Pleykast happy Mary Magdalene. Postcard (playcast) "Equal to the Apostles Mary Magdalene

The Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, one of the myrrh-bearing women, was deigned to be the first person to see the Risen Lord Jesus Christ. She was born in the town of Magdala in Galilee. The inhabitants of Galilee were distinguished by spontaneity, ardor of temper and selflessness. These qualities were also inherent in St. Mary Magdalene. From her youth, she suffered from a serious illness - demon possession (Luke 8:2). Before the Coming into the world of Christ the Savior, there were especially many demon-possessed people: the enemy of the human race, foreseeing his imminent disgrace, rose up against people with ferocious force. Through the illness of Mary Magdalene, the glory of God appeared, and she herself acquired the great virtue of complete trust in the will of God and unshakable devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ. When the Lord cast out seven demons from her, she left everything and followed Him.

Saint Mary Magdalene followed Christ along with other wives healed by the Lord, showing touching concern for Him. She did not leave the Lord after His capture by the Jews, when the faith in Him of the closest disciples began to waver. The fear that prompted the denial of the Apostle Peter was overcome in the soul of Mary Magdalene by love. She stood at the Cross with Holy Mother of God and the Apostle John, experiencing the suffering of the Divine Teacher and partaking of the great grief of the Mother of God. Holy Mary Magdalene accompanied the Most Pure Body of the Lord Jesus Christ during His transfer to the tomb in the garden of the righteous Joseph of Arimathea, and was at His burial (Matt. 27:61; Mark 15:47). Serving the Lord during His earthly life, she wanted to serve Him after death, giving the last honors to His Body, anointing it, according to the custom of the Jews, with peace and aromas (Luke 23:56). The resurrected Christ sent Saint Mary with a message from Him to the disciples, and the blessed wife, rejoicing, announced to the apostles about what she had seen - "Christ is risen!" Like the first evangelist Christ's resurrection, St. Mary Magdalene is recognized by the Church as Equal-to-the-Apostles. This gospel is the main event of her life, the beginning of her apostolic ministry.

According to legend, she preached the gospel not only in Jerusalem. Saint Mary Magdalene went to Rome and saw the Emperor Tiberius (14-37). Known for his ..hardness of heart, the emperor listened to St. Mary, who told him about the life, miracles and teachings of Christ, about His unjust condemnation by the Jews, about the cowardice of Pilate. Then she offered him a red egg with the words "Christ is risen!". This act of St. Mary Magdalene is associated with the Easter custom of giving red eggs to each other (an egg, a symbol of mysterious life, expresses faith in the coming common Resurrection).

Then Saint Mary went to Ephesus (Asia Minor). Here she helped the holy apostle and evangelist John the Theologian in his preaching. Here she, according to the tradition of the Church, reposed and was buried. In the 9th century, under Emperor Leo VI the Philosopher (886-912), the incorruptible relics of St. Mary Magdalene were transferred from Ephesus to Constantinople. It is believed that during the Crusades they were taken to Rome, where they rested in the temple in the name of St. John Lateran. Pope Honorius III (1216-1227) consecrated this temple in the name of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene. Part of her relics is located in France, in Provage near Marseilles, where a temple dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene has also been erected. Parts of the holy relics of Mary Magdalene Equal to the Apostles are kept in various monasteries of Mount Athos and in Jerusalem. Numerous pilgrims of the Russian Church visiting these holy places reverently venerate her holy relics.

Pietro Perugino, "St. Mary Magdalene", 1500

Mary Magdalene is a gospel character, a native of the city of Magdala (hence the nickname) in Galilee. This is probably the most mysterious and mysterious figure in the New Testament. Orthodoxy relies only on the Gospel testimonies and venerates Mary Magdalene as a saint Equal to the Apostles.
In the Gospel of Luke, she is mentioned as a woman healed of possession: "And some of the women whom He healed of evil spirits and diseases: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons went out" (Luke 8:2). After that, Mary Magdalene followed Christ, serving Him. Her name is also mentioned among the witnesses of the execution at Golgotha, she was also present at the position in the tomb: "There was Mary Magdalene and another Mary, who were sitting against the tomb." (Matthew 27:61). She is also mentioned among the myrrh-bearing women. The Gospel of John says that Mary Magdalene was the first to see the resurrected Jesus. (John 20:11-18).

Victor Vasnetsov, Mary Magdalene, 1899

Quite a different story in the Catholic tradition. Here Mary Magdalene is a repentant sinner. She is identified with several gospel characters at once: with the sister of Martha and Lazarus (resurrected by Jesus), with the woman who anointed the head of Christ in the house of Simon the leper, and with the nameless sinner who washed the feet of Jesus with peace in the house of Simon the Pharisee. The final decision that this is one and the same woman was made by Pope St. Gregory the Great in 591: "She whom Luke calls a sinful woman, whom John calls Mary (from Bethany), we believe is that Mary, from whom seven demons were cast out according to Mark." In the extremely popular book of Yakov Voraginsky in the Middle Ages " golden legend"This view was literary processed and deeply entered the popular consciousness. Later, some plots of the life of Mary Magdalene were borrowed from the life of the repentant harlot of the 5th century, Mary of Egypt. Thus, a generalized image of a penitent sinner arose.

In Western European art, there are several types of images of this saint.

The first is a traditional image with a vessel for storing incense (alavaster). This is an attribute of Mary Magdalene as a myrrh-bearing wife.

Hugo van der Goes, Portinari Altarpiece (right wing), "St. Margaret and St. Mary Magdalene" between 1476 and 1479

Carlo Crivelli, Mary Magdalene, 1480-1490

The popularity of the saint in the Middle Ages is evidenced by the fact that noble ladies ordered their portraits in the image of Mary Magdalene.

Lucas Cranach the Elder, "Portrait of a noble Saxon woman in the image of St. Mary Magdalene", 1525

Another type of plots are plots based on gospel texts. The Gospels indicate that Mary Magdalene was present at the execution of Christ. "At the cross of Jesus stood His Mother, and His Mother's sister Mary Cleopova, and Mary Magdalene" (John 19:25). She is written sobbing at the foot of the Cross, embracing its base.

Giusepe de Ribera, Crucifixion, 1620

She is an indispensable participant in the scenes of mourning for Christ and his position in the tomb.

Agnolo Bronzino, "Pieta or Lamentation, the Dead Christ, Mary and Mary Magdalene", 1528-1530

Arnold Böcklin, "Lamentation of Mary Magdalene over the body of Christ", 1868

There are many paintings with the general title "Noli me tangere" (Don't touch me). Their plot is based on the Gospel of John, which says that Christ appeared to Mary Magdalene after the resurrection. She did not recognize Him at first, mistaking Him for a gardener. And then, having learned, she tried to touch Him. "Jesus says to her: do not touch me, for I have not yet ascended to my Father..." (John 20:17).

Duccio di Buoninsegna, "Noli me tangere", 1308-1311

In the painting by Rembrandt, Christ is really depicted as a gardener with a shovel and in a wide-brimmed hat.

Rembrandt van Rijn, Christ and Mary Magdalene at the Tomb, 1638

Alexander Ivanov, "The Appearance of Christ to Mary Magdalene", 1835

William Bressy Hole

Often, when depicting this saint, artists turned to the plot with the washing of the feet, since the Catholic Church believed that the nameless woman who washed Christ's feet with peace and wiped them with her hair and Mary Magdalene were one and the same person.

Rubens, "Feast in the House of Simon the Pharisee", 1618-1620

French artist James Tissot created a series of drawings based on scenes from the New Testament. There is also an image of Mary Magdalene among them.

James Tissot, Mary Magdalene before her conversion, 1886-1894

James Tissot, "Vessel of the Precious Peace of Mary Magdalene"

James Tissot, The Penitent Magdalene

Jean Beraud dressed the characters biblical history in a modern (for the artist) dress, and for Mary Magdalene, the courtesan Liana de Pugy posed for him.

Jean Beraud, Magdalene in the House of Simon the Pharisee, 1891

Perhaps the most common plot in painting associated with the name of this saint is "Penitent Mary Magdalene". According to Western legends, Mary retired to the desert, where she led an ascetic life, mourning her sins. Her clothes had decayed, only her long hair covered her nakedness. (Most likely, this story is borrowed from the life of Mary of Egypt).

Pieter Brueghel the Elder, The Penitent Mary Magdalene

Usually artists depict a beautiful repentant sinner in tears or in deep thought. It also depicts the attributes of hermit life - a skull or a book. Titian's Magdalene is a red-haired, puffy Venetian. The picture is distinguished by an incompatible, at first glance, fusion of sensuality and piety. It is known that his friend, the baker Giulia Festina, posed for Titian's painting.

Titian, Penitent Mary Magdalene, c. 1560

Georges de la Tour, The Penitent Magdalene, 1640

Carlo Dolci, between 1644 and 1646

Giuseppe de Ribera

Pompeo Girolamo Batoni

Hendrik Terbruggen, "Melancholia or Mary Magdalene", 1627-1628

Alfred Stevens, Mary Magdalene, 1887

The picture of the Dutch artist Jan Lievens stands out from the general series of "repentant beauties". Here Maria is no longer young and not at all beautiful.

Jan Lievens, "Magdalene in Prayer"

During many hours of prayer, angels lifted the body of the saint above the earth, and she heard heavenly singing, healing her body and soul.

Antonio del Pollaiolo, Ascension of Saint Mary Magdalene, c. 1460

One day, Maximinus, a bishop from Aix, called by Mary, saw Mary Magdalene, supported by angels, hovering over the choir at an early mass in the cathedral of Aix-en-Provence. After this miracle, Mary prostrated herself on the steps of the altar and, having received communion, died.

Sandro Botticelli, "The priest sees two angels raising Mary Magdalene to heaven. Magdalene receives the last communion from Saint Maximin", 1491-1494.

Rutilio Manetti, The Death of Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene became famous for her love for Jesus Christ. The gospel testifies that Mary Magdalene was a faithful companion God's Son, staying with him until the last moments. Mary Magdalene was the first to learn about the resurrection of Jesus Christ, after which she began to talk about miraculous events, spreading the good news among believers. Mary Magdalene contributed to the emergence of the tradition of presenting red eggs on Easter day in all countries of the world. During his life, there was a constant service to the church, the attitude towards which was truly devoted. You can congratulate your loved ones, believing Christians on the Day of Remembrance of the Myrrh-bearing Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene. A variety of congratulations presented in a special catalog turn out to be truly bright, meaningful, allow many believers to get closer, to show best feeling to each other. Congratulations on the day of the Myrrh-bearing Mary Magdalene - August 4th.

After the expulsion of 7 demons from Mary,
She became an obedient disciple of Jesus Christ,
And according to the Biblical advice,
Always followed him.
Happy memory of Mary Magdalene congratulations,
Pray to the Lord, we call you,
Let all your plans come true without fail,
May everything be perfect in your life.

On the day of memory of Mary Magdalene,
Festive worship in temples
Candles burn brightly
Prayer speeches are heard.
Congratulations on the holiday from the bottom of our hearts.
We wish you joy, good luck, happiness,
May your dreams come true
And your address will be forgotten by all bad weather.

Mary Magdalene as a penitent harlot,
We know from history
From which the Lord cast out 7 demons,
And he showed me the right path.
Congratulations on the holiday of all Orthodox,
We always wish you a great mood,
Be happy in everything, always
Let the dream become reality.

Mary was immensely grateful to Jesus,
And followed with him, almost everywhere,
Prayer and faith in the Lord
It was the main thing in her destiny.
On the day of memory of the myrrh-bearing Mary,
Please accept my sincere congratulations,
Let your thoughts be pure
Let life give only inspiration.

7 demons were cast out of Mary
After that, she began to live differently,
Many centuries have passed since then,
And we have not stopped honoring her memory.
Congratulations on the day of memory of St. Mary,
We wish you great success in life,
Let hope, faith and love walk side by side,
Let reliable friends always surround you.

On faith in the Lord
Maria changed her shameful profession,
Jesus believed in her sincerity,
And gave her patience, strength.
Congratulations on the day of memory of the myrrh-bearing Mary,
We sincerely wish you a bright future,
Let life be a gift to you
And every day will be lived in vain.

Magdalene was the first
Who met Christ after the resurrection,
To all apostles immediately,
Proclaimed a joyful message.
The good news spread throughout the world
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Congratulations on the day of memory of Mary the Myrrh-Bearer,
We wish you happiness, joy, health.

On Saturday, August 4 this year, all Russians celebrate the Day of Mary Magdalene. On this day, you can congratulate relatives and friends with beautiful words. Also, everyone whose name Mary celebrates Angel Day. There is a legend that Saint Mary Magdalene was a disciple of Jesus Christ, as well as a myrrh-bearer. There is a record in the New Testament where it is said that she was possessed, and Christ cured her of this. Mary Magdalene witnessed the resurrection of Jesus.

There are many people who do not know the Bible and its characters very well. The name of Mary Magdalene is known even to those who are not at all interested in the history of Christianity. It is known that the myrrh-bearing woman participated in all significant moments of the life of Christ. She was also present during the crucifixion of Jesus. Christian and Catholic churches treat this biblical character in different ways.

AT Orthodox faith Mary Magdalene is considered the myrrh-bearer. In Christianity, there are no invented legends or assumptions about her. Orthodox believe only those data that were written in the Gospels. Mary was cursed by demons, and Jesus cured her of this disease.

Among Catholics, the Magdalen has its own popularity. They have legends and myths about this biblical character. She was associated with a harlot who repented. This legend made Mary Magdalene famous among believers. Catholics consider it a cult. Due to the fact that Christian church revere Mary Magdalene, a holiday was established in her honor.

Traditions of celebrating the day of Mary Magdalene in the Orthodox and Catholic churches

AT Orthodox Church Mary Magdalene is considered on a par with the twelve apostles. It is mentioned only in a few fragments of the New Testament and in separate Gospels. After her healing by Jesus Christ, Magdalene, as a sign of gratitude, followed her savior and tried to tell everyone about the great miracle worker. After the death of Christ, the myrrh-bearing woman mourned him for a long time, but an angel appeared to her and told about the imminent resurrection of Jesus. She was the first to see this and reported the miraculous situation to the apostles.

AT catholic church revere Mary Magdalene more than in the Orthodox. Catholics believe that it was this saint who anointed the head of Jesus in the house of Simon. They also believe until our time that Mary Magdalene was a harlot who was saved by Christ.

Congratulations on the feast of Mary Magdalene

Jesus cast seven demons out of Mary

She became an obedient student.

As the biblical sayings say,

Followed in the footsteps of Christ.

Congratulations on the feast of Mary Magdalene!

May there be faith in your heart

And all dreams will come true.

On the day of Mary Magdalene,

Congratulations for sure.

Let your prayers be heard

And the house will be filled with a smile.

Have faith in prayer

And all your dreams will come true.

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