The second half of the social science test. The second half of the social science test Moral consciousness of the individual

Question 1. What is a moral standard? What is moral duty?

A moral norm is a general substantive requirement for the behavior and activities of a social worker, fair in all situations and circumstances.

The moral norm, as an element of moral consciousness, is an elementary form of moral requirement, a certain pattern of behavior that reflects the established rules of human relations and coexistence.

Moral norms are mandatory, they determine the behavior of people in some typical situations that are repeated (sometimes for millennia). We use them easily, without thinking, and only when the moral noma is violated do we pay attention.

Moral duty is the transformation of external cultural norms into the personal task of each person.

Question 2. What behavior causes moral approval and moral condemnation? Can man create himself?

Moral approval is caused by the behavior of kind, generous, merciful, honest and noble people. Moral condemnation causes the behavior of vile, deceitful, cruel people.

Question 3. What does freedom of choice mean?

Freedom of choice - the free right of the owner to use the available resources and money at his own discretion; the free right of workers to choose the place and type of labor at will; the free right of consumers to spend their income on their own needs.

Question 3. What is freedom of choice?

From the point of view of science, freedom is the independence of the individual, expressed in his ability and opportunity to make his own choice and act in accordance with his interests and goals. In history philosophical thought freedom is traditionally considered in relation to necessity.

Question 4. What is a moral choice?

Moral choice is a spiritual and practical situation of self-determination of a person in relation to principles, decisions and actions.

The choice of an act or, more precisely, a moral choice - when a person not only internally chooses his moral (good or evil) attitude, but also acts in accordance with his choice. It can also be said this way: a moral choice is a choice of one's attitude (good or evil) towards other people.

Question 5. How are freedom and responsibility interrelated?

Freedom is the right to choose, limited by responsibility.

Freedom and responsibility must be inextricably linked. For example, a family is the freedom to marry and a lot of responsibility. Or, for example, a contract. We conclude it without coercion from anyone, but we are responsible for its implementation.

Question 6. What does it mean to be a responsible person?

To be a responsible person means to correctly understand one's own and other people's problems, difficulties, try to foresee the results of one's actions and be able to answer for them. There is different types responsibility, but the most important is moral responsibility, responsibility to one's own conscience.

Question 7. What is the danger of irresponsible behavior?

First of all, the level of danger depends on the position of a person in society, if it is low, then irresponsible words or actions can cause trouble only for himself and his relatives, possibly for friends (who after that will cease to be such).

An irresponsible person is irresponsible to everything, including his own destiny. Hence laziness, unwillingness to work, hope for "maybe" and as a result - no achievements in life. Well, other people suffer, of course. An irresponsible person can very much set up another, let him down.

Question 8. What can guarantee performance moral standards?

Knowledge of moral standards does not guarantee that a person will certainly follow them. Obviously, there are no legislative, social and other guarantees of observance of morality. There is only one guarantee - it is in each individual person, in his ability to act morally.

Question 9. Why is it easier to seem than to be? Why is it better to be than to seem?

Do you really want to be something in this world or just to appear? The latter is easier. It is easier, for example, to seem honest than to be honest. But by choosing this path, you run the risk of falling into the position of Nero. The only difference is that people hid their dissatisfaction with him, because they were afraid of the emperor’s revenge, and dissatisfaction with you will be expressed openly, in concrete actions and hostility. In addition, and this is the most important thing: for a normal person, it is simply humiliating to only seem to be what he really is not. After all, the essence of morality is not so much in relation to those around you, but in high demands on yourself. A moral person will not allow himself a misconduct or some kind of falsehood, hypocrisy, even if no one knows for sure about it. The court of his own conscience for him is always above the human court of others.

The attitude of those around us, therefore, depends entirely on our actions, and the better we understand this for ourselves, the easier it will be for us to avoid irreparable mistakes.

The process of moral perfection is endless and depends entirely on us. It is determined by the amount of good that we bring into the world. Just as the good we gave to people, so the evil done to them will return to us.

Question 10. The French writer and philosopher A. Camus argued: "Freedom is primarily not a privilege, but a duty." How do you understand these words? Why duty? Explain with reference to textbook.

This statement can be viewed from different angles, but these positions most likely indicate that freedom is indeed not a privilege, but a duty.

The first position is that it is a duty - we all, in my opinion, must do and must be free, relate to everything as easily as possible, and strive not to depend on anyone or anything in this life. Therefore, we must try to get out of all our problems, deeds and other things that weigh us down and fetter us, not allowing us to do what we want to do. After all, freedom is, first of all, independence from everything.

The second position is that there is total freedom. We don't belong to anything, we don't depend on anything - We can create anything.

Question 11. Moral choice, as you understand, is a difficult and responsible matter. And there's no getting away from it. All our life we ​​have been in the position of a fabulous hero - we must constantly choose our path, options for actions, actions. But there are situations when a person refuses to choose, eliminates himself - let others decide.

Assess the situation of avoiding choice, its consequences, the moral side. And in general, is there any reason for a conversation in this case: after all, a person refused an act, what to evaluate? What is the moral here? Explain.

Postponing the moment of making a decision, a person is under the illusion that he has all conceivable possibilities at his disposal at the same time, and the unwillingness to part with the seeming omnipotence ultimately leads to a complete lack of choice.

Meanwhile, any situation of choice has its own history of development, and only for a while for the situation as a whole can it be indifferent which option is chosen - then the period of equality of opportunity goes away and the next point is the point of choice that cannot be missed, in which there is still an opportunity take the plunge. “The more time is lost, the more difficult the choice becomes, since the soul becomes more and more akin to one of the parts of the dilemma and it becomes more and more difficult for it to renounce this last one, but meanwhile this is necessary if the choice should have even a little slightly decisive." If you do not take advantage of this moment, the situation will not return to the initial stage of equality of opportunity - it will develop further and, as they say, life itself will choose for a person. In this case, he no longer simply does not have the whole fan of possibilities, as at the beginning - he does not even have the only one that could become an expression of his essence if he had not missed the moment.

Question 12. “Morality begins where conversations end” (A. Schweitzer). Explain how you understand this statement.

In my opinion, this meant that morality does not exist in words (in words, we can all be wonderful), but has its origins within the person himself, these are his personal deep rules.

Question 13. The word "careerism" is given a negative connotation. Can the desire to make a career be combined with morality? Yes or no? Bring arguments.

Careerism - the pursuit of promotion, for success in professional activity in order to achieve personal and family well-being.

The word "careerism" cannot be unequivocally given a negative connotation, since a person's desire to succeed in work shows perseverance and the ability to work in a team. But there are also cases when deception, envy, denunciation are used to get a high place on the career ladder, and unfortunately there are a majority of such cases, so the word careerism is given a negative connotation.

Question 14. Reveal the meaning of the words of the French philosopher J.-P. Sartre: “Even if I don’t choose anything, I still choose.”

Any choice is bad because by choosing one, you give up everything else. “If I don’t choose anything” from the possibilities offered to me, “thereby I still choose” something else, thereby making it clear that what was proposed does not suit me at all and I would choose something else if it were among those offered. to me.

Option 1
1. What begins where one person takes care of another?
A) Immorality B) Religion C) Morality D) Imperative
2. In the Sermon on the Mount proclaimed his commandments
A) Moses B) Confucius C) Christ D) Kant
3. A short wise story
A) Commandment B) Mandate C) Moral D) Parable
4. The Christian ideal of morality calls for overcoming enmity through
A) Use of force B) Philosophical dispute C) Mercy D) Sermon
5. Being a person means
A) Be personally responsible B) Be your own master
C) have firm principles D) All of the above
6. Who does not control our moral choices?
A) Public opinion B) State laws
C) Conscience D) Opinion of others
7. To fulfill a moral duty, a person needs
A) Act consciously, voluntarily B) have the courage to overcome oneself
8. What concept does not correspond to the concept of "good"?
A) Humanism B) Morality C) Jealousy D) Love
9. According to K. Marx, a man can be judged as a person by his attitude
A) To a woman B) Professional duties
C) Childhood friends D) All of the above
10 Which of the following applies to moral culture?
A) Marriage B) The desire to get a profession C) Knowledge of moral values
D) Participation in government
11. What word is missing in the scheme
School education
Complete general
……. .
2. Explain
A. Moral duty …………………………………………………….
B. Conscience ______________________________________
3. Moral culture …………………………………………………
Option 2
1. Choose the correct answer(s) from the options provided
1. Human autonomy means
2. Shame and truth should:
A) Unite people, direct them to the path of good B) Relate to universal values
1. Only A is true 2. Only B is true 3. Both judgments are correct 4. Both judgments are wrong
3. What is the highest moral value?
A) Love for one's neighbor, for a person B) Philosophical laws
C) Religious commandments D) Knowledge accumulated by mankind
4. Morality regulates people's activities through:
A) Various organizations B) Regulations and officials
1. Only A is true 2. Only B is true 3. Both judgments are correct 4. Both judgments are wrong
5. Which of the concepts does not correspond to the concept of evil?
A) Immorality B) Immorality C) Degradation of personality D) Phlegmatism
6. Love can elevate morality where
A) There is no place for jealousy B) There is harmony of coincidence and harmony of contrast
C) It is based on gratitude D) High level of education
7. Which of the following applies to moral culture?
A) The desire to become a politician B) Outstanding abilities
C) The ability to act morally D) Material security
8. Which of the following principles characterize morality?
A) Philosophers believe that it can be good and evil B) A person’s concern not only for himself, but also for other people
1. Only A is true 2. Only B is true 3. Both judgments are correct 4. Both judgments are wrong
9. Personal responsible adherence to moral values, personal awareness of the need for unconditional fulfillment of moral requirements is determined by the category
A) Duty B) Conscience C) Honor D) Dignity
10. Human autonomy means
A) Independence B) Initiative C) Decisiveness D) All of the above
11. What word is missing in the diagram?
Education system in Russia
General educational institutions
higher educational establishments
12. What word is missing in the diagram?
Belief in the supernatural
Picture of the world

Option 1

1. Choose the correct answer(s) from the options provided

1. What begins where one person takes care of another?

A) Immorality B) Religion C) Morality D) Imperative

2. In the Sermon on the Mount proclaimed his commandments

A) Moses B) Confucius C) Christ D) Kant

3. A short wise story

A) Commandment B) Mandate C) Moral D) Parable

4. The Christian ideal of morality calls for overcoming enmity through

A) Use of force B) Philosophical dispute C) Mercy D) Sermon

5. Being a person means

A) Be personally responsible B) Be your own master

C) have firm principles D) All of the above

6. Who does not control our moral choices?

A) Public opinion B) State laws

C) Conscience D) Opinion of others

7. To fulfill a moral duty, a person needs

A) Act consciously, voluntarily B) have the courage to overcome oneself

8. What concept does not correspond to the concept of "good"?

A) Humanism B) Morality C) Jealousy D) Love

9. According to K. Marx, a man can be judged as a person by his attitude

A) To a woman B) Professional duties

C) Childhood friends D) All of the above

10 Which of the following applies to moral culture?

A) Marriage B) The desire to get a profession C) Knowledge of moral values

D) Participation in government

11. What word is missing in the scheme

…………………………. basic


…….. World

2. Explain

A. Moral duty …………………………………………………….

B. Conscience ______________________________________

3. Moral culture …………………………………………………

Option 2

1. Choose the correct answer(s) from the options provided

1. Human autonomy means

2. Shame and truth should:

A) Unite people, direct them to the path of good B) Relate to universal human values

1. Only A is true 2. Only B is true 3. Both judgments are correct 4. Both judgments are wrong

3. What is the highest moral value?

A) Love for one's neighbor, for a person B) Philosophical laws

C) Religious commandments D) Knowledge accumulated by mankind

4. Morality regulates people's activities through:

A) Various organizations B) Regulatory documents and officials

1. Only A is true 2. Only B is true 3. Both judgments are correct 4. Both judgments are wrong

5. Which of the concepts does not correspond to the concept of evil?

A) Immorality B) Immorality C) Degradation of personality D) Phlegmatism

6. Love can elevate morality where

A) There is no place for jealousy B) There is harmony of coincidence and harmony of contrast

C) It is based on gratitude D) High level of education

7. Which of the following applies to moral culture?

A) The desire to become a politician B) Outstanding abilities

C) The ability to act morally D) Material security

8. Which of the following principles characterize morality?

A) Philosophers believe that it can be good and evil B) A person’s concern not only for himself, but also for other people

1. Only A is true 2. Only B is true 3. Both judgments are correct 4. Both judgments are wrong

9. Personal responsible adherence to moral values, personal awareness of the need for unconditional fulfillment of moral requirements is determined by the category

A) Duty B) Conscience C) Honor D) Dignity

10. Human autonomy means

A) Independence B) Initiative C) Decisiveness D) All of the above

11. What word is missing in the diagram?

Education system in Russia
General educational institutions Higher education institutions
12. What word is missing in the diagram?
Belief in the supernatural Picture of the world Behavior Requirements

2. Explain

A. Moral choice - ………………………………………………………

B. Welcome……………………………………………………………………………….

C. "The Golden Rule of Morality" - …………………………………………

Yu. G. Ivanova, MBOU "Tsivilskaya secondary school No. 1 named after M.V. Silantiev, Chuvash Republic

Social Studies Test

Subject: Morality and Humanism

Option 1

1. Who does not control our moral choices?

a) public opinion

b) state laws,

c) conscience

d) the opinion of others.

2. Which of the following principles characterize morality?

a) Philosophers believe that it can be good and evil.

b) A person's concern not only for himself, but also for other people.

3. What is the highest moral value?

a) love for one's neighbor, a person,

b) philosophical laws,

c) religious precepts,

d) knowledge accumulated by mankind.

4. Morality regulates people's activities through:

1. Various organizations.

2. Regulatory documents and officials.

5. What approach to the origin of morality does not exist?

a) natural

b) Theological

c) Sociological

d) Cultural

6. The coordination function of morality is ...

7. What role does morality play in modern society?

a) Forms the moral character of the whole society

b) Forms the moral character of the individual

c) Forms human behavior in society

d) Forms correct ideas about values

8. Write what unites morality about law.

Social Studies Test

Subject: Morality and Humanism

Option 2

1. What is the moral ideal of humanity?

1. "Love your neighbor as yourself."

2. Eternal questions of mankind.

a) 1 is true, b) 2 is true, c) 1 and 2 are true, d) there is no correct answer.

2. To fulfill a moral duty, a person needs:

1. Act consciously, voluntarily.

2. Have the courage to overcome yourself.

a) 1 is true, b) 2 is true, c) 1 and 2 are true, d) there is no correct answer.

3. Which of the following characterizes the role of morality in our society?

1. Helps us evaluate the surrounding reality and ourselves.

2. Influences us through public opinion and through the influence of conscience.

a) 1 is true, b) 2 is true, c) 1 and 2 are true, d) there is no correct answer.

4. Morality is

a) one of the forms of public consciousness, a social institution that performs the function of regulating people's behavior in all spheres of public life

b) a set of spiritual rules that regulate the relationship between a person and society as a whole.

5. What element of the structure of morality does not exist?

a) The principle of morality

b) Commandments

c) Moral values

d) Moral views

6. The regulatory function of morality is ...

a) ensures the unity and consistency of human interactions in the most different situations

b) regulates the behavior of people in society

c) regulates human behavior in all spheres of public life

d) regulates human behavior in the spiritual life of society

7. Humanity is...

a)implements altruistic and moral behavior in the fight against one's own and others' egoism

b)a system of moral and social attitudes, suggesting the need to show sympathy for people, to provide assistance, not to cause suffering

c) a set of life rules of behavior that implement altruism and suppress egoism

d) the moral qualities of a person

8. Write what are the differences between the norms of morality and law (3 examples).

Option I

1. Being a person means ...

a) be personally responsible,

b) to be "master of oneself",

c) have firm principles,

D) all of the above.

2. According to ancient myth Zeus offered to endow with shame and truth:

1. People are selective, like talent, one is shame, the other is truth.

2. All people, otherwise there will be neither cities nor states on Earth.

3. Who does not control our moral choices?

a) public opinion

b) state laws,

c) conscience

d) the opinion of others.

4. Which of the concepts does not correspond to the concept of good?

a) humanism, b) morality, c) jealousy, d) love.

5. Which of the following applies to moral culture?

a) knowledge of moral values,

b) the desire to get a profession,

c) getting married

d) participation in government.

6. The "Golden Rule of Morality" states the principle:

1. "Do not do to a person what you do not want for yourself."

a) 1 is true, b) 2 is true, c) 1 and 2 are true, d) there is no correct answer.

7. Which of the following principles characterize morality?

1. Philosophers believe that it can be good and evil.

2. Caring for a person not only about himself, but also about other people.

8. Shame and truth must:

1. Unite people, direct them to the path of good.

2. Refers to universal human values.

a) 1 is true, b) 2 is true, c) 1 and 2 are true, d) there is no correct answer.

9. The totality of the law of a given country is called:

a) branch of law;

b) the system of law;

c) the rule of law;

10. Are the following judgments about the rules of law true:

1. The rule of law is a rule of human behavior that must be followed.

2. The rule of law is a desirable, but not mandatory, pattern of human behavior.

a) only 1 is correct

b) only 2 is true

c) both statements are correct

d) both statements are wrong

11. One of the main features of the rule of law is:

a) separation of powers;

b) the system of state laws;

c) public authority.

12. In the state of I., the president forms the government. He is also the head of the executive branch. At the same time, there is a parliament and a constitution is in force, what form of government is represented in the state of India?

a) constitutional monarchy;

b) a parliamentary republic;

c) a presidential republic.

13. In addition to the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, Chapter 2 of the Constitution provides:

a) sanctions for violation of rights;

b) incentives for the observance of rights;

c) responsibilities.

14. Establish a correspondence between the types of political regimes and their features:

Types of political signs modes

a) totalitarian 1) separation of powers

b) democratic 2) a wide range of rights and freedoms of citizens

3) political pluralism

4) the dominance of a single ideology

5) comprehensive control over the life of society

15. In the above list, similarities and differences of concepts are mixed

country and state. Select and write down first the serial numbers of the similarities, and then the differences:

1) a territory with clearly defined boundaries;

2) a certain political regime;

3) state sovereignty;

4) the system of governing bodies.

Test No. 1 on the topics “Personality and moral responsibility. Citizen. State. Right"

Option II

1. What is the moral ideal of humanity?

1. "Love your neighbor as yourself."

2. Eternal questions of mankind.

a) 1 is true, b) 2 is true, c) 1 and 2 are true, d) there is no correct answer.

2. To fulfill a moral duty, a person needs:

1. Act consciously, voluntarily.

2. Have the courage to overcome yourself.

a) 1 is true, b) 2 is true, c) 1 and 2 are true, d) there is no correct answer.

3. According to K. Marx, a man can be judged as a person by his attitude:

a) to a woman

B) professional duties,

c) childhood friends

d) all of the above.

4. Which of the following characterizes the role of morality in our society?

1. Helps us evaluate the surrounding reality and ourselves.

2. Influences us through public opinion and through the influence of conscience.

a) 1 is true, b) 2 is true, c) 1 and 2 are true, d) there is no correct answer.

5. Human autonomy means:

a) independence

b) initiative,

c) decisiveness

d) all of the above.

6. What is the highest moral value?

a) love for one's neighbor, a person,

b) philosophical laws,

c) religious precepts,

d) knowledge accumulated by mankind.

7. Morality regulates the activities of people through:

1. Various organizations.

2. Regulatory documents and officials.

a) 1 is true, b) 2 is true, c) 1 and 2 are true, d) there is no correct answer.

8. Which of the concepts does not correspond to the concept of evil?

a) immorality

b) personality degradation,

c) immorality

d) phlegmatism.

9. What is the moral basis of marriage?

1. Family debt.

2. The principle of "endure - fall in love."

a) 1 is true, b) 2 is true, c) 1 and 2 are true, d) there is no correct answer.

10. Diverse relations in the sphere of public authority are regulated by such a branch of law as:

a) family law;

b) administrative law;

c) labor law;

11. Criminal liability in accordance with Article 20 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation comes with:

a) 16 years of age;

b) 18 years of age

c) 14 years of age.

12. One of the first term " constitutional state"began to apply:

a) C. Montesquieu;

b) I. Kant;

c) Cicero.

13. The Constitution of the country as the Basic Law of the State is distinguished by the fact that:

a) it is accepted by the President of the country;

b) all other normative acts must not contradict its provisions;

c) its provisions cannot be revised.

14. According to the Constitution, the highest value in the Russian Federation is:

a) economic sphere;

b) the state;

c) a person, his rights and freedoms.

15. Correlate concepts and definitions


1. Rule of law

2. Civil society

3. Rule of law

4. Moral

5. Right

6. State


A.S the totality of non-state public relations and associations (associations) expressing the diverse interests and needs of members of society.

B . A generally binding rule of conduct established by the state, the operation of which is supported by the power of the state.

AT. A state limited in its actions by law, where citizens are bound by mutual responsibility with the unconditional supremacy of the constitution, democratically adopted laws and equal responsibility of all before the law

G. A set of norms that regulate the most important relations in society and for the violation of which the state exacts;

D . A system of norms reflecting ideas about good and evil, about justice and injustice, about behavior that is socially useful and harmful to society.

E. A special organization of power and administration, which has a special apparatus of coercion and is able to make its decrees binding on the population of the whole country.

Answers to tests

Option I

Option II

question number


question number


Psychology of communication