Demon father origin. Watch Uncensored Hentai online

Date of: Today, 01:00

Cool Teacher Onizuka is a cool anime that everyone should watch. It's a pity that there is no continuation, although the drawings are not super but the humor is funny, the meaning of this anime will make everyone think about it, and Onizuka's actions, although insane, still help him. I watched this anime with pleasure and I really liked the 43 series, although it's a pity there is no continuation. My rating is 10/10.

Date of: Yesterday, 22:36

The subject is somewhat stupid, but not devoid of tenderness and amusement. There is a plot here, but it smells like bullshit. This is what happens, the villain framed the woman, damaged the car and already forced us to pay 140 thousand with our money (yaps get so much per month, not very rich), and she is not able to pay directly? And then he allows you to do all sorts of dirty tricks to yourself and your daughters? Yah? At the same time, the relationship of the characters, which is emphasized here, is not really clear. However, this does not deprive intimacy of fun. The story of the seduction of innocent schoolgirls and a respectable aunt with their transfer into lustful cats and all sorts of humiliations, and then - the struggle for freedom (in the same way) is extremely intriguing. Fortunately, all this is unbridled, vulgar and bright ... The graphics are generally not bad, especially for their time, although they sometimes mess up the details, spoiling them. But the music is very successful, especially the main theme. Conclusion. The opus is rather cheerful, although somewhat crumpled and sometimes ridiculous.

Date of: Yesterday, 03:02

Well, the anime is VERY good, although I burn from harmonic triangles, but here it’s tolerable (tolerant for me personally) it’s worth watching, but I’ll say something, since there probably won’t be season 3, and the most important thing in anime is they didn’t show it, the full denouement can be found in the Manga, but the usual lazy viewer will not read it, after watching season 2 it will be very felt that they are not telling you something and not everything was said, but as I said, there will probably not be season 3 and you will walk with a load on the soul.P.S. I just expressed my opinion for those who are going to watch it for everyone it will be different and yes, in the end he will choose a blonde but not in the anime but in the manga and they will get married who are interested in the anime ended at chapter 106

Date of: 15-03-2020, 20:52

Unfortunately, some things do not reach the ru at all. While you are watching anime, someone has already lived in this world, since this is the name of the game of the same name .. And who knows, maybe the plot is based on real events. ps You can see me in episode 4

Date of: 13-03-2020, 22:12

I hoped that since they had already made 10 episodes, it would tell more about the world, reveal more characters, but no, they stupidly stretched out what they could fit in 5 episodes. Season 4 will still be) I advise you to look in the voice acting from HDrezka Studio. At least a great polyphony.

Date of: 11-03-2020, 21:52

Apparently, this part was planned as a filler between the brighter and more elaborate fragments of the series. True, due to the unpredictable twists of chronology and the author's mind, it is final. In any case, the authors, having completely exhausted their ideas, simply decided to pull something else out of the project. And you can see it all over. The story itself turned out to be boring and drawn out, with an abundance of empty dialogues and walking from corner to corner. The characters have all been put somewhere, and even a couple of main characters are stuck purely for order (the hero is in an unnecessary segment at the end, his fanged girlfriend is in a couple of art pieces; well, another voice from the sister in the load). At the same time, the girl who ended up in the center also looks here unlike herself and generally bored at times. Actually, it’s not very clear why such a part had to be done - the same girl is somehow not particularly here and they reveal more than it already was. Which is a shame, because one could tell the story of her family, their meeting and relationship with the demon, something else. But no, we...

Serbs are their people, Orthodox, but they have something to surprise. For a Russian person, Angel's Day is a personal and private event, for a Serb it is a family holiday. We have a name day - the memory of a saint whose name an individual person bears, among the Serbs - a remembrance of heavenly patron the whole family, the whole family. And in this custom our southern brethren are more right. They are right in the gospel, in the Christian way, simply because a Christian cannot have a personal holiday, individual joy, private celebration at all. We are closely connected with each other, our lives are intertwined, and, in the strict sense, there is no personal joy, just as there is no personal grief, by the way. To close oneself in one's own joy, to close oneself in a separate grief - this is not according to the Gospel. For everything is ours, everything is common, the life of each concerns everyone, is reflected on the entire church body. The wise apostle Paul briefly and accurately conveyed the very essence of a Christian's self-perception in this world: “everything is yours: whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or the present, or the future, - all is yours. But you are Christ's, and Christ is God's" (1 Corinthians 3:21-23).

monk in disguise

I will clarify: the Serbs are more right, which does not mean the Russians are wrong, since our custom of celebrating the day of the Angel is also not entirely private. After all, there are at least two of us celebrating: me and my patron. For example, when I celebrate my Angel Day, this is, in fact, our holiday with St. Savva of Zvenigorod - a common holiday, one for two, in a close circle, when I especially deeply feel his care and patronage. He is my Guardian Angel. Maybe the most important one. But not the only one. In monasticism I am Savva, in the world I am Dmitry, and although I have had a different name for more than a dozen years, St. Demetrius of Rostov continues to patronize me. Having lived several years as a monk, I somehow read a detailed life of St. Demetrius. By that time, I was already a hieromonk and a “deserved” choir director. And what was my amazement when I found out that the last person who saw St. Demetrius alive was a chorister boy from his choir. It was to him that the dying metropolitan told, saying goodbye, about his life and gave the last parting word. What do you think the name of this singer was? Right. Savva. Neither I nor the person who gave me the name in the tonsure knew this story. And it still seems to me that it was Saint Demetrius himself who picked out not only a name for me, but also a reliable intercessor.

But besides Saints Savva and Demetrius, there are other saints who are clearly looking after me. I will not give out all the names and passwords, I will only say that among these guardians and guardians there are - I feel it vividly - my ancestors, who begged for our family, grandfathers and grandmothers, who became the guardian angels of our family, because not a single prayer word, not a single tear or “a drop of some kind” does not pass without a trace. And if we are alive, and our family continues to bloom and branch, I believe and know too well that this is through the prayers of our humble working ancestors. Every family has such guardians and guardians. Each. The seeds of good, sown by our ancestors, germinate in new generations. Like the seeds of evil.

family tree

What I am presenting here is not church teaching - by no means! This is important to remember. Rather, we are talking about a working hypothesis, to which my personal experience and pastoral observation are pushing me. The Church does not have answers to all questions, and on a number of problems we have not yet heard not only theological answers, but, I think, even most of the questions have not been raised, which, again, is nothing frightening. The Gospel told us about the most important thing - it told the Divine Revelation about Christ, about the Trinity, about the Church, but in private matters there remains freedom and scope for discussions and assumptions. Where we have to work ourselves, it is foolish to expect God to do this work for us.

We are not on our own. Each of us is part of a huge family, and we are all in organic unity with each other, with ancestors and descendants, so that our good and our evil can influence the entire body of our kind, respond in the most distant generations with pain or comfort. That is why it seems to me that from generation to generation, not only guardians, but also “friends” of the family who are directly hostile to us roam from ancestors to descendants. Let's call them house demons.

On the tongue modern culture we delicately call these phenomena bad heredity, bad genetics, a vicious breed, and maybe childhood psychotraumas, and everything seems to be clear here.

The boy, having matured, suddenly becomes an alcoholic or a drug addict, and he has an English special school, cello and equestrianism behind him. No one expected, nothing foreshadowed - regrets and exclamations! ..

From early childhood, a girl obsessively dreams of jumping off a bridge and regrets that she did not do it earlier, until the age of seven, when children are still angels, and everything is forgiven them ...

Parents manage to get their student son out of the noose: he does not want to be gay, he cannot live like this, he is tired of lying to himself and others ...

Of course, if you ask inquisitively and carefully, you will find hyper-custody, and episodes of seduction, and litigation between parents, in which children are always hostages, and a predisposition to alcohol along the father's side, and many, many other explanations. It's all like that. Logical and predictable. But - is it always so logical and certainly predictable? After all, this evil once appeared? Genes passed from father to son, but how did this happen to the father himself, where is the beginning of this madness? For many years you have been watching a family and you see: as if each of them is constantly being tormented by some kind of force - wild, implacable, seeking death and destruction, so that even the children in this family blurt out in horror that they would like to die quickly, rushing into the pool so that it all ends quickly. Where does all this come from, is there anything that can be done about it, how can it be avoided?

Troubled Legacy

I'm ready to be dubbed an obscurantist - a word that is exquisitely ambiguous. At once I will make a reservation: I recognize the value of psychology and psychiatry. And sometimes I send my parishioners to a psychologist, a psychiatrist, and even a psychotherapist. There are people who know their business well. They can actually help. Their work and the effectiveness of the methods do not contradict my theory, rather confirm it. A priest and a psychologist are not competitors, they have different fields of activity. However, the psychologist deals with the symptoms and consequences, and the patient himself with the cause - that's the horror.

The evil that we encounter in most of the episodes is of a personal nature. It's not just childhood trauma or unpredictable irrational forces. Those with whom we are dealing are personal beings, spirits hostile to humans. They have a simple and clear passion - to exterminate the human race. Christ called the father of lies "a murderer from the beginning" (John 8:44). When you realize that you are confronted not by a faceless element, but by a specific person with his wild and rather primitive motivation, it is very scary, but such a discovery is very useful. It encourages action.

We are dealing with demons. Sounds strange in our age. Old-time. Some even smile sympathetically. Let them. Smiling is helpful. In addition, some demons can be banished even with a smile. But these are not some abstract spirits, but in a sense, our relatives, home-grown, habitual hangers-on, if you like, demons with a biography that is closely intertwined with the history of a particular family and clan. Let this not scare us too much, because not only the pranks of demons are woven into our stories, but also the philanthropic care of saints and angels. They are also part of our family history.

Prayer, mercy, kindness and sacrifice, honest work and ordinary modesty - this is an incomplete list of things that let the holy guardians into the life of our kind, allowing them to participate in the lives of our children and distant descendants. Our grandchildren inherit from us not only real estate and family albums, but also patron saints. The prayers of the ancestors, their pure life is a kind of capital, which, with proper education, children are able to master, increase and pass on to the next generations. It is bitter because, according to the same logic, we pass on to the heirs and "invited" to our family of domestic demons.

Aliens and Predators

Man is not himself. One of the most dangerous mistakes of our generation is to think of ourselves as separate from our kind. This is a teenage fallacy of adults. It is foolish to think that I can do whatever I want with my life: if I want - I smoke weed, if I want - I rush into extreme sports, I get bored - I hang myself. Such people are convinced that in life you need to try everything. Thank God you can't try everything. Not enough time and health. And in the wise books it is written that the Lord intentionally shortened the days human life, took away strength from a person so that he would not reach satanic limits in his selfhood.

It so happened that the very first ancestors let evil and death into the life of our universal family, and since then their descendants have become vulnerable to vice, and therefore we must be so attentive to our lives - we have a ancestral predisposition to evil, the seed of aphids , birth defect. This is the first. Second: if you think that you live for yourself and with your actions harm only yourself, and if others don’t care, you are deeply mistaken. Each of our bad deeds lets into our house, into the room of our kind, a new demon who needs neither food nor rest, and he is tireless in his dirty work.

Are you experimenting with drugs? Your business? No, not yours. Maybe you're not going to stay long in this world. The one you let in has big plans, maybe even for centuries. You leave, he stays. With your son. With your grandson. With your nephew. And so - until he drinks everything vitality from your kind. Or until a prayer book is born in your family. Because “this kind is driven out only by prayer and fasting” (Matthew 17:21). Did you have fun? Did you have fun? Think about how many tears, and maybe blood, one of your descendants will need to expel this “guest” from your family. Do you want to try everything? - OK. However, not all processes are reversible. And how terrible it must be to realize that it was you, with your recklessness, voluptuousness or greed, who let a ruthless tormentor and tyrant into the family! He himself brought the killer to his house, to his children! This is real suicide, because every sin, every meanness is suicide. And we see that not only individual families, but entire nations are committing suicide.

Order of the Guardians

So much blood was shed in the twentieth century, so much evil was committed by people who renounced God and their shrines, and how many tearful prayers are required from us today to drive the tormentors out of our homes! But the saddest thing is that the suicide of the people has not stopped. I'm talking about the obvious: Europeans have stopped having children, as if they had run out of strength to live, the will to live was exhausted. The people, once Christian, are killing themselves, disintegrating into atoms of persons who owe nothing to anyone, who have forgotten their shrines, their ancestors, who have renounced their descendants. And there is no one to cast out these demons, because praying is hard work, the fruits of which you will not see soon.

That is why the old wise people rejoiced so much when someone in their family went to the monastery or became a priest or simply went to the temple. These people begged for their families and their people. And we have a whole system of intercessors and guardians - a cathedral of Russian saints, people who are close to us by blood and language, but who lived such a bright and pure life that this light and purity is enough even for their distant descendants. That is why the Cathedral of Russian Saints is the family day of the Angel of all Russian people, that is, of all those who speak and think in Russian. This is the day of the Angel in the Serbian manner. A much needed holiday. Because it becomes very scary when you think how many ancient tormentors wander from generation to generation.

If the family demon has found himself, do not lose heart, do not despair. To resist treacherous hangers-on is normal working moments, our religious everyday life. Every family has its own demons, don't be fooled. A believing person is required to constantly confront this “friend”, constant vigilance so that this “inheritance” does not pass on to descendants, does not poison their lives. And therefore, our children must be prepared from youth for this resistance. Because there are no individuals. We are all very closely connected, and our good, as well as our evil, wanders from fathers to children, and if you sin, you cannot justify yourself by ruining your own life. You will die, and your "friends" will continue to torment your descendants, and even death will not separate you from your "friend", unfortunately. That is why you need to live honestly and decently. Because we are not on our own, everyone is part of a family, a clan, a single human body. It's joyful, comforting and very serious.

From great-grandfathers and great-mothers, the descendants inherited a disturbing legacy - their true friends and their sworn enemies departed us. How strange and touching to understand that I am resisting the very enemy that my grandfather once fought. Like an ancestral field, like the land of their ancestors, saturated with their sweat, a lot that has passed into the possession of their descendants and is waiting for their work, we adopt their struggle, their unfinished battle, we enter into their feat, we complete what they did not have time to do. To each according to his strength, according to the allotted time. Think demons. God and our holy guardians are with us! Let's fight already!

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