Do I need to know the laws of reincarnation? What happens if they are not followed? The law of karma What is atman.


This work will consider a brief description of ethical teachings of Ancient India: the law of karma and reincarnation, the doctrine of liberation of Sankhya, the eightfold means of changing karma of yoga, Vedanta, Charvaka, Jainism, Buddhism.

The central motif of ancient Indian philosophy is the theme of suffering. A person is forced to bear on his shoulders the burden of his karma, the weight of his previous sins.

The fate of a person was considered in the ancient Indian teachings as a result of his actions in previous incarnations, and, therefore, was completely handed over to the hands of the person himself. Each person is the creator of his own happiness or unhappiness. According to most Indian philosophers, a person's life is the result of the deeds of previous lives: the better the person's behavior, the more noble the caste he will be born. And vice versa, the punishment for sins will be “downgrading” along the caste ladder.


The basis of all Indian philosophy, which has more than three thousand years of history, is the Vedas (from Sanskrit - knowledge) - a religious and literary monument of the 2nd millennium BC. The main ideas of the Vedas are the sacredness of the division of society into four varnas (castes): brahmins (priests), kshatriyas (warriors), vaishyas (farmers, artisans, merchants) and shudras (local dependent population); the dominance of the higher castes over the lower ones and the law of karma (fate).

The metaphysical basis of morality in Indian ethical teachings is the belief in the pre-existence of the soul and its further reincarnation. The central motive that motivates a person to moral behavior is the belief that my goodness in the current incarnation will certainly help me in the next life. The connecting link between one and another incarnation is karma.

Karma (translated from Sanskrit literally “deed”, “deed”), according to the Bhagavad Gita - an ancient Indian religious book - the law of nature, according to which any material activity, sinful or righteous, entails consequences that more and more involve the one who does it into material existence and the cycle of birth and death. Karma is one of the fundamental concepts in the system of views of almost all Eastern schools. It is understood as the law of causation (the law of retribution, the law of retribution). It is believed that through the mediation of this law in the Cosmos the highest justice is realized, which leads every cause to a corresponding effect, and every action to the same result.

Since a person's life takes place in three worlds (planes), and in all these worlds a person manifests himself through any actions, then karma passes through all these three worlds (planes). With the departure from the physical world, earthly karma ceases and karma comes into force. Higher Worlds. Thus, death does not interrupt a person's work on himself, on his mental, emotional, motivating (manifested in action) qualities.

On the contrary, freed from the fetters of the physical body, a person can more easily and more fully assimilate the stock of experience acquired in earthly life. The synthesized experience is transformed into those inclinations and abilities of a person that determine his next incarnation. No wonder it is said that "a person in the next life becomes what he reflects on in this one." Thus, the work of the Spirit (Soul) is not lost after the next incarnation, but resumes exactly from the very edge that it reached in its previous life.

Thus, the aspirations (desires) of the current life are transformed into abilities in the next incarnation, repeated thoughts turn into inclinations, volitional impulses into activity, trials that have befallen a person into wisdom, suffering of the soul into conscience, etc.

Similarly, it happens with those opportunities that were not realized for one reason or another in previous incarnations (due to indiscretion, laziness, spiritual blindness). These opportunities, which involve “polishing” of a certain quality, will appear again, but, of course, in a different form and under different, often more aggravated circumstances. They, as a rule, can manifest themselves as internal irresistible desires, as well as some kind of inexpressible longing, etc. These qualities and situations can be understood as a “karmic requirement” that has not found fulfillment in the past and is striving through these feelings to be fulfilled in the present. Such an understanding determines an extremely sensitive attitude to the possibilities, since the created conditions, once picked up by karma, but not realized in this life, may not be repeated.

Another category of forces that determine a person's karma is his desires. Since desires are stronger than thoughts in this cycle of human evolution, the karmic bond woven by desires binds people more firmly than their thoughts.

The factor of an act has a different meaning, which has relatively little effect on the true essence of a person, on his immortal soul, since the development of the latter determines not so much the action itself as the motive that caused it.

The law of karma was based on the thesis of the immortality of the soul and the endless chain of its reincarnations (reincarnations). The journey of the soul from one body to another was seen as suffering, a punishment for the sinfulness of life.

Reincarnation (or the Law of Reincarnation), according to the Indian tradition, is one of the greatest laws of the universe, through which perfection occurs in its universal understanding. One of the main semantic meanings of reincarnation is the denial of death in its ordinary, traditional sense.

Since a person in his true form represents a multi-level, multiple energy substance consisting of several bodies or principles, the death of a physical body, according to reincarnation, is nothing more than a change in the state of a “whole” person and his transition to another level of existence in astral, mental and other spheres (plans) of the planet.

The very nature of reincarnation is most clearly seen in the example of Samsara - a circle consisting of deaths and births, which is in constant motion. Ancient Indian philosophy says that “the human soul is attracted to new incarnations as long as the desire is still strong in it, and as long as the desire is strong, it causes mistakes and sins and keeps the immortal Spirit of man in slavery to his lower, mortal nature.”

The modern understanding of reincarnation removes all the contradictions of the finite existence of a person, saying that the human Soul (Monad) passes in turn through all eras and races with their cultures and social features, including seven races, and accordingly, seven sub-races, seven large, and, accordingly, seven small circles, with possible branches that must be considered separately ...

Thus, the total number of all possible incarnations is often equated to the number 777, as the most probable, at least showing the order of the calculation of the number of potential reincarnations.

According to the Law of Reincarnation, each individual life is a certain lesson, a certain task that each person must complete. The sum of the experience received on the physical plane of the planet is synthesized and “melted” into more complete accumulations between incarnations, when a person is in a disembodied state, in the regions of the Supermundane world. Here the foundation of the future man is laid, his new character is formed.

If a person has been successful in his evolution, he moves faster, if success is less pronounced, he returns many times to the same conditions, to the same environment in which he was not successful. It should be emphasized that physical body a person is given to him by his parents, including only biological heredity - features of race, nation, physiology ... He brings everything else into a new life himself.

As a rule, a person in a corporeal shell cannot remember his previous incarnations, since our body with its conductor of consciousness - the brain, did not share our former lives. According to most Indian teachings, our brain is mortal, and only the spirit is immortal - the highest principle of man.

All the experience of previous lives is in the "Bowl", one for all, incarnations. Its location is in the subtle human body in the region of the heart. However, the difference between the functions of the brain, the conductor of our physical consciousness, and the center of the Chalice lies also in the fact that our brain is not able to accept those high vibrations that a higher hypostasis “induces”.

Therefore, only short-term and largely accidental uplifts of the vibrations of our soul are possible so far, which occur during either prayerful ecstasy, or great danger, joy or grief, or are associated with creative insights of artists, composers, writers, which is usually called inspiration and which esoteric teaching calls the development of the sixth principle - feeling, when a person begins to understand the truth not with his mind, but feel it with his heart (while our Fifth Race had to work out the fifth principle of a person - his intellect, which today becomes a certain brake and manifests itself in many as skepticism towards esoteric revelations).

So, the fate of a person was considered in ancient Indian teachings as a result of his actions in previous incarnations, and, therefore, was completely handed over to the hands of the person himself. Each person is the creator of his own happiness or misfortune; he creates his own destiny in the future incarnation.

According to most Indian philosophers, a person's life is the result of the deeds of previous lives: the better the person's behavior, the more noble the caste he will be born. And vice versa, the punishment for sins will be “downgrading” along the caste ladder. Brahmins even established categories of sins for which a person receives a certain retribution. For a mental sin, a person will incarnate into a representative of a lower caste, for a verbal sin, he will turn into an animal, and for a sinful act, into an inanimate object. Thus, in Brahmanism, a tradition was born to consider the existence of a person as consisting of three interdependent levels: thoughts, words and deeds.

The central motif of ancient Indian philosophy is the theme of suffering.

A person is forced to bear on his shoulders the burden of his karma, the weight of his previous sins. If he does not find the strength to overcome this difficult legacy, the chain of rebirths (samsara) will be endless. However, having succeeded in his spiritual development, having developed the power of resisting sin, a person is able to overcome the burden of karma and free himself from further rebirth. This state is called moksha. Only a “perfectly wise” person (brahmin) can achieve it. Thus, a person passes from the “path of the fathers” to the “path of the gods”. This means that as a result of long-term moral development, his soul has gained a lot of experience, knowledge and strength and is now ready to merge with God, that is, with the Cosmic Soul. In spiritual union with God, a person receives the highest wisdom, experiences bliss, finds happiness in himself.

Indian philosophy most sensitively and sharply reacted and reflected the depravity, injustice, evil of this world. Mental anxiety about this, the rejection of vice - this is what explains the central motive of Indian philosophy - the motive of suffering. But pessimism in Indian systems is only the beginning and not the end of the teaching. Pointing to a vice, Indian philosophers offered decisive action to combat it, ways to end suffering. Confidence in the final victory of good over evil rested in India on faith in an “eternal and moral world order” (“Rita”).

The ancient Indian sages introduced the concept of "aura" - an invisible human energy biofield. It has the appearance of an ovoid shell, about 220 cm high and 125 cm wide. The narrowest end is at the feet. The aura shows whether carnal or spiritual interests dominate a person, his state of health (illness, good luck, etc.). It was believed that the disease is a consequence of the disharmony of the color of the clothes with the aura. The Indians believed that all thoughts leaving the brain are imprinted on the shell of the aura, that is, they recognized the materiality of thought.

Depending on the attitude to the Vedas, all Indian philosophical schools(darshans), formed in the 7th - 5th centuries. BC, are divided into orthodox (astika) and non-orthodox (nastika). The former, to varying degrees, recognized the authority of the Vedas. These are: Vedanta (the founders of Shankara and Ramanuja), Nyaya (Gotama), Vaisheshika (Canada), Sankhya (Kapila), Yoga (Patanjali), Mimamsa (Jaimini). The latter, one way or another, rejected the authority of the Vedas. Among them are Buddhism, Jainism, Ajivika and Charvaka (Lokayata). Consider first the ethical teachings of the first group.

How do the One and Maya relate?

1 Ancient Indian philosophy. - M., 1963. - S. 231.

2 Chandogya Upanishad. - III, 14, 1.

What is the relationship between good and evil in Indian philosophy?

What is atman?

What is ahimsa?

What is dharma?

What is the role of ethics in Indian culture?

What is the main content of the Vedas and Upanishads?

What is samsara?

What is the specificity of the attitude of Indian culture to the problems of life and death?

News. The book of Soviet-Indian friendship / comp. N. Skaldina. - M.; Delhi, 1987.

Ancient Indian philosophy / comp. V. V. BRUDOV - M m 1963.

Dhammapada. - M., I960.

Classic yoga. - M, 1992.

Mahabharata. Ramayana. - M., 2004.

Discovery of India: Philosophical and Aesthetic Views in 20th Century India. / ed. E. Komarova. - M, 1987.

Radhakrishnan S. Indian philosophy. - M, 2008.

Rigveda. - M, 1995.

Upanishads on Vendanta, Shaivism and Shaktism. Anthology of Selected Upanishads. - M, 2009.


The two main features of the Chinese national character are the appeal to the problems of the world in which a person lives, and the primary focus on the study of human relationships. China is adjacent to India, and often the wisdom of both great peoples is combined when talking about the philosophy of the Far East. But what a difference in views, even in posing problems! Indian culture is based on the idea of ​​reincarnation of souls and retribution; Chinese comes from the fact that “birth is the beginning of a person, death is his end ... Death comes once, [a person] does not return” 1 . Indians are thinking about how to get out of the wheel of reincarnation and find eternal bliss outside the world; The Chinese believe that "life is good and death is bad." Indian thought creates the doctrine of the One, which is the basis of being and the highest truth; Chinese - the doctrine of two opposite principles - "yang" and "yin", dominant in our world.

If the soul of a person is part of the One, this serves as an excuse for the individualism characteristic of Indian culture. That is why the modern Indian philosopher Rajnesh says, “I am not a savior. I saved myself, and you must save yourself." The moral and philosophical thought of ancient China is oriented quite differently. Confucius, comparing the personal success of a person with affairs in the state, said:

“There is a path to the Celestial Empire - be in sight, But there is no path - hide. Be ashamed to be poor and miserable,

1 Ancient Chinese philosophy: in 2 volumes / comp. Yang Hing Shun. - M., 1973. - T. 2. - 18.

When there is a way in the country; Be ashamed to be noble and rich, When there is no way in it” 1 .

So, if Confucius were offered to become a millionaire in a poor country, deprived of power and dignity, he would hardly agree.

This does not mean, however, that you can justify your own evil by the influence of the environment. Man is responsible for his own actions. “The realization of philanthropy depends on the person himself, does it depend on other people?” Confucius asked rhetorically.

Based on the socio-practical aspirations of Chinese thought, the prestige of the sages was different than in India. They were valued not for their views, but for their service, which was considered obligatory, and the term "use", which was used, aptly conveys the essence of the matter.

Philosophical conception of nature

Among the natural-philosophical ideas of Ancient China, the doctrine of 5 elements should be noted: water, fire, earth, wood and metal. “Water is moistened and flows down, fire burns and rises, wood bends and straightens, metal submits [to external influence] and changes, earth receives crops and yields” 2 . The five elements correspond to the five taste sensations. “What gets wet and flows down creates salt; that which burns and rises up creates bitterness; that which bends and straightens creates sourness; what is subject to [external influence] and changes, creates sharp; that which receives the sowing and brings forth the harvest, creates the sweet." 3 .

It is interesting to compare this teaching with the natural philosophical ideas of the ancient Greeks, which arose at about the same time, with their four main elements: water, air, fire and earth.

In the "Book of Changes" a large place is occupied by arguments about two opposite principles, the interaction of which determines the appearance of things, the change of natural phenomena, etc. These

1 Cited. By: Lun Yu.- Ch. 8, 13 (any ed.).

2 History of Chinese Philosophy / ed. M.L. Titarenko. - M, 1989. - S. 31.

beginning: "yang" and "yin"- respectively, light and dark, hard and soft, male and female, successful and unsuccessful. The idea of ​​two opposite principles, the interaction of which is driving force bifurcation of the world, has received the name of dialectics.

In the Interpretations to the "Book of Changes" the formation of the universe is explained as follows. Initially, there was chaos. The struggle of opposites within him led to the formation of heaven and earth. As a result of their interaction, the four seasons of the year were formed, and the established unity between heaven, earth and the four seasons led to the emergence of wind, thunder, water, fire, mountains and swamps, as well as human society.

The meaning of the ritual

The Chinese wanted to find constancy on earth, and not on the other side of life. Hence the significant role given to ritual (the famous Chinese ceremonies) and a sense of duty. Rituals include all the rules that people follow in their lives (for example, the rule to get up when the teacher enters the classroom), but for the Chinese, the observance of rituals is especially characteristic in order to achieve harmony and stability in a fast-moving world. “Ritual is the highest measure of people's behavior, just as the steelyard is the highest measure of weight,” 1 wrote Xun Tzu. The goal of the Chinese is not change and progress, but prosperity as a result of constancy, guarded by ritual and duty. Hence the traditional peacefulness of the Chinese, which is akin to the peacefulness of the Indians. Striving for sustainability as a repetition of the past - common feature Chinese understanding of time, and the future has a religious justification only insofar as it is able to legitimize a simple continuation, an accurate and faithful reproduction of the past.

Since, however, sensual being is fluid, the problem of ensuring the harmony of principles, which is the source of development, arises. “But harmony actually gives birth to all things, while uniformity does not bring offspring. The equation of one with the help of the other is called harmony, thanks to harmony everything develops rapidly and objects are born. If, however, things of the same kind are added to things of the same kind, when the thing is used before

1 Ancient Chinese philosophy: in 2 volumes / comp. Yang Hing Shun. - M m 1973. - T. 2. - C 179.

end, it has to be thrown away. That is why the late Vans mixed earth with metal, wood, water and fire, creating all things through this ”- these words were spoken in the 8th century. BC. 1 . Everything that exists, therefore, is the result of harmony between "yang" and "yin". “The connection between the two principles gives rise to harmony, and then everything that exists is born” 2 .

The desire for constancy is connected among the Chinese with the fact that they, like the Indians, recognize the unchanging as more true. For the very possibility of knowledge, peace is necessary - here Chinese thought is also in solidarity with Indian thought. The heart acts as an organ of knowledge, and peace of mind makes it possible to reach the truth.

Three the greatest thinkers Ancient China, which should be given the most attention: covered with a halo of mystery Lao Tzu, revered by all Confucius and little known now Mo Tzu, who, however, formulated the concept of universal love more than four centuries before the birth of Christ.

Acquaintance with the views of these thinkers is facilitated by the fact that there are three texts directly related to their names. True, the authorship of Lao Tzu and the time of writing the Tao Te Ching cannot be considered precisely established, the main canon of Confucianism was not written by Confucius himself, but is a record of students, the Mo Tzu treatise is also most likely written by his followers, although this is the only one of three coherent text with internal logic within the chapters, and not just a collection of aphorisms.

Lao Tzu

Laozi is a nickname meaning "old teacher". There is very little information about his life, but it is known that he was the keeper of the imperial archive of the Zhou court - the greatest book depository of Ancient China.

Lao-tse, who lived earlier than two other great Chinese thinkers (VI - V centuries BC), is not easy to understand, not only because his main concept tao very ambiguous: it is “the main thing over many things”, and “the mother of earth and sky”, and “the fundamental principle of the world”, and “root”, and “path”; but also because in comprehending this concept we do not have the opportunity (as, for example, in ancient

1 History of Chinese Philosophy / ed. M. L. Titarenko. - M, 1989. - S. 33.

2 Chuang Tzu. - Ch. 21 (any ed.).

Diy and other cultures) rely on some mythological images that would facilitate assimilation. Tao is as vague in Lao Tzu as the concept of heaven is in all Chinese culture.

Tao is the source of all things and the basis of the functioning of being. One of the definitions of Tao is "root". The root is underground, it is not visible, but it exists before the plant that emerges from it. Just as primary is the invisible Tao, from which the whole world is produced.

Tao is also understood as a natural law of the development of nature. The main meaning of the hieroglyph "tao" is "the road along which people walk." Tao is the path that people follow in this life, and not just something outside of it. A person who does not know the way is doomed to delusion, he is lost.

Tao can also be interpreted as unity with nature through subordination to the same laws. In this sense, Tao is consonant with the concept of "rita" in Indian philosophy. "Path noble husband begins among [ordinary] men and women, but its deep [principles] exist in nature” 1 . As soon as this universal law exists, there is no need for any moral law - either in the natural law of karma or in the artificial law of human society.

Tao is sought in oneself. “He who knows himself, he will be able to find out [the essence of things], and whoever knows people, he is able to do things” 2 (compare with the ancient “know thyself”). To know the Tao, one must free oneself from one's own passions. The one who knows the Tao achieves "natural balance", because all opposites harmonize and achieve self-satisfaction.

The Tao desires nothing and strives for nothing. People should do the same. Everything natural happens as if by itself, without much effort of the individual. The natural course is opposed to the artificial activity of a person pursuing his selfish, selfish goals. Such activity is reprehensible, therefore the main principle of Lao Tzu is inaction("wuwei"). "Tao constantly does non-action, but there is nothing that it does not do” 3 . Here again is the dialectic. "Wuwei" is not passivity, but rather non-resistance to the natural course of events and activity in accordance with it.

1 Ancient Chinese philosophy: in 2 volumes / comp. Yang Hing Shun. - M, 1973. - T. 2. - S. 121.

2 Ibid. - S. 38.

3 Tao Te Ching. - P. 37 (any edition).

What is the significance of this concept, far from our understanding of the world, for modernity? It turns out it's big. Lao Tzu is considered the founder of Taoism - Chinese religion that has come down to our days. The proximity of Taoism to the emerging new understanding of nature is pointed out by ecologists. Laozi advises adapting to natural cycles, points to self-movement in nature and the importance of balance, and perhaps the concept of "tao" is a prototype of modern ideas about cosmic information belts.

The treatise Chuang Tzu reports on a conversation between Lao Tzu and Confucius that could have taken place between 518 and 511 BC. Whether it really was or not, but the message about it is valuable in the sense that it shows the differences between the two largest thinkers of ancient China. Lao Tzu in this conversation said to Confucius: “The humanity and justice that you are talking about are completely superfluous. Heaven and earth are naturally stable, the sun and moon naturally shine, the stars have their natural order, wild birds and beasts live in natural herds, trees naturally grow. You should also observe [natural] tao and his de[manifestation]. There is no need to diligently spread the doctrine of humanity and justice... By doing this, you only confuse the people” 1 .

However, it was the recognition of philanthropy as the basis of relations between people that brought fame to Confucius. .


The younger contemporary of Lao Tzu, Confucius (c. 551 - c. 479 BC), pays traditional Chinese tribute to Heaven as the creator of all things and calls to unquestioningly follow fate, but pays main attention to the conscious construction of social ties necessary for the normal functioning of society.

The “teacher Kun” was born in a poor family, he was left an orphan early and knew the need, although according to legend he came from a royal family. He held low positions in the kingdom of Lu, traveled, and after returning to his homeland he lived surrounded by numerous students. Confucius' main work, the Lun Yu (Discourses and Sayings), was written down by his students and enjoyed such influence throughout subsequent Chinese history that

Law of REINcarnation (Law of Reincarnation)

Law of Reincarnation- Great Law continuity of life in the Universe.

Great law of reincarnation concerns not only the person.

The basic idea of ​​the Law of Reincarnation is that life develops indefinitely.

In the course of cosmic evolutionAll -any formlife reincarnates from the old form to the new, up to and including the atom.

The doctrine of reincarnation is one of the oldest truths that mankind has ever possessed.

The birth of a person does not mean the beginning of his existence, just as his physical death is not his end.

A person's life is 60-90 years old, this is only a small segment of his endless life. A person spends these years in the dense physical world, being in the same dense physical body.

At the onset of physical death, a person leaves his physical shell, remaining in a more subtle body, enters the Subtle World, which completely coincides with the current human body. There his life continues until the next birth.

The Law of Karma and the Law of Rebirth , closely intertwined . Their goal is one boundless evolution!

The larger the cause, the longer it takes for the effects to form.

A person can create such great causes that during one earthly life they do not have time to form consequences - they do not have time to return in the form of a blessing or a curse to their creator. And then the consequences await his reappearance on Earth, a new birth, where they overtake him.

This is the explanation why one is successful, the other is unsuccessful, why the circumstances of one exalt, the other - overthrow ...

Besides, each incarnation sets before a person its specific tasks and specific goals.

“... This goal can be called the purpose of life in this shell. understand it and follow it and will right decision life." (G.A.Y. 1961 311)

As a diamond is polished, for its greater value, so each incarnation of a person has the goal of polishing a certain facet.

If it does not end in this incarnation, the lesson is repeated again .

And vice versa, A brilliant musician in his subsequent life in a new body will no longer be such, since for the purposes of the comprehensive development of his spirit this is not necessary, now new properties of its nature must be revealed and improved in it.

By shedding the body, a person can become aware of his accumulations made in previous lives.

“When the spirit takes its evolution into its own hands, the task of each incarnation becomes more or less clear to it, and it can do a lot and achieve a lot, improving and developing in the directions that were meant during its given incarnation and in accordance with which gave him just such a body and precisely such conditions. (G.A.Y. 1961 311)

Each incarnation leads a person to great opportunities, much becomes achievable for him.

Passing life on Earth, a person accumulates experience and develops his qualities.

The law of karma, rewarding and punishing, is his constant teacher.

And again a person dies, that is, goes to the subtle worlds in order to return to Earth again, and so - many hundreds and more times ... But with each new incarnation on Earth, a person gains new experience, developing and improving in one direction or another.

In this way, he passes, as it were, a huge educational institution, evolves. That is why in simple families, children with great talents are sometimes born.

Geniuses and criminals may appear, depending on the previous life. So a simple fisherman's son becomes an academician and a great scientist - Lomonosov!

The idea of ​​transformingVIcentury was eradicated by the supreme religious authority,

in order to gain absolute control over the minds of people.

NEGATION Law of Reincarnation leads to inhibition in the development of human consciousness and other unpleasant consequences.

“Irresponsibility and denial of immortality and reincarnation have created a new terrible threat of destruction of forests, wildlife and poisoning of the Earth's crust with all kinds of poisonous gases and substances. Their waste pollutes vast areas of water. But the two-legged live, not wanting to think that the planet Earth is their Cosmic home, that there is nowhere to leave it now, and that the earthlings will have to exhaust the fruits of their denials and their unreason on themselves. They don’t want to think that the end of the Kali Yuga can really be the end of the planet.” (G.A.Y. 1971 291)

“A person who recognizes reincarnation already leaves the circle limited by this person

Then both the personal and the individual will find their place. The first is for elimination, the second is for affirmation.

It is necessary to distinguish now, on Earth, so that it would be easier to part with everything personal, mortal and temporal and to attach one's consciousness to the highest principles of one's essence.

(G.A.Y. 1955 125)

«… The Teacher did not tell the people about the change of lives, because in His country this truth would not have been understood. Even among the disciples, few have fully mastered reincarnation..

Reincarnationwas known to some sects and, just as now, it was denied by many. Precisely, just as now, the change of lives caused fierce controversy». (Elevated, 163)

"It may be surprising that the law of reincarnation is so difficult for mankind to perceive, while there are many testimonies. It must be understood that the realization of such a law would be unacceptable for chaos.

Reincarnation, recognized by all people, would transform all earthly life. Compare the people who accepted this law with those who deny it, and it will become clear to you where there is light and where there is darkness. (Elevated, 388)


“The law of reincarnation wisely protects a person from accretion to the same conditions of life.

Need to change all bodies and update conditions.

To give a man an undying body means to doom him to petrification of the spirit.

Even during a short earthly life, many manage to grow into the surrounding conditions and environment to such an extent that in the Subtle World they are like motionless blocks of wood, being riveted to their surroundings.

To be out of this world means state of detachment to the temporary conditions of life and the freedom of the spirit living in its own world, separated from the dense world by the sphere of freedom.

The growth of consciousness to things and its surroundings is strong, but imperceptible, for a person gets used to his fetters.

The good thing about moving from place to place is that it frees the mind from superfluous things and cuts off the roots that have grown into the conditions surrounding it. To realize their slavery to them will be the first step towards liberation. (G.A.Y. 1958 1027)

“Each form is finite, but each was preceded by the former before it, and it was the former even earlier and composed of elements that existed before they became part of this form.

Where is the end and where is the beginning? There is none of them.

Infinity is not an abstraction, but a fact.

In the infinity of being, man himself is also unlimited.

To see the immortal in the mortal and in the temporal - the eternal will be a sign of Wisdom.

Nothing has an end, not a single human action. Each action is a rope stretched into the infinite future, the threads of which are hidden from view.

From the hidden past, an impulse of action suddenly emerges into the light of day and, having sounded, again plunges into the past in order to manifest itself again in the future.

The sum of these impulses is the karma that controls the fate of a person and is controlled by the human will, if it can control the impulses and the moments of their manifestation.

Mastering the causes, we control the consequences. Each effect is the parent of a new cause.

With Us everything is just a consequence. Causes are generated by We Ourselves and in this way We Create. And, knowing that all the time that exists belongs to Us, We throw distant anchors, sometimes even for millennia ahead. (G.A.Y. 1960 Dec. 3)

« The world of causes and the world of effects. Life in the body - in the world of causes, after death - life in the world of effects. But the effect is the product of the cause.. In the process of getting rid of the consequences, they, in turn, can become a condition for the emergence of new causes.. Therefore, being in the Supermundane World determines the nature of the new incarnation.

Something there can be eliminated, and something strengthened. There the spirit forms its desires and aspirations and how it wants to manifest its energies in the next incarnation, that is, to determine its mission on Earth. » . (G.A.Y. 1963 143)

“Eternal in the temporal. Immortal life, continuous, is expressed in what is temporary.

Life is eternal, the form of its expression is transient. Thus, the eternal is connected with the temporal, and the temporal is nothing but an aspect of the manifestation of Eternity.

There is no escape from Eternity. Eternal in everything. In every smallest form of life, the shortest in a period of time, its eternally imperishable essence is revealed.

Of course, one can consider everything that exists as something condemned to death by the law of iron necessity. A dull worldview.

But it is possible to consider the ever-changing and renewed forms of life as the apotheosis of the immortality of life, eternally existing and eternally manifesting itself in new shells of its expression, as life triumphing eternally, from collapse creating its forms, so that with each new and higher, it will more and more vividly and fully express the properties infinite potential of their infinitely growing possibilities. (G.A.Y. 1953 003)

“The cosmic and the personal do not get along. One excludes the other. The personal must dissolve into the cosmic. Either the personal or the cosmic must triumph.

The Chalice of the Common Good has not a personal, but a planetary-cosmic meaning. Individuality lives outside of personality. Personality can be an expression of Individuality if it is subordinated to the spirit.

The discipline of the spirit is the power of the Individuality over the personality.

In people it is expressed only partially, in Great Spirits it is fully expressed, because in them there is no personal element, no selfhood, no personal thoughts and aspirations. All personal constructions are limited by the cycle of earthly life, for the personal ceases to exist with the death of the body. Everything that extends beyond the limits of earthly existence already belongs to Individuality. I'm talking about normal ordinary people.

A person who recognizes reincarnation already leaves the circle limited by this person.. Even those who recognize the immortality of the spirit no longer think of themselves as, say, Sidor Petrovich Ivanov, the father of a large family and an employee of this or that institution with such and such experience, salary, and so on.

The affairs of a personality do not fit and do not coincide with the phenomenon of immortality and life in the Supermundane World.

Everything that is mortal in itself must be firmly separated from that which is immortal, and one must not be confused with the other. .

Then both the personal and the individual will find their place. The first is for elimination, the second is for affirmation. It is necessary to distinguish now, on Earth, so that it would be easier to part with everything personal, mortal and temporal and to attach one's consciousness to the highest principles of one's essence.

He who clings to the personal in himself will go out with him, for he has no place in the Supermundane Worlds. (G.A.Y. 1955 125)


“Lord, enlighten my mind and my heart to understand
your eternal and unchanging laws that govern the world…”. “Lord, bless all my exits and entrances ...” (Prayer of the Optina Elders)

“There is no place on earth or in heaven, or under water, nor is there such a place in the depths, mountains, where an evil action would not bring suffering to the one who gave birth to it”

“Nothing happens in our World without some original cause. Nothing happens by chance, because every chance has its own pattern, cause and starting point of the event.
(Slavic-Aryan Vedas)

N.B. Starinskaya (44)

Karma - fundamental concept, which determines the quality of human life and its duration. It is a natural consequence of the life of the individual, his actions, thoughts, feelings, words. Individual karma is debt due to the effects of causes created by man.
Each action of a person on the physical or mental level is a cause, it simultaneously gives rise to a consequence in the Subtle World, while in the physical world the reaction may be delayed. Therefore, personal karma (the accumulated consequences of actions, words, thoughts, emotions and offenses) manifests itself as a surprise.
The concept of debt created by our actions is at the heart of the Eastern concept of karma, one of the central concepts of Hinduism. IN Christian tradition analogue of the concept of karma is the concept of "sin".
Sins in and of themselves, since their vibrations are left torsion, and through condemnation by others neutralize part of the vital energy of right torsion. They reduce the vital energy of a person and the energy of society. Society must develop in itself the rejection of sinfulness. This is not only a personal matter of a person, but tangibly and painfully affects the entire society.
In addition, our inner life and emotional thoughts, which we consider a purely personal and irresponsible matter, can actually be dangerous, creating a backlash and karmic accumulation.
The negative karma of a person is the consequences of negative actions, thoughts, words and emotions of a person, they have left-torsion vibrations. Positive karma has a right torsion field of vibrations and is the result of actions leading to goodness, to progress and evolution.
The bad karma of a person is created by an evil character, rudeness, anger, greed, betrayal, disrespect, insulting, envy, toughness of character, meanness, bad habits, dishonesty, deceit, violence, theft, wrong worldview, violation of moral and ethical standards. A significant part of negative karma is created by the involtation (introduction) of judgments of a person by others.322
Few people realize that all the secret thoughts and actions of a person, as he thinks, are in fact obvious to the egregor. The egregor of the people as a total person, as a psycho-block, the united mental field of the people, knows about all the moral and moral violations of each person, about his good and bad deeds, and punishes or encourages him through karma.
Ancient Indian philosophy speaks of the existence of the guardians of human karma on the Thin plane. Karma improves with a change in worldview in the direction of its truth, with the rejection of rigid egoistic attitudes, the rejection of immoderate condemnation of other people.
The negative karma of the people also accumulates from the environmental pollution of nature: nature is a living organism and creates a reverse blow. It accumulates when insulting, humiliating and destroying another people. The hatred of the offended is a weapon stronger than material. People's memory keeps it for a long time.
Cataclysms and catastrophes, illnesses and accidents are a means of destroying people who have accumulated the maximum permissible negative karma-debt.
The law of karma is the law of retribution and it is the law of the binary in its causal
investigative manifestation. If people sow good, they reap good; if they sow evil, they reap evil.
Let us list additional reasons for the accumulation of karma.
1. Binary forces. Any mental state is born simultaneously with the opposite, but on the physical plane the opposite state is realized later or can be passed on to descendants. This means that a long sweet life will eventually lead to a dramatic denouement or even a tragedy to discharge the accumulated sweet psi-energy. Karma is debt according to the binary principle, and the causal principle is a particular expression of the binary principle. Therefore, debt accumulates not only from a sinful life, but also from a righteous life.
2. Loss of vital energy due to an incorrect lifestyle, inattention to one's health is also punishable.
3. Backstroke - the return of the energy of evil feelings, resentment, hatred sent to another person and not accepted by him.
4. Violation of moral and ethical standards.
5. Criminally punishable acts.
6. Bad habits - smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.
7. Violation of the principle of tolerance. A person's condemnation of people for the lack of qualities in them that they value, intolerance for the originality of others.
8. Emotional incontinence and aggression.
9. Mental states that a person allows himself to constantly have - pride, arrogance, hatred, high morality, nobility, decency. Binary forces will force you to pay for everything. As a rule, the counterbalance to these states falls on the descendants.
10. Disbelief in the presence of consciousness in inert nature. Causing harm to nature and the living world, often helpless and defenseless.
11. Environmental pollution of the planet.
12. Excessive consumption of energy information by civilization, which leads to a blackout life energy plant and animal worlds. This is the essential fault of all civilization.
13. The impact of powerful media - radio, television, the Internet, etc., leading to a simultaneous global emotional response, to grief in the event of a cataclysm - this is a powerful production of negative emotions that require discharge. Maybe that's why volcanoes wake up. In our time, it is necessary to master one's feelings and strive for a calm acceptance of even tragic events.
The karmic vessel of a person is usually divided into two sections - for negative karma and for positive. Accumulated debts are dangerous: if they exceed a certain threshold, a person is removed from life. The maximum accumulated limit of a person's karmic debts, both positive and negative karmas, is taken as 100%. The bioframe gives an answer to a request about the value of a person's karma as a percentage of the maximum value of 100%.
In our earthly life, we cannot allow someone's debts to be shifted onto us. Similarly, this is not allowed for energy exchange. In earthly life, we exhort, shame a person who does not repay debts, punish, imprison, sometimes execute. It is the same on the Thin Plan - first, illnesses, failures, accidents, injuries, and then the person is removed from the physical plane. These are analog forces.
Sometimes the Spiritual Hierarchy does not even wait for the accumulation of sinfulness to the threshold, but takes a person away from the physical plane earlier, seeing that a person is not inclined to understand and correct his mistakes and continues to accumulate his negative karma. In relation to the country, the wrath of the Spiritual Hierarchy will manifest itself in destruction.
Therefore, when analyzing the situation, first of all, it is necessary to focus on the level of karma of a person and a country. If the US has almost ultimate karma, cataclysms are possible with an oil accident, and frequent hurricanes that destroy the country, and tsunamis, and earthquakes.
The science of energy-information exchange (eniology) should become a constant guide in understanding the causes of occurring phenomena and forecasting.

V.Yu.Rogozhkin (39)

* If a person does not make mistakes in his incarnation incarnations, then he is not able to get sick, and the shape of his body will be impeccable. That is, not in healthy body– a healthy spirit”, but just the opposite: spirituality and reason provide a person with physical health!

* If a person has made a mistake in life, especially from which others have suffered, then he is obliged to work it out karmically. Karmic cause-and-effect relationships are worked out in only two ways: through awareness and repentance before people, and not before God, in the deed, or, if there is no awareness, through illness and death. There is no other in this world! If a person has not done stupid things, no program will hook on him and no sorcerer will be able to “spoil” him.

* Everyone knows that you have to pay for pleasure. But payment often occurs not only in monetary terms. Any act, any human deed is necessarily displayed in the Information Fields of the Universe. Our mistakes are just a violation of the laws of energy-information exchange. If such a violation is committed, karmic responsibility will surely, inevitably come for it, and the human essence will pay on the physical plane. The form of this retribution can be multifaceted: illnesses, scandals, financial and material losses. This applies to everyone! And those who are more or less versed in esotericism, and those who do not understand anything about it.

* The only painless way to work out karmic mistakes, that is, violations of the laws of energy-information exchange, is awareness and repentance. If a person does not want to realize his mistakes, no doctor or healer is able to help him get rid of the disease. At best, a psychic will “pump up”, for example, a diseased liver with his own or “cosmic” energy and for some time alleviate the condition of such a patient, not forgetting to take a tidy sum of money from him.

* It is not the disease that is the result of a person's stupidity that needs to be treated. It is necessary to correct the consequences of this stupidity through awareness and repentance. This is precisely the global mistake of orthodox medicine and most psychics, healers, magicians. And you have to pay for mistakes. Therefore, at present, the most sick people are doctors and healers who constantly violate the eniological (esoteric) Law of Conservation.

* Nothing is random in this world. It is no coincidence that the tenants got apartments in that entrance of the St. Petersburg nine-story building in the pathogenic zone, and they began to have problems with their legs. If a person does not have karmic negative causal relationships, then he will be transparent to the action of pathogenic zones and the Hartman structure.

* No one becomes a victim of an attempted rape just like that. This is a typical karmic retribution for debauchery and sexual crimes in previous incarnations.

E. A. Kuznetsov

Among the cosmic laws that affect human life, special place occupies the law of Karma, which is reflected in the hermetic Principle of Cause and Effect: “Each cause has its effect, each effect has its cause. Everything is done in accordance with the Law. Chance is nothing but the name of a law that is not recognized” (Kybalion). The Law of Karma applies to everything visible and invisible in the Universe - from the electron and atom to planets and galaxies. At the same time, only intelligent beings, such as humans, can have both negative and positive karma. For the rest of the organic and inorganic world, only negative karma is diagnosed, the value of which characterizes the degree of deterioration of the representatives of this world.
Karma is translated from Sanskrit as "action", bad or good, and means that a certain action becomes the cause of a certain effect, which, in turn, becomes a cause and creates an effect in a repeating chain. “Karma, being the Law of Nature, neither creates nor predetermines anything. The person himself creates the causes, and the karmic law only manifests the appropriate consequence for the elimination of the disturbed Universal Harmony. Cosmic Justice puts everyone in those conditions in which he must learn something, or repeat what he has not learned before, or redeem something” (16).
The law of karma determines the changes that take place in our lives under the influence of good and bad thoughts, desires, passions, deeds. Good thoughts and deeds create positive karma, during the development of which a person receives help and support in life. By his negative thoughts and actions, a person creates negative karma (or sins) for himself, the redemption of which is manifested in his sufferings (illnesses, misfortunes, failures, etc.). If a person has committed a negative deed (in thoughts or actions), then he can repay it with a positive deed or timely repentance, if he manages to do this before this misconduct (cause) returns to him with suffering (consequence). Otherwise, a person earns himself negative karma of one size or another - those connections that have become obligatory for execution by the person himself.
Human life is made up of three types of karma: nascent ("light"), accumulated ("medium") and mature ("heavy"). The mechanism of interaction between these types of karma can be figuratively represented as three communicating vessels with two compartments (for negative and positive karma), in which they can accumulate: in a small vessel - light karma (negative and positive), on average (the volume of which is five times more small) - medium karma (negative and positive) and in a large vessel (its volume is three times larger than the average vessel) - heavy karma (only negative).
Light negative karma constantly arises in Everyday life a person as a result of his negative actions, thoughts, emotions (including as a result of malnutrition). When it accumulates in a small vessel to the brim (up to 100%), the process of its working off begins in the form of various kinds of ailments, minor illnesses, minor failures and misfortunes, bad luck, etc. etc. If a person has not realized the reasons for the manifestation of light karma, as it is worked out, it begins to flow from a small vessel into a medium one, transforming and accumulating in it in the form of negative average karma.
When a person fully works off 100% of light karma (the diagnosed percentage of it then drops to zero), the small vessel is completely released, and the middle vessel is filled with medium karma by 20% of its volume, but only if the person has not realized the causes of light karma. In the case of realizing these reasons and repenting not to commit them in the future, the flow of light karma into the middle vessel does not occur. In the process of working off light karma, a person is given to understand that for all his sins and violations of the harmony of life, he will inevitably be punished.
If a person does not understand what they want from him Higher power, and continues to commit these negative cycles of sins and their karmic working off, his average karmic vessel begins to gradually fill up, and after several cycles (from 1 to 5) of light karma flowing from a completely filled small vessel into a medium one, the latter is filled to the brim (up to 100% ) medium karma, and the process of its working off begins, which is already much more severe in the form of the occurrence of serious illnesses, serious life's failures, accidents, accidents, etc. When working off the accumulated average negative karma, a person receives a formidable warning about serious violations of cosmic laws and spiritual and moral commandments that threaten his very life.
After the full accumulation of negative medium karma and in the absence of awareness of its causes and repentance, it completely flows into a large vessel intended for negative heavy karma. If a large vessel was previously completely filled with heavy karma and, thus, there is nowhere for medium karma to flow (heavy, medium and light karma reached 100%), the person dies. If the large vessel was empty or partially filled, then after the medium karma flows into it from the completely filled medium vessel, its heavy karma in the large vessel increases by 6% of its volume. A person who was born karmically pure (his heavy karma at the time of birth is zero) is given the opportunity in his current life to complete a maximum of three sinful cycles of medium karma flowing from a completely filled medium vessel into a large vessel until it is filled with heavy karma by no more than 18% of its volume. Upon reaching the “deadly” threshold of heavy (mature) karma accumulated in the current life of 18%, regardless of whether a person was born karmically pure or with one or another percentage of heavy karma, he is deprived of life on the physical level, and in the next life he incarnates with the same percentage of heavy karma that he accumulated in the previous one.
There is a certain karmic punishment for each specific sin. For example, the most serious sin - killing a person - entails an increase in heavy karma by 12%, rape - by 9%, divorce, adultery and betrayal - by 3%, etc. If a person is in past life far exceeded the value of heavy karma of 100% (for example, having been born in a past life with heavy karma of 90%, he also committed four more murders, equivalent to an increase in heavy karma to 48%, gaining a total of 138%), then in his next life he pays for it is either congenital deformities or early death in childhood or adolescence. Therefore, already in the current life, you need to prepare for yourself a worthy life in the future life, living the present life with dignity and getting rid of negative karmic debts (but for this you need to believe in reincarnation!). The more people who have realized and accepted the cosmic laws of reincarnation and karma, the stronger the moral foundations in society and the less crime.
Not only actions are punished, but also sinful thoughts and feelings. For example, prolonged longing for a deceased loved one, which is also considered a sin, can cause a large outflow of energy from the longing person to the deceased (the so-called necrotic vampirism), increase the heavy karma of the longing person by 4% and, as a result, lead to his illness and even death (if he had already accumulated 14% of heavy karma before that).
It should be noted that the positive and negative karma of the systems, organs and cells of the body is also diagnosed. The positive karma of these structures can vary from 0 to 100%, and the negative karma - from 0 to 50%, while the value of the negative karma of such a structure is equal to the value of the negative changes in this structure caused by the accumulation in it negative energy. When the value of negative karma or negative changes in a human organ reaches 43%, the first symptoms of any disease appear, and when 46% is exceeded, cancer cells appear in this organ, the number (percentage) of which will continue to increase as negative karma (negative changes ) of this organ. When the value of negative karma reaches about 50% and the organ is affected by cancer cells by more than 90%, a person dies.
If a person leads a righteous life and does good deeds, he can accumulate positive average karma. If he was born karmically pure and does not accumulate sins, his average positive karma begins to increase, and upon reaching 100% (after the compartment for positive average karma in the middle vessel is completely filled), the person dies. His death, in particular, means that he has fully fulfilled his purpose in earthly life and has risen to a higher spiritual level in order to be born in the next life to fulfill other higher evolutionary tasks.
People who were born with zero heavy karma and lead a righteous lifestyle are, as a rule, happy throughout their lives. If a person was born with one or another percentage of heavy karma and embarked on the righteous path, then his life is complicated by the need to work off this karma. This working off is usually accompanied by the suffering of a person, which can be reduced by the fulfillment of his main purpose on earth: a righteous life, awareness of committed sins, repentance and his spiritual development. In this case, the accumulation of positive karma - light in a small vessel and medium in a medium vessel - does not occur - they immediately flow into a large vessel with heavy negative karma and gradually neutralize it. After the complete neutralization of heavy karma and its disappearance in the large vessel, the cyclic process already described for negative karma begins, filling the small vessel with light positive karma (intended for positive karma) and flowing into the middle vessel (intended also for positive karma), filling it to the brim ( up to 100%) also leads to the death of a person.
In addition to individual karma, family karma can also be imposed on a person, locality, cities, countries of residence and the karma of the planet. When changing the place of residence, a person falls under the karma of the new place of residence (the karma of the city, district, state). These karmas are accumulated as a result of the joint contribution of all members of society, whether it be a family, city, district, state or planet, to the progressive or regressive development of the material and spiritual life of this society. If a society allows the destruction of nature in its locale, negative anti-spiritual trends in culture and art, the development of drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution, antisocial actions and many other negative manifestations and tendencies of life, this places an additional negative karmic burden on each member of this society.
An important role in increasing the negative karma of an individual and society is played by the karma of money, which depends on the degree of fairness of their formation in the process of production or capital accumulation. Unfair and illegal exploitation of people in enterprises creates illegally earned capital and leads to an increase in the negative karma of illegal money, which then places an additional karmic burden on their users and on a large scale can lead to local economic crises. Opposite, positive trends in society impose positive karma on its citizens and contribute to their well-being.
Karma determines the fate of a person. Since a person can choose his own life path, sinful or righteous, then, by accumulating or extinguishing his negative karma, he can influence his fate in a positive or negative direction. But since he does not know how to diagnose and, consequently, control his karma, he has only one choice - to lead a righteous life, if he wants to have a minimum of misfortunes in it and avoid premature death. On this path, the practice of awareness and repentance for the committed negative actions and the accumulation of positive spiritual knowledge, leading to a significant decrease in karma of any kind, can be of great help to him.
A person should strive to extinguish his negative karma in the current life in order to have less suffering in it, and in the future life to be born karmically pure and not experience significant negative problems in it or not have them at all, as evidenced by the fate of the vast majority of those born with zero negative karma indigo people (see Ch. 6). Otherwise, the accumulation of negative karma and its significant excess above the 100% limit in a person’s previous life can lead in the next life to his premature death (in particular, in childhood or adolescence) or birth with congenital deformities, which is not so rare in real life. life.

L.P. Dmitrieva (6)

“Lord, bless all my exits and entrances…” (Prayer of the Optina Elders)

“The law of reincarnation is the basis of all true teachings. If we reject it, then any meaning of our earthly existence will disappear by itself.”
(E.I. Roerich)

The materialistic Christian religion demanded love of God. But at the same time, she inspired a person with fear of him - the Universal Principle, which, by her narrowness, by her whim, she dressed in a human appearance and rewarded with human character traits.
And now, in the Teaching, which affirms in the mind of man the idea that people are gods, but should aspire to an even higher Deity, but not to an animal, the animal fear of slaves has penetrated and firmly rooted, paralyzing the fear of the eternal torments of hell, which awaits all sinners, whom the Church has not forgiven sins. These eternal torments of hell awaited even dead babies if they did not have time to be baptized before death.
The result of such suggestion turned out to be just the opposite. Life has shown that the number of sinners from century to century did not decrease at all, but increased very much, moreover, people began to leave such a religion. And after 2 thousand years, the global flood of sin literally flooded the Earth from edge to edge. As a result, the very existence of both humanity and the planet is in jeopardy.
Like religion, narrow-materialistic science also instilled in man the fear of death. Through the lips of her indisputable authorities, she unequivocally stated: a person lives only once, and there is nothing beyond the threshold of death! A person has no soul, because not a single surgeon, opening a person’s chest, has ever found it! Therefore, after death, only dust remains from a person. But the Teachers of the Himalayan Stronghold cannot agree with such a distortion of reality. The Great Teachers of Light carried the message to humanity that the laws of evolution provide for the multiple return of the human soul to Earth. And this idea, which is one of the cornerstones of Buddhism and Hinduism, is close not only to the peoples of the East and not only to the great ascetics of the Christian world. It was also close to the so-called pagans, it is close to very many people who composed and still compose the intellectual power of European civilization and whose names the Western peoples overshadow with glory. Among them are representatives of different eras and different aspirations, but their spirit imprinted in the minds of individuals a greater or lesser reflection of a past existence.
An incarnation is an incarnation, a birth in human body. Reincarnation (“re” - “back”, “in” - “in”, “carno” - “flesh”) - reincarnation, rebirth of the same human soul, or the same Spiritual Ego (Individuality) - in another body.
But initially the essence of the law of Reincarnation as a truth that cannot exist without another - the law of Karma - is expressed in Sanskrit by the term - "samsara". Literally, this means "rotation", where human reincarnations are symbolically represented as a moving circle-wheel, which rotates due to individual karma. The karma of a person will be completed - the wheel of his reincarnations will stop.
The meaning of human immortality is not at all in the earthly prolongation of the life of the individual. And for thousands of years, the Teachers of Light have been explaining quite frankly and clearly for a very long time what exactly is the secret of our immortality - in the disappearance of everything personal, in the liberation of the spirit from everything that creates gravity, earthly gravity. The fear of death is also a component of the earth's gravity.
There are many scholars who admit that there are indeed many passages in the Gospels where Christ speaks of reincarnation. However, the opponents of this law did not find a more convincing argument than to say that all the verses of the Gospels, where the idea of ​​reincarnation is clearly visible ... have been completed!
The doctrine of reincarnation is heresy only for later Christianity. Many Christians do not know that the idea of ​​multiple human returns to Earth is not new to Christianity. And in the first century of the Christian era, and in the second and even in the third, in many churches teachers taught both the law of causality and the law of rebirth. But already a century after the death of Jesus, orthodox theologians began to understand what a great danger to the stability of their power over people is hidden in these laws. They did their best to instill in people's minds that salvation can only be granted by the Church, but it was the idea of ​​reincarnation that destroyed this power. Destroyed to the very foundations.
If the laws of Karma and Reincarnation were adopted, the Church would suffer as an extremely ramified, powerful command and administrative system. This system would lose power over people. What this power is, has already been said: first of all, in the anti-evolutionary right to forgive the sins of everyone who asks for such help, and to threaten with anathema to everyone who is objectionable. So, however, it was accepted in Judaism. As early as 2,000 years ago, every Jew who recognized the Messiah, Christ in Jesus of Nazareth, was excommunicated from the synagogue!
Recognition of the laws of causality and recurrence of human births will not only deprive the Church of the right to “forgive sins”. This will put the Christian religion in front of the need to recognize its foundations as one with more ancient creeds. And thus, in the end, it will force to recognize the unity of all religions.
For many centuries, many generations, the Church will have to fight against the idea of ​​reincarnation, fight until this doctrine, which was the basis of all ancient spiritual teachings, is branded as heresy. For almost 500 years, orthodox theologians had to engage in very difficult polemics with the supporters of reincarnation. But the victory was obtained only by the combined efforts of the State and the Church, when in the middle of the VI century the church altar was married to the imperial throne. And although the law of human evolution is not subject even to the emperor, he nevertheless imagined that the cosmic laws were in his power. And the law of reincarnation... has been repealed!
Fifth Ecumenical Council abolished the doctrine of the reincarnation of the soul and thereby in orthodox Christianity a ban was imposed on the ancient belief in the rebirth of man on Earth.
And yet, despite the persecution, the doctrine of repeated returns of the soul to Earth has spread throughout almost the entire Christian world.
According to a public opinion poll conducted by the American Gallup Institute (1990), 28 million Christians in the United States (21% of Protestants and 25% of Catholics) believe in reincarnation. That's over 1/5 of all American adults!
The same picture is observed in Canada and Western Europe. Among young people, this figure is even higher. For example, in Denmark (1992), a survey among Lutheran youth aged 18 to 30 showed that 15% believe in the Christian doctrine of the resurrection, and 18% believe in reincarnation. This suggests that the most ancient ideas of Karma and Reincarnation actively compete with the main church dogmas.
A person will not accumulate anything new if his whole life is filled with worries only about earning more money, in order to earn even more of the same money with their help. Such a life can be considered an empty business, it is a windmill that spins idly. Most of the people who live like this are civilized savages. And therefore they incarnate as quickly as uncivilized savages.
The experience of a past life is hidden from us reliably. There is great wisdom in the fact that modern humanity is not given the opportunity to remember its past incarnations. The peculiarities of today's humanity are such that such a memory will practically not bring benefits to people yet. We will not be able to reasonably and honorably use this information. But there will definitely be harm.
“Often, premature knowledge of one’s incarnations can stop further ascent, because it can either plunge the spirit into the abyss of despair, in case of revealing any betrayal in the past, or increase conceit, one of the most blocking qualities on the path of discipleship. Therefore, one should bless the wise veil of mystery, especially since, as it ascends, the spirit itself removes this veil, sees its incarnations, and their meaning becomes clear to him ”(Letters of Helena Roerich, 1 v.12.04.35).
But why is it still so difficult to enter into the life of the Foundations of Life, given by the Ancient Teachers, including the teachings about Karma and Reincarnation?
The answer that Christ gave 2,000 years ago was the most concise and precise: "Now the power of darkness." In the Dark Age, the perversion of the idea of ​​reincarnation in order to discredit it became the main task of the dark ones - both visible and even more powerful - invisible. "Yes, dark forces they try very hard to distort and destroy everything that leads to the knowledge of other spheres and worlds, to the continuation of life in them... Namely, the essence of the dark ones will become obvious, and there will be few hunters to replenish their legions, making sure what horror, in the end result, awaits living in evil. They can exist only on the fluids of destruction and decomposition, and the lack of such a substance causes them incredible suffering” (E.I. Roerich).
Awareness of the laws of Karma and Reincarnation will save people from the fear of death. It will gradually make people responsible beings.
The foundations of Life, known since ancient times, are hard to penetrate into consciousness. modern people also because with each century the number of gross materialists, and hence skeptics and deniers, increased exponentially (at least until the 21st century inclusive). For many in power, who for many centuries have put, and until the very Great Advent will put, anti-tank "hedgehogs" on the path of the movement of the Secret Teaching, it is completely unbearable to realize that here, on Earth, you are great and strong, but there, in another world, everything will not be the same as on Earth. In the Subtle World, according to the Sacred Teaching, the powerful denier and persecutor will be miserable and crying out for help, like that rich man from the parable of Christ, who, once in the next world, burned in hell, while the earthly beggar and sick Lazarus, who lay at his gate and eating the crumbs from his table, dwelt in the radiant Land of Bliss.
A person who does not accept reincarnation and is convinced that he lives for the first and last time on Earth, and after death only dust remains after him - bodily remains decompose in the earth, and consciousness is scattered in space - most likely, he will violate moral laws, commit both openly and secretly unworthy deeds.

Richard Gerber (7)

Most people consider reincarnation to be something strange and mystical. Some people think that this is a belief that is unique to Hindus or Buddhists. Meanwhile, according to a 1982 Gallup poll, 23% of Americans believe in reincarnation.
From the point of view of the theory of reincarnation human life- just a given opportunity to understand our inner nature as it is expressed on the physical plane. As we gain experience of living on the physical plane, we gradually learn (or at least hope so) to cope with the situations in which we find ourselves reincarnated.
One of the goals of reincarnation is to give the soul the opportunity to experience as much as possible, to acquire a variety of knowledge and thereby strengthen its spiritual nature.
Here, a natural question will surely arise: “Why do the souls of many people prefer to be born in such unfavorable conditions as illness, poverty, etc.?” The theory of reincarnation gives a simple answer: since the soul is immortal and makes a series of successive births, its task is to gain as much experience as possible, while the characteristics of a particular physical body for it are temporary and incidental circumstances.
Therefore, being born in a body endowed with some kind of disease or found itself in unfavorable physical circumstances is part of the plan. spiritual development individual.
Our physical body and the bodies of higher planes are just special carriers that allow our Spirit to function on the physical plane of being, on planet Earth. Each individual consciousness is a part of the great Spirit we call God. Many philosophical theories, ancient and modern, say that God created the souls of people at the time of the creation of the universe, and all at once. If we compare physics and theology, it becomes clear that the Big Bang is the moment of the emergence of not only the primary cosmic hydrogen and light, but also a myriad of human souls, which have yet to be embodied on the physical plane, according to the process of separation of the divine energies. As you know, God created people in his image and likeness. In relation to our story, this means that the Creator divided his image into the smallest light formations, which are exact copies of the primary single image of the Creator of all things. Through the gradual development of these light “droplets”, small “gods”, and the establishment of a holographic connection between them and the Universe (that is why they are an exact miniature copy of everything that exists), the Lord was able to enrich the colossal potential of the Higher consciousness and direct its development towards self-knowledge. Primary droplets of light, or souls, gradually acquired more and more "dense" levels of consciousness, striving for incarnation on the physical plane. Thanks to this, they could observe the wonders of the development of the cosmos, with its galaxies and planets. In addition, by communicating with each other, contacting the environment and beings that arose on the planets where reincarnation was to take place, souls could gain new experience of emotional interaction and thereby improve their spiritual and emotional levels.
However, not a single living being was capable of developing itself in all respects in a short period of life on the physical plane. Therefore, a cycle of continuous rebirth, or reincarnation, was established. During each individual incarnation, the soul could enjoy all the benefits of being in a particular area of ​​life, through trial and error, rewards and punishments, to understand the essence of a person as a whole, in all its diversity. Thanks to reincarnation, every soul is given the opportunity to experience the joys and sorrows, happiness and disappointments of people of all races and nationalities, all social strata - from an aristocrat to a day laborer. Every soul had to experience the advantages and disadvantages of being in male and female incarnation in various societies. After all, only thanks to the accumulated experience, the soul can comprehend both the riches of the world and its own nature (in the spiritual, spiritual and physical sense). And what is probably the most important thing - in this way she acquires the ability to appreciate and cherish love in all its many manifestations, develops in herself a feeling of compassion, care for all the creations of the Lord.
All souls are formations of light and are in energetic connection with the Creator and the Universe created by him (by means of preserving its holographic image). They are manifestations of the same divine principle, known as the "Law of One", and at the same time each of them is unique. As souls receive and accumulate individual experience of existence in this world, self-knowledge of the Creator is infinitely enriched and developed. However, upon incarnation into a specific physical body, souls temporarily lose all memories of their spiritual source (without losing their connection with the Creator and the Universe).
The memory of the connection with the Creator, that the souls are a manifestation of a single Divine mind, is lost in the process of formation of the physical structures of the brain and body, as a barrier is erected that separates them from the consciousness of the Creator. Feeling the colossal significance of this loss, people created a religion and certain rituals, seeking to make up for the lost, to connect to a single source of Creation, which, as it seems to them, lies somewhere outside their world. They simply forgot that the Kingdom of God is in themselves! That is why Jesus was born to remind us of this trivial but long forgotten truth.
So, at the next incarnation, a special mechanism of forgetting about the previous birth “turns on” in the physical body, freeing the “I” from memories of the past. This allows him to fully adapt to new conditions, without burdening himself with the burden of previous habits and knowledge acquired in previous incarnations. Thus, each reincarnating personality is a part of the personality of a higher plane, which collects and brings together the experience gained during each reincarnation. This experience can be compared to a beehive, where each bee brings its bribes. Despite the fact that the bee family consists of many individuals - worker bees, drones and queens - it functions as a single entity and therefore can be considered a good metaphor for representing all levels of consciousness, including the Higher Self ..
Gradually saturated with experience and knowledge in various spheres of life, a single soul becomes more and more aware of its emotional and intellectual capabilities, the limits of its physical expression and, therefore, comes closer to understanding its higher spiritual nature.
Reincarnation has a special protective mechanism that does not allow the soul to perform wrong or hostile actions in relation to its eternal companions - other souls following their difficult path to self-disclosure and enlightenment. This mechanism is called "karmic law", or karma, and is a system of energetic rewards and punishments based on the calculation of virtuous and negative deeds performed by the soul in each incarnation. Due to the peculiarities of the subtle anatomy, the higher planes of consciousness are able to transfer the negative energy that arises as a result of bad deeds in one of the incarnations to other incarnations. There it is filtered into the lower planes of being and causes various deviations of the physical and emotional planes. Those, in turn, turn into "hereditary", that is, congenital deformities, physical defects or diseases. Overcoming them, the soul gradually “burns out bad karma”, frees itself from the consequences of bad deeds and evil caused to other souls in its past incarnations. It is no coincidence that the torments that people inflicted on others in their previous lives return to them in their current life in a transformed, symbolic form. For example, medieval Spanish inquisitors, who blinded heretics with red-hot daggers, were born blind in subsequent incarnations. The participation of the karmic law in the formation of certain diseases, both physical and mental, has recently been confirmed by the experiments of psychics, as well as the awakening of people's memories of the past with the help of hypnosis. It is karmic retribution that makes the tormentors real life experience the anguish of the victims of their previous incarnations. Overcoming the obstacles born of their own activity, the souls are tempered and, moreover, gain such an experience that cannot be obtained in any other way. However, it would be wrong to say that all congenital diseases and other troubles are necessarily the result of bad karma. Many of these trials are consciously chosen by the soul, as they can help to master positive experience.
Karmic illnesses cannot be discussed in detail within the scope of this book, but they are worth mentioning, since it is vibrational medicine that can make a significant contribution to their cure (or at least give a correct understanding of the causes of their occurrence). In addition, they once again remind us of the responsibility for our behavior - whether in this life or in the past. Usually, only a few think about the fact that bad deeds and thoughts from a past life can manifest themselves in the present in the form of diseases.
Despite the fact that the reincarnating personality loses all memories of past lives on the physical plane upon birth, spiritually it remains connected with the subtle energies of the Higher Self. Higher planes try to awaken greater self-awareness in the soul, using dreams to do this. with symbolic meaning or disease. And sometimes they act directly - in the process of meditation. Much of what the incarnated soul is simply not able to comprehend is available to the perception of the Higher Self. The consciousness of the causal level clearly sees the higher causes of certain events that occur with the personality, which cannot be established by the facts of the physical plane. The Higher Self is well aware that emotional disorders lead to pathologies on the physical plane, and always tries to warn our Self about the possibility of a serious illness. The Higher Self knows everything about us, including how to overcome suffering and grief, achieve happiness and peace of mind. That is why penetration to the level of Higher Consciousness gives us unlimited possibilities in gaining power, knowledge, love and wisdom.
Higher Self (or causal body) stores all the memories of our past lives - from the beginning of being. It is from him that you can draw knowledge about your spiritual sources, about the meaning of life and death, about the rebirth and cosmic meaning of the soul and its connection with the Creator. Rising up the levels of consciousness, we gradually comprehend the causes of our suffering, and the closer we come to the Higher Self, the more clearly we understand how it is possible to change the structure of consciousness, emotions, body and the very way of life.

Lobsang Rampa (11-28)

Reincarnation is taught by many religious movements. As an example, let me remind you that the original teachings of Christ were very different from those of today. But everything in the world is changing. The Vatican quite often issues edicts that change certain interpretations of religious dogmas; a person who has been considered a saint for many centuries ceases to be one. A dogma that has lived for centuries is changed in one fell swoop by a papal edict.
The same thing happens with reincarnation. Christ preached reincarnation. He taught that people return to Earth from time to time, after which they retire to where "In my Father's house there are many mansions" (John 14:2). But around the year 60, the priests decided to make changes to the teachings of Christ, considering it unreasonable to preach reincarnation, because people would carelessly burn life, intending to pay for it in a conveniently distant future.
This is how reincarnation was removed from the Christian creed. However, in the original documents, for example, in the Dead Sea Scrolls and other similar sources, the doctrine of reincarnation is present. But isn't it funny that I, a non-Christian, teach Christians their own faith?
So I began by saying that if we believe in the all-good Lord, then we must also believe in the existence of a kind of compensation for those who come into the world as poor sufferers. Otherwise, if there is only one life, how do you explain the justice of God, who allows one to be born in wealth and luxury, from an early age endowed with all conceivable power and having no worries, and another to be born disabled or even mentally ill, Yes, even in hopeless poverty?
If there is only one life, then, of course, bitter injustice will fall to the lot of some, while others will get the role of fate's favorites. This, of course, is only one aspect of the problem. Hindu religions provide many proofs of the real existence of reincarnation. Christianity, as you know, has more short story than a number of Hindu religions, which, in fact, are its predecessors.
It is known that Christ became incarnate in Jesus - "Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit ... was led by the Spirit into the wilderness" (Luke 4:1). So it was. He went to the Far East and passed through India, passed through Tibet, met with the then sages and from all the creeds He studied formed a religion most suitable for the people of that time. So the Christianity invented by Christ turned out to be a mixture of Eastern religions and mythology.
But then, in the year about the 60th from the Nativity of Christ, the clergy, rushing after the departing train and jumping, so to speak, on the bandwagon, felt that the simplicity and purity of the Christian religion was gradually depriving them of power, and started feverish bustle around her. They themselves determined what the believers should be taught, and in many cases this was completely contrary to the original teaching of Christ.
Christ was never a misogynist, never considered a woman unclean. Having studied the original documents, you would see that Christ was in fact a married man, had a family, but this fact is carefully hidden, and Christian "experts" prefer to keep this information secret from ordinary believers, because they believe that from this Christianity will lose its mystical features.
But you can't say goodbye to the question of reincarnation? Well, I'm not going to prove anything. You yourself know that there is evidence of this, and quite reliable, but in last years I have found that nothing can be proved to a man who does not want to listen to you. It's like taking a horse to water: you can drive an animal into the water, but you can't make it drink. Try to do it by force, and the horse will simply suffocate.
Therefore, I only say that for those who study Eastern religions, reincarnation is a proven fact, but if you undertake to condemn me without bothering to read my books, then how are you going to study Hinduism, Brahmanism, Islam and so on? In this case, it is better for you to abandon your idea and wait until bitter experience convinces you of the existence of something more than you thought so far.
This teaching was integral part Christian doctrine. Believers puzzle over the words "There are many mansions in my Father's House", not understanding their true meaning. And they, in essence, mean numerous levels of being, many levels of astral life.
In ancient times, the birth of Christianity and its formation on the basis of some Hindu religions, there was a doctrine of reincarnation, its entire mechanism was preached, as it is preached to this day in the countries of the East. But, unfortunately, Christians consider their religion to be the only correct creed. Therefore, if you ask: “Why are they not teaching us?”, I will answer: “But they teach you. It's just that some of your teachers are trying to hide this problem in every possible way. Not being one of the largest religions in terms of the number of believers, Christianity cannot be considered the most important. For some reason, having taken up the study of other religions, you will find in them the doctrine of reincarnation.

Karma, in translation from Sanskrit, deed, deed, is the energy-consciousness in action, the law of cause and effect, retribution. Also called the law of the cycle, which states that whatever we do comes full circle and returns to our threshold for resolution. law of karma makes it necessary to reincarnate the soul until all karmic cycles are balanced. Thus, from century to century, a person determines his fate by his own actions, including his thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.

The doctrine of karma cannot be separated from the doctrine of reincarnation. Because we keep creating negative karma, which we then have to balance (until we learn not to do it). reincarnation and becomes the opportunity that the merciful God has given us.
According to the law of karma your thoughts, words and deeds in past lives determine the conditions of your present life, and your thoughts, deeds and words in this life determine your destiny in future lives.

This is hard enough to accept. People like to blame their parents, or circumstances, or heredity, or what happened to them in childhood, or missed opportunities - anything, but not themselves.

Karma does not negate free will . Every day people use their right of free will to be good or evil, regardless of past karma.
There is simply not enough time in one lifetime to experience the return or compensation of all that is good or bad. Instead of handing us over to an inexorable fate, reincarnation gives us the power to change the future with our actions today.

The teaching of God lies in the fact that both good and bad souls are not born, they are created. God creates the soul as a clean white page, endows it with a divine spark, his substance, and presents the soul with free will. Since then, it has existed on its own.

From the moment of incarnation in the earthly body, she has to make a choice. There is hope that she has wise parents and teachers, this choice will be enlightened, dictated by love and aimed at fulfilling the will of God. Since the gift of free will allows for good and evil in thoughts, desires, deeds, or beliefs, we must conclude that good souls become good and bad souls become bad by choice.

good karma created in past lives follows the soul into later lives, and the momentums of personality, ego, and character accumulate. Each person, before coming into this life, appeared before the Lords of Karma and received an order where to go and what to do. What will be the duration of life, what rewards of good karma will fall to your lot, whether natural disasters, untimely death, fatal illness or meeting with difficult trials are embedded in the karma, and if so, why. You have been told that if you are diligent in your service to God and his people, and balance this karma to the joy of the Lord before it falls upon you, You can be saved from the main blow - its sudden "damage", and you can also extend your life. God in His mercy puts up a protective screen as we enter the birth channel. And this is an act of mercy, because we have a task in life, and we cannot focus our attention on more than one life at a time in order to succeed.

There is personal karma and group karma. Every country, city or family creates karma because of their opposition to life. All act as a single organism and therefore must reincarnate together again.

It is most likely that we have positive or negative karma with family members. People we know or people we meet. Life is a test and an opportunity at the same time.

Gautama Buddha taught that immoderate passions and desires cause all suffering and negative karma. You must accept your karmic fate. It is important, regardless of karmic circumstances, to express love to everyone who is included in the circle of our life, to share with others if we are rich, to rely on God if we are poor. When immoderate desires arise, the fulfillment of which entails a violation of the laws of God, infringement of the rights and disturbance of the rest of other people, this negative karma is generated.

Our deeds and words come back to us as our teachers. The law of karma operates automatically and impartially. That is why there is no injustice. You just need to remain calm and remember the words of the Lord: "Vengeance is mine, I will repay." Our job is to forgive. We do not wish harm to anyone, even to our imaginary enemies.
A large percentage of people living on Earth today do not want to take responsibility for their karma.

Example: A man shot his wife and children and then shot himself. He will not be able to balance the karma because he is dead. If he had not shot himself, he still could not compensate the debt to his wife and children (they died). In any case, he and they will return to use their right of choice and rectify the situation in accordance with the law of mercy. Most likely, he will have to give life to all of them in the next incarnation in order to restore the life that he himself took. They will have to learn to forgive and pass the test - not to get even with him, not to begin to take revenge. He must serve them.

God is always trying to give us an opportunity. A thousand possibilities: to give up a bad habit that is, or the desire to cause suffering to another person. Again and again we get bumped into the same situation and the same problem with the same person.

People lay the foundations for the action of negative karma on a daily basis. Some people are willing to harm others, just as one nation harms another, even if there are no prerequisites for this in a past life.

Psychocorrection of deviations in children