What to do with an icon donated by a bad person. Is it possible to give icons as a gift: signs, the opinion of the church

Orthodox priests they do not recognize signs, since they consider them to be the deceit of the unclean. The icon is the personification of holiness and purity. Where did the sign come from that a donated icon can invite trouble? In the old days, they tried to refuse donated icons, considering them spoiled. Signs: is it possible to give icons? Let's consider the issue in detail.

There was a belief among the people that a donated icon brings trouble to the house. After accepting such a gift, quarrels and scandals began in the house, the household fell ill with serious illnesses, or even went to another world. It was connected with damage, which evil people directed through the icon.

However, in modern world you can not be afraid of such surprises, especially if the icon is given by relatives or close people with good wishes and from the bottom of their hearts. Representatives Orthodox Church think that the consecrated icon brings God's grace into the house, cleanses from negativity and blesses those living in the house.

Icons must be given according to the rules established by the church:

  • personalized icons are presented on a birthday;
  • a sick person is given icons that help in healing;
  • colleagues and bosses should be given icons that help in work and business;
  • family people are given icons that bless the family hearth;
  • young girls are given images of saints, and young men - holy saints of God.

It is customary to give icons for a wedding, only the parents of the newlyweds or close relatives should do this. For the bride they choose the image of the Virgin, and for the groom - Jesus Christ.

Holy images can be given at any time, but more icons dedicated to an important event - birth, wedding, christening are endowed with a strong beneficial effect.

You should also know where the icon should be located in the house. For this, there used to be a “red corner”, that is, the most prominent place in the house.

Is it possible to give icons that were not consecrated in the church, made with one's own hand? An unconsecrated image does not carry positive energy, so homemade icons must be consecrated in the church.

Icons for women and men

It is believed that icons corresponding to the gender of a person can be brought as a gift.

For women:

  • Kazan Icon of the Mother of God - for family well-being and healing from ailments.
  • Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God - for the well-being of children.
  • Three-Handed Icon - to protect the home and free from depression.
  • Iberian icon of the mother of God - for deliverance from sins.
  • The Bethlehem Icon of the Mother of God is for those who wish to start a family.

For men:

  • Savior Not Made by Hands - for home prayers.
  • Icon of St. Nicholas - for those whose work is connected with traveling.
  • Icon of the Guardian Angel - to protect against troubles and temptations.
  • The image of the patron saint - for family well-being and choosing the right one life path.

Is it possible to accept an icon as a gift from a stranger? If there are doubts about the sincerity of the donor, you need to take the shrine to the temple for consecration. The ministers of the church will perform the rite of consecration, and the icon will bring good.

When accepting a shrine as a gift, do not forget to thank God. After the words of thanksgiving, put your forehead on the icon. Remember that you cannot burn or throw away the shrine. At the very least, take it to church.

Wedding icons

It is customary to give for a wedding images of the Mother of God and the Saint which the priest consecrated with a special rite. These two shrines are believed to protect a young family from strife and divorce.

Can be given to young people images of Fevronya and Peter who are considered the patrons of the couple. A good gift from parents will be and Fedorov Icon of the Mother of God, which helps conception and protects mother and child from adversity and disease.

The image of the holy forefathers help strengthen family relationships, contributes to the prolongation of the genus. Do not forget to conduct a special ceremony of consecrating icons on the eve of the wedding celebration.

Christening icons

Christening - significant event in life little man, his parents and godparents. The main gift for christening should be an icon that will protect the baby from adversity and help take the path of truth. According to tradition, godparents give the child a measured icon, which is made to order and corresponds to the growth of the child. However, you can also give the Measured Icon bought in the church.

Would be a good christening gift Nominal icon, the patroness of the little man. The nominal icon will accompany the Orthodox all his life. She is considered a protector, intercessor, you can ask your patron for the fulfillment of desires. The name icon is placed near the child's bed so that its face looks at the baby.

Also for christening you can give:

  • Image of Panteleimon the Healer.
  • Image of Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • Image of the Mother of God.
  • The image of the Matrona of Moscow.

Do not forget to pre-consecrate the icons in the church.


A new house should have its own patron, so it is customary to give icons for housewarming. It is usually customary to give Icon of the Mother of God of the Intercession, which protects the house from troubles and damage. According to tradition, the icon is given before entering a new house, new settlers must enter the premises already with the icon.

Another patron of new settlers is considered Skladen. These are three images combined in one icon - the Mother of God, the Wonderworker and Christ. The fold can replace the iconostasis, which, according to tradition, is mandatory in every Orthodox home.

What else can you give for a housewarming:

  • Icon indestructible wall- to protect against thieves and evil.
  • Icon Impassable door - protects from enemies and intruders.
  • Icon Burning bush- to protect against fires.
  • An image with a cross - a talisman against evil and misfortune.
  • The icon of the Conqueror of Bread - for protection from spiritual and material poverty.

Remember that the icons in the house cannot be hung on the wall - they are placed. In the presence of holy faces, one cannot swear, spit, and behave unworthily. If a party is planned in the room, it is better to take the icons to another room. bad omen a cracked icon is considered - this is the illness or death of a relative.

My cousin gave me 3 icons and candles for home prayer. Icons: Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina; Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Elena (my name is Elena); and some other (I can’t make out) that protects the house from fire (bush).
Everything would be fine, but they were presented to me by a person who, about 2 years ago and earlier, often insulted me, did dirty tricks to me, accused me of something that did not actually happen, and other bad deeds.
For a little over a year, everything seems to be fine, we communicate and do not swear. She strongly believes in God, attends church on Sundays, keeps fast, there are many icons in the apartment. I am not a strong believer, but I believe in God, baptized, of course, there are fewer icons.
I accepted the icons, although I was not very happy with this gift, because I'm afraid that the person cursed them, etc., passing through them only bad things to me. I am still afraid to hang them, as well as to use candles.
If I return the icons, she will be very offended. Yes, and I would hang them with pleasure if they were really given to me, so that all the best would accompany me.
What should I do, what is the best thing to do? Go to church and shine? Or should you not think about the bad?

not working at the moment

Dear Elena, according to church customs, giving icons is not prohibited in any way, and, moreover, it is superstition to talk about the fact that icons supposedly accepted as a gift can bring trouble with them. An icon cannot also be a "bearer of corruption" and in any way harm the one who prays before it. About how the Church relates to corruption and the evil eye, you can. As for your suspicions about who exactly gave these icons, I will call on you to be careful: our attitude towards loved ones should not be based on suspicions. Once within last year You are peacefully communicating with your cousin, while she is trying to lead a conscious and godly Christian life What are your suspicions based on? Only on unwillingness to forgive former grievances?

I believe that your relative, being church man already gave you consecrated icons. Nevertheless, nothing prevents you from asking her if this is so, and if not, then go to the nearest temple and ask her to consecrate these icons.

Recall also that icons are not just interior decoration. And an icon Holy Mother of God"Burning Bush" - first of all, it should be at home so that we pray to the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, and not as a paganly understood amulet from fire. Although, undoubtedly, there is a lot of evidence about how the Mother of God saved people and entire houses from fire through this icon. The same applies to the icons of Saints Cyprian and Justina, as well as the icon of your patron saint - Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Helena. How good it will be, if briefly, in your own words, but as often as possible, you will turn to the Mother of God: "Most Holy Mother of God, save us!" To the saints: "Pray to God for me!" And then, perhaps, you will want to address them in the same way as the whole Church addresses with the words of prayers and hymns.


Wedding and wedding


Easter and Christmas

Icon - a wonderful gift

Choosing a gift is a responsible matter. You always want to please the one to whom the present is intended, to give a piece of soul, warmth, to evoke a feeling of joy and a smile. Sometimes it’s easy to decide on a gift, and in some cases you have to carefully think through the details. Let's talk about icons. Giving such a gift always raises questions.

What is an icon? This is an Orthodox divine image, this is an image of the face of one or more saints. A piece of our attitude, our soul, our religion. Holy images must be present in every home, and must be consecrated in the church. The icon helps family members, provides invisible support and spiritual support. People turn their eyes, prayers and souls to the faces, thank the saints through the icons or ask for help.

Is it possible to give icons as a gift? Signs from time immemorial, divided into two sides. Most tend to such a gift with reverence and reverence, while others with mistrust and fear.

Where did the statement that icons can not be given come from, no one can say with accuracy. One can only assume that the very personification of a deity is comparable to idolatry. However, the church unambiguously refutes such a theory, believing that by concentrating on the divine face, a person creates a kind of dome inside himself, through which the devil cannot break through. In the head of a person, where chaos reigns, the devil penetrates without difficulty. The Church is generally against any superstition whatsoever, considering it a sin.

So, giving icons is allowed. Now let's try to figure out who can give an icon, and in what cases such a gift would be appropriate.

Baptism of a child

Previously, it was customary to give a “measured” icon for the baptism of a baby, in the growth of a born baby. Now this is rarely done, however, the tradition still exists. You need to order such a gift in advance so that the icon painter can make it on time. Sometimes they give a certificate confirming that the workshops are already working on creating an image.

Who is depicted on the "measured" icon? You can order an image of St. Guardian Angel" or "St. Stylian" (patron of children). Babies are still so fragile and defenseless, and looking at the image of their Angel, the child subconsciously begins to communicate with him, feeling support and warmth.

When asked which icon is given for christening to a boy, and which one to a girl, they will be happy to tell you in any icon-painting workshop. Now it is not customary to name a child according to the holy calendar, that is, by the name of the saint on whose day he was born, but this saint is usually present on the icon, since the child’s birthday is still given from above. They write the Guardian Angel, the saint in whose honor the child is named, and for girls they sometimes write "Theotokos".

Having decided to make such a gift to a little man, there is no longer any need to doubt whether it is possible to give icons as a gift. Signs and other superstitions should in no way concern thoughts godparents. The soul must be pure and not clouded by doubts. This image of the saints will protect and protect the baby throughout his life. He will turn to him with prayers, requests and thanks. The “measured” baptismal icon will become a family heirloom, while preserving the warmth of the soul of its donors.


What icon to give for a birthday? Firstly, you need to definitely feel only kind, cordial feelings for the person to whom such a gift is given. It is important to understand that they don’t make such gifts just like that, you can’t buy an icon as a souvenir. It's part of the soul, it's forever. Some feelings of indifference or indifference to a person should become a clear signal that you should choose another gift that does not carry such strength and power. Secondly, the person to whom the gift is intended must be a believer so that the holy face can bring peace and spiritual support to his house.

And it is possible and even necessary to give icons from the heart. The main thing here is to choose correct image, depending on who it is intended for. A relative, colleague or just an acquaintance. We will offer several options. Depending on the type of hobbies and activities, you can choose which icon to give to a woman, and which one will be more successful for a man.

    « St. Sergius of Radonezh». Mentor in studies, give to schoolchildren

    « St. Tatian». The patron saint of students, give to applicants and students

    « St. George the Victorious» give to conscripts in the Army

    « St. Archangel Archangel Michael» leads the heavenly army and patronizes all military personnel.

    "St. Joseph Volotsky" Business Assistant. Patron saint of Orthodox entrepreneurs.

    "St. Nicholas the Wonderworker" and "Guardian Angel" protect the driver on the road.

    "Holy Mother of God "Fadeless Color" The patroness of femininity, chastity.

    "Holy Mother of God "Education" helping parents raise their children

    "St. Tryphon" Protector of hunters.

    "Guardian angel" Protects his ward and contributes to his affairs.

    "St. Euphrosyn the Cook» Assistant in cooking, in the kitchen.

    "Holy Mother of God "Protection" protector and helper of the suffering, the needy.

    "Holy Mother of God "Mamming" The patron of children, the wish that the kids grow up in abundance, do not feel the need.

    "St. Apostles Peter and Andrew patrons of anglers.

    "Holy Mother of God "Burning Bush" protect from fire.

    "St. Matrona of Moscow" The patron saint of the suffering, the sick, possessing many miraculous abilities, healing.

    "St. Great Martyr Catherine" Patron unmarried girls helps in finding family happiness.

    "Holy Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice" to get rid of drug and alcohol addiction.

    "Kazan Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos" Family patron.

There is a huge variety of icons. You just need to choose what exactly you want to wish a person and decide on a purchase. Everyone will find an image to their liking. Having presented it, seeing sincere joy on the face of the birthday boy, all doubts will be dispelled whether it is possible to give icons as a gift. Signs sometimes do not carry any negative connotation, they simply exist, like myths, without any evidence. An icon is always good and good.

Wedding and wedding

The custom of getting married in Russia arose relatively recently. In the seventeenth century, such rituals were performed exclusively by rich people, and a century later they were firmly established in the everyday life of ordinary people.

The sacrament of the wedding is a wonderful ceremony performed on two people who have decided to dedicate life to each other in the worldly and afterlife. The purpose of the wedding is to tie the strings of generations into a single whole in sorrow and in joy.

The most important at the ceremony are, of course, the images of the Holy Mother of God and the Lord Almighty, they are called the wedding couple. The holy faces are witnesses of the couple's marriage. Images are selected in advance, this moment is carefully thought out. Since the wedding couple becomes a family heirloom that accompanies the young hand in hand throughout their life, such a couple is usually ordered on a wooden base in order to be able to store and restore for a long time. Later, the wedding couple is passed on to the next generation, as evidence of eternal love and a vow before the Lord.

Wedding icons are the connection of lovers with the Almighty. Every time they look at them, the spouses will remember how they swore oaths to each other before God. The icon of the Savior reminds the spouse that he bears the cross of God's marriage until the end of his days. The face of the Virgin calls the spouse to virtue and the maternal principle. Having entered into marriage, a woman should become one with her husband, like Mother of God that unquestioningly fulfilled the will of the Lord.

With a wedding couple, the priest blesses the spouses, inextricably linking them into a single whole until the end of days. With these icons, young people leave the temple to receive the blessing of their parents, who, in turn, also do this with the help of a consecrated wedding couple. After the blessing, the young spouses kiss the images and hands of their parents, forming a circle of generations and eternal love. Entering your house, you should find a good place for icons, light a lamp. The Almighty and the Mother of God will protect peace and happiness in the house of the newlyweds.

When preparing for a sacrament, there are always many questions. Is it possible to give icons as a gift? Signs say that the young must themselves purchase them for their wedding. However, the church is not so categorical. Wedding icons can be donated by parents, godparents or even close relatives, or they can be purchased independently. There is no clear-cut rule here and cannot be. The icon as a gift should come from the heart, from the heart, and the wedding couple is a stronghold family life, this is the blessing of heaven, the connection of generations.

An important point is the very ceremony of blessing the parents of their children. How to bless your daughter at the wedding? Parents stand side by side, the first to bless the father is the daughter with the icon of the Virgin. He crosses her three times with parting words and conveys the image of the mother. The mother does the same. According to some sources, there is an opinion that only the mother should do this alone with her daughter and before the wedding. Perhaps this is a matter of the traditions of a certain generation. But in any case, the most important thing is the words. The speech of the parents must be prepared in advance; one cannot rely on chance. The words spoken with the blessing will imprint the holy images forever. The power of parental instruction and prayer will greatly enhance the actions of holy images. Having received parental approval, it will be easier for newlyweds to go along the path of life.

How to bless your son at the wedding? Parting words to the groom from the parents are given in almost the same way as to the bride. Only the groom is blessed before leaving the house for the bride, and they make it an icon of the Savior.

After the end of the sacrament of the wedding, the parents meet the young, bless together and can give them hereditary and family icons.

There are times when there are no parents. Then the blessing is received from godparents or people close in spirit, whose opinion is especially valuable for the newlyweds. The Church does not allow it.

As for the guests, relatives, relatives and friends of the young spouses, they, in turn, can also present icons as a wedding gift. You just need to understand what icon to give for the wedding. The holy image is not a piece of furniture, not a picture, it cannot be taken and removed away from the eyes, it needs to offer prayers, thank for the help and ask for assistance. Consider some options as a wedding gift.

    « St. Peter and Fevronia of Murom» - keepers of the family hearth

    « Fedorov icon» - Assistant to expectant mothers in raising children and creating family comfort.

    « Holy Trinity» - God's blessing to the home of the young

    « Cover. Mother of God» - a wish to remain under the protection of the Virgin.

    "Home iconostasis"as a symbol of the beginning of a new family.

    « The image of the holy forefathers » wish young people to become a large family

    « Conception of John the Baptist » is also a wish for a speedy addition to the family.

E These are just some of the options that you can give to friends and family for a wedding. In our time, many art workshops are open, where they will help you make the right choice and make it at will in a short time.


So, figured it out Is it possible to give icons as a gift. Signs and superstitions very often originate from ancient times. There are practically no new signs, only the old ones are overgrown with an ever larger cocoon of human slander and fears.

As for housewarming, there is a sign. It turns out that even in bygone times, the icon “Protection. Mother of God "to wish the new settlerswarmth and comfort in the family.Now they donate not only her for a housewarming. Relay race of good deeds, good intentions fucked up further.

Choosing an icon as a housewarming gift is not as difficult as choosing a baptismal or wedding gift. The main thing is not to prevaricate and present the gift correctly. How to give an icon, what to say, you need to think in advance. You can not give it with poems from the Internet. Be sure to think over the speech, it will have a reinforcing effect on the gift. Only from the heart, only from the soul, only the most important and intimate.

Easter and Christmas

Icons can be given with or without a reason for the kindness of the soul. In the question of whether it is possible to give icons for any holidays, omens are meaningless. This is perhaps one of the warmest and most caring gifts in the world. Let's take a look at some holidays.

    Easter- one of the most beloved Orthodox holidays. It is celebrated by the whole family from young to old. What icons to give for Easter?

    « St. Mary Magdalene» It is with Mary Magdalene that the custom of dyeing eggs is associated.

    « Family icons» are written by special order, they are attended by all the saints, in whose honor family members are named after baptism. This image is a unique family heirloom and has a powerful effect.

    « Guardian angel» suitable for any holiday.

    "The Resurrection of Christ" will give the family a special unifying beginning and relieve discord.

    Christmas- a very revered and important holiday in life Orthodox people. What icons are given for Christmas?

    "The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ"- the best gift for a wonderful holiday for a person who believes and appreciates such holidays.

    "Icon of the Mother of God with the Child"- this holiday is also the Mother of God, so it will come in handy

    "Guardian angel" - the image of your keeper will always please the recipient

    "St. Matrona of Moscow"— the saint beloved by all will suit any occasion of life.

To all the great Orthodox holidays a gifted icon to a believer will be to their liking. Special days are conducive to accepting such gifts. Having cast aside all doubts whether it is possible to give icons as a gift, having forgotten signs and superstitions, feel free to choose and give the holy face.

Icon - a wonderful gift

So let's sum up some results.

    Icons can be given for any holidays.

    Holy images must be consecrated in the church ( And Sometimes people make icons on their own and the question arises whether it is possible to give icons embroidered with beads, threads, carved from wood, cast from metal.It is possible, but it needs to be consecrated)

    Icons are given sincerely with a light heart and bright wishes.

    You can only give to the Orthodox, who believe in the Lord.

    Icons are given for life, so you need to choose durable ones, for example, painted in oil or made on a wooden base.

    You can give an icon to yourself.

    It is impossible to silently give images of saints, you need to think over the words in advance.

    When receiving an icon as a gift, they usually thank and attach to the image.

    It happens that an icon is given by a person to whom the recipient does not feel sympathy. What if the icon is given by a bad person? First, you can refuse a gift. Secondly, you can take the gift OK to the temple. And it is very important to understand that the icon itself does not and cannot have any color other than positive. Can't through her bring some negativity into the house. If the giver had such thoughts, then they will turn against him, since icons are given only from a pure heart.In order not to be tormented by doubts and calm your heart, you can go to the temple and consecrate the icons, talk with the priest. After hearing the opinion of the clergyman, usually everyonefears dissipate.

Choose icons, give them as gifts, please your loved ones, offer up prayers and do not forget to thank the Lord for the day you have lived, for living parents, for healthy children, for family happiness and a roof over their heads.As you know, we scream for help, ask, beg with tears, but we offer few words of gratitude. Love the Lord and your neighbors.

People can cause damage. And since the face of the saints is located in a prominent place, in the room where people are most often located, the effect of this damage is growing stronger every day. Households begin to quarrel with each other.

It is possible to get rid of its negative influence only by communion. In this case, the icon must be given to the church, in no case should it be thrown away.

When can I donate icons

The clergy claim that the gift of an icon is a great sacrament, because it carries a particle of the spiritual and eternal. Therefore, it is possible to give the face of a saint, but only from a pure heart and only to an Orthodox person. Such a gift, presented with all my heart, will bring only happiness and goodness to the recipient.
At the same time, a person must understand that the icon is not just an element of the interior, it requires an appropriate attitude towards itself - respectful and respectful.

Despite the fact that you can give icons, you need to understand that not every holiday is a reason for such an offering. Most often brought as a gift at some celebrations.

With a baby. On the day of this sacrament, measured icons are usually given. This tradition originated in the royal family, when the godparents gave the newborn an icon equal to his height. She was supposed to protect him from misfortune and grief.

In Russia, growth was called "measure", hence the name of the icon - "measured".

On the . In honor of this celebration, parents usually give this gift to their children, blessing them. It is believed that the icon will strengthen the family union, giving joy and love to the home. Such an icon can be passed on as a valuable relic from generation to generation.

For a birthday. In this case, nominal icons depicting the face of the patron saint are given as a talisman.

For a church holiday.

Who can give icons

You can give icons to any Orthodox person. To a relative, friend, colleague, business partner - it is not so important. The main thing is that the gift should carry positive energy and be consecrated in a church or temple, otherwise the face of the saint will become just a picture.

For colleagues and partners, as a rule, they choose the icons of St. George the Victorious and Alexander Nevsky. Placed in the workplace, they will contribute spiritual development man and bring success to all his undertakings.

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Is it possible to give icons - when is it appropriate to do this, and when is it not worth it, is it possible to give an icon for a birthday and on other holidays, and on which holidays which icons to give - the church gives answers to all these questions. Read them in our post.

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Is it possible to give icons: what does the church say


An icon is not just an image of the face of saints, it is a shrine for an Orthodox person. Therefore, since time immemorial, the icon has been considered a significant and pious gift.


People close and dear to our hearts want to make a special gift that will accompany him throughout his life. Of course, no material objects are suitable for this, but the icon is exactly what you need.



There are many different superstitions among the people about giving icons. It is believed that a donated icon can bring trouble or a quarrel to the house. But every Orthodox person knows that superstitions are from the evil one, which means that they cannot be trusted. What does the church advise those who decide to present the icon as a gift?

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The tradition of giving icons has been around for a long time. Even our distant ancestors gave icons to each other, believing that such a gift would bring prosperity, health and happiness to the house. The image was placed in the so-called "red corner". Before him, prayers were offered with requests, or they thanked the Almighty for his help or mercy. It is believed that the icon, presented as a gift, becomes a real talisman for the family and the house in which it lives.

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Giving an icon is a kind of tool for spreading faith among people, so the church is very positive about this. However, before you give an icon, you must understand that such a gift would be appropriate only for Orthodox people. If you know that a person is far from the church and superstitious, then your present will most likely not be welcome, and may be hostile.



According to priests, icons should be given only with pure thoughts.


The choice of an icon depends on the occasion and directly on the person to whom you want to give the image.

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Is it possible to give icons on holidays?

You will show concern for a person if you present him with an icon as a gift, because this is a great shrine. Many are interested in whether it is possible to give icons on secular holidays or even without a special reason. Of course you can, but you must remember that the icon is given in order to pray before it, asking for help in business, family problems, etc. Therefore, be very responsible in choosing an image.

Let's look at what icons can be given on a particular holiday.


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Birthday icons

On a birthday, it is customary to give personalized icons with the face of the Holy Patron. It is worth noting here that people called by names that are not in Orthodoxy receive a different name at baptism. So, for example, Lilya, at baptism, can receive the name Julia or any other Orthodox. Along with the name, the patron saint is given at baptism, to whom throughout life they pray and ask for help in difficulties.


Therefore, be sure to specify what name was given to a person at baptism. Also, for a birthday, it would be appropriate to give an icon of the "Guardian Angel".

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Icons for the wedding

To the great sacrament of the wedding, they give a wedding couple - "The Lord Almighty" and the image of the Most Holy Theotokos. Icons must be the same size.

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First, the parents bless the young with them, and then the priest in the temple. After the wedding, these icons are kept as a family treasure and passed on from generation to generation as a symbol of love, family well-being and happiness.

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If you are not the parents of the young, you can present the icon of Saints Peter and Fevronia as a gift. They are the patrons of the family. Before this image, they pray for family well-being and giving children.



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Birth and baptism of children

Even our ancestors gave measured icons to the bride or baptism. In tsarist Russia, only representatives of the royal family. After the revolution, the tradition was forgotten, and only in our time it has not only been revived, but also acquired a mass character.

The icon is called "measured" because its height must correspond to the growth of the child at birth. Such icons are painted only to order, which makes the gift especially valuable. It is believed that such an icon has a special power for the person to whom it was presented.


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Icons for wedding anniversary or wedding

The best gift for a wedding or wedding anniversary is an icon. For this event, a family icon is ordered from the icon painter, on which the Patron Saints of all family members are depicted.

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An excellent gift would be the icon of the Mother of God "The Economist" or "Housekeeper". This image should be in every family; they pray before it for the well-being of the family.

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Is it possible to give icons without a reason?


In addition to holidays, there may be situations in a person’s life when it is possible and even necessary to give an icon. Be sure to give an icon if you feel that a person needs protection or help from our Heavenly Patrons. In addition, icons are given before any significant event in life. For example, study, pregnancy or military service.



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pregnant woman it would be appropriate to give the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Help in childbirth". Before this icon, they pray for a safe and painless childbirth.

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To a woman who has recently given birth, present the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Mamming". Before her, they pray that the mother has enough milk to feed the baby.

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Schoolboy or student, especially if study is difficult, be sure to give the image of the Blessed Mother of God"Addition of the mind" or the icon of "Sergius of Radonezh".


It is desirable that the icon be small, as it is recommended to take it with you to study or exams.

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Give a guy who is leaving for the army, or a soldier, an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary "The Sign", an icon of "Alexander Nevsky" or "George the Victorious".

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health worker you can give the icon of "St. Panteleimon" or "St. Luke."


When choosing an icon as a gift, remember that each image has its own purpose, and people turn to each icon with different requests.

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When should you not give icons?


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Nevertheless, there are cases when it is not desirable to give icons.

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For example, you can not give an image to people of a different religion. What do you think, if you are presented with the Koran, will you, as an Orthodox person, appreciate such a gift?

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Do not give an icon if you know that for a person it is nothing more than a picture. Remember that an icon is a shrine that must be treated with reverence.



Before you give an icon ordered from an icon painter, be sure to consecrate it.

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Signs and superstitions associated with the donation of icons

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In general, all signs and superstitions come from our pagan ancestors. It was believed that you can accept icons only from relatives or, in extreme cases, benevolent people.

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Our ancestors believed that through the icon the sorceress could cause damage. Illiterate people attributed their misfortunes to the icon that they were given. They tried to get rid of her. But since the icon cannot be thrown away, it was taken to the temple.

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Today, there are practically no people left who believe in these "fairy tales". Everyone knows that it is impossible to cause any harm to a person through a shrine.



If you have a desire to donate an icon, and you do not know how to do it correctly, consult with a priest. He will tell you which icon to choose for a gift, based on the specific situation.

Psychocorrection of deviations in children