How do the transfer of the disease. How to transfer the disease to the plant

If a person is sick, then agree to everything, just to return joy, peace and health. It is impossible to understand this state until you find yourself in it. And if you are sick, then you will run to the doctors, to grandmothers, to magicians, to anyone, just to return back that wonderful carefree state that you did not appreciate before.

What is a disease transfer?

The transfer of the disease is such a way of getting rid of the disease, which has long been known to people involved in magic. And the essence is that a person asks or orders a certain object or creature to take away the energy of the disease from him. To carry out such an "event" there are several rituals. They differ from one another in ethical sense.

The point is to translate creature or an inanimate object, these are completely different things. If you forcibly transfer negative energy (what else is a disease?) to an animal, then you are committing a sin.

But to convey the negative to the subject is not so scary. As you know, inanimate things do not get sick (in our understanding). It will be bad if he, in turn, will pass your disease on to another person. Then you will have to "answer".

Why are money transfers often made?

Most often, diseases (especially severe and fatal ones) are transferred to money or jewelry. This is done by black "healers" to cure the client. They are not able to simply destroy or dispel the energy. So a ritual is carried out, with the help of which the disease is indirectly transmitted to another person. Not directly, but through a valuable thing. She is then imperceptibly thrown out in a crowded place. Anyone who covets the value, along with it, will become the owner of the transmitted disease. It is clear that this is not the most “spiritual” way of healing. Of course, it is possible to get rid of a physical illness, only karma is filled with blackness.

Tip: do not pick up money or valuables if you see them on the road (especially if it is). Let them lie where they put them. This threatens with completely unpredictable consequences. They could shift not only the disease, but also damage, and so on.

The ritual of transferring the disease to the animal

Please note that the animal will surely die after the transfer of the disease. Therefore, you should not transfer the disease to pets (your own or others). It is better to choose the creature for which the patient does not have love. For example, many people hate toads or worms. This organism is just right. It should be understood that it is in this case that negative energies will enter into resonance. That is, the disease is quickly absorbed by that living organism, to which the sick person feels a feeling of disgust. Let's take a toad as an example.

The toad will have to be brought home. The person from whom the disease is transferred must hold it in his hands. Then take a new red towel, wipe the patient with it. Then throw it under the toad (you can put the amphibian in a basin, at the bottom of which lies a rag). And say seven times:

“The ailment left the Servant of God (name), to a terrible toad, dangerous red!”

The transfer ritual is carried out for three days in a row. If the amphibian dies (or runs away), then you can continue with a new one. Important! If the toad does not survive until morning, then you can not stop in any case. This is a sign that the disease is induced. It must be removed, otherwise the patient will suffer for a very long time.

Transferring disease to stone

Bring home a small cobblestone. It must be taken in a little visited place so that it is not infected with alien energy. Rinse it well in running water and leave overnight soaked in brine (strong salt solution). Rinse again in the morning.

This cobblestone should be applied to the forehead for a week (every day) for at least half an hour. At the same time, one should sit still and imagine how black energy (illness) oozes into it from the “third eye”. At night, it must again be soaked in brine.

When the patient becomes much better, the cobblestone must be flooded or buried deep in the ground. But it is better to bury him in the river. Running water will quickly cleanse the stone of negativity. So there will be no possibility of transmitting a black disease to another person.

Sorcerers and witches can easily transfer damage to another person, take away health and give away the accumulated negative. Such rituals are most often performed in crowds or at crossroads, as there is a large accumulation of negative energy. This simplifies the magician's work, because like attracts like.

How to translate damage in the crowd

It doesn't matter where you are, in the market, in the subway or in the church - witches can reward you with diseases in any place where there are many people.

Often a witch transmits or corrupts through touch. She can take the hand, hug, touch the shoulder, run her hand along the back, step on the foot or go around the person around. After that, the witch, as a rule, does not enter into a dialogue, does not ask for forgiveness, but leaves without looking back. In order not to take over the damage, it is necessary to do the same actions with her (or with him). For example, if a stranger hugged you in a temple or in a store, at the same time, without saying a word, hug him too. In such cases, you should not show aggression and be shy, because your own health is much more important. After you come home, wash your face with holy water and dry your face. reverse side outerwear that is close to the body. This procedure will help restore energy and remove negativity from you.

What you need to know in order not to pick up damage at the crossroads

Crossroads, especially on foot, are often used in witchcraft during rituals. They pay off from damage from evil spirits, so there is a large accumulation of negative energy.

Never cross the road through an intersection. If you find any valuables or money on the road or near the intersection, no matter how great the temptation, never pick them up. The danger lies in the fact that through these things you take on all the discarded someone else's negativity. The destructive program of someone else's damage in this case will work for you. Redemption can be made through coins, large bills, rings, brooches, various gold jewelry, etc. The more valuable the item, the more dangerous it is. Raising, for example, Golden ring, you can easily get spoilage for a fatal illness, loneliness, infertility, or something like that. Always be careful and take care of yourself, because magic is not a joke.

It is very convenient and practiced in society to shift problems and responsibility onto other people's shoulders. People easily throw off everything that annoys them or that which they cannot cope with.
The magical translation implies the same thing, only you can get rid of negative energy in the form of the evil eye, damage, you can shift illnesses, bad luck and poverty to others, in general, everything that slows down our development, badly affects fate and threatens our lives. Naturally, this activity refers to dark magic and especially impressionable or doubting their abilities, please do not take the article into account.
If you decide to make a magical transfer, for a successful outcome, remember a few immutable rules:
The transfer can be done addresslessly, that is, you can leave an expensive thing in a public place.
You can transfer to a specific person, but he must be of the same gender as you (preferably with the same name), it’s good if he is younger than you in age.
You can shift unnecessary to animals, plants, land, water.
It is impossible to make transfers to relatives older than yourself. Get everything back in full by blood, and even with makeweights.
If you shift serious illnesses, they need to be shifted to those who already have a tendency to them. Like tends to like.
Things for transfer are given or lost, left.
When reading the text of a conspiracy, you should be as focused as possible on the action. The disease or the object of translation is called clearly and clearly.
Do not drop many objects with one ritual. One ritual - one object of translation.
Do not be stingy in choosing a thing - a carrier. For Forces moral value - has weight.
Observe the moon, the retrograde of the planets, the days of the week. See astrological charts in detail to know when what day, what moon, lunar day. The most successful are translations into satanic lunar day, on the full moon, February 29, in the days before winter solstice(when the longest night of the year is a dead or dark night) on eclipse days.
Do not feel sorry, do not empathize with the victim, so as not to bring down the work.
Protect yourself before and after work.
Here are a few translation rituals that have proven themselves almost positively.

Transferring the disease to the dog

An incurable disease is reduced to an animal, which, if done right, and your prayer is heard, should die in your place. For treatment, men use the hair of a dog, for the treatment of a woman - the hair of a bitch. The procedure is carried out with a waning moon. The wool must be burned and the plot read into ashes, which are then buried under the aspen.
“From under the black stone I call dark power,
The power of the dark, it's a sinful thing,
Longing, dryness, heart ache,
Death to the twig from the slave (name)
Take it off, send it to the dog.
Damn Satan, hooves, horns,
Help me, your servant,
Instead of (the name of the patient) ruin the dog's slave,
Bury, turn back the clock of life. Amen".
After the ceremony, for three days you can not give anything from home.

Transfer of illness or problems to a thing

Find an X-shaped intersection, the road should be dirt, not asphalt.
Buy a new expensive item. Gold items without stones are well suited, you can take a mobile phone. Most importantly, don't be stingy.
Put this item on the table. Place to the left and right of it two wax not church candles. Light them up and read six times:
“Depart from me all the troubles and misfortunes!
Get out of me dryness, maeta, damn bad luck!
I take off from myself, on (the name of the expensive thing lying on the table) I pass it on.
May all my misfortunes and failures go away with this (name of thing)!
Who (the name of the thing) will take - He will take you all at once!
Take the charmed thing, go to the crossroads and put it closer to the center. Turn around, throw six coins of any denomination over your left shoulder (one coin each). When the coins are tossed, say:
Leave without looking back. Whoever picks up this thing will pull everything over.

Shifting loneliness to mountain ash

Pick up rowan berries when it is in the juice itself. Take as many berries as the age of a lonely person. Sort out, hold each berry in your hand. Prepare the thread and speak it:
“The thread of life is getting along, my female share will be corrected, it will converge with the sweetheart, it will disperse with loneliness.”
String berries on a thread with a plot for each berry:
“I’ll put a year on a berry, I’ll string a white thread on it, every year the loneliness will come down, the generic and induced from me will leave, the mountain ash-berry will take my bitter, lonely share.
When all the berries are strung, tie knots on the threads, saying.
“With the first knot, I removed loneliness from myself,
With the second knot - I gave it to the mountain ash,
With the third, she closed the road to loneliness to herself, consolidated the conspiracy.
Go to the mountain ash, hang beads on it with the words:
“Loneliness, a bitter share, I removed from myself,
I gave it to the mountain ash, you wear beads, the mountain ash is red,
Give me a life with a sweet, a beautiful life.
With loneliness bitter share I part
And I will bow low to Ryabinushka in the waist!
Thank the tree with soul and go without looking. Don't go to that place again.

Transferring negativity to salt

To do on any day and on any phase of the moon. Put your photo on the table. Pour a little salt into a plate and put a photo face up on top of the salt. Then pour a hill of salt on the photo, stick a wax candle, light it and read:
“The graveyard, the coffin thrown in it, comfortable in that coffin, the ghoul rests all the troubles, sins, the blasphemy guards the ghoul to that ghoul, the witchers keep the paths overgrown with paths, and they ask him for blasphemy on people, they throw that blasphemy with evil. The dead man is blind, does not know that the sinful deeds done through him sleeps, rests, his deadness is becoming obsolete to that dead man, I whisper and tell this gloomy tale how the blasphemy has been sent to (name), in vain damage to the coffin drives the living eater, eats up, live-live white world to see prevents . The dead man will throw that sack of salt to me, give it back, give it to me without payment. To whom I will throw - in order to find a new black domino. What I say, let it be."
The candle must burn out completely. Collect wax and salt in a rag and tie. Take it to where a lot of people go or to the crossroads, leave it and say at the same time:
“Whoever touches it will not leave, take everything with (name), live with blasphemy.”
Leave without looking back.

Transferring the disease to another person

A sick person pierces a finger that corresponds to a diseased organ. He drips his blood from his finger into a glass of water. Says three times:
“As my blood departed, so did my ailment, it passed to (the name of the victim). May it be so!".
Then, from the same glass, drink to the person on whom the transfer is being made.

Throw damage or disease into the water

Buy a new pin, put the change from the purchase separately from other money. On the full moon, at midnight, go to the river, take a pin, a loaf of white bread and a bottle of sweet wine with you. Find a place where no one will interfere. Strip naked, go waist-deep into the river and let the bread flow downstream, then pour wine into the river, pierce the ring finger on your left hand with a pin and drop three drops of blood into the river with the words:
“Father of the water, accept the demand,
Vinzo, yes bread, do not blame me,
Don't forget about me (name).
Like a loaf of bread floated away
So the disease (name) left me,
Like wine sweetly dissolved in water,
So damage, but the disease fell off me (name).
River lock, blood is my key.
The river took the blood, and the wave carried it away.
Word and deed, so be it!"
Plunge with your head 12 times, leaving the river, dress quickly without drying yourself. Throw change from pins into the river over your head, and pin the pin itself to your clothes, it will be a talisman for you. Take the bottle of wine with you and throw it in the trash. Leave without looking back.

Transfer of disease to stones

The ritual must be performed in the morning, before 12.00 noon. This morning a person should not eat or drink. After performing the ritual, you can drink only after two hours, and you can eat only after 18.00.
In an open area, for example in a field, you need to collect stones. They should be about the same size. By the road it is necessary to build a pyramid of stones. The number of stones is determined by the years of life. In children up to a year - months of life. The pyramid is built arbitrarily by the patients themselves. For children, the mother of the child or grandmother should build a pyramid. When building a pyramid, one must think that all diseases remain in these stones. When collecting stones and building a pyramid, one cannot talk to anyone. When the pyramid is built, it is necessary to go around it three times against the sun, each time saying:
“The disease is not in me, the disease is not on me. The sickness has gone to the stones. Whoever kicks the stones will take away the illness. Amen".
You have to go home the other way, silently, without looking back. You cannot appear at the construction site of the pyramid while the pyramid is intact. Pyramids cannot be built on the days of the growing moon. It is also impossible to transfer the disease on Saturday, Sunday and on your birthday. The ritual is excluded on the 17th and 25th. Only one disease can be transferred to one pyramid. You can do this no more than once a year.

Transfer of the disease to the plant

During the ceremony, your clothes should be dark (black), all buttons are fastened, hair is gathered, there are no metal jewelry. They take a certain amount of "mummy" (blood, sputum, saliva, pus) from the patient, mix it with the earth and put this earth into a flower pot. 3 seeds (bulbs, tubers) of a plant are planted in this land, the planetary sign of which coincides with the sign of the disease. Then, when a sprout appears, several centimeters high, it is necessary:
1) burn if the disease is associated with the release of blood, pus, sweat or sputum;
2) throw into the river in all other cases.
After that, the disease should recede. It is advisable, before burning the plant, to attach it to the patient's body for half an hour.
Moons: Rheumatism, gout, dropsy, allergic cramps, cuts, festering wounds, menstrual disorders, worms, lice, fleas, scabies, lichen, epilepsy, sleepwalking, depression, drunkenness.
Mars: ear, lung, liver, colds, hemorrhoids, sciatica, migraines, non-healing wounds, diarrhea, constipation, gangrene.
Mercury: diseases of the brain, fainting, dizziness, stuttering, causeless fears, delirium, dental, external ulcers, boils, acne, boils, fistulas.
Jupiter: cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, pancreas, spleen, hypo and hypertension, tonsillitis, ocular, musculoskeletal, poisoning. Venuses: genitourinary, renal, venereal, sexual, onanism, sexual perversions.
Saturn: systemic (for example, endocrine, lymphatic system, etc.), oncological, childlessness, lupus, psoriasis, sclerosis, senile dementia, fractures, eczema, diseases that cannot be diagnosed.
Sun: burns (any), frostbite, severe infections, flu, erysipelas, severe damage to the heart and eyes, paralysis (due to injuries and strokes), thermal and cold neurodermatitis, nervousness, fainting (heat strokes), endocrine, abnormal metabolism (in including completeness).
Moons: aster, veronica, datura, iris, camellia, cabbage, coltsfoot, carrot, cucumber, sedum, purslane, lettuce, fuchsia.
Marsa: artichoke, basil, cilantro, nettle, leek, pepper, plantain, wormwood, radish, radish, rue, beetroot, horseradish, garlic, thistle, dahlia, sweet pea, clover, levkoy, daisy, forget-me-not, parsnip, tomato , mignonette, phlox, chicory.
Jupiter: swede, cornflower, jasmine, watercress, sesame, lemon, mint, dandelion, peony, wheat, rose, rosemary, violet.
Venus: marshmallow, bergenia, begonia, carnation, geranium, gladiolus, common peas, quinoa, squash, couch grass, tulip, yarrow, beans.
Saturn: aconite, pansies, wild rosemary, henbane, belladonna, delphinium, potatoes, shepherd's purse, parsley, rhubarb, celery, dill.
Suns: Adonis, calamus, aloe, verbena, hyacinth, gentian, St. John's wort, ginger, corn, buttercup, marigold, sunflower, rye, field chamomile, garden chamomile, thyme, sage.
It is not recommended to plant plants in the form of cuttings, tendrils or roots (with the exception of horseradish) for this procedure, since the plant may die, and this is dangerous for the patient. If the seed simply does not germinate, there is no such danger.
Sometimes the disease cannot be unambiguously attributed to a particular planet. For example, viral hepatitis on the one hand is a disease of the liver (Mars), and on the other - an infectious disease (Sun). In such cases, both plants should be used, but they must be planted in different pots on the same day.

Removing the translation

To return the taken health, luck, to interrupt the transfer. Needed before work three day post, hair should be removed under a scarf, all empty containers and jars should be removed from the room for the duration of the ritual. If you know who made the transfer, then during the removal we think about this person and return everything back.
We must take the shell from the consecrated Easter eggs, lower it into holy water, hold the shell in water for some time, you can wash it for an hour, wash with water the one on whom the transfer was made. The ceremony is best done after 24.00. on Saturday, acts quickly.
You should read the prayers first, then the plot 3 times.
1. “Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered, and let those who hate Him flee from His presence. As the smoke disappears, let them disappear; like wax melts from the face of fire, so let the demons perish from the face loving God and signifying the sign of the cross, and saying in joy: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross e Lord, drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, crucified on you, who descended into hell and corrected the power of the devil, and gave us the cross, His Honest Cross to drive away any adversary. Oh, the Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady Virgin Mother of God and with all the saints forever. Amen".
2. “Protect me, Lord, by the power of Your Honorable and Life-Giving Cross, and save me from all evil. Relax, astavi, forgive. God, our sins, free and not free, even in word and deed, even in knowledge and not in introduction, even in days and nights, even in mind and in thought: forgive us all, as Good and Humanitarian. Those who hate and offend us, forgive us. Lord, Lover of mankind, bless those who do good. Grant to our brothers and relatives even to the salvation of forgiveness and eternal life. In the infirmities of being, visit and grant healing. Izhe govern the sea. Travel travel. Grant forgiveness to those who serve and pardon us of sins. Those who have commanded us unworthy to pray for them, have mercy according to Your great mercy. Remember, Lord, before our departed fathers and brothers, and give them rest, where the light of Thy face dwells. Remember, Lord, our captive brothers and deliver me from every situation. Remember, Lord, those who bear fruit and do good in Your holy churches, and grant them, as to salvation, petitions and eternal life. Remember, Lord, both us meek and sinners, and unworthy Thy servants and enlighten our minds with the light of Thy mind, and guide us on the path of Thy commandments, with the prayers of Our Most Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary and all Thy saints: blessed be Thou forever and ever. Amen".
“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Wednesday, Friday, and Thursday in between.
How can Thursday not stand before Wednesday and Friday,
So it is with the servant of God
There will be no peregolny translation.
Until Thursday is before Friday,
On the servant of God (name), there will not be a sifter.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen".
Do not wash the water with which you wash your face. It should dry itself, while we read, it just dries.

You can free it from negativity by, for example, transferring damage to a thread. In general, numerous rites from corruption induced by sorcerers or simply evil people- laymen, there are from time immemorial. They belong to the magic of protection, which also has considerable power, quite comparable, and in some ways superior to the power of the dark magic of coercion and destruction.

The principle of transferring damage

With the help of special rites, damage can be transferred from a sick person to any animal. Some magicians argue that the transfer of damage should be done to a dead animal or bird, otherwise the negative will return when the animal dies.

Actually, it is not. Damage will not spread to a dead creature, no matter how hard you try! For a competent translation of damage, a living organism is required. In the past, rituals from spoilage were done with living animals.

Witchcraft is not as humane as we would like. Not always the transfer of damage is done on animals. They can easily be transferred to a person! Moreover, on a completely outsider, in no way guilty person.

This is done quite often by the so-called relation. A sorcerer or sorceress performs a special rite of getting rid of spoilage on the patient, throwing a negative program on some thing (beautiful or necessary in the household) or on money (no one will pass by the money, for sure!) And takes it to a crossroads, or to any crowded place . The one who picks up the little thing on which he has been slandered will take on the damage.

That is why I never tire of repeating - do not take someone else's, do not lift anything that is lying under your feet. You cannot know for sure what you will actually lift!

But that's not all! The transfer of damage can be done even from a photograph.

How to make a translation of damage from a photo for free

They do it on any day of the month, in the late afternoon, or in the evening. Three wax candles are lit, two photographs are placed on the table. One of them is the victim, the other is the person to whom the transfer will be made.

Both one and the second photo must be single. It is forbidden to use group photographs in the rite of shifting damage. By left hand put down the knife. By right hand- a small stone, not larger than a chicken egg. They look closely at the photographs and pronounce a conspiracy in which there are such words: So said. Amen".

Then they take a ritual knife, hold it over the flame of a candle, so that the tip of the knife is slightly covered with soot. Then they touch the image of the one on whom the damage is fierce with a knife, drive counterclockwise over the photo and pronounce the words of the conspiracy, promising to transfer the damage to another person.

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After that, the photo of the victim is placed with the front side on the photo of the one to whom they are thrown, connecting them. What follows is a plot defining a new home. Read the conspiracy of spoiling the enemy three times. Then a stone is placed on the connected photographs and the words are pronounced twice: “The stone is heavy, the blasphemy is strong, the damage is true. I press down with this stone, from (name) to (name) I shift. There is no way back to the blasphemy, there will be no other way. Amen".

A candle is placed next to the stone, which must completely burn out. Everything is left unchanged until the morning. In the morning, fasten the photos securely and put them in a secluded place. You can repeat the magical rite of getting rid of damage up to 4 times a week. This will give a powerful effect. Although the result is already visible from the first time.

Transfer - the transfer of negativity to another object. Most often, the addressee is people, but rituals are also common, where all sorts of troubles are given to animals, plants, inanimate objects, and even the elements. The translation is intended to get rid of destructive programs that "dwell" in a person. Mostly this:

  • damage;
  • evil eye;
  • curse;
  • poverty;
  • disease;
  • loneliness.

If necessary, you can adapt the ritual for any problem. The essence of the rite is the redirection of energies: instead of the caster, they begin to “devour” the victim he has chosen. A destructive program only needs to perform the task assigned to it, and it does not matter who becomes the object for this.

How translation is carried out in magic: a brief description

There are a huge number of translation rituals. There are separate instructions for each case, but the general principles of magical work can be understood by familiarizing yourself with the main stages of the rite. There are not many of them:

  1. Decide on a problem. There is an unspoken rule: get rid of one at a time negative program. Therefore, first of all, you should decide what translation will be done.
  2. Select item. Usually the negative is dumped on some object. It can be an ornament, clothes, a flower, etc. Poverty is mostly transferred along with money. And if the problem concerns health, things should be selected taking into account the localization of the disease: it is better to give a heel spur through shoes, migraine through a headdress.
  3. Associate an item with you. The thing must necessarily carry a particle of negativity. When transferring through food to food, you should add your saliva, when working with jewelry, you need to vilify it for several days, etc.
  4. Speak the chosen subject. As a rule, suitable words are given in the description of the rite, but it is also permissible to pronounce the text of one's own composition. The main thing is to keep faith and sincerity. The general scheme of the conspiracy looks like this: "I pass (description of the problem) to this subject." Of course, the text is "ennobled" and expressed in a more beautiful form.
  5. Give the charmed thing to the victim. As soon as the object is in other hands, the negative will find a new owner. The caster will immediately feel relief. If the translation is done on an inanimate object (stone), an element (fire) or a force of nature (wind), then everything ends with a reading of the plot. From the point of view of harmlessness, such rituals are quite good, but they show little effectiveness and are suitable only for weak negativity.

How to choose the right person to translate

The success of the ritual largely depends on how well the object is chosen. The most effective transfer is made to a person who:

  1. Has a tendency to be negative. Dermatitis is recommended to be transmitted to someone who already suffers from skin diseases, and poverty will “feel” great next to a chronic beggar. If a person's energy is predisposed to a certain program, then it will not resist a new portion of negativity.
  2. Looks like a witch. The more pronounced the similarity between people, the easier it is for them to exchange energies. As an object, you should choose a namesake of about the same age as yourself (it can be a little younger, but in no case older). Men shift to men, women to women.
  3. Not related to the caster. Blood is the strongest substance, jokes with which are extremely dangerous. You should not shift to unloved aunts and uncles: the negative may remain with the rite operator in an enhanced version.

Some magicians pity people and make transfers to animals. Usually fresh meat is spoken and fed to a dog or cat. If the destructive program is not too strong, then the victim will gradually return to normal. But a powerful negative can kill an animal.

How important is targeting in a magical translation

The main stage of the ritual is the transfer of the destructive program to the object. Two types of rituals can be distinguished, differing in the presence or absence of a specific addressee:

  1. Address transfers. Work is underway certain person. The magician gives, throws up, sends him a charmed thing, thereby conveying the negative.
  2. Unaddressed translations. They don't have an addressee. The caster simply leaves the charmed item in a public place (in the hospital, barbershop, courthouse, at the crossroads), hoping that someone will be tempted and pick up the little thing.

Address transfers are considered more effective. The reason is simple: when the magician chooses the victim himself, he can guess how well the ritual will work. The caster will not make a shift to energetically strong man because it would be inefficient.

Unaddressed transfers are relevant when there is no possibility or desire to intentionally harm someone. A charmed object will be picked up by one who does not disdain to take someone else's. For example, “having found” expensive gloves, a person will also take away a skin disease with them.

Mandatory conditions for correct translation

There are a number of requirements that must be met. Among them:

  1. Wait for the waning moon. Only during this period it is recommended to get rid of something, including the negative.
  2. Make a transfer for a valuable thing. It must be important for the magician, otherwise the rite may not work. It is not so much about the material, but about the moral and emotional cost.
  3. Do not take money for a spoken subject. Even a small bill will serve as a ransom from the destructive program that the conjurer is trying to remove from himself.
  4. When "treated" magical influence consider its type. For example, it is better to dump demonic damage at crossroads, while cemetery ones - at graveyards. With the unknown nature of the witchcraft attack, it is required to read a plot for meat and feed it to the animal: this is a universal way of transferring.
  5. Clean up after completion of work. It is necessary to completely get rid of the consequences caused by the negative. It is recommended to make wax castings and fire annealings, and cleaning with water is also considered useful. You need to listen to your feelings and, if necessary, modify the chosen rite. Often your own intuition "beats" more accurately than someone's many years of experience.

Almost all practices work with magical translation. Therefore, ordinary people are advised never to pick up someone else's: it is likely that a beautiful ring dropped by a girl will turn out to be a carrier of damage, illness or other misfortune.

Psychosomatics (diseases from emotions)