Day of the angel kira according to the orthodox calendar. Kira's name day according to the church calendar

The meaning of names is always directly related to the history of names, and the name Cyrus is no exception. The name Kira, like the paired male name Cyrus, has a very ancient history. More on this below.

The name Cyrus has several important transformations in its history. The name Cyrus came to the Russian language from Greek culture. Among the Greeks, this name sounded like Kyria (κυρία), which meant "lady". So you can safely say the name Kira means "Lady".

However, the history of the name Cyrus is much older. The name Cyrus came into Greek culture from the culture of ancient Persia. There it sounded like Kurush (کوروش بزرگ), which means "Like the sun" in Persian. So it can be said that Kira's name means "Like the sun". But that's not all.

In Persian culture, the name Kira (Kurush) came from Sanskrit and it sounded like Kiran. It meant "Ray of Light" in Sanskrit. So it can be said that The meaning of the name Kira is "Ray of Light".

It is difficult to say which value is more correct, so choose at the behest of the soul.

The meaning of the name Kira for a girl

Kira grows up as a difficult girl to raise. She has very strong commanding traits and, as it were, confirms Greek meaning name. She rarely listens to someone else's opinion, and it is almost impossible to convince her. You need to have great authority for Kira to listen to you. For a successful upbringing, you just have to gain authority in her eyes.

In studies, Kira has good data. She is successful in the exact disciplines, but the humanities are not a particular problem for her either. Magnificent, prone to analysis, mind. Likes to debate on any issue, so be prepared.

Kira's health is strong, although this is not always noticeable in the girl's appearance. In adolescence, he rarely suffers from the usual problems for girls. She will not walk in the cold without a hat, for the beauty of her hair. Responsible approach to their own health, regardless of age. Likes to play sports.

Abbreviated name Kira

Diminutive names

Kirochka, Kirusha, Kirusya.

Kira name in English

In English, the name Kira is written as Kira, which completely coincides with the transliteration.

Kira name for passport- KIRA.

Translation of the name Kira into other languages

in Arabic - كيرا
in Belarusian - Kira
in Greek - Κύρα (Kira)
in Spanish - Cira (Syrah)
in Chinese - 基拉
in German - Kira
in Polish - Kira
in Ukrainian - Kira
in French - Cyrus

Church name Cyrus(in Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - church name. Of course Kira (or her God-parents) may choose a different church name at baptism.

Characteristics of the name Kira

Kira's character changes with age and children's "diseases" disappear and become hidden. He is still self-confident, but her behavior becomes softer and more delicate. This means that if Kira agrees with you, then this is primarily beneficial for her, and only then it can indicate that you are right. At the same time, Kira is a wonderful friend and faithful comrade. If you are in a close circle of friends, then you can be proud of yourself, you have passed the most severe selection.

In her work, Kira impresses with her purposefulness. At the same time, she is very talented and has a non-standard vision of the situation. This allows her to succeed almost everywhere. Often, Kira achieves success where it would seem impossible. Kira is a good leader and knows how to motivate people very well.

Kira's family relationships are two diametrically opposed options. Young Kira usually seeks complete freedom and gives complete freedom to her partner herself. This usually bothers both of them after a while, but they can no longer live together. It ends badly. If Kira's relationship has developed into a family relationship at an older age, then they have a very high chance of success.

Kira is a wonderful housewife at home, even if material difficulties arise. She will make a worthy dwelling out of any hut. She loves children and becomes a wonderful mother.

The secret of the name Cyrus

The secret of Kira can be called compliance with rough, almost uncovered, flattery. With all her intelligence, she does not notice such manipulation and even takes offense at those who show it to her.

Kira's vulnerability can be called her second secret. She hides her own vulnerable soul behind her confidence and perseverance. Not everyone can hurt her, but only close person. Therefore, she almost does not let anyone into her inner circle.

Planet- Uranus.

Zodiac sign- Crayfish.

totem animal- Omar.

Name color- Light brown.

Wood- Honeysuckle.

Plant- Clover.

Stone- Topaz.

Kira Ivanovna came from ancient family Rurik, being a representative of the 31st tribe of Rurikovich. When the girl was 10 years old, she was sent to the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens. In 1904, she successfully graduated from it, having received a special mark for studying the Law of God, and began to work as a teacher. This profession will become the work of her whole life, until her martyrdom.

In St. Petersburg, she worked in schools and gymnasiums, in a Christian way she tried to instill in children a love for God. In 1910, she began teaching free of charge children from poor families who did not have the opportunity to get a good education.

During the First World War, she lost her beloved brothers Boris and Vadim, the revolution took her father away from her, but, in spite of everything, she did not give up her occupation.

Over time, the establishment of Soviet power, in schools they tried to get rid of representatives of the "bourgeoisie", to which Kira Ivanovna Obolenskaya was also attributed.

On September 14, 1930, she was arrested, during interrogation she spoke frankly about everything that she did not agree with in the actions of the Bolsheviks, to a greater extent it concerned the unfair and cruel treatment of believers Orthodox people. As a result, she was sentenced to 5 years in labor camps. But at the request of many people who are not indifferent to her life, she was released ahead of schedule.

In 1937, she was again arrested, she was accused of creating a counter-revolutionary organization, as well as of imposing a fascist system in the Soviet Union. The fact that all the accusations were falsified and fabricated will prove only decades later.

And then the Troika of the NKVD sentenced her to death. On December 17, 1937, Kira Ivanovna accepted a martyr's death.

Pre-beautiful Ma-ri-na and Ki-ra, native sisters, lived in the 4th century in the city of Be-ria (Asia Minor). Ro-di-te-would they be noble-we-mi and god-you-mi, but sisters, having reached the com-ver-shen-no-le-tia, leave-vi -whether a house and removed from the city-ro-yes. From-go-ro-div a small corner of the earth, holy de-you for-va-li-whether the entrance to your shelter with stones and clay, leave having twisted only a small hole, through someone swarm they will feed, and live there under the open sky. On the body, they are but-si-li-heavy-iron-very-gi and ter-pe-li-in-re-no-si-li-ho-lod: in those-che-nie three years they p-ni-ma-li pi-schu once every 40 days. Their former servants came to them, wanting to join their moving-no-thing life. Saints in-me-sti-them in a-del-do-mi-ke not far from the fence and ru-ko-vo-di-whether by them, awakening to -dvi-gam mo-lit-you and a hundred. So under-vis-for-lis they were in those 40 years. They on-ru-shi-whether their seclusion only in order to make a journey to Jeru-sa-lim for-clo-not-niya Gro-boo Lord-under-nu. During their wanderings, they didn’t take any food, as long as they didn’t go to the holy places, returning about-rat-but, also, they don’t taste anything. The same feat they co-ver-shi-whether again, when po-te-she-stvo-wa-whether to gro-bu first-in-mu-che-ni-tsy equal-noap -o-so-noy Thek-ly to Is-Avria. The pre-excellent Ma-ri-na and Ki-ra died around 450.

The meaning of the name Kira: "lady" (from ancient Greek).

Kira, if she loves someone, then this person is herself. Very principled and stubborn. However, he always achieves his goals, goes to the goal with confident steps. Conducting a conversation with her is the same as talking in a monologue. She listens to the interlocutor, but says little. Usually Kira are closed and constantly in themselves. It is extremely difficult to win their trust and penetrate their inner world. They open only to the closest people, and then very rarely, when they themselves want it.

Kiras treat their husbands sincerely and never cheat on them. Treason is considered something out of the ordinary. Prefer restrained and cautious men. Can't stand outside pressure. They adore their children and devote all of themselves to them. Often pamper their children, allow them whatever they want. Of course, this is often not justified.

Professionally, they are not particularly diligent. They practically do not care what post to hold and what work to do. They do not particularly strive to achieve career growth. The ideal option for Kira is housework.

Other forms of the name Kira: Kiryunya, Kirochka, Kirusya.

Kira, I love you today
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
So that your dreams come true
Dreamed to color dreams.

To be always successful
To live in harmony
So that there is happiness in the house,
Never been sad.

To be able to get away from things,
Don't forget to rest
Long and wonderful life
Every day you flourish!

Kira means "lady"
You are sometimes stubborn
But your soul is bright
Appearance without flaw!

May all success
Will be your friend
Happiness, joy, peace and laughter
Get around in life!

Dear Kira, may your life be wonderful and amazing, may the whole world admire you, may you always be full of strength, inspiration, enthusiasm and beauty. I congratulate you, Kira, and from the bottom of my heart I wish you to be happy, loved, lucky.

Graceful as Bagheera
Seductive, honey.
Let your life be, Kira,
Happiness, full of joy.

Swimming in love
I wish only you.
In the business of life will take place,
Queen to be in destiny.

May cherished desires
Always incarnate.
And capricious fortune
May it always be good.

Today, Kira, is your holiday,
They fly like birds, congratulations,
Always be a young soul
Don't lose your luck!

And bloom like a violet
Bewitching everyone with beauty,
Let your life become like paradise
And the angel will cover from adversity!

My dear Kira,
I'll give half the world for you.
Like the sun you shine
Wherever you go, flowers grow.

So graceful and smart
And friends are always true.
Let any shock
In life they bring only luck!

I congratulate you, Kira,
Let the soul sing like a nightingale
And gently repeat the name
I am yours, Kira - Mistress.

I want you to shine
Like the sun, a golden ray
Fate carpet paths,
To spread before you.

I wish that in life you
I tried on my crown
And so that from the dear lady
It's easy to become a queen.

On your holiday I wish you happiness
inspiration and peace.
Be in demand in business
Stunning Kira.

Have fun and laugh more often
Extend your life with a smile.
Happiness is here, around the corner,
Just be patient.

I wish you a beautiful, long life
To the goals to get high.
Do not surround you so that sadness
And in my heart to be good.

Be the most beautiful in the world, Kira,
Always value your family.
Get to know half the world as soon as possible
Fulfill your childhood dream.

Earthly blessings, great happiness,
understanding, peace,
Joy, mutual love
I wish you Kira.

Jokes - only sparkling,
Fire and drive
Move through life only
In the rhythm of the crazy jive.

The inevitable delight
strength, optimism,
Conquer, as before, all
You are your charisma.

No wonder the queen of the world,
Kira has long been considered!
She humbled the warriors with beauty,
Voice marvelous like a lyre!
And the eyes, what eyes!
Everyone is bowed down, even the evil ones,
smile back,
Low bow to her in greetings
Send and rejoice at the meeting!
You're a mystery like the evening
Enchant yourself
Everyone raves about being with you!
So I went through a hundred shops,
All the same, I found you congratulations.

Congratulations: 18 in verse, 7 in prose.

Kira, if she loves someone, then this person is herself. Very principled and stubborn. However, he always achieves his goals, goes to the goal with confident steps. Conducting a conversation with her is the same as talking in a monologue. She listens to the interlocutor, but says little. Usually Kira are closed and constantly in themselves. It is extremely difficult to win their trust and penetrate their inner world. They open only to the closest people, and then very rarely, when they themselves want it.

Kiras treat their husbands sincerely and never cheat on them. Treason is considered something out of the ordinary. Prefer restrained and cautious men. Can't stand outside pressure. They adore their children and devote all of themselves to them. Often pamper their children, allow them whatever they want. Of course, this is often not justified. Professionally, they are not particularly diligent. They practically do not care what post to hold and what work to do. They do not particularly strive to achieve career growth. The ideal option for Kira is housework.

Fate: Stubborn, proud women, besides conceited. They are principled and purposeful, moving towards the goal in a direct way. Somewhat closed and not talkative. These are typical introverts, deeply experiencing their troubles, although outwardly it is almost invisible.

Angel Kira Day

The name Kira has several versions of origin. According to one of them, the name Cyrus came from Greek name Kyria, which is the female form of the male name Kyros, which translates as "lord", "lady" ("lord"), "lord". According to the second version, the name Kira has Persian roots, comes from "khur" or from the male name Kurush and means either "sun" or in figuratively"far-sighted", close in meaning to "ray of light". Also, the name Kira is a female pair name. male name Cyrus.

Also, the name Cyrus is an abbreviated form of some female (Cyril, Kyriakia, Kiara, Kerkira, Shakira) and male names (Avvakir, Cyrus, Kirian, Chrysanth, Cyril). There is a spelling of the name Cyrus in the Latin layout with two letters "r". A woman named Kira has a stubborn, strict, practical, domineering and judicious character. This is a narcissistic, vain and straightforward person, but behind her outward practicality and rigor, a romantic and sophisticated nature is hidden.

Kira is very hardy, she does not care about problems and hardships, she skillfully hides her feelings. Kira is shrewd and reliable, she can be trusted with secrets. Brave and self-confident, Kira is not often able to catch luck by the tail, in life she moves towards the goal along straight path. This woman is a contradiction in itself. It combines severity with kindness, and a brilliant mind with an inability to separate flattery from sincerity. Flattery in general is weak point Kira, which makes her easy to manipulate.

Kira is alien to diplomacy, she is demanding of her colleagues, and of increased severity to herself. It is her directness and constant attempts to prove her superiority over others that become the main cause of problems in professional activity. Kira will be an excellent economist, accountant, leader. Kira will be able to bring his ideas to life only if he has assistants and companions. Kira is a homebody. In her family relationships comfort and spiritual harmony always reign.

This woman will faithful wife and caring mother. Compliant and calm Kira will be able to create comfort in her home, she loves to cook and loves to receive guests even more. Kira cannot stand loneliness, so her house should always be noisy from friends. Family life Kira almost always works out well. Despite her strong character, Kira is ready to play the role of “second violin” in the family, provided that her husband is the same strong-willed and strong person.

In communication with others, Kira manifest themselves as kind and sympathetic women. They never make hasty conclusions about the people around them, but if they have already expressed their opinion, they will never change it. These women have the capacity for compassion. Sympathetic and romantic Kira will help in trouble not only in word, but also in deed, moreover, she will help everyone possible. Due to her ability to get to the bottom of a problem, Kira is often approached for advice. In communication with her friends, Kira shows herself to be a closed and uncommunicative woman who will never tell the first person she meets her anxieties and worries.

Kira Name day according to the Church Calendar

  • March 13 - Cyrus of Beria (Macedonian), st., virgin
  • December 17 - Kira (Obolenskaya), mts. /novomuch./
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