Canons to Nicholas the Wonderworker and Akathist. The First Canon to Nicholas the Archbishop of the World of Lycia, the Wonderworker The Canon to Nicholas the Wonderworker with Accents

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered not only in Russia, but also in other countries catholic church. For Orthodox believers, one of the ways to turn to a saint is to read the canon or akathist. These types of solemn chants differ in the structure of the text and the history of writing. The canons were created many centuries ago by people who were canonized by the Church as saints. Akathist can be written at the present time by a spiritual writer, who is not always a minister of the Church.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker was born in 270 in the city of Patara in the province of Lycia. From a young age, he was distinguished by piety and a desire to serve God. As a priest, the saint was an example for his flock, he preached, exhorted and guided the inhabitants of Lycia on the path of salvation. After several years of serving as a priest, St. Nicholas was elected Bishop of the World of Lycia.

The asceticism of St. Nicholas took place during the period of persecution of Christianity. When the bishop, along with other Christians, was imprisoned, the saint not only courageously endured all the hardships and hardships, but also supported the rest of those imprisoned.

Even during his lifetime, many miracles and deeds of true mercy and love for one's neighbor are attributed to Saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is revered in both Western and Eastern Christianity. This saint is especially loved by believers, and many people turn to him with prayer.

Canon to Nicholas the Wonderworker

The canons to Nicholas the Wonderworker are works of church hymnography, complex in structure, praising the saint. Their text consists of biblical hymns, to which additional verses were later added - irmoses and troparia. The latter sing of the festive event. Irmoses serve to connect the biblical song and troparion, drawing an analogy between the celebrated event and the one described in the Bible. The structure of the irmos is the basis for the melody and the rhythmic structure of the troparion. The length and number of stanzas must match.

There are several canons to the saint:

  • “In the depths of the bed sometimes ......” - the beginning of the irmos of the first canon.
  • The 2nd canon to Nicholas the Wonderworker begins with the irmos "Christ is born - glorify ..."
  • “Let us sing a song, people ... ..” - the irmos of the canon from the service for the transfer of the relics of the saint.
  • “I will open my mouth…..” - the beginning of the fourth canon to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Canon 2 to Nicholas the Wonderworker, as well as the 1st canon, is read during the service on the memory of the saint on December 19 in a new style. The other two canons are read at the divine service on May 22, the day of commemoration of the transfer of the relics of the saint.

Why read canon?

The canons to Nicholas the Wonderworker can be read at home or heard during worship in the temple. The Holy Fathers of the Church say that those who read the Canons Mother of God, Savior and saints, the Lord especially protects. The canons to Nicholas the Wonderworker are also prayers, reading which a person turns to the saint through biblical events.

The canons were written many centuries ago by highly spiritual people and, as a rule, later canonized as saints. Reading the laudatory hymns and prayers written by them, a person together with them lifts up a prayer to God.

Canon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is read for healing from illnesses, help in need and material shortage. The saint is also considered the protector of widows and orphans. They pray to him in despondency, sadness and despair. Since the saint himself was imprisoned for some time, people turn to him in captivity and in other difficult life circumstances.

Where can I find the canon and akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker?

Almost any canons and akathists can be purchased at church shops. The Canon of Nicholas the Wonderworker with accents can be found on Orthodox websites on the Internet. It is better if, in parallel with the canon, the text of the explanations is written, since the language of liturgical songs is not always understandable only to a person starting his path to faith.

Before reading, you must make sure that the canon or akathist is approved by the Holy Synod of Russian Orthodox Church. To do this, it is better to use texts from canons purchased in shops at churches or found on reliable Orthodox sites. The list of approved akathists is also published on the Internet.

In addition, you can always go to the priest or deacon in the temple and clarify whether the akathist meets the requirements established by the Holy Synod.

How to read canon

The Canon to Nicholas the Wonderworker in Russian is not as difficult to read as in Church Slavonic. When reading the canon, it is necessary to carefully pronounce each word. Unlike the akathist, the canon of repentance to Nicholas the Wonderworker can be read while sitting. You can chant laudatory chants to the saint at any time. There are special initiatory prayers that are read before the canon. If biblical chants to a saint are followed after the daily prayer rule then additional prayers are not required.

In the case when it is not possible to read the canon aloud, you can also say a prayer to yourself. The main thing is that her words are pronounced consciously, with a sense of repentance and love for God, the saint. It is better to read the canon aloud in a calm and monotonous voice. Paying attention to the expressiveness of the voice is not necessary. Church and home prayers are not secular poetic works, therefore they are pronounced a little differently. The most important thing when reading sacred hymns is the conversion of the soul to God, the spiritual world.

Before reading the canon, you can light a candle or a lamp near the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. If a suitable image there is no saint, then you can turn to the image of the Mother of God or the Savior.

Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Akathist - a song of praise to God, the Mother of God or saints. The first was written to the Most Holy Theotokos in 626 in honor of the liberation of Constantinople from the Persians.

Akathist consists of ikos and kontakion. There are 24 stanzas in the song of praise. Each kontakion ends with a call to praise God: "Alleluia!" And the ikos is a greeting to the saint being sung: "Rejoice!"

Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker was written some time after his death. According to one version, the hymn of praise was written by the ministers of the church in Constantinople, according to another, by Russian hieromonks who participated in the transfer of the relics of the saint exuding myrrh.

The text of the akathist can be purchased at the church shop, found on websites on the Internet, and listened to on audio media. In the first case, you can be sure of the quality and authenticity of the text. In addition, in the churches consecrated in honor of the saint, an akathist to St. Nicholas the Pleasant is read once a week. A forty-day reading of the akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker can also be ordered in monasteries. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the name of the person about whose health the akathist will be read.

How to read an akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Before taking on the obligation to read an akathist to a saint for a certain period, it is better to take a blessing from a confessor. The priest who performs the sacrament of confession, knowing the spiritual forces, life circumstances and the inner state of the believer, will bless or give advice to postpone the reading for the time being.

There are certain rules for reading an akathist. The thirteenth kontakion - a prayerful appeal to the saint - is read three times. After the last kontakion of the Akathist, the first ikos and kontakion are read again. Then a prayer is read to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The number of days during which an akathist is read is unlimited. Akathist can be read at any convenient time. It is better if during this time the icon of the saint is located nearby.

Often the hymn of praise is recited for forty days. At the same time, if you had to skip a day, then you can continue the next.

You can read the akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker once, most importantly, to feel in your soul the desire and desire to turn to the saint. Akathist is equated to a hymn, so it is better to stand while reading it.

Why read an akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker?

Akathist, like the canon to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, helps believers in the most different occasions. Prayer appeal to the saint helps with any difficulties. You can find a lot of appreciative reviews and real stories from the lives of people who talk about the resolution of difficult life circumstances after prayers to the saint. Especially often they turn to him in case of illness, financial and domestic difficulties, while traveling. Even during his lifetime, Bishop Mir of Lycia provided assistance to many in need.

The text of the akathist contains the biographies of the saint. Many people perceive it much easier than the canon to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

You should not treat the reading of an akathist as a magical rite and conspiracy. The desire for a quick result will not bring benefits. The main feeling when turning to a saint should be repentance and faith that the Pleasant of God will hear the request and help.

Prayers before reading the akathist and canons

Before the akathist, it is necessary to read the initial prayers that will help prepare the human mind for a laudatory song: discard all vain thoughts, focus on the text of the prayer. Usually, the preparatory prayers include: "To the King of Heaven", "Thrice Holy Song", "Holy Trinity", "Our Father", "Come let us worship." Also, “Lord, have mercy” is said several times, and psalms from the psalter are read. The same prayers are read before the canon.

After reading the akathist or canons, prayers are said to Nicholas the Wonderworker, which are the same for all prayer rules.

Canons and Akathist in Church Slavonic

Prayer chants for Church Slavonic much harder to find than in Russian.

In churches, all the texts of worship are pronounced only in Church Slavonic. This language incorporates the centuries-old experience of communication between a Russian person and God. In addition, reading in Church Slavonic helps to escape from everyday thoughts, create a special atmosphere and immerse yourself in the world of prayer.

The Akathist in Church Slavonic will be difficult for a believer who is just starting to learn this language to understand. In order for the text to be better perceived, you can read the translation and interpretation in Russian.

Canons that are more complex in structure are best read in Russian, so they will be easier to understand.

What is better to read: an akathist or a canon to a saint?

The canon is a more ancient genre of church chant than the akathist. The text of the canons was written by the holy fathers, whose level of spiritual growth and awareness of the Divine universe far exceeds ordinary human understanding. Akathists, as a rule, were created in a later period by spiritual writers, not all of whom were monks or ministers of the church. Therefore, choosing between the canon and the akathist, according to some priests, it is better to give preference to reading the former.

At the same time, the akathist to the saint is easier to read and understand, since the structure of the text is much simpler.

The canons to Nicholas the Wonderworker are a less laudatory prayer book than an akathist, but it has a pleading character. Despite this, you can also ask for help by reading an akathist.

This is one of the most beloved saints in Russia. For his merciful and compassionate heart, he was vouchsafed from God numerous spiritual gifts. Travelers pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in various everyday difficulties, for the life arrangement of children, for marriage, for healing in various ailments.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker with the chosen Apostle Paul and Saint John. Icon, first half of the 19th century

Voice 2

Canto 1

Irmos: In the depths of the bed, sometimes the Pharaoh's whole army was a disarmed force, but the incarnate Word, the all-evil sin, consumed food: the glorified Lord, gloriously be glorified.


Crown bearer of the throne of Christ, wise Nicholas, standing with the angelic hosts, grant me enlightenment, illuminating my soul gloom, as if I will praise, rejoicing, your, all-blessed, memory.

Glorify all the Lord of That glorifying, thee a faithful refuge to give, delivering misfortunes flowing to your shelter, Nicholas, and calling you with faith and love, most glorious.

Bogorodichen: Comparing my desire, having put the serpent, the all-cunning Sodetel, like a prisoner, delight. By you, O All-Pure One, I would have been called, deified most truly: You, O Bogomati, gave birth to me who deified me.

Canto 3

Irmos: The desert flourished, like a crine, Lord, a pagan unfruitful, the Church by Your coming, my heart was established in it.

Chorus: Saint Father Nicholas pray to God for us.

Blessed Nicholas, you were a sincere disciple of the Lord, you save those who flow to you from fierce troubles and bitter death.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Cleanse Thy servants, forgiveness of sins, as if it were good, granting, Nicholas, Thy saint, even petitions to Thee, Many-merciful.

And now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Bogorodichen: Satisfy the embarrassment of my soul, Most Pure One, and nourish life, O All-Holy One, who gave birth to God, my heart is established in Him.

And the mess: pray to God for us, Saint Father Nicholas, as we diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for our souls.

Or, another mess: Deliver your servants from troubles, St. Nicholas of Christ, as if according to Bose, we resort to you, to first aid and a warm intercessor, and a prayer service to the Savior for our souls.

Sing, Lord, have mercy (three times).

Sedalen, tone 4:

Having ascended to the height of virtues, divine from there, illumined by the radiance of miracles, truly bright appeared thou the worldly shepherd, we are invincible in misfortune: having won the enemy gloriously, you drove away the lie and saved the people from death, Nicholas. Pray to Christ God, grant forgiveness of sins to those who honor your holy memory with love.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. And now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Bogorodichen: Like the Virgin and One in the wives of Thee, without a seed, who gave birth to the flesh of God, we all appease the birth of humanity: the fire has settled in Thee of the Deity, and like a baby, bring the Creator and Lord. Thus, the angelic and human race worthily glorify Your Most Holy Nativity, and according to the cry of Ty: pray to Christ God of sins, grant forgiveness, worshiping by faith Merry Christmas Yours.

Canto 4

Irmos: You came from the Virgin, not an intercessor, not an Angel, but Himself, Lord, incarnated, and saved all of me, a man. Thus I call to Thee: glory to Thy power, Lord.

Chorus: Saint Father Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Approaching the purely spiritual dawns, you were the light-bearer, enlightening the ends of the world, interceding for everyone and saving everything by faith, flowing to you.

Delivering from death, as if you appeared first, Nicholas, youth, reverend. So now save me from every situation, and misfortunes, and troubles, all-blessed.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Thou hast shone with the virtues of radiance, all-blessed, being the most beautiful imitator of Your Lord, save, call, reverence and love to glorify you.

And now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Bogorodichen: Find on Thee the Lord of the creature, incarnate, and saving, as if merciful, the whole person of me: the same, faithfully, we glorify the Theotokos Theotokos.

Canto 6

Irmos: Enlightenment in the darkness of those lying, salvation of the desperate, Christ, my Savior, to You in the morning, King of the world, enlighten me with Your radiance, for I know no other God than You.

Chorus: Saint Father Nicholas, pray to God for us.

With a godly life, blessed, we enlighten those condemned by an unrighteous saying to die, presenting yourself, delivering you, Calling the Lord of Christ: we don’t know another god, except for You.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

In Heaven, the ever-present glory is now in vain, and enjoying the radiance of the inexpressible and Divine dawns with the brightest, cover me with your intercession, reverend, saint of Christ all-honestly.

And now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Bogorodichen: Yes, seek Your image, buried by passions, Savior, Hidden forces of heaven, incarnated from the Virgin, appeared to You calling: we know no other god than You.

Canto 6

Irmos: Lying in the sinful abyss, I call upon the abyss beyond Thy mercy: from aphids, O God, raise me up.

Chorus: Saint Father Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Even victory, Nicholas, put a crown on your verse with dignity, like a winner, save the most fair of those who call on you.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

I am mortified, blessed, by sins and immersed in anxiety by passions, having appeared, save me to the haven of the Divine will.

And now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Bogorodichen: I put my hopes on Thee, Mother Ever-Virgin, of my salvation, and I put Thy intercessor of life, but I am firm and unshakable.

Kontakion tone 3

In Mirech, holy, the clergyman appeared to you, Christ's, reverend, having fulfilled the Gospel, laid down your soul about your people and saved the innocent from death. For this sake, you were sanctified, like a great secret place of God's grace.


Now let us praise the saint with songs, a pastor and teacher of the worldly people, and let us be enlightened by his prayers: behold, appearing all pure, imperishable in spirit, offering Christ a sacrifice immaculate, pure, favorable to God, like a saint, cleansed both in soul and body, the same true representative of the Church and champion of sowing, like a great secretary of God's grace.

Canto 7

Irmos: We serve the golden image, we serve in the field of Deira, your three children, neglecting the godless commandment, in the midst of the fire cast, irrigate, sing: blessed be thou, God our father.

Chorus: Saint Father Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Acute temptation vpado, fiercely rebuke, and approaching the gates of hell, we strike with sorrow, save me with your prayers, blessed, and raise me up, singing: blessed be Thou, God of our fathers.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Irrelevant light shines with immaterial rays, being in the darkness of sorrows, embittered seekers and instruct the enlightenment of joy, singing: blessed be Thou, God our father.

And now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Bogorodichen: Pray to Christ, Thy Son and God, Virgin Mother of God, sold by fierce sins and flattery by serpent blood, to be delivered by His honest deliverance, singing: Blessed be Thou, God our father.

Canto 8

Irmos: In the fiery furnace to the Jewish youth who descended and the flame into the dew of the deceived God sing, deeds, like the Lord and exalt for all ages.

Chorus: Saint Father Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Like good and compassionate in the depths of the misfortunes of the fierce content of freedom, blessed Nicholas, from the fierce containing, giving permission with your prayers even to the Savior Christ, priest.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The secret leader of those who are more than the mind, holy servant and heavenly, God-wise, the bishop is faithful, ask for sins of forgiveness from our Savior, holy manifestation.

And now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Bogorodichen: Now my mind is exhausted, into the depths of dishonor, as if from everywhere I am embraced by various evil ones; but You, Virgo, heal, dressing dispassion with light.

Canto 9

Irmos: The Son of the Parent, God and Lord, incarnate from the Virgin, is without beginning, appearing to us, darkened to enlighten, gather wasted. We magnify the All-Singing Mother of God.

Chorus: Saint Father Nicholas, pray to God for us.

With candles of grace, O God-wise, enlighten, and the lamp of piety was thou, save those who are in adversity, and save those who are in the depths of the muzzle, and nourish the hungry gloriously, all-blessed.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Even now in paradise, sweetness is settling and unspeakable glory is clearly in vain, from the Heavenly circle you naziraesh your singers, delivering from passions, all-blessed God-bearer.

And now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Bogorodichen: Wisdom, and Strength, and the Word of the Hypostatic Father, the Pure Mother of God, gave birth to you, from Your pure blood, you received your temple and united this inseparably by union.


Let us praise the great archpastor and hierarch of all, the chairman of Myrlikiysk Nicholas: many men have been saved, the property will die unrighteously, and the king appears with Avlavius ​​in a dream, deciding an unjust judgment.

Canon to Saint Nicholas



By the rule of faith and the image of meekness, abstinence as a teacher, the immutable Truth has revealed you to your flock. Therefore, by humility you have acquired high, by poverty - wealth. Father Priest Nicholas, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.


In the Worlds, having performed holy priesthood and fulfilling the Gospel of Christ, reverend, you laid down your soul for your neighbors and saved the innocent from death. For this you are glorified in the saints as a great partaker of God's grace.

Canto 1

Irmos: I will open my mouth, and it will be filled with the Spirit; and I will speak a word to the Queen Mother, and I will appear brightly triumphant, and I will joyfully sing of Her miracles.

Good shepherd of Christ's flock, rejoice, Nicholas, for you were a revered father and teacher to the citizens of the World of Lycian; and let me greet "rejoice!" bring you.

Tribes of the earth, let us gather so that the exclamation "rejoice!" to bring to the saint: for he brings unfailing joy to the universe.

Glory: To you, who saved the three governors from the murder of the unrighteous, we cry out: “Rejoice, Nikolai, intercessor for those who come running under your protection!”

And now: Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, thou who didst receive joy from the Angel, and save those who magnify Thee.

Canto 3

Irmos: Mother of God, You are a life-giving and abundant source; Confirm your singers, gathered spiritually, and in your divine glory honor the crowns of glory.

Holy Hierarch Nicholas, pray to God for us.

No one who comes running under the cover of hope for you leaves you with nothing, but bringing you the exclamation “rejoice”, he receives help, Father Nikolai; give it to me, O all-blessed one.

Angels marvel, reverend, at your warm intercession, while people rejoice, receiving deliverance from demonic misfortunes through your prayers; therefore, we bring you the exclamation “rejoice”, Nikolai, praiseworthy!

Glory: You are a helmet and an invincible weapon against the devil, but for Christians you are an affirmation, and for hierarchs you are an adornment, Nicholas wonderful. Rejoice, great miracle worker, a quiet haven in storms for those in need.

And now: Having conceived Your Creator, Mother of God, You gave birth to all the Creator and Lord; Pray for him to deliver us from adversity; after all, whatever you want, you can, as a good and Good Parent.

Canto 4

Irmos: Sitting in glory on the throne of the Divine, on a light cloud, the most divine Jesus came and saved those who cried out: “Glory, Christ, to Your power!”

Holy Hierarch Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Holy Apostles, rejoice, Nicholas, for you have shamed the heresy of Arius and overthrown the arrogance of Belial with your prayers; do not stop praying for your servants.

You delivered the young man from the hands of the Emir of Saracens and gave joy to his parents, therefore we bring you the exclamation “rejoice” with them, Reverend Nicholas.

Glory: You, miracle worker, saved three governors from the murder of the unrighteous, appearing in a dream to the pious king and forbidding him, and from them you received the exclamation "rejoice." And strengthen me, Nicholas, with your prayers.

And now: Blessed Mother of God, rejoice, for You are the throne of all the King, the highest Cherubim. Do not delay, praying to Your Son and our God for those who always honor You, with blessed Nicholas.

Canto 5

Irmos: The whole world was amazed at Your divine glory: for You, the Virgin who did not know marriage, carried the Most High God in Your womb and gave birth to the eternal Son, giving peace to all who sing Your praises.

Holy Hierarch Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Named to the apostles, standing on a par with the angels at the throne of the Lord relentlessly, you shamed the mad Arius; therefore, Nikolai, we proclaim to you: “Rejoice, decoration and pillar of the church for the saints!”

Give me a helping hand, Nikolai, praying to the Lord, for the storm of sin is drowning me, and lead me to a quiet haven of repentance, father, with your prayers.

Glory: Although I have done many iniquities, I do not deviate from the hope of your protection, Father Nicholas, always bringing the exclamation “rejoice” to you; you deliver me from all sorrow and misfortune: after all, whatever you want, you can do.

And now: Rejoice, Cloud, higher than the heavens, which gave us life-giving Rain, O all-good Mother of God! Grant us victory over the spiritual barbarians from God, with Hierarch Nicholas praying to Him.

Canto 6

Irmos: This divine and revered by all, celebrating the feast of the Mother of God, come, God-wise, clap your hands, glorifying God born from Her.

Holy Hierarch Nicholas, pray to God for us.

You have appeared as a friend of Christ and a second Peter, Father. Rejoice, for you are a pillar of the Church, miraculous by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, Father Nicholas, we always bring you the exclamation “rejoice”.

The pious tsar Konstantin with Avlavius ​​the eparch heard in a dream your threats about those men who were to die unjustly, and ordered them to be released as soon as possible, but to you, Father Nicholas, he proclaimed: rejoice!

Glory: Father, you were the helmsman of the ship sinking in the sea; and to me, who is heavily overwhelmed by demonic thoughts, give me the nourishment of good reasoning in my mind and heart, so that I always bring the exclamation “rejoice” to you, Father Nicholas the most praised.

And now: Rejoice Blessed Virgin, rejoice, affirmation of the world, rejoice, for you have given birth to the Son, God of all! Pray to him, O Immaculate Mother of God, for the salvation of our souls.

Canto 7

Irmos: The God-wise did not honor the creation more than the Creator, but the fire that threatened them courageously trampled, joyfully sang: “Praiseworthy Lord and God of the fathers, you are blessed!”

Holy Hierarch Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Saint Nicholas, Saint of Christ, rejoice: for you are an unspeakable joy for all! And give me a helping hand so that I proclaim to you: “Rejoice, all-blessed one!”

When the governors heard that they had been released from prison at your command, they took lamps with candles and brought them to you, crying out in a loud voice: “Rejoice, reverend father, our deliverance!”

Glory: Once you heard in the dungeon of prisoners; Hear me, Father Nicholas, the exclamation “rejoice” to the one who brings you, and cast me out of the fire of Gehenna.

And now: Madam Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, accept me, who repents and flees under Your protection, so that I will incessantly cry out to You: “Rejoice, Blessed Mother of God, Ever-Virgin!”

Canto 8

Irmos: The youths of the pious in the oven were saved by the Mother of God: then - figuratively, but now - indeed, He calls the whole universe to sing to You. Sing to the Lord, creatures, and exalt in all ages!

Holy Hierarch Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Holy Trinity to the Apostles, serving the Holy Trinity with Angels, rejoice, and grant me joy with your prayers.

Pilot of those carried by the storm, rejoice, Father Nicholas, and calm the storm of my passions, from the attack of the demonic rebels, for I can no longer endure, but I cry out: “Rejoice, my helper and warm patron.”

Glory: Oh, how great sorrow seizes me from the arrows of demons, and it is impossible for me to endure wounds, but there is no doctor to apply a bandage; but you, Father Nicholas, heal my wounds with the oil of your prayers, so that I cry out to you: “Rejoice, reverend father!”

And now: Rejoice, burning bush of thorns, which Moses saw at Sinai, and the Ladder, which Jacob contemplated, the Most Blessed Mother of God Ever-Virgin!

Canto 9

Irmos: Let everyone born on earth rejoice, being enlightened by the Spirit; May the nature of disembodied Minds also triumph, honoring the sacred triumph of the Mother of God, and may it cry out: “Rejoice, O All-Blessed, Pure Mother of God, Ever-Virgin!”

Holy Hierarch Nicholas, pray to God for us.

The machinations of the deceiver and sinful aspirations surround me, but, hoping for your protection, I resort to you, father, so that you drive away all the deceptions of the evil one from me, and I called out to you: “Rejoice, Father Nikolai!”

You put the mad Aria to shame and extinguished the flame of heresies; the governor, bound in prison, heard and received the greeting “rejoice” from them; and we cry out to you, Father Nicholas: “Rejoice, all-blessed one!”

Glory: You heard Agrik, and you delighted his son Vasily from the emir, from the Saracens, and in an instant you placed him healthy before his parents; and through my prayer, my soul, sick and burdened with sins, cast out of the fire of hell, Father Nicholas.

And now: Queen, who gave birth to all the King and carried the Bearer of all creation, save me, who magnifies You, Most Holy Lady!

Prayer to Saint Nicholas

O all-holy Nicholas, glorious servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor and quick helper everywhere in sorrows! Help me, a sinner and despondent: in this life, beg the Lord God to grant me remission of all my sins, how much I have sinned from my youth in my whole life by deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the departure of my soul, help me, the accursed one, implore the Lord God, the entire creation of the Creator, to deliver me from air ordeals and eternal torment, so that I constantly glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and always and in forever and ever, amen.

Prayer two

O all-good Father Nicholas, shepherd and teacher of all who with faith resort to your intercession and call on you in fervent prayer! Make haste soon and deliver Christ's flock from the wolves that are destroying it; and protect every Christian country and save with your holy prayers from rebellions, invasions of foreigners and internecine wars, from hunger, earthquakes, floods, fires and diseases. And how did you pardon three husbands who were sitting in prison, and delivered them from royal wrath and beheading with a sword, so have mercy on me, mind, word and deed in the darkness of sins, and deliver me from the wrath of God and eternal punishment, so that with your intercession and help, your own mercy and Grace Christ God gave me a quiet and sinless life to live in this age and on the Last Judgment He delivered me from the fate of those standing on the left and made me worthy to stand on the right with all the saints, amen.

Prayer three

Oh, all-praised and great wonderworker, Saint of Christ, Father Nicholas! We pray you, be the hope of all Christians: the persecuted defender, the hungry feeder, the weeping joy, the sick doctor, those traveling, the steward floating on the sea and flying through the air, the feeder of the poor and orphans and all the mournful helper and patron. Beg the merciful God to give us the forgiveness of our sins so that we live our lives peacefully and be able to see the glory of the impregnable God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever, amen.

Akathist to St. Nicholas Kontakion 1 Glorious miracle worker and chosen servant of Christ, exuding to the whole world the myrrh of precious mercy and an inexhaustible sea of ​​miracles! I praise you with love, Saint Nicholas; but you, having boldness towards the Lord, free me from all troubles, yes

Canon to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. King of Heaven: Trisagion. Glory, And now. Most Holy Trinity. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice) Glory, And now. Our Father. Lord, have mercy. (12 times) Glory, And now. Come, let's bow:

Akathist to St. Nicholas Kontakion 1 Wonderworker defending us and the chosen servant of Christ, exuding to the whole world the precious mercy of the world and the inexhaustible sea of ​​miracles! I praise you with love, Saint Nicholas; but you, as having boldness towards the Lord, from all my misfortunes

Troparion and prayer to St. Nicholas Troparion, tone 4 thee a hundred? to yours?, I? the same things and? ra? high humility, rich in poverty, Father Nicholas, pray? Christ? Save God?

“We all prayed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker” I had two stories connected with St. Nicholas. The first was when my husband and I missed the train. We were traveling from Dzerzhinsky to Moscow on a train to Belarus. We left in an hour and a half. In the normal course of events, everything would

Akathist to Saint and Wonderworker Nicholas Kontakion 1 Chosen Miracle Worker and fair servant of Christ, exude precious peace of peace and an inexhaustible sea of ​​miracles to the whole world, I praise you with love, Saint Nicholas; but you, as if you had boldness to the Lord, from all troubles to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker December 6 (19), Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the Lord's most beautiful servant, our warm intercessor and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and a dull one, in this present life, begged the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins,

First Prayer to St. Nicholas the Pleasant Oh, our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, St. Nicholas of Christ! Hear us sinners, praying to you and calling for your help, your speedy intercession; see us weak, caught everywhere, deprived of every good and

First Prayer to Saint Nicholas, Archbishop of Mirlikiysky, for help in poverty and need Oh, our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, St. Nicholas of Christ! Hear us sinners, praying to you and calling for your speedy intercession for help: see us weak,

Prayer to St. Nicholas the Pleasant Day of Remembrance December 6/19, May 9/22 Nicholas the Pleasant, also called the Miracle Worker, Archbishop of the World of Lycia, lived in the III century. Study Holy Bible and lead a charitable life, the saint began from early childhood. Having received after the death of his parents

Saint Nicholas of Myra, Wonderworker Prayer O, all-praiseful and all-honorable bishop, great miracle worker, saint of Christ, Father Nicholas, a man of God, and a faithful servant, a husband of desires, a vessel of the chosen, a strong pillar of the church, a bright lamp, a star

Akathist to St. Nicholas Nicholas Khlebny As you enter the temple - on the right, on the wall, the image of Nicholas the Wonderworker. The face is almost indistinguishable - the colors are baked brownish-brown darkness! - but the eyes, kind and lively, look directly at you ... And I was immediately drawn to this image.

Complete collection and description: prayer canon Nicholas the Wonderworker for the spiritual life of a believer.

Canon to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

The rule of faith and the image of meekness, / abstinence as a teacher / revealed you to your flock / immutable Truth. / Therefore, you acquired high humility, / poverty - wealth. / Father, Saint Nicholas, / pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Canon, Tone 4 Canto 1

I will open my mouth, / and they will be filled with the Spirit; / and I will speak a word to the Queen Mother, / and I will appear brightly triumphant, / and I will joyfully sing of Her miracles.

Good shepherd of Christ's flock, / rejoice, Nicholas, / for the citizens of the World of Lycian / you were a revered father and teacher; / and let me greet you "rejoice!" / bring you.

Tribes of the earth, let us gather, / so that the exclamation "rejoice!" to bring to the saint: / for he brings joy / to the universe that does not become impoverished.

Glory: To you, who delivered the three governors / from the murder of the unrighteous, we cry out: / “Rejoice, Nikolai, intercessor for those who run / under your roof!”

And now: Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, / having received joy from an Angel, / and save those who magnify You.

Your chanters, Mother of God, / - a living and abundant source, / who organized a spiritual holiday, confirm / and in Your divine glory / honor the crowns of glory.

Saint, Father Nicholas, pray to God for us.

No one who runs under the roof / hopes for you, father, / leaves you with nothing, / but bringing you the exclamation “rejoice”, / accepts help, Nikolai; / Give it to me too, blessed one.

The angels marvel, reverend, / at your ardent intercession, / the people rejoice, receiving through your prayers / deliverance from demonic misfortunes; / therefore the exclamation "rejoice" we bring you, / Nikolai is praiseworthy!

Glory: You are a helmet and an invincible weapon / against the devil, / for Christians - an affirmation, / and for hierarchs - an adornment, Nicholas wonderful. / Rejoice, great miracle worker, / overwhelmed by a quiet haven.

And now: Having conceived Your Creator, Mother of God, / You gave birth to all the Creator and Lord; / Pray for him to deliver us from adversity; / after all, whatever you want, you can, as a good / and Good Parent.

Lord have mercy (3)

Having ascended to the height of virtues / and from there, illumined, father, / with the divine radiance of miracles, / you appeared to the world as a truly bright shepherd, / in adversity for us, an invincible representative; / therefore, having gloriously defeated the enemy, / you drove away the lie and saved people from death, Nikolai; / pray to Christ God of sins to grant remission / to those who honor your holy memory with love.

A river of healing overflowing / and a source of miracles that never fails / showed you, Nikolai, the Grace of the Abyss: / for grave ailments bitterly depressing / and the vicissitudes of life are terribly tested / gain from every despondency / a medicine that truly quenches pain / - your ardent protection. / Therefore, we cry out to you: / “Intercede before Christ God / for the granting of remission of sins / to those who celebrate your holy memory with love!”

You, as the Virgin and the only one among women / who gave birth without seed according to the flesh of God, / we all, the tribes of men, call you blessed: / for the Fire of the Godhead dwells in you, / and you feed the Creator and Lord with milk like a Baby. / Therefore, the host of Angels and we, the human race, / worthily glorify Your most holy generations / and according to You we cry: / “Pray Christ the God of sins to grant remission / to those who worship with faith His most holy birth from You!”

Sitting in glory / on the throne of the Godhead, / on a light cloud, / the most divine Jesus came, / carried by an immaculate hand, / and saved those who cry: / Glory, Christ, to Your power!

Saint, Father Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Equal to the throne of the Apostles, / rejoice, Nicholas, / for you shamed Arius heresy / and overthrew the arrogance of Belial with your prayers; / do not stop praying for your servants.

You delivered the young man from the hands of the Emir of Sratsinsky, / you gave joy to his parents, / therefore we bring you the exclamation “rejoice” with them, / St. Nicholas.

Glory: Three governors from the murder of the unrighteous / you saved, miracle worker, / appearing in a dream to the pious king and forbidding him, / and from them you received the exclamation “rejoice”. / And strengthen me, Nicholas, with your prayers.

And now: Blessed Mother of God, rejoice, / for You are the throne of all the King, the highest Cherubim. / Do not delay, praying to Your Son and our God / for those who always honor You, with blessed Nicholas.

The whole world was amazed / about Your divine glory: / for You, the Virgin who did not know marriage, / carried the Most High God in Your womb / and gave birth to the eternal Son, / to all who sing praises to You the world is given.

Saint, Father Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Named to the Apostles, standing on a par with the Angels / at the Throne of the Lord relentlessly, / you shamed the mad Arius; / therefore, Nikolai, we proclaim to you: “Rejoice, / the decoration and pillar of the church for the saints!”

Give me a helping hand, Nicholas, praying to the Lord, / for the storm of sin drowns me, / and lead me to a quiet haven of repentance / by your, father, prayers.

Glory: If I have done many iniquities, / but I do not deviate from the hope of your cover, / always bringing the exclamation “rejoice” to you; / you, Nikolai, deliver me from all sorrow and misfortune: / after all, you can do whatever you want.

And now: Rejoice, Cloud above the heavens, / exuding a Drop for us, the All-good Mother of God! / Give our tsar victory over the barbarians from God, / praying with Hierarch Nicholas.

This divine and revered by all / celebrating the feast of the Mother of God, / come, God-wise ones, / let us begin to applaud, / glorify God born from Her.

Saint, Father Nicholas, pray to God for us.

A friend of Christ and a second Peter / you appeared, father. / Rejoice, for you are a pillar of the Church and a wonderful organ, / miraculous and rattling with the Holy Spirit. / Therefore, we, Nikolai, always bring you the exclamation “rejoice” /.

Hearing the pious Tsar Constantine / with Avlavius ​​the eparch / in a dream your threats about those men / that they should have died unjustly, / ordered them to be released as soon as possible, / to you, Nikolai, he proclaimed: rejoice!

Glory: To that ship drowning in the sea / you were, father, helmsman; / and to me, heavily overwhelmed by demonic thoughts, / give me the nourishment of good reasoning in my mind and heart, / so that I always exclaim “rejoice” / bring you, Nikolai, praiseworthy.

And now: Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, / rejoice, affirmation of the world, / rejoice, for you have given birth to the Son, God of all! / Pray to him, Virgin Mary, / for the salvation of our souls.

Lord, have mercy (3) Glory, and now:

In the Worlds, you, saint, appeared as a performer of sacred rites, / for having fulfilled the Gospel of Christ, reverend, / you laid down your soul for your people / and saved the innocent from death; / therefore you were sanctified, / as a great minister of the mysteries of God's grace.

Now let us sing songs to the hierarch, / to people in the Worlds of the shepherd and teacher, / to be enlightened by his intercessions: / for, behold, he appeared all pure, imperturbable in spirit, / bringing a sacrifice to Christ, immaculate, genuine, favorable to God, / as a clergyman, purified both in soul and body, / therefore he is truly the patron and champion of the Church, / as a great minister of the sacraments of God's grace.

The God-wise did not honor / creations greater than the Creator, / but the fire that threatened them courageously trampled, / joyfully sang: / “Praiseworthy Lord and God of the fathers, / blessed are You!”

Saint, Father Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Saint Nicholas, Saint of Christ, rejoice: / for you are an unspeakable joy for all! / And give me a helping hand so that I proclaim to you: / “Rejoice, all-blessed one!”

When the governors heard / that they were released from prison at your command, / taking lamps with candles, they brought you, / crying out in a loud voice: / Rejoice, reverend father, our deliverance!

Glory: Once you heard in the dungeon of prisoners; / hear me too, Nikolai, / the exclamation “rejoice” to the one who brings you, / and pull me out of the fire of hell.

And now: Madam Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, / accept me, penitent / and running under Your shelter, / so that I will incessantly cry out to You: / “Rejoice, Blessed Mother of God, Ever-Virgin!”

The youths of the pious in the furnace / The Child of the Virgin was saved: / then - a prototype, but now - acting; / He calls the whole universe to sing to You. / Sing to the Lord, creatures, / and exalt in all ages!

Saint, Father Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Alternate Apostles, / serving the Holy Trinity with the Angels, / Nikolai, most praiseworthy, rejoice, / and grant me joy with your prayers.

Pilot carried by the storm, / Rejoice, Nikolai, / and calm the storm of my passions, from the attack of the demonic rebels, / for I can no longer endure, but I cry out: / Rejoice, my helper and ardent patron.

Glory: Oh, how great sorrow / seizes me from the arrows of demons, / and I cannot endure wounds, / to apply a plaster - there is no doctor; / but you, Nikolai, apply to me a plaster and the oil of your prayers, / so that I cry out to you: / “Rejoice, reverend father!”

And now: Rejoice, bush of thorns that did not burn, / which Moses saw at Sinai, / and the Ladder that Jacob contemplated, / - Blessed Mother of God Ever-Virgin!

Everyone born on earth / let him rejoice, being enlightened by the Spirit; / let the nature of disembodied Minds also triumph, / honoring the sacred triumph of the Mother of God, / and let it cry out: / “Rejoice, All-Blessed, / Pure Mother of God, Ever-Virgin!”

Saint, Father Nicholas, pray to God for us.

The shots of the deceiver surround me / and sinful aspirations, / but, hoping for your protection, / I resort to you, father, / so that you drive away all the deceitfulness of the evil one from me, / and I called out to you: / Rejoice, Nikolai!

You put the mad Aria to shame, / and extinguished the flame of heresies; / governor, heard the bound ones in prison, / and received the greeting “rejoice” from them; / and we cry out to you, Nikolai: / “Rejoice, all-blessed one!”

Glory: You heard Agrik of that, / and took away his son Vasily from the emir, / and in an instant put him healthy before his parents from the Saracens, / and through my prayer, pluck my soul, / ailing and burdened with sins, / from the fire of hell, Nikolai.

And now: Queen, who gave birth to all the King / and carried the Bearer of all creation, / save me, who magnifies You, / Most Holy Lady!

We all praise the great archpastor and hierarch, / the primate of Mirlikisky Nicholas: / for he saved many people, / unjustly doomed to death, / and he appears to the king with Avlavius ​​in a dream, / canceling the unjust sentence.

Glory: The Lord greatly glorified you with miracles / both during life and after death, Saint Nicholas: / for who with all faith / will only call on your holy name, / and will not be immediately heard, / finding an ardent protector in you?

Hypostatic Wisdom, and the super-essential Word, / and the Virgin who gave birth to the Physician of all Christ! / Heal the ulcers and wounds of my soul, heavy and long-standing, / and stop the obscene thoughts of my heart.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas

O all-holy Nicholas, glorious servant of the Lord, our ardent intercessor, and everywhere in sorrows a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and despondent: in this life, beg the Lord God to grant me remission of all my sins, how much I have sinned from my youth throughout my life in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the departure of my soul, help me, the unfortunate one, implore the Lord God, the entire creation of the Creator, to deliver me from air ordeals and eternal torment, so that I constantly glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and always and in forever and ever, amen.

O all-good Father Nicholas, shepherd and teacher of all who with faith resort to your intercession and call on you in fervent prayer! Hurry soon and deliver Christ's flock from the wolves that are destroying it, and protect every Christian country and save with your holy prayers from worldly rebellion, earthquake, invasion of foreigners and internecine war, from hunger, flood, fire, sword and from sudden death. And as you had mercy on three men who were sitting in prison, and delivered them from royal wrath and from beheading with a sword, so have mercy on me, mind, word and deed in the darkness of sins, and deliver me from the wrath of God and eternal punishment, but by your intercession and help, by His mercy and grace, Christ God will give me a quiet and sinless life to live in this age and deliver me from the fate of those standing on the left, and will make me stand on the right with all the saints, amen.

Canons to Nicholas the Wonderworker and Akathist

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered not only in Russia, but also in the countries of the Catholic Church. For Orthodox believers, one of the ways to turn to a saint is to read the canon or akathist. These types of solemn chants differ in the structure of the text and the history of writing. The canons were created many centuries ago by people who were canonized by the Church as saints. Akathist can be written at the present time by a spiritual writer, who is not always a minister of the Church.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker was born in 270 in the city of Patara in the province of Lycia. From a young age, he was distinguished by piety and a desire to serve God. As a priest, the saint was an example for his flock, he preached, exhorted and guided the inhabitants of Lycia on the path of salvation. After several years of serving as a priest, St. Nicholas was elected Bishop of the World of Lycia.

The asceticism of St. Nicholas took place during the period of persecution of Christianity. When the bishop, along with other Christians, was imprisoned, the saint not only courageously endured all the hardships and hardships, but also supported the rest of those imprisoned.

Even during his lifetime, many miracles and deeds of true mercy and love for one's neighbor are attributed to Saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is revered in both Western and Eastern Christianity. This saint is especially loved by believers, and many people turn to him with prayer.

Canon to Nicholas the Wonderworker

The canons to Nicholas the Wonderworker are works of church hymnography, complex in structure, praising the saint. Their text consists of biblical hymns, to which additional verses were later added - irmos and troparia. The latter sing of the festive event. Irmoses serve to connect the biblical song and troparion, drawing an analogy between the celebrated event and the one described in the Bible. The structure of the irmos is the basis for the melody and the rhythmic structure of the troparion. The length and number of stanzas must match.

There are several canons to the saint:

  • “In the depths of the bed sometimes……” is the beginning of the irmos of the first canon.
  • The 2nd canon to Nicholas the Wonderworker begins with the irmos “Christ is born - praise. »
  • “Let us sing a song, people .....” - the irmos of the canon from the service for the transfer of the relics of the saint.
  • “I will open my mouth .....” - the beginning of the fourth canon to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Canon 2 to Nicholas the Wonderworker, as well as the 1st canon, is read during the service on the memory of the saint on December 19 in a new style. The other two canons are read at the divine service on May 22, the day of commemoration of the transfer of the relics of the saint.

Why read canon?

The canons to Nicholas the Wonderworker can be read at home or heard during worship in the temple. The holy fathers of the church say that those who read the Canons of the Mother of God, the Savior and the saints, are especially protected by the Lord. The canons to Nicholas the Wonderworker are also prayers, reading which a person turns to the saint through biblical events.

The canons were written many centuries ago by highly spiritual people and, as a rule, later canonized as saints. Reading the laudatory hymns and prayers written by them, a person together with them lifts up a prayer to God.

Canon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is read for healing from illnesses, help in need and material shortage. The saint is also considered the protector of widows and orphans. They pray to him in despondency, sadness and despair. Since the saint himself was imprisoned for some time, people turn to him in captivity and in other difficult life circumstances.

Where can I find the canon and akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker?

Almost any canons and akathists can be purchased at church shops. The Canon of Nicholas the Wonderworker with accents can be found on Orthodox websites on the Internet. It is better if, in parallel with the canon, the text of the explanations is written, since the language of liturgical songs is not always understandable only to a person starting his path to faith.

Before reading, you must make sure that the canon or akathist is approved by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church. To do this, it is better to use texts from canons purchased in shops at churches or found on reliable Orthodox sites. The list of approved akathists is also published on the Internet.

In addition, you can always go to the priest or deacon in the temple and clarify whether the akathist meets the requirements established by the Holy Synod.

How to read canon

The Canon to Nicholas the Wonderworker in Russian is not as difficult to read as in Church Slavonic. When reading the canon, it is necessary to carefully pronounce each word. Unlike the akathist, the canon of repentance to Nicholas the Wonderworker can be read while sitting. You can chant laudatory chants to the saint at any time. There are special initiatory prayers that are read before the canon. If biblical hymns to the saint are followed after the daily prayer rule, then additional prayers are not required.

In the case when it is not possible to read the canon aloud, you can also say a prayer to yourself. The main thing is that her words are pronounced consciously, with a sense of repentance and love for God, the saint. It is better to read the canon aloud in a calm and monotonous voice. Paying attention to the expressiveness of the voice is not necessary. Church and home prayers are not secular poetic works, therefore they are pronounced a little differently. The most important thing when reading sacred hymns is the conversion of the soul to God, the spiritual world.

Before reading the canon, you can light a candle or a lamp near the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. If there is no suitable image of the saint, then you can turn to the image of the Mother of God or the Savior.

Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Akathist - a song of praise to God, the Mother of God or saints. The first was written to the Most Holy Theotokos in 626 in honor of the liberation of Constantinople from the Persians.

Akathist consists of ikos and kontakion. There are 24 stanzas in the song of praise. Each kontakion ends with a call to praise God: "Alleluia!" And the ikos is a greeting to the saint being sung: “Rejoice!”

Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker was written some time after his death. According to one version, the hymn of praise was written by the ministers of the church in Constantinople, according to another, by Russian hieromonks who participated in the transfer of the relics of the saint exuding myrrh.

The text of the akathist can be purchased at the church shop, found on websites on the Internet, and listened to on audio media. In the first case, you can be sure of the quality and authenticity of the text. In addition, in the churches consecrated in honor of the saint, an akathist to St. Nicholas the Pleasant is read once a week. A forty-day reading of the akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker can also be ordered in monasteries. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the name of the person about whose health the akathist will be read.

How to read an akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Before taking on the obligation to read an akathist to a saint for a certain period, it is better to take a blessing from a confessor. The priest who performs the sacrament of confession, knowing the spiritual forces, life circumstances and the inner state of the believer, will bless or give advice to postpone the reading for the time being.

There are certain rules for reading an akathist. The thirteenth kontakion - a prayerful appeal to the saint - is read three times. After the last kontakion of the Akathist, the first ikos and kontakion are read again. Then a prayer is read to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The number of days during which an akathist is read is unlimited. Akathist can be read at any convenient time. It is better if during this time the icon of the saint is located nearby.

Often the hymn of praise is recited for forty days. At the same time, if you had to skip a day, then you can continue the next.

You can read the akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker once, most importantly, to feel in your soul the desire and desire to turn to the saint. Akathist is equated to a hymn, so it is better to stand while reading it.

Why read an akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker?

Akathist, like the canon to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, helps believers in a variety of cases. A prayer appeal to a saint helps with any difficulties. You can find many grateful reviews and real stories from the life of people who tell about the resolution of difficult life circumstances after prayers to the saint. Especially often they turn to him in case of illness, financial and domestic difficulties, while traveling. Even during his lifetime, Bishop Mir of Lycia provided assistance to many in need.

The text of the akathist contains the biographies of the saint. Many people perceive it much easier than the canon to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

You should not treat the reading of an akathist as a magical rite and conspiracy. The desire for a quick result will not bring benefits. The main feeling when turning to a saint should be repentance and faith that the Pleasant of God will hear the request and help.

Prayers before reading the akathist and canons

Before the akathist, it is necessary to read the initial prayers that will help prepare the human mind for a laudatory song: discard all vain thoughts, focus on the text of the prayer. Usually, the preparatory prayers include: “To the King of Heaven”, “Thrice Sacred Song”, “Holy Trinity”, “Our Father”, “Come let us worship”. Also, “Lord, have mercy” is said several times, and psalms from the psalter are read. The same prayers are read before the canon.

After reading the akathist or canons, prayers are said to Nicholas the Wonderworker, which are the same for all prayer rules.

Canons and Akathist in Church Slavonic

Prayer chants in Church Slavonic are much harder to find than in Russian.

In churches, all the texts of worship are pronounced only in Church Slavonic. This language incorporates the centuries-old experience of communication between a Russian person and God. In addition, reading in Church Slavonic helps to escape from everyday thoughts, create a special atmosphere and immerse yourself in the world of prayer.

The Akathist in Church Slavonic will be difficult for a believer who is just starting to learn this language to understand. In order for the text to be better perceived, you can read the translation and interpretation in Russian.

Canons that are more complex in structure are best read in Russian, so they will be easier to understand.

What is better to read: an akathist or a canon to a saint?

The canon is a more ancient genre of church hymns than the akathist. The text of the canons was written by the holy fathers, whose level of spiritual growth and awareness of the Divine universe far exceeds ordinary human understanding. Akathists, as a rule, were created in a later period by spiritual writers, not all of whom were monks or ministers of the church. Therefore, choosing between the canon and the akathist, according to some priests, it is better to give preference to reading the former.

At the same time, the akathist to the saint is easier to read and understand, since the structure of the text is much simpler.

The canons to Nicholas the Wonderworker are a less laudatory prayer than an akathist, but it has a pleading character. Despite this, you can also ask for help by reading an akathist.

Canon to Saint Nicholas, tone 2.
Canto 1
Irmos: In the depths of the bed, sometimes the pharaoh's all-army was a disarmed force, but the incarnate Word, the all-evil sin, consumed it: Most glorified Lord, glorious be glorified.

Chorus: Holy Hierarch Father Nicholas, pray to God for us.

Crown bearer of the throne of Christ, wise Nicholas, standing with the angelic hosts, grant me enlightenment, illuminating my souls gloom, as if I will praise rejoicing your all-blessed memory.

Glory, And now: Compared with my desire, putting the all-cunning serpent, Sodetel, like a prisoner to rapture, Thee, the All-Pure One, called out, truly deified: You, O Bogomati, gave birth to me who deified.

Canto 3
Irmos: The desert flourished like a krin, Lord, a pagan barren church, by Your coming, my heart was established in it.

Blessed Nicholas, you were a sincere disciple of the Lord, you save those who flow to you from fierce troubles and bitter death.

Glory: Cleanse Your servants, forgiveness of sins, as if bestowing Good, Nicholas Your saint, even petitions to You, Many-merciful.

And now: Satisfy the embarrassment of my soul, Most Pure One, and nourish life, O All-Holy One, Who gave birth to God, my heart is established in Him.

And katavasia: Pray to God for us, Saint Father Nicholas, as we diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for our souls.

(Or, another catavasia: Deliver your servants from troubles, St. Nicholas of Christ, as if we are resorting to you, according to Bose, to a quick helper and warm intercessor, and a prayer service to the Savior for our souls.)

Therefore, Lord, have mercy, three times.

Sedalen, tone 4:
Having ascended to the height of virtues, divine from there, illumined by the radiance of miracles, truly bright appeared thou the worldly shepherd, we are invincible in misfortune: having won the enemy gloriously, you drove away the lie and saved the people from death, Nicholas. Pray to Christ God, grant forgiveness of sins to those who honor your holy memory with love.

Glory, and now.
Like the Virgin and One in the wives of Thee, without a seed, who gave birth to the flesh of God, we all appease the birth of humanity: the fire has settled in Thee of the Deity, and like a baby, bring the Creator and Lord. Thus, the angelic and human race worthily glorify Your Most Holy Nativity, and according to the cry of Ty: pray to Christ the God of sins, grant forgiveness, bowing by faith to Your Most Holy Christmas.

Canto 4
Irmos: You came from the Virgin, not an intercessor, not an angel, but Himself, Lord, incarnate, and saved me all the man, I call to You: glory to Your power, Lord.

Approaching the purely spiritual dawns, you were the light-bearer, enlightening the ends of the world, interceding for everyone, and saving all those who flow to you by faith.

Delivering from death, as if you appeared first to Nicholas, the young reverend: so now save me from every situation, and misfortunes and troubles, all-blessed.

Glory: Thou hast shone the virtues with the radiance of all-blessedness, having been the most imitator of your Lord, save you call, with reverence and love glorifying you.

And now: Find on Thee, the Lord of the creature, Incarnate, and saving like a Graceful man of all me: the same, faithful to the Theotokos, we glorify Thee.

Canto 5
Irmos: Enlightenment in the darkness of those lying, salvation of the desperate, Christ, my Savior, to You in the morning, King of the world, enlighten me with Your radiance: I know no other God for You.

With a godly life, blessed, we enlighten, condemned by an unrighteous saying to die, presenting yourself, delivering you, the Lord of Christ, calling: for we know no other God.

Glory: In Heaven, the ever-present glory is now in vain, and enjoying the radiance of the unspoken and divine dawns brightest, cover me with your intercession, reverend, saint of Christ all-honestly.

And now: Yes, seek Your image, buried by passions, Savior, hiding the powers of heaven, incarnated from the Virgin, appeared to You calling: we know no other God to You.

Canto 6
Irmos: Lying in the sinful abyss, I call on the abyss, unsearchable of Your mercy, from aphids, God, raise me up.

Even after the victory of Nicholas, the crown on your versa is worthy to rely on: like a winner, the most handsome one, save thee who call.

Glory: I am mortified, blessed, sinful, and immersed in passions of anxiety, appearing to save the haven of the Divine will.

And now: I put my hopes on Thee, Mother Ever-Virgin, my salvation, and I put Thy Representative of life, but I am firm and unshakable.

Katavasia: Pray to God for us, St. Father Nicholas, as we diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for our souls.

(Or, ina: Deliver your servants from troubles, St. Nicholas of Christ, as if all according to Bose we resort to you, to a quick helper and warm intercessor, and a prayer service to the Savior for our souls.)

And we sing, Lord, have mercy, like the 3rd song.

Glory, and now:

Kontakion, tone 3.
In Mirech, the holy clergyman appeared if you fulfilled Christ’s reverend gospel, laid down your soul for your people, and saved the innocent from death. For this sake, you were sanctified, like a great secret place of God's grace. Now let us praise the saint with songs, a pastor and teacher of the worldly people, and let us be enlightened by his prayers: behold, appearing all pure, incorruptible in spirit, offering Christ a sacrifice immaculate, pure, favorable to God: as the saint is cleansed both in soul and body, the same true representative and champion of the Church Sowing, like a great secretary of God's grace.

Canto 7
Irmos: We serve the golden image on the field of Deira, three of Your children are negligent of the godless command, in the midst of the fire they are thrown, irrigated, sing: blessed be Thou, God our father.

I fell into a sharp temptation, and fiercely rebuked, and approached the gates of hell, we are struck with sorrow, save me with your prayers, blessed, and raise up singing: blessed be the God of our fathers.

Glory: Irrelevant light We shine with immaterial rays, being in the darkness of sorrows, embittered seekers, and instruct those who sing to the enlightenment of joy: blessed be the God of our fathers.

And now: Pray to Christ, Thy Son and God, Virgin Mother of God, sold by fierce sins and serpentine flattery, to be delivered by His honest blood to those who sing: blessed be the God of our fathers.

Canto 8
Irmos: Into the fiery furnace to the Jewish youth descended, and the flame into the dew of God, sing, deeds, like the Lord, and exalt forever.

Like good and compassionate, in the depths of the misfortunes of the fierce content of freedom, blessed Nicholas, from those containing the fierce, giving permission with your prayers, even to the Savior Christ, sacred mystery.

Glory: The secret leader of those who are more than mind, the holy servant and heavenly God-wise, the bishop is faithful, ask forgiveness of sins from our Savior, sacred.

And now: Now my mind is exhausted, into the depths of dishonor, as if from everywhere I am embraced by various evil ones: but You, Virgo, heal, dressing passionlessness with light.

Canto 9
Irmos: Beginningless Parent Son, God and Lord, incarnate from the Virgin, appear to us, enlighten the darkened, gather the squandered, We magnify the All-Singing Mother of God.

We enlighten the God-wise with the candles of grace, and you were a lamp of piety, save those who are in adversity, and save those who are in the depths of the muzzle, and feed the hungry gloriously, all-blessed.

Glory: Even now you are settling in paradise of sweetness, and the inexpressible glory is clearly in vain, from the Heavenly circle you naziraesh your singers, delivering from passions, God-bearer all-blessed.

And now: Wisdom, and Strength, and the Word of the Hypostatic Father, the Pure Mother of God gave birth to you, from Your Most Pure Bloods Your Temple, and by this union united inseparably.

Troparion to St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia

Troparion, tone 4

The rule of faith and the image of meekness, the abstinence of the teacher reveal the truth to your flock of things: for this sake you acquired high humility, rich in poverty. Father Hierarch Nicholas, pray to Christ God that our souls be saved.

Kontakion, tone 3

In Mirech, holy, the clergyman appeared to you: Christ, reverend, having fulfilled the Gospel, lay down your soul about your people, and saved the innocent from death; for this sake you were sanctified, like a great secret place of God's grace.

Troparion for the Nativity of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Troparion, tone 4

Wonderful and glorious your christmas, St. Nicholas, the Church today celebrates the Orthodox brightly, for by standing your foot the Lord will reveal you and proclaim to be a lamp and a teacher to the laity, enriching the whole world and enlightening miracles. We cry to you: pray to Christ God that our souls be saved.

Troparion for the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia

Troparion, tone 4

Have a day of bright triumph, the city of Barsky rejoices, and with it the whole universe rejoices with spiritual songs and stumps: today is a sacred celebration, in the transfer of the honest and multi-healing relics of St. crying rightly: save us as our representative, the great Nicholas.

Kontakion, tone 3

Rising, like a star, from east to west, your relics, Saint Nicholas, the sea is sanctified by your procession, and the city of Barsky accepts grace from you: you appeared to us more often, an elegant, marvelous and merciful miracle worker.

Troparion for the Transfer of the Velikoretsk Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker from Vyatka to Moscow

Troparion, tone 3

Like precious wealth, come to us from the Great Vyatka River to our reigning city of Moscow, an honest icon of your image, St. Nicholas, and do many miracles in your coming, heal those who are sick and surprise all people. For this reason, by the command of the autocrat of the tsar, this honest icon of yours was written off from it for enlightenment and prayer to all the people of the royal city, today we see and worship it, praying to you, the mystery of Christ: pray, holy, for all of us, grant us peace and great mercy.

Troparion to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in front of his icon, called "Zaraisk"

Troparion, tone 4

Holy Temple of the Holy Spirit, God-wise Father Nicholas, sanctify our souls with the grace of heaven, intercede and cover with your all-honourable omophorion, you received it from the hands of the Most Pure Virgin, and enlighten us with the light of the commandments of Christ, from Him you received the words of life. Pray for the goodness of the Heavenly Father, in order to save those who honor you Orthodoxally, granting us great mercy.


We magnify you, Saint Father Nicholas, and honor your holy memory: for you pray for us Christ our God.

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