Year of birth and sign of the animal according to the horoscope. Structural horoscope: combination by years and signs of the Zodiac

    The signs are repeated every 12 years, for example, 1987 the year of the rabbit + 12, 1999 also the rabbit, after the rabbit the dragon 88, the snake 89, the horse 90, the goat 91, the monkey 92, the rooster 93, the dog 94, the pig95, the rat 96, the bull 97, the tiger 98 and again rabbit 99.

    Indeed, many do not know - in the year of whom they were born. But personally, I only recently found out my zodiac sign. Surely such people will be interested in the following picture. Moreover, you can find out your element and color from it.

    Zodiac signs according to the eastern calendar by year of birth.

    There are only 12 of them, the order and alternation can be seen in this table:

    Rat 1912 1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008 2020

    Bull 1913 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009 2021

    Tiger 1914 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010 2022

    Cat 1915 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011 2023

    Dragon 1916 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012 2024

    Snake 1917 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013 2025

    Horse 1918 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014 2026

    Goat 1919 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015 2027

    Monkey 1920 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 2016 2028

    Rooster 1921 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 2017 2029

    Dog 1922 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 2018 2030

    Pig 1923 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 2019 2031

    According to the legend of creating a horoscope, the Buddha collected animals, twelve came to him, ordered them to compete in speed and agility, at the finish line the animals were distributed as follows - a rat, she climbed a bull, and jumped off before the finish line and was the first, the Buddha appreciated her ingenuity and appointed first, the horoscope begins with the rat. Then the frequency goes every twelve years, the next comes the bull, then the bull, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, boar.

    If we are talking about years, then there are only twelve such signs. Moreover, each sign is repeated, respectively, after a full twelve years. It will be especially lucky for that person in a particular year if a person was born in the same year (or rather under this sign).

    And here is a table by which you can find out in the year of whom exactly you were born:

    There are twelve animals in the Chinese eastern calendar:

    Rat, born in years: 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008

    Bull, born in the years 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009

    Tiger, born in 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010

    Rabbit, aka Hare, born in the years 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011

    Dragon, born in the years 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2012

    Snake, born in the years 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2013

    Horse born in 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2014

    Goat, she is a Sheep, born in the years 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2015

    Monkey, born in 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2016

    Rooster, born in 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2017

    Dog, born in the years 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2018

    Pig, aka Boar, born in the years 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2019

    The signs are repeated every twelve years. In the Eastern calendar, each year corresponds to the element and color:

    Fire is red

    earth yellow

    Metal gray

    Water blue

    tree green

    Detailed information here.

    In order to find out your characteristics on the zodiac sign and year of birth, you must first determine your animal, in the year of which you were born according to the Eastern horoscope:

    There is an astrological Western calendar, which is called the Zodiac and the years of birth according to the Eastern calendar. These are different calendars and different signs.

    The zodiac horoscope is divided into twelve months, each sign has its own constellation, its own planet patronizes or heavenly body and its element (air, water, earth or fire). Begins zodiac horoscope from the spring solstice and the sign Aries.

    The Eastern or Chinese calendar by year of birth also consists of twelve cycles (signs). This calendar is sometimes called the Chinese zodiac by analogy with the Western astrological calendar, which is not entirely true.

    The Chinese calendar is divided into years, each year has its own animal. This twelve-year cycle is called the Earthly Branches. New Year according to the eastern calendar, it begins on the day of the second new moon after the winter solstice, therefore it usually begins at the end of January or in February. This must be taken into account when determining your year of birth according to the Chinese horoscope.

    It is easy to determine which animal corresponds to the year of birth: it is enough, focusing on the table, to add or subtract a multiple of 12.

    Besides, in Chinese calendar there is such a thing as heavenly stems. This is a ten-year cycle of change of natural elements (elements): water, wood, fire, earth, metal. Each of the elements has its own color, so we got into the habit of giving years a color name (year yellow dog, year of the green goat, etc.). Although it is more correct to give the name not by color, but by element. For example, people born in 1975 were born in the year of the Wood Rabbit, those born in 1990 were born in the year of the Metal Horse, etc.

    One element rules two years in a row.

    Years that end in 0 or 1 (such as 1960 and 1961) are influenced by the metal associated with white or silver.

    Years ending in 2 and 3 are influenced by water, which corresponds to black and blue.

    Years that end in 4 and 5 are influenced by the tree, which is green.

    Years that end in 6 and 7 are fire years, which are red.

    Years ending in 8 and 9 are earth years that are ocher or brown.

    The table below clearly shows the twelve-year and ten-year cycles of the Chinese calendar. Water is highlighted in blue, metal is white, fire is red, wood is green, and earth is yellow.

    But that's not all: in the eastern calendar, each animal corresponds to invariable characteristics: its natural element (water, wood, fire, earth or metal), its direction of one of the cardinal points, its happy hour and its feminine or masculine principle. The feminine is Yin, the masculine is Yang.

    Zodiac signs by year, playful features:

    Year of the Mouse (Rat)

    Year of the Tiger

    Year of the Rabbit (Cat)

    Year of the Dragon

The first mention of the Eastern horoscope was four thousand years ago. A Chinese or Eastern horoscope by year of birth will help you understand your individuality and know yourself, revealing previously unknown talents and opportunities in yourself. As the Chinese proverb says, “A person who knows himself can control his Destiny on his own, attracting good luck, success, prosperity into his life.” According to an ancient Eastern legend, which tells that the Buddha, leaving this world, called all the animals goodbye.

Of all the invited animals, only twelve came, in gratitude he gave each of them a year of reign on Earth, making a full cycle of twelve years. Since that time, animals "come" to people in strict sequence, observing their fate. Each representative of the year endows people who were born in their year with certain talents and gifts. The signs of the Eastern calendar are always depicted in a circle, where all the animals are located in a certain order opposite each other. It is believed that opposite signs are complete opposites, they are not compatible with each other.

The countdown of the new eastern year is carried out from the second new moon, which comes after winter solstice— 22 December. Whole countdown Eastern year is under lunar calendar, and each new month, in the Eastern calendar, begins with a new moon.

Chinese astrologers divide all the signs of the Zodiac into four groups (triads), they believe that people who were born in the same triad can easily find a common language with each other. According to many observations, it has been noted that partnerships and marriages concluded between representatives of the same group are the most successful.

Table of dependence of the year of birth and the sign of the zodiac

* Chinese horoscope by year of birth table

The Dragon

Zodiac signs according to the Chinese horoscope

  1. The first group is Rat, Monkey, Dragon. Energetic, active, they tend to go to extremes. They love decisive action and rivalry. Rats need the decisiveness and self-confidence of the Dragon, in turn, he lacks the cunning mind of the Monkey and the resourceful quick wit of the Rat. Monkeys appreciate the high intelligence and enthusiasm of the Dragon in Rats.
  2. The second group is the Snake, Rooster, Bull. Hardworking, prudent, highly intellectual, self-confident, purposeful. The self-confident Ox and the diplomatic Snake help balance the irascibility of the Rooster. The balanced Ox is favorably influenced by the brightness of the Rooster and the dexterity of the Snake, and the Snake, in turn, is helped to reach great heights by the Ox and the Rooster, thanks to their positive qualities.
  3. The third group is Horse, Dog, Tiger. Impulsive, friendly, easy to set up friendly relations. To implement their strategic plans, the Horses will help - the determination of the Dog and the restlessness of the Tiger. The dog, in turn, will keep the Tiger from excessive rudeness and rigidity.
  4. The fourth group is Rabbit (Cat), Goat (Sheep), Boar. Modest, sympathetic, artless, gentle and caring. The Rabbit gives the Goat a sense of security and balances out her generosity. The Pig complements the Goat with its meek sensitive nature, and the Rabbit with its strategic thinking.

The elements of the zodiac signs according to the Chinese horoscope

Each sign of the Eastern horoscope is characterized not only by the animal, which corresponds to the year, but also by one of the five elements - Water, Metal, Fire, Wood, Earth. Chinese philosophy believes that each of these elements is under the control of its own planet: Water - Mercury, Metal - Venus, Fire - Mars, Wood - Jupiter, Earth - Saturn.

Each of these elements has its positive and negative qualities possessed by a person under their influence. Also, the power of influence of each element affects differently at different times of the year. The strongest influence of Water is in winter, Metal is in Autumn, Fire is in summer, Wood is in spring, while Earth retains its influence throughout the year.

  • Element of Water. Gentleness, generosity, insight, understanding, empathy, mood swings, depression, windiness. Infallible intuition, calmness are the hallmarks of this element. Representatives of this element tend to have large hands, wavy hair, plump lips, you should pay attention to your weight, obesity can lead to infertility. This element governs the kidneys and ears. People who are in the power of this element are most often businessmen, artists, poets. The colors of the element of Water are dark blue, white, light blue, turquoise, black.
  • Element of Metal. Decisiveness, stability, romanticism, luck, decisiveness, straightforwardness, rigidity. Calm and stubborn representatives of this element perfectly manifest themselves in the role of doctors, accountants, engineers, designers. Lovers of justice are always distinguished by a balanced disposition and natural kindness. The Metal element governs the lungs and skin. Typical features of representatives of the elements of Metal are narrow cheekbones, a thin straight nose, thin lips. The colors of the Metal element are white, gray, black.
  • Element of Fire. Devotion, passion, determination and activity in achieving their goals, optimism, irascibility, stubbornness, perseverance. The struggle for justice is a distinctive feature of the representatives of the signs under the influence of this element. The representatives of this element have pronounced cheekbones and nose, thick hair and a broad figure. The element of Fire governs the blood and the heart. Representatives of this element perfectly manifest themselves in the role of lawyers, politicians, speakers, teachers. The colors of the element of Fire are red, white, orange, yellow.
  • Tree Element. Sociability, resourcefulness, tolerance, forgetfulness, pessimism, compassion, good nature. It is the most elegant, strong, enduring of all elements. Representatives of this element have a very developed imagination. People who are under the influence of the Wood element may have a thin physique, expressive eyes, thin hands. The tree is the most fruitful of the elements, the signs that are under its influence always achieve their goals. Representatives of the element Tree feel great in the role of farmers, artists, writers, guides. The Wood element governs the liver and eyes. The colors of the Wood element are brown, green.
  • Earth Element. peacefulness, practicality, stability, endurance, logic, isolation, stubbornness, conservatism. People who are under the influence of this element are able to implement their ideas, have strategic thinking and diligence. People of high moral values ​​and views. Representatives of this element make brilliant architects, designers, businessmen, lawyers. The representatives of the elements of the Earth have pronounced wide eyebrows, a flat stomach, and a high forehead. The Earth element governs the spleen and mouth. Earth element colors are yellow, brown, black.

Each element complements the characteristics of the sign, giving it individuality and originality. Also, Chinese philosophers distinguish six pairs of signs, in which the development of astrological conflict is always observed. The reason for these conflicts is manifested in how representatives of these signs react differently to the world. Here are the couples:

  • Rat (Water) – Horse (Fire)
  • Ox (Earth) – Goat (Earth)
  • Tiger (Wood) – Monkey (Metal)
  • Dragon (Earth) – Dog (Earth)
  • Snake (Fire) – Boar (Water)

However, do not despair if the results of the analysis, according to the Eastern horoscope, turned out to be disappointing. Chinese philosophers argue that human destiny and luck are in the hands of the person himself.

The influence of the energies of Yin and Yang on the characteristics of the sign

It is also believed that energy affects the characteristics of the sign. According to ancient Chinese philosophy, this is expressed through the energies of two opposites, two principles that are always in continuous interaction - Yin and Yang. These two energies are opposite, always complement each other, and do not exist without each other. In order to understand what type of energy prevails in a person, you need to pay attention to which signs of energy are manifested more.

  • Yin is the symbol of a woman. A lean physique, not tall, responsiveness, not a material mindset, individualism, contemplation, melancholy.
  • Yang is the symbol of man. Strong physique, medium and high growth, sociability, optimism, material mindset, self-confidence, energy.

Yin and Yang are two different energies that harmoniously combine in any person, regardless of gender.

The characteristic of each sign is given in accordance with the year of birth, the date and time in which the person was born. A person receives the qualities of his sign, the corresponding character traits, his destiny. The eastern horoscope tells about the characteristics of a person’s character, his special talents, opportunities, specifics in communicating with other people. Also, with the help of characteristics, according to the Eastern horoscope, it is possible to find out which areas of activity are best for a person to engage in. The characteristics of the horoscope display the main milestones of a person’s fate, what you should pay attention to and what you can avoid.

The Eastern horoscope describes not the life events of a person, but his character and relationships between people. The characteristic of the sign of the Zodiac offers us a highly accurate tool with which each of us can understand our potential, set life priorities and directions for ourselves.

With the help of this tool, each of us will be able to understand which relationships can be useful, and which ones should be adjusted or abandoned altogether. According to the Eastern horoscope, one can also understand the character and relationship with other people in order to understand which approach and style of communication will be the most productive.

2031 is the Year of the Metal Pig. The symbol of the year endowed his wards with incredible luck. Pigs literally attract money. But at the same time, they quite diligently fulfill their duties, they never grumble, even if the work takes away ...

2030 is the year of the Metal Dog. The symbol of the year fully endowed his wards with philanthropy, poise, restraint and sociability. It is difficult to find more sensitive and understanding interlocutors than Dogs. They are fair, so they will not tolerate ...

2029 is the year of the Earth Rooster. The symbol of the year fully endowed his wards with the ability to communicate with people, have fun and unmistakably feel a lie. They achieve their goals with enviable perseverance. To an outside observer, it may seem that they ...

2028 is the Year of the Earth Monkey. People born under her protection have wisdom and balance. Perhaps this is the most calm sign of the eastern horoscope. But their external harmony hides the real feelings that boil inside the Monkeys, as in ...

2027 is the year of the Fire Goat. Under the auspices of this animal, confident and purposeful people are born. But softness, even some naivety, is not alien to them. They look at the world with wide eyes, periodically hiding them behind pink glasses. They are not...

2026 is the year of the Fire Horse. People born under her patronage are distinguished by a truly indomitable temper, emotionality and unpredictability. It is almost impossible to say what they will do in the next moment, because the flow of thoughts can lead to ...

2025 is the year of the Wood Snake. People born under her patronage have truly extraordinary abilities. They are so smart that they are far ahead of their peers in their development. But they also have simple worldly wisdom that...

2024 is the year Wooden Dragon. This sacred animal endowed its wards with the best qualities: the ability to understand people, to feel intonations, attitude, what is hidden between the lines. Dragons are real psychologists. By the way, in this...

2023 is the year of the Water Rabbit. Representatives of this sign are unusually attractive and attentive to others. They walk through life easily and confidently, and it seems that the problems themselves recede so as not to interfere with their important procession. Rabbits try to look...

2020 is the year of the Metal Rat. People born under her patronage are distinguished by firmness of character, some rigidity, inflexibility. It is difficult to pity them, they will not be led to provocations. Their opinion is the only correct one, so...

2021 is the year of the Metal Ox. People born under the auspices of this sacred animal are truly the most stubborn people of the eastern horoscope. They will butt the wall with their foreheads, but they will never admit that they are wrong. They are extremely confident and...

2022 is the year of the Water Tiger. People born under the auspices of this animal are generously rewarded by nature and their element with flexibility and character and mind. They are not stubborn, they will not butt heads against a closed door. Tigers are resourceful and courageous, they are ready to seek...

Thousands of people are born every day. At first glance, they are very different. But having lived longer, we notice that many of the acquaintances are similar. Astrologers explain this in general zodiac constellation. From this section you will find out which zodiac sign you belong to and how astrologers characterize it.

The secret of horoscopes

On the day you were born, the Sun was in one of 12 equal parts, each named after the nearest constellation. These 12 parts are the 12 zodiac signs. Each gives people born under his patronage, special properties and a similar fate.

Character depending on the element and the sign of the Zodiac

12 constellations are divided into four main elements that make up the universe. The elements endow their signs with a special disposition.

  • Fire. The most filled with fiery energy is Sagittarius. He does not know despondency and maintains integrity in any situation, keeps emotions under control and does not succumb to provocations. Leo is not so holistic, he depends on the praise and love of others. Aries is also not indifferent to the opinions of others. Aries are active, have a business acumen, but they have a problem with controlling emotions.
  • Air. Aquarius has the most power here. Having fallen for the thousandth time, he rises again, is not afraid of loneliness, in any conditions his morale only grows stronger. Second in strength - Libra. Weakness of strong and energetic Libra in absent-mindedness and poor concentration. Gemini - the most unstable, capricious and emotional. They need support!
  • Earth. The most stable of the representatives of this element, and indeed of the entire zodiac circle, is Capricorn. He has everything for survival and achievement of goals - diligence, perseverance, consistency, determination. Virgo is inferior to Capricorn in strength, but surpasses in fantasy and susceptibility. A conservative and straightforward Taurus is able to achieve what he wants, but he wants little.
  • Water. The most solid and strong Pisces here - do not give up, believe in themselves, achieve what they want. Scorpios are weaker, as they are often guided by dark motives. Sensual Cancers are charming but need constant support. And it is almost impossible to force them to fight.

Of course, it is wrong to judge a person only by the date of birth. This is a superficial approach, but it opens the curtain on the path of self-knowledge and understanding of others.

In the East, to determine the character of a person, depending on the date of birth, it is customary to use animal symbols. In total, there are 12 signs of the Eastern calendar, for each year of the 12-year cycle of our planet's revolution around the Sun. In the West, the symbolism of 12 constellations is used, located along the annual path of the Sun in the sky, many of which also symbolize animals. Hence the name of the Zodiac, from the Greek Zodiakos - animals. To determine which sign of the eastern
you refer to use the table of zodiac signs by year of birth. Find the year of your birth and match the year with your zodiac sign.

Signs of the Zodiac according to the years of the Eastern calendar

Thus, it is possible to determine the full compliance of a person not only by month, but also by year of birth.

The table shows the 12-year cycles of the Eastern horoscope. Select your year of birth in the table to determine which sign Chinese horoscope you relate.

Now just compare the characteristics of a person according to Western and eastern horoscope. This will help you more accurately determine the nature and inclinations of a person and will allow you to determine compatibility according to the Chinese eastern calendar of the signs of the Zodiac, depending on the year of birth.

Zodiac Signs in the Year of the Rat

Aries - careful neat Rat;

Taurus is an exquisite Rat, prone to creativity and art;

Gemini - Rat with fantasy. Capable of doing anything, but sometimes doing stupid things ...

Cancer is a punchy, assertive Rat;

Leo is a seductive Rat;

Virgo - Experienced Rat. This is simply not to catch;

Libra - Dream Rat. It can not always stop in time;

Scorpio - Unpredictable Rat. She is unable to understand herself;

Sagittarius - Rat explorer. Get out in any scenario;

Capricorn - Rat peacemaker. Prefers dialogue to any conflict;

Aquarius - Rat-aggressor. Often destroys what was not going to;

Pisces - Homebody Rat. Capable of even acquisitiveness, but in moderation.

Zodiac signs in the year of the Ox

Aries - Sometimes dangerous. Humor is not always understood;

Taurus - Ox-esthete. Influences people without raising their voice;

Gemini - Ox without brakes. It can be difficult to manage;

Cancer - Ox careerist. Beware of getting in his way;

Leo - Affectionate Bull. Veal tenderness, sometimes without measure;

Virgo - Ox humorist. Capable of feats;

Libra is an uncharacteristic, very gentle Ox. Often tries in vain;

Scorpio - Bull warrior. Carefully! It may not be possible to stop him;

Sagittarius - Calm Bull. Tends to quiet pursuits;

Capricorn - Sociable Ox. Will tell about everything;

Aquarius - Warlike Bull. Assertive, aggressive, purposeful;

Pisces - Harmonious Ox.

Zodiac signs in the Year of the Tiger

Aries - Tiger-Sage. Avoid sharp corners;

Taurus - Wise Tiger. Carefully plans his actions;

Gemini - Crazy Tiger. Pleasant in communication, but slightly unpredictable;

Cancer - Swift Tiger. This is sometimes dangerous!

Leo - Calm Tiger. But sometimes too malleable;

Virgo - Tiger-merry fellow. Capable of great achievements;

Libra - Tiger stay-at-home. Calm domestic kitty;

Scorpio - Real Tiger. Although not a Lion, it looks like the King of Beasts;

Sagittarius is a pragmatic Tiger. Sets a goal and achieves it;

Capricorn - Civilized Tiger. An excellent partner in business and business;

Aquarius - Difficult Tiger. Interesting, but not always predictable;

Pisces is the True Tiger. Capable of the incredible;

Zodiac signs in the year of the Rabbit (Cat)

Aries is the pensive Rabbit. Avoids communication. Able to be a good mentor;

Taurus - Skillful Rabbit. Creative talent. Will not leave a friend in trouble;

Gemini is the True Rabbit. Sole of company;

Cancer - Savage Rabbit. Calculating and careful;

Leo - Domestic Rabbit. Does not snort, only gently rubs against the hand;

Virgo - Rabbit-Homebody. He loves comfort, this is his weakness;

Libra - Rabbit in the Sun. Able to enjoy life;

Scorpio - Tiger Rabbit. Hisses and sometimes bites, but gently!

Sagittarius - Rabbit-Sage. He does not drag sour cream from the table, he asks others;

Capricorn - Affectionate and gentle Rabbit, it is so pleasant to scratch him behind the ear;

Aquarius - Rabbit magician! Inclined to the secret sciences;

Pisces - Rabbit - Intellectual. Calm, thoughtful, restrained.

Zodiac Signs in the Year of the Dragon

Aries is a real dragon. Tries to stay away from fights;

Taurus - Dragon Seer. Able to see both their own and others' shortcomings;

Gemini - Mother Dragon. His wisdom and pragmatism will lead to success;

Cancer is the True Dragon. Always striving for his goal;

Leo - Cute Dragon. Family and children are the main thing for him in life;

Virgo is a rainbow colored dragon. exotic;

Libra is a Dreamy Dragon. Does not always finish to the end;

Scorpio - Classic Dragon. Sometimes he tires of his nature;

Sagittarius - Thoughtful Dragon. Pleasant and reliable;

Capricorn - Dragon-Chameleon. It is not always who he wants to appear to be;

Aquarius - Wild Dragon. Sometimes bites;

Pisces - Home Dragon. Family favorite;

Zodiac Signs in the Year of the Snake

Aries - Snake thinker. Clever, no doubt, but prone to fantasies;

Taurus - Serpent seer. Prone to the mysterious, able to predict the future;

Gemini - Snake of the water element. Cool sober pragmatist;

Cancer - Snake-boa constrictor. May buck unexpectedly;

Leo - Poisonous Snake. A faithful friend (or friend), her charm can enchant.

Virgo - Changeable Snake. A little eccentric, windy, but pleasant to talk to;

Libra is the Serpent in meditation. If he wakes up, he is capable of much;

Scorpio - Spectacled Snake. Loves jewelry, has a delicate taste;

Sagittarius - Mysterious Snake. Insidious, beautiful, sophisticated ...

Capricorn - The snake is surprisingly truthful and sincere. Is it possible?

Aquarius - Passionate Snake. Ideal partner in love.

Pisces - Purposeful Snake. Gets his way.

Zodiac Signs in the Year of the Horse

Aries - Horse pedant. Serious attitude to everything, because of this and the problem;

Taurus - Riding Horse. Too busy with work. Sometimes forgets about everything;

Gemini is a dream horse. Slow, but knows what she wants;

Cancer is a Hot Horse. Passionate, ardent, sometimes excessive;

Leo - English Horse. Slow, but always caring;

Virgo - Thoroughbred Horse. Likes to travel;

Libra - Circus Horse. Gentle, receptive, walks in circles;

Scorpio - Centaur. Make all your fantasies come true;

Sagittarius - Real Trotter! Bright, but somewhat windy;

Capricorn - Thoroughbred Horse. gravitates towards spectacles and vivid impressions

Aquarius - Wild Horse. Able to get carried away to self-forgetfulness;

Pisces - Hardworking Horse. Able to walk monotonously, but does not always know exactly where.

Zodiac Signs in the Year of the Goat

Aries - Goat-Thinker. Everything will be done in the best way, with imagination;

Taurus - Mysterious Goat. You should not follow her conclusions to the end;

Gemini - Goat creative. She is drawn to art, but slightly capricious;

Cancer - Goat Warrior. That says it all;

Leo - Charming Goat. Sweet, but prone to idle pastime;

Virgo - Goat with frills. Do not follow her whims;

Libra - Goat-Cutie. Kind, sweet, caring;

Scorpio - Mountain Goat. How difficult it is to understand;

Sagittarius - Surface Goat. Able to help a little, but does not let you close;

Capricorn - Goat-winner. It's not easy with her;

Aquarius - Bright Goat. passionate and active. May get out of control;

Pisces - Goat with character. Strong, strong-willed, always ready to help.

Zodiac Signs in the Year of the Monkey

Aries - Pedantic Monkey. Sometimes fickle, contrary to intentions;

Taurus is a smart monkey. Knows how to hide true intentions;

Gemini - Savvy Monkey. Perfectly adapts to external circumstances;

Cancer - Strict Monkey. It's not easy with her.

Leo - Sweet Monkey. Mila, kind, needs guardianship;

Virgo - Hot Monkey. Can flare up because of a trifle;

Libra - Positive Monkey. She may be nice to some, but she won't let others get close;

Scorpio - Passionate Monkey. Likes to play with fire;

Sagittarius - Conqueror Monkey. He loves attention to himself, from this all the problems;

Capricorn - Monkey - Juggler. Strives to maintain balance always;

Aquarius - Eastern Monkey. Cunning, resourceful, resourceful;

Pisces - Monkey Merchant. Talented, loves risk, but not always in moderation

Zodiac signs in the Year of the Rooster

Aries - Exotic Rooster. Interesting deep nature;

Taurus - Rooster - Egoist. Interested only in his own affairs;

Gemini - Rooster on a weather vane. Large-scale plans, but does not find time for the rest;

Cancer - Fighting Rooster. Conflicts are his element;

Leo - Broiler Rooster. Moderate in everything, homebody;

Virgo - Rooster warrior. Seeks to the thick of things, even if they can pluck there;

Libra - Sincere Rooster. Too trusting, often becomes a victim of deception;

Scorpio - Courageous Rooster. Ready to rush into battle. The occasion is not important;

Sagittarius - Homey Rooster. Pragmatic, calm, reconciled;

Capricorn - Rooster Gourmet. Looking for compromises, hates quarrels;

Aquarius - Refined Rooster. An interesting opportunity for partnership. Will not let you down;

Pisces - Celtic Rooster. Constant, faithful, reliable

Zodiac Signs in the Year of the Dog

Aries - Watchdog. Reliable, but somewhat noisy;

Taurus is a Wise Dog. Smart and interesting;

Gemini - Dog-Original. Loves travel;

Cancer - Warrior Dog. Reliable and faithful. Not afraid of difficulties;

Leo - Dog-Friend. Just sincerely looks at the world. Do not dissemble;

Virgo - Wanderer Dog. Kind, but does not always respond in time;

Libra - Gentle Dog. Sincere, but in need of care;

Scorpio is a Loud Dog. He likes to make noise, the occasion does not play a role;

Sagittarius is a Consistent Dog. This one is hard to deceive;

Capricorn is a real dog. Gentle, kind, diplomatic;

Aquarius - Hot Dog. Ready to rush into battle. At least that's what he says;

Pisces is an Active Dog. Not afraid of obstacles.

Zodiac Signs in the Year of the Pig

Aries - Uncharacteristic Pig. Too serious;

Taurus - Consistent Pig. Calm, knows what he wants;

Gemini is the Creative Pig. Good, but sometimes selfish;

Cancer - Toy Pig. Kind, caring and sweet;

Leo - Sweet Pig. Charming and loved;

Virgo - Hasty Pig. Capable of much if the environment does not stop;

Libra - Pig-Gourmet. Trusting is the main drawback;

Scorpio - Homemade Pig. Consistent, but not able to betray;

Sagittarius is the Classic Pig. It's not easy with her.

Capricorn - Thrifty Pig. The craving for savings is in her blood;

Aquarius - Strict Pig. Sometimes prone to selfishness;

Pisces - Reasonable Pig. He hesitates too often when choosing.

| Eastern calendar

Eastern (Chinese) calendar of zodiac signs

The Eastern calendar, which has been in force for several thousand years in Vietnam, Kampuchea, China, Korea, Mongolia, Japan and some other Asian countries, was compiled during the time of the semi-legendary Emperor Huang Di in the middle of the third millennium BC. The Eastern calendar is a 60-year cyclical system. It is based on the astronomical cycles of the Sun, Earth, Moon, Jupiter and Saturn. The 60-year cycle includes a 12-year Jupiter cycle and a 30-year Saturn cycle. The most important for the life of nomads, and in those days the main peoples of the East were nomadic tribes, was considered the 12-year period of Jupiter. The ancient Chinese and Japanese believed that the normal movement of Jupiter brings benefits and virtues.

Dividing the path of Jupiter into twelve equal parts and giving each part the name of a certain animal, the peoples of Asia created a solar-Jupiter 12-year calendar cycle. Legend has it that all the animals were invited by the Buddha to celebrate the first New Year. The Buddha promised to give the animals a whole year each, which would be named after them. Only 12 animals came to the Buddha's invitation - a rat, a bull, a tiger, a rabbit, a dragon, a snake, a horse, a sheep, a monkey, a rooster, a dog. The pig was the last to meet the Buddha.

According to another legend, the Buddha summoned animals before leaving the earth. A rat, a bull, a tiger, a rabbit, a dragon, a snake, a horse, a sheep, a monkey, a rooster, a dog and a pig came to say goodbye to the Buddha. The grateful Buddha gave these 12 animals one year of reign each.

The Eastern calendar begins with the year of the rat and ends with the year of the pig. It is widely believed in the East that these animals have the ability to endow those born in this year of the animal with certain traits, both good and bad.

Jupiter completes five rotations in sixty years. This number corresponded to the worldview of Chinese natural philosophy. The number five was a symbol of the five elements of nature - wood, fire, metal (gold), water, earth, which correspond to color designations (blue, red, yellow, white, black).
The Chinese sixty-year-old was formed as a result of the combination of the duodecimal cycle ("earthly branches"), for each year of which the name of the animal was assigned, and the decimal cycle of the "elements" ("heavenly branches"): five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) , each of which corresponded to two cyclic signs, personifying the male and female principles (therefore, in the Chinese calendar there are consecutive years corresponding to different animals, but one element).

12 animals, 5 elements - hence the cycle of the eastern calendar is 60 years. This cycle begins with the year of the Wood Rat and ends with the year of the Water Pig. The next 60-year cycle of the Eastern calendar began on February 2, 1984. Animal years repeat every 12 years, and the elements - every 10 years.
The choice of these planets when creating the eastern calendar is explained by the fact that the Sun - affects the development human spirit, the Moon - on the physical development of the body, Jupiter - controls the behavior of people in public life, and the planet Saturn - forms the individual characteristics of a person.

IN Lately gaining popularity in Russia Eastern calendar. There is no fixed date for the Eastern New Year. New Year according to the eastern calendar comes on the first new moon, which occurs in the zodiac sign Aquarius. The Sun enters Aquarius on January 20 or 21 and ends on February 18. Therefore, the New Year according to the eastern calendar comes from January 20 to February 18, at which time one fabulous animal passes the reins of power to another.

Eastern calendar signs

Years of the animal according to the eastern calendar

Zoological name of the year. Years of birth of people, the year of the animal according to the eastern calendar.

Elements of the signs of the eastern calendar

The Eastern calendar suggests the presence, each element corresponds to certain colors. The elements change in the following order: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Thus, the cycle is completely repeated after 60 years.
You can determine your element by the last digit of the year of your birth:

"4" or "5" - Tree (color green, blue)
"6" or "7" - Fire (color red, pink)
"8" or "9" - Earth (yellow, lemon, ocher)
"0" or "1" - Metal (white color)
"2" or "3" - Water (black, blue)

Each of the elements slightly changes the animal that personifies the year, giving it a peculiar shade. For example, the Fire Goat - active, active, possessing creative abilities, differs from the Earth Goat - a restrained, dry realist, busy with earthly, practical affairs.
You can use the eastern horoscope to improve mutual understanding with your family, friends and relatives by identifying their signs and elements, which means understanding the deep essence and motives of actions. Animal signs will help determine the prospects of relationships between people (friendly, love or business).
It's better to start with general characteristics animal sign.
Even more accurate data can be obtained by determining the animal sign of the hour of birth. According to Chinese astrology, the day is divided into 12 periods, each of which corresponds to a certain animal sign. This means that a person born in the hour of any animal will have the features of this sign. Here are the correspondences of birth time to animal signs:

23.00 - 01.00 - time of the Rat
01.00 - 03.00 - Ox time
03.00 - 05.00 - Tiger time
05.00 - 07.00 - Rabbit time
07.00 - 09.00 - Dragon time
09.00 - 11.00 - Snake time
11.00 - 13.00 - Horse time
13.00 - 15.00 - Sheep time
15.00 - 17.00 - Monkey time
17.00 - 19.00 - Rooster time
19.00 - 21.00 - Dog time
21.00 - 23.00 - Boar time

Eastern calendar signs

Chinese astrologers divide all animal signs into four groups (three in each). It is generally accepted that people born under the signs of the same group have similar characteristics that determine the course of their thoughts, which ultimately allows them to get along well with each other, support each other and get along together. This does not mean at all that they have the same character or actions, just congenital features their personalities successfully complement each other and contribute to the disclosure best sides other people from the same group. It has been observed that partnerships, friendships and especially marriages between those born under the signs of the same group are most successful.

Competitors- , And . All these signs are very gravitate toward rivalry and decisive action. Rats need the self-confidence and courage of the Dragon, because. extremely insecure. In turn, the Dragon is too direct and sometimes he just needs the quick wit of the Rat or even the cunning of the Monkey. The latter highly appreciate the intelligence of the Rat and the enthusiasm of the Dragon.
Intellectuals- , And . People belonging to these signs are great pragmatists, strong personalities, often endowed with great abilities, self-confident, purposeful and decisive. Among them there are thinkers and seers. The Bull is constant and firm, but it is favorably influenced by the brightness of the Rooster and the charm and dexterity of the Snake. The directness of the Rooster is balanced by the diplomatic Snake or the self-confident Ox, and the Snake, with all its ambition, can reach great heights if it is assisted by the Ox or the Rooster.
Independent- , And . These people - emotional, impulsive, restless and extremely principled - are a kind of "free spirits" Chinese zodiac. The Horse is a born strategist, but in order to translate something into reality, she needs a decisive Dog or an impulsive Tiger. He can also give an outlet to the restlessness of the Horse, while only the Dog is able to calm her down. The Tiger will also benefit from communicating with the Dog - her unfailing good nature will keep him from excessive cruelty.
Diplomats- (Cat), and. People of these signs are restrained, unsophisticated, not great intellectuals, they are not attracted by risk. But they are modest and sympathetic, sociable and sensitive, tenderly care for each other and are always happy to do something nice. The sagacity of the Rabbit balances the generosity of the Sheep, and the latter needs a sense of the priorities that the Rabbit gives her. The power of the Boar complements the condescending nature of the Sheep and the strategic thinking of the Rabbit.

The signs of the eastern calendar are often depicted in a circle in a certain order, sometimes compass directions are marked on it. Looking at such a circle, it is easy to see that each sign is directly opposite the other sign. These are antagonistic signs, and they are considered absolutely incompatible! There are six such pairs, and within each pair an astrological conflict invariably develops. The causes of these conflicts lie deep in the nature of people born under opposite signs; they are involuntary and manifest themselves mainly in the way they react to the surrounding reality and other people. Here are the couples:

The validity of these observations is confirmed, among other things, by the fact that in China, parents, as a rule, do not approve of the marriage of children with people 6 years older or younger. They are well aware that conflicts and insoluble problems will certainly arise in such a union, and therefore, in love, this incompatibility is very dangerous to ignore. Another thing is friendship, which in most cases is not harmed by astrological conflicts, because. friends don't usually live together. In business, however, incompatibilities can also get in the way, because different people in this case, they are forced to spend a large amount of time side by side from day to day.
Do not despair if the results of the analysis of relationships according to the eastern horoscope are disappointing; pay attention to the signs and elements corresponding to the month and hour of birth, because under their influence, the characteristic features of a person's personality can both weaken and intensify.
In China, they say that if the fate destined for a person from above cannot be changed, then his lot can be improved. They believe in the unity of "tian", "ti" and "jen" (heaven, earth and man), which means that the two components happy fate- earthly luck and human (the third - heavenly luck) - are in the hands of the person himself.

Age oriental calendar by year horoscope

First life - Rooster (baby)
Second life - MONKEY (1-3 years)
Third life - GOAT (from 3 to 7 years)
Fourth life - HORSE (7-12 years old)
Fifth life - BULL (12-17 years old)
Sixth life - RAT (17-24 years old)
Seventh life - BOAR (24 - 31 years old)
Eighth Life - DOG(31-42-)
Ninth Life - SNAKE(42-54)
Tenth life - DRAGON (55-70 years)
Eleventh life - CAT (70 - 85 years old)
Twelfth life - TIGER (death)

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