Sample letter to Mount Athos. Order of treb on Mount Athos (online)

Why prayer on Athos is special

Elder Paisius Svyatogorets.

As they teach on Mount Athos, the basis of prayer is to make the heart hurt. If the heart does not hurt, then you can pull the rosary for hours, but the prayer will not have any result.

If a person is hurt for what he is praying for, then with just one sigh he performs a heartfelt prayer. Many, when people ask for their prayers, do not have time and pray for the needs of these people with a single sigh.

I am not saying that it is not necessary to pray, but if it happens that there is no time, then a painful sigh for someone else's pain is a heartfelt prayer. That is, in its power it is equal to whole hours of prayer.

For example, you read a letter, you see a need, you sigh and then you pray. Oh yes, this is a great thing! You haven't picked up the phone yet, you haven't dialed the number yet, but God hears you! And how well the one for whom such a prayer is performed understands this! See how the possessed, wherever they are, understand when I pray for them and scream!

Real prayer is not pleasure, not spiritual comfort, but it begins with pain. What is this pain? A person suffers from the heart, even suffers in good sense this word. He hurts, he groans, he suffers, no matter what he prays for.

Do you think I conditionally said "suffer"? No, this is all real, he suffers because he participates in a common human pain or in the pain of a particular person. For this complicity, for this pain, God repays him with joy in his heart, and to those who ask, he gives what he asks.


M olive is a mystery. Penetrate into the depths prayers is not given to everyone. We never know whether the Lord will grant our request or not.

H On Mount Athos, they have long noticed that sometimes a person knows how to pray himself, but humbles himself and asks others to pray for himself. And then, suddenly, unexpectedly, for his humility, God gives to those who ask - and to himself!

B someone is learning prayer, strives, but the essence is not revealed to him anyway. Finally, he asked for prayers for himself from some monk, who himself does not know how to pray. And suddenly God gives the one who asks for a long time what he has long desired! Like this? Why? What is the secret here?! After all, the monk who was asked did not have a prayer himself!

P growth, the man humbled himself... It turns out that God did not expect perfection in prayer and exploits from him, but waited for humility. You humbled yourself, asked another for prayer, and God answers you through your neighbor, because the Lord Himself wants us to be saved through each other, to help each other. Therefore, on Athos, instead of greeting, they say "Bless." This means - I ask for prayers for myself.

On Reading Prayers

“Confess your faults to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed: the fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 5:16).

Rev. Silvanus said:

"Pray to the Lord that there will be fewer sorrows."

Important to remember! From one reading of prayers, nothing will happen. Because God is not a cash register. He is a person, friend.

In order for Him to answer you, you must become interesting to Him. And He is interested in the same things in you as in people: kindness, love for the offended and enemies, compassion, pity, compassion for the poor and orphans. That is the life of the heart.

Will some person befriend you just because you read something? What is required is not the reading of prayers, but a change of soul. You need to become meek, loving, quiet ... Change - and you will immediately receive an answer.

Friends, let's humble ourselves and ask others for prayers for ourselves. Here you can leave your requests and pray for yourself or for the closest person.

We will pray privately for everyone who asks! But we consider it our duty to remind you that the most effective prayer, according to St. Paisius the Holy Mountaineer, is Magpie, forty liturgies. Sorokoust on Athos can be ordered

Order of treb on Mount Athos

Since ancient times, many Russian people wanted to order on Athos a commemoration of the dead or forty-mouthed sick and suffering relatives, because they noticed how quickly the Most Holy Theotokos responds to the request of the Athonite monks who labor in Her Lot, the Holy Mountain. It is difficult to explain how any laws spiritual world it is difficult to understand with the mind: whether the harsh conditions of life, or special temptations, or something else, but there is something special in the feat of the Athonites.

Despite the fact that we are sinful people, we see that few people manage to stay on Athos. Those who leave the front and go to the rear, of course, find many excuses for themselves. And we cannot condemn them, because it is really difficult here.

We remain on the Holy Mountain and do not leave for only one reason: we came here to die for Christ, and we have nowhere to go. Maybe that's why the Lord treats us with special love, we see it and thank Him. We can only help people through prayer.

Elder Paisius Svyatogorets said that the greatest thing we can do for the departed is to order a magpie: “... If a person has justified himself before God, then during the magpie he will have to pray for us, such spiritual law. And if a person is stuck in ordeals, then remembrance will be like a cup of cold water, which is given to a person dying of thirst. These words of Paisios were conveyed to us by the elder Athanasios Simonopetritis.

Information portal of Mount Athos

Dear readers! We accept orders for magpie and commemorate those who ordered magpie at all our prayer services in front of our favorite icons, the greatest Shrines Orthodox world: Iberian Icon of Portaitissa, miraculous icon A quick to hearken (about those who fell into misfortune and sorrow), an icon of the Economist (about those who ask for help with financial difficulties).

So, on Athos we can order:

Commemoration-magpie, 40 liturgies, about health or repose. We also commemorate those who order magpie for health in prayers for health in front of miraculous icons.

Who wants to order the treb write to us on the website:

Information portal of Mount Athos

How to submit a note of health, repose

One of the most famous church rites is a prayer commemoration. It is with the help of this ritual that believers ask the Lord for grace for themselves, their relatives and friends. When performing a commemoration, a number of rules must be observed, enshrined in centuries-old tradition in the general church and liturgical way.

What is a Church note, and what are they?

A note or church note is a list of names that the priest commemorates for Divine Liturgy, memorial service or prayer service.
Notes are About health(in which the names of living people are recorded) and About repose, (the names of the deceased are recorded in it). Notes fall into two categories: one-time(one-time commemoration) - simple, custom-made, memorial service, prayer service, and long(repeated commemoration) - magpie, half a year, a year.
In all categories (except for the memorial service, which includes names only for the repose and the prayer service - where the names are written only for health), you can submit notes both on health and on repose.

Notes with one-time commemoration (for one service):

a simple note during the Liturgy the altar boy (priest's assistant) reads.

custom note(or, as it is also called, “mass”) is read by the priest himself twice. The first time - at the beginning of the Liturgy, at the proskomedia, while taking out particles from the prosphora, which at the end of the service will be lowered into the Chalice, where they will be washed in the Blood of Christ, which means that the sins of the people mentioned will be washed in His Blood. The second time he commemorates the names at the Liturgy during the litany (special prayer).

prayer service- this is a special Divine service for the living, and therefore notes for it can only be submitted for the living. A prayer service can be ordered to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, or to any saint of God (St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, martyr Panteleimon, martyr George, and other saints). In addition, you can order a prayer service for the occasion or a petition: thanksgiving, for the sick, for travelers, etc.

memorial service- This is a special Divine service for the departed. By submitting notes for the memorial service, we also improve the afterlife of a deceased person close to us. And the more often we pray for the dead, the better their fate becomes.


Notes with reusable memory:

Sorokoust This is a multiple commemoration. For forty days, when services are performed in the temple, the priest each time remembers the name you wrote down, and takes out a particle from the prosphora for this person.

half a year, a year- this is when the name will be commemorated at each service for six months or a year, and each time a particle will be taken out of the prosphora for washing away sins.

How to order church rites on Athos: prayer service, magpie

On Athos there are special rules for writing church notes. Sign a note on health (Υπερ Υγειας), On Repose (Υπερ αναπαυοεως), put a cross only on notes about Repose. The notes can only indicate the names of people baptized in Orthodox Church; in notes about the repose, it is impossible to write the names of suicides and the names of the deceased, canonized as saints. Names in notes should be written in the genitive case (for example, John, Mary, etc.). Notes should contain no more than 10-15 names. Next to the name, the Greeks do not write “baby”, “sick”, etc., believing that the Lord Himself sees the soul of each person. On Athos, Russian-speaking monks live in many churches and monasteries, so it is not forbidden to submit notes written in Latin or even in Russian.

As a rule, notes are accepted as a voluntary donation, however, some monasteries have their own recommended donations. They vary everywhere, depending on the type of commemoration (magpie, prayer service, one-time custom-made liturgy). We write notes to ask for Divine grace for ourselves and our neighbors. Donations made by believers (for example, flour for prosphora, oil, wine) and candles lit in front of the icons are our sacrifice to the Lord, a symbol of our love and devotion. This is what we need first and foremost. For our sacrifice, for the ability and will to limit ourselves in earthly blessings, the Lord will reward us a hundredfold with peace of mind.

Dear brothers and sisters! On our site, you have the opportunity to send your notes to Athos. We commemorate all names and notes at prayer services in front of the icon Holy Mother of God"The Tsaritsa" ("Pantanassa"), as well as at the proskomedia for the Divine Liturgy. You can submit a note to Athos by going to the next one.

By submitting notes, we do good to our relatives and friends. At the same time, our prayerful help should not be limited only to the ordering of church requirements. We must pray for people close to us and at home when performing the morning and evening prayer rules.

More than once I saw the miraculous power of the holy passion-bearer and healer Panteleimon. I will tell you one case: in my father's family, a boy of 10 years old fell ill and, according to doctors, the disease was almost incurable until the age of 18-19; this disease was called "Witt's dance". So he was ill for more than three months. On the third day of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father invited the priest to the house to perform prayers to the holy Healer Panteleimon; after the prayer, the patient fell asleep, and when he woke up, he imperceptibly already had no signs of illness and he began to tell what he dreamed of, how the Pleasant of God approached him and gave him some medicine from a box. (From a letter from Alexandra Rozum. Piryatin, Poltava province, 1886)

“... Now, thanks to God, my mother’s eye disease has completely disappeared from the anointing with the sacred oil received from St. Athos from the lamp of St. Great Martyr Panteleimon. Also, I will not keep silent about the fact that from the same St. oil, through the anointing, the peasant boy got rid of a severe eye disease. In the fall, my son Panteleimon (2 years old) fell ill from a cold and was in a fever. At night, the patient was anointed with St. oil, in the morning the son says: “Mom, just now some uncle came to me and anointed my head from a spoon.”

My wife and I realized that our son had seen St. great martyr and healer Panteleimon, who healed him. (From a letter from Vyatka from Mikhail Andreev Zubarev, to a relative schema. Arkady. 1886).

For 20 years my mother, who hurt her right leg in the knee, suffered from unbearable pain. There was always a wound at the site of the bruise, so that the bone was visible. The means to which she resorted did not serve to cure. She hid her illness from many, so as not to arouse in them disgust for herself. In December 1891, my mother became very ill from a cold and lay in bed for more than a month. At the beginning of her illness, I, due to my position (at the steam mill), could not personally visit the patient and sent her with my sister consecrated oil, sent to me from Athos, so that she smeared them with sore spots and took them inside. Within one week, she began to rub oil on her sore leg, the wound healed and was completely covered with new skin, and the patient now walks completely freely, without feeling any pain, while before she could hardly move her legs. Oh, what a joy it was for all of us who saw this great miracle of St. Great Martyr Panteleimon, to whom my mother resorted in prayer during her illness, asking for his intercession before God. (Ivan Vasilievich Astafiev)

One girl, whose brother is on Athos, accidentally pierced her hand and bled out; weakened by strength, she fell and thrashed about from unbearable pain. The old mother began to read the akathist to St. Panteleimon, and during the reading she went up to the sick woman and gave her to venerate the image of the Saint, praying to the saint of Christ for the healing of her daughter. After that, she wetted her pierced hand with regal oil and covered it with cobwebs: the blood stopped and the patient got up, no longer feeling any pain, so that she immediately set to her previous work. The notice of this to the monk of our monastery was dated January 19, 1865, in which the old mother adds that many healings are performed on their side from St. Great Martyr.

My illness is gradually disappearing, precisely through the grace and intercession of St. Great Martyr Panteleimon, which you please see from the following. On July 20, 1885, I had a nervous blow, from which my left arm and left leg were taken away, touching part of the brain. The visiting doctors found the disease serious and life-threatening. Seeing the doctors off, I immediately invited from the nearest church with the image of St. Great Martyr Panteleimon and asked to serve a prayer service to the Healer. That same night I dreamed that three doctors came to me, two of them were the ones who treated me, and the third was a stranger; after examining me, an unfamiliar doctor advised the doctors who treated me to perform a small operation on my head, which they immediately did. When I woke up, I felt very light in my head. Then, in the morning, the doctors who treated me arrived and found that the danger to life, thank God, had passed and that I had recovered. full hope for recovery.

Recovery is progressing well over time.
Now I walk a little, and the hand begins to act. A quick recovery like mine, as the doctors explain, is little noticed in practice; which clearly depicts the miraculous intercession of St. Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon. (From a letter from Yaroslavl, from Ivan Fedorovich Luzin. January 27, 1886)

One old woman, in a letter dated May 21, 1865, to her son, a monk of our monastery, writes the following: , as they say, from the shoulder to the iron, instead of hitting it on the finger! The finger turned black, the nail separated and blood poured out. At first I thought that if there was blood, then the pain would go away, but when I started washing my finger with water, I saw that the finger was numb and became like a stone. I immediately began to read the akathist Mother of God, before the image of the Quick Hearing One, and then she prayed to St. The Great Martyr, as best she could, asking St. Healer about my healing, and anointed my finger with oil received from you from the lamp from the icon of St. Panteleimon. Soon the pain passed, while I thought that the same thing would happen to me as before, when they wanted to cut off my hand. Glory to God and St. Panteleimon! He helps me a lot, even when you ask someone else; graciously listens to St. Passion-bearer and sinful prayer. Pray for me, St. fathers!

My parishioner, the wife of a retired private, Anna Stepanova, asked me for books to read, and I gave her The Life and Collection of Miracles of St. Great Martyr Panteleimon. One day her son read the miracles of St. Great Martyr, and his father Pyotr Erofeev jokingly said: “I am healthy, is it really asking me to get sick, I won’t fall ill.” This joke is still a joke. On the bright week, on Thursday in the evening, Pyotr Erofeeev felt a chill and said to his wife Anna Stepanova: "How cold I am." He lay down on the stove, but the chill grew stronger, the strongest headache and aches in all members. By 8 o’clock in the evening he was so weak that he could hardly speak: Since this family lived in the forest, far from the church (Erofeev was a forest watchman), and it was impossible to invite a priest, on the occasion of a thaw, Anna Stepanova, Epofeev’s wife, invited him to spend the night the wife of another forester, and there were no more inhabitants. Everyone is crying, not knowing what to do. Erofeev dies. They began to sew death linen.

Anna prayed with tears before the icon of the Mother of God. Meanwhile, Yerofeyev called his wife in a weak voice and somehow told her that, in mockery of St. Great Martyr Panteleimon said: "I am healthy and will not fall ill." Then his wife remembered his former joke, took the book, opened the picture of St. Panteleimon, put it on the table and with tears asked for the forgiveness of her sins, especially her husband. She prayed for a long time, but her husband fell asleep at that time. She approached her husband and stood before him for several minutes. Suddenly, her husband P. Epofeev woke up and signed himself with the sign of the cross, “I saw someone in a dream, but I don’t remember.” He himself got out of bed and began to pray before the icon of the Mother of God and before the icon that is in the book. He prayed for a long time and then said: “How frightened I was, I almost died, but now, thank God, I am healthy.” This was Friday morning. In gratitude for the healing from the disease, they send 3 rubles to your monastery, ask you to pray and send them an icon of this Healer, even in a letter on the canvas. (St. Nikolsky priest Dmitry Tikhomirov, Makaryevsky district, Nizhny Novgorod province. May 19, 1886)

I consider it my duty to describe the healing from the disease by my intercession of the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon.

I had a book - the life and miracles of this saint of God with his image, when I was still a girl, and since then I have always had it with me. In the month of April 1875, I developed a severe headache, there was something like a tide and hit me so hard in the head that at that time I felt nothing and even answered the questions of others not at all what I should have; but this soon passed, and so it was repeated several times a day. At this time, I had to sail on Lake Baikal; relatives and the doctor suggested and told me that "the sea air is healthy and you might get better." Indeed, the first time we went out, I felt better. But after a two-week voyage, with a nursing baby and without a nanny, as a result of which I did not have to sleep for about two weeks, when they arrived at the place, I seemed to be completely wild. The disease increased so many times that I do not remember well what happened to me.

With me was the aforementioned book-life of God's saint Panteleimon, and I asked him to save me from inevitable death. And so he saved me. When I was completely unconscious, the saint of God did not leave me. And the most tender mother cannot keep her little one the way he kept me; even when I started to speak, it was as if something was holding me back; if I had to go out, he was no more than two fathoms from me; my baby was crying in the cradle, he came up and rocked it. His clothes were the same as in my picture; her hair was black and curly, but her eyes were clear and clear as the sun. I saw it all, spoke and wept with emotion. Soon they brought me home and I still did not sleep, and then many words escaped me that were completely unsuitable, but when I fell asleep, since then to this time I have not felt any illness. I had a headache afterwards, but usually, and without telling anyone, I put the book of the saint of God on my head and the illness passed. (Irkutsk, 1894 Agnia Polikarpova Ulisheva)

The Healing Power of Faith and Prayer

Recently, a beautiful frame was brought to the icon of the Great Martyr Panteleimon, located in the Sosnitsky Church, Polotsk district, by one of the residents of the city of Vitebsk, E.I.G. season. Visiting his family, Mr. G. annually, on the day of memory of the Great Martyr Panteleimon, visited our church and asked to serve a prayer service before the image of this saint of God, during which he always prayed fervently. Interested in this, I had the indiscretion to ask G.: “Why does he especially gratefully honor the Great Martyr Panteleimon”? In response to this, the donor said: “In my life there were some circumstances in which I experienced the wondrous mercies of the Lord, through this saint of God, which made me reverently honor and thankfully glorify Him all my life. Not very long ago, the donor said, I was dangerously ill with a general disorder of the body. First I was treated in Vitebsk, then in St. Petersburg, in Moscow and Samara, and finally in Yalta. But I did not receive help and relief anywhere. On the contrary, in Yalta my situation became so dangerous that the doctors advised me to go home, and I returned home barely alive, with the firm intention of leaving all treatment and betraying myself in the hands of God. Upon returning home, my clerk first visited me, who addressed me with the following words: “In your absence, we prayed a lot for your health, but I see that our prayers did not help. Here is an icon of the Great Martyr Panteleimon; now pray before her yourself. The saint of God will ask the Heavenly Father to save you from death, restore your strength and restore your health. With deep faith, the donor continued, I accepted good advice and with firm hope in the grace-filled help of the healer Panteleimon, I began to pray before His image, hanging the image at my bedside. Soon I felt better, then began to recover, and finally became completely healthy.

Such a visible mercy of God, which helped me get rid of the disease, without treatment, through the intercession of the Great Martyr Panteleimon, made me always resort to prayer to this saint of the Lord; and the icon-painting image of the Great Martyr, brought as a gift to me, has since become an invaluable shrine of my house.

Unfortunately, I did not have long to own this shrine. Once a peasant woman comes to us and tells us with bitter tears that her daughter is dying in the house. Taking pity on the poor mother, I gave her some advice and handed her the icon of the Great Martyr Panteleimon, insisting that, upon returning home, she immediately ask the local priest to serve a moleben before the icon for the health of the sick and then return to us the shrine of my house. But this woman did not return the icon to me. I was so gullible that I did not ask then: where is this woman from, where does she live; and as a result of this he could not take measures to search for his shrine.

Some time after this, my little son fell ill. The council of doctors recognized his position as hopeless. Going to the service, under the pressure of sorrowful feelings, I prayed fervently and made a vow: to write out the icon of the Great Martyr Panteleimon in order to put it in the parish church, for people to worship. And my little one recovered and is in perfect health to this day. The painted icon is now in the Church of the Intercession in the city of Vitebsk; in front of her stands a lectern, on which the life of the Great Martyr Panteleimon always lies.

“That is why I deeply revere the great martyr, and on the day of his memory, celebrated by the holy church on July 27, wherever I am, I always try to stay in the temple of God and pray to him.”

With these words, the donor ended his instructive story about the miraculous circumstances in his life, which, along with other similar cases that occurred in great numbers, through the prayers of the saints, testify that even now the wondrous works of God can be seen and experienced by every believer. , if only he prayed with warm faith and firm hope in God. (Polots. Eparch of the Vedas 1887 No. 4) priest of the village of Sosnitsa, Polotsk district, Peter Petrovsky.

In 1891, at the beginning of December, when I went around the houses of my parishioners in vil. Skachkov, sending prayers to St. Nicholas and other services, at the request of everyone, I was much surprised by the following request of one peasant Ignatius Mokeev, when they came to his house: “Father, he turned to me with tears; serve three prayers with kneeling to the holy saint of God, the great martyr Panteleimon! Having finished the service in his house, I asked him about the reason for such, on his part, zeal for St. Great Martyr Panteleimon, - and this is what he told me: “A month and a half ago,” Mokeev began his story, “I became very seriously ill, and the further, the more dangerous my illness became, and every day I got worse and worse. My wife, at the beginning of my illness, looked after me, apparently willingly, and then, probably, my illness began to bother her, she began to grumble and grumble at me, and suggested that I go to the hospital. With bitter resentment, I rejected the offer of my wife, and began to pray with zeal to St. to the saint of God Panteleimon, whose image is in my little goddess (this icon was sent to me from Athos for a small donation there). Finally, when I was already completely ill - this was three days ago - and I could no longer walk, or sit, or even get up, and breathing became difficult, my wife began to persuade me to send for a doctor (paramedic), and I answered her that I did not need any doctors, and at the same time, pointing to the icon of St. Panteleimon, said: here is my doctor. If this doctor does not help me, then no doctor will cure me. After that, I asked for a small image of St. Pantelemon and, putting it on his chest, earnestly, with tears, began to pray to the saint. Finally, I dozed off and I see, as if in reality: I am sitting on a bench in my hut and looking out the window. I see a carriage drawn by three horses quickly approaching down the street. The carriage stopped right in front of my hut: there were three people in the carriage: two old men, who looked like monks, and one young man, very similar to the image of St. Panteleimon. This last one quickly got out of the carriage, came to my hut, and, sitting next to me on the bench, patted me on the shoulder and said: “Well, here I am, your doctor: you were looking forward to me, so I hurried to you to come." This is how the vision ended. When I woke up, I felt inexplicable bliss and joy: it was as if my illness did not exist, so the next day I already began to work.

“Father,” Mokeev finished his story, “be kind, make my story known to society by publishing it in any statements, since I firmly believe and am convinced that I received miraculous healing only through the holy prayers of the saint of God Panteleimon ”(Smolensk. Bishop Ved.). Smolensk diocese, Dukhovshchinsky district, the village of Skachkovo Mikhail Neklyudov.

Printed by: "The Life, Sufferings and Miracles of the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon." Moscow, edition of the Russian Compound on Athos of the St. Panteleimon Monastery in Moscow, 1996

short information about the monasteries of the Holy Mountain:

Postal address for letters to the Monasteries of Athos
A letter to Athos should be sent by mail in an envelope with an international stamp; for a reply, please indicate your return postal and e-mail address in the letter. We also have email addresses of some monasteries, we do not publish them to avoid sending spam, but we answer email requests to the extent possible.

IERA MONI (the name of the Monastery on Greek below in brackets).


Phone directory of the Monasteries of Athos :

1. Great Lavra (Μεγίστη Λαύρα) Main in 963, the patronal feast of July 5/18, on the day of St. Athanasius of Athos. Hegumen: Archim. Philip. Tel. (30-377) 22586, 23760. Fax (30-377) 23761-2.

2. Vatopedi (Βατοπέδι) Main in 972, the patronal feast of March 25/April 7, on the day of the Annunciation. Hegumen: archim. Ephraim. Tel. (30-377) 23219. Fax (30-377) 23781.

3. Iberian (Ιβήρων) Main in 972, the patronal feast of August 15/28, on the day of the Assumption. Hegumen: Archim. Basil. Tel. (30-377) 23643. Fax (30-377) 23248.

4. Hilandar (Χιλανδαρίου) (Serbian). Main in 1197, the patronal feast of November 21/December 4, on the day of the Entry into the Temple. Hegumen: archim. Methodius. Tel. (30-377) 23797, 23760. Fax (30-377) 23108.

5. Dionysiatus (Διονυσίου) Main in 1375, the patronal feast of June 24 / July 7, on the day of the Nativity of John the Baptist. Hegumen: Archim. Peter. Tel. (30-377) 23687. Fax (30-377) 23686.

6. Kutlumush (Κουτλουμούσι) Main at the end of the 13th century, the patronal feast of August 6/19, the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Hegumen: Archim. Christodoulus. Tel. (30-377) 23226. Fax (30-377) 23731.

7. Pantocrator (Παντοκράτορος) Main in 1363, the patronal feast of August 6/19, the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Hegumen: Archim. Vissarion. Tel. (30-377) 23253. Fax (30-377) 23685.

8. Xiropotamus (Ξηροποτάμου) Main in the X century, the patronal feast of March 9/22, on the day of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste, and on September 14/27, on the day of the Exaltation of the Cross. Hegumen: Archim. Joseph. Tel. (30-377) 23251. Fax (30-377) 23733.

9. Zograf (Ζωγράφου) Main in the X century, the patronal feast of April 23 / May 6, on the day of St. George the Victorious. Hegumen: Archim. Ambrose. Tel. (30-377) 23247.

10. Dohiar (Δοχειαρίου) Main in the tenth century, the patronal feast on November 8/21, on the day of the Archangel Michael, and on October 1/14, in honor of the icon B.M. Quick Hearers. Hegumen: Archim. Gregory. Tel. (30-377) 23245.

11. Caracal (Καρακάλλου) Main at the end of the tenth century, the patronal feast of June 29 / July 12, on the day of App. Peter and Paul. Hegumen: Archim. Filofey. Tel. (30-377) 23225. Fax (30-377) 23746.

12. Philotheus (Φιλοθέου) Main in 990, the patronal feast of March 25/April 7, on the day of the Annunciation, and on August 24/September 6, on the day of St. Cosmas of Aetolia. Hegumen: archim. Ephraim. Tel. (30-377) 23256. Fax (30-377) 23674.

13. Simonopetra (Σιμωνόπετρα) Main in 1257, the patronal feast of December 25/January 7, the day of the Nativity of Christ, and July 22/August 4, the day of St. Mary Magdalene. Hegumen: archim. Emilian. Tel. (30-377) 23254. Fax (30-377) 23722.

14. St. Paul (Αγίου Παύλου) Main in the X century, the patronal feast on February 2/15, on the day of the Presentation, and on July 28/August 10, on the day of St. Paul Xiropotamsky. Hegumen: Archim. Parthenius. Tel. (30-377) 23250, 23609. Fax (30-377) 23355.

15. Stavronikita (Σταυρονικήτα) Main in 1541, the patronal feast of December 6/19, on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Hegumen: archim. Tikhon. Tel. and fax (30-377) 23255.

16. Xenophon (Ξενοφώντος) Main in the XI century, the patronal feast of April 23 / May 6, in St. George the Victorious. Hegumen: Archim. Alexy. Tel. (30-377) 23249. Fax (30-377) 23631.

17. Grigoriate (Οσίου Γρηγορίου) Main in 1345, the patronal feast of December 6/19, on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Hegumen: Archim. George. Tel. (30-377) 23218, 23669, 23670. Fax (30-377) 23671.

18. Esfigmen (Εσφιγμένου) Main in the XI century, the patronal feast on the day of the Ascension of the Lord. Tel. (30-377) 23796. Esfigmensky Monastery does not commemorate Ecumenical Patriarch, and also does not have canonical communion with other monasteries of the Holy Mountain. Canonically, he is associated with the Greek schismatics - the so-called "Old Calendarists".

19. St. Panteleimon (Παντελεήμονος) Main at the beginning of the 10th century, the patronal feast of July 27 / August 9, on the day of St. Panteleimon. Hegumen: Archim. Jeremiah. Tel. (30-377) 23252.

20. Constamonite (Κωνσταμονίτου) Main in the XI century, the patronal feast of December 27 / January 9, on the day of St. vmch. Stephen. Hegumen: archim. Agathon. Tel. (30-377) 23228.

In addition to monasteries and sketes, there is a theological school on Mount Athos - the so-called "Athoniada", founded in 1749. Since 1953, it has been located in Karey.

Athos monasteries have several farmsteads outside the Holy Mountain. The most famous of them is convent Ormylia, which is the courtyard of the monastery of Simonopetra. More than a hundred nuns labor here. Abbess of the monastery nun Nikodima. Address: 63071, Ormylia Chalkidikis. Tel. (30-371) 41278.

Psychology of feelings and emotions