What makes your zodiac sign unique? What is Pilates and why is it unique? Soft motivation on the topic of uniqueness

At some point in life, each of us may come up with the question of what is the uniqueness of a person and, in principle, whether I am unique ...

Look at the pictures first and think what do you see in them?

Photographs by Canadian photographer Joey L.

Thinking about the uniqueness of a person, about the relationship between the concepts of culture, personality and society is a fairly permanent topic for me, and therefore I often return to it for myself ... But today - the history of these thoughts with the context in these photos.

I don’t know about you… But I saw beauty in these photographs… But not just beauty, but another, different and slightly incomprehensible beauty at first, which is very different from the one that I’m already used to seeing and in fact I simply don’t notice anymore.

This is a truly unique beauty!

But the most interesting thing is how this unusual and unique beauty makes me feel?

I'll tell you... The first thing is that I somehow feel it strangely. Sharper, right? It catches, is remembered and forces to come back to it and experience it again and again. She is at the center of my attention. Second, it leads me to a better understanding of the world. I understand that for beauty, in general, there is nothing to do with progress, the level of civilization and other myths ... Thirdly, a not very pleasant feeling of discomfort begins to appear from somewhere inside me ... I don’t think rationally, but right inside I feel that not everything is in my life as it can be and as it should now be changed ...

I wonder interesting question… Why do I even perceive these photos as unusual and unique beauty? And these photos themselves suggest a solution to me ... They are silent, but still whisper in my ear: “Look at the details ... This is where the uniqueness of a person lies!” And I'm starting to realize that it's the details in these photos that matter. If it were not for the details, strong and noticeable sensations simply could not have been. If you don't understand what I mean, it's probably modern society already weaned you from looking at the details. Go back to viewing the photos and try to notice exactly the details ...

Sometimes when I look at these photos, I have a smile ... sometimes I just laugh like a horse ... But why? Yes, I'm just trying to imagine myself in the outfit of some African tough guy. And that makes me laugh. But why am I laughing? I just wondered and rejoiced at the beauty? Looking inward is not enough. The decision does not come. I think not only about myself, but also about our society. About the society in which I live. What happens to me in this society? It's simple... in this society I can't imagine myself dressed as an African warrior... Because it's ridiculous!

But the question arises as to whether this is ridiculous from whose point of view? To be honest with ourselves, it should be recognized that each of us is extremely dependent on society and society. As a result, we rarely make decisions on our own. Other people dictate myths and behaviors to us. The uniqueness of a person is an alien concept for them. This also applies to culture and beauty. If we conform to the norms of society, then we are in a comfort zone. Other people appreciate us and assign us all possible virtuous titles and epithets. Like gray crows in a flock of other gray crows. Praise each other and everything is in order. This brings up another bold idea. After all, it very simply means that if I want to be unique, then I must be prepared for the fact that society will not appreciate me and will laugh. They will simply appoint me an egoist, an individual farmer, a bad person and in general a black sheep. Accounting for white crows is not very enviable. And this, frankly, gives me goosebumps because it scares me! And what is more frightening is not what will happen next ... The question of choice is more frightening ... Which way to go. And the choice is extremely contradictory - the desire to be unique and the desire not to become a black sheep.

At this moment, it starts to turn on in time logical thinking, trying to correlate the contradiction that has arisen. Sometimes logic can be helpful too. It can lead to eureka. I keep thinking... If you try to be unique, then society can just eat you up with giblets. And this is not good for an individual. But I no longer want to remain a gray crow, since there is already an understanding of something different, different, personal, with my own opinion ... After all, I already begin to respect the concept of the uniqueness of a person literally within myself. What to do? In fact, my long reflections were in vain. But time is a good tool. Time allowed me to go through different options for reasoning and salvation came. Save in the end thoughts leading to the history of mankind and the experience of other people who were unique in their own way. Remember you too...

Do you remember at least one unique person who lived 200 years ago, who is known only to you? That's right, there is no such person. All unique people in their own way are known quite widely and not to one person, but to entire communities. These communities may be small or large, but they are groups of people. And these groups of people remember those who were unique in their own way.

These are the arguments that came up on the topic “the uniqueness of a person” ... Enough for the first time, so I have already written a lot ... But I also have questions for you ...

Would you like to know what exactly people think about… “Each of my projects is a new story for me…”…

All people are completely different. They have their own thoughts, desires, dreams, writes Marketium. And all this, according to the "astrologers" is in charge of the planets. Scientists-astrologers have determined how each sign stands out from the rest. They also noticed one very important point, that in each Sign of the Zodiac there is such a feature that is fully manifested only in him alone.


Aries differ from the rest in their energy. They have such a strong positive aura that they attract everyone they meet along the way. Aries are charming in their purposefulness.


Kinder Taurus is difficult to find someone. Of course, they can also become participants in conflicts, this is common to all people. But usually the most a big heart belongs to Taurus.


Gemini is distinguished by irrepressible optimism and luck. They are lucky because they feel happy. They literally attract good luck with their faith in a brighter future.


In the first place for Cancers - the family and the well-being of loved ones. Their goal is to improve the home and create a family hearth. Sometimes they are too soft, but next to them it is cozy and warm, and others appreciate it.

The uniqueness of Leo is in their egocentrism. They live this feeling, thanks to it they achieve what they want, make up vitality and improve mood. This integrity and the ability to please, first of all, oneself is a very useful quality.

It is difficult to find someone more faithful than Virgo. They are very attached to people. If they love, then sincerely and with all their hearts. Virgos are not always angels, but they are ready for a lot for the sake of a loved one.


Libras truly enjoy talking. At the same time, they do not engage in empty chatter, but do it with a specific purpose and taste. This is the most sociable sign of the zodiac of all. And this allows him to be a valuable adviser and a terrific speaker.


If the representatives of this constellation begin to take revenge, then you can’t stop them. They act by the most sophisticated methods, it is difficult to convict and suspect them of something. Scorpions are the worst and most dangerous enemies.


The people of this constellation are by nature outwardly very harmoniously built, which gives them every right to be called the most attractive. In addition, they always watch their appearance, which once again emphasizes their beauty and attractiveness.


Do you want no one to know about your secret? Tell it to Capricorn! Threaten him, blackmail him, he will never betray other people's secrets. Capricorn knows how to keep secrets like no other.


Representatives of this constellation always generate new ideas. They have a very developed imagination and creative thinking. But sometimes they do not have enough strength to bring their ideas to mind, and therefore all their brilliant inventions and projects remain unrecognized.

Hi all.

During my passion for all-natural care, I also bought this balm. I have a lot of products from Haushka, some I liked, some I didn’t (for example, foundation). I really liked this balm, but I don’t know if I will buy it again. I'll explain why:

I have very dry skin, and this cream moisturizes it so well that after applying the cream for several days I could be lazy and not apply the cream under the eyes, wrinkles from dryness did not appear (a day or two for sure). This is the main plus for me. Not a single (!) cream gave me such a result, basically I CATASTROPHICALLY lack moisturizing the skin around the eyes from most eye creams.

Natural composition - everything is clear here, a good company, certificates, made in Europe.

A very economical tool. I threw away the jar after using it for a quarter, although there are only 10 grams of the product in the jar.

There is an icon on the bank that the cream is good for six months after opening. I didn’t attach any importance to this, but after half a year of use (and I didn’t use a clean spatula, because of laziness), I first had an allergy before my eyes. For the first time, I thought that the eye cream did not converge with the face cream (of different companies). The next time I applied it only to the eyes, and again itching, redness, inflammation. In general, I had to throw away almost full. Now in thought - the remedy came up to me (the first six months), and there is no need to spend money and look for a similar desire, but I don’t know, my skin has ceased to be friends with it because of the expiration date, or the same reaction will be to the new one.

Very greasy, it is better not to apply on the upper eyelid in the morning, all cosmetics will float. And the bottom is desirable to get wet from excess. I applied this cream half an hour before makeup, and then blotted the rest with a napkin. I also used it at night, but at the office. Khaushki website is strongly discouraged from doing this.

An inconvenient jar, the cream-balm is very dense, and you have to pick it out of the jar, which is unhygienic, because of this, I think the first minus turned out))

Usage: Rub a small amount of cream (just a drop) between your fingers until the cream-balm melts, and then apply to the skin around the eyes.

Outcome: Salvation for dry skin. If you lack moisture from your eye creams, I think this cream will do. For oily eyelids, it will most likely be a disappointment. Although the company does not position its products by skin types.

If we compare cream-balm with Dr.Hauschka Augen creme, then the cream is suitable for every day under makeup, less moisture, packaging is more convenient. Cream-balm gives amazing hydration, but is not very convenient to use.

P.S.: The name on my jar is different, I bought it not in Russia, but in Tallinn. Checked at office. website of Dr. Hauschka, they do not have other cream-balms)).

I'll ask you straight: you know how are you different from others?

About 7 billion people live on Earth, and none of them is alike.

Even twins who are completely identical in appearance have differences in character.

Understanding your uniqueness- one of the first steps to self-knowledge and spiritual development.

But many, if not most, have no idea what is special about them ... what is inherent only to them and no one else.

In this article, you will find an easy way to will help you determine what makes you unique.

Bonus for readers:

How to find your uniqueness

I offer you a very simple exercise that will help you understand how to find your uniqueness.

Ask your loved ones: What makes you different from other people? What do they value in you?

Ask your husband, parents, children, friends, co-workers...

The more answers you collect and write down, the more food for thought you will get.

I will warn you right away: write down ALL answers.

Most people do NOT see their uniqueness just because they think it's natural and accustomed to. It means they don't appreciate it.

The purpose of this exercise is to SEE yourself through the eyes of other people.

And then start broadcast to the outside world everything you found!

Expressing your uniqueness, individuality and passion through voice and communication will help open and balanced.

Soft motivation on the topic of uniqueness

And finally, a portion of motivation and a soft pendel from me in this fragment from the accompanying webinar for clients:

Examples of Human Uniqueness

They have not seen the article yet, it will be a surprise for them :)

Natalia Prokofieva:

I discovered relatively recently that I have a unique quality bring joy and uplift with his presence.

Joy with a touch of naivety, more precisely such a childish joy.

Julia Lorum:

Are we talking about our virtues and gifts that we can give to the world - what we have and others do not have? This is hard for me to articulate. And I can uniqueness)))

I perceive any individuality, any living creature as uniqueness, for me, this is a set of genes, qualities, experience - everyone has their own. Like iris or handwriting.

Svetlana Vilkonis:

I received two answers about my uniqueness. I couldn't figure it out myself either.

1 - excessive analytical mind (not even sure if this is good or bad).
2 - highly developed intuition.

And, as it seems to me, these are two opposite qualities ... strange. Maybe the uniqueness lies in the fact that these two qualities coexist in me somehow.

Olga Ludera:

But I feel this uniqueness, but I can’t quite put it into words)

For example, I can calm people down give them confidence and show direction how to look at their situation more positively.

And then I have a question for myself - can this be considered unique? Of course, not everyone has this quality, but I'm not the only one))

Alena Starovoitova:

I have been looking for an answer to this question for a long time ... As a result, I got the following:

I see every situation at an angle of 30 degrees. That allows me to easily expand the picture of the world of all my readers and clients.

What is YOUR uniqueness? Write in the comments!

Fitness expert Marie Windsor is credited with popularizing Pilates. She made workouts that were once completely incomprehensible to most accessible to everyone who is interested. in a healthy way life. Pilates is now at a new level of social acceptance. But, actually, what is Pilates and why is it unique?

A bit of history

Pilates was created over 100 years ago. Its founder, Joseph Pilates, called this system by his own name and indicated its effect on the soul and body at the same time. Initially, Joseph wanted to call his exercises "contrology" because they are based on control over the muscles using willpower.

What does Pilates do? Its influence is extremely wide - a person trains the back, abdominal muscles, develops joint mobility and coordination. You use during training even the stabilizing muscles, which sometimes receive insufficient load.

In Pilates, it is important to perform all exercises smoothly, concentrating on sensations and even breathing. People who do these exercises even for several months note that they have a special feeling of their muscles. Doctors also noted a positive effect - after some time of regular Pilates classes, blood circulation throughout the body improves.

Marie Windsor is committed to sharing her knowledge and experience with the public. Ms. Windsor has written several books and her articles have been published in numerous magazines. Now she has her own fitness studio and a rich roster of clients, including Drew Barrymore, Melanie Griffith, Meg Ryan, Sharon Stone and Marisa Tomei. Actresses regularly turn to the most popular trainer in Hollywood to keep fit and healthy.

How to find a good coach?

There is no shortage of fitness trainers these days. Someone specializes exclusively in Pilates, someone includes the principles of Pilates in other training programs. For any beginner, classes with an experienced coach will bring great benefits. You train not only the body, but also the mind! A person becomes more flexible, strong, the muscles of the body become toned and strengthened. A person has an understanding of the functioning of his muscles, not to mention the fact that efficiency in everything else increases exponentially after a good workout. Marie Winsor especially notes that Pilates relieves a person of stress, you relieve tension, and the nervous system calms down.

And now, the most important thing - if you mix Pilates with other types of exercises or resort to the services of an unprofessional, then you lose 80% of the final result. But how do you find a teacher who can really give you knowledge? Here are 5 questions you should ask first before signing up for a Pilates course:

  • Do you have a certificate to teach Pilates?
  • Does the coaching program you are certified in have direct references to Joseph Pilates classes?
  • How long did you study before getting certified?
  • What is your teaching experience?
  • Are you planning to continue your studies?

A good certification program is designed for a period of 8 months to one and a half years. The best teacher training programs will always have some form of reference directly to Joseph Pilates. However, it is up to you to decide which coach to choose - with experience or not. Experience doesn't always mean quality. You must feel the person yourself, because during classes you need to feel comfortable in every sense. Further training is also important, because the teacher will be able to learn about new methods and exercises. If the coach tries to divert the conversation or doesn't say something when answering your questions, run away from such a coach! Marie Windsor herself is a certified trainer in the program. Romana's Pilates, you can visit this site and see all certified teachers for this program.

Who Should Do Pilates?

Absolutely anyone can come to Pilates. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or have been playing sports for more than one year. Everyone is able to extract enough benefits for themselves.

“I always offer modified versions of exercises for different categories of people in my programs, this is important! If you consistently practice Pilates 3 times a week, after 10 sessions you will feel completely different. At 20 sessions you will notice changes in your own body, and at 30 sessions other people will see and appreciate these changes.

But it is important to remember that if you have more than 40 kg excess weight, it is better to consult a doctor before classes. However, Marie Winsor assures that Pilates is one of the safest sports, useful for both the body and the soul.

The abdominal muscles are the energy center of the body

Many Pilates exercises increase heart rate, improve circulation, and expand lung capacity. The main thing in achieving all these goals is even breathing. Unlike simple fitness, during Pilates you constantly strain your abdominal muscles. Joseph Pilates said more than once that the center of the abdomen is a "powerhouse" because most of our body's energy is concentrated in this area. Try the following exercise as a test.

Take a deep breath in through your nose, silently counting to 5, and in the same way - exhale through your nose, counting to 5. If you find it difficult to breathe through your nose, you can use your mouth, but breathe in and out calmly and without tension. Lie on your back on an exercise mat. Bend your knees and press them to your chest. Grab your ankles with your hands. Don't strain your shoulders. Now straighten your legs and lift your head and shoulders off the floor. Start breathing deeply and count to 100 in this position. Breathe evenly and slowly. In other words - 10 times for 5 breaths and 10 times for 5 exhalations. Slowly move your arms along your legs - stretch up and return to the original position. If you have a strong lower back, you can tilt your straightened legs at a 45-degree angle from your body. Start slowly rotating your legs (while keeping your heels pressed together) - this way you will feel the muscles of the buttocks and the muscles inside hips. The lower you lower your legs, the more you will feel how the abdominal muscles simply “light up”! But be careful and do not make sudden movements.

pilates olympic games

Not so long ago in New York, Pilates Style Magazine organized an amazing event.

It was the Olympic Pilates competition. Marie Windsor was a judge along with some of her fellow instructors. All proceeds from them went to the development of Pilates schools.

According to Marie, this was a new step in the history of Pilates. A lot of like-minded people gathered in one place. The participants of the training showed enthusiasm and demonstrated their talented performance of the exercises! Participants were divided into groups based on their Pilates experience. Famous instructors in the US have spoken out about strength, coordination, and body control. Ultimately, no one felt disadvantaged. Next Olympic Games Pilates will be held in Los Angeles. As they say, the journey begins with the first step. And this step was successful. Pilates is becoming popular and in demand.

If you are unable to find a Pilates trainer in your city, then you can purchase a DVD where the best instructors will teach you the basics of sports exercises. But, most importantly, Pilates will help not only strengthen your body, but also temper your spirit, as this is a special technique that harmonizes the balance of body and soul. What is Pilates and why is it unique? First of all, Pilates is accessible even to people who have been injured. These exercises allow you to strain the load in such a way that rehabilitation will take place twice as fast. In addition, many choose Pilates.

Psychological complexes