How to connect with ancestors. Connection with the clan

The clan is something more than just a family, distant and close relatives, parents and children. The genus is the most powerful foundation, relying on which you can gain great power and power. Like a tree with powerful roots, a person who feels a connection with his kind can take immeasurably more from the world than a person deprived of connection with his ancestors.

In ancient civilizations, it was no coincidence that the family was put in the first place, because it is from it that you can get support in any situation. Some might say that a person immortal soul, and parents are people who just gave us a body. Children are souls that come to our family, but they have their own life. There is some truth in these statements. But I am firmly convinced that if a person has a broken connection with his parents and family, then he cannot have a harmonious family, a successful career, or good health.

Our lives are controlled by subconscious programs that we acquired in childhood. The character of the child and his attitude to the world is laid in the first 2-3 years. Energy determines almost everything in this world, even trees and stones fall under male or female energy. And man is ALSO the result of the interaction of yin and yang, a combination of masculine and feminine. It is important that this combination is harmonious.

If a woman does not respect her husband, says that “he ruined her whole life”, takes on male functions, concentrates on her career, she begins to have an imbalance first at the level of the mind, then the body. If a man becomes feminine, he wants to be looked after, he does not want to take responsibility for his woman and children, his masculinity closes.

Understanding how things are with the energy of you and your loved ones is simple: take a look at how a person has a personal life. Does a man take care of his children and wife? Does a woman strive to realize herself in the family? Or is she only interested in career and money? If you notice that you often get sick, here, too, there were problems with the parents.

The mother for us is the personification of the feminine divine principle, the father is the masculine. Left side of the body is associated with female energy, the right one with male energy. Many Eastern doctors in the diagnosis pay attention to which side of the body a person hurts. So determining what is the cause of the disease. Think about how men and women were treated in your family? Were there problems in the family that were repeated from generation to generation? If so, then it is important for you to break the vicious circle in order to live harmoniously and happily.

How to correct errors?

Forgive your parents

The past can both take energy from us and give us strength. If you have unforgiven grievances or guilt about hurting someone, then you are probably having problems in the present. The people who symbolize the past for us are our parents. If you are offended by them for something and cannot forgive, then you close the energy support of the family and the universe. This may affect your children as well.

For example, if grievances against men are repeated in your family from generation to generation, then the influx of male energy and, as a result, success in many activities is impossible, women do not have a personal life, diseases appear that are localized in the right side of the body.

Once a woman came to me for a consultation, everything was fine astrologically and karmically. But at the same time, her personal life did not go well, the men left one after another. We started talking, it turned out when she was 13 years old, her father wanted to leave the family. Later, the parents reconciled, and the girl forgot about it. But she carried this insult through her whole life, without realizing it herself.

If a woman has unresolved problems in her relationship with her father, she is unlikely to have her own harmonious family. If a man has aggression towards his father, he is unlikely to have a successful career. In addition, there may be problems with government agencies, which are also associated with the male principle.

The first thing to do is to mentally go back in time and remember the grievances that significant adults inflicted on you. You thought your grandfather would leave you a lot of money, but he didn't. Or another picture from the past: you are a little girl who has not seen her dad for a whole day and managed to get bored. And he, entering the house, meets her with a stern shout, they say, "leave me alone." Imagine this scene calmly, try not to get emotionally involved in it. Mentally "walk" through your body, there should be no tension anywhere. Say to yourself: yes, I have such a father and such a mother, I cannot change this. If in the present relatives do not act as you would like, avoid condemnation. The mother-in-law does not want to spend time with her grandchildren. This is her choice, and you make yours - live without resentment and condemnation.

Honor your parents

The Buddha said that even if we serve our parents all our lives, we will not have enough time to repay them. If it seems to you that your parents live wrong, remember that they gave you life. We are given the parents we deserve and those that are best suited for working out karmic tasks. In Russia, respect for parents has been uprooted for many years. It was believed that for the sake of serving the motherland, you can abandon your relatives. But this is disrespectful to the family. It seems to many of us that parents are too conservative, do not perceive new knowledge. But think about what sounds in many religions: "Honor your father and mother." Honor them without any conditions!

Serve your kind

Once, an elderly man was brought to one of the hospitals in Kazakhstan. He was accompanied by his four adult sons. When it turned out that they needed to buy very expensive drugs, they borrowed money and bought them. Although the amount spent was equal to the annual income of four families. Would you like to have such children? So you yourself must become such a child. Serve your loved ones with joy, make them happy. Someone may say: “I need to take care of my mother, I will buy her a new car, she has been asking for this for a long time.” But it's not just financial support. Much more important is the feeling behind it. It is better to hug your mother from the heart and say kind words to her than to pay off her with a car.

The main thing is to learn to live here and now. The first thing you can do to serve your family is to work on your spiritual growth. Second, help your loved ones get closer to unconditional love. If they have bad habits (such as addiction to alcohol or tobacco), try to convince them of the benefits healthy lifestyle life, but do it unobtrusively, without aggression. The main thing we need in relation to our parents is unconditional love. Show them your respect. Treat their shortcomings with humor. Be tactful. And if the parents are still offended, remember that this is one of the ways to manipulate loved ones.

If you can't be near, love your parents at a distance

If your parents have constant quarrels and conflicts in the house, do not delve deeply into these problems, otherwise you will take on the negative energy. Bring treats to your parents, invite them to take a walk in nature, but try to be less in the house, do not bring children there. Is your mom always dirty? Clean up her house or hire her an au pair. The main thing is to start accepting your parents for who they are. It is important not to detach yourself from your parents at the heart level. Time and space are limitations that exist only in our minds. There is a subtle connection that is much more important. It doesn't matter if the person is alive or dead. You can keep in touch with the dead...

Ask your parents for blessings

I noticed many times: a wonderful couple, people love each other. But if one of the parents is against marriage and does not bless it, then the future for such a couple is very problematic. Try to get as many blessings as possible from your mother and father. You can even ask your parents to say out loud, "I bless you to be happy."

Try to earn the favor and respect of your husband's parents

The husband's mother for a woman karmically becomes a second mother, she must be accepted and understood. If there is tension in your relationship, then something needs to change inside you, especially if you live with your mother-in-law. It is very important that there is harmonious energy in the family, because the health of children and the whole family, success in your endeavors depends on this. If harmony between wife and mother-in-law cannot be achieved, the husband must find separate housing for the family. After all, he took responsibility for his wife. What to do if your husband's mother refuses to make contact? Try resentment release techniques.

Do not judge her, tell yourself: “My mother-in-law does not love me, which means that I somehow attracted such a situation.” Learn to earn love and respect. If you want your mother-in-law to bless you, give her gifts, serve her, offer her help. Ask what you can do for her, for her son. When a person serves you, you involuntarily have a desire to bless him. Dedicate a year of your life to her, if necessary, but earn her blessing. The main thing is to keep harmony within yourself. If we are harmonious, we can always agree with people. What if you tried, but it didn't work? Do not judge your mother-in-law and do not be offended by her. You did everything you could. Perhaps it will work later.

Analyze your family history

Analyze the problems that arise in your family. For example, such a family story: all the women of the clan were abandoned by their husbands. So the groom left the 20-year-old beautiful daughter right before the wedding, and her wedding dress is already ready, and the guests are invited. This means that claims against a man go by race and the girl needs to “work them out” for all generations. On the one hand, it is very difficult, on the other hand, if she does this, then the support from the family will be colossal. I have seen many times: when a woman resolves an issue with her parents, her personal life changes after 2-3 months.

Resentment release techniques


Put a photo of your parents in front of you and bow to the floor. Think about how you bow to them as representatives of the divine principle. Do this several times every day. At the moment of bow, when we lower our head below our heart, pride and resentment go away. If you bow sincerely, from the heart, without expecting something in return, then amazing things can happen. Suddenly, my mother calls and says: “I'm sorry, I was unfair to you as a child.” No matter how far your parents are from you, they feel everything on an energy level.

letter to mom

Often we do not remember our hurts, especially if they were inflicted in early childhood. But in the subconscious, aggression towards parents remains. When we write with the left hand, the subconscious mind is activated, the right hemisphere is turned on. Write on a piece of paper: “Dear mother (say her name), I'm sorry for everything. Dear mother, I forgive you for everything." You can also add: "I thank you for everything." If you do this regularly for two months, your resentment and subconscious aggression will go away.

Take away the guilt

Whatever your parents were, you were not born into this family by chance. We all make mistakes, but if the feeling of guilt towards your parents accompanies you for many years, then you need to mentally return to the past. Whatever your parents have done in the past, it must be accepted. Only then can you improve the karma of your kind.

In my work, I often encountered such a problem when people have various troubles on a “flat road”, problems related to health, life, and work begin. The only reason is that we forget about our loved ones who died, about grandparents, and even worse, about our parents, about our mother and father, who raised us and took care of us ... The world of spirits is the same "living organism", where the souls of dead people live in another dimension. A person, dying, becomes a tribal protector, occupying a certain niche in the heavenly hierarchy, your family tree.

Judging by the people who come to me, we can conclude that for last years cases when families begin to suffer from the influence of tribal spirits have become more frequent. It is especially difficult for those people who should become shamans. Usually such people are marked by their ancestors in the womb or in infancy. Until a certain age, the tribal spirits do not touch them, after the expiration of the period they begin to torment him, sending illnesses, injuries, plunge him into unrestrained drunkenness, and sometimes take him to him. If further relatives do not take action, then all this is repeated again. In such cases, rites of worship are held, treats of ancestors starting from the month of May, when the grass appears, and until autumn, in the Buryat tradition, I call such a rite ancestral - "Ugaa hundelhe". At this time, the heavenly gates open and all rituals can be performed.

A shaman must be invited to perform the ritual of ancestor worship. During the ceremony, people must speak - not only with the ongon (spirit) of the shaman himself, but also with their own tribal spirit, to which they are presented with refreshments. The conversation can be recorded on a voice recorder. Ongon (ancestor spirit) is a bunch of energy that has strength and intelligence. The shaman during the ritual falls into a trance, in which the shaman's soul leaves his body, making room for ongon, and for a certain time the spirit uses his body, eating, talking to people. This sometimes goes on for up to 3 hours. Coming out of a trance, the shaman does not remember anything, because he is in a completely different place. All this time, the conversation with the spirit is supported by the interpreter, the assistant to the shaman. If the shaman does not know how to do all this, then the offerings will not reach the address. It's just that the spirits will not descend from heaven and will not accept a treat from the hands of such a shaman. During the conversation, they can ask their tribal ongon about all those present, their problems, health, etc. And they will receive comprehensive information from their ancestor.

Usually, at the first rite, the ancestral spirits behave very nervously. They begin to reproach, threaten their own that they were unresponsive to his signs. They recall cases when they saved this or that person from death, and that they came several times in a dream and told them what to do. In such cases, the interpreter takes over, who must calm the spirit and reconcile him with his descendants, create a favorable environment for conversation - dialogue. After being treated with tea, vodka, white food, having calmed down, ongon begins to talk about himself, his family, and children. What kind of life they lived many years ago, depending on what time they lived. Rites of worship are held every year.

You must remember about your ancestors and those close to you who died. You should think about the fact that life continues after death. And the souls of the dead still love us and do not forget about us ... The main thing is to remember those who left us, those whom we loved, and never forget about them. We think that the spirits see us from above - but they do not, they see us from the inside.

Friends, each of us has our own Family, and no matter what kind of relationship we have with our relatives, whether they are alive or not, we see each other often or not, we know about them or they know about it. The genus affects the fate of a person, as an integral part of it. It is known that sometimes the genoscope begins to prevail over the horoscope. As you know, the fate of a person is clearly influenced by 7 previous generations. Therefore, working with your Family is very important!

In this topic, I will post techniques and practices for working with Rod! I ask you to share your experience and best practices for the purification and healing of your Family.

Most spiritual illusions end as soon as we find ourselves among the most seemingly close ones - our parents, children and other relatives.

Why is this happening? Why, at times, the most key life Lessons are in the acceptance and understanding of blood relatives.

The answer to this question is multidimensional.

1. When incarnating, we choose a family for ourselves based on the key tasks and lessons that we have prepared for ourselves on Earth
2. We carry in our body, in our cells, not only our cosmic DNA, but, above all, the genetics that we inherited from our parents and their ancestors.
3. Each clan has its own Soul, which carries all the information and all generic programs, the well-being of everyone in the clan depends on the integrity and harmony of this Soul.

Why you need to work with the genus:

1. Understand and accept your place, role and tasks in the family
2. If you do not take your place, or do not play your role, then, having understood this, allow the tribal system to rebuild so that you take your true, harmonious place, thus restoring the harmonious flow of tribal energy
3. The restoration of male and female tribal flows allows not only to improve relations with relatives, but also to harmonize relations with the opposite sex, as well as to ensure a more harmonious and enlightened life for your children and grandchildren.

Healing and gaining the strength of the Family

Meditation to restore Generic energy connections, remove negative generic programs and claim your right to the Power of the Family.

Working with the family

Work is best done standing (energies go better) or standing at least part of the meditation (stand at the end).
Pauses are required for the passage of energies.
You can't read everything and then close your eyes and let the energies through. Will not work. They are different, they do miscellaneous work- somewhere they destroy, somewhere they connect, somewhere they transform.
So, read one paragraph, close your eyes - let the energies pass. Read the next one, close your eyes, let the energies through, etc.
The text is read very slowly, energies are condensed around, there may be a feeling that the body is buzzing.
Working with family. Pre-Meditation Appeal

I ask the Angels of Karma for help in harmonizing and balancing the energy system of my Family
I express my will to be grounded in the process of doing this work.
I ask that the work be carried out as comfortably as possible for me with appropriate intensity and speed.
I ask that this work does not stop until the complete healing of the energy system of my Family.
before main text

Before speaking the main text, imagine the following.
You are standing by right side Behind you is your father, on your left is your mother. (Do not confuse the parties. This is important.)
Each parent has a hand on your shoulder.
Further, by the same principle, we go into the depths of generations.
For the father (in the same order) - his parents, for the mother - hers. Etc. Which of the distant generations you no longer know, just mentally designate and imagine simply in the form of figures.
The result is such a "pyramid" with you on the "edge".
To your right is the male (paternal) branch of your family. Left - female (maternal).
Now we pronounce the main text.
Preferably aloud. And imagine that at the same time as you say it and your whole family.

Meditation to restore Generic energy connections, remove negative generic programs and claim your right to the Power of the Family

With gratitude for the Gift of Life, I embrace and bless my entire Family with Love.
In the name of I AM ONE, I take responsibility for the fate of my Family.
Pause. (Let the energies pass and do their work)
In the name of the I AM ONE and LOVING, I express my will
restore the broken connections in the energy system of my Family, including in it
all the exiled and forgotten;
all unwanted and deprived of love, respect and support;
all the unborn, rejected before their incarnation.
In the name of I AM ONE and LOVING, I express my will to transform the energies of separation, rejection and destruction (regardless of their source) into the energies of Love and Unity at all levels, in all generations, in all destinies of my Family.
In the name of I AM ONE, LOVING and ETERNAL, I bless with Love and release those who voluntarily choose to leave the energy system of my Family.
In the name of I AM ONE, LOVING and ETERNAL, I accept the Power of my Family with gratitude and Love.
In the name of I AM ONE, LOVING and ETERNAL
from now on and forever, the flow of Light, Wisdom and Love of my Family flows freely through me and my generation into future lives for the benefit of my loved ones, Humanity, Earth, and the Universe.
Let it be done.
I thank the One Loving Eternal.


A person's family tree has a great influence on a person's life. It consists of 7 generations.
It can be drawn as follows: on a sheet of paper in the center along the bottom edge of the sheet, draw a square (man) or a circle (woman) yourself - this is the 1st generation. Next, draw up two dashes, to which draw a square (on the left) and a circle (on the right).
This is your father and mother - this is the second generation. From them, from each upwards, they also depart in a square and a circle. These are your grandparents - the third generation. And so on until the seventh generation, in which there will be 64 people. 32 couples, families. There will be 126 people in your family tree in total.
Your life largely depends on their life achievements and mistakes.
Having drawn your family tree, you have the opportunity to touch each of your 126 ancestors with your thought, pray for them, ask for guidance, help and support.
To do this, tap index finger circle or square of your ancestor and lovingly turn to him, express your respect and gratitude for the gift of life.
The best is to consistently descend or ascend the family tree from yourself, your parents, starting with your father and further, all the time, starting contact in the next generation with an ancestor on the male paternal line.
It is good if during this ritual a church candle burns behind the family tree.

Meditation from Archangel Michael

"For the purification and healing of the family"

I'm Michael, come by your intention
And I will clean the family up to the 9th generation
You need to relax, breathing evenly.
We will go with you to a cave in the center of the Earth,
Where are your books of Life collected.
Give me your hand, I will lead you.
Trust me!
We are with you at the majestic mountain,
Gates pop up before us,
And the doors creak open.
There are steps in front of us and we go down the steps
We enter the gate.
Look what do you see?
This is the beginning of our journey.
The steps lead further down and we go down them all the way down and we reach the door.
Consider the door, what is it?
And express your intent one more time
I, [name], I ask you to cleanse and heal my family tree up to the 9th knee on the maternal and paternal lines ”
The door swings open
You enter a large and bright hall,
There is a table in the middle of the room
There is a book on the table.
Consider the book, what is it?
Take her in your hands
This is a book of your incarnations and lessons.
If you are interested, you can browse it,
Or we can get started right away.
Put your hands on the book
I lay my hands on yours
And I open the Stream of Light and Love
Opening the Violet Flame of Transformation.
These streams in unison fill and illuminate your genealogies.
Cleared from raids.
You ask for forgiveness from everyone you once offended,
You are asked for forgiveness by those who gave you lessons.
Forgive everyone with all your heart and accept everything in yourself and in others.
Open your heart to All Acceptance!
And let your Love and Light flow always and everywhere, Here and Now!
I am Michael, healing all your wounds,
I wipe all your tears
I transform hate into love
Diseases in the Light
I fill you with Peace of Being and Wisdom.
Your family tree, look at it.
How does your tree feel?
Does it have any disadvantages
Little light? Lots of shade? Dry branches? Is the soil dry? What are the leaves?
Give the Tree what it needs.
Say like this:
“Archangel Michael, give my family tree as much light as it needs, such fertile soil as it needs and as much as it needs, etc.”
And now we can finish the job.
I take my hands off your hands
Now you release your hands.
Look at the book, what does it look like now?
Are there any changes?
Thank her and let her go.
We return with you
Give me your hand.
We go out, and the door and it closes with a creak.
Now we go up the stairs, one by one.
And now the gates are open
We exit, turn around, and the gate evaporates.
We are at the foot of the mountain.
Thank this place for letting you into the Hall of Remembrance!
Invisible Servants hear everything.
The rustling of the trees tells you that you have been heard
And they were happy to help.
I hold your hand and return you to your place,
You are at home.
Ground yourself.
You can open your eyes.
You are at home.
On this our trip to the Hall of Memory came to an end.
Thank you for your work and trust in me.
With love, Archangel Michael!
Truly so!


Relations with your mother affect a lot - your self-confidence, relationships with men. They say that a woman chooses a husband who looks like her mother, and everything that she did not accept in her mother, she also does not accept in a man and tries to get from him what she could not get from her mother once, - unconditional love, support, attention, recognition. But since a man only internally resembles her mother, he is simply unable to give her what she prays for.

Once you figure out your relationship with your mom, you can attract someone who will give you what you need so badly. Your relationship with your mother also affects the difficulties in your life. The worse the relationship with your mother, the more difficulties in your life.

Relations with your father are responsible for your sexuality and financial flows. Energy flows from parents give strength to live and work. When these flows are interrupted, it is difficult to be successful.

But today we will deal with the maternal family. It is the maternal race that fills you with basic self-confidence. When all the women of your kind support you, you feel their strength and power behind your back.

If you hold grudges against your mother or grandmother, then you prevent this force from supporting you, you lose this force, you block the flow of motherly love for yourself and, therefore, you do not feel connected with your family, with your roots.

So where, then, to take rootedness and steadfastness? To take off, you must first eat. All insecurity is born from dislike, when your mother criticizes something in you, is dissatisfied with something, but not with your behavior, but with you personally.

Vividly remember all these grievances, all your tears - and leave them in the past. Mom just did it because she truly loved you and wanted the best for you. She did everything the way she could and understood.

Allow yourself to live this resentment without blaming or judging it. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. Now you will go on a journey to the first woman of your kind in order to reconnect and live your resentment.

Close your eyes and remember everything for which you were offended by your mother, what you could not accept in her, what angered you, caused pain, made you cry - remember everything and surrender to these feelings. Let yourself cry out all that has accumulated over the years.

When you feel better, remember your mother. What is she like now, what does she look like, what does she say. Remember what she was like when she was younger. Imagine her as a young woman giving birth to an adorable baby, you. See her as a very young girl, full of hope and in love with life.

See her as a long-legged teenager. See her as a little girl about five years old, see her as a very small child taking her first steps. See her as a newborn, imagine her in her mother's tummy.

Imagine her as a small cell and see how two lines connect in this cell - the life line of her mother and the life line of her father. Choose the line of her mother's life and follow it into the past.

See your grandmother carrying her child, see her as a young girl, open to life, see her very young and go further in her life, see her at twelve, see her as a very little girl and see her as a newborn.

And imagine her very tiny in her mother's tummy, and imagine how the life lines of her father and her mother are connected in this cell, and again choose the female line.

Walk along it into the depths of centuries until you reach the first woman of her kind. Look what she is, the first woman of your kind. Feel her strength, power and great love. Stand in front of her, accept her blessing and give her love and respect yourself.

See how all the women of your kind stand to the right and left of her, creating a circle of female power. See how different they are and at the same time how they are united. Fill them with your love, your strength, and accept their love and support.

And when you're ready, come back down the line female destiny, healing and straightening it, filling it with the light of your love and gratitude.

And see your grandmother again in her mother's tummy, see her as a newborn smiling at a new day, see her as a tiny girl discovering the world, see her as a little girl dancing and spinning, see her as a teenage girl, laughing and mischievous.

See her as a young girl, in love for the first time and rushing to her first date, See her as a young woman, waiting for her child.

And see your mom in her mom's tummy. And see your mother just born, and see your mother as a little girl playing with dolls and a ten year old reading a book, see your mother as a young girl smiling shyly at her lover.

See your mom expecting her baby and see yourself in your mom's tummy, see yourself as a newborn, see yourself say your first words, see yourself at five receiving a birthday present.

See yourself young

girl going on a date for the first time. See yourself today. And as you inhale and exhale, return to reality.

Now you feel that all the Women of your Family stand behind you and support you. This will change the future fate of the women of your kind - both yours and your daughters.

And if you have sons, then their daughters will have to make their maternal journey and do what you have done now.

Now you can write a new fate for women of your kind, and your descendants will continue what you started.

You can start like this: “From now on, all women of my kind…” and continue to write about what you want to happen in your life, in your relationships, in the lives of your daughters and the lives of your granddaughters.

Larisf Renard "Discovering a new self"

"Man can and must prevent suffering that has not yet come," says the 16th sutra of the second chapter of the "Yoga Sutra" of Patanjali.

Why work with family?

  • Help the ancestors (the duty of the living is to help the departed);
  • Help yourself (as a person who is influenced by the family);
  • Help descendants (on whom Pitri-karma, i.e. the karma of the family, will also be affected).

When to work with the family?

  • On Saturdays (Saturday - day, "karma accountant", including generic);
  • Descending (from once to 40 days);
  • In the corridor of eclipses;
  • Within 49 days after the death of a relative;
  • On / the day of the death of a departed relative.

*Practices are best done in the morning, but if there is a choice between doing it in the evening or not doing it at all, it makes sense to do it in the evening.

How long to work with the family?

  • Throughout life.

What is the mood to do it?

  • With reverence, respect, gratitude (if it doesn’t work out, it’s important at least not to think of yourself as a forced cleaner or a great savior of the sinful souls of unlucky relatives).

How to work with family?

Practice #1

Drawing up a family tree

A simple yet important practice that is good for getting started with gender.

For what: helps to realize the connection with the ancestors, to feel the support and strength of their influence.

What will be required: paper (A1, A2, A3), red and blue pencils / felt-tip pens, pen.

Lay the sheet horizontally. Divide it mentally or with a pencil as follows:

  1. vertically into two halves. On the left is the family of the father, on the right is the family of the mother.
  2. Horizontally into 7 long stripes. They will accommodate 7 generations, including you:
    • 1st generation - you (1 person)
    • 2nd generation - parents (2 people)
    • 3rd generation - grandparents (4 people)
    • 4th generation - great-grandparents (8 people)
    • 5th generation - great-great-grandfather. and great-grandfather. (16 people)
    • 6th generation - great-great-great-great-grandfather. and great-great-great-grandfather. (32 people)
    • 7th generation - great-great-great-great-great. and great-great-great-great-grandfather. (64 people)

Total: 127 people.

Your task- carefully place 127 cells and enter as many names and surnames as possible in them. The more energy you bring into the process, the better - that is your sacrifice.

To the left are written male names and are circled in a red square, to the right they write female names and circled in blue.

Your name is written in the center in the 1st horizontal sector (bottom or top, as you like) and circled in a square of your color. Two arrows are drawn from it towards half of the father and half of the mother, whose squares are located in the 2nd horizontal sector. Two arrows are also drawn from them to the 3rd sector to the squares of grandparents and so on.

At some point, the names of direct relatives that you know will end - it does not matter, continue to draw squares and know that these people not only contributed to your birth, but with their lives still influence you (unless you are free from the influence, as we wrote in the article).

Practice #2

Grinding off ancestors

It is no coincidence that we started with the compilation of a family tree. It will be useful for us to pray for our family members.

For what: genus cleansing.

What will be required: a candle (preferably wax), the text of a prayer / mantra that is close to you, and an image of a holy person to whom it is addressed; family tree, a liter of drinking water and a glass.

  1. Pour water into a glass. You will need it during the prayer, as the throat will dry up.
  2. Light a candle and place it in front of the image of a holy person.
  3. Place the drawn family tree in front of you.
  4. AT left hand take the text of a prayer or mantra (Our Father, Hare Krishna Mahamantra, prayers or mantras to saints, etc.; if you know the text by heart, it will not be needed).
  5. Forefinger right hand put on the image of the family tree on your square. Read the prayer.
  6. Move your finger to the mother square and read the prayer again.
  7. Then move your finger to the square of the father and pray for him.
  8. Continue praying for ancestors, starting with women on the maternal side (i.e., from right to left in horizontal sectors, starting with "recent" generations).

Practice #3

Feeding ancestors

The tradition of offering food to the dead in Vedic culture, called "shraddha", is one of the most effective and powerful funeral practices.

For what: to bring great benefit to the ancestors, nourishing their subtle bodies.

What will be required: a pack of rice, a clean pot, a new plate (preferably metal or glass), water, a candle (preferably wax), an image of a holy person, an audio recording of a prayer / mantra pronounced by a holy person.

  1. Before starting the practice, wash the floors at home, take a shower and put on clean clothes.
  2. Play an audio recording of the voice of a holy person (eg Srila Prabhupada).
  3. In a clean saucepan (if you cooked meat, fish, eggs in it, pour a little milk there, wipe the walls with it and rinse with water - this will clean the metal on a thin plane) boil rice until half cooked.
  4. Consecrate the rice in accordance with your spiritual tradition (if you are outside of tradition, ask God to accept and consecrate this rice).
  5. Transfer the rice to a new clean plate, light a candle in front of the image of a holy person.
  6. Make a prostration and invite the ancestors to come and taste the cooked rice. During the 30-40 minutes while the candle is burning and the voice of the saint sounds, you can also pray for the ancestors or talk to them, telling them what you want to say to them. The more soul and meaning you put into the process, the more your departed relatives will gain, and then you.
  7. After the time has elapsed, bow down again, thank the ancestors for coming. Leave the candle to burn out, give the rice to the birds, best of all:
    • 1) crows, pigeons are allowed;
    • 2) the same day, you can the next;
    • 3) in a cemetery, it is possible in another undefiled place (not near a garbage heap, for example).
  8. You can also feed dogs (especially black ones), then the rice should be cooked until tender.


  1. No one should eat from the ancestral plate.
  2. None of the people should eat the rice offered to the ancestors.
  3. The more animals you feed, the better.
  4. The practice can be done by pregnant and lactating women, during menstruation - according to the condition, as it will take a lot of energy to give.
  5. During the ritual, all pets can be in the same room, except for animals.
  6. Family members (especially women) can practice together.
  7. It makes sense to do the practice only for blood relatives, as well as for the clan of the husband / wife (then there should be different plates for your clan and the clan of the spouse / wife).
  8. If there are aborted children in the family, they can also be invited and "feed" from a separate new and clean plate.

There is also a special one: the Vedic rite of remembrance of the ancestors performed by the Brahmins. In its power, it surpasses all of the above practices. It can be carried out both for one person and for the whole family. After the feeding ceremony, prasadam (illuminated food) is distributed on his/their behalf to the yogis and ascetics living on the banks of the Radha Kunda River near Govardhan Hill in the holy city of Vrindavan. The blessings of these people have great power and can bring great benefits.

Also, for the purification of karma, it is favorable to do upaya for.

After the tragic situations that took place during revolutionary Russia, most of the people were cut off from their roots. Someone's family was shot, someone went abroad, leaving relatives in their homeland, and someone was forced to hide from the authorities, changing their surname. All this led to the fact that modern people do not know their gender. Units now know the names of their ancestors who lived before the ancestors. But the significance of the genus is not lost from this. And in order to find this important connection, it is useful to conduct meditations on the power of the family.

Once I came across an article that described what the maternal and paternal lines are responsible for in our lives. That is, the connection with mother is manifested in love, happy family life, while with the father - in prosperity and realization. I began to study this topic further and found out that in the life of every generation there are generic scenarios. They can spoil life, or vice versa, improve it. And if their influence is negative, their influence should be minimized.

The essence, possibilities and limitations of this meditation

Meditation is the power of kind is actually a powerful thing. It should be done by both men and women. It will improve not only own life but also the lives of their children, future generations. Also, all meditations aimed at working with the family will help heal the family, which will help strengthen the connection with it, its support. Any of your actions aimed at strengthening the power of the family through meditation will only benefit. The family cleansing meditation will cleanse your family of negative scenarios that have been passed down from generation to generation.

Family Power Meditation Techniques

All meditations on the tree of life are ways to help you solve your problems. But, before proceeding to cleansing and strengthening, it is necessary to conduct a diagnostic family tree meditation for any beginner. How to do it is described below.

Our life is influenced by 7 generations of our ancestors. That is, on our family tree you are at the top of the crown, and 7 generations go down from you. First, it's mom (left) and dad (right). Then on the left are your maternal grandparents, the same on the father's side. Even lower are your ancestors on both sides. And so on.

What happens if the flow of energy in the tree is disrupted? There will be empty spaces, blackouts, and other signs of devastation. For example, if there are exiled adults or unborn children in your family, then the places assigned to them will be empty. And, on the contrary, if your family is strong, mighty, then your tree will be big, strong. Its roots will go deep into the earth, and the branches will rush to the sky. That is why meditations of the kind are so important.

meditation family tree

This practice will help you see where your lineage is. It is advisable to carry it out standing. Stand firmly on both feet. Lower your arms along your body. Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths. Imagine yourself at the edge of a forest. Follow the path in front of you into the depths of the forest. Suddenly, there is a tree in front of you. Look at him.

What tree is this? Strong or weak? What worries him? What's stopping him? Are its roots visible on the surface of the earth? What does this tree want you to do for it? Maybe water it, or pull the weeds around it, or something else. Or nothing at all, he's fine. Do what is necessary.

And now you will feel that, having received what you wanted, the tree straightened, became stronger, it rushed further to the sky. Feel how strong it has become. This is your kind. Hug the tree, say goodbye to it and open your eyes. What are your feelings? Did you understand what the tree was missing? How has it changed since you gave it to him?

Meditation connection with the family

Once you have diagnosed your family condition, you can do this meditation to help you connect with it. Stand up if you can. Close your eyes. Breathe calmly. Imagine yourself in a spacious forest clearing. You are standing in the very center of it. The trees around you are arranged in a semicircle. Feel how the sun warms you, how the breeze caresses your skin. Imagine that at this moment warm, thick energy rises from the ground into your feet.

It goes up your legs, up your torso and arms, up your neck. From your head, the energy begins its journey back into the earth. And at that moment you realize that you are not alone. You turn around and see that your mother is on your left, and your father is on your right. They smile at you. And behind your mother is her mother on the left, and her father on the right. Also behind your father are his parents.

They smile at you too. Your grandparents are followed by their moms and dads, and your grandparents are followed by their parents. You see that every member of your family is lined up by their parents. You are unfamiliar with them, but you feel that they are your relatives. You finally met. And now you have seen your founding ancestors. See how strong they are. You feel how much they love you. All your family. They place their hands on the shoulders of their children. Their children put their hands on the shoulders of their children. And so from each generation to the next.

Now your parents have put their hands on your shoulders. Mom is on the left shoulder, and dad is on the right. And from the depths of your kind, a powerful energy of love and prosperity flows to you. It fills your whole body, you radiate it. Your entire family is radiant with pure energy. May all be nourished by this energy. And when you're ready, thank all your kind and say goodbye. Slowly open your eyes. Have you seen your ancestors? Have you been filled with energy? What did you feel?

Meditation cleansing kind

The conductor of this cleansing and healing kind of meditation is the Archangel Michael. Lie down, relax, close your eyes, breathe. Try not to think about anything. Call on your Guardian Angels and Guardians of your kind. Imagine that you are standing at the entrance to a cave in the center of the earth. You enter it and find that it goes deep into the earth. Steps next to you. Follow them deep into the earth.

The gate is in front of you. What are they? What color, what density? Say to yourself: "Let me go further to heal my family line of mother and father to the 7th generation." The gates open, you go through them and move on. You find yourself in a large hall. There is a table in the center of it, and a book lies on it. What is she?

Put your hands on the book. Feel the energy of love flowing from your palms into her. And at this moment you understand what you want from everyone whom you once offended, and who were once offended by your ancestors up to the 7th generation. When you ask for forgiveness and feel that you and your family are free from negativity, say: “Archangel Michael, let me take my family to receive light and love, to receive happiness and fertility.” Archangel Michael bless you. You can now climb the steps back, closing the entrance to this hall behind you. Slowly open your eyes and thank the Angel for helping you.

Methods of working with the genus

What do you benefit from doing besides these meditations? Here are the recommendations:

  • read prayers for the good of your family;
  • draw your tree;
  • spread knowledge about the importance of gender;
  • study, learn more about your ancestors, look for their photos;
  • thank them for the gift of life;
  • tell your children about their ancestors;
  • keep doing meditations;
  • make peace with your parents, if you are in a quarrel, ask them for forgiveness for everything.

Working with the family is not a one-time, but an ongoing process to which you must devote attention. Remember your roots, your origins. Do good deeds with a pure heart for the benefit of your family. All these actions will help you not only improve your life and the life of your children, but also restore ties in your family, its strength, and therefore a positive impact on your future. Please note that there are many more on the site useful information similar topic. Remember that you create your own future.
