Osho Zen online. osho zen divination

It happens that a person loses support in his life and ceases to understand its essence. Every moment, every minute lived is filled with anxiety and doubts. The main questions that arise in the minds of anyone who finds himself in a similar situation are related to questions about the future. What better way to discover the secrets of the future than fortune-telling on the traditionally known tarot cards.

With the help of the notorious Osho cards Zen Tarot you will be able to concentrate all your thoughts on what is happening to you at the moment. At the core Online Games the wisdom of Zen philosophy. According to her theory, everything that happens to a person is a direct reflection of his thoughts and feelings, even if he cannot describe in words what he feels.

In Zen philosophy, all attention from the outside world is transferred to the inner world, thanks to which a person can better understand what is happening in his soul.

Cards used for divination by Osho Zen Tarot is not quite ordinary. The most famous spread using these cards is the online Instant spread. This species is the most famous. The main purpose of divination is to look deep into your inner world and understand the essence of a particular situation. Regardless of the occasion, divination will always focus on the present tense.

Card deck Taro Osho Zen was created back in 1995. If we compare Osho Zen Tarot with classic cards, we can note the presence of a division into the Minor and Major Arcana.

The drawings on the Osho Zen Tarot cards are images of the states and streams of human consciousness. Each of the presented images can be easily transformed into another. The right decision when interpreting, he will try to understand what meaning is inherent in this or that image. You can always help with this with the help of the accompanying text.

How the "Instant" layout is performed

In order for fortune-telling to succeed online, during the ritual you can’t rush, fuss or be distracted by anything. For fortune-telling on the Osho Zen Tarot cards, you should carefully prepare. It is necessary to carry out the ritual in a quiet and peaceful place. For the duration of the alignment, turn off your phone, TV, radio - that is, everything that can interfere with fortune telling. The fortuneteller himself should relax enough to approach the state of meditation.

Everyone wishes that instant layout always gave the right result. In order for this to be true, learn how to ask your questions correctly.

They should always be based on clarity, comprehensibility, specificity, and, most importantly, each of them should relate to the present.

Never ask questions online that require a clear answer - "yes" or "no". Always leave a question open. And if the card you have chosen does not clarify the situation that concerns you, choose another card from the deck.

How to make divination effective

For every fortune teller, the “Instant” online evokes various associations, and it is not surprising, because it is also called the “Council” or “Question”. Despite the simplicity of fortune-telling, it is very universal, since you can pull out one card for free until the problem finally becomes clear to you.

It is advisable to use only the cards of the Major Arcana for the “Instant” layout. In this case, the answers will be clear and non-ambiguous.

Osho divination online for free - The best way learn how to deal with the situation. Osho Zen Tarot allows you to guess for free online, to penetrate into the soul of a person.

This way of predicting the future is very different from any other practice using maps. Those who practice this type of divination are able not only to see the events of the future, but also to determine exactly how to behave in any situation.

Such a ritual will allow you to find out:

  • how to act in a love relationship;
  • how to overcome the crisis;
  • how to resolve the conflict;
  • what drives a person;
  • what needs to be done to achieve success, etc.

A fortuneteller should not be asked questions that relate to money and do not relate to emotional experiences. To help in this situation, the usual deck is not able to. Therefore, if a person asks such a question, he will not receive any information.

Sage Osho was sure that a person already knows what awaits him, how to act in any situation. But this knowledge is hidden by our subconscious and needs to be awakened.

Your task: both at and online - close your eyes, concentrate, clearly pronounce the question to yourself, look at the cards laid out in front of you. Intuitively, you will be drawn to the very picture that will be able to give the right advice.

Zen tarot divination free is not just a standard method of predicting the future. The rite is based on the parables of Osho, which makes it special.

The more you believe in the success of the ritual and are ready to look into your soul to get the right answer, the more accurate the information that the cards will give. Therefore, having concentrated and tuned in to the desired wave, you can begin to conduct the ceremony.

Osho Zen Tarot are not traditional tarot in the sense that you play with predictions. Rather, they are an all-encompassing Zen play that reflects the moment, representing what is here and now without judgment or comparison. This game awakens you to sensitivity, intuition, compassion, receptivity. The emphasis on mindfulness is something that has been added to the old systems and old ideas about tarot. You will see this for yourself once you start working with the Osho Zen Tarot cards.

Osho's Transformation Cards are a tool for self-discovery. Each card shows the path to renewal and change, and this path is available to all who have managed to truly realize their hidden potential. Each parable contains a priceless insight that encourages a person to seek and grow the truth in himself, nourishing it with the power of his own awareness.

The word "Tantra" means technique, method, path. The moment you ask the question ″how″, the method becomes important, the technique. Theories become meaningless. Tantra is a science, not a philosophy. It is easy to understand philosophy because it only requires your intellect. You don't have to change, you don't have to change. In Tantra you need change. Unless you become different, you cannot understand Tantra, because Tantra is not an intellectual judgment but an experience.

Tarot Osho "From Heart to Heart" is an intuitive tool, a game that enriches our inner understanding. With his words, Osho simply points his finger at the moon, this can provoke or hurt us, but in fact, there is purity and power in his words that can awaken us from centuries of sleep and endless dreams. They can light our path and prepare us for the journey within.

We have placed his words in a certain order so that you can read them, but always listen to your intuition, you can choose your own order, which is necessary for you, because each person is unique.

53 Meditations to Awaken the Inner Buddha

“Buddha completely changed our understanding of religion, giving religiosity a new dimension: he posed questions that really had to do with reality. He is not a metaphysician, he never asked metaphysical questions ... He became the very first psychologist the world knew, because he based his religion not on philosophy, but on psychology, psychology in his true meaning It is the science of the soul, the science of the inner. The Buddha was not interested in who created the world. He asked: “Why am I here? Who am I? Thanks to whom do I exist?″ The question ″Who created me?″ does not belong to the past - we are constantly in the process of creation. Our life is not created once and for all, it is not an object. It is something developing, it is a flowing river. And every moment the water in the river explores new territory. Osho

Fortune telling on Tarot Osho cards

Osho Tarot is an amazing divination system, with the help of which we discover something new in ourselves, we learn the world inside ourselves. Fortune-telling on the Osho Tarot cards helps those who seek to find, find harmony with themselves and the world around them, get answers to the most exciting questions about their Soul and spiritual development

Fortune telling on Osho Zen Tarot - Confrontation. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out why the situation that concerns you has arisen, what is your role in this, what you can do to improve things, what favorable changes await you, and also what effect your karma has on what is happening.

Fortune telling on Osho Zen Tarot - Four areas of life. With the help of this divination, you will find out what is happening in the main areas of your life: emotional, social, mental, material. You will also be able to understand what are your main behaviors in these areas, what they give you, how they interfere, what you can learn

Fortune telling on Tarot Osho - Heart of healing. With the help of this divination, you will learn what is needed for healing, what qualities you need to develop in yourself, what healing tools are available to you now, what blocks exist, what powers you have, and also what actions you can take to improve your health. The alignment from the book "Tarot of the Healing Heart" by Christine Jett

Fortune telling on Osho Zen Tarot - Unity. This divination will show the most important aspects relationship between two people. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will learn about the unconscious and conscious influence on relationships on your part and on the part of your partner, what unites you and gives life to relationships, as well as understanding or blessing your relationship as a whole.

Fortune telling on Osho Zen Tarot - Wheel of Samsara. This fortune-telling will help to see the mistakes made, to break out of the vicious circle. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will learn about what current problems you can solve if you work on yourself.

Fortune telling on Osho Zen Tarot - Communication with the Cosmos. This divination will show how strong your connection with the transcendental is, how you can strengthen it, whether it will contribute to a mystical experience, and how your life will change.

Fortune telling on Osho Zen Tarot cards - Black and white. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what positive thoughts will help you restore peace of mind, what to do to restore peace of mind. This fortune-telling will show your real fears and complexes.

Fortune telling on Osho Zen Tarot cards - Worldview. This fortune-telling will show how you see the surrounding reality, what you have realized and what you still have to realize, what difficulties you have to overcome, what you are doing right, and what you have turned off the path. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will also find out where you will find your peace of mind.

Fortune telling on Osho cards Transformations - Internal and external. Osho spoke of the cross as a symbol of the inner and outer aspects of being: the horizontal line symbolizes time and events in the outside world, and the vertical line symbolizes growth and development from unconscious habits and prejudices to awareness. This spread gives a description of these two aspects and their impact on your life at the moment.

Fortune telling on Osho cards of transformation - Definition of relationships. This alignment can be used to get to the bottom of the relationship with another person: with a friend or girlfriend, with a loved one or business partner

Fortune telling Osho Zen Tarot - Aura. This fortune-telling will show the situation in which the person is at the moment, what are his advantages and disadvantages, which will help solve the problem or defuse the situation in which the person is. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can find out how the exciting situation will be resolved, what will be its outcome.

Fortune telling on Osho Zen Tarot cards - Who am I? This alignment is intended to characterize the personality. This fortune-telling will show who you are at the moment, what you don’t know about yourself, what you should give up in favor of spiritual development, what you should develop

Fortune telling on Osho Zen Tarot cards - A picture of your inner world. With the help of this divination, you will find out at what level your spiritual growth is at the moment, what is your goal in life, as well as other useful information about spiritual development.

Fortune telling on Osho Zen Tarot cards - Karmic debt. This fortune-telling will help analyze the problem that you are facing in this life, what effect it has on you. past life what lesson you need to learn, and what awaits you when you learn this lesson

Fortune telling on Osho Zen Tarot - Dark Moon. With the help of this divination, you will learn about the manifestation of the dark sides of your personality in past incarnations, as well as what you will have to face in this life in order to work out karma.

Fortune telling on Osho Zen Tarot cards - My way. This alignment will show what a person’s karma is, the features of his heredity, the direction for personal growth, the presence or absence of harmony with the world, and many other interesting and useful information about the spiritual development of the individual

Fortune telling on Osho Zen Tarot cards - A look into the past. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out why you are drawn to the past, what you can’t let go of the past, what you don’t want to admit to yourself, and how your memories can help in the future.

Fortune telling on Osho Zen Tarot cards - Spirit. This divination will show your spiritual essence, as well as your mental, physical and emotional state. With this spread, you will learn about the masculine and feminine side of your personality, work and the outside world, home and inner world.

Fortune telling on the Osho Zen Tarot cards - The path to yourself. This fortune-telling will show what is your peculiarity, what you need to change in yourself so that your relations with others become harmonious, and what, on the contrary, should not be changed in yourself. You will also learn how your relationships with others will develop in the next six months.

Fortune telling on Osho Zen Tarot cards - Ankh. This layout is used to analyze complex life situation or problems. This fortune-telling will show what you doubt, what bothers you, what is the cause of the problem, as well as the true meaning of the events.

Fortune telling on Osho Zen Tarot cards - Mirror. This divination is used to analyze love relationship. With the help of this divination, you will learn how interaction takes place at the level of the body, heart, mind. This alignment will allow you to compare how each of you sees the relationship, what you are striving for, and draw conclusions about compatibility in various areas of life.


I was 14 years old when I timidly but enthusiastically took these cards. Osho Zen Tarot has been my work deck for over 10 years. I learned to master the Tarot not from the classics, but from it.

This deck stands alone. Some esotericists consider her an oracle. Others are drawn by the ears to the Waitian system of interpretation. Still others plunge into deep meditations with her. In a word, the deck causes an ambiguous opinion. It is understandable, because its creator is the greatest mystic, philosopher and rebel of India of the twentieth century.

Facts about Osho Zen Tarot

The deck was created in 1995 by a follower of Osho's teachings - Ma Deva Padma (Susan Morgan). The work went on for 5 years under the guidance of the Master himself.

The accompanying manual gives a philosophical interpretation of each card with excerpts from Osho's lectures. But in it you will not find direct instructions in the style: “This card means this, it should be read this way, and in the vicinity of such and such cards it gives such and such advice.” Osho invested his knowledge and vision so that the user of the deck would not follow a clearly fixed interpretation, but would independently feel the cards and use intuition as much as possible.

There are 79 cards in a deck. Osho introduced an additional Master card, which is the quintessence of the entire deck. In the layouts, it is read as “you yourself know the answer. You are the Master."

On the map, Master Osho depicted himself

The back of the deck is decorated with Osho's autograph.

It is believed that the autograph gives the deck special power, the patronage of the creator.

The deck structure is familiar:

  • Major and Minor Arcana;
  • 4 suits, but already unusual - Water (emotions), Clouds (mind), Rainbow (unity), Fire (action);
  • Court maps marked with triangles.

Also, each card has a hint word - a leading meaning, a ready answer.

And all this does not play any role. Yes, yes, you read it right. The structure of the deck, suits and colors are of secondary importance here. The main thing is the plot. Therefore, some esotericists believe that the deck is not suitable for finding answers to everyday, mundane questions, but only for spiritual work.

There is some truth in this, since the interpretation takes place, first of all, in the spirit. The deck calls to work out the situation in the mind, and only then proceed to action.

For example, the Client asks how to improve his health.

Dropped: Guilt, Lovers, Postponement, Ordinariness, Generosity, Healing, Totality.

Interpretation: First of all, the Client needs to develop self-love. Instead of guilt and introspection - acceptance, self-respect (Guilt, Lovers). And do it here and now, in everyday situations, and not wait for a sign from above (Postponing, Ordinary). The more actively the Client will align his attitude towards himself, the faster the healing will go. Probably a few more sores will wake up as a result of past negative thinking (Generosity, Healing). Therefore, the grip cannot be released. Always keep calm and composure (Totality).

As you can see, there is no need to dive into the meanings, take into account the advantage of the Major Arcana, or identify the predominant suit. Everything is extremely simple.

Osho Zen Tarot is universal in every way. You will receive useful recommendations and answers on any topic: love, work, money, health, spirituality. Easily determine the timing of the prediction. How exactly - read on.

Osho Zen Tarot Deck Features

Don't look for anything from Waite or Crowley in the deck. If you wish, of course, you can find similarities, but why? This is a non-classical deck, so shelve everything that was taught earlier. You will see familiar stories: The Fool and the Jester, We are Peace and Peace, Friendliness, etc. But these similarities mean nothing.

When working with Osho Zen Tarot, you should carefully look at the images and use clue words. Take a look at the Politics card: a mask, an unpleasant face, a snake evoke simple associations, they are also meanings - self-interest, lies, deceit (including self-deception), dependence on third-party opinions, etc.

Politics card in the Osho Zen Tarot deck

Or the Integration card: the elements of fire and water, the grace of a swan and the strength of an eagle, two faces in one, ouroboros - this card is about unity, balance, tranquility, reconciliation, a combination of opposites.

Card Integration in the Osho Zen Tarot Deck

Cards are easy to read - no need to memorize dozens of values, no need to rummage through books-interpreters. Everything is in the pictures.

The only difficulty that a tarot reader may face is how to tie all this spirituality to everyday issues, the material plane. Here, in addition to intuition, use associations and rise above the situation.

I'll go back to the origins. Our world is dual. There is Theos and Chaos, Light and Darkness, Spirit and Matter. Osho Zen Tarot also has a duality: the solution of everyday issues through spiritual study. Therefore, the recommendations from the cards always sound like this: in order to get something on the physical plane, first do something in the spirit (change your attitude, put your thoughts in order, release control over the situation, etc.)

How to read Osho Zen Tarot?

In 13 years of working with Osho Zen Tarot, I have identified a simple and effective method card reading. And now you will know it.

You need:

  1. That's right, ask the question as precisely as possible;
  2. Lay out any number of cards;
  3. Determine in general - the dropped cards carry a positive or negative value;
  4. Start the interpretation with the most understandable card for you;
  5. Read cards in any order.

I will give a clear example.

Question: What are the reasons for the Client's loneliness?

Cards dropped: Sadness, Participation, Susceptibility, Slowdown, Politics, Struggle.

Interpretation: look at the whole. The gloomy cards Sorrow, Politics, Struggle fell out. This means that the reasons for loneliness are the negative attitude of the Client himself. But pleasant Participation and Susceptibility lie nearby - there is hope.

We single out the most a simple card Susceptibility - instead of a head, a lotus flower. That is, the Client completely turned off his head and is guided by emotions. The client overestimated the importance, immersed in negative feelings. Here's Sadness, Struggle, Politics. Engaged in self-flagellation, but does not solve the situation - all images are static, there is no striving forward.

At the same time, there are worthy partners (Participation) in the Client's environment, but they do not attract him. The client persuades himself, they say, it’s not time yet, something is wrong with me, etc. Therefore, the matter will not move from the dead center (Slowdown).

How to determine the prediction period?

There are three approaches to determine the timing of the prediction:

Option 1. Ask it initially when formulating a question.

For example, the prospects of finding a new job within three months.

Cards: Consciousness, Healing, Innocence, Receptivity, Travel, Lightning.

Interpretation: in general, cards with a positive meaning. That is, the chances are great. At the same time, the cards are static, except for Journey and Lightning. They are more about the inner workings of the Client than about active actions.

Let's start with the most understandable card - Lightning. Work will fall unexpectedly, and possibly in another city, with frequent business trips (Travel). The client needs to work on self-esteem - to believe in himself, to appreciate the potential (Consciousness, Healing). Get rid of doubts in the style of "I'm not smart enough, good enough, experienced", that is, reduce the importance (Susceptibility). And also be ready to learn, hone your skills, even knowing your field of activity inside and out (Innocence).

Option 2. Lay out cards in several ways.

For example, you found out that the Client will be able to get a job within three months. Now lay out one card for each month: January, February, March. In which option the card with the most positive value fell out, in that month the Client will find a job.

Maps: Ripeness for January, Slowdown for February, Spring for March

Interpretation: Ripeness says that in January the work is unlikely to appear, the Client will still be “ripening”. Slowdown - the chances are extremely small. But the Source glows with positive prospects. In March, the Client has the best chance of finding a job.

Option 3. Analyze the dropped cards by dynamics.

The deck contains dynamic cards and stagnation cards.

For example, Intensity, Rebel, Breakthrough, Playfulness, Adventure and others are dynamic cards. They clearly show progress. They indicate the acceleration of events, the fulfillment of the prediction in a short time: from a couple of days to several weeks.

Dynamic maps that indicate the development of the situation

Sadness, Guilt, Slowdown, Completion, Control and others are cards of stagnation. The figures in the images are static, there is no sensation of dynamics, which means that the execution of the prediction is delayed for a longer period.

Passive cards that indicate stagnation

The client is interested in whether now is a good time to move to another city.

Cards dropped: Fool, Healing, Intensity, Dream.

Interpretation: Fool and Intensity are dynamic, Healing is also, see how the energy waves move in the image?

Now the Client will easily start a new stage in life (Fool, Healing). Will quickly and successfully move (Intensity), if he casts aside doubts and believes in his goal (Dream).

A client asks about the prospects for a pay rise at her current job.

Cards: Freeze, Beyond Illusion, Delay, Patience

Interpretation: Freeze, Postponement and Patience are static, there is no movement.

The prospects are bleak. No salary increase to be seen (Freezing). Although it is possible that the authorities will promise this (Beyond Illusions), they will postpone the decision of the issue until later (Delay). So the Client will have to wait (Patience).

Who is Osho Zen Tarot for?

Absolutely any tarologist - both experienced and beginner. For the first year of conducting their Tarot divination courses, 11 out of 40 students chose the Osho deck. I did not impose, I did not insist, but the students preferred these cards because of the easy work. And most importantly - a deep understanding of even the most everyday issues.
P.S. There are several tutorials for working with this deck, but often they are not available in online stores. I am editing my own book on working with Osho Zen Tarot. Ahead of imposition and publication. I will try to complete the work on the manual by the end of spring and release it for free download. So you can explore the deck on your own with my tips and recommendations.

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