Verbal portrait example. Description of a person's appearance

How often have you had to describe the appearance of a person, whether it be your friend, girlfriend or passerby? Most likely, this happened more than once. Often in a conversation or we have to describe in detail what this or that character was wearing, how he behaved, what features and characteristic habits he had. It would seem that describing a person's appearance is a rather simple matter, but have you ever noticed how sometimes you lack the vocabulary to colorfully and in detail tell about a person? In order not to get into an awkward situation next time, let's try together to learn how to describe and

Lessons on the development of speech and essays on this topic are held at school in the sixth and seventh grades. During this period, schoolchildren are taught not only to correctly and competently express their thoughts, but also develop in them such necessary skills as attentiveness and good memory. Surely you, in middle school, wrote essays on a portrait, painting or photograph. Have you been able to write a paper with an excellent mark? Can you do it right now?

Before starting a description of a person's appearance, let's outline a small algorithm of actions with which the work will become much easier. First of all, start by describing obvious signs such as height, build, unusual features in appearance (big ears, long neck, short arms, etc.). Then proceed to a detailed description of the face, pay attention to the eyes, nose, smile, freckles (if any). Next, proceed to the story of his clothes: color, details, style. Clothes can say a lot about the character and lifestyle of a person. Don't forget to mention accessories, especially if you're talking about a woman.

The description of a person's appearance is based not only on the listing of his physiological features and clothing. To the story, you can add the character's demeanor, his gestures, accent. Perhaps your hero has unusual abilities. If they are visible immediately, it is worth mentioning this. Of course, the portrait will not be complete without mentioning some facts of a person's life that characterize him as a bright and interesting personality. Perhaps there were some moments in his life that left an imprint on his appearance and behavior. If you know anything about this, please tell me.

Describing the appearance of a friend or girlfriend is an excellent exercise for your memory and mindfulness. As an experiment, ask your friend to leave the room where you are for a few minutes. At this time, try out loud to describe her appearance, clothes, accessories, eye color, hairstyle, etc. After her return, check how well the description of her friend's appearance turned out. Did you manage to remember such small details as, for example, the color of nail polish or the presence of hairpins? If you coped with the task, it means that you not only have excellent memory but also well studied his girlfriend for a long time.

If you want to make the test more difficult, ask someone to find a full-length photograph of a stranger and show it to you. Look at the photo for a few minutes, pay attention to all the smallest details. Remove the photo and try to write a detailed and interesting story about this character. Describe not only the appearance and clothes, but also try to predict his character, habits, behavior in life. As we mentioned above, this can be done, judging by the clothes, posture. Even the eyes in the photo can tell a lot about the mood and character of a person. The main task that lies before you in this test is not only to make a description of a person's appearance, but also to learn how to build grammatically correct, beautiful sentences. These and other skills acquired during training will help you in the future.

Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to determine the character of a person by appearance. There is a whole science - physiognomy, which tells how to determine the character of a person by the shape of the fingers, gait, eye color, and so on. Naturally, the conclusions that can be drawn from a thorough examination of a person's appearance will not be able to fully draw up an accurate psychological portrait, but it is quite possible to draw some sketches. We will limit ourselves to the main characteristics.

The character of a person in appearance: eyes and eyebrows

Black eyes

People with black eyes are potential leaders. They do not imagine their life without a goal and make every effort to achieve it. Black-eyed men and women are very temperamental, passionate lovers. Due to natural magnetism and great energy, such people are always in the spotlight. However, the medal called “activity” also has back side, - black-eyed people, unfortunately, often become obsessed with some idea.

Brown eyes

In addition to emotionality and temperament, people with brown eyes, more than anyone else, are characterized by irascibility. They are extremely easy to piss off - for this, an insignificant reason is enough. However, they calm down just as quickly, continuing to communicate as if nothing had happened. The same applies to the love of "brown-eyed". The feelings that these people experience, as a rule, are very deep and vivid, but short-lived. In order for emotions to last as long as possible, a brown-eyed person must definitely feel the return.

Green eyes

This eye color is one of the most interesting. The fact is that green-eyed women and men have absolutely different character. Ladies with this eye color are, as a rule, bold and decisive. In addition, since ancient times, green-eyed persons have been attributed the ability to divination.

Men, on the other hand, are very soft and supple. They will make caring and faithful husbands. But the career of green-eyed men is not going well, since they are completely devoid of healthy stubbornness. Green-eyed men are owners and jealous, but very hardworking and strive to always achieve their goals.

Blue eyes

People with blue eyes are very emotional. They can be attributed to constant fighters for the truth, which they will prove even to their own detriment. In general, blue-eyed people are completely devoted to anything - it’s very good to be friends with them, but you shouldn’t get on the lists of enemies.

Blue and gray eyes

Blue-eyed people are in constant search of themselves, so they can quite often change their occupation, for the sake of a loved one they can move mountains. Gray-eyed representatives of the stronger sex are looking for benefits in everything, close relationships with a woman can be no exception, they are pragmatic partners, they are lucky.


Owners of wide and thick eyebrows are usually generous, such a partner will not skimp on gifts. If the eyebrows converge on the bridge of the nose, then you have a man who appreciates and loves his mother very much. Therefore, for a long and harmonious relationship with him, you will simply need to find a common language with his parent. There are quite a lot of henpecked men among men with fused eyebrows.

If a man’s eyebrows are too thick, and they literally hang over his eyes, this is an adventurer who is used to getting what he wants, and he is unlikely to take into account your interests. If the eyebrows are narrow and not thick, their owner has a soft character, he is modest and may even be insecure. From such a man you should not expect decisive action.

The character of a person in appearance: nose, cheekbones, ears and chin

To determine the character of a person by appearance, pay attention to the nose. Straight noses are stubborn, leaders and strong personalities. If you are ready to unconditionally accept the leadership of such a man, it makes sense for you to consider his candidacy as a partner. Eagle noses are popular with women, but their owners are cunning and often cruel.

These are sexy and attractive men, but rather distrustful in relationships. These are not easy partners. Snub-nosed men of nature are emotional and vulnerable, money does not stay with them, because of their innocence and impulsiveness. In general, if you are ready for constant changes in relationships, this is your man.

A sharp and thin nose betrays a romantic and subtle nature, this man will fill your relationship with tenderness, but he is unlikely to be able to solve some problem when it arises. If a man has a potato nose, he is a merry fellow, the soul of the company, a little frivolous and windy. Upturned noses speak of temperamental partners living in momentary desires, but a nose with flaring nostrils indicates an amorous and mobile nature.


A man with high cheekbones is power-hungry, in communication he is used to dictating his terms, he has a complex character. Low cheekbones, on the contrary, indicate a lack of will and courage. Such a partner will keep the family to the last, and in most cases, in such a pair, the leader is a woman. If the cheekbones are low and not low, you have a man in front of you who embodies both willpower and strength of character and at the same time modesty and the ability to compromise. Dimples on the cheeks indicate good nature and the ability to rejoice, with such a man it will never be boring.

The shape of the ears can also tell a lot of interesting things about a person's character. Fleshy large ears are in powerful and even cruel men. Pointed upwards is a sign of intelligence and prudence. The owner of tightly pressed ears is cold-blooded and cunning, perhaps the most ideal are ears close to a quadrangle, the owners of such ears are noble, kind and firm in their decisions. Men with long ears are stingy and envious, and protruding ears indicate innocence and frivolity.


This part of the face attracts the same attention as the nose. Women like men with strong-willed chins and this is absolutely justified. A well-defined chin really indicates willpower and the ability to achieve your goals. Men with a square chin have determination and a strong character. A protruding chin happens in people who are cunning, smart and sharp-tongued. An inexpressive chin indicates that the man is most likely weak-willed and you can twist ropes out of him.

The character of a person in appearance: lips

We all know that the appearance can determine the character of a person. Lips are one of the most important parts of the face. It's no secret that male part population almost in the first place pay attention to the lips of girls. After all, the whole beauty of the face depends on the shape of the lips, their thickness and shape. In addition, as physiognomists say, lips can determine a person's attitude to life.

For example, owners of plump lips are distinguished by passion and sexuality. At the same time, such women know their worth, they try to surround themselves with luxury, and love to get real pleasure not only from love, but also from life. This also applies to men.

Those who have thin and narrow lips are by nature very stubborn, self-contained and suspicious. Such people, in particular women, achieve their own sweat.

But, despite all these qualities, having made friends with such a person, you can be confident in him, he is very responsible for his work and will fulfill all the goals set in a timely manner. But talking to this type of people is almost impossible, as they are silent and thoughtful.

There are people whose upper lip is slightly larger than the lower, such people are usually purposeful and self-confident. Unfortunately, they elevate these qualities to an absolute, that is, they become self-confident and feel their own superiority over the others. It is useless to get involved in an argument with such people, because they will never change their point of view, it will seem to them that they are 100% right.

And those who have a protruding lower lip are distinguished by selfishness, imbalance and unpredictability, they can change their mood at any time, and very often they do not know what they want. Here are some simple methods that will help you determine the character of a person by the lips.

The character of a person in appearance: hands

To determine the character of a person by appearance, pay attention to the shape of the hands and fingers. Owners big palm with thick short fingers, as a rule, they have an undeveloped intellect, are prone to superstition and rudeness. A person who owns wide palms ("shovel-shaped") with blunt fingers is energetic, hardworking and determined. Cowardice is alien to him.

Flexible palms with long fingers are more likely to have sensitive, creative and impulsive personalities. Rough square-shaped palms are inherent in people who are obedient, conservative, with developed willpower, but limited intellect. A palm with well-defined, "knotty" finger joints speaks of restraint, diligence, honesty and developed thinking.

Long, pointed fingers are found in individuals prone to religiosity, dreams, unadapted to life. But most often there are people with "mixed" options that have a variety of characteristics.

How to determine the character of a person by the hands, depending on their softness. As a rule, the owners of soft hands are distinguished by sensitivity, suppleness, carelessness and impressionability. If a person has hard hands from birth (and not acquired stiffness as a result of work), this indicates moderate sensitivity and susceptibility, sometimes bad manners.

The color of the skin of the hands and the severity of the vessels. If the skin of the hands is too red, this indicates excessive nervousness. If the skin is pale, the person is weak, anemic. If the veins on the arms are too bulging, this may indicate health problems, such as alcohol abuse or kidney disease.

How to find out the character of a person by hands, depending on the moisture content of the palms. Dry and depleted skin of the hands can also indicate health problems, in particular, hormonal disorders. It also indicates poor nutrition and problems in the intimate sphere. Wet skin of the hands indicates excessive anxiety, pathology of the digestive system.

Palm temperature. Cold hands often speak of a person's "cold" and hard nature, as well as circulatory problems and hormonal disorders. Very warm hands indicate tenderness, excessive sensitivity, as well as a lack of trace elements. If the skin is prone to the appearance of "goosebumps" - this may indicate increased nervousness.

We describe the color and length of the hair, the color of the eyes, the complexion. We determine the facial features (sharp or straight), the shape of the nose, the shape of the eyes. You can also specify the shape of the ears, lips and mouth. Absence of teeth, if any. Scars and tattoos.

We go down below. We describe, if necessary, clothes, starting from the top and going down. Usually a description of the clothes is enough, since nothing is visible under it. But if possible, then you need to specify special features. For example, scars, tattoos, prostheses and more.

We describe the character of a person (flexible, soft, tough), his demeanor with relatives and strangers. His attitude to work, and the work of other people. Tendency to laziness or industriousness. You can list hobbies and hobbies. Competent construction of words and use of terms, erudition. Habits, hobbies, inclinations.

Experience Jobs are the most important part of your resume. And how you describe this experience depends on whether the employer will show interest in your resume. Therefore, the description of work experience must be given special attention. This will help you get a decent job.


When filling out the "work experience" column in the resume, you must start from the last place of work, i.e. from the company you currently work for or left. If your work experience is more than 10 years, you should indicate only those places of work in which you have worked for the last 10 years. In this case, the employer will not be interested in your first work experiences.

The work experience section should look something like this:
"Company XXX, 2005-2008
Field of activity: provision of legal services.
Position: lawyer.
Job responsibilities: development of standard forms of lease agreements, purchase and sale of real estate, advising on real estate transactions, drawing up legal opinions, due diligence.
Achievements, participation in major projects: work on the XXX project, participation as XXX, was responsible for XXX".

It follows from the above that it is extremely important to describe the scope of the company and your actual job responsibilities. If you had many job responsibilities, describe the key ones. At the same time, be guided by what is important for the employer to whom you are going to send your resume at the moment. Description of work experience must be "adjusted" to the employer.

Do not forget to indicate your achievements, participation in large projects (perhaps known in your field). When describing such participation, you must briefly state the essence of the project and indicate your role in it, list the areas for which you were responsible. Describe work achievements, if any (for example, "increased product sales by 20% in a month").

Keep in mind that resumes should be short and very informative, as hiring managers often don't have time to go through the whole resume. Try with your description to focus the manager's attention on the most successful jobs for you, i.e. at work in prestigious companies in which you were engaged in the most serious projects, gained important experience for this employer and rose in position.

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One of the most prominent parts of the face is the nose. It can have a different shape (snub-nosed, large, long, hooked, neat). Depending on the characteristics of the nose, it is possible to find out what character traits are inherent in its owner.


People with snub noses are characterized by sociability. They love parties and various social events, they often do not know how to keep secrets, they are dependent on their mood. Snub-nosed people strive to realize themselves in life, to gain recognition. And all this should be in some special form.

Men with such noses are easy to communicate, kind, they do not feel sorry for anything for the sake of a loved one. However, they are too vulnerable and susceptible to words. They can not stand various intrigues and gossip.

Snub-nosed women are charming, charming and cheerful. Thanks to their perseverance and diligence, they achieve success. Snub-nosed women often have problems in their personal lives. Despite this, they become caring mothers, loving wives and just good housewives. Money is managed wisely.

Big noses are ambitious people. These are strong, imperious, persistent and stubborn natures. They do not accept help from others, preferring to achieve everything on their own. People with big noses have leadership skills, they are able to interest people and lead them to a common goal.

Owners of large noses are characterized by softness, kindness and gullibility. It's not hard to deceive them. These women become devoted friends and spouses. They love animals very much. Experience particular weakness

In this essay, I want to describe the appearance of my dad. The choice fell on him, because for me he is the standard of masculinity, and I always wanted to be like him.

Dad has deep blue eyes with long and thick eyelashes. When he looks at me, it seems to me that he sees right through me. A distinctive feature of his appearance are the superciliary arches. I often pay attention to the appearance of people and rarely see pronounced brow ridges. This feature gives it, in my opinion, a wise look. In the evening or on cloudy days, his eyes gray color, but in the morning and in bright daylight they are bright blue.

Dad's nose is quite large, slightly snub-nosed. His lips are quite distinct. When he loses a little weight, the cheekbones become much more expressive, but because of the beard, they are not so noticeable. In general, dad rarely shaves, he likes to walk with stubble more. Only occasionally before some solemn event, he can shave. Personally, it seems to me that with a beard, dad looks much more mature and masculine.

Dad has coarse brown hair. He has a short haircut and wears such a haircut for as long as I remember him. I have never seen him bald or with long hair, even in photographs in which he and his mother are still very young. When it's wet outside, his hair curls more than usual, which I find funny. As a child, I always thought that my ears were too big. Turns out it's for dad. I can’t say that he has huge ones, but, in any case, when compared with people from my environment, then dad’s ears are larger than average.

Father's height is 180 cm. His physique is athletic: broad shoulders, strong arms. He often goes to the gym and tries to watch his diet. In general, our whole family adheres to the principles of healthy eating, and my father played a big role in this direction. In the summer, he spends a lot of time in the country and his skin gets an even, beautiful tan.

I've always liked his sense of style. Dad's clothes are neatly pressed and clean, and his shoes are always polished to a shine. He likes to take care of his appearance and from childhood this trait was instilled in me. IN Everyday life he wears jeans and a sweater. He has a huge number of sweaters, all sorts different colors. He wears a suit for various festive events and theaters. Dad has a whole collection of ties, and I can’t even imagine how you can make a choice among all this variety. He has shirts of all shades, in his closet they are neatly weighed in a row. When he goes to the gym or when we go out with the family, dad usually wears a tracksuit. He loves sneakers and often buys them for himself. This love has been passed on to me. For every holiday, I ask my parents for a new pair of sneakers as a gift. It's good that dad shares this passion with me, so he always helps me with the choice with pleasure.

I like my father's appearance and, as I wrote above, he is the standard of masculinity for me. I'm glad that I have someone to look up to.

Even more essays on the topic: “Description of a person’s appearance”:

In a nutshell, it is difficult to describe the appearance of a person, since each person has his own characteristics. I will talk about the appearance of my friend Marina.

My friend is a cheerful and lively person, slightly overweight, with luxurious red hair and milky white skin. There is nothing remarkable about her, but if you look closely at her face, you can see so many distinguishing features that if you meet her on the street, you will not be mistaken - my story is about her.

The first thing you will see are huge green eyes with golden sparks. Eye color is very rare. The emerald green iris of the eyes resembles a gem. Golden blotches give the eyes an unusual depth. Long brown eyelashes enhance the magnetism of the eyes and give the impression that you are diving into the warm sea, and beautifully arched eyebrows emphasize all this magnificence.

The shape of the nose is normal. Thin, even back of the nose, slightly upturned tip, small nostrils. On Marina's round face, a small nose looks funny.

On the nose and under the eyes you can see a bronze scattering of freckles. They do not spoil the appearance of my girlfriend at all and give her an image of charm.

Marina's lips are the envy of all the girls she knows. In the corner of the mouth on the left side is a small pretty mole. beautiful line upper lip reminiscent of Cupid's bow. The lips themselves are full, coral in color, hiding perfectly even teeth behind them.

The beauty of Marina's eyes and lips distracts attention from her slightly plump cheeks. But not when she smiles. At this moment, two small dimples appear on her cheeks, which complete the image of Marina. If my friend smiles, it's impossible not to smile back. Such a smile can be called radiant.

Kind and cute. Redhead chick. This is my friend Marina.


The beauty of a man is in his heart.

Not the good one who has a handsome face,

but he is good who is good for work.

Dima is mine best friend. He looks like the sun, as his always smiling face is framed by bright red curly hair. “A smile on his face that the sun is in the window” is about him. His snub nose is covered with freckles, his cheeks always have a slight blush. Dima has slightly protruding ears, which make his appearance even more mischievous.

They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul.

I fully agree with this. Dima's sparkling, crafty eyes give out in him a cheerful, resilient person who loves adventure. He was the ringleader in all our games. When talking, he always looks into the eyes of the interlocutor, which speaks of his honesty, sincerity and openness.

Dima is small, which sometimes makes him very upset, but at the same time he is very mobile, runs faster than anyone in his class and plays basketball well, despite the fact that this game is for tall people.

My friend has a very contagious laugh that makes the whole class laugh, and a charming smile at which lovely dimples appear on Dima's cheeks.

Dima's gait is swift, which betrays a determined person in him. Despite the love of adventure, appearance my friend is neat. In everyday life, he likes to wear jeans, a shirt and a sweater - clothes that are comfortable for games and entertainment.

I like to be friends with Dima, because he is a true friend, a cheerful and optimistic person. His charm draws people to him, and I am very glad that he is friends with me.


I want to talk about my dad. They say I look a lot like him.

My dad has blue eyes, straight nose, always smiling lips. Once he had a beard and mustache, but now they are gone, and I like it better that way. Dad is tall, and sometimes he hits the chandelier with his head at a party, but laughs at it. Everyone says that my dad has skillful hands, as he always does something at home: he makes shelves, repairs appliances, hangs pictures. I love watching him work. He always does everything very easily, but I don’t, but I’ll learn someday.

My dad is also strong. Once upon a time, he went in for sports, and now at the dacha he carries buckets from the pond for watering the beds and digs up the ground, helping his mother. My dad is a man of few words, but he loves to visit and talk with his friends about football and cars. When dad gets angry, a wrinkle appears on his forehead. From it you can immediately understand that dad is unhappy. But still, he smiles more often, likes to play a trick on me or laugh at a comedy.

My dad really likes to look neat, so he is always attentive to his clothes, he never goes around disheveled or dirty. Even when it works, it does not get very dirty. It surprises my mom. She is glad that in this I am like my father.


My mother is very tender and feminine. She is 40 years old, but everyone says that she looks much younger. Her short stature and fragile figure make her look like a girl, especially when viewed from afar.

My mother's gait is fast, energetic, and her movements are precise. Mom loves to play sports and therefore is always in good shape.

Brown hair, falling to the shoulders in large curls, is the envy of all our acquaintances, and sly and kind blue eyes and a funny little upturned nose give mother's face an inexpressible charm.

Thick and fluffy eyelashes and dimples on the cheeks give mom a childish expression, and a strong-willed chin and neatly defined lips speak of her as a determined and courageous person.

When mom is calm, a soft smile plays on her lips. I love watching her while reading. At such moments, my mother’s face is spiritual, often she looks dreamily and thoughtfully into the distance, dissolving in the world created by the writer.


I love my grandmother and spend all my weekends with her.

Grandmother is small in stature, thin, with blue veins on her neck and arms. Facial features are expressive, clearly defined, correct. They indicate that she used to be a beauty. I especially love her eyes. There was never any falseness, slyness, or trickery in her gaze. Her blue eyes are lit from the inside with a soft, vibrant glow, they radiate warmth and sincerity even when her grandmother is angry.

Whenever I arrived, my grandmother was wearing a little white handkerchief, which sharply set off her black eyebrows and tanned face. Grandmother knows many fairy tales, and I like to listen to her quiet, unhurried tale. There she is, my dear grandmother.

Psychology of communication