used abroad for anticipated medical treatment. This is excluded in the general conditions of insurance. This leads to the dilemma that private health insurance must in any case be contracted to ensure the medical value of transporting sick leave as well as medical expenses in countries where the German fund is not paid, at least for unforeseen illnesses. Also for diseases abroad that are not related to a previously diagnosed disease.

The cell is attacked not only by living objects, but also by factors of inanimate nature. The symptoms resulting from this struggle constitute what is designated as disease.

When a healthy cell experiences stress, it adapts. When the adaptive reaction goes beyond a certain limit, then cell damage occurs. And this damage can be reversible or irreversible.

However, private travel health insurance does not occur for pre-existing medical conditions. Who then bears the cost of treatment, for example for the necessary dialysis for a longer stay in Gran Canaria? We all take our pre-existing illnesses on vacation. No one should give up chronic illness in travel and passion for discovering the world. With proper planning and purposeful pre-arrangement, a holiday with pre-existing conditions can also be secured financially.

What was the source of the existence of the disease? There must be some hidden, innate, pre-existing cause, which has its own habitat in the organism, but is not materially connected with the organism, but with the same life force, becomes part of it, arises and disappears, as it is disturbed by other, external causes.

How can we close this gap in health insurance? For anyone traveling with a chronic illness. For spa treatments, such as dialysis in the holiday country, the costs must be agreed in advance with the compulsory health insurance. Private health insurance doesn't care anyway. Often, statutory health insurance is sufficient to deny private health insurance abroad to switch to chronic diseases.

The inpatient health insurance then covers the costs up to the maximum amount that would also be incurred for treatment in the home country. So you are also on the safe side with chronic disease in all cases and can give free time from rice.

So, Hahnemann referred the following miasms to the “major chronic diseases”:
1) Psora associated with scabies;
2) Sycosis associated with gonorrhea;
3) Lues, associated with venereal chancres.

Hahnemann considered Psora to be the most common of the three chronic diseases. He believed that the cause of Psora was scabies. At that time, this term meant not only scabies caused by scabies, but also various ones, which are characterized by bleeding, scaly peeling and specific itching, aggravated by water and from the warmth of the bed and weakened by cold.

Tasks and services are clearly separated. On the one hand, travel health insurance covers any episodes of accidents, acute illnesses or painless dental procedures, while compulsory health insurance covers the treatment of chronic diseases.

In any case, it should also be clarified with the selected and booked travel insurance that there are pre-existing conditions and in what form they occur. Thus, in the event of an unexpected worsening of a pre-existing disease, it is possible that travel health insurance is here for treatment, or new emerging diseases can be attributed quickly and without discussion.

When the symptoms were suppressed by local remedies or by the use of strong drugs by mouth, secondary manifestations of these chronic lesions sooner or later appeared.

Psora is a way of responding, a series of painful manifestations that replace one another over time, occurring in the same patient and hereditarily predetermined. Psora is a diathesis that has tried or is currently trying to get out of the body through the skin or mucous membranes.

Travel cancellation insurance with a pre-existing medical condition, we have the solution!

If trip cancellation insurance is to be used for cases caused by a sudden or exacerbation of an already known pre-existing medical condition, this is usually waived by trip cancellation insurance. It is stated that no unexpected or sudden illness is present and only unexpected illness is insured.

The situation can be considered somewhat differentiated if the medical evidence has confirmed viability. In this case, a noticeable exacerbation, for example, in chronic rheumatism, can be considered as an unexpected exacerbation and, therefore, as a new disease. This was stated in the court ruling of the District Court of Dortmund.

Sycosis Hahnemann associated with the consequences of gonorrhea, such as:
1) widespread retention in the tissues of water;
2) chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes;
3) the appearance of small skin neoplasms;
4) slow asymptomatic onset, rapid progression of the pathological process.

Patients suffering from this type of diathesis are very sensitive to cold, react aggravated to cold and dampness, are better from motion, easily become depressed.

Complications during pregnancy. Of course, pregnancy is not a chronic disease, but a pregnancy that has so far been complicated without complications can lead to a relapse in case of sudden pains before departure. Cancellation costs are covered by travel insurance!

When mental illness who have already been diagnosed, new severe relapses are not insurable and are not covered by travel insurance. The situation is different when, for example, an acute flight breaks through in an airplane and manifests itself in the form of sweating, so that the airport doctor is advised to take off. This is the first time this happens, the cancellation costs are covered by trip cancellation insurance.

The followers of Hahnemann found that a similar stage of Sycosis is observed:
1) after any vaccination;
2) after any therapeutic or prophylactic therapy using serum, after bites of poisonous insects, snakes, after the introduction of a foreign protein;
3) after application or any other medical, industrial or dietary chemical therapy;
4) after the use of corticosteroids, which favor water retention in tissues, after the use of hormones, in particular oral contraceptives;
5) after certain types of chronic infections (for example, coli-bacteriosis).

Anticipated inpatient treatment. Even those who know in advance that hospital treatment will be needed for a year and still book a holiday with trip cancellation insurance cannot expect to absorb travel insurance cancellation costs if travel related to this treatment and resulting complications should be cancelled.

Unfortunately, there is another wormwood due to trip cancellation insurance. Cancer criminals must count on everything! Therefore, it should always be expected that the disease will enter an acute stage and require withdrawal from the trip, even if the attending physician did not have any reservations at the time of booking, and also testified. Trip cancellation insurance does not work.

Specific and malignant, acute, febrile or inflammatory conditions such as diphtheria, malignancies, syphilis, phlegmonous erysipelas, inflammation of the brain, heart, kidneys or destructive appendicitis usually always have two miasms present. However, when we encounter persistent and known pathological conditions of a seemingly simple nature (such as pain, neuralgia, headaches, epistaxis, nausea, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, ulcers, burns) or any other local conditions that are not very easy treatable, we can expect the presence of two or more miasms.

Medications to be taken at home. Medicines prescribed for treatment abroad are not always reimbursed by external insurance. If you had to regularly take this at your home in Germany before your holiday, accident insurance does not have to cover the costs. This is evidenced by the decision of Landgericht Detmold.

The plaintiff had to undergo medical treatment during a holiday in Spain because the sunburn hypertension, heart pain and circulatory disorders. Although the costs of medical visits and medical care should have been reimbursed by travel insurance, there was no need to pay for the prescribed medicines for hypertension and circulatory disorders, since these medicines had to be taken by the applicant at home.

Lues Hahnemann associated with the consequences of acquired or. Lues is clinically characterized by the manifestation in the same patient of a chain of the following physiological conditions: irritation - expression - fibrous induration.

Selectively affected:
1) lymphoid tissue and lymph nodes (hard, stone-like seals appear);
2) bone tissue (formed);
3) elastic connective tissue (vessels, ligaments, connective tissue) is removed and deformed;
4) the skin and mucous membranes thicken, become dry, crack.

Chronic illness and reversal. Special cases of travel insurance for chronically ill persons. It is important for the chronically ill not to rely on travel insurance to be exactly right for you and your health problems, as it does not regulate cancellation costs caused by chronic illness, but only those of all other causes. In any case, it is beneficial to chronically hurt contact with travel insurance cancellations, as well as keep in touch to put the promised risk in the hands of travel insurance.

Genetically - dystrophy, asymmetry, hyperelasticity of ligaments.

The action of miasms is to eliminate gaps and disturbances in nature that weakened vital forces cannot restore. They deform the body, dull the intellect and destroy the mind. They weaken the will of people, hope, courage and deprive the joys of life, covering everything with darkness, making a person dull, depressed, a hypochondriac, even a suicide. They are comrades of sin and death. They smile when people go crazy and laugh when they are in agony. The instruments of their torture are pain, . They hate life, health, and strength, and have glory in death, weakness, and helplessness. Their feverish fire burns, sears, dries out tissues, and wears us to death. The ever-awakening vital forces are always in competition with them. When the presence of miasms in the body is felt, every process or organ rises fully armed, every reserve is put into action. Miasma resembles a entrenched enemy. As sentries, we must always be on guard, always ready to repulse their advance.

Holidays also with pre-existing illness with travel insurance!

Our advice is not to be embarrassed by a chronic illness, rely on the benefits of overseas medical and travel insurance, and contact you to cancel travel insurance upon completion of that insurance. Well looked after by big travel agents.

For this reason, we recommend that you not only pay attention to the test winner, but rather support these travel insurances, where they can keep in constant contact with the curfew to discuss the cost risks with travel insurance. Chronic illness and travel assistance.

In terms of the psycho-emotional sphere - mental retardation or a lively, quick mind (but a hidden tendency to deviate from the norms of behavior). The consequences of alcoholism are also similar to syphilitic manifestations.

The physical structure, mental properties and behavior are focused on protection. The very existence of man is connected with protection. Miasm is protection, and protection is determined by the genotype.

Psoric constitution- this is a type of response in which physical, mental and general properties are aimed at a physiological method of protection.

Sycotic constitution- morphological constructive method of protection.

Syphilitic constitution- morphological destructive method of protection.

At the beginning of the twentieth century. the term "tuberculinism" was coined. The tuberculin condition is associated with the Psora-related constitution and is due to the action of the toxin of the tubercle bacillus.

This classification continues to be extremely valuable and significant from a clinical and therapeutic point of view.

What is the generalized portrait of this or that miasm?
Psora - skin rash, physiological discharge. Their suppression leads to nervous and mental symptoms.
This miasm is characterized by a general deterioration in well-being from prolonged standing, movement, excitement, experiences. A person feels better lying down, warm, at rest. All symptoms change rapidly. Heat, burning, throbbing. Symptoms of the disease are experienced rapidly. There may be whims in eating, hunger with a decrease in appetite. Aversion to milk.

This type of miasm is characterized by functional and endocrine disorders, neurovegetative disorders.

The patient's skin is dry, rough, acne, the face is pale; eyes and eyelids are inflamed; hair dry, brittle, graying early.

Life- this is a continuous adaptation of internal relations to external ones.

Sycosis - abnormal discharge from the nose and ears. Characterized by condylomas, fibromas, fistulas, diseases of the pelvic organs and genital organs (inflammation, hypertrophy, cysts), mental states, moral degeneration.

The patient feels worse at rest or from overexcitement.

Any change in the weather causes a negative. Very slow recovery, frequent relapses. Temperature reaction rarely occurs. Stiffness in movements, rheumatic lesions are noted. There are benign tumors, cysts, fibromas, warts, bile, urolithiasis. The skin is thickened, with coarse pores (reminiscent of the peel of an orange), oily,. The capillaries are dilated. Redness on the cheeks.

Lues - pathological discharge from fistulas, ulcerations, foci of suppuration. Characteristic diseases of the brain, paralysis, paresis, diseases of the pharynx, eyes, bones.

Anger causes a strong reaction. There is a general worsening of all symptoms in the evening and at night.

... The suffering of the body is greatly facilitated when the patient begins an outbreak of a rash or when any external manifestations of the disease appear, be it skin rashes, catarrhal phenomena, diarrhea, dysuria, hemorrhoids, pathological growth or any other local manifestations.

It gets worse in a storm, severe frosts, in heat, at sea. There is marked sweating with weakness. The general improvement comes in the mountains, from the local cold. The trend towards recovery is weak. Sometimes there is gnawing. The discharge is irritating with an unpleasant odor. During pain, motor restlessness is noted. Characterized by an aversion to meat, tissue destruction, deep ulcers, fissures, destructive suppuration and processes. First of all, the nervous system, bones, glands are affected.

The skin on the face is oily, gray, dirty. The eyes are deep-set, the cheekbones protrude, copper-colored spots. papillomas appear. The lips are thickened, the hair is oily or like hemp.

Tuberculinum - skin rash, physiological and pathological discharge. Headaches, suppuration, cavities are characteristic. There is a general aggravation from sudden movements, physical and mental exertion.

Inner disease is formed by repression, the outer expression of disease is the natural evolution of the miasmatic action, it goes from above downwards and from within outwards. The unnaturalness of the procedure is to interfere with and stop this process, it is the essence of suppression or stasis in organs that were strong and healthy. D. Allen

These people are travel enthusiasts. Local heat relieves pain. There is a general amelioration from recurrent sweating (especially of the legs). The mental symptoms are better after the aggravation of the old ulcer.

Physical and mental symptoms change extremely rapidly.

Characterized by addiction to cold milk, alcohol. Appetite is always high. Expressed lymphatic reaction and destruction. Caseous decay, cavities are often observed. First of all, the lymph nodes, lungs, bones, liver, adrenal glands are affected.

The skin is thin, translucent, vessels are visible. Pupils dilated, rims of eyelids red or inflamed. Hair is dry or damp and sticky.

Miasmatic burden- inherited feature of the body's response to external factors, it is manifested by the appearance of a person, the individual characteristics of his character and the peculiarity of the course of physiological reactions.

There are three types of miasmatic burden - tuberculin, sycotic and luetic.

We cannot cure the burden, we can (and must) take it into account when prescribing drugs.

Miasmatic intoxication- this is infection in the process of life with pathogens of tuberculosis, gonorrhea or syphilis.

Miasmatic aggravation influences the features of the development of a chronic disease. A person has one, and there can be several intoxications.

For example, tuberculin intoxication in a person with tuberculin burden will lead to typical pulmonary tuberculosis, in a person with sycotic burden, symptoms will appear indicating a violation of the function of any parenchymal organ, in a person with luetic burden, there are practically no symptoms in the early stages.

Gonorrheal (sycotic) intoxication in persons with tuberculin burden will give a clear clinical picture, but it will easily and quickly disappear after a course of conventional allopathic therapy. Later, painful conditions, skin rashes may occur. Growth is possible only with repeated infections. In persons with sycotic aggravation, a typical picture of this disease will appear, which will disappear under the influence of allopathic remedies not so quickly and not so easily. After some time, skin growths will appear, which will gradually spread throughout the body.

Individuals with luetic affliction will not have clear symptoms, but over time, growths may appear on the skin.

Syphilitic (luetic) intoxication in persons with tuberculin burden will give clear clinical symptoms. After a short time, symptoms will appear that indicate damage to the internal organs. On the skin, rashes intensify and eventually turn into.

In persons with sycotic burden, a typical clinic is observed. After some time, weeping or dry herpetic eruptions, cracks, ulcerations form on the skin.

In persons with luetic burden, everything is asymptomatic. And as the disease progresses, the result is deplorable ...

Miasm, the soil is formed over centuries. What we see today is the result of many generations. Our great-great-great-grandparents laid the foundation for our current health.

Psora, sycosis and lues in homeopathy- these are not diseases, but types of body response, manifested not only at the physical level, but also at the psycho-emotional level.

“Psoric” patients are constantly at war with themselves and the world around them, “sycotic” patients experience uncertainty, fear, hide like snails in their house, “syphilitic” patients experience despair, a desire to destroy themselves and others.
The course of the disease and the speed of recovery depend on the type of miasm.
When several miasms are combined, they have to be “disassembled” in layers.

The patient must gain wisdom and patience, because the next day it is impossible to be healthy with chronic pathology with all the desire. The patient must constantly interact with his doctor and trust him, and not rush about in search of help from one specialist to another. The latter usually does not help.

Homeopathy is not the fight against disease. It is helping the individual to develop in accordance with his life task, upon reaching which we can expect the disease to disappear. Each time we learn something new and perhaps more accurately understand who we really are. Time after time we give birth to something new within ourselves. At times, homeopathic medicines help us in this process. A deeper perception of miasmatic situations will help to better understand the patient's condition.

Without understanding the essence of the miasms, we will never fulfill our destiny. Symptoms indicate to us the action of the vital force restoring health, and chronic diseases indicate the action of the miasm restoring the correct direction of our lives.
The base miasm in each case helps us in many ways, besides being helpful in therapy.
It can help choose not only the diet of the patient, but also the profession, lifestyle, habits, sexual functions and many other things.

Soma and psyche are the facets of a single animate body. Somatic deviations correspond to the mental state. In the mental sphere, the three degrees of miasmatic burden are equally reflected. At the same time, we enter deep meaning Hahnemann's concept of the violation of the spiritual life force.

Violations of the spiritual life force are expressed at first in wrong thinking, which generates false deeds through wrong desires.

If we consider the will, intellect and emotions of a person, we can identify the following patterns.
Psora is a modest, active, enthusiastic, shy person (does not believe in himself), shy, sensual, with an inferiority complex, with fears.
Sycosis is a demanding, absent-minded, energetic, sullen, boastful, importunate, self-confident, demanding, enterprising, obsessive, doubtful person.
Syphilis - an aggressive person, dictator, nervous, prone to hatred, suicide, psychosis, revolutionary.

If we express miasma in color, then we can note the following: depending on what color the patient prefers in clothes and interior, one can find out what kind of intoxication he has.
Psora- defect, insufficiency, calmness - blue.
Sycosis- redundancy, movement - yellow.
syphilis- destruction, destruction - red.

The observations of the old masters show that the miasm, without additional pushes from the outside, outlives itself on its own by the seventh generation.

The concept of miasm is not identical with the concept of disease with the same name. Tuberculosis as a miasm is a broader concept than tuberculosis is a disease.

A syphilitic miasm can be formed in a person by an anti-smallpox vaccine, unbearable living conditions, chronic mercury poisoning, alcoholism, malnutrition, mental trauma. And it manifests itself in generations ...

Dr. Ortega believes that every emotion and every painful manifestation has a miasmatic coloring.

These are diseases of the internal organs that people suffer from for a long time. Most often, it is impossible to recover from these diseases, you can only achieve stable remission - the absence of exacerbations of the disease for a long time (sometimes several years).

With some diseases, people are born, others occur in childhood or in adulthood due to insufficient or untimely treatment of acute diseases.

Any chronic disease requires observation by an appropriate specialist doctor, adherence to a certain diet and lifestyle, possibly long-term use of medications with individual selection and periodic adjustment of the dose of medications taken.

Pregnancy and childbirth involve a significant increase in the load on the work of all organs and systems of your body, therefore, if you have any chronic diseases, consult your doctor - are pregnancy and childbirth allowed for you, how to prepare for childbirth, is it possible to cancel medications and how their intake can affect the development of the fetus.

In addition, find out if you can give birth yourself or need a caesarean section, get advice on childbirth and the postpartum period.

Varicose disease

Hormonal changes that occur in the body during pregnancy predispose to this disease, due to which the tone of the venous wall decreases and varicose veins of the lower extremities and pelvic organs occur.

Often in the postpartum period, varicose veins are significantly reduced or completely disappear.

AT initial stage diseases varicose veins are insignificant, the veins are soft, the skin over them is not changed. In the late stage, the veins are tense, the skin over them is pigmented, possibly the appearance of eczema. Women have a feeling of heaviness in the legs, and their rapid fatigue, dull pain in the legs, cramps in the calf muscles. These phenomena usually disappear after a night's sleep.


  • repeated (5-6 times) rest during the day for 10-15 minutes in a horizontal position with raised legs
  • wearing elastic tights
  • medications may be used on the advice of a doctor
  • during childbirth, it is necessary to bandage the legs with elastic bandages.

Chronical bronchitis

This is a long-term inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. Characterized by cough with a small amount of mucous or mucopurulent sputum and shortness of breath, which last more than three months.

The reasons:

  • recurring colds
  • smoking

With an exacerbation of bronchitis, coughing intensifies, the amount of sputum increases, the temperature rises, and weakness appears.

Exacerbation treatment:

  • semi-bed rest
  • frequent hot drinking (tea with honey, raspberries, hot milk with soda)
  • inhalation
  • chest pads

Bronchial asthma

This is an allergic disease, manifested by attacks of suffocation. There are two forms of bronchial asthma: infectious-allergic and non-infectious-allergic, or atopic.

The first form develops against the background of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract (pneumonia, bronchitis, pharyngitis, etc.), the main allergen is microbes. In the atopic form, allergens can be street and house dust, plant pollen, wool, pet dander, foods, drugs, chemicals.

An attack of bronchial asthma often begins at night with a prolonged cough, sputum is not separated. There is a sharp difficulty in exhalation. You have to sit down, tense all the muscles of the chest, neck, shoulder girdle to exhale the air. The face becomes blue. The skin is covered with perspiration.

An attack of bronchial asthma that does not respond to treatment can turn into status asthmaticus, when the small bronchi become clogged with thick mucus, the bronchial mucosa swells, and oxygen deficiency develops. The condition becomes extremely difficult.

Immediate hospitalization in the intensive care unit of the hospital is required. During childbirth, asthma attacks are extremely rare. Bronchial asthma is not a contraindication for pregnancy.

It is believed that in the absence of treatment of bronchial asthma, the risk of complications in the mother and fetus is higher than from the use of drugs. Inhalation drugs do not increase the risk of birth defects in the fetus.


  • spend more time outdoors
  • down pillows, blankets replace with synthetic ones
  • change and boil bedding weekly
  • ventilate rooms more often
  • do breathing exercises
  • exclude foods with high allergenic properties: citrus fruits, strawberries, nuts, peppers, mustard, spicy and salty dishes
  • drink alkaline sodium mineral waters, such as Borjomi
  • take medications as recommended by a doctor
  • with a mild attack, hot drinks, mustard plasters or cans will help.

Hypertonic disease

This chronic disease, in which blood pressure steadily rises, is associated with a violation of vascular tone. Blood pressure also rises in diseases of the kidneys, adrenal glands, thyroid gland and other organs.

For pregnant women, blood pressure is considered elevated, above 140/90 mm Hg. in the development of hypertension great importance has a hereditary predisposition.

With an exacerbation of hypertension, a crisis develops with a sharp rise in blood pressure.

With a hypertensive crisis, a sharp headache appears, often in the back of the head, dizziness, palpitations, tinnitus, flies before the eyes, nausea, vomiting, redness of the face, chest. In such a situation, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Pregnant women with hypertension should regularly measure blood pressure, conduct an ECG, urine tests with protein determination, and consult an ophthalmologist.

It is necessary to visit the doctor of the antenatal clinic every 2 weeks, and after 30 weeks - weekly. With an increase in blood pressure numbers, a deterioration in well-being, hospitalization in the department of pathology of pregnancy is necessary.


  • good rest
  • limiting salt intake (up to 5g per day)
  • medical treatment must necessarily include sedatives

Arterial hypotension

This disease is characterized by a decrease in blood pressure below 100/60 mm Hg, associated with impaired vascular tone. Normal blood pressure is considered to be 100-120 / 70-80 mm Hg.

Women are not considered sick if they are in good health with low blood pressure. If the state of health is disturbed, complaints of headache, dizziness, weakness, palpitations, pain in the heart area, sweating, insomnia appear.

The disease affects women of asthenic physique with pale skin, cold to the touch hands. These women often find varicose veins of the legs. Arterial hypotension may precede pregnancy, and may develop during it.

Women with pre-pregnancy hypotension are more tolerant of it. But it is necessary to control blood pressure, since an increase to normal may be the result of the addition of preeclampsia. With hypotension, not accompanied by pathological symptoms, treatment is not carried out.

With hypotension associated with other diseases, treatment of the underlying disease is required.


  • 10-12 hour night sleep
  • 1-2 hour nap
  • morning exercises
  • walks in the open air
  • food high in protein
  • you can drink strong tea and coffee with milk, cream
  • taking multivitamins.

Mitral valve prolapse

This is a condition in which one or both leaflets of the mitral valve bulge into the cavity of the left atrium during contraction of the left ventricle.

At the same time, half of the patients are not worried about anything, and the pregnancy proceeds safely. Mitral valve prolapse is not a contraindication for pregnancy and spontaneous delivery.


Diabetes mellitus is a disease in the pathogenesis of which lies an absolute or relative lack of insulin in the body, causing metabolic disorders and pathological changes in various organs and tissues.

Insulin is a hormone that promotes the utilization of glucose and the biosynthesis of glycogen, lipids (fats), proteins. With insulin deficiency, the use of glucose is disrupted and its production increases, resulting in the development of hyperglycemia (increased blood glucose levels) - the main diagnostic sign of diabetes mellitus.

Carbohydrate metabolism during physiological pregnancy changes in accordance with the growing needs of the growing fetus in energy material, mainly in glucose. Changes in carbohydrate metabolism are associated with the influence of placental hormones: placental lactogen, estrogens, progesterone, and corticosteroids. In the body of a pregnant woman, the level of free fatty acids increases, which are used for the energy costs of the mother, thereby preserving glucose for the fetus. By their nature, these changes in carbohydrate metabolism are regarded by most researchers as similar to changes in diabetes mellitus. Therefore, pregnancy is considered as a diabetogenic factor.

AT recent times there is a tendency to increase the number of pregnant women with diabetes mellitus. The number of births in women with diabetes mellitus increases from year to year, amounting to 0.1% - 0.3% of total number. There is an opinion that out of 100 pregnant women, approximately 2-3 have disorders of carbohydrate metabolism.

The problem of diabetes mellitus and pregnancy is in the center of attention of obstetricians, endocrinologists and neonatologists, since this pathology is associated with a large number of obstetric complications, high perinatal morbidity and mortality, and adverse consequences for the health of mother and child. In the clinic, it is customary to distinguish between obvious diabetes of pregnant women, transient, latent; a special group is made up of pregnant women with threatening diabetes.

Diagnosis of overt diabetes in pregnant women is based on the presence of hyperglycemia and glucosuria (the appearance of glucose in the urine).

Mild form - the level of sugar in the blood on an empty stomach does not exceed 6.66 mmol / l, there is no ketosis (the appearance of the so-called ketone bodies in the urine). Normalization of hyperglycemia is achieved by diet.

Moderate diabetes - fasting blood sugar level does not exceed 12.21 mmol / l, ketosis is absent or eliminated by diet. In severe diabetes, fasting blood sugar levels exceed 12.21 mmol/l, and there is a tendency to develop ketosis. Vascular lesions are often noted - angiopathy (arterial hypertension, ischemic myocardial disease, trophic ulcers of the legs), retinopathy (damage to the retina), nephropathy (kidney damage - diabetic nephroangiosclerosis).

Up to 50% of cases in pregnant women is transient (transient) diabetes. This form of diabetes is associated with pregnancy, the signs of the disease disappear after childbirth, the resumption of diabetes is possible with repeated pregnancy. Latent (or subclinical) diabetes is distinguished, in which its clinical signs may be absent and the diagnosis is established by an altered test for glucose tolerance (sensitivity).

Noteworthy is the group of pregnant women who are at risk of developing diabetes. These include women with diabetes in the family; who gave birth to children weighing over 4500 grams; pregnant women with overweight, glucosuria. The occurrence of glucosuria in pregnant women is associated with a decrease in the renal glucose threshold. It is believed that the increase in kidney permeability to glucose is due to the action of progesterone.

Almost 50% of pregnant women with a thorough examination can detect glucosuria. All pregnant women of this group should be tested for fasting blood sugar, and when numbers are higher than 6.66 mmol/l, a glucose tolerance test is indicated. During pregnancy, it is necessary to re-examine the glycemic and glucosuric profile.


  • feeling of dry mouth,
  • feeling thirsty,
  • polyuria (frequent and profuse urination),
  • increased appetite along with weight loss and general weakness,
  • skin itching, mainly in the area of ​​​​the external genitalia,
  • pyorrhea,
  • furunculosis.

Diabetes during pregnancy is not the same for all patients. Approximately 15% of patients during the entire pregnancy, no special changes in the picture of the disease are noted (this applies mainly to mild forms of diabetes).

In most cases, there are three stages of diabetes change. The first stage starts from the 10th week of pregnancy and lasts 2-3 months. This stage is characterized by increased glucose tolerance, altered insulin sensitivity. An improvement in diabetes compensation is observed, which may be accompanied by hypoglycemic coma. There is a need to reduce the dose of insulin.

The second stage occurs at the 24-28th week of pregnancy, a decrease in glucose tolerance occurs, which is often manifested by a precoma or acidosis, and therefore an increase in the dose of insulin is necessary. In a number of observations, 3-4 weeks before delivery, an improvement in the patient's condition is observed.

The third stage of changes is associated with childbirth and the postpartum period. During childbirth, there is a risk of metabolic acidosis, which can quickly turn into diabetic. Immediately after childbirth, glucose tolerance increases. During lactation, the need for insulin is lower than before pregnancy.

The reasons for the change in the course of diabetes in pregnant women have not been fully established, but the influence of changes in the balance of hormones caused by pregnancy is undeniable.

A great influence on the course of diabetes in pregnant women has a change in kidney function, namely a decrease in sugar reabsorption in the kidneys, which is observed from 4-5 months of pregnancy, and impaired liver function, which contributes to the development of acidosis.

The effect of pregnancy on such complications of severe diabetes mellitus as vascular lesions, retinopathy and nephropathy is generally unfavorable. The most unfavorable combination of pregnancy and diabetic nephropathy, since the development of late toxicosis and multiple exacerbations of pyelonephritis is often observed.

The course of pregnancy in diabetes mellitus is accompanied by a number of features, which are most often the result of vascular complications in the mother and depend on the form of the disease and the degree of compensation for carbohydrate metabolism disorders.

The most frequent complications are spontaneous premature termination of pregnancy, late toxicosis, polyhydramnios, inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract. The frequency of spontaneous abortion ranges from 15 to 31%, late miscarriages are more common in terms of 20-27 weeks. The high frequency of late toxicosis (30-50%) in these pregnant women is associated with a large number of predisposing factors: generalized vascular damage, diabetic nephropathy, impaired uteroplacental circulation, polyhydramnios, urinary tract infection. In most cases, toxicosis begins before the 30th week of pregnancy, the predominant clinical symptoms are hypertension and edema. Severe forms of late toxicosis are observed mainly in patients with long-term and severe diabetes. One of the main ways to prevent late toxicosis is to compensate for diabetes mellitus from an early date, while the incidence of nephropathy is reduced to 14%.

A specific complication of pregnancy in diabetes mellitus is polyhydramnios, which occurs in 20-30% of cases. Polyhydramnios is associated with late toxicosis, congenital malformations of the fetus and high perinatal mortality (up to 29%).

A serious complication is urinary tract infection in 16% of patients and acute pyelonephritis in 6%.

The combination of diabetic nephropathy, pyelonephritis and late toxicosis makes the prognosis for the mother and fetus very poor. Obstetric complications (weak birth forces, fetal asphyxia, narrow pelvis) in diabetic patients are much more common than in healthy ones, due to the following points: frequent early termination of pregnancy, the presence of a large fetus, polyhydramnios, late toxicosis.

The postpartum period often has infectious complications. Currently, maternal mortality in diabetes mellitus is rare and occurs in cases of severe vascular disorders.

Children, born of women with diabetes mellitus, have distinctive features, since in the period of intrauterine development they are in special conditions- fetal homeostasis is disturbed due to hyperglycemia in the mother, hyperinsulinism and chronic hypoxia in the fetus. Newborns are different appearance, adaptive abilities and features of metabolism.

A characteristic feature is a large body weight at birth, which does not correspond to the period of intrauterine development, and an external cushingoid appearance, due to an increase in the mass of adipose tissue. There are changes in internal organs; hypertrophy of the pancreatic islets, an increase in the size of the heart, a decrease in the weight of the brain and goiter. In functional terms, newborns are distinguished by the immaturity of organs and systems. Newborns have marked metabolic acidosis in combination with hypoglycemia. Respiratory disorders are often observed, high perinatal mortality - up to 5-10%, the frequency of congenital anomalies is 6-8%.

Most often, malformations of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems, malformations of the skeletal system are observed. Underdevelopment of the lower body and limbs occurs only in diabetes mellitus.

Contraindications for continuing pregnancy are:

1) the presence of diabetes in both parents;
2) insulin resistant diabetes with a tendency to ketoacidosis;
3) juvenile diabetes complicated by angiopathy;
4) a combination of diabetes mellitus and active tuberculosis;
5) a combination of diabetes mellitus and Rhesus conflict.

In the case of maintaining pregnancy, the main condition is the complete compensation of diabetes. The diet is based on a diet that includes the normal content of complete proteins (120 g); restriction of fats to 50-60 g and carbohydrates to 300-500 g with the complete exclusion of sugar, honey, jam, confectionery. The total calorie content of the daily diet should be 2500-3000 kcal. The diet should be complete in relation to vitamins. There must be a strict correspondence between insulin injection and meal timing. All diabetic patients should receive insulin during pregnancy. Oral antidiabetic drugs are not used during pregnancy.

Given the variability of insulin requirements during pregnancy, it is necessary to hospitalize pregnant women at least 3 times: at the first visit to the doctor, at 20-24 weeks. pregnancy, when the need for insulin changes most often, and at 32-36 weeks, when late toxicosis of pregnant women often joins, and careful monitoring of the fetus is required. With this hospitalization, the issue of the timing and method of delivery is decided.

Outside of these terms of inpatient treatment, the patient should be under the systematic supervision of an obstetrician and an endocrinologist. One of the difficult issues is the choice of the term of delivery, since due to the increasing placental insufficiency there is a threat of antenatal death of the fetus and at the same time, the fetus with diabetes mellitus in the mother is characterized by pronounced functional immaturity.

Endurance of pregnancy is permissible with its uncomplicated course and the absence of signs of fetal suffering. Most experts believe that early delivery is necessary, the terms from the 35th to the 38th week are considered optimal. The choice of method of delivery should be individual, taking into account the condition of the mother, fetus and obstetric history. Operation frequency caesarean section in patients with diabetes reaches 50%.

Both in childbirth and during caesarean section, insulin therapy is continued. Newborns from mothers with diabetes mellitus, despite their large body weight, are considered premature and need special care. In the first hours of life, attention should be paid to identifying and combating respiratory disorders, hypoglycemia, acidosis, and lesions of the central nervous system.

Chronic tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis is a chronic inflammation of the palatine tonsils. The palatine tonsils are an organ that takes an active part in the formation of the immunobiological defense mechanisms of the body.

The greatest activity of the tonsils in these protective mechanisms is manifested in childhood and the inflammatory processes lead to the development of strong immunity. However, recurring inflammation of the tonsils due to a bacterial infection inhibits the production of immunity and causes the development of chronic tonsillitis. In addition, the development of immunity is sometimes delayed due to improper antibiotic treatment, as well as the unreasonable use of drugs that reduce body temperature when it is not high (37-37.5).

The development of chronic tonsillitis is also facilitated by a persistent violation of nasal breathing (adenoids in children, deviated nasal septum, enlargement of the inferior turbinates, nasal polyps, etc.). Local causes are often infectious foci in nearby organs: carious teeth, purulent sinusitis, chronic adenoiditis.

Of great importance in the development and course of chronic tonsillitis is a decrease in immunity, defensive forces organism and an allergic condition, which in turn may precede or, conversely, be a consequence of chronic tonsillitis.
What happens to the tonsils when they become chronically inflamed? Changes are most often localized in the lacunae of the tonsils, soft lymphoid tissue is affected, which is replaced by a harder, connective tissue. Cicatricial adhesions appear in the tonsils, some lacunae of the tonsils narrow and close, and as a result, closed purulent foci are formed. So-called plugs accumulate in the lacunae, which are an accumulation of desquamated epithelium of the mucous membrane of the lacunae, food particles, living and dead microbes, and leukocytes. In addition to plugs, there may also be liquid purulent contents. In chronic tonsillitis, the tonsils may become enlarged, but may remain small. In the lacunae of the tonsils, very favorable conditions are created for the preservation and reproduction of pathogenic microbes. With their vital activity, they support the inflammatory process in the tonsils. Microbes often spread through the lymphatic tract. Hence the enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes.


1. Hyperemia and ridge-like thickening of the edges of the palatine arches.
2. Cicatricial adhesions between the tonsils and palatine arches.
3. Loose or cicatricial and hardened tonsils.
4. Caseous-purulent plugs or liquid pus in the lacunae of the tonsils.
5. Regional lymphadenitis - an increase in cervical lymph nodes.

The diagnosis is made in the presence of two or more of the above local signs of tonsillitis.

It is customary to distinguish two main forms of tonsillitis: compensated and decompensated.

In the compensated form, there are only local signs of chronic inflammation of the tonsils, the barrier function of which and the reactivity of the body are still such that they balance, even out the state of local inflammation, i.e. compensate for it, so there is no pronounced general reaction of the body.

When decompensated, there are not only local signs of chronic inflammation, but there are tonsillitis, paratonsillitis, paratonsillar abscesses, diseases of distant organs and systems (cardiovascular, urinary-genital, etc.).

Any form of chronic tonsillitis can cause allergization and infection of the whole organism. Bacteria and viruses located in the lacunae, under appropriate conditions (cooling, a decrease in the body's resistance, and other reasons), cause local exacerbations in the form of tonsillitis and even paratonsillar abscesses.

Diseases associated with chronic tonsillitis

There are enough of them. Such diseases can be directly or indirectly associated with chronic inflammation of the tonsils. First of all, these are collagen diseases (rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus, periarteritis nodosa, scleroderma, dermatomyositis), a number of skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, polymorphic exudative erythema), nephritis, thyrotoxicosis, peripheral nerve damage (plexitis, sciatica). Prolonged tonsillogenic intoxication can contribute to the development of thrombocytopenic purpura and hemorrhagic vasculitis.

Chronic tonsillitis is often the cause of a prolonged increase in low temperature (subfebrile condition), pathological auditory sensations (tinnitus), worsens the course of vasomotor dysfunction of the nose, vegetative-vascular dystonia, vestibular dysfunction, etc.

Methods of treatment of chronic tonsillitis

The choice of treatment method depends on the form of tonsillitis and, if it is decompensated, then the type of decompensation is taken into account. Before starting treatment, carious teeth and inflammation in the nose and paranasal sinuses should be treated.

There are two main methods of treatment: surgical and conservative. Each method has its own varieties, options.

Surgical methods

Let us briefly consider the options for surgical treatment. As a rule, surgery is prescribed for decompensated tonsillitis and in cases where repeated conservative treatment has not improved the condition of the tonsils.
Often, the tonsils are removed even without the presence of the above, even without conservative treatment. And the effectiveness of correct and comprehensive treatment has been proven by many scientific and practical otolaryngologists. Removal of the tonsils must be fully justified.

Tonsillectomy (removal of the tonsils) has never been an urgent operation and the patient always has time to conduct several courses of complex, conservative treatment of tonsillitis before surgery, if it is really indicated.

Surgical treatment may include either complete removal of the tonsils (most often done) or partial removal for large tonsils (done much less often).

Surgical methods also include galvanocaustics and diathermocoagulation of the tonsils (now rarely used).

AT last years new methods of surgical treatment have been developed, these are laser lacunotomy or tonsillectomy, using a surgical laser.

Affect the tonsils and surgical ultrasound.

A fairly common cryosurgical method is the freezing of the tonsils. The method is used for small tonsils, some doctors preliminarily sound the tonsils with ultrasound before freezing, which helps to reduce the reaction of tissues to freezing and improve the healing of the wound surface on the tonsils.

Contraindications for tonsillectomy:

  • Hemophilia, severe cardiovascular and renal failure,
  • severe form of diabetes,
  • active form of tuberculosis
  • acute infectious diseases,
  • last months of pregnancy
  • menstruation period,
  • If the day before there was a sore throat, then the operation should be performed in 2-3 weeks.

Conservative treatments

Conservative treatment is indicated for the compensated form, as well as for the decompensated form, manifested by repeated tonsillitis and in cases where there are contraindications for surgical treatment. There are many methods of conservative treatment proposed.

Briefly and schematically, the means of conservative treatment, according to the nature of their main action, can be grouped as follows:

  1. Means that increase the body's defenses:
  • correct daily routine
  • rational nutrition with the use of a sufficient amount of natural vitamins,
  • physical exercises,
  • resort and climatic factors,
  • biostimulants,
  • gamma globulin,
  • iron preparations, etc.
  1. Hyposensitizing agents:
  • calcium supplements,
  • antihistamines,
  • vitamin C,
  • epsilon-aminocaproic acid,
  • small doses of allergens, etc.
  1. Means of immunocorrection:
  • levamisole,
  • tactivine,
  • prodigiosan,
  • thymalin,
  • I.R.S.-19,
  • bronchomunal,
  • ribomunil and many others. others
  1. Means of reflex action:
  • various types of novocaine blockades,
  • acupuncture,
  • manual therapy of the cervical spine,
  • osteopathy.
  1. Means that have a sanitizing effect on the palatine tonsils and their regional lymph nodes (these are active, medical manipulations):
  • Washing the lacunae of the tonsils. It is used to remove the pathological contents of the tonsils (plugs, pus). They are usually washed with a syringe with a cannula, using various solutions. Such solutions can be: antiseptics, antibiotics, enzymes, antifungal, antiallergic, immunostimulating, biologically active drugs, etc. Correctly performed washing helps to reduce inflammation in the tonsil lacunae, the size of the tonsils usually decreases.
  • Suction of the contents of the lacunae of the tonsils. With the help of an electric suction and a cannula, liquid pus can be removed from the lacunae of the tonsils. And, using a special tip with a vacuum cap and supplying a medicinal solution, you can simultaneously wash the lacunae.
  • Introduction to the lacunae of medicinal substances. For injection, a syringe with a cannula is used. Various emulsions, pastes, ointments, oil suspensions are introduced. They linger in the gaps for a longer time, hence the more pronounced positive effect. Medicines on the spectrum of action are the same as those used for washing in the form of solutions.
  • Injections into the tonsils. With a syringe with a needle, the tissue of the tonsils itself or the space surrounding it is impregnated with various drugs. Some time ago, in Kharkov, it was proposed to inject not with one needle, but with a special nozzle with a large number of small needles, which turned out to be more effective, since the tonsil tissue was really saturated with medicine, unlike injection with only one needle.
  • Lubrication of the tonsils. For lubrication, a fairly large number of different solutions or mixtures have been proposed with a spectrum of action similar to preparations for washing. The most commonly used preparations: Lugol's solution, collargol, chlorophyllipt oil solution, propolis tincture with oil, etc.
  • Gargle. Performed independently by patients. Countless rinses offered folk medicine. In pharmacies, you can also find a sufficient amount of ready-made solutions or rinse concentrates.
  1. Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment.
  • ultrasound,
  • microwave therapy,
  • laser therapy,
  • microwave, UHF,
  • inductothermy,
  • ultraviolet irradiation
  • tonsils,
  • magnetotherapy,
  • electrophoresis,
  • mud treatment,
  • inhalation and other methods.

The course of treatment of chronic tonsillitis usually consists of 10-12 procedures, both medical manipulations and physiotherapeutic methods. The complex of course treatment should include agents that affect many parts of the pathological process. During the year, the course can be carried out up to 2 times, usually this is done in early autumn and spring. The effectiveness of treatment increases if other members of the patient's family are examined and, if chronic tonsillitis is detected, simultaneous treatment is carried out.


Various types of diseases of the internal organs during pregnancy can be cured completely painlessly with the help of soft osteopathic methods, acupuncture, manual therapy.

For example, it has been observed that in patients with chronic tonsillitis and frequent anginas, there is an impaired mobility in the craniocervical joint, in most cases between the occiput and the atlas, with spasm of the short extensors of the neck, and that blockade at this level increases susceptibility to recurrent tonsillitis. And therefore, therapy of the cervical spine by an osteopathic doctor helps patients after the first visit.

In addition, our clinics have special salt rooms for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Visiting a salt cave during pregnancy has a beneficial effect on the body of the mother and child.

Mental disorders