The Golden Fleece is an ancient Greek myth. Methodical development of a lesson on Russian literature on the topic "Ancient Greek myths and legends: the myth of the Golden Fleece The leader of the Argonauts - Jason

On February 16-19, 2018, a game competition was held on the history of world art culture " The Golden Fleece". The theme of the competition: "XIX century: New time in Russia." The participants were able to plunge into the heyday of Russian culture and feel the historical context of the 19th century: emperors, statesmen and public figures, travelers, industrialists and patrons, great reforms and modernization, political and cultural ties between Russia and the world, as well as romanticism and realism in artistic culture, Russian Empire style and classicism in architecture, borrowing and rethinking of European ideas by cultural figures and much more. What awaits the participants of the Golden Fleece contest?

Goals and objectives of the Competition

The competition is one of the projects of the Productive Game Competitions program, which is part of the coordination activity plan of the Innovative Institute for Productive Learning of the North-West Branch of the Russian Academy of Education. The goals and objectives of the competition are:

  • development of students' interest in the history of world art culture;
  • development of creative activity of students, expansion of their cultural range;
  • expansion of forms of cognitive activity of students within the framework of the requirements of federal state educational standards to subject, meta-subject and personal learning outcomes;
  • activation of extracurricular work;
  • providing the participants of the Competition with the possibility of an alternative assessment of their own knowledge.

In Russia, the competition appeared in 2003 and has gained great popularity by now.

Competition Features

The form of the competition is similar to its "brothers" - competitions "Kangaroo", "Russian Bear" and others. However, it has several significant differences:

1 This is a family competition. Assignments and answer forms are issued to participants on Friday, for the weekend, and completed answer forms are collected on Monday
2 Each time the topic of the competition is announced in advance.
3 During assignments, you can use various sources of information (including those published on the Internet), as well as seek help from relatives and friends
4 The content of the competition is focused not so much on memory and knowledge gained as part of the study school curriculum how much on the ability of the participants to work with new information, search for data, compare, analyze

The content of the Golden Fleece competition is based on the most significant historical events, biographies of outstanding personalities, achievements in the field of artistic culture. Over the years, the topics of the competition were: "Argonautics", "Bella Italia", "Douce France", "Portraits of the time 1861-1914", "Cultural capitals of Europe", "Literary heroes", "XIX century: New time of Russia" and others .

Who can participate?

The competition is held on separate options for tasks for 4 age groups:

  • 3-4 classes;
  • 5-6's;
  • 7-8's;
  • 9-11 grades.

Pupils of the 2nd grade can also take part in the Competition. Participants from grades 2 perform tasks prepared for grades 3-4.

Participation rules

The competition is held for all comers without pre-selection.

Participation in the competition is voluntary, it is prohibited to involve students in the competition against their will.

The decision to participate in the Competition is made by students and their parents (legal representatives).

The registration fee is 70 rubles from each participant. The right to free participation can be granted to orphans, students of orphanages, as well as students of schools at hospitals and sanatoriums.

Processing the results of the competition

After the Competition, the Participants' answer forms are handed over to the school organizer and sent to the Regional Organizing Committee.

After preliminary processing, the materials of the Competition are transferred by the Regional Organizing Committee to the Interregional or Central Organizing Committee for checking the Participants' answer forms and summing up.

After summing up the results, the Central Organizing Committee submits to the Interregional or Regional Organizing Committee the results of the Competition for each OU that took part in the Competition. The set of documents for the OS includes a summary sheet, in which for each Participant the number of points scored, mistakes made, winners, occupied places, as well as the percentage of Participants in the all-Russian list who showed the worst result.

If, during the control, the facts of a gross violation of the rules of the Contest are revealed, both individual students and classes or the educational institution as a whole may be disqualified.

The meaning of the Golden Fleece competition

The program is focused on the development of schoolchildren in the framework of extracurricular activities and the enrichment of the learning environment.

Participation in productive gaming competitions contributes to:

  • formation of analytical skills;
  • systematization and consolidation of knowledge;
  • expansion of the information environment;
  • looking for new ways to achieve results.

As a result, students increase their motivation, including the study of individual subjects, develop cognitive activity and individual abilities.

To the organizers of the competition "Golden Fleece"

International game competition on the history of world culture "The Golden Fleece" will take place February 14-17, 2020.

Competition theme this year - "Hermitage". Completing the competition tasks, participants will be able to get acquainted with the museum as a social and cultural phenomenon- a multifunctional art, museum, architectural, scientific and educational center.

Prepared five job options for participants from 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-11 grades. Task option for participants from grades 1-2 will consist of 30 questions, for participants of other age groups - from 45.

The most important feature of the Golden Fleece competition is family format, which involves solving issues by participants at home on weekends. During assignments, you can use various sources of information, including dictionaries, encyclopedias, scientific and fiction literature, as well as ask relatives and friends for help. This format allows you to find new opportunities for communication and interaction with relatives, friends and teachers.

Knowledge of the topic- it's kind of resource for planning extracurricular activities, determining areas of extracurricular activities, choosing an excursion program, literature for reading and familiarizing with the topic for both teachers, class teachers, and for participants and their parents.

When developing the content of the competition, the main emphasis is not so much on the memory and knowledge gained as part of the study of the school curriculum, but on the ability of participants to work with new information, determine the range of possible sources, search for data, compare, and analyze. This extra-curricular form of learning challenge allows participants to be creative in finding answers to questions. interesting questions make decisions, justify your point of view.

The content of the questions goes beyond the scope of the school curriculum, but at the same time is in the zone of proximal development, both in terms of finding information and understanding the issue. Competition tasks can seem very difficult, especially for those who participate for the first time, and to prevent this from happening, you need to prepare for the competition. Before making a decision on participation, we invite teachers, schoolchildren and their parents to get acquainted with the format, sample questions and the level of complexity of the content on the example of the tasks of previous years' competitions, which are posted on our website in the "Golden Fleece" section.

Participation in the competition is voluntary. The competition is held for all comers without pre-selection. You can take part in the competition on the basis of an educational organization. A student in grades 1-11 who has paid the registration fee can become a participant. The right to free participation may be granted to orphans, students of orphanages, schools attached to hospitals and sanatoriums.

Participation educational organizations in the competition is carried out through regional and national organizing committees. If the school has students who want to take part in the competition, the representative from the school needs to contact the regional organizing committee, where he can clarify information about the conditions of participation, the form and deadlines for registering an application, methods of payment and receiving materials. Contact information of the Regional Organizing Committee can be found by writing a letter to the Central Organizing Committee at the e-mail address [email protected] .

This section contains the Regulations on the competition, its schedule for the regional organizer and general instructions. We draw attention to the fact that deadlines for accepting applications for participation in the competition from schools in individual regions may differ, so follow the details contact the regional organizing committee.

It has already become a good tradition to hold olympiads and competitions in all school institutions, and these useful events are especially popular among teachers and students. Why? First of all, because they provide an opportunity to test your level of knowledge in certain disciplines and, based on the result, draw certain conclusions.

Perhaps someone needs additional training in order to improve their level and academic performance.

Golden Fleece 2019 dates, how to participate in the competition

The Golden Fleece in 2019 will be held in mid-February, from the fifteenth to the eighteenth.

To participate, you need to contact your teacher, submit an application in a timely manner, in advance and pay a fee. As a rule, teachers offer to participate and organize the collection of fees, but this can also be done independently.

Golden Fleece 2019 contest theme

In the current academic year, the theme of the Olympiad will be dedicated to Great Britain and it is called "British style".

The number of questions for all classes will be 45, but for the first and second 30.

Golden Fleece 2019 tasks, questions, answers can be found in advance?

Olympiads are held to assess the level of knowledge of students, so no one can know in advance the tasks and even more so the answers to them.

But in in social networks(on Vkontakte) can offer ready-made solutions for tasks for a fee. In no case do not transfer funds, even if it seems to you that this is a nominal fee. As a rule, they ask from 50 to 150 rubles. But for this money you will not get the desired information - this is one of the types of fraud that is regularly blocked, alas, not always in a timely manner.

Voluntary full - talasio

The Sabines, a large and warlike people, sent the founder eternal city ambassadors with admonitions. Say, friends and relatives become without violent acts. And Romulus repeats his: "Talasio!". On this argument, the other side relented. The peace treaty says women must do nothing for their husbands except talasia. In Latin it means "to spin wool".

After that, let them assure us that the world is ruled by love, not calculation. In the time of Romulus, as before and long after them, the ability to spin was tantamount to the ability to live. Where they spin, the wind is in the back of that family, life is established there. A man, according to custom, gets food, took on heavy work around the house. Woman, be kind, dress the household. And both, as the greatest acquisition in life, are trying to pass on household skills to the heirs: the father to his sons, the mother to her daughters - what she knows herself, first of all - in spinning.

This is how the rulers of the world and the plebs behave. Spinning is an inalienable virtue of a woman. The daughter and granddaughters of Augustus Octavian grew up in exquisite luxury, but Caesar insisted that they learn to spin wool no worse than the slaves of the spinning workshops. In families simpler than a child, they sit a girl by the yarn, in a hurry to grow a shift out of her.
Spinning remained predominantly a women's lot. And how could it be otherwise, if the Virgin Mary herself, according to legend, was a spinner and fed the whole family with this work. Women's hands created a thread, not knowing they were tired. If Tsar Saltan had been brought up worse and looked into other windows late in the evening, he would have seen - and there the girls were spinning. Traces of this ancient women's craft through the Norman fog, vague shadows of the Goths and Varangians appear in documents and all kinds of evidence of material culture.
Nestor in the chronicle indicates that even before St. Vladimir in Ancient Russia, homemade woolen fabrics were made. They were so good that they served as the subject of exchange with foreigners. And another source reports that Russia had its trading quarters in Constantinople - this huge workshop of luxury, where, among other things, tubes of cloth and other woolen fabrics of Russian manufacture were delivered on one-tree boats.
In the large boyar estates, judging by the head lists, among the courtyard people usually consisted of a spinner, or fine spinner, in the Pskov region, on Yaroslavl land, on estates near Moscow, and later in the Volga region. Spinning was included in the category of feudal duties. The monasteries took quitrent from the peasants with homemade products. For example, the Solotchinsky monastery demanded in the ward villages "yarn and threads of 80 g each" (put on). In the Svetozersky Iversky Monastery, quitrent was accepted in the form of woven or knitted items.
The names of the professions of people employed in the processing of wool - spinner, dyer, needle maker, berdik, comber, cobbler, epanechnik, felter, hosiery and others became nicknames. It is known, for example, that the defense of Moscow from Tokhtamash in 1382 was headed by Muscovite Adam, a horseman. Nicknames later turned into surnames.
Researchers of Russian crafts are more and more inclined to find a connection between spinning and knitting and the virtuoso technique of wax casting of jewelry models, which was famous for pre-Mongol Russia. It seems to scientists that the model was made of cords, thick threads wired and woven into a complex pattern like lace. Wax knitting was most likely done by women mainly in the territories adjacent to the Urals. There, in female burials, casting tools were found next to spinning wheels and spindles, needles and sharpeners for them.
The family perceived it as the greatest luck if the girl was zarna (hungry) for spinning. No matter what was done for this. A tuft of wool and a spindle were tied to the cradle of a newborn. They offered prayers to the Almighty. Spells and spells were memorized. Blyuli posts and prohibitions. And quite a crumb parents allowed to play with a spindle and imitate adults in spinning. The girl still doesn’t really babble, but she tries to collect, make a thread out of waste wool. By the age of five or seven, she confidently repeats the movements of her mother at work. And after a year, he really brings out the thread, spins it in a real way. Here's another spin for you. Meanwhile, her mother will burn the first-class thread to ashes in a clean frying pan and let her daughter lick it off. Gradually, the newly converted spinner will be forced to believe two truths. Whoever winds the cob tightly, will settle down with envy family life. And the second commandment - finish what you started. Threads on a spindle, abandoned by Sunday or holiday, will inevitably break.
Behind the beliefs and rituals was the rough prose of life. Extra hands with a spindle - a sensitive help to the women's regiment. Working for the family, the girl, as it were, paid off with her relatives for bread and salt. And with the same fingers she curled and twisted her fate. Having completed her mother's lesson, she spun and wove for herself: what was strained, woven, then she got it as a dowry. With the arrival of the matchmakers, she will dress in homespun cloth and show herself in all her glory. And if the case takes place in the Novgorod region, then the second time she will have to surprise her with skill. According to the wedding ceremony, guests are invited to the barn, where the orders are hung - everything that the bride has made during the years of girlhood.
In large families, in the women's half of the house there are chambers with spinning wheels and a weaving mill. Often, spinners work not in a residential area, but in an old bathhouse, a warm storage shed, or in another outbuilding. Whether the girl spends her days at home, goes to gatherings - there is no time for idleness: if today there are stews and tomorrow stews, you are without a shirt. And the mother does not doze, she lets go for conversations under the supervision of an adult relative and gives an order to spin so much wool in the evening. Young life revolves around the spindle and the spinning wheel. Dates happen at the sittings - not nice yarn, if there is no sweetheart. A married man who has wandered into girlish illuminations will be expelled with noise by a spindle. Working next to peers is a test of strength, a bride. Special demand from brides. In Karelia, for example, a betrothed girl has to spin more, and better, and faster than the rest.
Envy, suffering, jealousy - there are countless plots. Each country has its own. Jacob van Loo, one of the small Dutch, in the miniature "Indulgent old woman" depicted an episode that was obviously not uncommon for the late Middle Ages. The hostess is an old woman at the spinning wheel, and the caballero holds the girl by the chin. With the Russian severity of morals, other scenes are more typical. The participants in the evenings take it as an honor to be invited to supradyads, to help. In some family, you can’t manage the wool yourself, the raw materials are distributed around the yards. And on the agreed day, the finished skeins of spin are taken to the owners, where they are treated to nuts and gingerbread. It is better that a neighbor does not respect a neighbor, when he invites his daughter to his village to visit a meat eater. She is glad to spin these two weeks for herself. With full spindles, the legs will carry themselves home.
For women, time was also counted by yarn. The thread in each locality is measured individually. But the original length is recognized as a number (chismenka, chismenitsa) - most often three turns of yarn on a reel, about four arshins (arshin \u003d 0.71 m). Among Kostroma residents, 30 numbers make up skein, 40 skeins - talc. Vologda and Permyaks, Tambov and Yaroslavl, Muscovites and Nizhny Novgorod - everyone takes into account what is spun in their accounting. The result, however, is similar: experienced woman for a week he spins 2-3 Kostroma talcs, almost a kilometer long thread.
By the end of winter, fatigue appears in the form of a kikimora or domokha, the wife of a brownie. The skeins are frightened, as if the thread breaks for no reason, it seems that the ends of the fibers come out very annoyingly. Everyone creates, of course, the petty dirty tricks mentioned above. Women on what light is worth scolding them, As an extreme, hide a tuft of camel hair under the hearth. It works irresistibly, especially since March 13 is not far off, when everyone together stops spinning. And the remaining days stubbornly sit at work, sometimes until dawn. “... Deet bo (wife) husband and your good all life. Having gained a wave and flax to create a usable one with your own hands ... - the chronicler philosophizes in The Tale of Bygone Years. - Ruci stretches her to the useful, but she claims her elbows to the wrong ... Her husband does not care about her house, whenever she is, all her clothes will be "...
Claiming elbows on spindles is a worthy pastime for any woman. Spanish artists see the Madonna in a woman with a spinning wheel. Such a spiritual image was captured by the painter of the 16th century, Luis de Morales, in the painting Madonna with a Spinning Wheel. These same sentiments reign in Russian society. Spinning is done, regardless of rank and title, by princesses, noblewomen, armless nobility, wives of artisans. And in times closer to us, in all classes, the ability to spin and knit is recognized as necessary as the possession of a spoon. In high society, it is considered good form to train the hands and fingers when spinning, working with knitting needles, crochet, bobbins. It is found to give a special grace to manners, to make the joints more mobile, and useful for piano playing, for example.
The twisted spun thread gave rise to the word "vitiystvo" in the Russian language. Since the 16th century, they have been used to designate eloquence, the gift of weaving words. The image lives on later:
I'm a ditty on a ditty, As if on a thread, I weave!
As with a stable concept - a spinning workshop - L. Tolstoy compares in "War and Peace" evenings in the salon of A.P. Scherer. Her talking machine worked with uniformity of spindles, and the mistress invisibly informed the conversation of the proper course.
As it turned out over the centuries and millennia, there is no point in kidnapping, capturing, if the very art of working with wool captivates. While she is spinning, the woman will think over in detail what will be connected with her and how, waiting for a blissful moment to pick up the loops and weave the pattern. And the efforts are not a pity for the most ordinary items like such, let's say, antiquity, like stockings and socks. It turns out that archaeologists found a children's sock in Egypt in a layer that dates back to the three thousandth year BC.
Stockings were known to the ancient Greeks, having borrowed, as a fashion, from the Germans. The ancestors of the Germans protected their legs from poisonous snakes with strips of leather and fur. The dinner was over, Pliny the Elder recorded, "the men demanded their leg clothes, which they had left in the cloakroom."
Europeans sewed stockings from woolen fabric until knitting needles appeared. Some historians claim that the knitting needles were invented in Venice, others attribute the invention to the Englishman William Riedel. One way or another, unlike before, thin, elastic stockings and socks made of woolen yarn conquered the yards, to know, celebrities. Voltaire knitted more than one pair for himself. A romantic story has been passed down through many generations about how a young man from Cambridge, William Lee, invented a knitting machine for his beloved, who knitted stockings for a living.
Knitted stockings and socks became an integral part of the toilet quickly and for a long time. Eyewitnesses say that even at the end of the last century, they were in great demand at the main market near the Kremlin, tents stretched down from the Spassky Gate to the Moscow River. Homemade craftswomen imposed countless products. The mother rocks the cradle and knits. Two gossips gossip at the gate, and the knitting needles only flicker in their hands. Sitting on a wagon and driving the phlegmatic oxen with a cry, the Cossack women from farm to farm sometimes managed to knit a pair of socks. Almost every knitter has her favorite ways, secrets, ideas, bequeathed or acquired by her mother. In the same novel “War and Peace”, L. Tolstoy writes that the Rostovs’ nanny knitted two stockings at once and, having finished, took one out of the other to the delight of the children. How she did it, no one has yet been able to explain to me. The description of the technique was not found either in old or in modern books on

February is interesting for schoolchildren because at this time the XVI game competition "Golden Fleece" is held. There are many participants, but it never hurts to try your hand. Moreover, the tasks are varied and there is time in order to find the necessary answer. As you know, the Golden Fleece 2018 competition is held annually, and each time it is dedicated to some new topic. Children are given questions at home, and there, using reference material, they three days perform tasks.

What is the Golden Fleece contest about?

The Golden Fleece is an international competition on the history of world artistic culture, one of the projects of the Institute for Productive Learning of the Russian Academy of Education (St. Petersburg) under the direction of Academician M.I. Bashmakova.

Participants will be able to plunge into the heyday of Russian culture and feel the historical context of the 19th century: emperors, statesmen and public figures, travelers, industrialists and patrons, great reforms, political and cultural ties of Russia, as well as romanticism and realism in artistic culture, Russian Empire and classicism in architecture and much more.

From the history of the competition

For the first time in Russia, the competition was held in 2003 and has gained great popularity by now. Over the years, the topics of the competition were:

  • "Argonautics".
  • Bella Italia.
  • Douce France.
  • "Portraits of time 1861-1914".
  • European Capitals of Culture.
  • "Literary Heroes" and others.

AT last years the number of participants is about 500,000.

Features of the Golden Fleece Olympiad

The form of the competition is similar to its "brothers" - competitions "Kangaroo", "Russian Bear" and others. However, it has several significant differences.

Firstly, this is a family competition format. Assignments and answer forms are issued to participants on Friday, over the weekend, and completed answer forms are collected on Monday. Secondly, each time the theme of the competition is announced in advance.

Who can become a participant in the competition?

Any student from grades 2 to 11 who has paid the registration fee can become a participant in the competition. Participation in the competition is voluntary.

Tasks are made for 4 age groups:

  • 9th-11th grades.

Olympiad tasks

Competitive questions can seem very difficult, especially for those who participate for the first time, which sometimes causes a negative reaction from schoolchildren and their parents. To prevent this from happening, you need to prepare - study the materials on the topic of the competition in advance and select the relevant literature, as well as familiarize yourself with the tasks of already past competitions on the official website of the event.

When answering questions from assignments, you can use various sources of information, including dictionaries, encyclopedias, scientific and fiction literature. Tasks for all participants will consist of 45 questions, and not 60, as it used to be.

Algorithm for holding an Olympiad in an educational institution

  • Until September 8, 2017 - distribution of a package of documents about the competition by e-mail.
  • Since September 18, 2017, the Regional Organizing Committee has been holding consultations for school and district coordinators on organizing and holding the competition.
  • Until January 19, 2018 - accepting applications for participation in the competition from schools.
  • Until January 26, 2018 - accepting applications from schools and district organizers for participation in the competition at the Regional Organizing Committee.
  • Until January 26, 2018 - payment of registration fees for participation in the competition. The registration fee in 2018 is 70 rubles per participant.
  • February 14, 2018 - issuance of task forms and answer forms in accordance with submitted and paid applications.
  • February 15, 2018 - issuance of task forms and answer forms to schools in accordance with the submitted applications.
  • February 16 - 19, 2018 - COMPETITION! Competition tasks are given to the house on Friday 16 February and are collected at school on Monday 19 February.
  • February 19, 20 and 21, 2018 - acceptance of packages with answer forms.
  • April 2018 - issuance of the results of the competition in the organizing committee.

All questions and answers will be broadcast on the official website.

Theme and date of the competition in 2018

Everyone who wants to take part in this competition is concerned about two questions:

The video cycle “History of the Russian State”, created based on the work of the same name by an outstanding writer and historian, can help in preparing for the competition. Russian culture 19th century Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin:

Psychologist's advice