What is the fine for driving without a sign. Is it necessary to glue the sign "novice driver

In Russia, a lot is being done to maintain compliance with the rules on the road at the state level. In general, the situation is understandable, because the number of car accidents at some point turned out to be so huge that it required immediate action.

Adding fuel to the fire was the fact that driver's licenses sold like hot cakes. Anyone could get them, and sometimes it was not even necessary to attend a driving school for this.

Many measures have been taken. They still tend to get tougher today. Much has now been done to ensure that the fine on the road is not a formality, but really hit the pocket. Of course, this should discipline drivers, make them understand that the road does not like jokes.

How to show that you are new on the road

Driving a vehicle is easy enough, but knowing all the rules and following them will require learning. Yes, and it should be assumed that on the road you feel confident only when you feel the car perfectly, you know how to “read” in time road signs and focus on the environment.

For beginners, this is harder. Many do not always understand the gearbox well, they feel the dimensions of the car poorly. And this already creates a stressful situation for them. And if we also take into account the fact that the stream is full of hurrying and often nervous drivers, the fuss only intensifies.

Sign "Beginner driver"

Therefore, inexperience on the road carries increased risks. The main thing is that not only beginners should be careful, but also those who are on the road nearby. That is why the state has fixed the need to use the sign "Beginner Driver".

General form

Self-adhesive paper, where black is depicted on a yellow background Exclamation point- this is the legally approved designation "Beginner Driver". There are no strict regulations on the location of the paper designation for motorists. And standard badges are on sale in all automobile shops.

The main thing that manufacturers of such paraphernalia should fulfill is standards in size. The exclamation point itself should be 11 cm, and the sides of the square should be 15 centimeters each. The color scheme is also regulated by uniform requirements. Yellow base and black designation.

Who needs to glue the sign

Penalty for not having an exclamation mark

The law explicitly says that all drivers whose driving experience does not exceed two years must drive such vehicles marked with appropriate signs that warn other people on the road. This measure is indeed successful. Motorists become more attentive if they see an inexperienced driver nearby.

Note! It should not be forgotten that if the car is not owned by an inexperienced driver, but he just drove the car, then the sign should still be present. This rule is.

Today, there is a fine for an exclamation point. If the inspector stops a driver who has been driving for less than two years in fact, then either a warning is issued or a fine of 500 * rubles is imposed.

Penalty for the absence of the sign "Beginner driver"

The main document that regulates the actions of a traffic police officer when imposing a fine is the Code of Administrative Offenses, in particular, its article 12.5. It says that all drivers before reaching two full years experience, are required to affix “Beginner Driver” signs on vehicles.

The fine for not having a “Beginner Driver” sign in 2018 is 500 rubles. It should be noted that no penalty was imposed for driving without an exclamation mark until April 2017. The inspectors could only issue a warning. Today, there are both instruments of influence. The traffic police officer either issues a warning (orally or in writing), or issues a fine.

Penalties are imposed even if the size of the sign does not meet the standards. For example, the obligatory sign "Spikes" is also not approved in size.

Important! The Beginning Driver sign is strictly regulated. Therefore, if the exclamation mark is less than or greater than 11 centimeters, or the sign itself has borders less than or more than 15 centimeters, then a fine is imposed.

Does the two-week rule apply with such a fine?

If a novice driver is fined, the state allows you to pay off the debt within the first two weeks with a 50% discount. That is, the actual payment will be 250 rubles.*

On the other hand, is 1 year. If during this time the debt to the state is not repaid, then the case is referred to the court. And after the decision of the judge, the bailiffs will collect the required amount. Including - withholding part of the income.

The cameras are able to record the absence of the "Beginner Driver" sign, but in fact it is not possible to determine all the necessary details. It is not uncommon for a car to be registered to another person who has been driving for a long time.

Therefore, the only option when a fine is issued for the lack of a designation or a warning is issued is a stop by an employee of the state traffic inspectorate. He is able to determine that at the time of the stop the car was driven by an inexperienced person, and by his driver's license the general experience will become clear.

Can the inspector's decision be challenged?

The procedure for contesting a fine is quite standard. It is suitable for all other types of fines.

First, you need to write a statement of your disagreement with the penalties imposed (in the traffic police or on the official website of the structure).

Secondly, you need to collect all the documents for the car, rights, title and prepare to prove your case.

Disputes are dealt with by the traffic police, and the court. If the driver, then the case goes to court. But we must understand that it will be very difficult to win the case. We need to collect a solid evidence base. To do this, anything can go. For example, a registrar's record, eyewitness testimony. Even relatives can act as witnesses if there was no one else on the road. But they should not forget that they are responsible to the fullest extent of the law. And if they knowingly give false evidence, then the usual fine of 500 rubles will turn into a more severe punishment for them.

We can say that the practice in terms of won court cases is not comforting. It is extremely difficult to challenge the decision of the inspector, because he is an authorized person in the service. And to prove that he was wrong (of course, they are also people and can be wrong), you still need to be an experienced person, knowing the laws and able to substantiate their point of view with facts.

Is it possible to change the legislation

The practice of applying the measure, even at the testing stage, showed that this state approach turned out to be very effective. Novice drivers really stand out on the road, keeping others distracted.

That is why the state is unlikely to cancel such a fine, and, most likely, will even raise its rate in order to encourage everyone to hang the designation on cars.

Of course, you may not encounter any troubles, do not listen to the warning of the traffic police officer, if you stick the desired badge on the back of the car in advance. The law does not say directly where to place the designation that the machine is operated by an inexperienced person. The main thing is that others can see it. Therefore, the best technique is the prevention of a fine, and not an attempt to challenge it in court.

*The amount of the fine is relevant for July 2018

Everyone, even the most experienced driver, took his "first steps" as a motorist. Many no longer remember how it was when hands were shaking in non-standard dangerous situations or more experienced and experienced drivers were “running out”. In fact, the problem of newcomers is very relevant in our time. Today, the intensity of traffic on the roads has increased several times compared to what it was ten, or even five years ago.

The number of cars has increased, today the family has more than one car, and the age of drivers is getting younger. Women get behind the wheel with great interest, and today they, as a driver, surprise no one, and perfectly cope with the most difficult situations.

It is for these reasons that it is important to understand and respect the car owner who is starting his driving life, treat him with understanding and help in those cases when he cannot quickly respond to one or another road moment. To do this, a sticker of a certain value is attached to the beginner's car, indicating the inexperience of the person behind the wheel. The absence of such can bring a lot of trouble, and sometimes a punishment in rubles, which will negatively affect the owner’s wallet.

Is it necessary to have a "Beginner Driver" badge?

The history of the designation began in 2009 and, just then, it acquired an official status. Drivers differently perceived such an innovation as a mandatory sticker. Someone was embarrassed to stick it on the car, as for others it meant a "kettle" while driving. Others thought: such measures are absolutely not necessary, and they can be dispensed with. But, understanding and adequate beginners immediately understood the meaning of the sticker and installed it on the windshields, thus securing movement in heavy city traffic.

Everyone knows that there are "Basic provisions for the admission of the vehicle to operation." Paragraph No. 8 contains a warning and advice to those who begin to carry out their activities while driving a car. It is recommended that you install a sign of an inexperienced and not confident driver on your passenger car. It is advised not to remove such a designation for two years, until the citizen gains some experience and gets used to the country's highways, where the speed limit and traffic density are quite high.

Motorcycles, tractors or self-propelled vehicles do not need a distinctive sign.

The sticker will undoubtedly help a driver without experience to somewhat protect himself. This warning sign will tell other participants on the road about the “newly made” driver, allows you to prevent difficult and dangerous moments in advance, take the decision in this or that situation on yourself, thereby avoiding an accident or other trouble.

No need to be ashamed of the title of "beginner". This is not a humiliation of the one who is driving, but only a kind of precaution and excessive attentiveness that does not interfere with movement.

How and where to glue the identification sign signal?

If you look at the above document, a signal - a sticker indicating inexperience must be present on an automobile vehicle, lasting at least two years. What is a sign and what does it look like?

This is a square sticker. yellow color , which has a black exclamation mark in the center.

  • The length of this sticker along the perimeter is 15 cm on each side.
  • The punctuation mark itself should reach no more than 11 cm.

Where should I attach it for a better view? The basic rule for this car badge is maximum visibility for the person driving the car. Try to stick the sticker on the side so that it does not block your field of vision while driving.

Usually, drivers install it in the left corner at the top of the rear window of the car. Here it does not interfere with the review and is clearly visible from any point behind the rest of the road users. It is best to stick it on the outside, as some people tint the rear windows, and this will not allow you to see the sign properly if it is placed on the inside, although there is no specific regulation in the law regarding the requirements for placing the badge. Only the correct installation and external indicators are described.

Penalty for not having a sign

This is where things get interesting. Once again we are convinced that the laws are very contradictory and imperfect and require careful consideration and improvements. But, despite the costs in legislative writings, quite recently, finally, a specific change came out in the form of an addition to the law regarding this topic.

Until 2017, article 12.5, part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which ignorant people refer to about punishment, has no information. And the absence of a sign with an exclamation point was not a violation, one for which they are fined.

Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 12.5. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited, or a vehicle on which the identification mark "Disabled" is illegally installed
Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles for Operation and Responsibilities officials security traffic operation of the vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 - 7 of this article, - shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred roubles.

And if we already refer to this paragraph, then it is worth noting that the ban on the use of a car applies when it has defects, due to which it becomes impossible to control and operate the car. In the very list of defects and special malfunctions or conditions to which the article is devoted, the “novice driver” sign is not indicated.

The sticker with an exclamation point was installed independently and only on their own, but not under duress.

Today, starting from April 4, 2017, penalties are provided for the fact that there is no warning sign about the driver's inexperience in the amount of 500 rubles.

The Government of the Russian Federation in March 2017 decided and made some amendments: traffic rules now include prohibitions for drivers whose driving experience is not residual (up to 2 years)

  • It is forbidden to tow any vehicles.
  • It is forbidden to carry people in the rear seat of the motorcycle.

As for the sticker, it is sold in any auto shop and costs no more than 100 rubles. So, anyone can buy it without any difficulties and install it on their vehicles.

What can be evidence of a crime?

If an accident occurs on the road, the inspector makes an inspection of the rights of all participants in the accident. If a small driving experience is found and there is no corresponding sign, a fine is imposed on a negligent motorist. These data are entered into the protocol, and even if the newcomer is not guilty, he faces a fine of 500 rubles.


  • “Beginner driver” is a designation that everyone who has passed for a driver's license is required to strengthen it on their windshield and not remove it for two years. It is this period that is considered sufficient to gain confidence behind the wheel and on the road. Statistics are known that drivers with experience are much less likely to get into accidents. The sign gives some privilege in the traffic flow, use it.
  • The experience of foreign countries shows how convenient it is to drive with a sign, it helps not only the drivers themselves, but also the legal authorities.
  • Installing the sticker on the back of the glass will be correct.
  • When passing those inspection, the presence of the “Inexperienced driver” badge is mandatory.
  • Experts in the field of psychology urge all beginners to have this sticker, it makes life much easier from a psychological point of view.
  • Only in a couple of years it will be possible to solemnly remove the sign, tacitly receiving the status of an experienced motorist. There are cases when, even after two years, the sign was not removed, but continued to be present on the car. Such actions are not punishable, and the car owner can continue to drive a car with a warning sign.

Think hard before you start driving on the roadway without a special sticker. Over time, you will be able to confidently merge into the general traffic flow, but until there is final confidence in yourself as a driver, you should not tempt fate. Your "neighbors" on the road will be able to respond to you adequately, increasing the distance or giving way, knowing in advance that they are not quite confident driver who should be helped and supported. This helps in many cases, because the road, by and large, is an unpredictable thing.

On the rear windows of some cars, you can see a bright yellow sticker with a black exclamation mark. Who needs it and why?

In this article we decided to deal with the rules of application sign "Beginner driver"- after all, it is possible that the law prescribes its use to you, or to one of your friends and relatives.

What is the sign "Beginner driver"

The latest version of the Government Decree Russian Federation dated December last year, which approved some changes to a similar document adopted back in 1993, states that the sign we are interested in is a yellow square with a side of 15 centimeters. It contains an image of a black exclamation mark, the size of which is also regulated by law and is equal to 11 centimeters. So, what does an exclamation mark on a car mean?

In fact, a bright badge, the color of which is specially chosen for quick identification by other road users, signals that an inexperienced motorist is driving a vehicle. For 10 years, since 2009, the presence of such a distinguishing feature is mandatory for drivers whose driving experience does not exceed two years.

For some drivers, alternative signs featuring a teapot or the letter U, usually inscribed in a white triangle with a red border, are popular. Similar stickers can be bought at automotive stores. I would like to warn novice motorists against using them without a legally approved sign - such a trick may well end in administrative punishment, the severity and nature of which we will discuss below.

Why do you need an exclamation mark

As planned, the use of a special icon should solve several logically related tasks at once:
  • Members of the movement are informed about that next to them is a driver who does not have sufficient experience in driving a vehicle.
  • Motorists who received the signal are warned that something non-standard can be expected from the "neighbor": uncertainty when making a maneuver, distraction from driving a car for actions performed by more experienced colleagues “on the machine”, inability to quickly navigate the traffic situation and street navigation, and so on.
  • Increased attention to the actions of an inexperienced driver helps to avoid accidents which, in turn, leads to a reduction in the number of road accidents.
  • It should be recognized that the use of the "yellow box" is sometimes may have the opposite effect. It's no secret that some drivers sometimes get carried away and misbehave with those they consider "dummies" - cut off, pinch and honk them, in every possible way demonstrating their own road superiority and indignation at the slowness of newcomers. Fortunately, these scorchers are in the minority, but it is worth remembering the possibility of meeting with them. In such cases, it is worth remembering yourself as a neophyte and show tact, not interfering with getting used to driving someone who recently happened to be there. Especially if it takes place in the difficult conditions of large cities, the nature of the movement of which often confuses freshly minted participants in the movement, or even frightens them.

    Be tolerant at least for as long as you need to drive with the “Beginner Driver” sign.

    The first two years after passing the training, passing the exam and obtaining a driver's license, driving is required with the installation of a special sign. In the absence of a “Beginner Driver” sign for such a category of drivers, the inspector has the right to impose a fine.

    Is a beginner driver sign required?

    To find out whether the designation "Beginner Driver" is mandatory, let's turn to Government Decree No. 1090 of October 23, 1993, which approved the Rules of the Road and the Basic Regulations for the admission of vehicles to operation. It is in the second document that paragraph 8 is contained, which indicates what signs the vehicle should be equipped with and in what situations.

    In particular, about the sign that denotes a car driven by a citizen with a driving experience of less than 2 years, it is said that it must be installed without fail. And paragraph 7.15 (1) of the List of malfunctions and conditions prohibiting the operation of the vehicle indicates the inadmissibility of using a car that does not have the necessary signs.

    The signal is fixed on any vehicle driven by an inexperienced driver (with a driving experience of no more than two years), except for a motorcycle, scooter, self-propelled and agricultural machinery.

    Penalty for driving without a sign novice driver in 2020

    A driver with a driving experience of up to two years from the date of obtaining the license in the event of a stop by the traffic police inspector to check documents must confirm the presence of the corresponding sign on the vehicle. Its absence is regarded as an administrative offense and entails the imposition of a penalty in accordance with Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses:

    • warnings;
    • a fine of 500 rubles.

    Additionally, a driver with little driving experience is limited in the following actions on the road:

    • towing other vehicles;
    • transportation of bulky and heavy things, as well as dangerous goods;
    • transportation of passengers on a motorcycle, scooter, moped and other similar means of transportation.

    As soon as the driving experience reaches the mark 2 years the driver has the right to remove it from the glass of his vehicle.

    Dimensions according to GOST

    The parameters of signs installed on vehicles are strictly defined by GOST R 50577-93. The following requirements apply to the designation "Beginner Driver":

    • a black exclamation mark in the center of a yellow background square;
    • side of the square - 150 mm;
    • exclamation point size (height) - 110 mm.

    Deviation from the normative values ​​is equated to the absence of a sign and prohibits the operation of the vehicle.

    The sign can be purchased at any store selling auto parts.

    Where to stick an exclamation mark on a car according to the rules of the traffic police?

    The main requirement for the installation of signs on the vehicle is their visibility. No additional conditions are imposed, therefore, the “Beginner Driver” sign can be installed at any place of the vehicle, where it will be ensured that it will be noticed by other road users. Usually this is the rear window, because it is those who drive behind who should be attentive to the actions of such a driver.

    Also, an exclamation mark is allowed to be installed on the bumper.

    The sign can be applied on a self-adhesive base or printed on paper:

    • self-adhesive placed on the outer part of the glass;
    • paper attached to inside glass.

    At the same time, the sign should not block the driver's view so that he can control the traffic situation. It is unacceptable to duplicate it on both sides of the rear window or mount it on the front and rear windows at the same time.

    A yellow exclamation mark sticker is used to draw special attention to a car driven by an inexperienced driver. He warns all road users that they must be prepared for a quick response in case of inadequate behavior of a novice on the road. Better yet, increase the distance between your car and his.

    For the novice driver himself, this sign should provide some advantages and comfort when driving: they will let him through somewhere, they won’t drive too close on the hill, they won’t be supported in the parking lot. However, in practice, in many large cities with an aggressive driving style, beginners with this sign become even more uncomfortable. So, for example, drivers of Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Moscow, Magadan do not favor newcomers on the road, do not give any concessions, treat them extremely disrespectfully. And what is most interesting is that they are not afraid of them, but they are worth it.

    An exclamation mark is a warning about the inexperience of the driver, who can create an emergency due to his low driving skill. To do this, the sign is made in bright yellow, to attract special attention.

    Is it mandatory to install a sign in 2020?

    The operation of a vehicle by a driver with a total driving experience of less than two years is permitted only after the installation of the “Beginner Driver” sign. Despite the fact that this sign appeared in the Russian Federation back in 2009, a new provision for traffic rules was introduced last spring at the legislative level. It became mandatory for all novice drivers, except for those who drive motorcycles, self-propelled machines and tractors. A fine is provided as a punishment for the absence of a sign.

    Accident statistics show that approximately 30 percent of accidents are caused by rookie drivers. Road traffic in the city is a difficult test for all drivers, especially for beginners. Therefore, in March 2017, the government commission dealing with road safety issues decided on some restrictions on the driving of young drivers, namely:

    • introduced the mandatory use of the “Beginner Driver” sign;
    • prohibited the towing of the vehicle;
    • banned the transport of passengers on mopeds and motorcycles;
    • fixed the changes at the legislative level in the Rules of traffic rules of the Russian Federation;
    • introduced and fixed at the legislative level penalties for violators in the Code of Administrative Liability.

    Rules for installing a sign

    Most novice drivers search the Internet for information: “Beginner driver, sign, sign installation rules”, “Does it matter where and how the exclamation mark is pasted?”, “Can alternative signs be used?”.

    Indeed, there are criteria and rules for placing an exclamation mark on a car:

    • you can use a yellow self-adhesive sign or make it yourself;
    • the size of the sign must be 150 mm on the side;
    • the height of the exclamation mark itself is 110 mm;
    • the sign is glued outside the car;
    • the sign is glued on the rear window, from any side;
    • the sign is glued in such a way that it does not interfere with the driver's view;
    • one or more characters can be used.

    There are no other requirements for installing the sign. Other signs denoting inexperience, such as "Kettle", "Heel" and others, are not official and are equated by the traffic police with the absence of the sign "!".

    The period of use of the sign "Beginner driver"

    In each driving school, during driving courses, the instructor is obliged to explain: how much a novice driver needs to drive with a sign, when the driver has the right to remove the sign, and what penalties apply to violators. During the first two years from the date of obtaining a driver's license, every novice driver is required to indicate his inexperience in driving with the “Beginner Driver” badge. After this period, he can remove the sign or continue to drive with it. The law does not prohibit doing this.

    It would also be very useful to use the sign for those drivers who have received a driver's license, but have not driven at all for more than two years from the moment they received the license. More than five years ago, driving courses cost significantly less, and only very lazy people did not get a license. Many of them didn't work. But the validity of the license for 10 years allows them to feel like drivers, even if they did not drive even once after the exams. In this case, there is driving experience, but no experience and driving skills at all. And, it turns out that, according to the law, it seems that it is not necessary to glue an exclamation mark, but at the same time, a driver without driving experience is equated to a beginner. The State traffic inspectorate does not have the right to fine such a driver for the absence of a sign. To indicate one’s inexperience or not is an action entirely at the discretion of such a driver “with the experience of stale rights in his wallet”.

    The decision on the mandatory use of the sign for novice drivers pursues the most noble goals:

    • prevention of accidents on the roads of the country;
    • reduction of the overall accident rate in the country;
    • reducing the severity of the consequences of road accidents involving inexperienced, young drivers.

    Therefore, the introduction of penalties for the absence of a sign can be considered justified. In 2018, employees of the State traffic inspectorate with particular zeal began to monitor the implementation of Government Decree No. 333 dated March 24, 2017 and fined violators for 500 rubles for the lack of mandatory signs “Beginner driver”, “Transportation of children”, “Deaf driver”, etc.

    As practice shows, the most effective way educating cultured and disciplined drivers are heavy fines. For example, in Europe, fines start at 100 euros. And so the level of administrative violations (for the lack of signs, not wearing seat belts) tends to zero there. A fine of 500 rubles in Russia, with the possibility of paying 50% in the first 20 days from the date of the decision, cannot be called large. But the very fact of imposing a sanction for the absence of the “!” is of great importance in the field of preventing possible dangerous situations on the roads.


    Basically, everyone already knows what an exclamation point means on a car. The Beginning Driver sign is a warning that a young, inexperienced driver is in the car. He does not need to honk and scare with sharp maneuvers. He must be treated with caution and patiently, given the opportunity to calmly continue to move.

    And answering the question: “How long does a novice driver drive with a sign?” we can say that 2 years is mandatory from the date of obtaining a driver's license. However, if the young driver feels insecure on the road even after the expiration of this period, then it is not forbidden to drive with him further. The same can be recommended to those people who have completed driving courses, received a license, but have not driven a car for a long time. In this case, the person has a driving guard only on paper, but does not have any driving skill. Thus, it can be equated with full confidence to a novice driver.

    If a young driver really wants to learn how to skillfully drive a vehicle, he will have to go through the "teapot" period along with the "Beginner Driver" badge. You need to do this for your own safety and the safety of other road users. There is nothing shameful and shameful in this sign. After all, once all the drivers were beginners. No future driver was born with the driving license and skills of Michael Schumacher. The ability to drive vehicles comes only with experience, and the more you drive, the better you understand the principles of safe driving. Installing the sign on the rear window of the car will take several minutes, and how many emergencies can be prevented with this action is unlikely to be known to anyone. Let's treat young drivers on the roads with understanding, they are already scared!

    Psychologist's advice