Old New Year girl. Old New Year - customs, traditions, congratulations, divination

On Old New Year, January 13, 2017, there comes a magical time when you can guess about your future. Moreover, at this time, any object can become a sign, and any event - a hint of certain events.

During this magical time, the most popular types of divination are candle divination, divination by shadows, divination with mirrors, divination on dumplings, on cards, and many other methods.

Divination with mirrors has come to us from the depths of centuries. Young girls put lighted candles at the dressing table or at the mirrors, arranged so that they are reflected in each other. Fortune-tellers look into the “corridor” of mirrors and see various objects and symbols there that predict the future. They say that it becomes scary, because it is not known what can be seen there.

Divination by shadow is easier than divination by mirrors. You need to take a newspaper, crumple it not tightly and put it on the bottom of an ordinary dinner plate, then set it on fire, and holding it at some distance from the wall, look at the shadows that the burnt paper will “cast”. This is your future. For example, in this fortune-telling you can see your own wedding, travel or new job. To unravel the future, you need to turn on your imagination.

On the Old New Year, they often tell fortunes about the groom. They ask a familiar married woman wedding ring. Arrange cups on the table, one for each girl, upside down. Put a ring under one of the cups. Then fortunetellers should choose a cup for themselves. You can also guess one cup. When all the girls have decided, the secret of the location of the ring is revealed. The one who thought of a cup under which there was a ring can expect an offer from her future husband in the new year.

There is also a modern divination on TV. Do not be surprised, such fortune-telling is considered one of the most correct. It arose in our time, but the idea used is ancient. Until now, on the Old New Year in some villages, girls walk down the street on a winter night and listen to the voices of random passers-by. If the name sounds, it should be remembered. That is what the spouse will be called. Now there are a lot of "talking" devices right in the apartment. Guessing is recommended in the company. One person holds the TV remote control, the second calls the channel number. And the fortuneteller asks a question or makes a wish. As soon as the question is formulated, the fortuneteller says: "Done." The first assistant calls the channel number, the second one turns on the TV. Everyone must be silent. The first phrase you hear is the answer to your plan. But how to interpret it, you have to think about it. Here everything depends on the imagination.

What signs for the Old New Year on January 13, 2018 should be taken into account? From January 13 to 14, the Old New Year begins. There are many signs and customs, according to which in 2018 this holiday should be met with a hearty table and cheerful songs, talents. New Year according to the old style is known and loved in different parts of the world.

Folk omens - weather and harvest in the new year

If the holiday is in warm weather, the summer will be rainy.

Sunny Old New Year heralds a rich harvest of fruits and berries.

Snow on January 13, according to signs, promises a good harvest in 2018. The Old New Year with hoarfrost, abundantly covering the trees, portends a harvest for grain, honey.

Signs for the Old New Year

If there is ice, they will spoil vegetables, as well as fruits.

Windy festive night - to a warm, fairly prosperous year, if the wind direction is from south side. West wind - to the fact that the whole year there will be plenty of milk, as well as fish. When the wind blows from the east on a holiday, it means that there will be a decent harvest of fruits next year.

If you heard an unusual ringing from the very early morning of January 14, this is all about a possible replenishment in your family.

Well-Being Notes

In order for 2018 to be successful, on the Old New Year on January 13, according to signs, you must be dressed in new beautiful clothes.

If there are a lot of dishes on the festive table, then only the best moments, good luck and well-being await you all year long - for both man and animal.

A quiet and calm festive night promises a good year.

Sunny holiday - good luck and success throughout the year.

On this fabulous holiday, it is taboo to borrow money. If you violate this prohibition, then in this case you will live in poverty all year.

How will the celebration itself pass, in a similar atmosphere and mood, and the entire period of the reign of a sweet and kind yellow dog will pass.

If you guess some cherished desires on the Old New Year, they will surely come true.

If on the Old New Year 2018 a man enters your apartment or household first, the entire period of the Yellow Dog’s reign in your family will be well-being. If a woman enters, then this Bad sign.

Best Treats

According to signs, on the Old New Year on January 13, delicious fragrant pies and pancakes should be baked. Those who look into the house with songs and dances should be treated to these delicacies. So you can attract good luck and luck for the whole of 2018.

On a generous evening, kutya is cooked. Previously, if the dish turned out to be tasty, they ate it, if not, they poured it into the river so that it would take all the troubles with it.

Not an excellent attribute of the Old New Year - dumplings with a surprise on the festive table. Whatever content you get is what you should expect next year. If the thread, then the road awaits you. If money is financial well-being. A button in a dumpling - new clothes. If there is sugar inside, a sweet life awaits you. Pepper - you will get sharp and vivid sensations all year round. Beans in dumplings - for children, flour - you will suffer all year.

The most common signs

If there is money in your apartment or household on the Old New Year, the entire period of the Dog's reign promises to be financially successful. If you lend in this celebration, you will live in poverty all year.

You can not eat fish or poultry on the eve of the Generous Evening. According to signs, in this case, happiness will fly away from you, luck will float away.

A quiet magical night during the celebration of the Old New Year heralds a carefree, positive year.

On a festive evening, it is necessary, according to signs, to be generous - to treat all guests with delicious treats in abundance. According to signs, this promises a life of prosperity.

Taboo for the Old New Year according to signs

  1. You can’t take out the garbage from the house on the Old New Year, and also don’t lend something, lend money or things.
  2. It is a bad omen to count small money, to deal with issues related to the financial direction on a holiday.
  3. It is impossible to pronounce the word "thirteen" on the Old New Year.

Special signs

In the year of the reign of the Yellow Dog, omens acquire special meaning. If a dog barks at you on a holiday from January 13 to 14, you need to be careful of others all year. If you offend someone, then the barking of a dog warns you of your wrong actions. The dog is friendly, she does not like quarrels and insults, so you should not anger the mistress of the year.

If the dog barks too long, it follows you, change your behavior, and even better, your lifestyle. How you treat people is how they will treat you. There is a boomerang effect in life.

If on the Old New Year, leaving the entrance, you met an unfamiliar dog, then you will be lucky all year.

If you feed the dog at midnight, then the year will turn out well. The richer the dinner for the animal, the more favorable the year will be for you. After all, the hostess of 2018 will be the Yellow Dog. And it is better to appease her than to anger her.

If you find a tuft of wool from this animal, then this is real luck. You are marked with the queen of the year if you find wool on your clothes on the Old New Year.

Those who celebrate the holiday at the family table will have great luck all year. Thus favors you friendly dog- the symbol of 2018.

New Year is a favorite holiday for many. And everyone has the opportunity to repeat it exactly in two weeks.

How to celebrate the Old New Year?

What they did not have time to accomplish on the first of January, according to signs, must be done on the thirteenth, on the Old New Year.

  1. Make a wish, write it on a napkin in advance - burn it and throw it into a glass of champagne.
  2. Look at those interesting programs that did not have time on New Year's Eve.
  3. Send Happy New Year wishes to your family and friends, wishing you health and happiness again in the new year.
  4. Under the Christmas tree, put presents that you did not have time to give on New Year's Eve.

The day after the celebration of the Old New Year, you can remove the Christmas tree from your home.

In order for the next year to be rich in good news, in the southern regions they prepare a pig or pork delicacies.

Useful signs

  1. Dreams on the eve of the Old New Year are prophetic. From them you can find out what will happen in the coming year.
  2. To strengthen family relations, tie up the legs of the festive table with ribbons in the Old New Year. A strong rope will also do - it is important that the ribbons do not interfere with those who will sit at the festive table.
  3. Tie a souvenir in the form of a dog made of stone or wood to the gifts that you will give on the holiday. According to the sign, such gifts scare away mercantile and envious people.
  4. In order to get rid of failures, a woman on the Old New Year needs to throw a shawl over her shoulders, then make a wish and abruptly remove it from herself. So all the problems that were last year will go away.
  5. On the Old New Year you can not have fun with the help of gambling. According to signs, a holiday spent playing cards promises the emergence of gambling addiction, and winnings will be very rare throughout the year.
  6. On the night of the Old New Year, whisper into one glass of water everything that you want to leave last year. In another glass, you must say what you dream about next year. After that, pour the water that is dedicated to the past year into the sink, and drink the second glass. Water can store information. After conducting such a ceremony, you will leave everything bad in the past, and next year you will take only the best, your dreams, which may well come true if you do not anger the good-natured but fair Dog.

Yes, of course, there are many superstitious people who believe in signs for the Old New Year on January 13, 2018, but there are those who do not believe in them. In any case, all information regarding signs will be useful to everyone without exception.

If you are not lazy, try to do everything possible to achieve the goal, then everything will definitely work out. Each of us is the creator of our own happiness. Next year will be special for everyone, because we will leave everything bad in the past, we will try to make our future bright and prosperous. And knowledge will simply tell you how best to act, and what is better not to do.

The tradition of celebrating this holiday comes from the divergence Julian calendar(or otherwise the "old style" calendar) and the Gregorian calendar - the one by which almost the whole world now lives. The divergence of calendars in the 20th-21st centuries is 13 days. The Old New Year is a rare historical phenomenon that resulted from a change in the chronology. Due to this discrepancy in calendars, we celebrate two "New Years" - according to the old and new styles.

Folk omens for the Old New Year

As you know, there is a calendar folk signs and events, which contains unusual days and natural phenomena associated with them. The history of the holiday is also noted in it. Old New Year is called by folk calendar- Vasiliev day. People noticed that if the weather was frosty and with little snow, then this promised a bountiful harvest. The thaw on this day was perceived as a harbinger of a cold and lean summer. There were other signs as well. On the Old New Year, a blizzard broke out - nuts will be born.

"Avsen, avsen, you walked all over..."

Vasily's Day was a holiday of agriculture, in connection with this he met merrily: calendar songs were sung, round dances were performed, people started dancing. Traditional rituals were also used. On the Old New Year, sowing was carried out, wheat grain was scattered in the house. They also prayed that she would be born this summer.

The holy martyr Basil was considered the patron of not only agriculture, but also pig breeding, whose day was celebrated on the Old New Year. The story goes that the owners prepared meat dishes, pies, pork jelly. It was believed that this would bring health and happiness to all households. In addition, it was necessary to treat the guests with meat, so that night people went to each other - and congratulate, and taste goodies.

What kind of porridge you make, so you will spend a year

One more interesting tradition preserved the history of the holiday. Old New Year was a day of predictions. At night, elderly members of the family, a man and a woman, prepared ritual porridge. First, they waited until the oven heated up, and then they poured water over the cereal and put the pot in the oven overnight. By the way the porridge turned out, they determined what the coming year would be like. A whole pot and fragrant and crumbly porridge foreshadowed a happy future and a good harvest. Such a dish was eaten in the morning. If the cereal was out of the pot, running over the edge, or the vessel itself cracked, poverty and a lean year awaited the owners. In this case, the ritual porridge was not eaten, but immediately thrown away.

Even in ancient times, people said: "As you meet the year, so you will spend it." This statement, which has come down to our days, calls us to set a plentiful table with treats and dishes on a holiday and have fun, inviting wealth, prosperity and health to our home.

Prediction for the Old New Year

By ringlet

On the Old New Year, girls often guessed at the groom. You can do an impromptu quiz. Ask a married lady you know for an engagement ring. (Only it cannot be passed from hand to hand. This is a bad omen. It is believed that if a girl takes her engagement ring from the hands of a married lady, then fate will give her only not a free lover, but the lady will divorce. Neither one nor the other is needed.) It is better if the mistress of the ring is in your company (you can call your mother). Divination is done like this. We need to prepare cups, one per girl. The lady should arrange them upside down on the table. Put a ring under one. Naturally, everything must be done so that no one spies. Now fortunetellers must choose a cup for themselves. Not necessarily different. It is quite possible to think of one. When all the girls have decided, the secret of the location of the ring is revealed. The one that thought of the cup, under which it was, can expect a marriage proposal in the new year. The rest can be glad that there is time to enjoy youth and life without obligations!

How to know fate with the help of grains?

You know, in the old days, the most ordinary things or products were used for forecasts for the coming year. We will use any grain. In the old days, girls (and this is a female way of divination) went to the barn, and each one raked up wheat with a handful. So do it, just for simplicity, you can use any large grains (you can even coffee).

You should collect cereals as much as possible so that they do not fall on the floor. Then pour the grains in front of you and count. The resulting number follows by adding constituent parts down to a simple number.

Example: you have 274 grains in your handful. So do: 2+7+4= 13; 1+3=4.

Therefore, you get a four. There is only one exception to this rule: if at some stage of addition the number 66 appears, then you should not continue counting. The ritual will not be true. And the rest of the numbers are deciphered as follows:

  1. fulfillment of all desires, fate is in your hands;
  2. be with a couple this year;
  3. the girl will be courted by several admirers, it is not necessary to decide before next year, since the choice will be wrong;
  4. moving to another house;
  5. a new fulfillable dream will light up;
  6. boring year;
  7. wedding;
  8. unrequited love;
  9. good change in fate.

Previously, they only talked about marriage. But now the nine is interpreted more widely. She portends what a woman aspires to. That is, one can experience hopes for career growth, the realization of talent, wealth, admission to a university or something else that was planned earlier and leads to serious changes in life.

It so happened that the most favorite holiday of Russians is the New Year. We have been preparing for it for a long time and are celebrating it on a special scale.

New Year's festivities are also notable, of course, for Christmas week.

As always, it will last from 6 to 19 January. During this period, all kinds of fortune-telling are held, it is believed that fortune-telling is the most truthful at Christmas time.

Most of all, on the Old New Year, they like to guess unmarried girls. Nothing excites young girls so much as their future betrothed and whether they are destined for happiness or lack ...

The piggy bank of Christmas or New Year fortune-telling is constantly replenished, time does not stand still, the methods are being improved, adjusted to the present, but the most traditional fortune-telling is widely known and remains "in fashion". Maybe because they really come true?

The well-known divination on wax is very easy to perform. He needs a wax (not paraffin) candle and a saucer of water (preferably melted snow from the street).

The candle is lit and as it melts, the wax is poured into a saucer of water, which must be twisted clockwise. The wax should drip freely. You can also pour pre-melted wax into a saucer.

In water, the wax quickly hardens and then, according to its shape or the cast shadow, the fortuneteller predicts fate.

Sometimes in wax figures you can see certain person, sometimes a heart or a flower. These symbols mean that this year you will meet love.

Fortune telling on a wedding ring

This is just one of the options for divination with the help of a ring. A group of unmarried girls gather to see if they will get married this year. It is necessary to borrow an engagement ring from one of the married acquaintances in advance (just do not pass it from hand to hand).

Several cups or saucers are placed on the table upside down. Under one of the cups you need to put a ring. Then the cups are mixed in the manner: "I twist, I twist, I want to confuse."

Then the girls choose a cup for themselves (two or more are possible) and turn them over at the same time. The one under whose cup there was a ring can expect, if not marriage, then acquaintance with her betrothed this year.

This fortune-telling is not easy for those who live in high-rise buildings. Indeed, to carry it out, you need to go outside at midnight and, turning your back on the road, throw over your shoulder, as far as possible, a boot, slipper or other piece of footwear. Where the shoes fell toe, from there and wait for the groom.

The saddest option is if the slipper points with its toe to the side from which it arrived, that is, to the girl herself. This means that this year she will not meet love and will not get married.

If the toe of the shoe looks towards the church, then a wedding and a wedding are possible, if towards the factory, then the husband will be from working people, and so on.

Divination on a towel

In the old days, every marriageable girl embroidered her own dowry - towels, towels, sundresses, tablecloths. But nowadays you can take a simple clean white towel.

Before going to bed, a towel is hung out of the window on the street, while the girl says: “Betrothed, mummers, come and dry yourself with a towel.” Then the girl goes to bed.

Since ancient times, the period of Christmas time (January 7 to 19) was considered special. Many believed that these days fate could lift the veil of secrecy. Divination and various signs helped to learn about the future. On the night of the old New Year, unmarried girls guessed at their betrothed. It was believed that from January 13 to 14, you can get the most truthful answers to all questions.

Signs and traditions

It used to be believed that if on the night of January 13-14 a wind blows from the south, it means that the year will be prosperous and warm, if milk and fish will be in abundance from the west, and a rich harvest of fruits from the east. The people said: "Vasily's night is starry - to the harvest of berries."

At this time, it was a bad sign to say the word "thirteen", in this case, expect failure all year. It was also impossible to count pennies, otherwise you will shed tears later. People believed that a child born on January 14 would definitely become rich. On the same day, it was not worth throwing out the garbage, it was believed that by doing so a person endures his happiness.

On the table in Vasiliev evening should be kutya or juicy. Halva, nuts, raisins and honey were in abundance, because the more generous the delicacy, the richer the New Year will be. Also on the table were dishes from the meat of a rooster, a hare or a pig. So, pork predicted wealth, a rooster - freedom, a hare - success in all endeavors.


Divination by shadows

You need to take a flat plate, a clean piece of paper, matches and a candle. The sheet needs to be crumpled, put on a plate, and then set on fire. Further, when the sheet burns out, turn off the light in the room (if you haven’t turned it off by then), take a plate and go to the wall, bring a candle so as to project the remains of the sheet onto the wall. After that, carefully peer into the shadow, which will show your future. If you can't interpret what you saw, you can find the answer to such questions on the Internet.

Divination on dumplings

The hostess cooked potato dumplings that day and made some of them “with a surprise” by putting items in them. When the guests ate them, they found out what awaits them.

Lollipop - sweet life.

The coin is wealth.

A thread is a journey, a long road.

Candy is a replenishment in the family.

A pea of ​​black pepper - life with peppercorns.

Button - a lot of new things.

Divination for the future with cups

You will need as many cups as there are fortunetellers at the table. Then one item is placed in each of them: bread, a ring, a coin, sugar, salt, onion, a little water is poured into one cup. With their eyes closed, each of those who guess, in turn, chooses a cup.

The predictions are as follows: ring - for the wedding; coin - to wealth; bread - to prosperity; sugar - for fun; onions - to tears; salt - unfortunately, and a cup of water - to life without much change.

Divination in the name of the future husband

A fairly well-known fortune-telling is the search for information about the future betrothed under the pillow. Before going to bed, the girl writes different male names on separate pieces of paper and puts them under the pillow. In the morning you need to get one of them. The name that the girl sees will belong to her husband.

Also, at 12 o'clock at night, an unmarried woman can go out into the street and ask the first person she meets male name. What name will be called, so they will call the husband.

Divination by desire

On January 13, before going to bed, you need to write 12 wishes on separate sheets of paper, carefully fold them and put them under the pillow. Waking up in the morning, the fortuneteller draws 3 of them, it is believed that these wishes will certainly come true in the new year.

Divination on wax

You need to take 2 wax candles. Light one of them, and put the pieces of the second in a spoon. After that, you should heat the spoon over a burning candle, thereby melting the wax. Next, pour the molten mass into a glass of water, and the future is interpreted according to the figure that was formed from the wax.

Divination with a chain

After everyone falls asleep, you need to take a gold chain, rub it in your palms, transfer it to right hand, shake, and then throw on the table.

We saw a circle in front of us - closed troubles await ahead, if the stripe - in the new year will be lucky in everything, the knot - difficulties await, the triangle - success in love, the bow - to be a wedding, the snake - beware of betrayal, the heart - great love.

Psychological complexes