I want to be a real vampire. Is being a vampire cool or scary? Becoming a vampire by birth

How to turn into a vampire?

Strength, beauty and inaccessibility were the main properties of vampires to attract people. With the release of the Twilight saga on the world screens, the forums were instantly filled with questions on various topics. But the most popular and main topic was: “How to become a vampire?” Fans even began to come to the dentists with the desire to get fangs! And if you are such a fan who wants to become a vampire in real life then this information is for you!

Types of vampires

You can become a real vampire only by renouncing ordinary human feelings. Since they do not know human joy, love, compassion. First, you must understand what you are getting into. With this step, you seem to erase your parents from memory, and for you they will become nothing more than vessels filled with blood. For vampires have no relatives.

There are two types of vampires in the world. They are blood-sucking and energetic. To begin with, consider the first group of these predators. Bloodsuckers, in turn, are also divided into several types.

There are vampires who see people simply as food. They are bloodthirsty, insensitive and unrestrained. There are calm and quiet ones who do not rush at everyone and kill only when it is vital for them. And there are those who never have a permanent place of residence, they travel all the time.

Vampires can be divided in another way. Higher and lower. Vampires of the lowest degree are able to turn any person they want into their own kind, in order to replenish the family. Well, the higher vampires will not convert anyone, since in this regard they are more demanding. They prefer their own kind. That is, smart, beautiful, strong, but they must also be pure in soul and they must be unaware of such feelings as greed, envy, etc.

Well, now we will tell you how to become a real vampire. There are several methods of handling. And the passage of the rite is one of the ways.

How to really become a vampire - all the ways

Vampires keep the secret of this rite a closely guarded secret, and only those in whom they have full confidence can pass it.

The first treatment option is the bite of the vampire himself. To get bitten, you must first find a vampire. To do this, you need to find their habitat and visit these places more often. But this is a very dangerous occupation, where everything is decided by chance. Left alone with a person, the vampire will have two options for the outcome of the event. Drink all the blood or turn you into your own kind. Also, a lot depends on the person himself, on his behavior and how he is set up.

Another conversion option is to curse a person who wants to become a vampire. It only takes one person who fiercely hates and curses you. And the more he hates you, the more likely you are to be converted. But here, too, the risk is great. For a person who was cursed, but who did not become a vampire, life goes out of whack. Problems in personal affairs, at work, lack of friends.

The third, but not least, option is an appeal to black magic. There are two books with which you can become a true vampire. These are the Book of Blood and the Tape of Sacrifice. But there is one caveat. It's incredibly difficult to get them.

You can also become a vampire thanks to a huge desire to become one. And if you try to materialize a thought day by day, then this, in the end, will happen.

Perhaps even thanks to the fate of being converted. There is a legend among vampires that if a child is destined to be a vampire from birth, then no matter what, he will become one.

Rumor has it that there are some recipes that help you turn into a vampire at home. One of them is to eat the worm you dug up on a full moon and ask your friend to bite you. Well, the second option is to take the life of a sparrow on Friday the 13th and drink his blood.

And despite all these methods that have been given, there are a huge number of people in the world who claim that one cannot do without real vampires. This is the medical theory. There are people at birth who lack certain substances in their blood, and in order to temporarily replenish this supply of substances, they must drink blood.

How to find a vampire

In real life, finding a real vampire is not an easy task at all. Psychics and sorcerers, answering the question "how and where to find a ghoul", say that such creatures are found in big cities, because they need the blood of people, and in large locality it's much easier to hide - in the villages everyone knows each other, and vampires don't survive there!

How to become an energy vampire

Now we will learn how to become energy vampires. An energy vampire is a person who consumes someone else's sucked energy and other forces to satisfy personal needs.

Naturally, the question arises. How to become one? One way is to become a Qigong practitioner. A qigongist is a person who has special knowledge of how to take human energy and use it. In addition, qigongists are aware of energy points that can be used to speed up the process of gaining strength.

You can also become a mental vampire. Such creatures have heightened eloquence and can psychically overwhelm the victim. Energy vampires, before depriving the victim of energy, must first enrage her, piss her off. And the more negative there is on the part of the victim, the more energy there will be for the vampire.

We hope you all understand that it is impossible to simply become a real vampire. No need to take all these methods seriously, these are just myths and legends. Play vampires with your friends without injury or bloodthirsty deeds. Well, if you are a real vampire, then share your secrets with our readers.

We sincerely hope that our article helped you answer the question of how to quickly become a vampire. If you have become a vampire lord without a bite at home, then tell us about it right now, we would be very interested to know about your method or ritual.

If there are sets of methods for acquiring the abilities of werewolves or psychics, then the science of how to become a vampire is in real life only one way. But he is so strong and frightening that only a person who fully trusts Darkness can decide on this. And trust is known to be dangerous.

Path to become a vampire

In general, there are five real ways to become a vampire:

  1. Wounded by a ghoul.
  2. Vampire blood infection.
  3. Damn.
  4. Birth of a vampire
  5. Dark ritual.

As you can see, four out of five ways involve turning into a vampire only through natural contact with the host. And not always such contact occurs voluntarily.

The easiest, most effective way is to get a bite:

  • a ghoul, namely a graveyard demon;
  • vampire in human form.

The first are found at night in cemeteries, they are attracted by the grave spirit. If the ghoul bites the victim, leaving him alive, he will subsequently begin to transform into his aggressor. However, the first-born evil rarely shows such "humanity". You might be able to find it and provoke it, but you might as well jump off a roof hoping to fly. Ghoul is aimed at tearing apart, not at contact for the purpose of exchanging experience.

Another thing to become a real vampire is to attract a more refined carrier in human form. It can be either a vampire by birth, or one who received such a transformation sometime of his own or not of his own free will.

Despite the secrecy and cunning of these representatives (the older the dark one, the more dangerous), it is still possible to negotiate with them. It remains only to meet them.

The latter method allows you to do without frightening patrons and meetings and gain the beginnings of a vampire with the help of your blood, your strength of mind and in your circle. In this case, the transformation depends on the magnitude of the desire and the degree of readiness to become a minion of darkness.

Instructions for the elite - spells, items, places

So, to become a vampire at home without a bite, through the exchange of blood with the carrier, you will need:

  • agreed to exchange desmod;
  • a sharp ritual blade, preferably passed through a magical slander;
  • any wine;
  • ritual bowl;
  • discreet place.

The ritual can be performed in two ways.

Method one

The carrier and the successor stand against each other. With the help of the blade, both are alternately applied to left palm a cut deep enough to drip blood.

The success of the rite depends on how deeply the host's blood penetrates the novice's body through the cut.

Method two

Another option requires a ceremonial cup filled with wine.

After that, the incisions are brought in turn to the bowl so that the blood drips directly into the wine. Having collected the maximum amount of blood, how much the incision will give, it is necessary to report together:

With these words, the participants in the ritual drain the bowl equally (drink). From the end of each of the rites, a new young blood lover begins to form in the successor, whose maturation will depend on the nature of the beginner.

These ways to become a vampire in real life involve getting to know an already “ready-made” otherworldly creature. But the following method allows you to enter the vampire world without patrons.

Method three

For the magic of turning with independent power, you will need:

  • pieces of coal;
  • five wax candles;
  • ritual blade;
  • ritual bowl with red wine;
  • abandoned or quiet temple, crypt - desirable.

Any own place of power is suitable for the last point, where it is most comfortable to transform with the help of magic and sorcery.

The rite begins with charcoal on the floor (ground) of the chosen place of the sign of Lucifer, a five-pointed star in a circle.

A burning candle is installed on each of its beams, and the one who wants to turn into a vampire is located in the center of the star with a ritual cup filled with wine in his hands. The text of the spell is pronounced by heart:

At the end of the slander, the bowl falls to the floor. With a ritual blade, a cut is made on one of the palms with one's own hand, the blood from it should drip onto each of the rays of the star and fall into the wine. Another text follows:

With these words, the candidate (or assistant, which is allowed) dips his finger in the potion, and then draws a cross with it on the forehead of the future vampire. A new spell is cast:

Break. The convert raises the bowl with the potion in his hand above his head and continues:

They drink wine to the bottom and complete the slander:

Each of the candles is extinguished in a circle, the first is the candle to the left of the dark convert, then the rest, counterclockwise. The conversion ritual is complete. It remains only not to miss the result.

Transformation against your will

Separately, you need to know that one who seriously angers a strong sorcerer or mages can turn into a vampire with the help of a curse.

However, as is the case with graveyard ghouls, there is more chance of getting a death spell than supernatural ability. Although cases when sorcerers doomed offenders to an ambiguous existence between life and death, turning them into creatures dependent on human blood, are known.

Many are also interested in the question of whether it is possible to become a vampire without magic at all, under the influence of special circumstances. Maybe. Although not everyone is happy with such opportunities.

Born already converted

One of the most simple ways has already been announced. This is turning into a vampire through the bite of a ghoul demon, any, the most ordinary.

Turning through the bite of a vampire in human form will not work, this is just an artistic image.

At the same time, children may feel the desire to satisfy their hunger with the blood of people by birth:

  • born immediately toothy;
  • appeared without damage to the membrane of the amniotic sac;
  • appeared as the fifth son in a large family without daughters.

But there is no way to become immortal right now. There must be an adaptation, a transformation, before the abilities are fully manifested. Instant appeal is again an artistic vision.

How about becoming a good vampire who doesn't harm people? In theory strong man will always find enough reason in itself to restrain the bloody instincts. But in practice this has never been observed. Sooner or later, every vampire weakens and succumbs to temptation.

Bat)? Are these creatures born like this or do they choose the lifestyle of a bloodsucker at will? Or is it possible to become a vampire through some strange turn of events?

Modern culture romanticizes vampires, sometimes it seems to be completely redundant. Apparently there are a lot of people who think that vampires are super cool! So cool, in fact, that there are quite a few who want to find some way to approach the life of a vampire these days.

This desire may be due in part to trendy pop-fiction novels and related films. Many people think of vampires as mysterious, superpowered characters with vulnerable but invincible hearts of gold hidden in undead chests.

But most vampires throughout history have not been mysterious and sexy, with beautifully coiffed hair (as portrayed in movies). Real ghouls were pretty nasty characters, and turning into this bloodthirsty creature was once a very tragic life event.

Why are vampires today praised and not cursed?

Stephenie Meyer, the writer behind the popular Twilight novel, wasn't the first to put the effort into writing the character of a vampire. First published in 1897, Dracula by Bram Stoker launched the modern interpretation of vampires disguised as charming, if somewhat mysterious, gentlemen.

But it was the American writer Anne Rice who gave that incomprehensible “zest” to the ghouls, making them much sexier, cooler and more mysterious. Her acclaimed 1976 novel Interview with the Vampire is perhaps the most great story about vampires, ever published, passing through two centuries of immortal life. The film that followed, starring Tom Cruise and a young Brad Pitt, solidified the mystical image of the vampire.

Of course, the author's fiction can make the life of a ghoul interesting and unique, but, on the other hand, people do not dig up someone's coffins and do not pierce the heart of a corpse with an aspen stake without good reason. Long before Twilight was written, before Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire, and even before Bram Stoker's Dracula, the legend of vampires struck fear into the hearts of people, regardless of their culture and nationality.

And, nevertheless, today many people (mostly young) want to get an answer to the question - how to become a vampire? Without thinking about it, what could be the consequences after their dream comes true and they grow sharp fangs?...

How to become a vampire at all, is it possible?

If ghouls really exist, where do they come from? Since we cannot investigate the reason why vampires appear in the culture of each people, let's look at the most popular Western definition of this phenomenon.

The widespread opinion of researchers is that in order to to become a vampire, you must somehow come into contact with someone who is already a blood sucker. Whatever the case, the point is that it must be an interaction with a real ghoul. You can't declare yourself a vampire or simply assume that you are him for no reason. You must be chosen by the dark entity.

Some mystics claim that you can be born as a vampire, which is theoretically an intriguing idea. This implies that ghouls are a different race of hominins, that they must have evolved along a very similar line to humans and have fed on human blood throughout the history of vampirism. Like vampire bats, they would have evolved to live on blood rather than solid food.

It's incredible, but interesting to explore! Of course, this excludes the magical charm and charm of vampires.

But, according to the majority, the transformation of a person into a ghoul is a mystical phenomenon. This creates several challenges, not the least of which is finding a real vampire who is able and willing to transform you.

Of course, today there are many people who claim to be real vampires, but look at it logically: if you really were a vampire, how would you live your life?

Would you announce it to everyone? Would you start a blog telling everyone about it, or would you brag about it in in social networks? Would you tell your classmates or colleagues? Would you even tell anyone about this?

It would be wise to be suspicious of anyone who openly claims to be a vampire. Ghoul in modern world must be one of the most cautious and secretive creatures. We're talking about an undead that could have existed for hundreds of years, a predator of humans that probably has to do some pretty terrible things to get what it wants.

Such an entity could only survive by keeping its true nature a strict secret, and tracking down such an entity would be next to impossible. And going out at night looking for vampires would be pointless. The only chance is a chance encounter with a vampire. In that case, the very notion of becoming a vampire seems unlikely.

What is the life of a vampire

Let's take a look at some of the pros and cons of vampirism from a western cultural perspective. Of course, there are many different rules and beliefs that govern the life of a vampire. But you probably won't know what you're up to until it's too late. However, the following thoughts are based on traditional vampire stereotypes.

Lack of Diet Diversity. There is only one item on the menu: blood. There is no place for sandwiches, pizza and cakes! Where is all this blood coming from? It is unethical, not to mention illegal, to take this from living people these days. Go to the blood bank? No. The bank has the ability to supply hospitals, but it doesn't have the time or resources to worry about vampires. There are probably a few unscrupulous and nasty ways to get this product, but things get pretty troublesome after a while. Remember that blood is what you will have to seek for yourself until the end of time. By the way, oh eternal life.

Immortality. Life always seems to be fun and joyful, but a vampire better be careful. We humans have enough capacity to keep our health intact for 80 years or so. Can you imagine how hard it would be to avoid injury and disease for a few hundred years? As a vampire, you will have superhuman strength, speed, and sharp reflexes, but eventually bad luck will catch up with you and you will still damage a body part that you will need for the next thousand years.

Well, let's hope super regenerative powers come to you (and grow a new arm or whatever you hurt). Also, being immortal means you have to stand by and watch everyone you love and cherish grow old and die, over and over again.

Aversion to sunlight. Say goodbye to the beach and solarium! As a vampire, you will never step out into the sun again. Never. Of course, there are mortals who don't like to spend much time in the sun because they have allergies. But as blood-sucking undead, sunlight will just kill you. Will you have to sleep in a coffin? There seems to be no practical reason for this if your bedroom is dark enough. The upside is that you will be much less likely to develop melanoma.

Change in body shape. This is one of best reasons become a vampire, because they can turn into animals! Traditionally, vampires transform into bats and quietly rustle their wings to spy on humans. But it's boring! We can assume that you use your vampire abilities to transform into all sorts of creatures. Have fun with it and try to think outside the box.

Public opinion. In the modern world, vampires have admirers, mostly female fans who are swooning with delight, looking at the beautiful hero of Twilight. However, the fashion for vampirism may pass, and then what will you do as a vampire? Recall that much earlier, ghouls were regaled with aspen stakes, fire and garlic clusters, stuffing the mouths of the dead undead with them. By the way, if you become a vampire, it is better to keep quiet about it - who knows when the hunt for ghouls will begin?

Truth and fiction about vampires

Many people know the real historical figure, which became the prototype of the modern vampire legend. In the 15th century, in the country of Wallachia, there lived a nobleman with a particularly bad reputation and a habit of impaling his many enemies.

There is evidence that he even consumed their blood during his meal. This gentleman became famous, but while he lived, his name was Vlad the Third, Prince of Wallachia. His father, Vlad the Second, was known as Dracula, and as a result, his heir was named Vlad the Third Dracula.

So, in fact, there was a real Dracula, which Bram Stoker took for the prototype of his character. But Vlad the Impaler in life was much scarier than Stoker's Dracula.

The roots of the vampire legend go much deeper. AT Eastern Europe in particular, belief in the undead has taken a strong position. In 1726, a Serbian farmer named Arnold Paole died, whom the villagers noticed a few days later, wandering around the village. Sharp fangs protruded from his mouth, and a hungry fire danced in his red eyes. Of course, hysteria began in the village, and the inhabitants dug up the coffin with his body, but found that it had no signs of decomposition. People have come to the conclusion that the deceased farmer is a vampire and that he can be "cured" in the traditional way by driving a stake through his heart.

So it was with Peter Plogojovic, another Serb who was accused of posthumous vampirism. In both situations, the authorities documented testimonies and monitored excavations of the rebellious undead.

Much of the excitement and fear came from the fact that people at that time did not understand what a body looks like when it decomposes after death. When the graves were opened, they saw how the dead man swelled from gases, as a result of which his blood seeped through his nose and mouth. Such a transformation of the corpse made people think that his body looked full, especially if during life the person was distinguished by a thin physique.

Also, when body fluids begin to evaporate, it causes body parts such as hair, nails, and teeth to become more exposed. This can give the illusion that these parts have grown.

To the typical uninformed villager, all these signs pointed to one thing: it was time to sharpen the stakes, because this guy was a vampire, undead. And he should have been cured.

Real vampires in America and around the world

The vampire phenomenon has also spread to America. In 1892, the body of a New Zealand woman named Mercy Brown was exhumed after being buried for two months on charges of vampirism. When no signs of decomposition were found on her corpse, appropriate action was taken against the vampires.

History has preserved many documents on the exhumation of corpses accused of vampirism, with a detailed description of the condition of the bodies. Such documentation is kept in court archives around the world.

The Greeks and Romans had legends of vampire-like creatures, as did the Persians, Babylonians, and Jews. In some cases, these creatures are similar to vampire undead, such as the Vetala from Hindu folklore. Vetala is essentially a demon or demigod. But Vetala sometimes possesses a corpse and revives it. In other cases, they are demonic beings without earthly ties.

In ancient Serbian folklore, Kudlak is a blood-sucking vampire who entered into an eternal battle with Krishnik, a vampire shaman hunter. These two represent the conflict between and the evil snake of the underworld, Veles.

In Chinese mythology, Jiangshi is an animated corpse that jumps with outstretched arms to grab people and take their life energy Qi. During the day, this creature hides in caves and other dark places, and at night it roams the countryside in search of prey.

Even, which became known relatively recently, is also one of the essences of a vampire.

From Europe to Africa, from South America to British Isles, to the Far East, stories about vampires go back centuries. Could this mean that the vampire phenomenon is more than a legend?

Still want to become a vampire?

As you can see, the chances of becoming a real vampire are astronomically small, and even if you do, there will be far more flaws in your dark life than virtues. But perhaps you're still wondering how to become a vampire, even if you don't feel like going through centuries of ordeal and suffering. And you might get lucky!

Today, centers of vampire culture are scattered throughout the world. People in these communities know that they are not truly undead, but they do want to exist in a way that they feel reflects the way a vampire lives. They hold a variety of beliefs, and are divided into different castes. Among these vampires, you can meet quite peaceful and deeply spiritual people, or those from whom you really should stay away.

There is nothing wrong with diving into an alternative lifestyle, as long as you do it safely for others and yourself, and never lose sight of the line between imagination and reality. Never do anything that seems unsafe or illegal, and never do anything that could harm another person (including you). If you come across people who seem to have gone too far in their vampirism, avoid them. So: think with your head, and if vampire people seem dangerous to you, then they most likely are.

Even if you manage to become a real vampire when you go outside one dark night, the odds are not in your favor. However, if this happens and you have a choice, think carefully first! This skinny guy from Twilight might look pretty cool with that brooding look of his and soulful romanticism, but the life of a real vampire is without a doubt a curse and endless nights of mourning.

The rather unusual question of how to become a vampire has always caused an unhealthy revival in society and the keen interest of the townsfolk. Books and films about vampires are an impressive and very rich page of world culture, which tirelessly fuels this interest. Since ancient times, retellings and legends about vampires live in the human mind.. What is it, myth or reality? What are the signs of a vampire? And how to recognize it? Is it even possible to become a vampire in real life? We will try to understand all this.

According to literature and cinema, vampires are a kind of closed society in the middle of an ordinary society. They have little contact with ordinary people, do not like sunlight, drink blood and go to bed in coffins.

Aristocratic pallor and a closed lifestyle - it was these signs of vampirism that attracted people and made vampires representatives of the upper class. The desire to become a vampire was very fueled by romantic stories in the style of the notorious "Twilight", so languid young girls, passionate young men and mature men and women at any time and era dreamed of becoming vampires, almost without thinking about the seriousness possible consequences. In addition to eternal life, power over people, beauty and wealth, in the everyday reality of vampires there are also back side medals. This is hostility and misunderstanding, loneliness and eternal wanderings in search of food.

There are different types of vampires.

  1. Aloneevil and insatiable, kill everyone indiscriminately, for food and entertainment.
  2. Others are quiet and meek- live in a closed society and suck blood only when necessary.
  3. And the third - vampire nomads. They travel all the time in search of food and thrills.
  4. There is a fourth type of vampires - energy. They do not drink blood, but they feed on human emotions. And it's no less dangerous.

How to Become a Vampire in Real Life: Conversion Secrets

Turning into a vampire is no easy task. If you think that it is enough for you to just want or write this cherished desire in the New Moon and everything will happen by itself, then you are mistaken. You need to set a goal on how to become a vampire at home, and then move on to fulfilling it.

There are four ways to become a vampire

What to do if you can't become a vampire?

First, don't get upset. Real vampires don't experience any emotions: they don't rejoice, they don't scream, they don't swear, but they don't feel sad either. Act like a vampire.

Dress like a vampire: all black and red, long dresses, capes, trains and lace are a must.

You can make the appropriate vampire makeup.

Buy in store vampire accessories: teeth, fangs, jewelry, special lenses.

Put on all of the above and go celebrate Halloween - October 31. On this day, you will meet many of your own kind and will feel in the 7th heaven of your vampire happiness. However, on other days it is not forbidden to wear vampire costumes. They just don't like everyone. It is especially contraindicated to appear in such an image near ZhEKs and polyclinics, where there is an increased concentration of pensioners. So it's better to wear your vampire clothes at home, and if you live on the ground floor, you can occasionally appear at night in a lit window. Yes, for prevention.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire?

As we have already said, there is a completely different type of vampire - an energy vampire. He does not have to drink your blood in order to pretty much "get" you. He leads the life of a completely normal person and in no way expresses his intentions. And intentions energy vampire simple and clear for him: it's sucking vital energy from other people.


  1. Find a victim.
  2. Make her feel bad.
  3. "Eat" from someone's irritation, aggression, anger.
  4. Squeeze out all the juices, upset, enrage.
  5. Leave happy.

What to do when meeting with such "slippery types", or rather, how to protect yourself from an energy vampire?

To start one should recognize such a character, which may appear regularly in your life. After all, a vampire needs constant nourishment.

BUT it's very easy to recognize vampires:

  1. Some constantly complain about life and make others listen to their whining.
  2. Others deliberately provoke conflicts in order to feed on other people's aggression and negative emotions.
  3. Still others - constantly give out advice and show unhealthy attention to others.
  4. Fourth - manipulate people by turning them against each other.

However, from all these "energy bloodsuckers" there are own defense.

  1. Put up a visual barrier: cross your arms over your chest or hide them behind your back and roll up the “fig”. You can also look for a few seconds at the interlocutor's forehead, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe third eye.
  2. Limit the time of communication with such people, or completely reduce it to zero.
  3. Deal with them in a polite, balanced way, never don't argue or get into conflict.
  4. Don't be manipulated, change the topic of conversation or say that you need to go.

In the wake of the popularity of series and films about supernatural beings, many people think about how to become a vampire. "Twilight", which tells about the love of an ordinary girl and a vampire, delights young girls. The vampire in this film for the first time appears not as an evil creature, but as a kind and positive character, the image of a prince who sometimes drinks the blood of animals. Consciousness turns over, the love shown on the screen makes you tremble over the question: how to become a real vampire. Girls also want to experience the whole gamut of feelings and emotions. true love. Just think, it might be better to look at an ordinary guy who does not take his eyes off you. Isn't he better than a vampire?

We will not dissuade you, we will simply give some facts not in favor of your idea and consider all the ways that can help you become such an attractive, but bloody creature - a vampire. Whether you can become a vampire - you can only find out in practice. If you want, try it.

How to become a vampire at home?

  1. It is believed that in order to become a vampire, you need to be bitten by this supernatural creature. If it drinks all your blood, you will die. If you just bite, you will also become a vampire. Where to find a vampire? Most likely, in large cities, in a small town, it would have been figured out long ago.
  2. How to become a real vampire? Write a story about vampires. So at least you will be in your fantasies. Just don't be bloodthirsty, remember Twilight or The Vampire Diaries - there are positive images of heroes.
  3. There is an opinion that becoming a vampire at home is unrealistic. These are all myths and legends, as well as a terrible disease, which is described below. Maybe not worth the risk? Vampires are unemotional. They do not become attached to anyone and easily part even with friends. Constantly having the same emotions, isn't it boring?

How to become a vampire in real life?

Vampires in real life

It turns out that vampires really existed. Only they didn't look as attractive as in the movies. We are not kidding, people with a rare genetic blood disease became the prototype of vampires.

Porphyria is a disease of those very notorious vampires. It turns out that in order to become a vampire, you need to get sick with this terrible disease. What were these notorious "bloodsuckers"?

  • Thanks to porphyria, the human body is poisoned.
  • People in real life cannot be under the sun's rays, because of this they have unbearable pains and their appearance changes. The skin becomes thinner, bursts and covered with ugly scars and ulcers.
  • Various organs and cartilage are also damaged. Fingers curl.
  • The skin near the gums and lips dries up, a grin forms - the incisors are exposed to the very gums.
  • Such vampires did not drink blood in real life, but they were afraid of garlic. Because the acid in the garlic increased their torment. In all other respects, they were ordinary people, only more nervous, often with mental disabilities. It's hard to live without sunshine.

Doesn't look like Edward at all. Still thinking about becoming a vampire? Maybe it's better not to risk it.

Before you become a vampire, think about it - is this not a tribute to fashion? Such an important step should be well thought out.

Psychology of self-development