29 lunar day in September. The Magic of Numbers

On the date 29.09.2017 V 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waxing Crescent". This 9 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in the sign of the zodiac Capricorn ♑. Light percentage The moon is 62%. Sunrise moon at 15:30, and sunset at 23:46.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 9 lunar day from 14:46 09/28/2017 to 15:30 09/29/2017
  • 10 lunar day from 15:30 09/29/2017 until the next day

Influence of the moon September 29, 2017

Moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn (±)

Moon in sign Capricorn. Not the best time to communicate with government agencies and representatives of power structures. In monetary matters, not everything is smooth either. There is a high probability of a delay in making a profit, and losses are also possible.

On the other hand, the resolution of real estate issues, as well as all kinds of organizational matters, should go without any serious complications. It's a good idea to take a short trip through the mountains or visit a ski resort these days.

9 lunar day (−)

September 29, 2017 at 12:00 — 9 lunar day. Critical day. One must be ready to fight against seductions, deceit and illusions. It is necessary to try to restrain yourself and not to let out the emerging negative attitude towards the people around you.

Aggravation of the conflict and confrontation will not benefit either side. It is better to pay attention to the continuation of long-started cases that require routine execution.

Waxing Moon (±)

The moon is in phase Waxing Crescent. The second lunar phase is the interval between the first lunar quarter and the full moon. During this period, the active growth of the moon continues. The second phase is characterized by an even more significant rise in energy and internal forces, a strongly pronounced activity.

In the business sphere, a favorable time begins for the implementation of planned activities, solving difficult issues and problems. Things that require a lot of activity will be given easily.

In the second lunar phase, physical activity can be useful, it is during this period that it is good to start new workouts. Changes are favorable in absolutely all spheres of activity, both in relationships on a personal plane and in business.

Not a bad time for moving, traveling, changing the type of activity. Life energy is gathering more and closer to the full moon, its peak is noted. This period is distinguished by emotional outbursts, increasingly emerging conflicts, the occurrence of traumatic situations.

Influence of the day of the week (±)

Day of the week - Friday, this day is under the auspices of Venus - a mysterious, mysterious and bright planet. It has long been considered Women's Day. On this day, girls and women were supposed to rest, not to load themselves with any business.

Since Venus patronizes grace and beauty, creating a feeling of peace in a person, Friday is the best time to sum up the work week and get rid of everything unnecessary. The best thing is to prepare for the coming week. And in no way try to do all the work until the end of the working day.

Lunar horoscope - a calendar for today gives a definition of favorable or unfavorable days, depending on what lunar day it is today, what position of the moon in a particular zodiac constellation and what phase of the moon. Astrological forecast for today for each zodiac sign will help predict unforeseen events and protect yourself from trouble

Moon in Capricorn

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Capricorn

On this day, the lunar calendar advises against disturbing government agencies. The horoscope for today does not promise success in financial matters. There is a high probability of delay in profits, some people are waiting for losses, minor financial losses. The solution of issues that are related to real estate should go smoothly and without any losses. For tourists and travelers, the day will be favorable!

Lunar day today

9th lunar day

Today is a day of temptations and false illusions. Such a mood will certainly lead to the emergence of negative emotions that should be kept to yourself.

New conflicts can ruin relationships with other people for a long time. Taking time for yourself is the most effective way to avoid them.

Do not neglect the omens seen this night. The pictures that appear are of great importance in your life. Try to understand as accurately as possible the meaning of the vision that has appeared.

This figure in this paragraph is an approximation . The exact value of the beginning and end of the lunar day, for regions in different time zones, differ significantly. What lunar day is today for each city in your time zone, you need to find out online in the section. To do this, you just need to select city ​​name and fill in time, date, month and year.

Growing Moon - the phase of the moon on this day

The coming phase of the moon today is the Waxing Moon. The period has a powerful energy charge that spreads its influence for the implementation of plans. Big things do not take too much physical strength. This happens because the Moon itself is just beginning to gain in growth. A great time to bring to life the creative ideas that arose the day before. Space helps in the successful accomplishment of undertakings. Things are done smoothly and without problems, without requiring any special energy costs from you.

Plans that have been postponed since last month should be paid attention to on the lunar day today. This alignment has to be active not only in the business sphere, but also in personal relationships. A long-term relationship is likely to enter a new stage of its development. If there was no strong couple before, then there are great chances to make more than one interesting acquaintance. The state of health also depends on what lunar day today is quite significant. All your internal organs are preparing for a long work, accumulating strength. This can be felt as a slight inhibition of the body.

Lunar horoscope Friday

Friday is the day of the week, which is under the influence of Venus, personifying mystery, lordship, mystery. The lunar horoscope for today promises good luck to the female half.
Friday has been considered Women's Day for centuries. It is undesirable for young girls to load themselves with chores and be subjected to a heavy load, they can take time to take care of themselves, take stock of the whole week, freeing themselves from unnecessary things.
On this day, you can prepare plans for the upcoming week, but you should not implement all the ideas in one day.

The next night is important for those who are more interested in personal life than work.
A dream from Thursday to Friday is prophetic. The fact is that during this period there is an aggravation of intuition, which demonstrates results through dreams.
All the stories that you manage to remember by morning will find a place in real life. The value of the emotional background of Friday night demonstrates future good or bad events.
If you dreamed of something pleasant, then in life you should wait for good luck.
It also assumes the likelihood of dreams coming true, depending on which lunar day the dream occurred.

Astrological forecast for September 29th

Today you will look at everything pessimistically. You will have to reconsider and rethink a lot in order to relax and breathe easy.

Today, everything that happens to you will not be an accident. You can not even doubt it. Perhaps earlier you simply missed the signs that fate sent you.

Perhaps you will say something without thinking. However, your words will be the absolute truth. So you can't hold back.

The horoscope believes that you will be in a world of feelings and dreams. You can dive headfirst into them. This day is for that.

Today you should bring to life at least one of the conceived ideas. This will help you earn credibility and rise in your own eyes.

Forget for today about all your problems - both big and small. And do not allow yourself to be involved in other people's problems.

Today, any of your thoughts will be lost in the endless ocean of emotions and feelings. The horoscope believes that it's time for you to just relax.

Today you will be sorely lacking time. While there is much to be done. Try to get everything done.

On this day, you can feel the taste of victory, but you won’t have time to celebrate it. Wait for a better time.

Today it will be difficult for you to contain the energy that overwhelms you. Try to spend some of it on useful things. After all, putting it aside in reserve is still not going to work.

Any changes on this day will be favorable. Therefore, you can safely get involved in adventures and make decisions unusual for you. The result in any case will be positive.

Today you can safely rest on your laurels. After all, in the past you have worked enough for your stable future. If even on this day you cannot completely relax, then try to slow down at least a little in your vigorous activity.

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The second phase of the growing moon is characterized by an emotional and energetic upsurge. During this period, everyone feels an unprecedented surge of strength and energy, causing a desire to put into action grandiose projects and plans.

In the second phase of the growing moon, it is worth starting the implementation of important business projects and negotiations, since the probability of success is very high. It is also a good time to change jobs or even areas of activity.

Before the Full Moon, luck and luck increase, so you can make deals, sign contracts, invest money. It also has time for spending finances - purchases and investments will be successful, debts will be returned.

Communication in the second phase of the moon will not bring unpleasant situations in the form of conflicts or quarrels. A good time for holding events and meetings, both with family and friends, and with business partners. Acquaintances and dates that have taken place in the current period will bring a lot of positive emotions and improve relations.

In the last days before the Full Moon, you should not take care of your skin, as well as plan medical manipulations. Now the wounds heal quickly, but scars and scars may remain, so it is recommended to postpone cleansing and peeling for the waning moon.

Physical activity is now increased, so intensive sports and other physical activities will not be superfluous. There are no restrictions on food, drink and sex.

In the second phase of the growing moon, an exacerbation of viral and infectious diseases is possible, a decrease in immunity due to stress.

The positive impact of the second phase of the growing moon:

  • the increased activity of the growing moon will have a positive effect on work affairs and projects;
  • the time is right for the implementation of major plans and changes;
  • on the last days of the growing moon, you can invest and spend money - investments will be profitable, and purchases will be successful;
  • a suitable period for communication, making acquaintances and business connections;
  • events in the circle of relatives and friends will be held with great success and promise to strengthen family ties;
  • the activity of the moon will positively affect lovers of physical activity and sports.

The negative impact of the second phase of the growing moon:

  • it is not recommended during the second phase of cosmetic procedures that cause skin damage - peeling, cleansing, depilation;
  • surgical interventions and stressful situations that can provoke a decrease in immunity and the occurrence of infectious diseases are unfavorable for the growing moon.

Moon in Capricorn

When the Moon is in Capricorn, there comes a time for clear thoughts and concrete actions. The actions taken are planned and prudent. These days, all activities are aimed at achieving a specific goal. Interfering components fade into the background. People hide their emotions and feelings behind a mask of calmness and composure. Romance is relegated to the background in priority are work issues: promotion, new projects. The most suitable time for solving everyday problems, putting things in order in the house. On such days, you want to work according to the knurled scheme, you should not expect inspiration in the creative field. It will be useful to start communication with influential people of the older generation, listen to their wise advice.

Health status

The Moon in Capricorn is not very beneficial for the knee joints. Bones become brittle and vulnerable. There is a high probability of fractures and sprains. For such a period, it is better to abandon mountain hikes and ski distances. If possible, do not perform operations on the area of ​​the knees, tendons, gallbladder. Of the human organs, the stomach works best. Treatment of ulcers and gastritis gives positive results. You can safely go to visit and enjoy a variety of dishes. On such days, the stomach will be able to digest heavy food more easily.

Relationships and love

Things on the love front proceed in a quiet peaceful way. Due to the fact that reason prevails over feelings, relationships between lovers become calm. On such days, people especially acutely feel their loneliness, they are afraid not to meet their soul mate. The Moon in Capricorn requires patience in love affairs. She rewards especially patient people with long-term and reliable relationships.

The influence of the lunar day

11 lunar day

On this lunar day, it is good to continue what you have started at work, trying to avoid starting new unplanned projects. Close communication with colleagues and management is also not recommended. If possible, it is better to focus on household chores, such as cleaning the house.

This time is also not suitable for conducting large financial transactions - the energy of the surrounding world is still too unstable and you can suffer very seriously by investing money in a project or recklessly lending it to the wrong person.

The day is not very good for communication either, today it is better not to make new acquaintances and not attend events where people who are unpleasant to you gather. There is a high possibility of conflicts. This also applies to personal relationships with the second half.

Since the 11th lunar day is saturated with energy, it would be a very good decision to go to the gym or swimming pool. In food, you should adhere to a fasting diet. The day is more successful than ever for sexual relations.

Influence of the day of the week

A wonderful day of the week ruled by Venus. It is advisable to put aside all difficult cases, hard work, solving complicated problems and unpleasant communication. This is the day of beauty, creativity, romance, emotions and love. It is worth spending time with pleasure in all its manifestations. Pamper yourself. On Friday, you can afford it.

What not to do on Friday

This is an unfavorable day for the following things:

  • hard and concentrated work;
  • making important decisions;
  • complex household chores;
  • serious financial transactions.

Things to do on Friday

  • Beauty. Friday is the most favorable for everything related to beauty. Any manipulations with the appearance will be successful. A visit to the hairdresser, beauty parlor, solarium, manicure or pedicure salon. Experiment with hair, make-up, bright clothes and jewelry.
  • Any purchase of beautiful things will be successful: decor and interior items, flowers, clothes, shoes and jewelry.
  • Love and relationships. Venus is the goddess of love. This romantic day is simply meant for sensual emotions. Meetings with loved ones, dates, acquaintances, romantic evenings, intimate relationships - this is what you should do on Friday.
  • Creativity and art. This is a good day for any business related to creativity: music, needlework, drawing, floristry, etc.
  • Fun, entertainment and delicious food. Venus is a feminine and terrestrial planet. She is very fond of fun, pleasure and sweets. Therefore, any activities related to entertainment and delicious food will be successful on Friday.

Thanks to the lunar calendar, you can find out what the Moon is today, as well as what it will be on any other day of the first half of September that interests you.

The lunar calendar for September 2017, indicating the days of the new moon, full moon, quarters of the moon, the location of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, as well as favorable and unfavorable lunar days, will tell you what to expect from this or that day, what and when to do, and when is better wait with beginnings.

What is the Moon today: lunar calendar for September 2017

Auspicious days in September 2017:

From September 1 to September 5 - the growing moon (new, young, rising, growing moon)
from September 7 to 12 - waning, old, descending moon
from September 14 to 19 - the waning moon
from September 21 to 27 - the growing moon
from September 29 to 30 - the growing moon

The days of the growing, new, young moon are good favorable and successful days, you can start various new things: these days you can make plans for the future, make important decisions, these are the most favorable days for losing weight, dieting, fighting bad habits, you can start quit smoking, etc.

Good luck and success in business and in personal life will accompany you on good auspicious days of the growing (new, young, rising, waxing) moon.

Bad days in September 2017:

September 6 - Full Moon
September 13 - Last quarter
September 20 - New Moon
September 28, 2017 - First quarter

These are unfavorable, bad days, be careful and careful! It is not recommended to start any new important things on these unfavorable days, and if you have such an opportunity, try to do them on the days of the growing new moon. Also these days pay attention to your health.

At the new moon, the Moon, Sun and Earth are on the same straight line, and the Moon is turned to the unlit side. The moon is not visible in the sky and the nights are dark, moonless. For people, this period of the new moon is associated with sudden mood swings, stress, and depression. Although these days we kind of dump all the burden of the last lunar month and are ready to move on.

In the lunar calendar September is Moscow time. Always consider the time zone to determine your local time. The lunar month begins with the new moon, from phase 1.

A lunar day (lunar day) begins with moonrise on that day. The detailed lunar calendar also indicates the transit of the Moon in the zodiac sign and the exact time of the moon's entry into this zodiac sign.

The best time to relax. Good communication with nature. It is good in this laziness to think about the traditions of your family, ancestors, about how to support and strengthen these traditions. Work with information, listen to your inner voice. Try not to succumb to the fuss, talk less and listen more.

A day in which caution and care are needed in the performance of any business. Do not quit what you started, be sure: bring everything to the end. This is the time of awakening hidden reserves, the transformation of human nature. In order to use such power, one must be absolutely pure spiritually.

Day of love, creativity, spontaneity and joy of being, Be attentive and indulgent to yourself, show altruism, but do not relax. The period is favorable for business negotiations - you can reach mutual understanding with others. Mercy and compassion are essential today.

This is the time of accumulation of information. It is better not to rush forward, but to look back: many situations on these lunar days are repeated, returning, like poorly completed lessons: for correction, revision and alteration. Productive contacts with people new or not too close.

9 lunar day

9 lunar day is a negative time for new beginnings. It is worth doing small things and not developing vigorous activity. It is better to solve labor issues on your own. It is not recommended to look for new partners, communicate with superiors, change jobs. The day is suitable for a little cleaning in the house and small household chores. It is undesirable to carry out monetary transactions. During this period, it is better to avoid people and contact them only if necessary. Communication with others risks turning into a quarrel or a break in relations. The day is suitable for a small solitary trip or a walk outside the city.

Waxing Moon (Phase 2)

The second phase of the Moon is a favorable period for starting new business, solving complex issues, conducting business negotiations and making deals. It is desirable to implement the plans set before the transition of the Moon into the third phase. This is a good time to meet people, move to a new level of relationships with a loved one, communicate with family. In communication, you need to control your emotions.

Moon in Capricorn

The Moon in Capricorn is a favorable time for new beginnings and continuation of current tasks with a high level of responsibility. These days it is good to put work affairs in order and plan activities for the coming period. It is undesirable to communicate with superiors and move to a new place of work. It is not recommended to do household chores. This is the best time for shopping, planning income and expenses. Not the best time for dates, new acquaintances, communication with friends. Not the right time to travel.


Friday is not the best time for new beginnings. This is a favorable day for working in a team, communicating with superiors, changing the type of activity. Do not bother yourself during this period with household chores. It is recommended to take time for yourself and loved ones.

The lunar calendar for September 29, 2017 informs about the lunar day, the phase of the moon, the position of the moon in relation to the zodiac constellations on this day. It indicates the time of sunrise and sunset of the moon, the degree of its visibility. It contains the lunar horoscope for September 29, taking into account the influence of the lunar day, the phase of the moon, the position of the moon in the zodiac sign and the day of the week.

Meaning of numbers | Numerology