Love horoscope for February woman fish. Love horoscope for February for a woman Pisces Horoscope February Pisces from Martha

The second month of winter has prepared many ambiguous situations for Pisces, but they will all end with a common denominator plus. The first half of the month will be more active and full of various events, in the second half of the month everything will calm down dramatically.

If you are looking for time to realize your wildest projects and plans, it is best to plan for the second half of the month. In general, in February 2017, luck will be on the side of the representatives of the sign.

Due to the position of Mercury, the main source of problems will be your inattention. Absent-mindedness and careless attitude can lead to irreversible consequences.

February 2017 career horoscope for Pisces

The sphere of work and business will require you to focus on the most important tasks, do not chase two birds with one stone at the same time, because there will be enough situations that cause such a desire. In February, the horoscope recommends studying everything new and modern. New methods of labor will help to achieve amazing results. In the first half of the month, it is important to think more than act.

If you have your own business. The month is favorable for gradual expansion, as well as the search for new business partners. You should not start new projects, at this stage it is best to plan. If you've been thinking about starting your own business, it's best to hold off on the idea for now.

If you are employed. Don't hesitate to help your colleagues. On the this stage altruism will significantly strengthen your position in the team and allow you to develop spiritually.

In February, Pisces should be more careful. There is a chance that they will want to deceive you, do not be too gullible and naive.

From a financial point of view, the month promises a pleasant surprise. A little luck and you will finally start to have enough money for all your needs. You may be lucky in the lottery or sports betting.

26 - the most successful day in a career, so if you don't have a job, use this time to send resumes and interviews.

February 2017 love horoscope for Pisces

The sphere of personal relationships will be a real lifesaver for you. This is a time of comfort and a sense of stability. When you come home, you can always relax and take a break from the torment that fate has bestowed on you. If there are any disputes in your family, it is better not to interfere, this is not the most auspicious time to take on the role of arbiter.

It is best to take on the role of a model and show everyone what peace and harmony are. Spread warmth and love around you - this will unite people who are dear to you and save you from adversity. The horoscope also warns, try not to give large sums money to relatives or friends. The consequences of such actions will be unpredictable.

10 is the luckiest day for singles representatives of the sign and dating, on this day you can meet your soul mate.

Health Horoscope for February 2017 for Pisces

The main health problem may lie in the nervous system. There is a possibility of sleepless nights, fatigue and dizziness. There is also a possibility of being obese. Fitness or a low-carb diet would be a good idea.

The best days for sports are 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 18, 19, 24, 26.

If Pisces in January could start from a new starting point, take a new important step, then the horoscope for February 2017 Pisces should be read as a book on the operation of what has been started. In February, you should put all your strength into work, but this is not about new projects and new places of work, but about stabilizing your position in your current place.

Everything is smooth and stable with you, and if you do not iron against the wool, it will remain so almost until the summer. Do not tempt fate, do not rush things, because everything is going well and so not bad.

Find time for expression, for self-expression, for creativity, otherwise you will get bored and think that everything you do is in vain. It is important for you now to stay in a good position and with the attitude to move mountains.

Households appreciate your pressure in work and even help, but do not forget about them, and about friends who have been waiting for your invitation for a long time, or are waiting to visit you.

The second half of February is your star basket. You will succeed in literally everything, but on the condition that it is you who crave it. At this time, it is very possible to discover new knowledge, skills, learn a new craft. The main thing is your true desire, coming from the heart.

Do not trust the promises of strangers, do not be treated by charlatans, be serious about spending. Refuse to travel, spend the weekend with relatives. Do not borrow or borrow - it will be difficult for you to return what you have occupied, and you may be let down with the terms of payment for work, or you yourself will not complete the work on time. This can complicate things.

Health and recreation

The beginning of the year was quite active and rich in news, undertakings, new relationships or just acquaintances. Now is the time for stability. You need to live it wisely, without making sudden jumps, thinking over each step. Take care of inner peace and do not look for a catch where there is none.

The beginning of the month can “give” colds, start taking vitamins right away, get enough sleep, temper yourself. Avoid drafts and overheating.

Pay attention to inhalations, which will greatly facilitate breathing. Do not rely on antibiotics, and try not to lead to complications.

A trip to the doctor in the second decade of February will be successful. As soon as something bothers you, immediately seek help. Take care of your back, avoid stress, both physical and emotional.

Not everyone can combine rest and work, and Pisces absolutely do not know how to properly plan their day. Try to make a work schedule and stick to it. Your good mood and performance are directly dependent on rest.

Finance and deposits

You do not have confidence that the business you are doing now will bring you income, but you are afraid of being left without stable means of subsistence. In fact, everything is quite good, and money matters are improving. You just see it and understand that you are on the right track.

From the third decade of February, you can start investing in construction and renovation, you can easily take out a mortgage or a loan to purchase real estate. Don't delay if you have such plans. If you decide to save - carefully analyze the deposits and invest money wisely, this is a good start - up. In the future, you will invest more and more, increasing your stock. Do not rush and do not withdraw money from the accounts.

Do not settle for monetary transactions that unfamiliar people can offer, do not change your priorities.

It is important to be attentive to documents and shares. Now you don't have to sell. Entrust paperwork only to experienced and proven professionals.

Don't waste your money on small things - they take too much, and if you get into the habit of home bookkeeping, you will see where the money goes.

Love and relationships

You are more stable than ever and confident in your relationship, in your choice. For the next couple of months, you are a homebody and will gladly admit it. love horoscope for February 2017 Pisces is interpreted as the foundation of the current peace of mind.

There is no selfishness in you, there is no desire to do the opposite - to sharply change course, you are pleased with the absence of fuss and change.

Free Pisces enjoy self-digging, analyze their attachments. They have the opportunity to think, choose, they are not rushed, they do not expect decisions and a quick answer. This is somewhat like laziness, but they like it, they are satisfied with this state of affairs.

The family representatives of this sign, having indulged in attention to themselves, strengthened in the feeling of their superiority, take off their “foam” - they are treated kindly by their other half, calm and even imposing. Everything suits them and, moreover, they are ready to give their loved one a new feeling of love, joy from communicating with each other. It's like another honeymoon. They will see attractiveness, intelligence and sexuality in their spouses.

By the end of the month, you will make an important contribution to relationships with loved ones - you will return full trust, debunk their conjectures, and thereby get rid of constant reproaches from them, from which you will gain more than you give - peace.

Career and service

If you're an inventor, creative, law enforcement or military, you're in for a bit of a hitch, and you'll find that the promotions or profits you've been waiting for have passed you by. A little later, you will realize that this is only for the better, because you will have time for internal growth, and you will easily overcome a new trait - a level.

If you're in sales, don't hesitate to switch tactics, as untested moves won't work.

Do not trust employees who are trying to ingratiate themselves, do not let them know more about themselves than they need in the service, do not share plans and new ideas - they will definitely be taken away.

Be careful in dealing with management, do not allow yourself familiarity, even if in ordinary life you best friends- Now you can hardly distinguish between work and friendship. Do not expect patronage, you have to achieve everything yourself. Only the forces invested by you personally, passion, attitude, should be allies in your work, and then its fruits will not keep you waiting.

Do not be distracted from the work that you are doing, do not leave it unfinished, do not put it off until later, because now is the most best time to implement ideas and expansions of an existing business.

Man - Pisces

You are in good standing, and try to further gain a foothold in your professionalism, be constantly aware of new products, changes, take an interest in your field of activity - so you will always be aware of current improvements.

Develop firmness in yourself, and if you made a promise - keep it or do not promise - now you are forming an opinion about yourself, and later it will be fundamental when choosing you as a leading specialist when making a decision to increase.

Now you must put all your strength into work, not be distracted by other seemingly important things, so you will strengthen your position, become an indispensable employee, or raise your business to a new level. Horoscope for February 2017 Pisces - a man should take as an impetus to the development of his field of activity. No need to try to cover many incarnations, but seriously take on one and become the best in your profession.

You are attractive to women, your inner core makes you trust you, open up to you, be honest with you. But you also have to be honest, first of all because it's easy, and then, there is a threat that you will be caught cheating, and this threatens to collapse.

Stay in the relationship that you have chosen, do not change your attachments, do not trust new people, and even more so, women. Be careful of being exposed, and if you play too much, you will become easy prey.

Women - Pisces

Any horoscope for February 2017 Pisces - a woman is skeptical and long considering and looking for the point that everything will be given to her for free, quickly and in the right quantities. But this is not so, and she herself knows that she will have to practically plow in order to solve her affairs. Therefore, you need to start “plowing” from the first days of February, otherwise you will not achieve anything of your plans.

You spend a lot of time analyzing your priorities, but you yourself know that you will always prefer what you strive for with your soul. Do not break yourself and try to think rationally, besides, it takes a lot of time and effort.

Learn to trust the people you love. Do not look for a catch, and think about the fact that not everyone expresses love the way you do.

Do not be angry with your loved ones if they do not live up to expectations, there are no ideal people, and even more so children. Spend more time with them, don't get lost, and show your love and your trust.

Do not trust men who overly praise your mind, as most likely they are trying to interest you, to inspire confidence. Be wise and keep a sound mind.

Everyone wants love, and of course, such romantic natures as Pisces. And, probably, not in vain, February has prepared for them a lot of emotional outbursts and sensual manifestations that they can enjoy in full.

Already at the beginning of the month, representatives of the sign will fully plan the course of their actions, which will help them achieve their long-planned goal. And the love horoscope clearly indicates that the chances of success are quite high. The main thing is to correctly use the moment that will help change your personal life in better side. Moreover, Pisces themselves have already come to the conclusion that their close relationships require some adjustment and then they will be able to receive complete moral satisfaction.

From the middle of the meme, the representatives of the sign can boldly build their grandiose plans. At least that's what their love horoscope predicts. They will free up personal time that they can spend with their other half, attending various events and interesting exhibitions together. And with such an attentive attitude, Pisces will earn the reciprocity and devotion of their partner.

But if the representatives of this sign plan to hold a wedding celebration in February, then it is better for them to wait a little. But they can safely arrange romantic dates and languid walks under the moon. Such a pastime is only welcomed by astro forecast.

Pisces Woman: Love horoscope for February 2020

Pisces women who are already desperate to find their big love, the stars still decided to give a chance to become happy. So in February, the love horoscope has prepared for you many pleasant surprises and spontaneous meetings. This will especially affect those who have been disappointed by their failures in recent months. In February, they will be able to enjoy their superiority, feeling increased interest from the opposite sex.

Until recently, women inexperienced in love affairs could not boast of their success in seducing the male half of the population. But this month they will have all the cards in their hands to win the heart of even the most impregnable male.

But the astro forecast would like to warn married female fish. You should not leave your chosen one all alone for a long time. Otherwise, he will soon get used to this state and your communication will become a burden to him. It is better to think in advance about how you could spend time together so that everyone would be interested. Having worked through this issue, harmony and idyll will come in the family, and relations will become even stronger.

Pisces Man February 2020 Love Horoscope

You will have a chance to correct all the mistakes that you managed to do in previous months. In February, a few lucky days will fall when the partner will become more supportive and will be able to forgive all your pranks. The main thing is not to miss such a fortunate combination of circumstances.

In the middle of the month, you can take a risk and take a step that previously caused you panic fear due to a possible rejection. But now, as the astro forecast predicts, there will definitely not be such an outcome of the situation and the partner will definitely answer with her consent.

And those men, in whose hearts there was still longing and languishing loneliness, one evening they will meet a lovely stranger. She will conquer them at first sight and give them the opportunity to believe in great and pure love. The main thing is not to break firewood yourself in a hurry and not to frighten off the beauty with your active actions. And then such a relationship will give a whirlwind of wonderful emotions.

Calmness, restraint, caution are the main tactics of February. However, this does not mean a retreat at all - every commander knows that victory can be obtained in a variety of ways.

Work, career. Pisces February 2017

The conflicts of the past months are still going on. In the first and last decades of February, the issues of the financial plan will be raised again, and again it will not be possible to agree. Your opponents are not ready to give in, moreover, they can gladly appropriate what you rightfully consider yours. True, in the middle of the month you will be able to get some money from them, but it will not be at all what you were counting on. Can this situation be changed? Rather yes. Do not agree with the proposed conditions, defend your positions consistently and firmly. And if you fail to succeed this month, it does not mean that you have lost. Nothing is lost yet, it is important not to give up and fight to the end. An employee can improve relationships in a team. Perhaps one of your colleagues will be able to put in a good word for you to the authorities, and this will bring undoubted benefits.

Money. Pisces February 2017

Despite the difficult situation in business, the financial picture will improve somewhat. Venus, Mars and Uranus open the way to money - this important trio of planets in February illuminates the financial sector of your sky, which will benefit your wallet. And it is Venus that promises success in any financial struggle.

Love, family. Pisces February 2017

Those who are happily bypassed by professional misfortunes lie in wait for problems in their personal lives. Unfriendly couples can deal with difficult financial matters and it is unlikely that this process will proceed peacefully. The stars advise you to think carefully before starting a war - the future of your relationship is still a big question. Be especially careful in the last days of February: do not let emotions overshadow common sense. Especially since close person succeeds and can help you more than once. Friendly couples are successfully solving issues related to real estate, and are preparing to invest a lot of money in this enterprise. For lovers, everything can go wrong. Remember that now you do not have the leading role, moderate your ambitions and appetites.

Pisces in February 2017 can go through a number of rather ambiguous situations that will be united by a common “denominator”: a positive ending. The point is that the confrontation between Mercury and Venus in this sign will now reach its peak. However, with the support of Jupiter, your main patron, the situation will even out significantly in the second decade of the month, at this time it is better to plan the most important meetings. In general, we are talking about a fairly calm period, the dynamics of which will be unstable - the first decade will turn out to be bright, but controversial in terms of the “orientation” of the events taking place, then everything will sharply return to its usual track, in the third decade there will be more events, and their essence is more positive and brighter. In other words, if you were waiting for the time that would contribute to the implementation of your most daring and unexpected plans, then this stage is the best suited for such adventures. Now luck will definitely be on the side of Pisces, although, of course, you should not neglect the elementary safety rules. The main risks associated with the position of Mercury are based on inattention. Absent-mindedness and lack of proper level of concentration, especially in the work area, can lead to irreparable consequences.

Thus, the "work front" in February 2017 will require Pisces to have a fairly high level of focus on the most important tasks. Now it’s definitely not worth chasing two, and even more so, three birds with one stone. However, a competent study of relevant areas will achieve amazing results. In the first decade, try to think more, act less. Then build up momentum. An excellent option would be the gradual expansion of the business, this is a good time for business trips and the search for new business partners. It is better not to open your own business now, but to plan it - as they say, "the very thing." Help your colleagues if they need your help. And not at all because then they will definitely help you (although this moment, of course, is also present). At this life stage, altruism will significantly strengthen your position and allow you to develop spiritually by literally leaps and bounds. Such is the peculiarity of this annual cycle. In terms of work in February, there is a risk of goofing off. All it takes is being in the wrong place at the wrong time. So be careful and do not get into the habit of taking the word of those whom you know little.

In February 2017, for those born in the sign of Pisces, the sphere of personal relationships will become a real lifesaver. No significant metamorphoses are foreseen in the area of ​​​​the family hearth, so here you can feel safe, here you will rest from the various ups and downs that fate decides to reward you with. Do not intervene if conflicts suddenly arise between your household members. Now is not the best time to act as an arbitrator, the situation will resolve itself and much faster than you might imagine. Better try to be the standard, in every sense. Radiating warmth and love, you will unite those who are dear to you and help them overcome any adversity. Just one point worth noting: due to the position of Mercury, you should not make large acquisitions this month. And it is better not to lend large sums to relatives and friends. It can be really risky, not because of someone's uncleanliness, but because of circumstances that can turn out to be extremely unpredictable. Otherwise, there are no restrictions, just enjoy a successful life stage.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for February 2017 for the zodiac sign Pisces, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. The horoscope is compiled on the basis of data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main rod around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast is of a generalized nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign. More accurate horoscope can be found by making one of personal horoscopes which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for Pisces: Personal horoscopes for Pisces:

Psychology of communication