Libra dragon profession. East zodiac horoscope: Dragon - Libra

The dragon is an unseen creature that exists only in fairy tales and legends. But the year is named after this mythological creature. People born in the year of this animal adopt all the qualities from it.

The dragon man is a very purposeful, relaxed and free person. He is creative and wisely approaches any business.

Dragon Man Personality Characteristics

The dragon man knows how to convince and is able to make even the most skeptical partner believe. He cannot sit still and is always in a hurry somewhere. The fair sex cannot pay attention to such a pleasant man. That is why he is never alone.

The eastern horoscope and astrologers assure that a male dragon can only love himself and no one else. All the rest are needed for extras. It can be safely called a real man. Because he is strong, brave, self-confident, reliable. But these qualities do not always manifest themselves. A male dragon, first of all, worries about himself, and then other people.

The dragon man stands out from the crowd. It is impossible not to pay attention to him. He does not know how to love, but he allows others to do it. This man is admired in any company. Respect he deserves easily and simply.

From childhood, everyone praises and idolizes him. Having matured, the male dragon becomes a complete egoist. Always looks down on others. He does not admit his mistakes, and simply cannot do this. Friends and relatives must obey him and fulfill any whim.

The dragon man is a very self-confident person. He does not think that he can do wrong things and, in any situation, he believes that he will win. Thanks to such inflated self-esteem and self-confidence, he achieves everything very quickly.

The dragon guy conquers the ladies with just one look. Women forget about everything when such a partner is next to them. He is a bright and well-mannered person.

The dragon man cannot live without female attention. He falls into despair when he has only a few admirers. It is important for him that crowds of ladies idolize and adore the beautiful representative of the stronger sex.

A man born in the year of the dragon does not know how to save. He spends all the money he earns on his young ladies and entertainment. But this quality does not prevent you from earning millions.

It is important for him that colleagues appreciate and respect each other. Difficulties do not frighten the dragon man, and he gladly takes on a new business. He likes to advise and, often, imposes his opinion on others. If he is offended, he simply does not notice this and continues to walk through life with a confident gait.

How to Conquer a Dragon Man

Although the dragon man has a lot of girlfriends, it is difficult to conquer this creature. He is not the kind of person who goes for everything. To achieve location, you need to work hard.

The dragon man loves only himself. But he never refuses female attention. It is difficult to understand and correctly interpret the committed actions. They may be ambiguous. Only the girl who will put up with selfishness and difficult character can be next to him. Also, the dragon man requires unquestioning obedience.

A dragon man will never pay attention to a girl who does not look after herself in any way, but brightly painted dolls with which there is nothing to talk about are not of interest to him. His lady should be the most beautiful, but at the same time savvy in any matters.

You can seduce a dragon man. The main thing is to skillfully use all female tricks. It is best if you are introduced to him by mutual friends. In a large company it is always easier to find a common language. But if this option of dating is not possible, then the woman herself will have to look for ways and take the first steps towards.

But the dragon man will never miss the opportunity to interest and achieve the location of the lady, if he liked her.

The usual acquaintance in a cafe or on the street will not bring results. He will immediately forget. Therefore, a woman must make a stunning impression on him, and subsequently develop a cunning plan. Being too accessible and ready for anything is not worth it. To such a girl, the dragon man will quickly lose interest. In any relationship, there should always be a game, and he, like a true predator, is simply obliged to unravel his prey.

Next to such a partner, you must always be on the alert. He will quickly fall out of love with an ordinary housewife and will look for love on the side. His favorite must be on the cover of a magazine. A quiet and calm relationship is not for an ardent beast.

Dragon man horoscope. Career

The dragon man is not looking for easy ways. If he set a goal for himself, then he will definitely achieve his goal. And this determination applies not only to work, in love he behaves the same way. The more complex and incomprehensible the goal, the more he will try.

The dragon man cannot stand when they do not understand and prevent him from fulfilling his plan. Arguing and dissuading is a meaningless exercise. Material well-being always comes first. He is able to work for days. In any team, he immediately shows everyone that he is in charge, and everyone else must obey him. He is an excellent leader. If he promised something, he will fulfill his promise in any case.

Horoscope male dragon

The dragon guy from an early age tries to achieve everything on his own. He accepts someone else's help, but does not like it when they begin to teach him. He'll do it anyway. Career is important to him, and everything else is secondary. When choosing a profession, a dragon man should pay attention to those specialties where you need to lead and be a leader. He will make a successful career in the acting field, a politician, a businessman, a producer, he will turn out to be no less good.

But technical professions also attract a dragon man. He will very soon become a leader or make a grand discovery in this area. Single work does not attract, but rather repels. He is a born leader, he knows the whole process of work and perfectly understands what needs to be changed and how best to do it.

Routine work in a small office is infuriating. The dragon man seeks variety in everything. His mind requires constant development. He reads a lot and constantly discovers new horizons for himself.

The male dragon is always up to something. Projects created by a representative of this sign deserve special attention. Financial questions always decides quickly and knows in advance that the deal will bring him a profit. He does not value money and squanders it right and left. But they are not getting smaller. He can spend the last penny, and the next day win a million. He is a strict leader. But if there is a need to help his subordinates and get into position, the dragon man will listen and always help. OO requires the same attitude from its subordinates. But can not forgive a simple delay. It all depends on the mood of the boss. Lazy people and those who constantly shirk assignments, he quickly dismisses and does not regret his decision. Subordinates must constantly work. He shows this by his own example.

Dragon man in love and family

The dragon man is in no hurry to start a family. The home of a strong man born this year is a bachelor's lair. Regular repairs are boring. He independently develops the interior of his apartment. He is very interested in ancient castles or manor houses.

A dragon never loses in love. He is able to charm any beauty. The dragon man is a fairytale prince who flew in from a wonderful fairy tale. Despite the workload at the workplace, he will always find time for a new novel.

The dragon man after each novel thinks that he has broken another woman's heart. It becomes a shock for him if the lady does not agree to continue communication in a quiet and peaceful place.

The wife of a dragon man should have a meek disposition and silently fulfill all the whims. He is a tyrant and a despot. This animal cannot be called faithful. A man born in the year of the dragon is constantly on the lookout, and even a stamp in his passport and joint children do not interfere with making connections on the side.

The dragon man prefers solitude and is reluctant to let anyone else into his personal space. Household chores are annoying and infuriating. But this does not prevent him from being a wonderful host and caring father. He leads the family and solves all problems on his own. A wife is a silent shadow who must unquestioningly follow her husband. He trusts his soulmate to raise children. He never interferes in these matters.

The Libra-Dragon sign includes people born from September 24 to October 23 in 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024.

Dragon in combination with Libra, the most sophisticated and intelligent, stylish, with a beautiful appearance and manners. , and Libra makes it more balanced and balanced.

A person born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Dragon is distinguished by peacefulness, goodwill and gentleness. Such a person will never scandalize and go into conflict if he does not feel a real threat. But, if he sees a danger to himself and his family, he will instantly become like a mythological monster that can destroy everything. Angry, he is dangerous and unpredictable.

The Libra-Dragon horoscope says that this combination is one of the most creative. and the Dragon harmoniously complement each other, in one person combining prudence and energy, idealism and stubbornness, talkativeness and vanity, flexibility and perseverance. All these qualities are wonderfully combined in one person and help him achieve his goals.

Personal relationships with a person born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Dragon, in most cases, will be harmonious, easy to live with. This is a loyal and devoted partner who will never create a family of convenience. Libra-Dragon has mood swings, but they pass quickly. In general, these are very loving, respectful, sensual and attentive people for whom passion plays a huge role in personal relationships.

A person born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Dragon is a kind of mysterious person with a magical appeal. Unwittingly, Libra-Dragon is always in the spotlight and is always surrounded by a large number of people. AT Everyday life Libra-Dragon prefers to attend to his own affairs and not interfere in the affairs of others. He has a good heart, so people are drawn to him, and in a continuous stream!

But, it is worth noting that he is not always happy with this position. Most likely, Libra-Dragon would prefer a more secluded lifestyle, but he simply does not leave such an opportunity! And, moreover, the fact of constant attention greatly burdens the representative of this combination, and he can periodically organize a rebellion and attempt to change the sphere and circle of communication in order to be alone.

He loves solitude, which helps him analyze events and get a feel for what to do next. Libra-Dragon is secrecy, rationalism and restraint. Although, he can be unrestrained and too frank, but this is the highlight that makes him attractive, especially for people of the opposite sex.

Libra-Dragon is self-centered and absolutely not sensitive either to political trends, or to the worldview prevailing in society, or to the needs of the people around. But, nevertheless, he somehow mysteriously knows how to please people and adapts to any conditions of life. In a good mood, he is kind, sentimental and even gentle. Responsibility and generosity are in his blood.

Libra-Dragon attracts like a magnet, it is interesting to spend time with him. Only now he is ready to let not every person on the threshold of his life, most often limiting himself only to close people. And, do not express disdain for him or put him in a comical light. This man, for the insult inflicted on him, will take revenge in the most cruel way.

The life of a person born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Dragon consists solely of pleasure, freedom and intensive consumption of material goods. Libra-Dragon will never be content with the share prepared for him. He fanatically strives for a better, richer life.

And it does not mean at all that this person will start a tough fight for a place under the sun. In this combination of the Eastern and Western horoscopes, there is some element of unspeakable magic, since the obstacles in its path all disappear by themselves.

The professional field is quite diverse. He has all the qualities to become a professional in any field. This is also facilitated by his honesty and fairly high moral standards. However, he is often prevented from achieving success by excessive frankness and intemperance.

A person born with a combination of Libra-Dragon is always surrounded by fans and admirers. They intuitively feel his sexual power and are attracted like a magnet.

Libra-Dragon Woman

Libra is ruled by Venus, and it is she who endows her wards with harmony, beauty and grace. "This is not a woman, but a work of art" -. And the Dragon brings this woman inner strength, stamina and confidence.

A woman born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Dragon has a harmonious character, and in any, most difficult situation She maintains optimism and faith in herself. She is well aware of her abilities, and knows how to use them. A sober assessment of life, concentration on the ultimate goal and calmness help her find her happiness and achieve her own.

She is fun and interesting to just live without thinking too far ahead. She is able to show leadership skills and even seeks to clearly define their preferences, interests and boundaries that no one should cross.

The Libra-Dragon woman is able to prove herself in any field of activity, but she does not like to stand out strongly in the team. Everything goes like clockwork with her, easily and naturally. Where other signs take a lot of time and effort, the Libra-Dragon woman overcomes in an instant, captivating everyone with her magical smile. Only her restless temper can ruin a promotion. This woman is literally saturated with the spirit of adventurism.

She cannot sit in one place for a long time, and she constantly needs to move forward and conquer unknown distances. However, awareness of one's strength, unlike others, does not lead to a "star" illness. She is moderately modest and balanced, which causes respect from others.

In relationships with men, the Libra-Dragon woman is very straightforward, passionate, emotional, cautious and selective. She needs long courtship to reveal herself and make sure that her partner is reliable. He takes family relationships very seriously, trying to fulfill all his duties, generously giving his loved ones attention, time and care.

This woman is an excellent hostess, faithful wife and attentive mother. For the sake of the well-being of her loved ones, she is ready to work tirelessly, not disdaining any work. By and large, the family for the Libra-Dragon woman is an incentive to move forward.

Libra-Dragon Man

A man born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Dragon is serious and smart. This is a real intellectual, able to grasp information on the fly and calculate all the moves. He is easy-going, loves an active lifestyle and does not want to sit in one place. He quickly lights up new ideas and knows how to bring what he started to the end. It is also a good speaker and an excellent leader. With his speech, persuasiveness and indisputable facts, he sets people up in a positive way and inspires them to follow themselves.

The Libra-Dragon man does not depend on other people's opinions and does not need advice - he does everything from the heart and always gives 100 percent. Thanks to these qualities, born in the year of the Dragon, significant career success and earn a decent fortune. Of course, this will be on the condition that he strives for self-improvement, a higher position, and not indulge in entertainment and indulge his whims and laziness.

The character of a man with this combination cannot be called simple and understandable. Here, the person himself feels the energy of Libra more, while the energy of the active and even sometimes aggressive Dragon is more manifested outside.

The Libra-Dragon man himself can constantly feel the discomfort caused by this combination, since Libra wants to think, feel and balance everything while sitting at home on the couch, and only then act, and the Dragon, on the contrary, creates eternal fuss around a person.

Happy will be the one who still manages to achieve balance, learns to quickly adapt and adjust, while maintaining inner peace and outer peacefulness.

The romantic relationship of a Libra-Dragon man can be extremely diverse. It is difficult for him to decide on a stable relationship, and sometimes, to choose what is more important for him, career or marriage.

But, in family life, this is a monogamous, a wonderful family man, loving husband and caring father. But building a relationship with him is not an easy task. He does not like pressure, and, feeling a slight restriction, will immediately try to break free. He does not like trials, showdowns and wasting time talking.

Also, great difficulties in family relationships are created by his explosive nature and incredible stubbornness. On the other hand, he takes full responsibility for financial and other issues, and any woman next to him will feel like behind a stone wall.

Libra-Dragon is inherently original. The representative of two combined signs of the western and Eastern horoscopes can simultaneously be flexible and not give up positions to satisfy their egoistic needs, be persistent and moderate, show vanity and remain good-natured, remain calm with stubbornness. Neither a man nor a woman born in the year of the Dragon under the constellation Libra will definitely get bored.

general characteristics

In culture, the Dragon is the embodiment of something very energetically saturated and at the same time having a mystical halo. Idealism and selfishness are intertwined in this creature. His actions sometimes seem absurd. In combination with the sign of Libra, a person born in the year of the Dragon acquires a sense of inner balance. Dragons attach great importance to various symbols, ideas and fantasies. In some ways, they live in the world that they themselves have created in their minds. The same is true for Libra.

air sign"Cools" the Dragon's ardent desire for strong energy and makes it more understandable to people nearby. Nevertheless, among Libra-Dragon you can rarely meet technical people who are passionate about scientific research, rather than those who hover in the clouds of their own fantasies, splashing them out on one or another art - acting, writing, musical.

Among positive traits Libra born in the year of the Dragon, the following can be distinguished:

  • they are bold and determined;
  • are able to maintain balance;
  • know exactly what they want from life and move in a given direction;
  • know how to be diplomatic and conflict-free;
  • they are interested in new things, they are ready to introduce such things into their own lives;
  • achieve their goal persistently and judiciously;
  • intelligent.

There are also enough negative aspects of character in such people:

  • they are self-centered and stubborn;
  • are vindictive and vindictive;
  • vain and overly ambitious;
  • secretive;
  • attach too much importance to the material side of life.

The mysteriousness of Libra-Dragon often makes them the center of attention of others, although representatives of this sign do not seek to attract attention to themselves. They tend to lead a solitary lifestyle, but they do not always succeed. They themselves do not climb into someone else's life, but their kindness leads to the fact that they often come to them for help.

This sometimes puts such people in an uncomfortable position, but it is difficult for them to refuse a request.

Positive and negative character traits of men

The Libra Dragon man is a very interesting type. He is always new to those around him. At the same time, he is self-confident and does not assume undue importance when communicating. Capable of generosity and responsiveness. Does not accept hypocrisy. He himself will never lie. It is easier for him to remain silent than to tell a lie. He tends to trust people, but you can't call him naive. He feels people very well, understands the motives of their actions, but draws conclusions about them without words and does not show his awareness at someone else's expense.

Thanks to the great internal energy, such a person can work long and fruitfully. At the same time, fortune does not bypass him. He gets a lot in life thanks to luck. Libra brings to the character of such a guy the ability to maintain peace of mind.

At the same time, the dragon's temper sometimes makes itself felt, forcing such a person to be impulsive and get excited.

Libra-Dragon men stand out for their intelligent manners. They clearly have a sense of beauty. Such people pay attention to the little things and strive for perfection. Among astrologers, it is considered a conventional wisdom that the Dragon-Libra is a harmonious combination of a soft and passionate nature. Such men are able to achieve the creation of order and justice. They know how to "resolve" conflicts, achieving normal relations in the team. The dragon awakens leadership traits in them. Sometimes these men have to act tough.

Moreover, only the closest ones can guess what the next act of such a person will be, who many times before paid attention to the readiness for a decisive step, hidden by a mask of coldness. Among the negative character traits of such a man, one can note the gloom and tactlessness that he can show when he is in a bad mood.

What do you need to know about women?

By nature, the Libra-Dragon girl is confident in her actions, steadfastly endures the blows of fate and has an enviable strength of character. She will remain an optimist even in difficult times. life situation. Such a woman always soberly assesses what is happening, concentrates on the most important and knows how to achieve happiness. Libra-Dragon is an adventurer by nature. She always needs to go somewhere, go and swim, learning Big world which she has not yet discovered. She usually has opportunities for such travel.

Such a woman is aware of the extent of her power, but this does not make her arrogant. She is rather modest and balanced than deserves the favor of the people around her. The Libra-Dragon woman is distinguished by external attractiveness. She is graceful, she has a regal manner. Behind all this lies a fair amount of perseverance and energy given to her by the Dragon.

The industriousness, curiosity of this lady, as well as the ability to convince, can be envied.

She has her own opinion on everything. She won't let anyone invade her personal space. Thanks to analytical thinking, he reaches heights in any field, not allowing himself to retreat in front of any obstacles. A feature of the Libra-Dragon woman is the ability to sacrifice herself for the sake of other people, whether it be a spouse, children, parents, or just close people. Such ladies are responsive to praise and will break into a cake to make someone feel good. Such behavior is convenient for others, but for the sign itself, this is rather a disadvantage, since in caring for others, its representative forgets about herself.


In friendship, Libra-Dragon is quite selective, although their social circle is quite large. Their kind energy attracts people. In Libra-Dragon, others feel a reliable shoulder.

In difficult situations, when everyone backs down from solving the problem, the Dragon will continue to fight the circumstances for the sake of a friend and will come out of the situation with dignity.

Family and relationships

If we talk about the Libra man, born in the year of the Dragon, relationships with women find him on their own. He practically does not make any effort to this, but he himself attracts the attention of ladies. He may be interested in a woman who will show her intellect and discover the depth of her inner world. In the understanding of Libra, a contender for the role of a wife should be predictable in her actions, be an open person and a good judge of economic affairs.

Being an egoist by nature, such a man will expect emotionality from a woman, but he himself will be able to respond not with a fire of passion, but only with warmth. Only that representative of the fair sex who is ready to be satisfied with such a reaction will remain next to him. Although the alliance with the Libra-Dragon man turns out to be strong. There is nothing more reliable than the love of such a person. He will be able to support his wife for decades, remaining an excellent partner in bed. For constant passion, he needs an unceasing interest in the personality of a woman.

Marriage for him is an expected event. But he is not inclined to start a family too early. Having reached a certain maturity, such a man can combine both love and sober calculation in himself, which only strengthens strength. family relations. In the house of Libra-Dragon it will be calm and joyful. The wife won't have to worry about being tired of family life, the husband will go to seek adventure on the side. Such a person will be, although peculiar, a little distant, but a responsible and caring father.

The Libra-Dragon woman in relations with the opposite sex is straightforward. If she likes a guy, she will not beat around the bush, but will find out the name and address. The thought that she can be given a turn from the gate at this moment does not visit such a young lady. Yes, and it is difficult to refuse an attractive and assertive person. She herself is very meticulous in choosing candidates for boyfriends. She is not interested in fleeting relationships. If she really liked someone, she will be aimed at a long romance, preferably with a continuation in the registry office.

If the young man passed the first test and received approval, Libra-Dragon will move into the active phase of hostilities to win the right to happiness. In a relationship with a loved one, she is interested in official marriage. Living under the same roof without a stamp in the passport, stretching for years, does not suit her. It is no coincidence that such a lady quite reasonably takes the initiative to promote love events in her own hands.

In marriage, Libra-Dragon is very serious about household duties and creating exactly the kind of atmosphere that, in her opinion, should reign in the family circle. In order to provide for her children financially, a lady takes on any work, although she will also require family members to take on certain responsibilities and clearly fulfill them.

This woman will not disregard the cares of her husband in his work, giving practical advice from time to time.


Libra-Dragon men can find application in almost any field. Such a person can be found among the clergy, and among the owners of markets, and in a creative environment. They will not hang out in third roles, but will always push forward without noticing ill-wishers. Representatives of this sign approach any business with creativity, find non-standard, sometimes risky ways out of the situation.

These guys are good for the role of boss. Without arrogance and pathos, they rule the team, maintaining a healthy creative atmosphere in it. At the same time, it would never occur to anyone to resent the fact that they rule with an iron fist. Strict discipline is one of the principles of such a leader. In the leading field, Libra-Dragon is helped by his ability to speak convincingly, attracting allies to his side. Men clearly calculate their moves, they can evaluate the success of the enterprise in advance, therefore, even in their youth they are able to secure a stable income.

The tactful, intelligent Libra Dragon is liked by people, but you should not completely trust him. After all, under the charming appearance lies a strong character. Restrained in communication, in every possible way protects his inner world from outside interference. A person born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Dragon is distinguished by softness and goodwill. At the same time, he is energetic, cheerful, not afraid to make bold decisions. He is always attentive to the requests of others, although he is really only concerned about his own problems. However, because of his natural softness and kindness, he cannot pass by someone else's misfortune. Therefore, he is constantly busy with some useful deeds. Although he needs solitude, he likes to reflect and indulge in dreams.

Characteristic Libra Dragon

The peaceful Dragon-Libra does not like to quarrel and sort things out. It is better to remain silent or hush up the conflict than to enter into an open dispute. Even the most convincing arguments of the opposite side will not force him to change his point of view. The Libra Dragon is so self-confident that the opinions of others do not matter to him. of great importance. Of course, he listens to the recommendations and even takes some advice into service, but without fanaticism. Fair, calm, reasonable, able to draw the right conclusions. Does not make hasty decisions and does not depend on public opinion. All Libra-Dragon, regardless of gender, are distinguished by high moral qualities, not prone to gossip and intrigue.

The Libra Dragon is not too sociable, loves solitude. True, others like to distract him from personal affairs with their requests. People are not aware of his desire for loneliness, because he is so cute and kind person. Libra-Dragon free time he prefers to spend with his family, and noisy entertainment tires him. Although, out of politeness, he can support the company and go to a fun party. However, he will try to extract the maximum benefit: the rest is conducive to new acquaintances. This attractive personality in some surprising way is always in the spotlight. People like the company of the Dragon-Libra, but his thoughts and desires are a mystery to others. And this is for the best, because curiosity can piss him off.

The life of a person born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Dragon is full of various pleasures. This person has a developed aesthetic taste, likes to buy beautiful things. He carefully monitors his wardrobe, knows about all the fashionable novelties. For all its unpretentiousness, Libra-Dragon will not endure need and deprivation. Strives for success and well-being, ready to fight for the best place. However, he will not lie and betray loved ones for the sake of material wealth. He will try to achieve everything with honest work, because responsibility and dedication are in his blood. This sensible, ambitious person easily reaches a high position. If difficulties arise, he does not complain, but silently overcomes obstacles.

Dragon Libra Compatibility

In personal relationships, Libra-Dragon is cautious and selective. Avoids communication with unfamiliar people, if only out of politeness he will exchange a couple of phrases. Not prone to frivolous connections, does not like flirting and empty talk. Prefers long courtship: time is the best adviser in love affairs. You can not call him a callous person without emotions and feelings. Vice versa, love horoscope testifies to the passionate temperament of the Dragon-Libra. Just not everyone can see his true face.

People of this combination are distinguished by a serious approach to marriage. Do not rush to make a choice, carefully analyze the behavior of a partner. Dragon-Libra - monogamous, not looking for entertainment on the side. He needs a strong relationship, so he tries with all his might to save his marriage. Fortunately, he rarely makes mistakes in choosing a partner, his family life is developing quite successfully. He devotes a lot of time to his relatives, children are of particular concern. Strives to raise worthy people from them.

Career Libra Dragon

For Libra-Dragon, not only material wealth matters, but also the state of mind. Therefore, he chooses a profession to his liking and faithfully serves his beloved work throughout his life. Serious about work, works with great dedication. He does not like to stick out his merits, but he is waiting for encouragement. This honest, responsible employee has the right to count on additional bonuses and career advancement. Libra-Dragon is respected in the work team for its high professionalism.

A creatively gifted, flexible in communication Dragon-Libra can take place in any profession. Possesses endurance, patience, is able to resolve any conflict. He likes work related to people. His talents in the field of communications and management will be in demand. Dragon-Libra is distinguished by purposefulness, determination, diligence. The only obstacle to a successful career: isolation, a tendency to exaggerate problems.

No matter how strong the experiences of the Libra man, born in the year of the Dragon, he will not demonstrate them to others. This is a calm, balanced person, trying to find inner harmony. It is important for him to understand his purpose, and he must figure it out himself. He will not ask for advice even from close people. The energy of the Dragon and the wisdom of Libra will help him achieve success without outside interference. Usually his life is developing quite successfully: Libra-Dragon is a man who has taken place in his profession and personal life. Women pay tribute to his peaceful disposition, but underestimate his stubbornness and desire for independence. He does not tolerate pressure, he always does his own thing.

The kind, open woman Libra-Dragon seems familiar and familiar to all the people around, she can be safely entrusted with any secret. She tries not to think about bad things, she is always nice and sociable. She has an optimistic view of the future. The woman of these signs is self-confident, thinks quite soberly, therefore she lives calmly: without sharp ups and downs. Although the energy of the Dragon sometimes deprives her of peace, pushes her to rash acts, attracts with vague prospects. But you can not be afraid for her well-being, Libra-Dragon is a self-sufficient woman. Family life does not deprive her of her girlish charm, she retains her positive attitude. Caring for loved ones does not burden her at all, but only brings joy.

LIBRA-DRAGON (September 24 - October 23, 2012)

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS of the Libra-Dragon combination

Scales- born manipulators, looking for harmony in everything; Dragons are distrustful, they dream of being seen and heard, and arrange their lives on a grand scale. Thus, the combination of the Sign and the Year forms rather restless personalities, thus pulling unusual destinies along with them.

As a rule, they manage to find their place in life. They are the least like bohemian artists and best of all understand the meaning of the saying: how much you invest, you get so much. It is this very important understanding of the essence of being that is the key to their success.

Dragons-Libra some of the most creative, or as they say today, creative minds. And what's more, one of the most balanced characters of all combinations in general.

Separately, both the representatives of the Libra sign and the Dragons are difficult to blame for moderation (Libra strives for balance, but rarely stays in it, and the creative power of the Dragons is always somewhat excessive). But merging together, they successfully complement each other, combining prudence, energy, idealism, stubbornness, talkativeness, vanity, flexibility and perseverance in one person.
All these qualities are mysteriously combined in one person and contribute to the confident implementation of their plans. This man knows how to achieve!

It must be admitted that they sometimes take up too much of your personal time and space, they are tiring. But be patient a little ... Not to mention the fact that these people full of seething energy make our life along the way more exciting and exciting.

The most amazing thing in the manner of Libra-Dragon- this is a rare combination of constant self-promotion with complete impunity for it.
Life for them consists solely of pleasure, freedom and intensive consumption of material goods.
It is not worth appealing to the conscience of such a person in matters of social ethics, since he does not know how to take into account the interests of other people and focuses solely on his own emotions. Deep inside this person does not feel like a member of any team and his ego is always in great shape.

Libra-Dragon never let things take their course and do not capitulate!
They will never be satisfied with the share prepared for them and pull their strap for the sake of food "in the deaf and distant side." They fanatically strive for a better, more fulfilling life, although it is clear that there will not be enough space for all the Libra-Dragon on Rublyovka.
And when I say that they do not give up and do not retreat, I do not mean at all a cruel struggle for a place under the sun, because they simply do not notice the enemies. Barriers on their way decay and crumble by themselves. In this combination of Sign and Year there is some element of unspeakable magic, astrologically not yet fully understood; there is certainly something bewitching and magical in their charm.
They are self-centered and, to put it mildly, not too sensitive either to political trends, or to the worldview prevailing in society, or to the needs of others. But in some mysterious, exceptionally intuitive way, they able to please the crowd , adapt to any social device and fit into the system.

Their magnetic charm is attractive to others and they can entertain you for hours once they are under the spotlights of your attention. In a good mood, they are kind, sentimental and even gentle.
However, be on the lookout!

Never, you hear, never even try to deliberately (or worse, publicly) show him your disdain or expose him in a comical light. For the insult inflicted on him, he can avenge himself in the most disgusting way.

LOVE for Libra-Dragon combination

The personal life of Libra-Dragon is a rather motley patchwork with countless experiments, with ecstatic flights and deafening falls, until the very moment when, finally, she (she) finds her "ideal". And their ideal is a large audience of grateful listeners and admirers rolled into one - in your face.

Passion in love is important for Libra-Dragon, they are not one of those who marry and marry for convenience or convenience. But flattery they place even higher passion. In fact, there is only one way to love them - to adore them. So, enjoy every crumb of attention that you get from them.

COMPATIBILITY for combination Libra-Dragon

The following combinations of the Year and the Sign (in descending order) will be able to confuse the head of Libra-Dragon:

1. Gemini, Leo, Aquarius and Sagittarius, born in the year of the Rat.
2. Gemini, Leo and Aquarius of the year of the Monkey.
3. Sagittarius of the year of the Rooster and Lions, born in the year of the Snake.

No long-term relationship, or even business ties, should be expected from:

1. Aries, Cancers and Capricorns, born in the year of the Cat.
2. Aries, Cancers and Capricorns, born in the year of the Dog.
2. Lonely closes the list of the most inappropriate - Cancer of the Buffalo Year.

HOME AND FAMILY for Libra-Dragon combination

Purely outwardly, these people are not necessarily so damn attractive and are unlikely to make an indelible impression at first sight, as it might seem from all of the above. But if nature has not endowed them with an ideal appearance, they easily compensate for this gap with pleasant manners, a sweet smile and elegant clothes.

And all this has only one purpose - make an impression .
Libra-Dragon - good parents cultivating family values ​​and respect for elders. But this is only on the condition that they have children at all. Among the Libra-Dragon, there are exceptionally many people who do not want to have offspring at all. For many of them, with a successful career that started early, children gradually fade into the background, and then completely disappear from the horizon of their spiritual life.

PROFESSION for combination Libra-Dragon

Like most Dragons, this variety of them, it is at work that they develop a craving to show their own creative energy. This is where he finds the opportunity to apply his talents and where the opportunity is provided to express himself brightly and shine. Namely, this is the happiness of every Dragon - rattling loudly with your sparkling scales .

His very first appearance in the workplace, whether it be a television studio, a restaurant or a production line at a poultry farm, will not go unnoticed. Comrades and colleagues will instantly see in him the most dangerous competitor for a coveted vacancy.

Libra-Dragon never remain apprentices or petty officials for a long time: patience, routine and bureaucracy do not correspond to the restless temperament of Libra-Dragon.

On the contrary, having become a respected boss (and they, in the end, they certainly occupy some place in the higher hierarchy), Libra-Dragon exudes good nature, turns into imposing bosses, smiling blissfully, smelling of delicious cologne and democratically sipping drinks along with their subordinates, who , in response, his boss just adore . Mainly for the fact that Libra-Dragon is completely absent - any pettiness (in men) and bitchiness (in women).

They are friendly people and, God knows, they do not wish harm to anyone, they just want everything to be their way.
Best Professions for Libra Dragons: television presenter (or any job on TV other than a physical one), entrepreneur, politician (or any public figure, as long as it is visible), pilot of an airplane (or anything that floats, and where there is a captain position), shop owner (or any other large real estate), musician.

Psychologist's advice