Japa meditation what meaning and benefit. What is Japa Meditation: The Essence of the Technique and Levels of Difficulty

Japa or japa meditation means chanting the holy names on a rosary (japa-mala). Such chanting of Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare immediately awakens in one's heart an ecstatic feeling of love for Krishna. This is clearly stated in Chaitanya Charitamrita (Adi lila 7.83)

krishna-nama-maha-mantrera ee ta svabhava
hey jare tara krishne upajae bhava

“Changing japa is for the serious devotee of Krishna
the most important business of all devotional service.”

It must always be remembered that the name 'Krishna' is not different from Krishna Himself. Although no one can measure the opulence of the Lord, His glories, beauty, opulence, knowledge, renunciation, His innumerable transcendental qualities, nevertheless, by His causeless mercy, He Himself appears before His sincere devotee in all His splendor in the form of His name.

Translation of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra

Hare refers to the potency of pleasure. Krishna means all-attractive. is a source of eternal pleasure. Rama means omnipotent. Translation – O all-pleasant and attractive Lord, O internal pleasure potency of the Lord, engage me in Your devotional service.

Hare Krishna Mantra Prediction

There are various predictions in the Vedas, and one of them is the following - “a tribe will come that will dance on the ground with raised hands and vertical tilaks on their foreheads. They will chant the names of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, this will destroy the influence of the age of Kali, and people will become enlightened and liberated.” This time is predicted by many others, including the Bible and Nostradamus, telling us that the kingdom of God or a golden age on earth will come.

The Hare Krishna maha-mantra is the sound representative of the Supreme Lord, or in other words the sound incarnation of the Lord Himself. The sound of the maha-mantra is the sound of the transcendent spiritual world, and it directly affects the ether in the heart, eliminating the causes of our suffering, weakening the potency of the false ego.

Important Points while reading japa

Chanting the name of Krishna is meditation on the Supreme Lord, it purifies the mind and heart of a person and awakens in him a dormant feeling of love for the Lord. Like nectar, it revives the taste for truly beautiful things, which can only be found in spiritual life, and arouses transcendental emotions in the devotee.

In order for a person to get all the benefit from the repetition of a mantra, he must:focus your mind,do not talk to anyone;do it with patience and affection, and then it will give the whole treasure of the mantra.

Meditation means total concentration of the mind and senses on the pronunciation.The recitation of japa should be as clear and cheerful as possible, pleasing to the tongue and the ear. The quality of such repetition depends more on mindfulness and concentration on sound vibration, which is why it is good to do it in the morning hours, when the quality of goodness prevails in nature. You can chant the holy names in the temple, in the open air or in a well-ventilated room, i.e. under the most favorable conditions.

Mantra meditation can be practiced anywhere and at any time - in the temple, at home, at work, on the bus or subway, or even while driving a car. But nonetheless,there are certain rules for chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra.

Prohibitions to be observed while reciting Japa

  • you can not read the mantra, turning over the rosary with your left hand (it is unclean);
  • you can not touch the rosary of the left hand;
  • you cannot read the mantra with your right hand if it is defiled (the hand must be clean);
  • you can not touch the rosary with your index finger;
  • do not touch the floor and other unclean places with a rosary,
  • it is impossible to shake and wave the bag while reading the mantra;
  • you can not read the mantra with a covered head; (not clear moment, for prabhu most likely)
  • you can not read the mantra lying down, yawning, talking to someone, walking;
  • one cannot chant the mantra naked.

Symbolic meanings of fingers right hand:

  • thumb - Bhagavan, Krishna;
  • the middle finger is the jiva or mind and heart of a person;
  • index finger - false ego (ahankara).

By reciting the mantra using the thumb and middle fingers, the sound of the holy name enters the heart and consciousness of the person.

  • thumb and forefinger - for revenge (guna of ignorance);
  • thumb and ring finger - to eliminate troubles;
  • thumb and little finger - for the fulfillment of all desires;
  • rudraksha beads - for the fulfillment of all (both good and bad) desires;
  • lotus seed beads - to defeat enemies;
  • gold beads - for receiving all material pleasures;
  • crystal beads - for good luck;
  • tulsi beads - for the fulfillment of only those desires that will bring you good.

A person must keep the following secret(advises "Hari bhakti vilasa» ) :

  • the deity he worships;
  • the name of your spiritual teacher;
  • a mantra received from a spiritual master;
  • his japa-mala (rosary).

We should not show our rosary, as it is something hidden between us and God.

If we do not chant japa, we should put them away in a clean, hidden place, having previously bowed down to them, they should not be left lying around.

The rosary must be in a bag called "gomukha", which means "cow mouth" or "divine speech".

Why do we, ultimately, need all this knowledge?

We should have a clear understanding that everything is connected in this world. When we are in the mode of passion, we divide the world, break it up and enjoy the selection. In the mode of goodness, we are trying to understand the unified nature, the connection of everything that exists, we are trying to understand how different objects of this world are interconnected.

In order for a person to gain the wealth of japa, all the benefit of chanting a mantra, he must:

  • concentrate your mind, gather it together, the mind must be pure;
  • be silent during the repetition, do not talk to anyone;
  • think about the meaning of the mantra, or at least remember who we are calling, who is Krishna, Rama and Hare;
  • do it with patience and affection, without worries, and then it will give all the treasure of repetition.

There are three main obstacles to meditation:impurity, ignorance and distraction. And all three can be eliminated by the practice of japa through constant awareness of the mantra. One should not strain too much and concentrate excessively during japa. Only constant, sincere and relaxed japa is able to endow the mind with awareness and distract it from external attractions.

  • chanting japa in a room where there are no distractions that are not related to Krishna (the shrine room is ideal);
  • try to sit (stand, walk) - with a straight back;
  • chant japa in a ventilated room;
  • put in front of you an image of Krishna or a spiritual teacher;
  • chanting japa near other devotees (if the general background of japa is not too loud and you can clearly hear your mantra);
  • chant japa before Tulasi Maharani;
  • chant japa in a secluded place in nature.

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Japa meditation complex came to us from Hinduism. The name means "whisper", "repeat". This is one of the most popular and basic meditation techniques, the practice is suitable for all beginners. You should start reading mantras only in the presence of a spiritual mentor.

Most of the techniques available in Hinduism are too difficult to master and will only give results to those who have a spiritual predisposition. The practice of japa is universal, because it allows a large circle of entities to receive healing and find harmony.

The complex contains meditation practices, mantra recitation, sometimes songs and choral singing. It aims to establish a channel of communication with higher powers and communication with the spirit world. A resident of a metropolis is in conditions where it is impossible to avoid stress and negative impact aggressive external environment. For him, like air, meditation and peace are needed.

The essence of the technique

All systems of our organs are closely interconnected, just as our soul is connected at one end with the brain and the material body, and at the other end with the cosmos.

Certain words cause vibrations of matter and space, which coincide with our own vibrations, so a person after meditation finds peace and harmony. Harmony is a very important part of meditation.

This term came to spiritual practices from music, where several voices singing at the same time create secondary vibrations - harmony. The same thing happens during meditation - the essence excites vibrations close in frequency to those in its body and soul, and forms a symphonic aura around itself -.

The simplest example of how vibrations can change our state. The sound of a bell or a music box is soft and warm, you can fall asleep under it, gradually dissolving in thoughts. The sound of a car horn is sharp and sharp, because the signal is based on dissonance - two incompatible sounds that will break out of any sound field.

Dissonances around us

When a person is in high spirits or a black person, a bad word hurts him doubly, since his warm mood does not combine with cold negativity. This is the dissonance that japa mantras help to smooth out.

According to practitioners and mentors, a japa session is an exciting journey, similar to a colored dream, let's analyze the process in stages:

  • the first part of the journey is like a dream, consciousness gradually leaves the body, but the muscles still hold on;
  • the second stage occurs when the brain draws images. A person can see silhouettes, colored clouds, animal or bird shapes, which often appear to beginners after diving. These are the entities that themselves can choose their appearance;
  • the third stage is deep immersion. The adept of japa clearly sees the difference between the material world and the world of spirits (he can return at any moment). Contact with the higher forces has been established, there is no longer a barrier between the brain and the astral. You can travel through space, communicate with spirits, friends, or be in a double trance, completely ignoring everything around;
  • the fourth stage is truth. Many beginners confuse it with awakening, as the monotony of being in another world interrupts the sudden surge of energy that brings special meaning is the end of the session. All impressions, emotions, experiences of a person are imprinted inside him at one moment. This feeling fills him and gives strength and calmness. After receiving the Truth, you can both leave the world of spirits and stay in it. In one session, truth visits a person only once.

Third-party observers see how a person with closed eyes reads mantras, and the person himself does not hear any extraneous sounds or people. He can have a long dream in a couple of minutes, although he is not in a state of sleep and brain activity does not change.

Scientists are puzzling over the answer to the question: who comes to people during meditation? Why do rosaries work the way they do? Why different types trees provide a different effect? But not everything lends itself to science and cold analysis. A person sees only 3% of the entire radiation spectrum, and the rule “I didn’t see it, so it doesn’t exist” does not work here. Japa can be understood only by trying it yourself, fully believing and.

To whom is japa shown?

Contrary to stereotypes, japa is suitable for both men and women. Yes, we have slight differences, but most of us feel emotions in the same way, since we are all made up of the same organs, we have the same reflexes and habits.

Men are the stronger sex, but sometimes it’s just as hard for them. Japa can be shown to a person at any age, regardless of whether he has any diseases and what lifestyle he leads.

For some, this will be an unusual feeling, for someone - a salvation from the daily hustle and bustle. Nevertheless, if you do not abuse otherworldly spells and follow all the recommendations of the mentor, it will definitely not cause harm.

Difficulty levels

When a person moves to a certain level of skill, he begins to read mantras. They require increased concentration and full concentration on the subject of the mantra.

Often, when reading, they use japa mala - a rosary made of tulsi or neem trees (Saivites use rosaries made of rudraksha). Hindus believed that these trees have special energy and supernatural power. Each mantra carries a certain load and message.

Mantra Om

Common mantras:

  • Om Namah Shivaya;
  • Om mani padme hum;
  • Hare Krishna.

Many perceive the mantra as self-hypnosis or auto-training. This is only partly because complete faith and opening the chakras is not enough in one session, you need to try again and again, because meditation is a kind of skill.

Group Meditations

If there are people close to you in spirit, they can meditate with you in order to strengthen the communication channel and add variety to the usual gray everyday life. Agree, when else can you communicate with relatives or friends outside the body?

Successful group meditation requires that all participants prepare properly. Even one person in 10 will be a weak link that will reduce the overall effectiveness of the session.

It is not necessary to hold hands and sit in a circle (it is not even necessary to be in the same room, since physical contact is not a fundamental factor in meditation). If everyone reads the mantras, it is better to do it in chorus, and if there are experienced and beginners, you can try in turn.

Do not be afraid - if your intentions are pure and your mind is open - the spirits and higher entities will certainly notice this and will not close from you.


Despite the absence of dangerous spirits in contact, japa has contraindications, namely:

  • you should not use the complex to obtain self-interest or profit;
  • do not use meditation for evil;
  • do not be cunning and do not deceive the spirits;
  • if you are a follower of another religion, you need to inform the spirits about it.

In any case, consult with a mentor, perhaps he will reduce the complex of your mantras or advise an easier practice.

How to approach meditation?

Do not listen to music, do not read books or magazines, do not have serious conversations a few hours before the session with the spirits. There is nothing wrong with the information itself, but the impressions it leaves can interfere with the process of clearing the mind or establishing contact with the higher mind.

Your mind must be ready for contact "from scratch":

  1. need to relax;
  2. turn off the light in the room;
  3. take a comfortable posture;
  4. fully concentrate your attention on a bright moment, the brightest that was in your life;
  5. in this state, the soul is maximally open and prepared for contact;
  6. you can start reading mantras, turning over the rosary in your hands;
  7. after the completion of the ceremony, do not cut off the connection abruptly. You need to say goodbye to the spirits and smoothly return to the material world. If you accidentally cut off a session, it's best to come back and end it according to the rules;
  8. it is necessary to return to the next meditation only when the impressions from the previous one have faded away, so as not to disturb the spirits too often. They also need rest.

Let's highlight a few main rules:

  • japa loves respect. Before proceeding with the complexes of procedures, learn their names in the original language. Consider the complete list of verses and mantras to know it by heart, especially since there are not so many of them;
  • consult with a mentor about the compatibility of japa with your astral body or with diseases that you have;
  • do not rush and do not chase results. First of all, you need to look at the technique and sensations. Meditation should help health, not harm it.

Individual programs

It should be noted right away that this is a standard protocol and it is not customary to violate it. If you find it difficult to conduct certain sessions (due to the characteristics of the soul and aura), they can be replaced or simplified.

Reading rules:
  • you can not read the mantra, turning over the rosary with your left hand (it is unclean);
  • you can not touch the rosary of the left hand;
  • you cannot read the mantra with your right hand if it is defiled (the hand must be clean);
  • the index finger should not touch the rosary;
  • the rosary should not touch dirty places;
  • you can not pull the bag when reading the mantra;
  • before reading the mantra, you need to remove your headdress;
  • you can not be distracted when reading the mantra;
  • one cannot recite the mantra naked.

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Japa meditation for beginners:

We hope that our article will help you understand such an exotic issue as japa: what it is / what it is used for. To regenerate the body and restore strength, it is not necessary to visit medical centers or take special supplements.

It is enough just to establish a channel of communication with the astral, retire for a few hours, after which your strength will be restored and you will, as before, enjoy life.


Repetition japas is one of the main components of the practice of devotional service. maha mantra means "a great hymn that purifies and calms the mind." We must repeat and remember holy name 24 hours a day, but at the same time follow the vow of repeating a certain number of rounds every day. An example of this was given by Lord Chaitanya himself. AT Chaitanya-bhagavate, for example, it says: "On a knotted rope, Lord Chaitanya chants a set number of His own holy names."

Here is a direct reference to japas given to us by Lord Chaitanya Himself ( BW):

"Lord Chaitanya blessed them by saying, 'I wish you to gain devotion to Lord Krishna, and don't waste your time in gossip, just chant the holy name and qualities of Krishna.' Gauranga then personally instructed the people, 'Enjoy hearing maha-mantra or a great hymn composed of the holy names of Krishna: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. You must all keep repeating this maha-mantra in the shape of japas. Through this repetition, all perfection can be attained. For repetition japas there are no rules other than that it must continue every moment."

How japa purifies the devotee? “Repetition of the mantra gradually reduces the tendency to sin and at the same time purifies the mind. At this stage, a taste for chanting begins to appear. with the holy name purifies the mind of the devotee and gives him the will power to get rid of the remnants of this smell.

How to repeat japa? Srila Prabhupada said that the most important thing is to listen carefully to the sound of the holy name without being distracted by extraneous thoughts. When we carefully listen to the holy name, the transcendental form, qualities, pastimes, surroundings, etc. Sri Sri Radha and Krishna appear naturally in our mind. "By concentrating on the holy names, we can lovingly meditate on their meaning. We must pray to Krishna, just as a lost child calls for his mother. Then, by the grace of Krishna, the quality of our japa will gradually improve. If this is not done, then many births may be required to achieve success. "In addition to the meaning maha mantras during japas one can also remember the nectarine verses from Srimad-Bhagavatam, Shikshashtaki or bhajans Vaishnava acharyas who are not different from Krishna.

In one of his lectures, Srila Prabhupada gives a wonderful example of how one can remember Krishna while reading japas:

"Chanting the Hare Krishna mantra means always keeping Krishna in your heart. It costs nothing at all. You don't have to make an extremely expensive throne for Krishna. You can imagine that "I have put a diamond throne in my heart, and Krishna is sitting on it." It's normal, and it's really becoming that, even in your mind, you think, "I've set up a diamond throne, a very expensive throne. Since Krishna will come, He will be able to sit here." This is not fiction, this is a fact.

So recreate this situation in your heart. "Now Krishna has sat down. I will bathe His feet with the water of the Ganges or the Yamuna. Now I will change him into first-class expensive clothes. Then I will decorate Krishna with jewels. Then I will offer Him something to eat." You can just think about it. This is called meditation. It's such a wonderful thing. Anywhere you can sit and think. that Krishna is sitting in your heart and you are meeting him in such a wonderful way. It's not fiction, it's fact. It's so easy."

In addition to the prayer mood, in order to achieve success in repetition japas three things are needed: 1) a spiritual environment; 2) isolation from the anxieties of worldly life; and 3) confident enthusiasm.

The following additional things can help us focus on the Holy Name and avoid drowsiness:

1. Chant japa in a place where there are no distractions that are not related to Krishna. (Ideally, this place should be the altar room)

2. Regarding body position: Sit with your back straight, stand or walk. Japa should not be recited lying down (except when we are sick).

4. Place an image of Krishna or the Spiritual Master in front of you

5. Turn on the audio recording of Srila Prabhupada's or Spiritual Master's japa in a low voice (the latter will be correct only if you are alone or surrounded only by your godbrothers and sisters)

Before and after japa, one should read pranama mantra Spiritual Master (for non-initiates - Srila Prabhupada). Before each circle should be read once Pancha-tattva mantra.

We pay respect to the Spiritual Master because it was he who gave us the holy name. Before each round, we turn to Lord Chaitanya and His associates, saying Pancha-tattva mantra:

jaya sri krishna-chaitanya
prabhu nityananda
sri advaita gadadhara
srivasadi gaura-bhakta vrnda.

"All glories to Lord Caitanya (the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself in the form of His devotee), Lord Nityananda (the expansion of the Lord in the form of His devotee), Sri Advaita Acarya (the avatar of the Lord in the form of His devotee), Gadadhara Pandita (the internal potency of the Lord) and all the devotees of Lord Caitanya led by Srivas Thakur."

Translation given by Srila Prabhupada in the songbook

If we commit offenses against the holy name, then the effect of the Hare Krishna mantra is weakened. Lord Caitanya is the most merciful incarnation of the Lord, and by chanting His name, as well as the names of His associates, who are even more merciful than Him, we are cleansed of these offenses. We will talk more about Pancha-tattva in the section on the history of the sankirtana movement.

Sometimes while reading japas A variety of sounds, sensations, and images can arise in the mind. In such cases, one should simply continue to concentrate on reciting the mantra, not paying attention to them. Such sounds, images and sensations are products of our material mind, which may be the result of some subtle mystical practice in a past or even this life. Their nature is material and for some devotees they arise and for some they do not. One should mentally offer respectful obeisances to the powerful illusory energy of the Lord and return to concentrated repetition of the mantra.

At what speed and volume should japa be chanted? Speed ​​does not matter - the main thing is attentive listening. Japa should be chanted calmly and loud enough so that we can hear ourselves, but not too loudly so as not to disturb others. After a little practice, reading 16 circles, as a rule, takes no more than 2 - 2.5 hours. If it takes us longer, then this may indicate that we are sleeping during japa, and the measures indicated above should be taken.

While reading japas the rosary should be kept in the bag, touching them between the thumb and middle finger of the right hand. Forefinger should be inserted into the hole in the upper edge of the bag. The rosary bag should be washed every day. The pouch is essential to keep the rosary clean. Srila Prabhupada said that the purity of the bag is an indicator of the purity of our mind.


Practical guide

This book is dedicated to my eternal spiritual teacher, His Divine Grace A.Ch. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who constantly shows me the way in my spiritual life.

I also respectfully offer it to all who seriously practice chanting and chanting the Holy Names of the Lord.

Please accept this humble attempt of mine to serve you on your journey to the highest perfection.


Dear readers! This little guide is intended mainly for two categories of devotees: for the various japa retreats we run, and for all other devotees who want to improve their japa. There is a third category, but it is so broad that I will only mention it briefly. The needs of this group are so numerous and varied that it would be impossible to satisfy them all in such a brief practical guide. This third group is made up of all those who wish to change their lives.

I originally wrote this booklet for the first category. Those of us who have done japa retreats have experienced incompleteness. Of course, the retreats themselves are quite successful - they allow their participants to experience a deep spiritual experience. However, at the end of the retreats, the participants return to their everyday lives, sooner or later the old habits take their toll, the spiritual practice slips to the same level as before the retreat, and as a result, no real changes occur.

In pondering the reasons for such short-lived change in spiritual life after a retreat, we seem to have discovered a major problem that hinders our well-intentioned attempts to help participants in retreats, summer schools, seminars, or festivals. Of course, all these programs elevate the consciousness of the participants and sometimes bring them to a turning point in their spiritual life, but at the same time they still do not give them enough strength to maintain the height they have gained. At the end of the day, holidays are always followed by weekdays, or, as Jack Kornfield so aptly puts it, "ecstasy always ends with the laundry."

So what can we do to help the participants of the Japa Reform Seminar achieve permanent change for the better?

In an attempt to help people on their journey to higher consciousness, I have published a small but well-received book called The Art of Transformation. But since she left the question of the stability of the changes unanswered, I remained unsatisfied. Of course, I knew (or at least hoped) that this book would provide its readers with inspiration and useful information. practical advice. But I also knew that despite the support they received, many of them would soon be overtaken again by the tsunami called life.

Therefore, the problem remained unresolved: is it possible to reach the point of no return in our spiritual reforms, or are we doomed to fight our weaknesses to the very end?

After devoting a lot of time to researching and discussing this issue with exalted and experienced devotees, I have come to an affirmative answer - yes, there are at least two positive ways to bring about real and profound changes in your life. First, such significant changes occur when we sufficiently cleanse our lives. In other words, spiritual reform is a natural consequence of spiritual advancement. Secondly, a new aspect of reality appears where we devote our undivided attention, especially if we focus on the pre-dawn rays of divine grace. If you maintain a high temperature under a vessel with water, then the water will change its state - the liquid will turn into a gas. All that is needed to achieve this metamorphosis is to maintain the heat.

This book provides a simple and effective method, based on the ancient teachings of the Vedas, which will help to achieve and maintain genuine change. By patiently following this process step by step, you will learn to hold and focus your attention like a beam of light. Such a focused beam of light can dispel the fog of inner conditioning and bring about profound inner change.

And one more, much more important result - you will gain a connection with higher powers, gifts of divine grace, which are looking forward to the opportunity to come to your aid.

It is appropriate to make a reservation here: for all the usefulness of advice and methods, spiritual life cannot be reduced to a mechanical scheme. Spiritual reform is a way of life. Therefore, we must devote ourselves to spiritual practice with all our heart and soul. And because of its individuality, the spiritual life in its various aspects will always differ from person to person. Therefore, the recommendations in this book do not need to be applied verbatim. Find your own approach to the general principles outlined in it and apply the ideas that will be relevant to you to the extent that they will be beneficial to you. Get creative with this. And if you can read this book thoughtfully and thoughtfully, you will discover how the wisdom it contains can change not only your approach to japa, but your entire life.

In closing, I would like to thank Radhavallabha Prabhu of the Bhaktivedanta Ashram in Manhattan, New York, for his great contribution to the drafting of this practice manual, and for his generous acceptance of my proposed additions to the draft for my readership. As always, my thanks go to my skilful editor, Kaishori devi dasi, and to Jaya-nanda prabhu and Katrin, whose comments greatly improved the text.

With best wishes and great spiritual strength,

Sacinandana Swami.

Four Stages of Japa Transformation

Changing habits, changing ourselves

Most of what we do in life, we do out of habit. We tend to do the same today as yesterday, and the day before yesterday, and on all previous days ... As a rule, we also reproduce not only the actions themselves, but also the manner of actions.

All this countless number of our habits can be divided into two categories for simplicity: psychological habits (i.e. fundamental beliefs, way of thinking, etc.) and physical habits (i.e. culinary preferences, behavior, gestures and other established formats of bodily activity) . The habits of these two types affect each other and affect us, continuously and directly controlling our nervous system. We are literally subject to our habits.

Japa is the spiritual practice of meditative repetition of mantras using a rosary. The word "japa" means "rosary" on which mantras are recited.

This practice is widespread in various branches of Hinduism and Buddhism.

Japa is considered best form meditation for beginner transcendentalists, because it does not require any special skills, abilities, favorable qualities, or even external conditions: it can be practiced by anyone, anywhere and at any time - you only need a rosary.

Thinking about how to improve japa, make it deeper and more effective for spiritual progress, I turned for advice to one of the prominent experts in the Vedas and Yoga Sutras, a well-known spiritual teacher in the Raja Yoga tradition, master Sri Chandran, who is now visiting the center Ayurveda and Yoga "Kerala" and treats people with yoga therapy methods.

The conversation with the master, of course, did not go at all as I expected, but it had a very positive effect on my personal practice. If you, like me, resort to this method of spiritual self-improvement or are just planning to try the practice of japa meditation, perhaps you will learn something from it for yourself.

What kind of meditation? Japa meditation?

I confess that this question puzzled me... But the Master explained that in principle there is only one meditation, there are simply many of its techniques, in particular japa.

Meditation is continuous thought. One single thought without interruption or distraction. At a certain level creature in a state of meditation forgets even about this thought, because the thought becomes part of his being. This highest level of meditation is called samadhi, globally, only samadhi is real meditation...

During japa meditation, you need to concentrate on the mantra that you repeat many, many times. Shri Chandran laughs that japa is of little use if you think of your boyfriend while you chant. The purpose of this meditation is to reach the Divine source of the mantra, and not relaxation and anti-stress, as most beginner yogis believe.

Number of repetitions

The Vedic tradition claims that a mantra is not just a set of sounds, it is a living being, a sound embodiment of the Personality of Godhead, therefore the most important task of the practice of japa meditation is to build relationships with this Personality. At our level, it is very difficult to see the divine nature of a mantra, so we have been given rules and regulations by following which we can approach pure chanting.

One of the fundamental rules is the number of repetitions. According to Vedic science and the instructions of the yoga sutras, it is calculated according to the following formula: 1 letter = 100 repetitions. (We are talking, of course, about Sanskrit letters))

For example, the Mantra "Om Namah Shivaya" contains 5 letters, which means that it must be chanted 500 times.

And in the maha-mantra "Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare" - 32 letters. This means that it must be repeated at least 3200 times. Modern people often not tuned in to such a long spiritual practice. Fortunately, by the grace of Srila Prabhupada, the spiritual master who brought Vedic culture to the West, we can progress by chanting 16 rounds of the maha-mantra a day on a 108-bead rosary, which is only 1,728 repetitions. Here is the arithmetic

How to prepare for japa meditation

  • Before you start meditation, you need to realize that you need this mantra and the result from its repetition. You need to be determined to achieve this result.
  • To start chanting, you should start by praying to the spiritual master who gave you the mantra, mentally asking the guru to help you reach the level of pure chanting.
  • If you have not yet met your Master, turn to the chain of disciplic succession within the framework of the tradition that is closest to you and the mantra of which you are going to repeat.

When is the best time to chant a mantra?

To make it easier to "curb" the restless mind and direct it to the mantra, it is better to repeat it early in the morning. It's early for me - it's six, well, a maximum of five in the morning, but the master recommended starting at 4.30, and better - 3.30. At this time, the very energies that govern the universe contribute to our practice. Later the energies change and the mind becomes stronger and gets more objects to distract itself.

About the laziness of the mind

Most of those who have tried early morning japa meditation know that the hardest part of it is staying awake. Sri Chandran says that this is primarily due to the laziness of the mind, namely the polluted mind.

Just as we take a shower and brush our teeth, taking care of the hygiene of the body, we must also take care of the hygiene of the mind, cleansing it of mental pollution - excessive emotions, thoughts, etc.

And here is the very Mind Purification practice that Master Chandran gave me:

  1. In the evening, just before bedtime, sit in a quiet place. Breathe in and out in equal lengths to reach a state of peace.
  2. Recall sequentially everything that you saw, heard, said and did during the day, starting from the very morning.
  3. Remember what happened as detailed and realistic as possible. After thinking about an event, thought, or dialogue, simply let it go. Get it out of your head.
  4. Scroll through the memory of the day, step by step clearing all the mental defilements it has brought. Achieve complete emptying of the mind, but do not be discouraged if thoughts return. You can get rid of this with regular practice.
  5. Then get into bed and get ready for bed. At this point, it is very important to concentrate on breathing.
  6. At the same time, keep track of your feelings. Direct your attention in turn to each corner of the body, from the tips of the toes to the top of the head. Don't try to analyze your feelings or me, just watch. This is also a kind of meditation.
  7. In this state of directed attention and pure mind, you will gradually fall into a healthy and sound sleep.
  8. It is very important to repeat this practice every evening, to accustom your mind to "wash" and keep it clean.

If you do this before going to bed, you will wake up in the morning fresh with a mind free from thoughts. This state is ideal for japa meditation.

And the last tip On the posture of the body during meditation.

For one who has reached a high level of japa, it does not matter where and in what position to chant. You can practice walking, but this is the next level, and for beginners it is still better to start with sitting meditation, preferably in a quiet and dark room with a minimum of distractions. When you get used to sitting meditation, you can start walking.

I wish you all successful practice! Ohm)

Photo: lushmalabeads/instagram.com
Mental disorders