Ancient Treatise: Chakra Muni. Essence of Genesis


Chakra Muni

Essence of Genesis

The ancient esoteric work The Essence of Being /Sanskrit name Chakra-Muni / that has come down to us is perhaps the most ancient and revered of the literary and philosophical treatises of human civilization that have survived to this day. The source of origin, ahead of mankind in terms of knowledge by millennia, does not lend itself to scientific explanation. The treatise is not inherently a religious document, but nevertheless had a huge impact on almost all theological teachings and religions of the world. This happened because the content of the treatise was much higher than the level of knowledge of that time and was interpreted within the limits of society's understanding of the knowledge and truths contained in the document. The origin of this treatise is unknown.

Since antiquity, several versions of the texts of the document have been known. The ancient Indian source “Samaranga” tells about the texts of the Moon that fell to the ground in the Thar Desert several thousand years before the heyday of the kingdom “Harapla”, when the treatise “Brahmi” (which gave the name to the oldest known Indian script) became the basis for the formation of the religious and social structure of society (early Yajur Veda). This is approximately 3.5 - 4 thousand years BC. It was this document that laid the foundation for the formation of a religious and philosophical movement, currently known as “Yoga”. Later, the texts of the treatise “Brahmi” had a huge impact on the formation of a number of ancient Indian philosophical movements, such as Sankhya (Kapila) and Vaisheshika (Kanado, Prashastapada), as well as the Upanishads.

By this time, the text of the tract was already known among the early Tocharian kingdoms of the Western Hindu Kush and in the territory of ancient Balochistan (Elamic writings - " holy book Dzyan"). The basis of the ancient Persian sacred canon of the Zoroastrians "Avesta" was the Testament of Ahura Mazda, the supreme deity of fire (Persian name), set forth by the prophet Zoroaster about 3.5 thousand years ago. But directly the "testaments of Ahuramazda" themselves were widely known in the territory of Persia and Central Asia long before the appearance of the texts of the "Avesta". Their appearance, apparently, is comparable in time with the appearance of this manuscript on the territory ancient india. The first mentions in Ancient Egypt(texts Er nu peret kheru) about the “Testament of the god Ptah” / Egyptian name/ refer to the period of the early kingdom of Keme, the Mene dynasty / the first dynasty of Menetho /, and tell about divine revelations that were known to the Egyptian priests many thousands of rainy seasons before the founding of the White Walls / the ancient name of Memphis - later the ancient capital of Egypt /. If you try to make simple calculations in time, then this is also about 4 thousand years BC. The Egyptians considered the ancient lost civilization to be the source of the origin of the texts. A treatise called “The Fiery Truths of Rubrum” was also known to the Sumerian civilization, or rather the Proto-Sumerian, long before the emergence of Assyria and Babylon, / the so-called. kingdom of Akkad. Ancient clay tablets brought to us individual fragments of the treatise written in cuneiform and a version of the origin, similar to the ancient Indian. The Sumerians believed that the letters "came down from heaven."

The ancient Greek historian and philosopher Herodotus, relying on ancient Egyptian sources, connected the texts of the god Ptah with the mysterious and ancient civilization “Atlantis”, which perished in the depths of the sea 8-11 thousand years ago. By the way, in the Ancient Greece the texts were known as “Secrets of the Underground God Hades” and they came to Greece through the Minos kingdom, apparently from Egypt. The treatise had a great influence on ancient Greek philosophy, various philosophical schools and currents (Thales, Leucippus, Heraclid, Aristotle). In ancient Tibet, the Chakra Muni treatise has been known since the 2nd millennium BC. The texts apparently came from India or China. The heyday of Chakra Muni in Tibet dates back to the 9th century BC, when the treatise practically contributed to the emergence of a new world religion - Buddhism. It is believed that the "Chakra Muni" manuscripts had a significant impact on the development of Buddhism, in particular on Siddartha Gautama (Prince ancient Nepalese principalities) as the founder of the Buddhist canon. But nevertheless, the manuscript itself was not included in the Buddhist canon Kanjur, although it was distributed in Tibet, as a revised treatise "The Kingdom of Dharma - the Lords of the Dead." In ancient China, a symbolic interpretation of the main provisions of the treatise “Book of Shu Ching” was given in the most ancient fundamental philosophical work “Ijin” (Book of Changes). Later, the main provisions of the treatise formed the basis of the main philosophical schools of ancient China: Taoism (Laozi, Zhuangzi), Confucianism (Confucius, Mengzi) and the school of moists (Mozi). On the territory of the Roman Empire at the beginning of the 1st - 2nd century AD. the texts of the treatise formed the basis of the religious and philosophical trend - Gnosticism, which in the 2nd - 3rd centuries became the main rival of early Christianity (Basilides, Heraclean, Karpocrates).

Naturally, the interpretation of texts in Gnosticism and their philosophical reflection was given at the level of knowledge of its time, with a large admixture of mystical and ritual ideas and cults, which passed over as a synthesis of ancient Eastern ideas about the treatise. Over the past two or three centuries, repeated attempts have been made to translate the texts of the treatise into European languages ​​and to comprehend them. Unfortunately, no attempt to interpret the texts can be considered sufficiently successful. However, the treatise had a significant impact on philosophical views a number of European thinkers (Bacon, Spinoza, Lomonosov, Voltaire, Spencer, Haeckel, S. Bulgakov, Jung). Ever since this esoteric work has been known to mankind, an amazing, almost mystical, transformation of people has been associated with its knowledge. It was believed that one who cognizes the whole meaning of the treatise, cognizes the truth of being, the world will open to him from a completely different side and he will acquire new abilities in the light of transformed knowledge and new views on life, the world, the meaning of existence.

In the entire history of mankind, one way or another connected with the knowledge of the meaning of the texts, only a few people were able to know the meaning of these instructions. In particular, in Buddhism they were ranked as Amitaba - the living Buddha. Now directly about the texts. Their exact number is unknown. Only a few relatively ancient documents have survived to this day. different amount poems (sometimes rhymed, sometimes not, as a result of which one can speak of poetry only conditionally). Semantic load in verses, on different languages, is also different. Each version of the text of the treatise, before reaching us, was translated from language to language dozens of times. Translators were not always able to find the equivalent meaning of words during translations, some meanings are completely lost, others have changed meaning. So certain distortions of the original text are inevitable, for example, in Sanskrit there are over 20 concepts of space, and in the present translation there are 4-5 of them, which replace most of the meanings. The same can be said about such terms and concepts as spirit, soul, field, mind, which differ in a significant number of semantic interpretations that have no modern analogues. For example, in Russian, water can only be called water, and nothing else. In Sanskrit, it can be called ar, ambhas, udaka, udan, kilala, jala, toya, dharya, payas, vari, salila, hala. Modern translation into Russian was made with the aim of adapting the philosophical sound of the treatise as closely as possible to our time.

Unfortunately, I had to sacrifice the form of poetry, some semantic interpretation, concepts in the text, replacing them with more accessible and modern for our time, colloquial speech and terminology. The total number of texts in documentary sources (lists) ranges from several hundred to 5 thousand. In a number of ancient copies, along with the texts of the treatise, there were post-textual comments on individual parts of the treatise, which created additional difficulties in screening and translating the texts of the treatise itself. Of the total number of texts that have come down to us, no more than 20% have been translated and interpreted (at the modern level of requirements for similar primary sources). This text contains the first 60 texts. Logical gaps are visible in places, these are probably places of lost verses, but in general, all these texts are included in the first hundred. The treatise itself consists, as it were, of two parts - the main part, the volume of which is about 350 verses, and the special part, the volume of several thousand verses. The main part is, as it were, a table of contents of the basic principles of the universe and future goals achievable for students to learn. The special part, the largest in volume, defines the practical ways of knowing and achieving the truths of the main part of the treatise. The narrative is undulating, maintaining a constant relationship and drawing parallels between man, earthly problems and global physical and philosophical concepts, problems, theories. This translation was made from Sanskrit, where the text has been preserved most intact, with comparative analysis with the ancient Chinese version of the text.

Unfortunately, we still do not have access to the Tibetan manuscript "The Realm of Dharma - the Lords of the Dead", which is best known in scientific circles under the Sanskrit name Chakra Muni and which, apparently, has undergone the least distortion. Naturally, the early Buddhist manuscripts contain frequent references to the texts of the treatise as one of the main sources of the origin of Buddhism. But the bulk of these documents are in the closed book depositories of Buddhist monasteries and are not available to scientists. Before you start reading the texts, you must remember that this is a scientific and philosophical treatise. It is a complex set of esoteric knowledge and theories, the depth of which is so amazing that modern scientists are simply not able to offer a relatively satisfactory hypothesis of their origin. It is possible that the meaning of the treatise is somewhat different, and we are under the impression of our own modern theories but there are too many matches. To our regret, at present, science is not able to give at least one explanation acceptable to everyone about the sources that served as the basis for the creation of this work.


1. How empty in the deaf cavity Among the walls of invisible and measureless, At the bottom of silence, your mind Knows the truths of the universe.

2. With a wall of thought, the circle closed Your mute contemplation, Faceless emptiness around You are detached from the days of radiance.

3. Through the cover of transparent power, Knowing the whole meaning of life, You contemplate the desert world, Look closely - the seal of the end is on everything.

4. There is no earthly support under you There is nothing here, everything is only there, Behind the dome of ideas in captivity Life has not called nirvana.

5. The world is complicated in the stellar void, As an anthill is disturbed, The light is closed in a causal connection, You yourself must see it.

6. Throw away from the subconscious the chaos of truths Before the abyss higher path Here, knowing the meaning of life They must be acquired again.

7. There is a secret of mysteries in the universe: In the tomb of the brain lies the power Capable of transforming Matter through distances.

8. On the tip of a mighty force Soar above the closed environment, And feel the whole world omnipotent And the world is insignificant under you.

9. Inside the boundless space, Among the energies compressed in it, Compare yourself with this kingdom, Rethinking being.

10. You will be higher and stronger than Others, whose will is under yours, You will see them blindly And hear the thoughts of people.

11. The foggy spirit of those who have gone to dust Let it descend to you from the abyss And enliven the darkness of the desert With a cluster of thought and hope.

12. You will lengthen your modest age Having learned in moments the experience of hundreds, A man is wise, but powerless Before the time of his own flesh.

13. Without renouncing nature, Be in fruitful fetters, Knowing the world in the environment, Continue the path in generations.

14. Do not suppress the instincts of life, But keep them pure, Harmony should be the meaning, And reason should be the measure of everything.

15. Inside you and outside of you Two worlds - internal and external, One into the other passing, They are united in the eternal struggle.

16. Coming into contact with that world, Possessing everything that it gives, Do not forget the cycle of days: Everything will be dust, everything will go away.

17. Nothing lasts forever in this world, But death is akin to immortality, You do not disappear here without a trace You change the forms of life.

18. You die only with the soul And part of the mind, but the spirit is reborn again with the earth, leaving its own path in thoughts.

19. By your very existence You change the world with Yourself, Moving a part of matter, If not for living, it would be different.

20. And therefore, do not be afraid to leave: There is no end in the system of the world, But do not strive to leave without benefit, Give life to others, leaving a trace.

21. In the movement of the stormy stream of Passion, in the arms of vanity, Seek harmony and remember: You are the creator of your destiny.

22. And let you be powerless before the sky And before the wills of others, With peace in your thoughts, follow the goals, Filling your days with their meaning.

23. You are neither the first nor the last, Among those who have gone to another world, But thoughts, flying into the abyss, Do not disappear behind you.

24. May the field of wisdom in the ether, Wandering among the stars and darkness, The core of energy and strength, Insight will give you meaning.

25. Wandering your gaze between the luminaries, In the deep mist of heaven, Understand that the world is multi-layered, It is all torn apart by time.

26. The world is many-sided, multiple, But time has taken him captive, In chains of movement without return, Everything here is already predetermined.

27. What is flat is only the surface, In the volume of bodies is their essence, Time flying into eternity Has a dimension up and into the depths.

28. The spiral of space in the labyrinth, Where time rules over everything, It rushes in search of shelter, But it will not find a way out anywhere.

29. The circle of the universe closed the ring, Merged into one end with the beginning, Everything became defined And the world crumbled into pieces.

30. The cosmos exploded, disintegrating, The world arose and perished, The matter was torn, shrinking, To tear and burn again.

31. And in an endless succession Everything repeats itself again, As a reflection in the smooth surface of the sea Worlds double insane row.

32. The chain of cycles of world-creation Only the mind can break, But the time of the Universe is not enough, For the mind to be able to create such.

33. There is still a mystery in the essence of the world - There is no absolute emptiness, A force is hidden in an empty system, There is no similarity to it.

34. All emptiness - particles cohesion, With their energy they, Having bound attraction between themselves, Space bent at a curve.

35. And where is the dungeon of this force Unable to hold it, Luminaries are formed there, Matter from nothing.

36. And having stretched to the limit, The emptiness again absorbs All that it managed to create again, To start again after compression.

37. And in this boundless abyss, In the stream of time, a grain of sand flies with it is incomparable, where you are destined to live.

38. But in order to escape from captivity And to know the adjacent world, First, people need time To exist on earth.

39. Death comes to replace life, But life is not always replaced, People need to remember this, So as not to fade away for centuries.

40. The more substance in the system, The less speed inside, Slowing down time by fields, Space protects life.

41. But if you compress space with force And pierce through time, The fields here form a hole, Where the speed is only a moment.

42. The wall of silence will part, Part of the cosmos will fall at your feet, And the mind will ascend to the stars, But it will not be able to know everything.

43. Knowledge is boundless in the world, Where, illuminating the path with thought, You see a hundred cubits ahead, And millions wait in darkness.

44. Cognition itself is not one, It is given for experience, To evaluate the system of the world, Both in parts and in total.

45. The deeper the depth of knowledge, The more subtle we will understand the Laws of the universe, the Laws of life on earth.

46. ​​The pattern of development, Reflecting in the chain of events, Evenly distributed the system of the world in order to create.

47. By all-consuming unity, the Axis of life is pierced, And the chaos, which seems wild, Is harmonious for itself.

48. You are a part of a reasonable substance, The fruit of those who lived and will live And your “I” is a part of the power of the wise, The thread that did not realize the connection.

49. But in order to rediscover yourself And feel the unity of the connection, Unite your “I”, understand Him and give will.

50. “I” is woven from three principles: One is you yourself, as the center of the world, The second is created by others, so that you realize them in your thoughts, And the third “I” is the power of instincts.

51. Know yourself, so that the flesh becomes subject to you, so that the “I” here finds its will and gathers all the flesh into a whole.

52. When the fetters all fall, And the “I” cognizes the power of fulfillment, Then the circle of All bodies accessible to sensation will become obedient.

53. There are no limits for the mind, By means of will and skill, You, like an arrow, will pierce the thought of those - Whose field is chosen for the goal.

54. And as the arbiter of their fate, with Your power given by the spirit, You will control people Beyond the horizon of eyes and hearing.

55. Not immediately, slowly will come, Possession of immeasurable power, Like a beam of light, it will pierce the Darkness created by the shield of limits.

56. Outgoing from the power of the brain, You, with a crushing beam, You will reveal passions to Yourself others, The whole night of consciousness will become day.

57. Faceless bodies, soulless circle Deprived of life by nature, You can suddenly move, Move according to will.

58. And then, developing strength, Filling the body with reason, You will establish a connection with the ether, Where higher intelligence he's waiting for you.

59. And tearing yourself away from yourself, you will split into two with yourself, Connecting the earthly “I”, With that which hovers above you.

60. You, as a phenomenon of being “I”, created your own From the all-encompassing “I”, To replenish it later.

61. There is a mystery waiting for an answer, Where is the womb that gave everything here? Where is the entrance for the fiery light, That the whole world was built by an explosion? 62. The well of darkness that enters the point Where density and emptiness are merged, There is only a transition to another world, Like fish there is an air bubble.

63. There is a womb-Mother, in the veils of the night, What is waiting for that moment to open the entrance, For a flash of emanations of power, And start the time of the world.

64. Everything is originally and boundless, Everything is compressed by force and dark, Everything is waiting for the beginning, Without time lies in nothing.

65. There is still no reason, bliss, There is no causality of events, And there is no one to suffer immeasurably Once a moment and eternity are merged here. ………………………

81. Seven levels of consciousness For the embodiment of the world Given to you in knowledge In the possession of the elements.

82. In the cycle of the world In the fourth knowledge Feel the Eye of the world Where the foundations of the logos are hidden.

83 How high can you Rise in the heavens, Only you can answer yourself That eternal question.

84. In the chain of circling incarnations Around the one who created the world, You move upward with hope, On the stairs going down.

85. Shining in the great womb of the energies of the higher and worlds Gave life to the wheels of the universe Having created a system of sons

86. Seven sons, five higher spheres, Axis of the Universe hierarchy, Each sphere has its own destiny, Its own layer of matter and light.

87. Only from above sees the ray of omniscience, From the lower levels - the view is blind, Know the way upward to the Lord Servant, who gave him a vow.

88. Let the Field of reason answer, It will not burn with burning fire, Give will and energy strength, And inspire faith in the path.

89. Pass, know and throw off the cover of three, And you will see seven in the system, And in the dazzling-burning darkness, Fly, realizing the forms of the seed.

90. Everything comes from two foundations, the Creator of souls of spirits and consciousness And the Mother that gave birth, All forms of the world and the prohibitions of the face.

91. Turning the wheel of the worlds, Going through the forms of the world, the Lord seeks the essence of the foundations, That realm that nature loves.

92. Let the Dawn rise over the new world three hundred million times, And let the same number of sunsets perish, Experience will give intelligent life.

93. And among the molten streams, Seas of fire, bearing death, The mountain spurs of the Earth, which has found its firmament, will rise.

94. Let the firmament harden, cooling down, Throwing out a sigh from the depths, And life, being born from a crystal, Softens forms, bearing fruit.

95. The worlds of water, fire and land Intertwined, giving life a chance, In the cruel competition Il of life in the sea to recreate.

96. The unity of the mind has disintegrated, the Spirit has been divided for battles, To grow up worthy for the gods in the midst of the great battle.


352 That chaos of truths that is in you Wrapped your mind like a snake And those rings forced them to bear the fetters of the path given to you.

353 Having bound those forces that are inside Within the boundaries of the apparent world, You are only able to acquire That which is accessible, outwardly visible.

354 How to destroy that threshold, What would get out of the dungeon of the spirit? How to gain knowledge fruit And find the way to the vault of heaven, higher laws? 355 We see not what is around, but what we can see visibly. And that which is not achievable to see We cannot see forever and ever.

356 Cross the forbidden circle We can only rise in spirit, To go out into the universe dome To the one who calls us to him!

357 Here, knowing the way up, The way to the higher powers of the heavens, You must swear an oath, On the knowledge that you will receive here.

Only the chosen ones have access to

What will you learn in this temple,

But do not feel sorry for those who are not here,

They do not have access to this knowledge.

359 There is a body that is available to everyone. There is another, whose light is not visible, There is a third body among the energies, The source of visible miracles.

360 Those bodies - the state of the spirit, Rising higher and higher, You will find here those knowledge, All - listed here.

361 You, as a novice, honor the priest, What is given to you for enlightenment. And that this patience would change the will of the proud.

362 Know that extremes only distract, Lead away in thoughts from the path. In harmony with ourselves and the world, Only we can find meaning.

363 Eat in joy, without overeating, Sleep in the rhythm of the day, but know the measure, Consciousness without distracting, Do not reject Coition.

364 For the purposes chosen by you, The path should be clearly visible, Desires should not block your path.

365 Your goal is the first three bodies, There are seven of them, like a rainbow burning, But only by knowing them gradually, You will be able to understand the highest! 366 Sit down, lean back in a cool tome, And dedicated before you, Your will will absorb into itself, And the spirit will let go into the upper layer.

367 You will be sitting up to sleep without sleeping, And see from your side, And see the place and the priest, And the bright spirit of the heat.

368 But the spirit hovering over the body Is unable to control itself. In order to be able to fly with goals, You will go your own way not a small way.

369 Let the priest point to a star In the firmament of the dark night, Bring it close to your forehead Into you will enter its heat of power.

370 The boundless edge of the universe of darkness Overtake, expanding in spirit, Incorporating into beings the types of forms of other worlds invisible swarm.

371 You are a part of the system of the universe And the universe is a part of you, So feel the power of the night Furrowing the space between the stars.

372 Feel the state of measure When consciousness can at once Get out of the control of the body And not depend on obstacles.

373 You will be able to move freely Aware of the course of things Without earthly gravity And see around without eyes.

374 Learn to control yourself in space, Let the point become the center in an instant, Like the center of the universe in your kingdom, It will unite your world.

375 As in a shell of boundaries from a thought Moving inward from the outside You squeeze this small world into the center Both outside of you and in yourself.

376 Crossing the boundaries of the spheres And opening new world You feel the limit of the environment, That the ether has changed the density.

377 But this sensation is only, That your spirit, having changed the spectrum of Energies of the higher spheres and niches, Ascended to a new pedestal, having mastered a new vector.

378 And the gates will open again, Those new essences and forces, What can you see then, Wandering between the stars.

379 And the world that is squeezed by the density, And the world that is beyond the gates In the arms of the shining rainbow, Will be available to you. 380 And every time you go forward Stepping a step up You will feel how the vault of the Border opens everything.

381 But once again crossing the threshold Breathing in energy and delight, In the knowledge of the world and yourself You will see a new threshold. ……………………………………………..

385. Let dream and reality, intertwined, Give the basis for the feeling of the field Where the spirit realizes itself Outside the body thrown by the will.

386. And the world, like a dream enchanted, the Spirit will see and feel, But know that this dream is false, That is the body of the world that it should know. 387. You are invisible and your mind is in turmoil, But your mind must comprehend That you are one with the lying body, Like a sword lifted from its scabbard.

388. And the thread, flowing like a baby's umbilical cord, Connects the earthly world With you, from the heavenly world.

389. So take care of her and honor her, Like a thin bridge across a hollow, The price of her life - do not cut off, She is your keeper in the world.

390. Here the sounds of the spheres have color, Here the will is wings for movement, Here the firmament is only soft snow, Here the light does not blind the eye and there is no moonless darkness.

The ancient esoteric work The Essence of Being (Sanskrit name "Chakra-Muni") that has come down to us is one of the ancient and revered of the literary and philosophical treatises of human civilization that have survived to this day. The source of origin, ahead of mankind in terms of knowledge by millennia, defies scientific explanation. The treatise is not inherently a religious document, but nevertheless had a huge impact on almost all theological teachings and religions of the world.
Obviously, we have before us an information block transmitted to people approximately 3000 - 3500 years BC and was intended to give people fundamental Knowledge about the Universe, the conditions of life in an embodied state, ways of liberation from false knowledge and knowledge of the truth, achieving the goal of life and connecting with Mind of Space. The source of its origin is unknown.
Cycle of Being.
Ancient texts Chakra - Muni.
They say that at the end of 1987, at the session of the USSR Academy of Sciences, a report was read by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences prof. Toporov (passed away on December 05, 2005 at the age of 78), dedicated to the manuscript "Chakra-Muni".
Science is unable to offer a satisfactory interpretation of this text. But in terms of the Higher Knowledge, its informational content becomes clear, despite the distortions that could be introduced into it in the process of numerous translations from one language to another. Obviously, we have before us an information block transmitted to people approximately 3000 - 3500 years BC and was intended to give people fundamental Knowledge about the Universe, the conditions of life in an embodied state, ways of liberation from false knowledge and knowledge of the truth, achieving the goal of life and connecting with Mind of Space.
The ancient esoteric work The Essence of Being (Sanskrit name "Chakra-Muni") that has come down to us is one of the ancient and revered of the literary and philosophical treatises of human civilization that have survived to this day. The source of origin, ahead of mankind in terms of knowledge by millennia, defies scientific explanation. The treatise is not inherently a religious document, but nevertheless had a huge impact on almost all theological teachings and religions of the world. This happened because the content of the treatise was much higher than the level of knowledge of that time and was interpreted within the limits of society's understanding of the knowledge and truths contained in the document.
The origin of this treatise is unknown. Currently, there are several competing versions of the origin of this amazing work of human civilization. The most famous of them are two: the proto-Aryan or Arkaim version and the Egyptian or Atlantean.
The ancient Indian source "Samaranga" tells about the texts of the Moon who came to the Thar Desert and the banks of the Ganges from the valley of the Ra River, when the treatise "Brahmi" (which gave the name to the oldest known Indian script) became the basis for the formation of the religious and social structure of society. Over the past two or three centuries, repeated attempts have been made to translate the texts of the treatise into European languages ​​and to comprehend them. Unfortunately, no attempt to interpret the texts can be considered sufficiently successful. Nevertheless, the treatise had a significant impact on the philosophical views of a number of European thinkers (Bacon, Spinoza, Lomonosov, Voltaire, Spencer, Haeckel, S. Bulgakov, Jung).
Ever since this esoteric work has been known to mankind, an amazing, almost mystical, transformation of people has been associated with its knowledge. It was believed that one who cognizes the whole meaning of the treatise, cognizes the truth of being, the world will open to him from a completely different side, and he will acquire new abilities in the light of transformed knowledge and new views on life, the world, the meaning of existence. In the entire history of mankind, one way or another connected with the cognition of the meaning of the texts, only a few people were able to cognize the meaning of these instructions. In particular, in Buddhism they were ranked as Amitaba - the living Buddha.
Now directly about the texts. Their exact number is unknown. Only a few relatively ancient documents with a different number of verses have survived to this day (sometimes rhymed, sometimes not, as a result of which one can speak of verses only conditionally). The semantic load in verses, in different languages, is also different. Each version of the text of the treatise, before reaching us, was translated from language to language dozens of times. It was not always possible for translators to find the equivalent meaning of words in translations, some meanings are completely lost, others have changed meaning. So certain distortions of the original text are inevitable, for example, in Sanskrit from above
20 concepts of space, and in the present translation there are 4-5 of them, which replace most of the meanings. The same can be said about such terms and concepts as spirit, soul, field, mind, which differ in a significant number of semantic interpretations that have no modern analogues. For example, in Russian, water can only be called water, and nothing else. In Sanskrit, it can be called ar, ambhas, udaka, udan, kilala, jala, toya, dharya, payas, vari, salila, hala.
The modern translation into Russian is made with the aim of adapting the philosophical sound of the treatise as closely as possible to our time. Unfortunately, I had to sacrifice the form of poetry, some semantic interpretation, concepts in the text, replacing them with more accessible and modern for our time, colloquial speech and terminology.
The total number of texts in documentary sources (lists) ranges from several hundred to 5 thousand. In a number of ancient lists, along with the texts of the treatise, there were post-textual comments on individual parts of the treatise, which created additional difficulties in screening and translating the texts of the treatise itself. Of the total number of texts that have come down to us, no more than 20% have been translated and interpreted (at the modern level of requirements for similar primary sources).
This text contains excerpts from the quatrains of the General and Special parts of the Chakra Muni. Logical gaps are visible in places, these are probably places of lost verses, but in general, all these texts are included in the first hundred.
The treatise itself consists, as it were, of two parts: the main part, the volume of which is about 350 verses, and the special part, the volume of several thousand verses. The main part is, as it were, a table of contents of the basic principles of the universe and future goals achievable for students to learn. The special part, the largest in volume, defines the practical ways of knowing and achieving the truths of the main part of the treatise. The narrative is undulating, maintaining a constant relationship, and drawing parallels between man, earthly problems and global physical and philosophical concepts, problems, theories.
This translation was made from the Sanskrit manuscript "Chakra-Muni", where the text has been preserved most intact, in a comparative analysis with the ancient Persian and ancient Chinese versions of quatrains. Unfortunately, we still do not have access to the Tibetan manuscript "The Realm of Dharma - the Lords of the Dead".
Before you start reading the texts, you must remember that this is a scientific and philosophical treatise. It is a complex set of esoteric knowledge and theories, the depth of which is so amazing that modern scientists are simply unable to offer a relatively satisfactory hypothesis of their origin. It is possible that the meaning of the treatise is somewhat different, and we are under the impression of our own modern theories, but there are too many coincidences.
To our regret, at present, science is not able to give at least one explanation acceptable to all about the sources that served as the basis for the creation of this work.
Wisdom is a picture that opens up for a moment. The way to comprehend it is vision. The poet sees with an inner eye, with intuition, the sudden flash of which illuminates for him the divine picture of truth. Read and take off in thought.
I advise you to read without thinking about the words and concepts. easily. like between the lines. Gradually the meaning will be revealed.
The Essence of Being - Chakra Muni
How empty in the deaf cavity
Haughty abyss frank
At the bottom of silence your mind
Knows the truths of the universe.
The wall of thought closed the circle
Your silent contemplation
And in the void the mind drowned,
Rejecting the days of past radiance.
Through the veil of transparent power
The ray of the Creator penetrated the consciousness:
Why did the force create the world?
Take a look - the seal of the end is on everything ...
But your thought soars without oppression
And without support. earthly world
Stayed where there is no flight
In captivity with life's fate.
The starry world keeps a secret,
Like an anthill is disturbed,
In a causal connection, the light is closed,
You must see her for yourself.
Throw away chaosist from the subconscious
Before the secret of the higher path,
After all, knowing the meaning of life
They must be repurchased.
There is a secret of secrets in the universe:
Power lies in the tomb of the brain,
Despising centuries and distances
She will turn life from a spark ...
At the edge of mighty power
Fly over a closed environment
In yourself know the whole world almighty
And the world is worthless.
Inside the endless space
Super densely mumiyo thoughts.
Relate yourself to this kingdom,
Rethinking life.
You will become taller and stronger
Worlds whose will is under yours,
You will see them without seeing
And hear people's thoughts.
The foggy spirit of those gone to dust
Let it descend to you from the abyss
And revive the desert darkness
A blossom of thought and hope.
You will lengthen your modest age
Combining the experience of hundreds in moments!
But even a wise man
Powerless against the term of the flesh.
From everyday affairs without getting tired
Be in a fruitful branch
Knowing the world around
Continue through the generations.
Do not suppress the instincts of life,
Give them a clean mind
Harmony must be meaning
And the mind is the measure of everything.
Inside you and outside of you
Two worlds - inner and outer,
passing one into another,
United in this eternal struggle.
Appreciate the flow of your destiny
Owning all he gives
Don't forget the cycle of days:
Everything will be dust, everything will be gone.
Nothing lasts forever in this world
But death is immortality traits,
You don't disappear without a trace
You change the forms of life.
You die in feelings, body
And part of the mind, but the spirit
Reborn again for the cause
Let the mystery of the Word touch your ears!
Already by its existence
You change the earthly world
All changes are for knowledge
You create a different world.
So don't be afraid to leave
There is no end in the endless world,
But without a trace of work do not hide -
Give life to others, give your light.
The Tree of Life has strong roots
Passion in the arms of vanity,
Look for harmony and remember:
You are the creator of your own destiny.
And let you be powerless before the sky
But keep the faith in your heart
With peace of mind, follow the goals,
Fill the years, days with meaning.
May you be neither the first nor the last
Among those who have gone to another world,
But the thought that gives birth to genius
Will not be washed away by a ghostly wave.
Let the field of wisdom be silent
Dissolved among the stars and darkness,
All the power is in you, but not conditionally:
The Creator gave you the core.
Wandering eyes between the luminaries,
In the deep mist of heaven,
Understand that the world is multi-layered,
And shattered for centuries.
The world is many-sided, multiple,
Captured by time for a long time
In chains of motion without return...
Everything is predetermined.
All that is visible is only the surface,
But the essence is hidden in the depths,
The nature of time is eternity,
For all paths there is eternal way.
Spiral of boundless space,
Where time is the ruler with a sword
Rushing in a wondrous chariot...
- Tell me, what is your dream about?
- The ring of time must close,
Connecting the end to the beginning!
Suddenly… everything was… completed:
And the new world exploded with heat.
The cosmos exploded, disintegrating,
The world has come and gone again.
The matter was torn, shrinking,
To burst and blaze again!
So endlessly
Everything comes back again
Wave plays with wave
To repeat reflections.
The chain of cycles of creation
Given a riddle to the mind,
To find the fruits of knowledge
He became fully aware of himself.
There is still a secret in the essence of the world -
There is no absolute void
There is strength hidden in the void connection,
There is nothing more difficult than this simplicity.
All emptiness is the adhesion of particles,
The unity of the power of the universe,
The source that gives birth to the moment,
Spiral world of knowledge.
The source flows from the eternal bowels
Any times, spaces of worlds,
Giving birth to a solar sprout
For galactic tents.
Inflate the mech of the planetary spheres
To the inevitable limit
The abyss absorbs the abyss of measures,
To skillfully give birth to worlds again.
And in this endless abyss,
Flying in the stream of time
A grain of sand, incomparable with it -
Your spirit that will conquer the abyss.
But to escape from captivity
And to know the adjacent world,
Time is given, change
To exist on earth.
Death replaces life
But life after death is not always
Everyone should remember this
So as not to fade away for centuries.
The more dense in space,
The less speed inside.
Here is the time of the slow kingdom,
There is the time of the speed of dawn.
But if you compress space with force,
Pierce with the arrow of time
That thought bold, light-winged
You can live in a new world.
The wall of silence will break
Space will open the world - a tent,
Where among the starry expanse
Again, an unknown fire.
Knowledge is infinite in the world,
We are not able to blow out the fire,
And the cosmos is expanding ever wider,
For those who choose the path to knowledge.
For everyone - his knowledge,
Your experience and your destiny
Your secrets of the universe,
Where the part and the whole are outside the "I
The deeper the knowledge the depth
The more subtle we feel the world.
The brighter life times
And thought creates a beautiful feast,
Tasting rhythms, proportion
In the chain of events and times,
But remaining faithful to the force,
The thought realizes that the spirit is captivated...
All-consuming Unity!
The axis of life is given to eternity,
And even chaos outrage -
The essence of a harmonious wave ...
You are part of a rational substance,
The fruit of those who have lived and will live
And your "I" is part of the power of the wise,
A thread that did not realize the connection.
But to rediscover yourself
And feel the unity connection,
Open to the world, loving the world,
Wondering at the strength of the free!
"I" is woven from three principles:
One thing - you yourself, as the center in the world,
The second was created by others,
So that you realize them in your thoughts
Your own kind, yourself.
And the third "I" - what is above you ...
Know thyself
So that the flesh becomes subject to you,
So that the will expresses "I",
What is above you - Unity halo.
When the shackles are all gone
And "I" knows the power of accomplishment,
Then sadness will go away
Feelings will be wonderful.
There is no limit to the mind, you know,
Through will and skill,
Arrow you send thoughts of light
To every goal in aspiration.
And as the creator of the fate of people
By his power, which is from the spirit,
You will instruct the kings
Beyond the horizon of eyes and ears.
Not right away, it will come slowly
Possession of immeasurable power,
Like a beam of light she breaks through
The darkness of the abyss is instantaneous lightning.
And this powerful lightning
You light up the whole world around
You comprehend the passions of the string,
And bad fate evil disease.
Faceless bodies soulless circle
Deprived of life by nature,
You can suddenly move
Endowed with a mighty will.
Giving souls this power,
Filling the body with mind
You will reconnect with the ether
Where the Higher Mind is waiting for you.
And surpassing himself with the mind,
Break up with your former self
And you will find your highest home,
What was commanded by fate.
You, as a phenomenon of being,
Like a drop in the ocean
Recreated my own "I",
Like the ocean rising up as a tsunami....
There's a mystery waiting to be answered
Where is the womb that gave everything here?
Where is the entrance for the fiery light,
That the whole world was built by an explosion?
The well of darkness that enters the point
Where density and emptiness are merged,
There is only a transition to another world,
Like a fish, there is an air bubble.
There is a womb-Mother in the veils of the night,
What is waiting for the moment to open the entrance
For a flash of emanations of power
And the time of the world run.
Everything is primordial and endless,
Everything is compressed by force and dark,
All waiting to start
Without time lies in "Nothing".
Still no mind, bliss,
There is no reason for the events
And no - to whom to suffer immeasurably,
Once a moment and eternity are merged here.
Seven levels of consciousness
For the realization of the world
Given to you to know
In the domain of the elements.
In the circle of the world
In the knowledge of the fourth
Feel the Eye of the World
Where the foundations of the logos are hidden.
How high can you
Ascend into the sky
Only you can answer
That question is eternal.
In the chain of circling incarnations
Around the one who created the world
You move up with hope
On the stairs going down.
Shining in the great womb
Energies of higher and worlds
Gave life to the wheels of the universe,
Having created a system of sons
Seven sons, five higher realms,
The axis of the hierarchy of the Universe:
Each area has its own destiny,
Its layer of matter and light.
Only from above the ray of omniscience sees,
From the lower levels - the sight is blind.
Know the way up to the Lord,
The servant who made him a vow.
Let the Mind Field answer
It will burn with fire that does not burn,
Will give will and energy strength,
And he will instill faith in the way.
Pass, know and throw off the cover of three,
And you will see seven in the system.
And in the blindingly burning darkness
Fly, aware of the forms of the seed.
Everything comes from two foundations.
Creator of souls of spirits and consciousness
And the mother who gave birth
All forms of the world and the prohibitions of the edge.
Turning the wheel of the worlds
Turning over the forms of the world,
The Lord seeks the essence of the foundations,
That kingdom, which is nice to nature.
Let three hundred million times
The dawn will rise over the new world,
And just as much sunset death
Experience will give intelligent life.
And among the molten streams
Seas of fire that bring death
The mountains rise up
The land that has found its firmament.
Let the firmament harden, cooling down,
Throwing out a sigh from the depths,
And life, born from the crystal,
Softens forms, bearing fruit.
Worlds of water, fire and land
Intertwined, giving life a chance
In fierce competition
Silt of life in the sea to recreate.
The unity of the mind is broken.
The spirit is divided for battles,
So that in the midst of the great battle,
Raise worthy for the gods

At the end of 1987, at a session of the USSR Academy of Sciences, a report was read by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences prof. Toporov (passed away on December 05, 2005 at the age of 78), dedicated to the manuscript "Chakra-Muni". Below is a short excerpt from the four-hour talk posted at,1723.0/wap2.html . Science is unable to offer a satisfactory interpretation of this text. But in terms of the Higher Knowledge, its information content becomes clear, despite the distortions that could be introduced into it in the process of numerous translations from one language to another. Obviously, we have before us an information block transmitted to people in the process of channeling. This happened approximately 3000 - 3500 years BC and was intended to give people the fundamental Knowledge about the Universe, the conditions of life in the embodied state, the ways of liberation from false knowledge and knowledge of the truth, achieving the goal of life and connecting with the Mind of Space.

When deciphering "Chakra-Muni" used: "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "". The text of the transcripts contains links to the relevant sections of these works, which will help to understand the information contained in the quatrains. If these references are not enough to understand the essence of the matter, you can use the local search engine on the site, hosted on .

"The ancient esoteric work The Essence of Being (Sanskrit name "Chakra-Muni") that has come down to us is one of the ancient and revered of those that have come down to of our days literary and philosophical treatises of human civilization. The source of origin, ahead of mankind in terms of knowledge by millennia, defies scientific explanation. The treatise is not inherently a religious document, but nevertheless had a huge impact on almost all theological teachings and religions of the world. This happened because the content of the treatise was much higher than the level of knowledge of that time and was interpreted within the limits of society's understanding of the knowledge and truths contained in the document.
The origin of this treatise is unknown. Currently, there are several competing versions of the origin of this amazing work of human civilization. The most famous of them are two: the proto-Aryan or Arkaim version and the Egyptian or Atlantean.
The ancient Indian source “Samaranga” tells about the texts of the Moon that came to the Thar Desert and the banks of the Ganges from the valley of the Ra River, when the treatise “Brahmi” (which gave the name to the oldest known Indian script) became the basis for the formation of the religious and social structure of society. According to various estimates, this is approximately from 1.5 to 3.5 thousand years BC. Perhaps it was this document that laid the foundation for the formation of a religious-philosophical movement, currently known as “Yoga”.
Later, the texts of the treatise "Brahmi" had a great influence on the formation of a number of ancient Indian philosophical movements, such as Sankhya (Kapila) and Vaisheshika (Kanado, Prashastapada), as well as the Upanishads.
By this time, the text of the treatise was already known in the Bactrian kingdom and in the territory of ancient Balochistan (Elamite writings - "The Holy Book of Dzyan").
The basis of the ancient Persian sacred canon of the Zoroastrians "Avesta" was the "precepts of Ahuramazda" - the supreme deity of fire (Persian name), set forth by the prophet Zoroaster about 3.5 thousand years ago. But the "testaments of Ahuramazda" themselves were widely known in the territory of Persia and Central Asia long before the appearance of the texts of the "Avesta". Their appearance, apparently, is comparable in time with the appearance of this manuscript in the territory of Ancient India, although estimates of the antiquity of the Persian versions of quatrains are debatable. This manuscript is documented for the first time only in 331 BC, when the Persian version of the quatrains is listed in the list of Zoroastrian books burned by the Macedonians during the capture of the city of Susa.
Many scientists believe that one of the ancient places where this manuscript was formed is the Arkaim civilization of the Southern Urals at the turn of the 3rd-4th millennium BC, from where it could have been brought to the territory of ancient India and Persia by the Aryan tribes. In the middle of the IV millennium BC. well-organized communities of Aryan nomads moved west and south, towards Europe and Southwest Asia. In all these regions, their main opponents were various civilizations of the so-called. Trypillia culture. The center of the Aryan community was the territory of the Arkaim civilization with a partly settled population concentrated in the cities of the Bronze Age. It is to the original homeland of the quatrains east of the Ra (Volga) river and the foothills north of the Caspian that most of the ancient Aryan peoples point: the Hittites, Persians, the Vedic literature of India, even the legends of the Etruscans. The intensive distribution of quatrains coincides in time and movement with the time of the advance of the Aryan tribes through the territory of Asia and Europe. At the same time, speaking of the Arkaim civilization, it should be noted that in fact Arkaim itself is only the largest city among dozens, if not hundreds of cities located south of the river. Ui, occupies mainly the watershed of the Ural and Tobol rivers. That is, we are talking about an ancient densely populated civilization of the Bronze Age.
The first controversial references in Ancient Egypt (texts "Er nu peret heru") about the "Testament of the god Ptah" (Egyptian name) refer to the period of the kingdom of Keme, the fifth dynasty of Dzhedkar Isesi and tell about divine revelations that were known to Egyptian priests for many hundreds more rainy seasons until the foundation of the White Walls (the ancient name of Memphis). If we try to make simple calculations in time (regarding the texts of “Er nu peret heru”), then this is also about 2.5 thousand years BC. The Egyptians considered the ancient lost civilization to be the source of the origin of the texts. The weak link of this version is the absence of direct quotations from the document "the testaments of the god Ptah" in Egypt earlier than the 3rd-4th century. BC, i.e. before the accession to the throne of the Hellenic Ptolemaic dynasty, tk. the cited references to the ancient Egyptian text "Er nu peret kheru" cannot convincingly prove this. Perhaps this indicates that the route of the quatrains to Egypt lay after all through Asia Minor, and in time it was not earlier than the Hellenic conquests of A. Macedon.
A treatise called "The Fiery Truths of Rubrum" was also known to the Assyrians. Ancient clay tablets brought to us separate fragments of the treatise written in cuneiform and a version of the origin, similar to the ancient Indian, but brought "on the swords of the Hittites." The appearance of this treatise in Babylon, apparently, is comparable in time with the appearance of quatrains in the territory of Bactria and Persia.
The ancient Greek historian and philosopher Herodotus, relying on various sources, including Etruscan, Persian and, apparently, Egyptian, linked the texts of the god Ptah with the mysterious and ancient civilization "Atlantis", which died in the depths of the sea 8 - 11 thousand years ago.
By the way, in Ancient Greece itself, the texts were known as “Secrets of the Underground God Hades” and they came to Greece through the Kingdom of Minos, either, apparently, from Egypt or Asia Minor, or from the territory of Europe itself, through Aryan colonization. The treatise had a great influence on ancient philosophy Greece, various philosophical schools and currents (Thales, Leucippus, Heraclid, Aristotle).
In ancient Tibet, the Chakra Muni treatise has been known since the 2nd millennium BC. The texts apparently came from India or China. The heyday of Chakra Muni in Tibet dates back to the 6th century BC, when the treatise had a certain influence on the emergence of a new world religion - Buddhism. It is believed that the Chakra Muni manuscripts had a significant impact on the development of Buddhism, in particular on Siddartha Gautama (prince of the ancient Nepalese principality) as the founder of the Buddhist canon. But, nevertheless, the manuscript itself was not included in the Buddhist canon Kanjur, although it was distributed in Tibet as a revised treatise "The Kingdom of Dharma - the Lords of the Dead."
In ancient China, a symbolic interpretation of the main provisions of the treatise "The Book of Shu Ching" was given in the ancient fundamental philosophical work "Ijin" (Book of Changes), where an attempt was made to build a certain model of the world based on the concept of quatrains in binary system coordinates. Later, certain provisions of the treatise formed the basis of various philosophical schools of ancient China: Taoism (Laozi, Zhuangzi), Confucianism (Confucius, Mencius) and the school of Mohists (Mozi).
On the territory of the Roman Empire in the 1st - 2nd century AD. the texts of the treatise formed the basis of the religious and philosophical trend - Gnosticism, which in the 2nd - 3rd centuries became the main rival of early Christianity (Basilides, Heraclean, Carpocrates) in terms of influence. Naturally, the interpretation of texts in Gnosticism and their philosophical understanding was given at the level of knowledge of their time, with a large admixture of mystical and ritual ideas and cults, which passed over as a synthesis of ancient Eastern ideas about the treatise.
Over the past two or three centuries, repeated attempts have been made to translate the texts of the treatise into European languages ​​and to comprehend them. Unfortunately, no attempt to interpret the texts can be considered sufficiently successful. Nevertheless, the treatise had a significant impact on the philosophical views of a number of European thinkers (Bacon, Spinoza, Lomonosov, Voltaire, Spencer, Haeckel, S. Bulgakov, Jung).
Ever since this esoteric work has been known to mankind, an amazing, almost mystical, transformation of people has been associated with its knowledge. It was believed that one who cognizes the whole meaning of the treatise, cognizes the truth of being, the world will open to him from a completely different side, and he will acquire new abilities in the light of transformed knowledge and new views on life, the world, the meaning of existence. In the entire history of mankind, one way or another connected with the knowledge of the meaning of the texts, only a few people were able to know the meaning of these instructions. In particular, in Buddhism they were ranked as Amitaba - the living Buddha.
Now directly about the texts. Their exact number is unknown. Only a few relatively ancient documents with a different number of verses have survived to this day (sometimes rhymed, sometimes not, as a result of which one can speak of verses only conditionally). The semantic load in verses, in different languages, is also different. Each version of the text of the treatise, before reaching us, was translated from language to language dozens of times. Translators were not always able to find the equivalent meaning of words during translations, some meanings are completely lost, others have changed meaning. So certain distortions of the original text are inevitable, for example, in Sanskrit there are over 20 concepts of space, and in the present translation there are 4-5 of them, which replace most of the meanings. The same can be said about such terms and concepts as spirit, soul, field, mind, which differ in a significant number of semantic interpretations that have no modern analogues. For example, in Russian, water can only be called water, and nothing else. In Sanskrit it may be called ar, ambhas, udaka, udan, kilala, jala, toya, dharya, payas, vari, salila, hala.
The modern translation into Russian is made with the aim of adapting the philosophical sound of the treatise as closely as possible to our time. Unfortunately, I had to sacrifice the form of poetry, some semantic interpretation, concepts in the text, replacing them with more accessible and modern for our time, colloquial speech and terminology.
The total number of texts in documentary sources (lists) ranges from several hundred to 5 thousand. In a number of ancient lists, along with the texts of the treatise, there were post-textual comments on individual parts of the treatise, which created additional difficulties in screening and translating the texts of the treatise itself. Of the total number of texts that have come down to us, no more than 20% have been translated and interpreted (at the modern level of requirements for similar primary sources).
This text contains excerpts from the quatrains of the General and Special parts of the Chakra Muni. Logical gaps are visible in places, these are probably places of lost verses, but in general, all these texts are included in the first hundred.
The treatise itself consists, as it were, of two parts: the main part, the volume of which is about 350 verses, and the special part, the volume of several thousand verses. The main part is, as it were, a table of contents of the basic principles of the universe and future goals achievable for students to learn. The special part, the largest in volume, defines the practical ways of knowing and achieving the truths of the main part of the treatise. The narrative is undulating, maintaining a constant relationship, and drawing parallels between man, earthly problems and global physical and philosophical concepts, problems, theories.
This translation was made from the Sanskrit manuscript "Chakra-Muni", where the text has been preserved most intact, in a comparative analysis with the ancient Persian and ancient Chinese versions of quatrains. Unfortunately, we still do not have access to the Tibetan manuscript "The Realm of Dharma - the Lords of the Dead".
Before you start reading the texts, you must remember that this is a scientific and philosophical treatise. It is a complex set of esoteric knowledge and theories, the depth of which is so amazing that modern scientists are simply unable to offer a relatively satisfactory hypothesis of their origin. It is possible that the meaning of the treatise is somewhat different, and we are under the impression of our own modern theories, but there are too many coincidences.
To our regret, at present, science is not able to give at least one explanation acceptable to everyone about the sources that served as the basis for the creation of this work.

Further, the text of the translation of "Chakra-Muni" into Russian is published. Changes have been made to the original text of the translation of some quatrains in terms of the placement of punctuation marks, which made it possible to more accurately express the meaning contained in them. The need for these changes became quite apparent during the deciphering process. The reader will be able to verify this if he compares the texts with .

Essence of Being.

The ancient esoteric work The Essence of Being (Sanskrit name Chakra-Muni) that has come down to us is perhaps the most ancient and revered of the literary and philosophical treatises of human civilization that have survived to this day. The source of origin, ahead of mankind in terms of knowledge by millennia, defies scientific explanation. The treatise is not inherently a religious document, but nevertheless had a huge impact on almost all theological teachings and religions of the world. This happened because the content of the treatise was much higher than the level of knowledge of that time and was interpreted within the limits of society's understanding of the knowledge and truths contained in the document. The origin of this treatise is unknown.
Since antiquity, several versions of the texts of the document have been known. The ancient Indian source “Samaranga” tells about the texts of the Moon that fell to the ground in the Thar Desert several thousand years before the heyday of the kingdom of “Kharapla”, when the treatise “Brahmi” (which gave the name to the oldest known Indian script) became the basis for the formation of the religious and social structure of society (early Yajur Veda). This is approximately 3.5 - 4 thousand years BC. It was this document that laid the foundation for the formation of a religious and philosophical movement, currently known as "Yoga".
The first mentions in Ancient Egypt (texts of Er nu peret heru) about the “Testament of the god Ptah” /Egyptian name/ refer to the period of the early kingdom of Keme, the Menetho dynasty /the first dynasty of Menetho/, and tell about divine revelations that were known to the Egyptian priests for many years. thousand rainy seasons before the foundation of the White Walls / the ancient name of Memphis - later the ancient capital of Egypt /. If you try to make simple calculations in time, then this is also about 4 thousand years BC. The Egyptians considered the ancient lost civilization to be the source of the origin of the texts. A treatise called “The Fiery Truths of Rubrum” was also known to the Sumerian civilization, or rather the Proto-Sumerian, long before the emergence of Assyria and Babylon, / the so-called. kingdom of Akkad. Ancient clay tablets brought to us individual fragments of the treatise written in cuneiform and a version of the origin, similar to the ancient Indian. The Sumerians believed that the letters "came down from heaven."
In ancient Tibet, the Chakra Muni treatise has been known since the 2nd millennium BC. The texts apparently came from India or China. The heyday of Chakra Muni in Tibet dates back to the 9th century BC, when the treatise practically contributed to the emergence of a new world religion - Buddhism. It is believed that the Chakra Muni manuscripts had a significant impact on the development of Buddhism, in particular on Siddartha Gautama (prince of the ancient Nepalese principality) as the founder of the Buddhist canon. Nevertheless, the manuscript itself was not included in the Buddhist canon of Kanjur, although it was distributed in Tibet as a revised treatise "The Kingdom of Dharma - the Lords of the Dead." In ancient China, a symbolic interpretation of the main provisions of the treatise "Book of Shu Jing" was given in the most ancient fundamental philosophical work "Ijin" (Book of Changes). Later, the main provisions of the treatise formed the basis of the main philosophical schools of ancient China: Taoism (Laozi, Zhuangzi), Confucianism (Confucius, Mencius) and the school of Mohists (Mozi). On the territory of the Roman Empire at the beginning of the 1st - 2nd century AD. the texts of the treatise formed the basis of the religious and philosophical trend - Gnosticism, which in the 2nd - 3rd centuries became the main rival of early Christianity (Basilides, Heraclean, Carpocrates).
In the entire history of mankind, one way or another connected with the knowledge of the meaning of the texts, only a few people were able to know the meaning of these instructions. In particular, in Buddhism they were ranked as Amitaba - the living Buddha. Now directly about the texts. Their exact number is unknown. Until now, only a few relatively ancient documents with a different number of verses have survived (sometimes rhymed, sometimes not, as a result of which one can only speak about verses conditionally). The semantic load in verses, in different languages, is also different. Each version of the text of the treatise, before reaching us, was translated from language to language dozens of times. Translators were not always able to find the equivalent meaning of words during translations, some meanings are completely lost, others have changed meaning. So certain distortions of the original text are inevitable, for example, in Sanskrit there are over 20 concepts of space, and in the present translation there are 4-5 of them, which replace most of the meanings. The same can be said about such terms and concepts as spirit, soul, field, mind, which differ in a significant number of semantic interpretations that have no modern analogues. For example, in Russian, water can only be called water, and nothing else. In Sanskrit it may be called ar, ambhas, udaka, udan, kilala, jala, toya, dharya, payas, vari, salila, hala. The modern translation into Russian is made with the aim of adapting the philosophical sound of the treatise as closely as possible to our time.
Unfortunately, I had to sacrifice the form of poetry, some semantic interpretation, concepts in the text, replacing them with more accessible and modern for our time, colloquial speech and terminology. The total number of texts in documentary sources (lists) ranges from several hundred to 5 thousand. In a number of ancient copies, along with the texts of the treatise, there were post-textual comments on individual parts of the treatise, which created additional difficulties in screening and translating the texts of the treatise itself. Of the total number of texts that have come down to us, no more than 20% have been translated and interpreted (at the modern level of requirements for similar primary sources). This text contains the first 60 texts. Logical gaps are visible in places, these are probably places of lost verses, but in general, all these texts are included in the first hundred. The treatise itself consists, as it were, of two parts - the main part, the volume of which is about 350 verses, and the special part, the volume of several thousand verses. The main part is, as it were, a table of contents of the basic principles of the universe and future goals achievable for students to learn. The special part, the largest in volume, defines the practical ways of knowing and achieving the truths of the main part of the treatise. The narrative is undulating, maintaining a constant relationship and drawing parallels between man, earthly problems and global physical and philosophical concepts, problems, theories. This translation was made from Sanskrit, where the text has been preserved most intact, in a comparative analysis with the ancient Chinese version of the text.
Unfortunately, we still do not have access to the Tibetan manuscript "The Realm of Dharma - the Lords of the Dead", which is best known in scientific circles under the Sanskrit name Chakra Muni and which, apparently, has undergone the least distortion. Naturally, the early Buddhist manuscripts contain frequent references to the texts of the treatise as one of the main sources of the origin of Buddhism. But the bulk of these documents are in the closed book depositories of Buddhist monasteries and are not available to scientists. Before you start reading the texts, you must remember that this is a scientific and philosophical treatise. It is a complex set of esoteric knowledge and theories, the depth of which is so amazing that modern scientists are simply not able to offer a relatively satisfactory hypothesis of their origin. It is possible that the meaning of the treatise is somewhat different, and we are under the impression of our own modern theories, but there are too many coincidences. To our regret, at present, science is not able to give at least one explanation acceptable to everyone about the sources that served as the basis for the creation of this work.


How empty in the deaf cavity
Haughty abyss frank
At the bottom of silence your mind
Knows the truths of the universe.

The wall of thought closed the circle
Your silent contemplation
And in the void the mind drowned,
Rejecting the days of past radiance.

Through the veil of transparent power
The ray of the Creator penetrated the consciousness:
Why did the force create the world?
Take a look - the seal of the end is on everything ...

But your thought soars without oppression
And without support. earthly world
Left where there is no flight
In captivity with life's fate.

The starry world keeps a secret.
Like an anthill is disturbed,
In a causal connection, the light is closed,
You must see her yourself.

Throw away the chaos of truths from the subconscious
Before the secret of the higher path,
After all, knowing the meaning of life
They must be repurchased.

There is a secret of secrets in the universe:
Power lies in the tomb of the brain,
Despising centuries and distances
She will turn life from a spark ...

At the edge of mighty power
Fly over a closed environment
In yourself know the whole world almighty
And the world is worthless.

Inside the endless space
Super densely mummy thoughts.
Relate yourself to this kingdom,
Rethinking life.

You will become taller and stronger
Worlds whose will is under yours,
You will see with the spirit
And hear people's thoughts.

The foggy spirit of those gone to dust
Let it descend to you from the abyss
And revive the desert darkness
The inflorescence of thought is a useful gift.

You will lengthen your modest age,
Combining the experience of hundreds in moments!
But even a wise man
Powerless against the term of the flesh.

From everyday affairs without getting tired,
Be in a fruitful branch
Knowing the world around
Continue through the generations.

Do not suppress the instincts of life,
Give them a clean mind
Harmony must be meaning
And the mind is the measure of everything.

Inside you and outside of you
Two worlds - inner and outer,
passing one into another,
United in this eternal struggle.

Appreciate the flow of your destiny
Owning all he gives
Don't forget the cycle of days:
Everything will be dust, everything will be gone.

Nothing lasts forever in this world
But death is immortality traits,
You don't disappear without a trace
You change the forms of life.

You die in feelings, body
And part of the mind, but the spirit
Reborn again for the cause
Let the mystery of the Word touch your ears!

Already by its existence
You change the earthly world
All changes are for the sake of knowledge,
You create a different world.

So don't be afraid to leave
There is no end in the endless world,
But without a trace of work, do not hide -
Give life to others, give your light.

The Tree of Life has strong roots
Passion in the arms of vanity,
Look for harmony and remember:
You are the creator of your own destiny.

And let you be powerless before the sky
But keep the faith in your heart
With peace of mind, follow the goals,
Fill the years, days with meaning.

May you be neither the first nor the last
Among those who have gone to another world,
But the thought that gives birth to genius
Will not be washed away by a ghostly wave.

Let the field of wisdom be silent
Dissolved among the stars and darkness,
All the power is in you, but not conditionally:
The Creator gave you the core.

Wandering eyes between the luminaries,
In the deep mist of heaven,
Understand that the world is multi-layered,
And it has been shattered for centuries.

The world is many-sided, multiple,
Captured by time for a long time
In chains of motion without return...
Everything is predetermined.

Everything visible is just a surface,
But the essence is hidden in the depths,
The nature of time is eternity,
For all paths there is an eternal path.

Spiral of space without border,
Where time is the ruler with a sword
Rushing in a wondrous chariot...
- Tell me, what is your dream about?

The ring of times must close,
Connecting the end to the beginning!
Suddenly... everything was... completed:
And the new world exploded with heat.

The cosmos exploded, disintegrating,
The world has come and gone again.
The matter was torn, shrinking,
To burst and blaze again!

So endlessly
Everything comes back again
Wave plays with wave
To repeat reflections.

The chain of cycles of creation
Given a riddle to the mind,
To find the fruits of knowledge
He became fully aware of himself.

There is still a secret in the essence of the world -
There is no absolute void
There is strength hidden in the void connection,
There is nothing more difficult than this simplicity.

All emptiness - particles adhesion,
The unity of the power of the universe,
The source that gives birth to the moment,
Spiral world of knowledge.

From the eternal depths the source flows
Any times, spaces of worlds,
Giving birth to a solar sprout
For galactic tents.

Inflate the mech of the planetary spheres
To the inevitable limit
The abyss absorbs the abyss of measures,
To skillfully give birth to worlds again.

And in this endless abyss,
Flying in the stream of time
A grain of sand, incomparable with it -
Your spirit that will conquer the abyss.

But to escape from captivity
And to know the adjacent world,
Time is given, change
To exist on earth.

Death replaces life
But life after death is not always
Everyone should remember this
So as not to fade away for centuries.

The more dense in space,
The less speed inside.
Here is the time of the slow kingdom,
There is the time of the speed of dawn.

You can, by compressing space with force,
Pierce with the arrow of time
And with a bold, light-winged thought
You can live in a new world.

The wall of silence will break
Space will open the world - a tent,
Where among the starry expanse
Again, an unknown fire.

Knowledge is infinite in the world,
We can't blow out the fire
And the cosmos is expanding ever wider,
For those who choose the path to knowledge.

For everyone - his knowledge,
Your experience and your destiny
Your secrets of the universe,
Where the part and the whole are outside the "I".

The deeper the knowledge the depth
The more subtle we feel the world.
The brighter life times
And thought creates a beautiful feast,

Tasting rhythms, proportion
In the chain of events and times,
But remaining faithful to the force,
Thought is aware that the spirit is captivated...

All-consuming Unity!
The axis of life - eternity is given,
And even chaos outrage -
The essence of a harmonious wave ...

You are part of a rational substance,
The fruit of those who have lived and will live
And your "I" is part of the power of the wise,
A thread that did not realize the connection.

But to rediscover yourself
And feel the unity connection,
Open to the world, loving the world,
Wondering at the strength of the free!

"I" is woven from three principles:
One - you yourself, as the center in the world,
The second was created by others,
So that you realize them in your thoughts
Your own kind, yourself.
And the third "I" - what is above you ..

Know thyself
So that the flesh becomes subject to you,
So that the will expresses "I",
What is above you - Unity halo.

When the shackles are all gone
And "I" knows the power of accomplishment,
Then sadness will go away
Feelings will be wonderful.

There is no limit to the mind, you know,
Through will and skill,
Arrow you send thoughts of light
To every goal in aspiration.

And as the creator of the fate of people
By his power, which is from the spirit,
You will instruct the kings
Beyond the horizon of eyes and ears.

Not right away, slowly come
Possession of immeasurable power,
Like a beam of light she will pierce
The darkness of the abyss is instantaneous lightning.

And this powerful lightning
You light up the whole world around
You comprehend the passions of the string,
And bad fate evil disease.

Faceless bodies soulless circle
Deprived of the nature of life,
You can suddenly move
Endowed with a mighty will.

Giving souls this power,
Filling the body with mind
You will reconnect with the ether
Where the Higher Mind is waiting for you.

And, surpassing himself with the mind,
Break up with your former self
And you will find your Highest home,
What was commanded by fate.

You, as a phenomenon of being,
Like a drop in the ocean
Recreated my own "I",
Like the ocean rising up as a tsunami....

These first 60 quatrains are an introduction to the main text of the treatise, which allows us to draw an independent conclusion about the value of all hidden work.


Entering another dimension
Knowing the law of other worlds,
You will control the moment
And start the spiral of centuries.

You yourself will begin to create worlds
Preharmonic at the beginning.
The worlds are crystal for the time being,
And at sunset - the darkness of sadness.

Giving birth ... you will give them a term
Bloom, growth, maturation,
Program a lesson
For learning in knowledge,

Giving birth ... you give death,
But the opportunity to be reborn
For those who go into the whirlwind
And the spirit will awaken

And to know yourself and captivity,
To overcome the cycle
Get out of the chain of change
And ripen with the fruit of Knowledge.

Conditions for everyone
But the goal is the same for times
Fill the days with light of knowledge.
He will transcend who is illumined.

And if you leave time
Having passed the pralaya of breathlessness,
Then you will gain the limit of knowledge:
You will find the end in yourself...

And eternal in eternity alive,
Uncreated and immortal
You will find peace in your soul
For knowledge and mind forbidden.

There are no words at the beginning, only a thought,
And this thought is the meaning of desire,
What revives a miracle - life,
Source from the sea of ​​remembrance.

The source of worldly mystery,
Fantasy game creator:
This is how the surf appears
And the first breath, the limit of the end,

Where does the beginning begin
For all times and all moments.
Otherwise, the Word would not sound
In words of deep revelation.

In the depths of time - silence,
What combines the rhythms of the world
For a moment of mature sound
In bottomless wells of ether.

Mystery of the birth of light,
That original moment
What launches many summers
There is an explosion of spiritual creation!

The fire of love gives birth to the world,
Worlds and abysses of all times.
There are no words when the ether creates
What is created by the power of thought.

Creation is similar to destruction:
All is embodied in unity,
That is not subject to different opinions,
Everything is brought together in combination.

Where something is, there is something not
If there is time, then there is no time,
Where are you? Among the many planets...
Where is the light? Where is he captured by darkness!

Both light and darkness united,
But we need time to understand
To comprehend creation.
The Tree of Life needs a seed...

There is no thought, if there are no minutes,
in which thoughts ripen,
But keep silent, who knows
And he says who is in a bunch of puts.

One day you'll run like lightning
Through the world, having comprehended the essence of Love,
And you yourself will ignite as a star,
Having saturated the world with the spirit!

Burn forever and ever!
Create worlds of wonderful universes,
Your spirit is born for this
Creator in emerald tablets.

Continuation of quatrains
For the rhythmic echo of the quatrains, the original translation of the text from the forum "Higher Forms of Consciousness" was used

That chaos of truths that is in you
Wrapped around a flawed mind like a snake,
Made me swim in the sea of ​​thoughts
And gave shackles to fate.

Or a little more:

Your mind is able to perceive
just randomness.
Because of him, you carry the burden of doubt.
Your mind is a fragment of the entire Consciousness, you are a person.
A drop melts in the Ocean of eternal bonds.

In the shackles of time
You see only illusion.
Inside you is all the power of centuries,
All knowledge, truth and liberty.

How to destroy that threshold
What would get out of the dungeon of the spirit?
How to get the fruit of knowledge
In the unity of sight and hearing!

Reality is hidden - a load of locks.
We only see what the eye can see
And what is not achievable to see
Open to the synthesis of Minds.

Cross the forbidden circle
Only an exalted spirit can
What sows in the universal dome
Without counting the grain of their servants.

The path to the highest powers of all heaven
It comes through initiation.
And you will take an oath,
That you will not leave the world of miracles.

Only the chosen ones open the whole world,
But do not feel sorry for those who are not here.
Keep our secret in your heart
After all, you came to the called Feast.

You are in three bodies at the same time
One for the eyes, available to all,
The other is not completely hidden,
But the third is true, imperishable.

Those bodies are the state of the spirit,
Steps to the truth in yourself.
You will find all knowledge here,
To realize the limit of fate.

You, as a novice, honor the priest,
What is given to you for enlightenment.
And so that this patience
Changed the will of the proud.

Do not honor polarity with an idol,
They are borders on the way.
In harmony with yourself and the world
You can find meaning.

Eat for joy without overeating
Sleep in the rhythm of the day, but know the measure
Consciousness without distraction
Do not reject intercourse.

For the purposes you have chosen
The path must be clear in the light.
Desires should not be
Block your path.

Knowing the three bodies, see
Their septenary, continuity,
Octaves, find rainbows,
Similarity, their inescapability.

Sit down, lean in a cool volume,
And dedicated before you,
Will absorb your will,
And the spirit will let go to the top layer.

You will be sitting sleeping, not sleeping,
And see with closed eyes
The priest and the place and myself
And the spirit of heat with its lights.

But the spirit hovering over the body
Unable to control himself.
To see the will at gunpoint
Not a small path you will pass.

Let the priest point to the star
In the dark night sky
Bring her closer to you, to your forehead,
Her heat of power will enter you.

Endless land of universal darkness
Catch up, expanding in spirit,
Taking everything in, overflowing
In a billion forms, comprehend paradise.

You are part of the system of the universe
And the universe is a part of you
So feel the power of Knowledge,
Furrowing space between the stars.

Feel the state of proportion
When there are no closed gates,
Give yourself into the arms of faith
To not depend on barriers.

You can be everywhere freely
Aware of the way things are.
In any century in detail
You can see without eyes.

Learn to control yourself in space
Let the point become the center in an instant,
Like the center of the universe in your realm
She will bring your world together.

As in a shell of borders from a thought
Moving deeper inside
You squeeze the whole world into the center with a dot,
Light up, rise in a myriad of mornings.

Crossing the boundaries of the spheres
And opening up a new world
Break any limit
After all, the ether is also multi-layered.

The world is only perception
The spirit is able to change the spectrum,
Create yourself, how to play
In the worlds: from the end to the conception.

Here is the time back! worlds creation
From the spiritual realms to the earthly plane,
Earth, as a different entity!
The star is the basis of inspiration.

And the world, which is squeezed by density,
And the world beyond the gates
Shining in the arms of a rainbow
Will be available to you.

And every time you cross the threshold
Stepping up a step
You will feel your breath like rock
That all borders will be blown down.

But once again I crossed the threshold
Breathing in the energy of delight,
You, thirsty to know without quenching,
Again you are bargaining for Knowledge.

The ancient esoteric work The Essence of Being (Sanskrit name Chakra-Muni) that has come down to us is perhaps the most ancient and revered of the literary and philosophical treatises of human civilization that have survived to this day. The source of origin, ahead of mankind in terms of knowledge by millennia, defies scientific explanation. The treatise is not inherently a religious document, but nevertheless had a huge impact on almost all theological teachings and religions of the world.

How empty in the deaf cavity
Among the walls of invisible and measureless,
At the bottom of silence your mind
Knows the truths of the universe.

The wall of thought closed the circle
Your silent contemplation
Faceless emptiness all around
You are detached from the days of radiance.

Through the veil of transparent power,
Knowing the whole meaning of life,
You see the desert world
Take a look - the seal of the end is on everything.

There is no earthly support under you
There is nothing here, everything is only there,
Behind the dome of ideas in captivity
A life that has not known nirvana.

The world is complex in a starry void,
Like an anthill is disturbed,
In a causal connection, the light is closed,
You must see her yourself.

Throw away the chaos of truths from the subconscious
Before the abyss of the higher path,
Here, learning the meaning of life
They need to be repurchased.

There is a secret of secrets in the universe:
Power lies in the tomb of the brain,
Capable through distance
Transform matter.

At the edge of mighty power
Fly over a closed environment
And feel the whole world almighty
And the world is worthless.

Inside the endless space
Among the energies compressed in it,
Relate yourself to this kingdom,
Rethinking life.

You will be taller and stronger
Others whose will is under yours
You will see them without seeing
And hear people's thoughts.

The foggy spirit of those gone to dust
Let it descend to you from the abyss
And revive the desert darkness
A collection of thought and hope.

You will lengthen your modest age,
Knowing in an instant the experience of hundreds.
Wise but powerless man
Before the time of his own flesh.

Without renouncing nature,
Be in the shackles of fruitful
Knowing the world surrounded
Continue through the generations.

Do not suppress the instincts of life,
But keep them clean
Harmony must be meaning
And the mind is the measure of everything.

Inside you and outside of you
Two worlds - inner and outer,
passing one into another,
We are united in the eternal struggle.

In touch with the world
Owning all he gives
Don't forget the cycle of days:
Everything will be dust, everything will be gone.

Nothing lasts forever in this world
But death is like immortality
Do not disappear here without a trace -
You change the forms of life.

You only die in soul
And part of the mind, but the spirit
Reborn again with the earth
Leaving your way in thoughts.

Already by its existence
You change the world with yourself
Part of the substance moving,
If he had not lived, he would have been different.

And so don't be afraid to leave.
There is no end in the system of the world,
But do not try to leave without benefit,
Give life to others by leaving a mark.

In the movement of a stormy stream
Passion, in the arms of vanity,
Look for harmony and remember:
You are the creator of your destiny.

And let you be powerless before the sky
And before the will of others,
With peace of mind, follow the goals,
Filling the days with their meaning.

You are neither the first nor the last
Among those who have gone to another world,
But thoughts, flying into the abyss,
They don't disappear after you.

Let the field of wisdom be on the air,
Wandering among the stars and darkness
Core of energy and strength,
Insight will give you meaning.

Wandering eyes between the luminaries,
In the deep mist of heaven,
Understand that the world is multi-layered,
It has been torn apart by time.

The world is many-sided, multiple,
But time took him prisoner,
In chains of motion without return,
Everything here is already predetermined.

What's flat is just the surface
In the volume of bodies is their essence,
Time flying to eternity
There is a dimension up and down.

The spiral of space in the labyrinth
Where time rules everything
Rushing in search of shelter
But there is no way out anywhere.

The circle of the universe has closed the ring,
Merged into one end with the beginning,
Everything has become determined
And the world crumbled into pieces.

Space exploded, disintegrating,
The world came and went
The matter was torn, shrinking,
To burst and blaze again.

And an endless series
Everything repeats again
Like a reflection in the sea
Worlds of double insane row.

The chain of cycles of creation
Only the mind can break
But the time of the universe is short,
To be able to create such a mind.

There is still a secret in the essence of the world -
There is no absolute void
There is power hidden in an empty system
There is no resemblance to her.

All emptiness - particles adhesion,
With their energy, they
Forging attraction between you,
The space was curved.

And where is the dungeon of this power
Unable to hold her
There are luminaries
Matter from nothing.

And stretched to the limit
Emptiness takes over again
All that I managed to create again,
To start again after compression.

And in this endless abyss,
Flying in the stream of time
A grain of sand is incomparable with her,
Where you are destined to live.

But to escape from captivity
And to know the adjacent world,
First people need time
To exist on earth.

Death replaces life
But life is not always replaced
People need to remember this
So as not to fade away for centuries.

The more substance in the system,
The less speed inside
Fields slowing down time
Space encloses life.

But if you compress space with force
And time to pierce through them,
The fields here form a hole,
Where the speed is only a moment.

The wall of silence will break
Part of the cosmos will fall at your feet,
And the mind will ascend to the stars
But he cannot know everything.

Knowledge is infinite in the world,
Where, illuminating the path with thought,
One hundred cubits ahead you see
And millions wait in the dark.

Knowledge itself is not one,
It is given for experience,
To evaluate the system of the world,
As in parts, and all.

The deeper the depth of knowledge,
The more we understand
laws of the universe,
Laws of life on earth.

development pattern,
reflected in the chain of events,
The system of the world evenly
Distributed to create.

All-consuming unity
The axis of life is pierced,
And chaos that seems wild
He is in harmony with himself.

You are part of a rational substance,
The fruit of those who have lived and will live.
And I am yours - part of the power of the wise,
A thread that did not realize the connection.

But to rediscover yourself
And feel the unity of the connection,
Unite your me
Understand it and let it go.

I am woven from three principles:
One - you yourself, as the center of the world,
The second was created by others, so that you realize them in your thoughts,
And the third I - instincts force.

Know thyself
So that the flesh becomes subject to you,
So that I can find my will here
And gathered all the flesh into a whole.

When the shackles are all gone
And I will know the power of accomplishment,
Then the circle will be obedient
All bodies accessible to the senses.

There are no limits for the mind
Through will and skill,
You, like an arrow, pierce the thought of those
Whose field is selected for the target.

And as the arbiter of their fate,
By his power, given by the spirit,
You will manage people
Beyond the horizon of eyes and ears.

Not right away, slowly come
Possession of immeasurable power,
Like a beam of light, she will break through
The darkness created by the shield of limits.

Outgoing from the power of the brain,
You, crushing beam,
You will open other passions for yourself,
The whole night of consciousness will become day.

Faceless bodies, soulless circle,
Nature, deprived of life,
You can suddenly move
Move at will.

And then, developing strength,
Filling the body with mind
You will establish a connection with the ether,
Where the higher mind is waiting for you.

And detached from myself
You split yourself into two
Connecting the earthly I,
With what is hovering over you.

You, as a phenomenon of being,
I created my own
From the all-encompassing I,
To replenish it later.
