Individual route for a child with srr. Individual route for accompanying a child with mental retardation of senior preschool age

Currently, the modern education system allows you to include every child in the educational space. Organization of education and training of preschoolers with a delay mental development regulated by normative documents: Law on Education of 10.07.1992 3 3266 - 1; Letter of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 29, 1999 No. 129/23 - 16.

Today, in relation to problem children, the term “individual educational needs” of a child is widely used, which refers to the features of the cognitive, motivational, emotional and volitional spheres of a preschooler, which have special specifics due to the nature of the developmental defect, for the satisfaction of which special conditions are required in the process of education and training. .

These conditions include:

  • certain organizational forms of training;
  • a certain system of correctional and developmental education (CRO);
  • the content of individual-group remedial classes;
  • special training of teachers.

An individual approach to education and training for each child with different educational opportunities and needs is recognized by many scientists. It helps to create conditions for personal development and is based on knowledge of the individual characteristics of a preschooler. Therefore, children with special educational needs need an individual correctional and developmental program. The structure of an individual program for a particular child includes:

  • complex diagnostics;
  • individual correctional and developmental route;
  • characterization of the dynamics of the child's development by sections of the program.

The materialization of an individual program for supporting a child with mental retardation is a special individual card escorts development and learning, which reflects all stages of the correctional and developmental process in relation to a particular child.

The organization of training is based on knowledge of psychological, biological and social features development. Therefore, the construction of an individual route begins with a comprehensive diagnosis, which is carried out by specialists: a teacher - a speech therapist, a teacher - a defectologist, educators, a music director and a physical education instructor. Moreover, each specialist makes his own diagnosis, in other words, he is looking for a place to apply his professional skills in relation to each child. The specialist singles out one of the problems more clearly, while others are solved in the background at this time, but he constantly implies them, commensurating his actions and the results obtained with them. Thus, the diagnosis by each specialist is a vision of the individual characteristics of each child, the possibilities of his development and social integration into modern society.

All stages of diagnosis are reflected in "individual map of child development". The structure of this map includes the following sections (Appendix No. 1):

  • general information about the child.
  • anamnestic data
  • specialist survey data
  • logopedic and psychological-pedagogical examination, which includes:
  1. the appearance of the child (posture, gait, coordination of movements, look, facial expressions).
  2. study of movements and actions (state of the musculoskeletal system and assessment of motor abilities, mobility and motor skills of fingers, dynamic praxis, objective actions, readiness of the hand to master writing).
  3. the state of cognitive activity (spatial representations, temporal representations, tactile object gnosis, thinking (matrix of figures, classification of pictures “What's what?”, “Fix the rug”, counting).
  • study of ideas about the immediate environment, about the world around, mathematical representations.
  • the state of play activity.
  • the state of productive activity (drawing, modeling, application)
  • the state of mental processes (perception, attention, memory, thinking)
  • the state of the emotional-volitional sphere (contact, volitional manifestations, performance, motives of activity, productivity).
  • features of speech activity (sound pronunciation, phonemic perception, sound analysis, the state of the sound structure of the word and vocabulary, grammatical structure and coherent speech).
  • analysis of the obtained diagnostic results in accordance with the content of the main parameters in the summary table of results(Appendix No. 2)
  • a conclusion that includes the structure of the defect this child indicating the preserved functions, pedagogical forecast (methods of mastering the assimilation of social experience, learning opportunities in a strong or weak subgroup, the intensity of individual correction, the type of education and training program for a child in kindergarten).
  • the main directions of correctional and developmental work in accordance with which an individual program for the development of the child is being developed (individual correctional and developmental route).
  • The study of each process takes place using several methods and is evaluated according to a 4-point system:

    • low level - 1 point,
    • average - 2 points,
    • above average - 3 points,
    • high level - 4 points.

    One of the options that contribute to the implementation of special educational needs is "individual educational route" preschooler (Appendix No. 3).

    The basis for building an individual educational route is the organization of optimal learning conditions for the child in order to develop his potential, form the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. The method of constructing an individual route characterizes the features of learning and development over a certain period of time, is of a prolonged nature (the entire period of upbringing and learning in a group).

    Principles of building an individual educational route:

    • step diagnostics.
    • Individual selection of pedagogical technologies.
    • Systematic control and adjustment.
    • observation.
    • Step fix.

    At present, a system of preparing children with mental retardation for school under the general editorship of S.G. Shevchenko, which allows you to solve the problems of timely active assistance to children preschool age with ZPR. This system is focused on the overall development of children (cognitive activity, moral and aesthetic possibilities), on a holistic approach to the child, on awakening his interest in learning about the world around him, on achieving good results based on taking into account the individual capabilities of children. The stages of the correctional-developing process are reflected in the "individual correctional-developing route".

    The purpose of the work on building an individual correctional and developmental route for a specific child

    • increasing the level of the general development of the child, filling in the gaps in previous education and training,
    • individual work on the formation of insufficiently mastered knowledge, skills,
    • social and personal development of the child and providing him with the necessary correctional and pedagogical assistance.
    • correction of deviations in the development of cognitive activity and speech,
    • directed preparation for the perception of elements of educational material.

    All correctional work is carried out within the framework of a holistic approach to the upbringing and development of the child, when the content of individual lessons should not be formal, mechanical “coaching” in one particular skill. Based on the principles of building an individual correctional and developmental route, in accordance with the program for preparing children with mental retardation for school, S.G. Shevchenko, within the framework of each task, determine their own directions correctional work individually for each child:

    • age-appropriate sensory development: mastering standards - samples of color, shape, size, sound standards; accumulation of generalized ideas about the properties of objects (color, shape, size), materials;
    • mastering subject-practical activities that contribute to the identification of various properties in objects, as well as understanding the relationships between objects (temporal, spatial, quantitative);
    • mastering productive activities (designing, modeling, applique, working with natural material) that contribute to the sensory, mental, speech development of the child;
    • accumulation of language representations, development of phonetic and phonemic processes, preparation for teaching literacy;
    • clarification, enrichment and systematization of the dictionary on the basis of familiarization with objects and phenomena of the surrounding world;
    • the formation of dialogic and monologue forms of speech, the development of communication skills;
    • development of elementary mathematical representations and concepts corresponding to age;
    • formation of age-appropriate gaming skills;
    • formation of elements of educational activity;
    • formation of adequate emotional-volitional manifestations and ways of communication and interaction.

    The dynamics of the correctional-developing process is reflected in dynamics control sheet(Appendix No. 4). The development dynamics control sheet is filled out on the basis of the conclusions of the institution's specialists based on the results of training and education in January and May. Structure this document includes a description of the dynamics of the child's development in sections: gaming activity, speech development, literacy training, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, self-service, musical development, physical development, emotional-volitional sphere, productive activities.

    This document also includes recommendations, a conclusion on the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work for a given period of time and academic year. The characteristic of the dynamics of the development of the child involves the following types: positive dynamics: high level; positive dynamics: above average level; relatively positive dynamics: average level; minor dynamics: low level; negative dynamics(the inability of the child to learn the content of a particular section of the program); undulating dynamics; electoral dynamics. The dynamics of development depends on the severity of the violation, the volume of violations (their locality or totality), the causes of violations. The main indicators of a child's mental development are general intellectual skills: accepting a task, understanding the conditions of this task, ways of doing it - does the child use a practical orientation; learning in the process of diagnostic examination; interest in cognitive tasks, productive activities and attitude to the result of their activities. The analysis of the obtained results of the dynamics is reflected in the summary table (Appendix No. 5).

    Individual card escorts development and learning is a document fixing the diagnostic, correctional and developmental measures carried out by the specialists of the preschool educational institution, their effectiveness, the nature of individual changes in the learning and mental development of a preschooler, data on the child's readiness for school. This approach to individual education and training opens up wide opportunities and a positive result, provided that personnel are professionally trained and interested in the process of helping children with special educational needs.


    1. Gorbacheva G.G. Individual educational route as a condition for the implementation of psychological and pedagogical correction of preschoolers with developmental problems.// Preschool Pedagogy / May / 2008
    2. Lavrova G.N. “Psychological and pedagogical developments of individual correctional and developmental programs for children with developmental problems in a (correctional) preschool educational institution. Chelyabinsk 2003
    3. Lavrova G.N., Rychkova L.S. Differential Diagnosis the level of mental development of children 2 - 7 - years of age. Chelyabinsk 2000
    4. Mustaeva L.G. Correctional - pedagogical and social - psychological aspects accompanying children with mental retardation. Moscow 2005
    5. Strebeleva E.A. A variant of an individual program for the upbringing, education and development of a preschool child with an intellectual disability / / Defectology No. 5, 2002
    6. Shvchenko S.G. Preparation for school of children with mental retardation Moscow 2007.

    JSC NTsPK "Orleu" IPK PR for East Kazakhstan region

    SUBJECT:« Individual adaptive route of correctional and developmental work for a student with mental retardation studying in grade 1 »

    Completed: Shchebrova E.N. psychologist KSU "Opytnopolskaya secondary school"

    Supervisor: Sedchenko T.N.

    Teacher: Kukina Yu. E. – Candidate of Psychological Sciences.

    Ust-Kamenogorsk 2015

    Explanatory note

    Over the past few years, there has been an increased interest in the problem of ZPR, and there is a lot of controversy around it. All this is due to the fact that in itself such a deviation in mental development is very ambiguous, it can have many different prerequisites, causes and consequences. The phenomenon, which is complex in its structure, requires close and careful analysis, an individual approach to each specific case.

    Timely organization of corrective action is the main factor that determines social adaptation and rehabilitation of a problem child.

    Deficiencies in development are successfully compensated for with directed and systematic work. However, this should not be a system of mechanical training, but a system of conscious, creative work child (even in the simplest tasks) under the guidance and assistance of an adult.

    For children, an individual route is drawn up. , home target which is the development of the content of correctional work aimed at the formation and development of cognitive processes, sensory-perceptual activity in accordance with age and individual psychological characteristics child, health problems and the specifics of mental retardation.

    Despite some differences, there are always common directions and tasks:

    A deep, comprehensive study of the child (identifying individual characteristics, the level of development of cognitive activity and the emotional-volitional sphere, potential development opportunities, the stock of knowledge and ideas about the world, skills and abilities in various activities).
    - Design and implementation of individual and group correctional programs.
    - Studying the dynamics of a child's development in conditions of remedial education, clarifying their educational routes in a school setting

    A complex functional system arises in which the tasks of diagnosing and correcting deficiencies in the development of children are organically intertwined. This requires the development of special psychological and pedagogical technologies of a triune complex: diagnostic, correctional-developing and analytical work at three levels:
    - individual support of the child (individual diagnostics and correction),
    - group escort
    - functioning of the institution as a whole.
    The design of psychological and pedagogical support is closely related to the analysis and evaluation of the results of pedagogical activity, since this allows you to find the most effective methods overcoming the shortcomings in the development of children, creating an optimal developmental environment that corresponds to the characteristics of children with mental retardation, to prevent and eliminate possible adverse effects that in some cases may arise in the process of implementing pedagogical tasks.
    Need to implement diagnostic and monitoring activities in three directions:
    - diagnostics,
    - control,
    - monitoring.
    The design and implementation of the tasks of psychological and pedagogical support requires everyone to have a high level of professional competence, a complete understanding of the nature of their own activities in the structure of comprehensive support for the child and the activities of colleagues, the ability to solve their problems in a teamwork environment. In addition, it is important to determine the fundamental positions of diagnostic work with children, select the necessary forms and methods, and develop working and reporting documentation. All this will create conditions for ensuring the controlled positive development of the child, maintaining and strengthening his health.

    successful overcoming developmental disabilities.
    Control direction(Control of assimilation).
    - correctional - developing program;
    - educational program.
    Monitoring direction
    - Monitoring the implementation of the correctional and educational process (conditions, implementation process).

    The main goal of individual diagnostics is to identify and describe the developmental features of each child (cognitive activity, speech development, emotional-volitional and motor spheres, his current knowledge, skills, as well as potential opportunities). An analysis of the results of the examination makes it possible to determine the prognosis for the further development of the child, to select the content of the correctional and developmental influence and the most effective methods of psychological and pedagogical influence in relation to each pupil.

    Another purpose of diagnostic work is to identify negative trends in the development of the child, which allows timely adjustments to be made to the individual correctional program. Systematic diagnostic work allows you to identify children experiencing difficulties in mastering the program, timely refer them to specialists and, if necessary, change the pedagogical route.

    The main purpose of diagnostics at the level of the age group is the acquisition of subgroups of children, taking into account the levels of actual development and the possibilities of mastering one or another educational content. An important task is to study changes and achievements in the development of children in order to assess the effectiveness of pedagogical activity. Thus, diagnostics becomes a tool for implementing administrative or methodological control over pedagogical activity and can perform the function of psychological and pedagogical monitoring within the framework of a holistic pedagogical process at the institution level.

    Let us consider in more detail the content of the diagnostic and monitoring activities of a special kindergarten for children with mental retardation.

    diagnostic direction.
    The main tasks of examining children in a special kindergarten are:
    - identification of the level of training, i.e. the degree of mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with age capabilities, areas of promising development;
    - determination of the compliance of the child's mental development with normative indicators;
    - identification of qualitative features of the mental development of the child;
    - determination of compensatory possibilities, which should be relied upon in work with the child;
    - determination of the dynamics of development, including when mastering the program of correctional and developmental education;
    - differentiation of conditions similar to mental retardation;
    - study of the parameters of school maturity and psychological readiness for schooling, the choice of its optimal form.

    Experts know that the most objective is diagnostics, based on long-term monitoring of the development of the child, the stability and quality of those indicators that are the object of study. An important criterion in evaluating the results of a child's activity is his energy and neuropsychic expenditures for achieving qualitatively new indicators of mental development, for acquiring new knowledge, skills and abilities. Obviously, the success of corrective work will depend on how much it will be possible to activate the psychological mechanisms that ensure the achievement of new levels of development.

    Indicators of the cognitive and personal development of the child, obtained in the course of an in-depth examination, determine his individual educational needs. Considering the complexity of constructing the diagnostic process and the responsibility of specialists for the results obtained, we present the requirements that should be guided by when organizing diagnostic activities.
    When organizing diagnostic activities, one should rely on the current legal documents, as well as internal documents of a preschool educational institution.
    Participants in the diagnostic process must comply with the Code ethical standards and rules during the examination procedure and when parents and other teachers are acquainted with the results of the diagnosis.
    When evaluating the results of diagnostics, it is necessary to focus on the potential capabilities of the child, i.e. evaluate not only the level of current development, but also the zone of proximal development. At the same time, it should be remembered that any achievement of a child of preschool age at each stage of his development is intermediate and serves only as a basis for the teacher to choose methods and technologies for individual work.
    Diagnostics should not be based only on identifying the level of assimilation educational program(ZUN). It is important in what way this knowledge is mastered by the child, the psychological mechanisms for mastering knowledge and ideas are somewhat formed.
    Diagnostic methods should be criteria-oriented, i.e. to suggest a qualitative-quantitative analysis of the achievements of the child. Testing can be used only in some cases to solve particular problems.
    The selection of methods and the definition of the goals and content of a diagnostic study should be built on a scientific basis.
    Carrying out any diagnostic procedure should be expedient, i.e., specialists should clearly understand the purpose for which it is carried out, how will its results be applied?

    Control and evaluation function.
    Taking into account the peculiarity of the psyche of children with mental retardation, a significant variation in individual indicators of mental development, it is necessary to promptly and timely identify insufficient dynamics in specific children or an entire group, and establish the objective reasons for this state of affairs. Another direction of medical-psychological-pedagogical control is monitoring compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and psychological conditions in the organization and implementation of the correctional-pedagogical process.

    Analytical-diagnostic and planning-prognostic component (monitoring)
    A comparative diagnostic study involves an assessment of dynamic changes in the development of the child and takes special place in the construction of the correctional and educational process of a special kindergarten. Such a study makes it possible to determine the effectiveness of the content of training and education, organizational forms and methods of correctional and developmental work. Diagnostics becomes a tool for optimizing the correctional and pedagogical process and improving pedagogical technologies.
    The analytical and diagnostic component occupies a special place in the structure of the correctional-pedagogical process and plays the role of an indicator of the effectiveness of health-improving, correctional-developing and educational-educational influence. The following types of monitoring are usually distinguished.
    Psychological monitoring development of cognitive and emotional - personal spheres, both for each pupil and for the group as a whole, with which specialists work.
    Pedagogical monitoring(didactic and educational).

    To conduct monitoring, the leader must highlight the most important indicators that reflect the dynamics of the pedagogical process

    Annex 1


    FULL NAME. child ________________________________________________________________________

    Date of Birth ______________________________________________________________________

    House. address _________________________________________________________________________

    Receipt date ____________________________________________________________________

    Where did you come from _________________________________________________________________

    Decision of the GMPPC ________________________________________________________________________

    Information about parents:

    Mother- ________________________________________________________________________________

    Father- ______________________________________________________________________________


    Data from the history of development:

    The nature of pregnancy _______________________________________________________________

    Childbirth _________________________________________________________________________________

    Birth weight ___________________________ Height __________________________________

    Early psychomotor development ______________________________________________________________

    Past illnesses ____________________________________________________________



    Features of early speech development ________________________________________________


    Expert opinion:

    ENT ________________________________________________________________________________

    Ophthalmologist ____________________________________________________________________________

    Psychiatrist _________________________________________________________________________

    Neurologist _____________________________________________________________________________

    Speech therapist ____________________________________________________________________________



    Beginning of the year

    The end of the year

    1 - does not make contact

    2- contact formal

    3 - makes contact with difficulty, does not show interest

    4-contact selective

    5- easy to establish contact


    1-passive(s), sluggish(s),


    2-increased emotional excitability, irritability

    3-mood swings, emotional lability

    4.5 - active, cheerful, emotionally stable


    1- communication is weakly expressed, realized through body movements in combination with an inexpressive smile, cry

    2-communication through body movements, head, smile, voice

    3- communication through a differentiated voice, facial expressions, expressive gaze

    4- communication through amorphous root words, gestures

    5- verbal means of communication



    1-does not use gestures and facial expressions

    2-shows the desired specific demonstration of the action, touching the object

    3- shows objects at a distance, shows with a gesture what you want

    4- uses gestures and facial expressions

    5- uses complex facial expressions and gestures



    Beginning of the year

    The end of the year


    1. Jump on two legs

    2. Stomp your feet and clap your hands at the same time

    3. Catch a thrown ball (several times)

    5- all parameters in N

    4- all parameters are close to N

    1-does not perform movements


    1. Fold the 1st and 2nd finger into a ring

    2. Pull out the 2nd and 5th fingers (goat)

    3. Fingers say hello

    5- all parameters in N

    4- all parameters are close to N

    3-performs movements in slow motion, has difficulty switching

    2- performs movements inaccurately, uncoordinated, has difficulty switching

    1-does not perform movements


    1.Show left, right hand(leg)

    2. Show objects that are: behind, in front, above, below.

    4- makes mistakes, but corrects when re-showing

    3- gets confused, performs tasks uncertainly, with errors

    2- performs tasks incorrectly

    1-does not perform tasks


    1. Ability to hold a pencil.

    2. Drawing straight horizontal and vertical lines

    3. Drawing geom. shapes (circle)

    4. Drawing wavy and broken lines

    5-N, performs tasks independently, accurately

    4-tasks are performed with insufficient pressure, there is no clarity of lines

    3- performs tasks with errors

    2- performs tasks incorrectly

    1-does not perform tasks

    LEADING HAND left-handed, right-handed, ambidextrous (Underline whatever applicable)



    Beginning of the year

    The end of the year


    1. Collect the pyramid

    2. Assemble a 4-part matryoshka

    3. Build a stick figure

    high chair (4 p.)

    4. Stack the 4-Piece Picture Cubes

    5 - performs tasks independently

    4 - performs tasks with the help of a teacher;

    3 - performs tasks according to the model;

    2 - performs imitation tasks;

    1- does not complete tasks


    4-5 items

    5 - volume above N

    4 - volume in N;

    3 - volume 1/2 N;

    2 - volume below 1/2 N;

    1 - does not complete tasks


    "Intertwined Lines".

    5 - uniform pace of execution, 8 seconds per line, no errors;

    4 - no errors, time within 1.5-2 minutes;

    3 - 3 or more errors in the same time;

    2 - big number mistakes;

    1 - does not complete tasks

    3. Concentration

    Find the contours of famous images in the drawing

    4.5 - no errors

    3 - 3 or more errors

    2 - a large number of errors;

    1 - does not complete tasks


    1. Hearing -


    sounding toys

    Bell and whistle;

    Tambourine and mallet

    4 - makes one mistake when differentiating sounding objects and reproducing rhythm;

    3 - differentiates sounding objects, reproduces the rhythm with a large number of errors and corrections;

    2 - does not differentiate sounding objects, does not reproduce the rhythm;

    1 - does not complete tasks

    2. Visual perception


    Pick up an object of the same color;

    Show the color that the teacher will name;

    Circle, triangle, square

    Show the form that the teacher will call;

    Pick up an object of the same shape.

    4 - picks up and shows an item with one mistake;

    3 - picks up an object, but does not show it;

    2 - does not pick up, does not show the item;

    1 - does not complete tasks


    Guess the object by touch

    4-5 items

    4 - recognizes objects, but makes one mistake;

    3 - does not recognize all objects, makes mistakes;

    2 - does not recognize objects;

    1- does not complete tasks

    4. Spatial perception

    Locate an item

    High - low, left - right, front - back

    4 - defines, but makes one mistake;

    3 - defines, but not all, makes mistakes;

    2- does not determine;

    1- does not complete tasks

    5. Perception of time

    Correlation of the event with the time of its occurrence.

    Parts of the day


    4 - correlates, but makes one mistake;

    3 - does not correlate everything, makes mistakes;

    2 - does not correlate events with the time of its occurrence;

    1- does not complete tasks


    1. Visual, figurative

    Remember the images and the location of the objects.

    4-5 items

    3 - storage volume 1/2 N;

    1- does not complete tasks

    2. Auditory

    Remember the words; 4-5 words

    Remember sounds. 4-5 sounds

    4 - remembers, but makes one mistake;

    3 - storage volume 1/2 N;

    2 - storage volume below 1/2 N;

    1- does not complete tasks


    - "The fourth extra" visually

    "Simple Generalizations"

    1 - does not complete tasks

    - "Cut picture"

    Of 4 parts without a sample, of 6 according to the sample

    4 - makes a mistake, but corrects it on his own;

    3 - performs tasks according to the model;

    2 - performs tasks incorrectly;

    1 - does not complete tasks

    3. Generalization

    Name in one word all the objects in the picture (visually and aurally);

    Toys, dishes, clothes, shoes, vegetables

    4 - makes a mistake, but corrects it on his own;

    3 - performs tasks according to the model;

    2 - performs tasks incorrectly;

    1 - does not complete tasks

    4. Comparison

    Compare pictures.

    The smallest,



    4 - makes a mistake, but corrects it on his own;

    3 - performs tasks according to the model;

    2 - performs tasks incorrectly;

    1 - does not complete tasks

    5. Seriation

    - in size.

    4 - makes a mistake, but corrects it on his own;

    3 - performs tasks according to the model;

    2 - performs tasks incorrectly;

    1 - does not complete tasks

    6. Systematization

    Find the place of the item in the empty box.

    4 - makes a mistake, but corrects it on his own;

    3 - performs tasks according to the model;

    2 - performs tasks incorrectly;

    1 - does not complete tasks


    (Level of development of mental activity)


    Date __________________ Conclusion _______________________________________________________________

    (The level of development of mental activity)

    Teacher - defectologist ______________________________________________

    Levels of development of mental activity of children with mental retardation

    I level - the level of age compliance. The task is available to the child by age and level of development. However, in different children, the qualitative characteristics in its implementation vary significantly.

      Sublevel A- Sufficient age matching. Most of the ratings for the parameter under study correspond to the rating "four", i.e. the studied parameter is within the "age norm". Half of the marks with a value of "three" are allowed to establish sublevel A.

      Sublevel B- average age matching. Most of the studied parameters are in the interval of "two" points.

      Sublevel B- Low age match. Most of the estimates of the studied parameters are in the range of "one - two" points.

    II level - age discrepancy of the 1st degree.
    At the second level, children are offered easier tasks, which are usually available to children one year younger.

      Sublevel A- Slightly expressed age discrepancy. Most of the assessments for the studied parameter lie in the range of "four-three" points.

      Sublevel B- moderately pronounced age discrepancy. Most of the estimates for the parameter under study lie in the range of "one - two".

    III level - age discrepancy of the 2nd degree.
    This is a level well below the age discrepancy. At the third level, children are offered tasks that are usually available to children two ages below, while the score does not matter anymore. The protocol notes only the qualitative characteristics of the task solution.

    Thus, we obtain a qualitative-quantitative characteristic of the development of individual indicators of mental functions and can determine how much the level of development of the child corresponds to age-related capabilities. This approach makes it possible to evaluate

    The real level of mental development,
    - the degree of developmental delay according to various indicators,
    - evaluate the individual dynamics of overcoming mental retardation,
    - identify the most critical indicators,
    - build profiles of individual development.

    The transition of a child from one level to the next or several levels over a certain period of time will determine the dynamics of his individual development, taking into account natural maturation (i.e., the scale for assessing mental development is correlated with respect to age).

    Appendix 2

    Approximate individualadaptivea program of correctional and developmental work for 4-year-old children with mental retardation with a more pronounced degree of developmental impairment.

    Academic year

    F.I. child ___________________________________________ date of birth_________________

    Level of development based on the results of diagnostics at the beginning of the year _______________________________


    Level of development based on the results of diagnostics in the middle of the year ______________________________


    Actual problems of the child: _______________________________________________________________



    Minutes No. ___________ dated _________________________________________________

    The main directions of corrective work:

    Acquaintance with the environment

      Formation of primary ideas about the change of seasons.

      Formation of interest in objects and natural phenomena and the ability to observe them.

      Acquaintance with objects and objects of the immediate environment, their purpose and functions (kindergarten, toys, furniture, dishes, clothes, shoes).

      Formation of ideas about the meaning of adult labor.

      Formation of primary ideas about domestic animals and birds, cubs, appearance, lifestyle.

    Speech development

      Expanding understanding of speech. Strengthening the understanding of words.

      Accumulation of passive vocabulary. Raising the need for verbal communication

      Development of understanding of simple sentences in situational speech.

      Learning to understand and follow one- and two-step instructions.

      Expansion, clarification and activation of the dictionary on the studied lexical topics.

      Learning to understand general words: toys, clothes, shoes, dishes, animals, birds.

      Teaching answers to the questions who is it? What is this?

      Formation of the ability to finish a phrase, to finish words for an adult in nursery rhymes, exercises, poems.

    Formation of elementary mathematical representations

      Mastering geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle) and shapes of objects (round, square, triangular).

      Learning to group objects by color, size, shape.

      Learning to use the words big, small.

      Learning to compare two objects, identical or contrasting in size, length, width, height (by overlay and application).

      Identification of relations between groups of objects by quantity and number (many, one, none).

      Teaching direct counting up to 5. Learn to correlate the numbers 1,2,3 with the number of objects.

      Formation of the ability to coordinate adjectives and numerals one, two, three with nouns.

    sensory development

      (first at the comparison level, then at the word display level).

      Formation of attention to non-verbal sounds, the ability to recognize and distinguish non-verbal sounds (two contrast-sounding musical toys: a hammer and a pipe, a bell and a whistle, a tambourine and a hammer).

      The development of visual perception, the ability to compare and distinguish contrasting in size, shape (round - square), color (red - yellow - green - blue) objects.

      Mastering elementary combinatorics - placement according to a given attribute: color, size

      Formation of the ability to recognize objects by touch.

    Development of mental functions

      Education of auditory attention in the perception of soft and loud sounding toys, quiet and loud speech.

      Education of auditory-speech memory during the perception of one- and two-step instructions.

      The development of visual attention and memory in working with paired and split pictures.

      The development of visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking when grouping and classifying well-known objects (toys, clothes, shoes, dishes, animals). Highlighting the 4th extra at the level of simple generalizations (for example, 3 hares and 1 plane).

    Development of temporal and spatial representations

    Teaching orientation in the scheme of one's own body and the main directions from oneself (above, below, in front, behind).

    5. Formation of the ability to navigate in parts of the day (day, night), distinguish and name them.

    constructive praxis

      The development of fine motor skills in working with cut pictures (from 2-4 parts with vertical and horizontal cuts).

      Folding the pyramid in imitation, taking into account the size of the rings, then independently.

      Folding nesting dolls from 3-4 parts by imitation, then independently.

      Mastering the skills of working with a box of forms (like a Segen board) with 4-8 slots

      Building figures from 3-4 sticks.

      Working with Kuisener's sticks.

    Development of graphic skills

      Learn proper posture

      Learn how to grip a pencil correctly.

      Learn to draw dots, evenly applying them to the sheet.

      Learn to draw vertical and horizontal and curved lines.

      Learn to color images bounded by an outline.

      Learn to draw a round shape.

    Level of development according to the results of diagnostics at the end of the year ______________________________


    Dynamics of remedial education

    Over the past period from _______________ to _______ _____, the following changes have occurred: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



    Recommended: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    Defectologist teacher _____________________

    Annex 3

    Sample planning of individual lessons.

    Academic year

    Full name of the child ___________________________________________ age _____________


    Lesson 1

    Repetition of signs

    autumn by reference pictures

    Development of attention

    Golden autumn has come to visit us.

    Color the identical leaves yellow

    Lesson 2

    Exercise "Home"


    Lesson 1

    Development of orientation in color at the level of comparison

    Development of attention

    D / game "Hide the mouse"

    Color the leaves red

    Lesson 2

    Form concepts and ideas about the circle.

    D / game "Guess the shape of the object." Color the circles in green


    Lesson 1

    Mastering elementary combinatorics

    Development of attention

    D / game "Leaves"

    What is the difference between the pictures, color the differences

    Lesson 2

    To form ideas about the concepts of "one-many"

    "Look Closely", "Cubes"

    "Find and paint"


    Lesson 1

    Enrichment and refinement of the vocabulary on the topic "vegetables"

    Development of fine motor skills

    "Guess by the description with the presentation of pictures"

    D / game "Fold the vegetable"

    Lesson 2

    Development of graphic skills / finger gymnastics

    Exercise "Snails"

    /Massage of the palms "Hedgehog pricks our palms"

    Used methodological and didactic aids:

      Correction-developing training in the process of didactic games / E.A. Strebeleva

    Moscow: Vlados Publishing House, 2008

      Methodology for the formation of the initial children's lexicon / O.E. Gromova - M .: TC Sphere, 2007

      About the bunny. / L.E. Gendenshtein, L.N. Pavlova, E. L. Madysheva- M.: Publishing house Peanut

      Didactics. Games from 2 to 5 years - M.: Publishing house Peanut, 2010

      Drawing gnome. Album No. 1 on the formation of graphic skills and abilities in children of primary preschool age with mental retardation / M.A. Kasitsina- M.: Ed. Gnome and D, 2007

      Series My first words. - M.: Publishing house Peanut, 2011

      Iry and exercises for the development of sensory abilities of children 3-4 years old./ L.N. Pavlova, I.V. Mavrina, L.A. Malysheva. - M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2002

      Magic paths. Album of tasks for Kuizener's sticks for children 2-3 years old./ Corvette.

    municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
    Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 31
    Yarovoe, Altai TerritoryIndividual educational route
    for a child with mental retardation
    Udovenko Yulia Nikolaevna
    Position Physical Education Instructor
    Zaitseva Olga Vladimirovna
    Position educator
    Individual educational route
    for a child with mental retardation

    Purpose: to create conditions for the correction of violations in the development of the emotional-personal and volitional spheres.
    1. To form the ability to control oneself with the help of a learned rule and the ability to act according to the rules.
    2. To form the ability to perform actions according to verbal instructions.
    3. Develop the ability to reflect in speech their judgments, emotions, motivations, motives, interests; predict possible consequences their actions, to stimulate the ability to volitional effort.
    The name of the child is Fedor
    Age 5 years
    Diagnosis of ZPR
    Family complete
    Mother Irina Alexandrovna, works
    Father Sergei Georgievich, works
    Individual characteristics of the child:
    The child has instability of the emotional-volitional sphere, which manifests itself in the inability to concentrate on purposeful activity for a long time. There are no manifestations of vivid emotions, fatigue, hyperactivity. The child experiences difficulties in establishing communicative contacts with peers, in some cases shows aggression. The child does not know how to purposefully perform tasks, is characterized by lack of independence. There is disorganization, uncriticality, inadequacy of self-esteem. In class, not attentive, not assiduous. Emotions in a child are unstable, but the child is suggestible and prone to imitation. It is characterized by low working capacity and low cognitive activity, but when switching to a game that corresponds to emotional needs, productivity increases. The level of knowledge does not correspond to age.
    F.I. child: Fedor Conclusion PMPK ZPR
    Age (at the time of the survey): 5 years Date of compilation 12. 11. 2016
    Survey date 10. 10. 2016 Implementation period: 2nd training period (January - May)
    Specialists Identified violations Tasks of corrective work Games and exercises to correct the identified violations Recommendations for parents Result
    Speech therapist Correction of the pronunciation side of speech:
    1. Difficulty in switching from one articulatory position to another.
    2. Performs articulation exercises not in full.
    Development and improvement of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.
    1. Difficulty in selecting adjectives for nouns.
    2. Makes mistakes in the formation of a diminutive form of nouns.
    3. Makes mistakes when forming the form of nouns in the nominative case of the singular and plural
    4. Errors in the use of masculine and feminine nouns
    The development of independent connected speech.
    1. The story-description is in a question-answer form. Doesn't make up a standalone story.
    2. When retelling, it skips and distorts semantic links, retelling of an enumerative nature.
    3. Insufficient active vocabulary
    Development of the phonetic-phonemic system of the language and the skills of sound analysis and synthesis.
    Preparing for literacy.
    1. Does not differentiate sounds by hardness and softness, sonority of deafness "Sh-S", "Zh-Z", "S-Z-Ts".
    2. Difficulty in depicting figures consisting of straight vertical and horizontal lines
    1. Develop articulation motor skills with the help of articulation exercises for whistling and hissing sounds.
    2. Learn to lift your tongue up when performing articulation exercises.
    1. Develop the ability to select adjectives for nouns.
    2. Develop the ability to form correct form diminutive form of nouns.
    3. Develop the ability to form the correct form of nouns in the singular and plural
    4. Learn to use masculine and feminine nouns correctly
    1. Compose a short retelling of a familiar fairy tale, conveying the content and meaning of the text.
    2. Compose a small retelling, conveying the content and meaning of the text, while maintaining a logical sequence
    2. Learn to retell according to the scheme with the help of illustrations
    3. Replenish the active dictionary using words-signs, an artistic word
    1. Exercise in the differentiation of sounds (early ontogenesis) by ear according to hardness-softness, sonority-deafness in texts, phrases, phrases, words, syllables.
    2. Develop the ability to draw vertical and horizontal lines, navigate on a sheet of paper using cells
    1. "The Tale of the Merry Tongue", Gymnastics for the tongue.
    2. "Cup", "Fungus", "Swing".
    1. "Correct the mistake", "Whose tail, whose muzzle?"
    "What leaf, what branch?"
    2. "Call me affectionately",
    3. "One-many",
    "Choose a picture"
    4. "He-she", "Put the animals in the house"

    1. “Why”, “Continue the sentence”, “What was, what will be?”

    2. "Compare animals", the game "How do birds fly away?",
    "Build an offer"
    2. Use different themes of diagrams, reference pictures, iconic drawings
    3. "On the basis", "What is he doing?"
    1. “Pick a word”, “Add a syllable”, “Word in the house”
    "Chain of words"
    2. Draw by points Pinning
    staged sounds
    Fixing the position of the tongue with certain articulation exercises

    Development of attention and memory.
    Doing homework to consolidate speech material
    Implementation of home recommendations for the development of lexical and grammatical structure, coherent speech
    Joint games for the development of sound-letter analysis and synthesis
    Wake up
    tatel1. Has no idea about the spatial concepts of “left-right”, “top-bottom”, “front-back”, does not understand mirroring.
    2. Carelessly paints over, goes beyond the lines. Uses 1 color.
    3. Does not fold, straighten or tuck clothes on its own.
    4. It is difficult to establish the equality and inequality of groups of objects that are at a distance from each other and differ in size
    5. Difficulties in expressing quantitative representations expressed by different names, but the same in meaning: the same, the same; many, one, one at a time, none, not at all, few.
    6. Difficulty counting up to 5.
    7. Causes difficulty in determining the time period
    8. Difficulty in using the concepts of "what is near and what is far"
    9. Mild emotional activity is observed
    low cognitive activity 1. Form the spatial concepts of "left-right", "up-down", "front-back".
    2. To develop the ability to paint over accurately, without leaving the lines, using a variety of colors and moderate pressure on the pencil.
    3. Continue to develop self-care skills: the ability to fold clothes, monitor your appearance.
    4. Develop the ability to determine an equal and unequal number of objects in a group, different in size and located at different distances
    5. To develop the ability to distinguish and use in your speech quantitative representations different in name, but the same in meaning.
    6. Develop the ability to count by touch, by ear and by counting various movements
    7. Develop the ability to determine time intervals for each part of the day according to various activities of people and illustrations (using regime moments)
    Determine the parts of the day according to objective indicators that symbolize time: the color of the sky, the position of the sun, the degree of illumination of the earth, etc.
    8. Learn to determine the position of an object in relation to yourself.
    9. Increase emotional activity through the direct participation of the child, using elements of "puppet therapy and fairy tale therapy" 1. "Fly", "High-low, far-close", "Go where I say", "Mirror".
    2. "Stencils", "Coloring pages".
    3. “Fold your jacket beautifully”, “Roll up tights with a sausage”, “Help a friend”.
    4. "Train",
    “How many mice are small and how many are big”, “Which cars are closer to you”
    5. "Call it by another name"
    6. “Repeat don’t make a mistake”, “Clap the same number of times”, “Show the same”
    7. Illustrations “Children go to kindergarten”, “Children return home from kindergarten”, “Salute against the backdrop of the evening city”, etc.
    “When it happens”, “And then what”, “It happens or not”
    8. “In front of you is a table or chair”, “To your right is a wardrobe or bed”
    9. "The doll got sick"
    “The Journey of the Bun through the Forest”, audio fairy tales from the series of anticaprices: “Fiery Heart”, “Useful Witchcraft”, “Belysh and Chernysh”
    To consolidate the concepts of "left-right", "top-bottom", "front-back".
    To consolidate the ability to carefully paint over without going beyond the contour.
    Strengthen self-care skills.
    the ability to group things
    Offer didactic material
    Homework to consolidate skills in counting up to 5.
    Provide illustrations for the development of skills to determine the time intervals of parts of the day.
    Advice for parents on the use of games to determine the position of an object in relation to itself.
    Consultation on the use of puppet therapy and fairy tale therapyOpen demonstration session
    Provide an audio recording of fairy tales Teacher-psychologist 1. Insufficient visual and auditory memory
    2. Violations in the development of the emotional, personal and volitional spheres (unstable mood - changes from minor reasons, whiny, touchy, often disobedient, reacts inadequately to comments, does not know how to control behavior).
    3. There is a negative attitude towards others, problems with self-esteem
    4. Violations in sensory development 1. Increase the amount of arbitrary memory
    2. Correction of violations in the development of the emotional-personal and volitional spheres
    To form the ability to control oneself with the help of a learned rule and the ability to act according to the rules.
    Develop the ability to determine the emotional state of oneself and others using psycho-gymnastic exercises and role-playing games.
    3. Promote the development of attention and observation necessary for communication.
    4. Formation of cooperation with an adult in mastering the sensory experience "Pairs of words";
    "We went to the zoo"
    "Look and remember";
    "Listen and remember"
    Relaxation exercises, role-playing games, elements of art therapy, fairy tale therapy "Don't be angry, smile"
    "Listen to your mood"
    "Look, guess, name the mood"
    3. "What has changed",
    "How do you feel?"
    "My mood"
    "A gift for everyone (flower-seven-flower"
    4. “Find out who I am”, “Try to guess”, “Collect a picture”, “Shapes” Strengthen the skill with the help of games:
    "Look and remember";
    "Listen and remember"
    Maintain positive emotional contact with the child
    Homework: Make a dictionary of kind words.
    Mini conversation “What sensory development games you can play at home” Phys. 1. Difficulty in jumping in place on two legs (more often jumps on the 1st leg).
    2. In running for speed - the step is short, uneven, hands are inactive.
    3. Poor orientation in space
    4. There are difficulties in performing movements according to verbal instructions
    5. Violation of posture 1. To form the ability to push off with both legs and jump in place on both legs.
    2. To form the ability to run easily and rhythmically, with good coordination in the movement of legs and arms, vigorously pushing off from the support
    3. To form the ability to navigate in space through game exercises
    4. Teach the child to act on command using model schemes that replace instructions when switching from one type of walking or running to another, assuming a starting position.
    With the help of model diagrams, develop attention, orientation in space
    5. To form the correct posture through physical exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, abdominals, traction of the spine Imitation of animal movements
    3. Game exercises "Funny Toys", "Far Close", "Blind Man's Buff"
    4. Schemes-models "Walking on toes", "Walking with high knees", "Fast running", schemes with different stances of the starting position
    5. "Boat", "Bunny", "Fish", "Scissors", etc. Perform physical exercises at home.
    Attend exercise therapy Musical director 1. Unstable attention when listening to music, no interest.
    2. The sense of rhythm is disturbed
    3. Violation of timbre hearing 2. Develop interest and love for music, musical responsiveness. Introduce different pieces of music (march, dance, song).
    2. Develop a sense of rhythm through rhythmic exercises
    3. Learn to identify the sound of musical instruments by ear 2. “Where are you, Autumn?”, “French accordion”,
    "Autumn Leaves Song"
    “The sledges themselves are running”, “Kindergarten”,
    2. "Repeat the rhythmic pattern"
    3. “Pipes and drums”, “Guess what I play” Listen to calm classical music at home
    Consultation on developing a sense of rhythm at home using various household items Specialists:
    speech pathologist ____________ / full name /
    educational psychologist ___________ / full name /
    educators ________________ / full name / ________________ / full name /
    music head ___________ / full name /
    FC instructor ___________ / full name /
    Parents: _______________ / full name / _______________ / full name /
    Recommendations for parents:
    Parents: _______________ / full name /
    _______________/FULL NAME/

    Currently, the modern education system allows you to include every child in the educational space. The organization of education and training of preschoolers with mental retardation is regulated by a number of regulatory documents: the Law on Education of 10.07.1992 3 3266 - 1; Letter of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 29, 1999 No. 129/23 - 16.

    Today, in relation to problem children, the term “individual educational needs” of a child is widely used, which refers to the features of the cognitive, motivational, emotional and volitional spheres of a preschooler, which have special specifics due to the nature of the developmental defect, for the satisfaction of which special conditions are required in the process of education and training. .

    These conditions include:

    · certain organizational forms of training;

    · a certain system of correctional and developmental education (CRO);

    · the content of individual-group remedial classes;


    · special training of teachers.

    An individual approach to education and training for each child with different educational opportunities and needs is recognized by many scientists. It helps to create conditions for personal development and is based on knowledge of the individual characteristics of a preschooler. Therefore, children with special educational needs need an individual correctional and developmental program. The structure of an individual program for a particular child includes:

    · complex diagnostics;

    · individual correctional and developmental route;

    · characterization of the dynamics of the child's development by sections of the program.

    The materialization of an individual program for supporting a child with mental retardation is a special individual card escorts development and learning, which reflects all stages of the correctional and developmental process in relation to a particular child.

    The organization of training is based on knowledge of the psychological, biological and social characteristics of development. Therefore, the construction of an individual route begins with a comprehensive diagnosis, which is carried out by specialists: a teacher - a speech therapist, a teacher - a defectologist, educators, a music director and a physical education instructor. Moreover, each specialist makes his own diagnosis, in other words, he is looking for a place to apply his professional skills in relation to each child. The specialist singles out one of the problems more clearly, while others are being solved in the background at this time, but he constantly implies them, commensurating his actions and the results obtained with them. Thus, the diagnosis by each specialist is a vision of the individual characteristics of each child, the possibilities of his development and social integration into modern society.

    All stages of diagnosis are reflected in "individual map of child development". The structure of this map includes the following sections :

    · general information about the child.

    · anamnestic data

    · specialist survey data

    · logopedic and psychological-pedagogical examination, which includes:

    1. the appearance of the child (posture, gait, coordination of movements, look, facial expressions).

    2. study of movements and actions (state of the musculoskeletal system and assessment of motor capabilities, mobility and motor skills of fingers, objective actions, readiness of the hand to master writing).

    3. the state of cognitive activity (spatial representations, temporal representations, tactile object gnosis, thinking (matrix of figures, classification of pictures “What's what?”, “Fix the rug”, counting).

    · study of ideas about the immediate environment, about the world around, mathematical representations.

    · the state of play activity.

    · the state of productive activity (drawing, modeling, application)

    · the state of mental processes (perception, attention, memory, thinking)

    · the state of the emotional-volitional sphere (contact, volitional manifestations, performance, motives of activity, productivity).

    · features of speech activity (sound pronunciation, phonemic perception, sound analysis, the state of the sound structure of the word and vocabulary, grammatical structure and coherent speech).

    · analysis of the obtained diagnostic results in accordance with the content of the main parameters in the summary table of results

    · a conclusion that includes the structure of the child’s defect with an indication of preserved functions, a pedagogical forecast (methods of assimilation of social experience, opportunities for learning in a strong or weak subgroup, intensity of individual correction, type of education and training program for a child in kindergarten).

    · the main directions of correctional and developmental work in accordance with which an individual program for the development of the child is being developed (individual correctional and developmental route).

    The study of each process takes place using several methods and is evaluated according to a 4-point system:

    · low level - 1 point,

    · average - 2 points,

    · above average - 3 points,

    · high level - 4 points.

    One of the options that contribute to the implementation of special educational needs is "individual educational route" preschooler.

    The basis for building an individual educational route is the organization of optimal learning conditions for the child in order to develop his potential, form the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. The method of constructing an individual route characterizes the features of learning and development over a certain period of time, is of a prolonged nature (the entire period of upbringing and learning in a group).

    Principles of building an individual educational route:

    · step diagnostics.

    · Individual selection of pedagogical technologies.

    · Systematic control and adjustment.

    · Surveillance.

    · Step fix.

    At present, a system of preparing children with mental retardation for school under the general editorship of S.G. Shevchenko, which allows solving the problems of timely active assistance to preschool children with mental retardation. This system is focused on the overall development of children (cognitive activity, moral and aesthetic possibilities), on a holistic approach to the child, on awakening his interest in learning about the world around him, on achieving good results based on taking into account the individual capabilities of children. The stages of the correctional-developing process are reflected in the "individual correctional-developing route".

    The purpose of the work on building an individual correctional and developmental route for a particular child

    · increasing the level of the general development of the child, filling in the gaps in previous education and training,

    · individual work on the formation of insufficiently mastered knowledge, skills,

    · social and personal development of the child and providing him with the necessary correctional and pedagogical assistance.

    · correction of deviations in the development of cognitive activity and speech,

    · directed preparation for the perception of elements of educational material.

    All correctional work is carried out within the framework of a holistic approach to the upbringing and development of the child, when the content of individual lessons should not be formal, mechanical “coaching” in one particular skill. Based on the principles of building an individual correctional and developmental route, in accordance with the program for preparing children with mental retardation for school, S.G. Shevchenko, within the framework of each task, they determine their own directions correctional work individually for each child:

    · age-appropriate sensory development: mastering standards - samples of color, shape, size, sound standards; accumulation of generalized ideas about the properties of objects (color, shape, size), materials;

    · mastering subject-practical activities that contribute to the identification of various properties in objects, as well as understanding the relationships between objects (temporal, spatial, quantitative);

    · mastering productive activities (designing, modeling, application, working with natural material) that contribute to the sensory, mental, speech development of the child;

    · accumulation of language representations, development of phonetic and phonemic processes, preparation for teaching literacy;

    · clarification, enrichment and systematization of the dictionary on the basis of familiarization with objects and phenomena of the surrounding world;

    · the formation of dialogic and monologue forms of speech, the development of communication skills;

    · development of elementary mathematical representations and concepts corresponding to age;

    · formation of age-appropriate gaming skills;

    · formation of elements of educational activity;

    · formation of adequate emotional-volitional manifestations and ways of communication and interaction.

    The dynamics of the correctional-developing process is reflected in dynamics control sheet. The development dynamics control sheet is filled out on the basis of the conclusions of the institution's specialists based on the results of training and education in January and May. The structure of this document includes a description of the dynamics of the child's development in sections: gaming activity, speech development, literacy, the formation of elementary mathematical representations, self-service, musical development, physical development, emotional-volitional sphere, productive activities.

    This document also includes recommendations, a conclusion on the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work for a given period of time and academic year. The characteristic of the dynamics of the development of the child involves the following types: positive dynamics: high level; positive dynamics: above average level; relatively positive dynamics: average level; minor dynamics: low level; negative dynamics(the inability of the child to learn the content of a particular section of the program); undulating dynamics; electoral dynamics. The dynamics of development depends on the severity of the violation, the volume of violations (their locality or totality), the causes of violations. The main indicators of a child's mental development are general intellectual skills: accepting a task, understanding the conditions of this task, ways of doing it - does the child use a practical orientation; learning in the process of diagnostic examination; interest in cognitive tasks, productive activities and attitude to the result of their activities. The analysis of the obtained results of the dynamics is reflected in the summary table.

    Individual card escorts development and learning is a document fixing the diagnostic, correctional and developmental measures carried out by the specialists of the preschool educational institution, their effectiveness, the nature of individual changes in the learning and mental development of a preschooler, data on the child's readiness for school. This approach to individual education and training opens up wide opportunities and a positive result, provided that personnel are professionally trained and interested in the process of helping children with special educational needs.


    1. Gorbacheva G.G. Individual educational route as a condition for the implementation of psychological and pedagogical correction of preschoolers with developmental problems.// Preschool Pedagogy / May / 2008

    2. Lavrova G.N. “Psychological and pedagogical developments of individual correctional and developmental programs for children with developmental problems in a (correctional) preschool educational institution. Chelyabinsk 2003

    3. Lavrova G.N., Rychkova L.S. Differential diagnosis of the level of mental development of children 2 - 7 years of age. Chelyabinsk 2000

    4. Mustaeva L.G. Correctional - pedagogical and social - psychological aspects of accompanying children with mental retardation. Moscow 2005

    5. Strebeleva E.A. A variant of an individual program for the upbringing, education and development of a preschool child with an intellectual disability / / Defectology No. 5, 2002

    6. Shvchenko S.G. Preparation for school of children with mental retardation Moscow 2007.

    Alena Ukleina
    Individual educational route for a child with mental retardation

    Individual educational route for a child, mentally retarded

    Age 5 years

    As a result of monitoring the child is very underdeveloped all cognitive processes: auditory perception, attention, auditory and long-term memory, thinking. All components of oral speech are insufficiently formed (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech; connected speech - dialogic and monologue forms). Weakly formed elementary mathematical representation: count up to 5; temporal concepts and orientation in space.

    Individual development lessons cognitive interests, intellectual child development, through the solution of the following tasks:

    touch development;

    Free communication with adults and children;

    development all components of oral speech of children;

    To form a holistic picture of the world, broadening one's horizons;

    Form elementary mathematical representations;

    To teach to listen and hear the learning task, to follow one and two step instructions, to transfer the experience gained to other conditions;

    Build the experience of self-control.

    Learn to play didactic and role-playing games. Learn to set a game task, distribute roles, unfold the plot of the game, negotiate among themselves, conduct a role-playing conversation, follow the rules of the game.

    Forms and conditions of work with child:

    - game sessions in the structural division of Lekotek;

    individual remedial classes with a teacher - psychologist and a speech pathologist

    - guest visits during the game session of children from the group preschool;

    - Establish contact with an adult (specialist) within the framework of a gaming session in the structural division of Lekotek;

    - inclusion of the mother in the framework of the game session in a purposeful interaction with child;

    - Teaching the mother how to interact with child.

    First period of study: mid-September, October, November.

    Speech development. Acquaintance with the surrounding world.

    1. Broaden your horizons child on the topic"Autumn": work of adults in autumn, vegetables, fruits, preparation of wild animals and birds for winter, preparation of nature for winter.

    2. Enrichment of the subject dictionary of nouns on the topics of this period: vegetables and fruits, trees, mushrooms, berries, garden, kitchen garden, person, body care items, dishes, food.

    3. Expand the vocabulary of adjectives and verbs.

    4. Education plural nouns from singular.

    5. The practical use of possessive adjectives and pronouns my, my, mine in a simple sentence.

    6. Education diminutive form of nouns.

    7. Differentiation of singular and plural verbs.

    The child is looking. Children are watching.

    8. Drawing up a story-description according to the plan.

    A game "Guess when that happens?".

    A game "Seasons" (Lotto). A game "Seasons" (cut pictures)

    A game "What, what, what?"

    A game "What is he doing?"

    Lotto "Vegetables and fruits". Dominoes "Vegetables"

    A game "One is Many" with a ball.

    A game "Call it sweetly" with a ball.

    A game "Greedy"- my car, my samovar, my ice cream.

    A game "What, what, what"

    Drawing up a story - descriptions according to the scheme or according to plan: My favorite toy, my favorite food, a story about dishes and others.

    touch development.

    1. Visual perception of the form. Pin the form items: circle and square, triangle, rectangle, oval.

    2. Visual perception of color. Fix the name of the color red and blue, yellow, green, find them in the environment.

    3. Visual correlation of size. Learn to use in speech words: "big", "slightly less", "more", "small", "same size". Learn to use in speech words: "high", "short", "higher", "lower", "equal height".

    Compilation of beads from geometric shapes of the same color, alternating their: circle, square, triangle, oval, circle...

    Compilation of beads from geometric shapes of different colors.

    Make beads by changing the size of the shapes from large to small or from small to large.

    A game "Color, shape"

    A game "Colorful Lotto", loto "Color"

    The game "Spread the vegetables (fruits, berries) by color"

    The game "Name the Reds" (green, yellow, blue) items"

    The game "Spread out the objects (vegetables, berries. fruits) in form.

    Games: "Spread the Shapes"; "Find objects round (square) forms.

    Games: "Find in the group red (blue) items."

    Di "Gyenes Blocks": sort by color; build the same object as in the picture.

    mental processes.

    1. Develop attention, memory, general and fine motor skills.

    Games: "What doesn't happen?"(Pictures "Seasons").

    Games "How similar?", "What changed?"

    A game "What's gone?"

    A game "Compare two things"

    A game "Cubes" (out of 6-9.)

    A game "Cut Pictures" (cut vertically, horizontally and diagonally into 4-6 pieces)

    We teach and perform finger gymnastics on lexical topics.

    Learn riddles, signs, a poem for the autumn holiday "Autumn"

    Laying out numbers, letters, geometric shapes from sticks, pebbles, beans, peas, threads.

    Stenciling items on lexical topics.

    Work in a notebook cage: hatching, drawing a pattern by dots, tracing cells and writing sticks, drawing geometric shapes by cells.

    Formation of thinking

    1. Keep learning to group items: by color (red, blue, green, yellow). In form - (round, oval, triangular)

    2. Learn to finish according to the meaning of the sentence.

    3. Fix generalizing words on topics.

    4. Learn to use items for the intended purpose.

    5. Learn to compose and guess descriptive riddles.

    A game "Group items by color"

    A game "Group objects by shape"

    A game "Group items by size"

    A game "Finish the sentence" -

    I drank milk from... (cups);

    I took an umbrella because... (it's raining).

    A game "The Fourth Extra"

    A game "What the artist messed up"

    Guess a riddle.

    A game "Say one word"

    A game “Continue - this is dishes - ...; these are vegetables - ...; these are berries…”.

    Board game "Lotto - shop"

    A game "Pick up the items you need in the fall".

    Formation of elementary mathematical representations.

    1. Learn to find one, several, few and many objects; use them in speech.

    2. Learn to agree on the numeral "one" and adverbs "a lot of", "few", "some" with nouns in gender, number and case.

    3. We learn to correlate the number with the number of objects and with numbers within 5.

    4. Practice counting within 5 using different analyzers.

    5. learn to count fingers on one and the other hand using finger gymnastics.

    6. We fix the color, shape and size of objects.

    7. Spatial orientation on the table.

    8. Temporal orientation (morning - breakfast, afternoon - lunch, evening - dinner) .

    A game "One and Many"

    A game "Find a lot of the same items in the room"

    A game "Bring some items"

    A game "Show me how few things"

    A game "Gyenes Blocks"

    S/Game "Shop"

    The game "Find cards with one (up to 5) subject"

    D/U "Put the numbers in order on the number line" (up to 5)

    The game "Find all the numbers (1 2, 3, 4, 5)

    A game "Find as many objects as the given figure shows"

    "Wonderful bag"(with numbers up to 5, geometric shapes and small handouts). Learn by touch a number, a geometric figure, count as many objects as the figure shows.

    Psychocorrection of deviations in children