Sample letter to Mount Athos. Brief information about the monasteries of the Holy Mountain

brief information about the monasteries of the Holy Mountain:

Postal address for letters to the Monasteries of Athos
A letter to Athos should be sent by mail in an envelope with an international stamp; for a reply, please indicate your return postal and e-mail address in the letter. We also have email addresses of some monasteries, we do not publish them to avoid sending spam, but we answer email requests to the extent possible.

IERA MONI (name of the Monastery in Greek below in brackets).


Phone directory of the Monasteries of Athos :

1. Great Lavra (Μεγίστη Λαύρα) Main in 963, the patronal feast of July 5/18, on the day of St. Athanasius of Athos. Hegumen: archim. Philip. Tel. (30-377) 22586, 23760. Fax (30-377) 23761-2.

2. Vatopedi (Βατοπέδι) Main in 972, the patronal feast of March 25/April 7, on the day of the Annunciation. Hegumen: archim. Ephraim. Tel. (30-377) 23219. Fax (30-377) 23781.

3. Iberian (Ιβήρων) Main in 972, the patronal feast of August 15/28, on the day of the Assumption. Hegumen: archim. Basil. Tel. (30-377) 23643. Fax (30-377) 23248.

4. Hilandar (Χιλανδαρίου) (Serbian). Main in 1197, the patronal feast of November 21/December 4, on the day of the Entry into the Temple. Hegumen: archim. Methodius. Tel. (30-377) 23797, 23760. Fax (30-377) 23108.

5. Dionysiatus (Διονυσίου) Main in 1375, the patronal feast of June 24 / July 7, on the day of the Nativity of John the Baptist. Hegumen: Archim. Peter. Tel. (30-377) 23687. Fax (30-377) 23686.

6. Kutlumush (Κουτλουμούσι) Main at the end of the 13th century, the patronal feast of August 6/19, the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Hegumen: Archim. Christodoulus. Tel. (30-377) 23226. Fax (30-377) 23731.

7. Pantocrator (Παντοκράτορος) Main in 1363, the patronal feast of August 6/19, the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Hegumen: Archim. Vissarion. Tel. (30-377) 23253. Fax (30-377) 23685.

8. Xiropotamus (Ξηροποτάμου) Main in the X century, the patronal feast of March 9/22, on the day of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste, and on September 14/27, on the day of the Exaltation of the Cross. Hegumen: Archim. Joseph. Tel. (30-377) 23251. Fax (30-377) 23733.

9. Zograf (Ζωγράφου) Main in the X century, the patronal feast of April 23 / May 6, on the day of St. George the Victorious. Hegumen: Archim. Ambrose. Tel. (30-377) 23247.

10. Dohiar (Δοχειαρίου) Main in the tenth century, the patronal feast on November 8/21, on the day of the Archangel Michael, and on October 1/14, in honor of the icon B.M. Quick Hearers. Hegumen: archim. Gregory. Tel. (30-377) 23245.

11. Caracal (Καρακάλλου) Main at the end of the tenth century, the patronal feast of June 29 / July 12, on the day of App. Peter and Paul. Hegumen: archim. Filofey. Tel. (30-377) 23225. Fax (30-377) 23746.

12. Philotheus (Φιλοθέου) Main in 990, the patronal feast of March 25/April 7, on the day of the Annunciation, and on August 24/September 6, on the day of St. Cosmas of Aetolia. Hegumen: archim. Ephraim. Tel. (30-377) 23256. Fax (30-377) 23674.

13. Simonopetra (Σιμωνόπετρα) Main in 1257, the patronal feast of December 25/January 7, the day of the Nativity of Christ, and July 22/August 4, the day of St. Mary Magdalene. Hegumen: archim. Emilian. Tel. (30-377) 23254. Fax (30-377) 23722.

14. St. Paul (Αγίου Παύλου) Main in the X century, the patronal feast on February 2/15, on the day of the Presentation, and on July 28/August 10, on the day of St. Paul Xiropotamsky. Hegumen: Archim. Parthenius. Tel. (30-377) 23250, 23609. Fax (30-377) 23355.

15. Stavronikita (Σταυρονικήτα) Main in 1541, the patronal feast of December 6/19, on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Hegumen: Archim. Tikhon. Tel. and fax (30-377) 23255.

16. Xenophon (Ξενοφώντος) Main in the XI century, the patronal feast of April 23 / May 6, in St. George the Victorious. Hegumen: Archim. Alexy. Tel. (30-377) 23249. Fax (30-377) 23631.

17. Grigoriate (Οσίου Γρηγορίου) Main in 1345, the patronal feast of December 6/19, on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Hegumen: archim. George. Tel. (30-377) 23218, 23669, 23670. Fax (30-377) 23671.

18. Esfigmen (Εσφιγμένου) Main in the XI century, the patronal feast on the day of the Ascension of the Lord. Tel. (30-377) 23796. Esfigmensky Monastery does not commemorate Ecumenical Patriarch, and also does not have canonical communion with other monasteries of the Holy Mountain. Canonically, he is associated with the Greek schismatics - the so-called "Old Calendarists".

19. St. Panteleimon (Παντελεήμονος) Main at the beginning of the 10th century, the patronal feast of July 27 / August 9, on the day of St. Panteleimon. Hegumen: Archim. Jeremiah. Tel. (30-377) 23252.

20. Constamonite (Κωνσταμονίτου) Main in the XI century, the patronal feast of December 27 / January 9, on the day of St. vmch. Stephen. Hegumen: Archim. Agathon. Tel. (30-377) 23228.

In addition to monasteries and sketes, there is a theological school on Mount Athos - the so-called "Athoniada", founded in 1749. Since 1953, it has been located in Karey.

Athos monasteries have several farmsteads outside the Holy Mountain. The most famous of them is convent Ormylia, which is the courtyard of the monastery of Simonopetra. More than a hundred nuns labor here. Abbess of the monastery nun Nikodima. Address: 63071, Ormylia Chalkidikis. Tel. (30-371) 41278.

Why prayer on Athos is special

Elder Paisius Svyatogorets.

As they teach on Mount Athos, the basis of prayer is to make the heart hurt. If the heart does not hurt, then you can pull the rosary for hours, but the prayer will not have any result.

If a person is hurt for what he is praying for, then with just one sigh he performs a heartfelt prayer. Many, when people ask for their prayers, do not have time and pray for the needs of these people with a single sigh.

I am not saying that it is not necessary to pray, but if it happens that there is no time, then a painful sigh for someone else's pain is a heartfelt prayer. That is, in its power it is equal to whole hours of prayer.

For example, you read a letter, you see a need, you sigh and then you pray. Oh yes, this is a great thing! You haven't picked up the phone yet, you haven't dialed the number yet, but God hears you! And how well the one for whom such a prayer is performed understands this! See how the possessed, wherever they are, understand when I pray for them and scream!

Real prayer is not pleasure, not spiritual comfort, but it begins with pain. What is this pain? A person suffers from the heart, even suffers in good sense this word. He hurts, he groans, he suffers, no matter what he prays for.

Do you think I conditionally said "suffer"? No, this is all real, he suffers because he participates in a common human pain or in the pain of a particular person. For this complicity, for this pain, God repays him with joy in his heart, and to those who ask, he gives what he asks.


M olive is a mystery. Penetrate into the depths prayers is not given to everyone. We never know whether the Lord will grant our request or not.

H On Mount Athos, they have long noticed that sometimes a person knows how to pray himself, but humbles himself and asks others to pray for himself. And then, suddenly, unexpectedly, for his humility, God gives to those who ask - and to himself!

B someone is learning prayer, strives, but the essence is not revealed to him anyway. Finally, he asked for prayers for himself from some monk, who himself does not know how to pray. And suddenly God gives the one who asks for a long time what he has long desired! Like this? Why? What is the secret here?! After all, the monk who was asked did not have a prayer himself!

P growth, the man humbled himself... It turns out that God did not expect perfection in prayer and exploits from him, but waited for humility. You humbled yourself, asked another for prayer, and God answers you through your neighbor, because the Lord Himself wants us to be saved through each other, to help each other. Therefore, on Athos, instead of greeting, they say "Bless." This means - I ask for prayers for myself.

On Reading Prayers

“Confess your faults to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed: the fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 5:16).

Rev. Silvanus said:

"Pray to the Lord that there will be fewer sorrows."

Important to remember! From one reading of prayers, nothing will happen. Because God is not a cash register. He is a person, friend.

In order for Him to answer you, you must become interesting to Him. And He is interested in the same things in you as in people: kindness, love for the offended and enemies, compassion, pity, compassion for the poor and orphans. That is the life of the heart.

Will some person befriend you just because you read something? What is required is not the reading of prayers, but a change of soul. You need to become meek, loving, quiet ... Change - and you will immediately receive an answer.

Friends, let's humble ourselves and ask others for prayers for ourselves. Here you can leave your requests and pray for yourself or for the closest person.

We will pray privately for everyone who asks! But we consider it our duty to remind you that the most effective prayer, according to St. Paisius the Holy Mountaineer, is Magpie, forty liturgies. Sorokoust on Athos can be ordered

Order of treb on Mount Athos

Since ancient times, many Russian people wanted to order on Athos a commemoration of the dead or forty-mouthed sick and suffering relatives, because they noticed how quickly the Most Holy Theotokos responds to the request of the Athonite monks who labor in Her Lot, the Holy Mountain. It is difficult to explain how any laws spiritual world it is difficult to understand with the mind: whether the harsh conditions of life, or special temptations, or something else, but there is something special in the feat of the Athonites.

Despite the fact that we are sinful people, we see that few people manage to stay on Athos. Those who leave the front and go to the rear, of course, find many excuses for themselves. And we cannot condemn them, because it is really difficult here.

We remain on the Holy Mountain and do not leave for only one reason: we came here to die for Christ, and we have nowhere to go. Maybe that's why the Lord treats us with special love, we see it and thank Him. We can only help people through prayer.

Elder Paisius Svyatogorets said that the greatest thing we can do for the departed is to order a magpie: “... If a person has justified himself before God, then during the magpie he will have to pray for us, such spiritual law. And if a person is stuck in ordeals, then remembrance will be like a cup of cold water, which is given to a person dying of thirst. These words of Paisios were conveyed to us by the elder Athanasios Simonopetritis.

Information portal of Mount Athos

Dear readers! We accept orders for magpie and commemorate those who ordered magpie at all our prayer services in front of our favorite icons, the greatest Shrines Orthodox world: Iberian Icon of Portaitissa, miraculous icon A quick to hearken (about those who fell into misfortune and sorrow), an icon of the Economist (about those who ask for help with financial difficulties).

So, on Athos we can order:

Commemoration-magpie, 40 liturgies, about health or repose. We also commemorate those who order magpie for health in prayers for health in front of miraculous icons.

Who wants to order the treb write to us on the website:

Information portal of Mount Athos

How to submit a note of health, repose

One of the most famous church rites is a prayer commemoration. It is with the help of this ritual that believers ask the Lord for grace for themselves, their relatives and friends. When performing a commemoration, a number of rules must be observed, enshrined in centuries-old tradition in the general church and liturgical way.

What is a Church note, and what are they?

A note or church note is a list of names that a priest commemorates at the Divine Liturgy, memorial service, or prayer service.
Notes are About health(in which the names of living people are recorded) and About repose, (the names of the deceased are recorded in it). Notes fall into two categories: one-time(one-time commemoration) - simple, custom-made, memorial service, prayer service, and long(repeated commemoration) - magpie, half a year, a year.
In all categories (except for the memorial service, which includes names only for the repose and the prayer service - where the names are written only for health), you can submit notes both on health and on repose.

Notes with one-time commemoration (for one service):

a simple note during the Liturgy the altar boy (priest's assistant) reads.

custom note(or, as it is also called, “mass”) is read by the priest himself twice. The first time - at the beginning of the Liturgy, at the proskomedia, while taking out particles from the prosphora, which at the end of the service will be lowered into the Chalice, where they will be washed in the Blood of Christ, which means that the sins of the people mentioned will be washed in His Blood. The second time he commemorates the names at the Liturgy during the litany (special prayer).

prayer service- this is a special Divine service for the living, and therefore notes for it can only be submitted for the living. A prayer service can be ordered to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, or to any saint of God (St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, martyr Panteleimon, martyr George, and other saints). In addition, you can order a prayer service for the occasion or a petition: thanksgiving, for the sick, for travelers, etc.

memorial service- This is a special Divine service for the departed. By submitting notes for the memorial service, we also improve the afterlife of a deceased person close to us. And the more often we pray for the dead, the better their fate becomes.


Notes with reusable memory:

Sorokoust This is a multiple commemoration. For forty days, when services are performed in the temple, the priest each time remembers the name you wrote down, and takes out a particle from the prosphora for this person.

half a year, a year- this is when the name will be commemorated at each service for six months or a year, and each time a particle will be taken out of the prosphora for washing away sins.

How to order church rites on Athos: prayer service, magpie

On Athos there are special rules for writing church records. Sign a note on health (Υπερ Υγειας), On Repose (Υπερ αναπαυοεως), put a cross only on notes about Repose. The notes can only indicate the names of people baptized in Orthodox Church; in notes about the repose, it is impossible to write the names of suicides and the names of the deceased, canonized as saints. Names in notes should be written in the genitive case (for example, John, Mary, etc.). Notes should contain no more than 10-15 names. Next to the name, the Greeks do not write “baby”, “sick”, etc., believing that the Lord Himself sees the soul of each person. On Athos, Russian-speaking monks live in many churches and monasteries, so it is not forbidden to submit notes written in Latin or even in Russian.

As a rule, notes are accepted as a voluntary donation, however, some monasteries have their own recommended donations. They vary everywhere, depending on the type of commemoration (magpie, prayer service, one-time custom-made liturgy). We write notes to ask for Divine grace for ourselves and our neighbors. Donations made by believers (for example, flour for prosphora, oil, wine) and candles lit in front of the icons are our sacrifice to the Lord, a symbol of our love and devotion. This is what we need first and foremost. For our sacrifice, for the ability and will to limit ourselves in earthly blessings, the Lord will reward us a hundredfold with peace of mind.

Dear brothers and sisters! On our site, you have the opportunity to send your notes to Athos. We commemorate all names and notes at prayer services in front of the icon Holy Mother of God"The Tsaritsa" ("Pantanassa"), as well as at the proskomedia for the Divine Liturgy. You can submit a note to Athos by going to the next one.

By submitting notes, we do good to our relatives and friends. At the same time, our prayerful help should not be limited only to the ordering of church requirements. We must pray for people close to us and at home when performing the morning and evening prayer rules.

Editorial. In continuation of the material about the shrines of Athos, at the numerous requests of friends of our museum site, especially readers, a small note about the miraculous vine of St. Simeon Myrrh-streaming in the Serbian monastery of Hilandar ( see photo). She became famous healing power to resolve the infertility of spouses, which has become a mass phenomenon in our days, as evidenced by crowds of suffering women at the girdle of the Most Holy Theotokos, brought to Russia from Mount Athos:

It should be noted that both the “belts” of the Virgin from Vatopedi and the bones of the vine of St. Simeon the Myrrh-streaming from Hilandar can be received absolutely freely as an Athos blessing to all those who expect deliverance from the disease, if you send your petition by mail to the address of these monasteries ( see below).

Blessing of the Serbian Royal Lavra, HILENDARA monastery. Holy Mount Athos

On south side of the Hilendar Cathedral Church of the Presentation of the Most Holy Theotokos, every pilgrim is struck by a highly overgrown and strongly branched vine, bending over and forming, as it were, an arbor from its branches ( see photo). Its stem comes out of the wall at a height of one and a half meters from the ground, from the tomb of St. Simeon (Stefan Nemanja), which is located next to the same wall, with inside temple ( see photo).

The Hilendar legend about this 800-year-old vine says: “When seven years had passed since the death of St. Simeon (February 13, 1200), and when St. Sava came from the Karyey cell to the monastery in order to prepare the transfer of the relics of St. help to reconcile their warring brothers, the monks of Hilendar wept inconsolably. Then Saint Simeon appeared in a dream to Abbot Methodius and said that his relics needed to be transferred to their homeland, but a vine would grow from his empty tomb as a consolation to the Hilendar brothers; and as long as it bears fruit, his blessing will rest on Hilendar.”

That this vine has survived to this day, and that every year, without exception, it bears rich fruit, although it is given no other care than pruning, and no measures are taken against Phylloxera or other diseases and pests, is a great the miracle of God is thus a great moral consolation and spiritual encouragement for our brotherhood of Hilendar and for all believing Serbs in general.

But this vine is not only exceptional for this reason. It also has another property. From its fruits, the infertility of spouses is resolved, by faith and prayer accepting this miraculous remedy .

The oldest surviving tradition about this dates back to 1585, when a Turk brought his first-born son to leave him in Hilendar to serve God, for he received him, like his other children, after eating the grapes of St. Simeon.

From that time until now, our holy monastery has ceaselessly distributed to pilgrims or delivers by mail to those who turn to it with a letter, this miraculous grape. Once upon a time, pilgrims came to the Holy Mountain in droves from Russia and asked for this grape in large numbers. Now they are asking for it from all over Greece, because, especially in Lately The results from its use are amazing.

Here it will be useful to give one incident, instructive for those who will ever want to eat from the grapes of St. Simeon. We are talking about Mrs. Catherine R. from Thessaloniki, who suggested to her husband that they ask for St. Simeon's grapes from Hilendar. But he did not agree to this, because he lacked faith. However, his wife took the trouble to get this grape herself in other ways and began to act according to the guide on its use, fulfilling that part of the duties that, according to the guide, her husband was supposed to perform. When the Lord blessed them with the first conception, this woman told her husband about her act; and since then, this family, driven by a sense of gratitude, has been in constant contact with our monastery.

And the Serbs from ancient times, when Khnlendar monks walked among their people, knew about this miraculous grape. In our Hilendar, the manuals for its use printed in the old days have been preserved to this day. But in recent decades, the Serbs have not asked for it, and the younger generations no longer know about it.

After the screening of the Film about Hilendar, our compatriots both at home and abroad have recently learned everything they need about the vine of St. Simeon. The first person to ask for grapes from this vine after watching this film and then get children was Brother Nicola J. from Worcester, England.

Since the demand for St. Simeon’s grapes has also increased from the Serbian side, the administration of our monastery decided to publish in a new form that old guide on the use of this miraculous grape.

Because the people of our time have grown weak in faith, and every miracle, not excluding this one, manifested through the grapes of St. Simeon requires strong faith, then before using this miraculous grape, you need to prepare yourself for this in an appropriate way.

Here is just one example of this. Recently, again in Thessaloniki, such an incident occurred. One priest, who had no children, took, passing through our Hilendar, from the grapes of St. Simeon, but hesitated to use it. Once a certain parishioner asked him to get her this grape, and he willingly gave her his. Some time later, one of Sundays, after the Holy Liturgy, this woman, all illumined with joy, again thanked this priest for that gift. "... If I had faith, and I would have children today ”, - this priest told us quite recently, when he again passed through our monastery.


There is no better textbook for teaching faith than the Holy Scriptures, and there is no better place and time for living by faith than our daily lives. Our Lord Jesus Christ always asked the one over whom he performed the miracle of healing: “Do you believe?” Or after the healing He said to the healed: “Your faith has saved you!”. So, our faith is always a prerequisite for the Lord to show His power over us.

We therefore recommend reading the 11th chapter of the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Hebrews in order to teach faith, which especially speaks of faith, its power and its significance in our lives. It is also necessary to read the parallel passages given in the margins of this chapter.

But since our faith is supported and multiplied by fervent prayer, then special attention should be paid to it. Those who live in prayerful fellowship with the Lord take His promises from Holy Scripture, as, for example, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you" (Mt. 7:7) or "Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you will receive it, and it will be for you" (Mk. 11:24), and they ask the Lord - but they ask stubbornly! - so that He would fulfill these promises on them. And He, being our Heavenly Father, always willingly does this for us, for the Lord Jesus Christ tells us in the Holy Gospel: “If you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Heavenly Father give good things to those who ask Him. » (Matthew 7:11).

And our holy fathers Simeon and Savva were inspired by strong faith to leave worldly glory and come to the Holy Mountain and, from their Hilendar, again with faith, revive their entire Serbian people, serving them to this day before the Lord. Let them be an example and encouragement to you, barren parents, to believe in the fulfillment of your parental desire to have children. Pray to them that they will support your faith and supplement your prayer with their intercession before the throne of the Most High Life-Giver.

We implore the spouses, whom the Lord, after eating the grapes of St. Simeon, blessed with children, inform our Administration about this, so that from time to time the printed reports about this will strengthen the faith of other childless spouses.

Those who wish, with God's blessing, to have the fruit of their womb should turn with prayers to Saint Simeon the Myrrh-streaming, who, after leaving his Serbian kingdom, was an ascetic on Mount Athos. He built the monastery of Hilendar, in which, after many and great labors during his charitable life, he died; and for this he received from God the gift to work miracles: to resolve the barrenness of those spouses who resort to him in faith.

For this, grapes and twigs are taken from the vine that miraculously grew from the very tomb of St. Simeon. You need to take three grapes and one piece of cut vine. This piece is dipped into half an oka (650 gr.) of consecrated water, and both spouses drink this water on an empty stomach for 40 days. Then the husband eats one grape, and the wife the remaining two. During these 40 days, the spouses must adhere to the following rule: eat only fast food and do fifty bows daily: 25 in the morning with the prayer “Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us” and 25 in the evening with the prayer “Reverend Father Simeone, pray to God about Us". Whoever wishes can double the bows, i.e. add another fifty bows a day with the prayer "Most Holy Theotokos, save us." During all this time, the spouses must have a separate bed. After these 40 days, the spouses must confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, and then the Lord will according to their faith with His blessing gives the fruit of their womb.

After conception, throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding, spouses must completely cease marital relations and live in purity. From the life of the prophet Samuel, we see that his mother Anna nursed her son Samuel for three years, living all this time apart from her marital bed in purity, and after that she had more children, although everyone considered her barren, for “wherever she wants God, the order of nature is conquered, ”and the birth of children is a gift of God, and not a human invention, for the Lord says:“ I am creating a person and creating a spirit in a person. The Apostle commands parents to remain in fasting and prayer and to subordinate marital pleasures to higher goals, so that “those who have wives will be as if they had not” (1 Cor. 7:29). After that, he convinces the spouses not to be slaves of the flesh, but to live in the spirit, for all Christians are called by God not to impurity, but to holiness.

Let us look at animals that, according to the law of nature given to them by God even at the creation of the whole world, still strictly observe this law in absolute accuracy, because after the conception of the fetus they do not allow copulation, not only after the release from the burden, but also during the entire time of feeding the cub. . And a person, as you yourself see, becomes to some extent a bitter beast and, indulging in passionate desires, forgets about his dignity, given to him by God, who created him in his own image and likeness, and thereby violates the law. God's damage to the nature and this causes the righteous wrath of God on his offspring. The consequences of the righteous wrath of God are also the following: infidelity of spouses, frustration and all kinds of sorrow, incurable diseases from which children suffer, early and premature death of a husband or wife, as well as children dear to them. And who could enumerate the terrible manifestations of God's wrath over spouses who have lost the fear of God and have moved along the path of carnal wisdom, which is the enemy of God, and over those who do not obey God and His law. Such kill their children and their offspring to the third and fourth generation and deprive themselves forever of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Spouses must, even until the resolution of their infertility, strictly follow the rules of the Church and fulfill church rules established for spouses, namely: matrimonial beds must be separated from one another on the night before holidays and Sundays, on the eve of Wednesday and Friday, during all four fasts established by the Church, especially during the Great Fortecost, i.e. Great Post. The rest of the time they can use in chastity and the fear of God for married life. For the Lord gave a man a wife as a help for living together, and blessed them, and said: “Grow and multiply”; but not for the sake of lustful voluptuousness, which knows neither time nor measure in its intemperance.

Therefore, we ask you, blessed Christians, our spiritual children in Christ Jesus and dear brothers in baptism: keep your holy marriage in all the purity and truth of God, following all the commandments of God, and then the Heavenly Physician of soul and body will resolve your barrenness, and you will see on God bless his family. And for doing the deeds of your mercy to the needy brothers in Christ, you will not only receive the gift of giving birth to children, but also inherit the promised Kingdom of Heaven loving God, and you will be in communion with all the deeds of mercy that please God, in which may our True Lord Jesus Christ help us, through the intercession of His Most Pure and Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary, the prayers of St. the end of life and we will move from this temporal life to eternal, where we will glorify the All-Holy Name of the Most Holy, Life-Giving and Indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, to Whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

(Edition of the Hilendar Monastery. Holy Mount Athos. 1966)

Hilandar monastery address: MONASTERE HILANDAR 63086, KARYES, MOUNT ATHOS, GREECE Phone: 8-10-30-23770-23797

In order to get grapes from a healing vine, you just need to write a letter to Athos and report in it the names of the spouses in Holy Baptism. Monks don't need any money - it's completely free. In about a month and a half, an envelope with 3 berries will arrive from Athos, with detailed instructions in Russian on how to eat them and with a message that the brethren of the Hilandar monastery began to pray hard to God for the suffering for 40 days, so that the Lord would release them from the burden this ailment. The only thing that is required is to pay for the postal parcel (within a dollar) upon receipt at the post office. And the brethren of Hilandar also ask that when you have a baby prayed for by God, let them know about it and, if possible, send a photo (see video: /

The Monk Paisios the Holy Mountaineer said that the best help for the dead is to order a magpie about them: "Memorial services are the best advocate for the souls of the departed. Funeral services have such power that they can even lead a soul out of hell ...".

Speaking of notes, many pilgrims know from experience that it is better to prepare notes "about health" and "about repose" in advance, since visiting a large number monasteries, often does not leave time for thoughtful writing of petitions for prayer for relatives and friends.

Athos in Greek temples and monasteries, you can submit notes written in Latin or in Russian, but if possible, it is still worth writing a note in Greek. As a rule, notes in Greek are read faster when taken to the altar.

Notes "about health" (υπέρ υγείας) and "about repose" (υπέρ αναπαύσεως) in the monasteries of the Holy Mountain should be written in the genitive case. Thus, feminine names with the ending -α or -η, in the genitive case will have the endings -ας and -ης. Masculine names ending in -ος will end in -ου.

As a rule, up to 10-15 names are written in one note.

It is important to know that on notes, unlike our tradition, the cross is put only on the funeral. When the Greeks see a cross in a note, they pray for the dead.

It is not customary to write “traveling”, “sick”, “baby” next to names in notes “about health”, believing that the Lord knows everything.

Most monasteries do not set a price for the commemoration, the size of the donation is determined by the pilgrim. Donations are placed in closed boxes.

The inscription "ΟΝΟΜΑΤΑ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΘΕΙΑ ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑ" reads: "names on Divine Liturgy"You should put notes here.

Below is the translation to Greek language some common names, in the sequence: name - Greek counterpart - pronunciation - spelling in Greek.

Athanasius - Αθανάσιος - Athanasios - Αθανασιου

Alexander - Αλέξανδρος - Alexandros - Αλεξάνδρου

Alexandra - Αλεξάνδρα - Alexandra - Αλεξανδρας

Alexios - Αλεξιος - Alexios - Αλεξιου

Anastasia - Ανασταοια - Anastasia - Αναστασιας

Andrew - Ανδρεας - Andreas - Ανδρεα

Anatoly - Anatoliου

Anna - Αννα - Anna - Αννας

Anton - Αντωνιος - Antonios - Αντωνιου

Vadim - Βαντίμ

Barbara - Βαρβαρα - Barbara - Βαρβαρας

Victor - Βικτωρ - Victor - Βικτορος

Vladimir - Βλαντιμιρ - Vladimir - Βλαντιμιρ

Basil - Βασίλειος - Βασίλειου

Galina - Γαλινη - Galini - Γαλινης

George - Γεωργιος - Georgios - Γεωργιου

Gerasimos - Γερασιμος - Gerasimos - Γερασιμου

Gregory - Γρηγοριος - Grigorios - Γρηγοριου

Daniel - Δανιηλ - Daniel - Δανιηλ

Denis - Διονυσιος - Dionysios - Διονυσιου

Dmitry - Δημητριος - Dimitrios - Δημητριου

Evdokia - Ευδοκια - Evdokia - Ευδοκιας

Elena - Ελενη - Eleni - Ελενης

Elizabeth - Ελισαβετ - Elizabeth - Ελισαβετ

Catherine - Αικατερινη - Ekaterini - Αικατερινης

Zinaida - Ζηναιδα - Zinaida - Ζηναιδας

Jacob - Ιακωβος - Jacobos - Ιακωβου

Ilya - Ηλιας - Ilias - Ηλιου

John - Ιωαννης - Ioannis - Ιωαννου

Joseph - Ιωσηφ - Joseph - Ιωσηφ

Irina - Ειρηνη - Irini - Ειρηνης

Xenia - Ξενια - Xenia - Ξενιας

Constantine - Κωνσταντινος - Konstandinos - Κωνσταντινου

Christina, Christina - Χριστίνα - Χριστίνας

Cosmas - Κοσμας - Cosmas - Κοσμα

Lazar - Λαζαρος - Lazaros - Λαζαρου

Leonidas - Λεωνιδας - Leonidas - Λεωνιδου

Lydia - Λυδια - Lydia - Λυδιας

Luka - Λουκα - Lukas - Λουκα

Love - Aγαπη - Agapi - Αγαπης

Margarita - Μαργαριτα - Margarita - Μαργαριτας

Marina - Μαρινα - Marina - Μαρινας

Maria - Μαρια - Maria - Μαριας

Mark - Μαρκος - Markos - Μαρκου

Martha - Μαρθα - Martha - Μαρθας

Michael - Μιχαηλ - Michael - Μιχαηλ

Hope - Ελπιδα - Elpida - Ελπιδος

Natalia - Ναταλια - Natalia - Ναταλιας

Nikita - Νικητας - Nikitas - Νικητα

Nicodemus - Νικοδημ - Nicodemus - Νικοδημου

Nicholas - Νικολαος - Nicholas - Νικολαου

Olga - Ολγα - Olga - Ολγας

Paul - Παυλος - Pavlos - Παυλου

Peter - Πετρος - Petros - Πετρου

Seraphim - Σεραφειμ - Seraphim - Σεραφειμ

Sergius - Σεργιος - Sergios - Σεργιου

Svetlana, Fotinia - Φωτεινη - Fotini - Φωτεινης

Sofia - Σοφια - Sofia - Σοφιας

Stepan - Στεφανος - Stephanos - Στεφανου

Tamara - Ταμαρα - Tamara - Ταμαρας

Tatiana, Tatiana - Τατιανη - Tatiana - Τατιανης

Philip - Φιλιππος - Philippos - Φιλιππου

Fedor - Θεοδωρος - Theodoros - Θεοδωρου

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