A dream to buy sauerkraut on credit. Why dream of sauerkraut? Why dream of sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is a popular snack often seen on the table of Slavic families. In addition, it is a very healthy food, which contains many useful substances. It remains only to find out what the dream in which sauerkraut appeared could mean. It is important to try to remember other details as well, such as what you did with the cabbage, where it was located, etc.

Why dream of sauerkraut?

Seeing a snack on your table in a dream is a symbol of family well-being. For lonely people, a dream where they managed to eat portends a new passionate romance. If you have seen such a story family man, which means that soon it will be possible to fully enjoy the attention of the second half. Seeing sauerkraut with carrots in a dream is a symbol of good health. In the event that the vegetable was cooked with cranberries or other berries, it means that you will soon have fun, and such a dream is also a symbol of prosperity. A bad sign is cabbage with lemon, because such a dream promises an early illness of a loved one.

A dream in which the dreamer treated his other sauerkraut portends serious financial expenses. If the dreamer was treated, then, on the contrary, you can count on making good profits. Cabbage in a new pan means that you will soon be able to make a good purchase. Cooking sauerkraut on your own in a dream means that in the near future you should exercise restraint in order to avoid problems in the family. Night vision, in which spoiled sauerkraut appeared, warns of trouble at work or at work, and they will be provoked by enemies.

Why dream of sauerkraut in a jar?

Such a dream symbolizes serious life changes. In the event that the cabbage was attractive in appearance, then changes will be in better side, and an unattractive snack warns that a lot of effort will have to be made to achieve the goal.

Why does a woman dream of sauerkraut?

If a girl ate cabbage in large quantities, it means that she will soon find out about her pregnancy. A dream where a woman bought cabbage in a store symbolizes the jealousy of a loved one. If the purchase was made in the market, it means that soon there will be a meeting with an old friend.

Why dream of sauerkraut in a bucket?

A dream in which you had to try cabbage from a barrel in the market symbolizes a pleasant pastime with friends.

Sleep "Cabbage" - refers to dreams of tips and warnings. It will help you make the right decision, correct your actions and thereby make the future easier. A dream about cabbage is interpreted radically differently. Some say that this is about money (“greens”, “cabbage”), others argue that these are thoughts about children (“found in cabbage”), others attribute cabbage to negative dreams and decipher it as poverty, longing and deprivation. It’s a pity, but Vanga’s dream book cabbage is not interpreted, as well as the Muslim dream book Cabbage and the Islamic dream book Cabbage are not given any decoding at all.
Cabbage dreams of pregnancy - it’s not for nothing that there is a widespread phrase: “A child is found in cabbage.” If a woman is not going to get pregnant for some good reason, for example, she already has five children or age does not allow, then the cabbage dream is interpreted based on the details of the dream.
So, dreams for pregnancy are dreaming: cabbage, fish (the most famous symbol of a future pregnancy); kittens, puppies, mice, cubs and all baby animals; ; a snake wrapping around your body (See); a spider falling from above (See sleep Spider); stork on the roof and much more.

Seeing fresh cabbage in a dream

Seeing cabbage in a dream for a woman

To dream of white cabbage dishes

Seeing sauerkraut in a dream

Seeing cauliflower in a dream

  • Why dream of cauliflower - Dream Interpretation: cauliflower in a dream is a good sign - get honor and respect.
  • Why dream of eating cauliflower - Dream Interpretation: eating cauliflower in a dream - to honors, but without monetary profit.

Seeing broccoli in a dream

  • Why dream of broccoli - Dream Interpretation: broccoli in a dream - you should not marry a person you are completely unsure of.
  • Why broccoli - Dream Interpretation: eat broccoli in a dream - your relationship will be frivolous and cool.

Seeing seaweed in a dream

  • Why dream of seaweed - Dream Interpretation: seaweed in a dream is a great sign for health. You are in good health. Long sick man will go for the amendment. You will have to pay solid money for medicines, but a dream about seaweed guarantees his recovery.
  • Why dream of eating seaweed - Dream Interpretation: eating seaweed in a dream - your body lacks vitamins, phosphorus, iron and calcium. And so you are in good shape both physically and morally and spiritually.

Russian dream book
Sleep: fresh cabbage - joy.

Miller's dream book Cabbage

  • Why dream of cabbage - Miller's dream book says that it's bad, a mess.
  • Green cabbage - Miller's dream book foresees the betrayal of your spouse or your wife.
  • Cut cabbage forks from the garden in a dream - wasteful spending will lead to disaster.

Ukrainian dream book

  • What does it mean if you dream of cabbage - to a deadly disease.
  • Why dream about fresh cabbage (for a man) - there will be numerous troubles from a woman.
  • If you dream of cauliflower - you will receive honors, there will be respect, but this will not add money to you.

Dream Interpretation Tsvetkova Cabbage
Tsvetkov's dream book "eat cabbage pie" says that such a dream is a gift. And the dream of "cooking cabbage" is a dream for gossip.

Aesop's dream book
"Found you in a cabbage" is a common response a mother gives to a curious child. That is why a head of cabbage dreams of pregnancy and symbolizes children. If cabbage dreamed in a dream, then you are constantly thinking about your children.

  • Sleep: watering cabbage beds - treat the pranks of the offspring too gently and condescendingly, in the end it will end with the fact that they feel permissiveness and stop paying attention to you as an authority.
  • Seeing cabbage in a dream, cutting a kachan from the garden - call on all your authority, all your power and guide your child on the right path.
  • I cut cabbage in a dream, I cook to eat from cabbage in a dream - to the chagrin that your child will present. However, his experiences will be much stronger than yours, and you must comfort him first, and then yourself.
  • Cut a cabbage stalk in a dream - your child will have an addiction and you will fight it. Start right now, then it will be too late.
  • To drop a dream book on the floor of cabbage forks - if it rolled away from you, then the child is moving away from you spiritually. Make more time for conversations and friendly gatherings with your child. Otherwise, he will begin to seek advice and help from strangers.

Dream interpretation combined

Noble dream book Grishina

  • Interpretation of sleep "cabbage" (head of cabbage) - to well-being, money.
  • The dream of "chopping cabbage" is a dream to sadness.
  • In a dream, pickle cabbage - to a profitable life.
  • Why dream of eating cabbage in a dream - to a serious illness.

New family dream book

  • What does it mean to see cabbage in a dream - a mess, a mess.
  • Why dream of green cabbage - betrayal of a spouse, treacherous behavior in love.
  • Why dream of cutting cabbage in the garden - your extravagance will not lead to good.

Gypsy dream book
Dream Interpretation: eating cabbage in a dream - good luck will come.
Shred cabbage in a dream to what - to the fact that you will get entangled in your debts.

Eastern dream book by Feng Shui

  • I dreamed of sauerkraut for what - a quarrel in the family, jealousy / / joy, success.
  • I dreamed of eating sauerkraut (for a married man) - he will receive an invitation to the wedding.
  • Sleep: eat sauerkraut (unmarried man) - will feel real deep feelings for his beloved woman.
  • Sleep: eat sauerkraut (to the patient) - to a speedy recovery.
  • Sleep: cooking sauerkraut is a prosperous family life.
  • I dreamed of sauerkraut with lemon - a relative would get sick.
  • Dream: treat sauerkraut - quarrel with this person.

Old English dream book Zadkiel

  • To see fresh cabbage in a dream - you are jealous of your spouse, lover / lover.
  • Why dream of cutting cabbage - you will suffer from jealousy for you.
  • Why dream of chopped cabbage - if another person cut the cabbage, then someone will try to destroy your faith in your loved one.
  • Eating cabbage in a dream is a bad sign - a serious illness, loss of a relative, loss large sum of money.

Women's dream book

  • A dream about cabbage, which means - all the worst, a very negative sign.
  • The dream "green unripe small heads of cabbage" claims that your spouse will cheat on you, betrayal in love.
  • Why dream of cutting cabbages in the garden - your extravagance will lead to misfortune, poverty and a bitter fate.

Male dream book

  • The meaning of sleep "cabbage" - in family life Complications, disappointments and troubles will begin.
  • Dream Interpretation: cutting cabbage in a dream - hurt a person very close to you.
  • Dream Interpretation: drop a head of cabbage in a dream - you will lose a trusting relationship with a child.

Modern dream book

  • Why dream of a head of cabbage in a dream is a bad sign - cabbage does not dream of anything good in a dream. Failures and problems, though small, but at the same time in all areas of your life.
  • Why dream of cabbage in unripe green heads - to infidelity in marriage.
  • I dreamed of picking cabbage from the beds - your extravagance will lead to poverty.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

  • What does it mean when you dream of cabbage - well-being.
  • The dream of "chopping fresh cabbage" is a dream of sadness, longing.
  • Why dream of planting cabbage - to a profitable life.
  • Eating cabbage in a dream for a woman is a bad sign - to a hard life.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Longo

  • Seeing cabbage forks in a dream is the time to fulfill your plans.
  • Dream: to grow large heads of cabbage - wait for the visit of an unpleasant person.
  • Why dream of a lot of cabbage in heads to collect, cut, put in boxes - there comes a time of luck, the realization of hopes, even if just recently they seemed unrealizable.
  • The cauliflower dream is just a cry: pay attention to the one who really loves you. You will immediately understand who this person is.
  • Why buy cabbage in a dream - something amazing, unusual will happen, you will congratulate the person who is dear to you.
  • Dream Interpretation: buy cabbage in a dream (for a woman) - an early pregnancy.
  • In a dream, she ate cabbage - to dear guests.
  • In a dream, sea kale to what - to the fact that a long-term ill person will finally recover. True, you will have to spend a substantial amount of money on his medicines.
  • The coleslaw dream portends unexpected big money, perhaps a find, perhaps a bonus, perhaps an accidental profit.
  • Why dream of pickled red cabbage - fulfill your old dream. The dream will come true within 7-10 days after the dream.

Dream Interpretation of Health

  • Dream: cabbage grows in the garden - symbolizes improvement life situation as well as physical health.
  • Why dream of chopping fresh cabbage - negative emotions prevail in your life.
  • I dreamed of eating fresh cabbage - your body suffers from beriberi, a lack of vitamins A and C, as well as a lack of phosphorus, iron and calcium.
  • Eating sauerkraut in a dream is a disease of the intestines or stomach.

Ivanov's latest dream book
Seeing cabbage in a dream is a complicated matter that lasts for many years.
Sleep: seaweed - include more vitamins, iron, phosphorus and calcium in your diet, you can include seaweed itself. You have a thyroid disease.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer
Seeing a head of cabbage in a dream - to money, worries.
Seeing a cabbage stump in a dream is a sign of poverty.

Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov
Dream: white cabbage is a stupid woman. In folklore, cabbage is money, green.

Children's dream book
Dream Interpretation: to see cabbage in a dream means that you will get money in your hands.

Dream Interpreter (1829)
Dream Interpretation: dreamed of cabbage - to boredom, sorrows and sorrows.
I dreamed of cauliflower - you will gain honor, though without profit.

Russian dream book
Dream Interpretation: fresh cabbage head - either “cabbage” as money, or “found a child in cabbage” will be sorrows associated with children.

Slavic dream book

  • Seeing large heads of cabbage in a dream is for money.
  • Why dream of fresh cabbage to eat a salad from it - to chagrin.
  • Sleep: eating cauliflower - to honors without money.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon
Big cabbage dreams - to family troubles, to illness, to a fight.

Culinary dream book
Dream Interpretation: why fresh cabbage (for a man) is dreaming - soon renew your acquaintance with an old childhood friend. You haven't seen her for a long time and haven't heard anything about her.
Dream Interpretation: why cabbage (a woman) is dreaming - an early pregnancy.

Lunar dream book
Sleep: boiled cabbage - gossip, vile talk about you.
To dream of eating a lot of fresh cabbage - if you ate it with pleasure, then you will receive a gift that you will really like.

Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy
Holding a piece of cabbage in your hands in a dream - there will be trouble in the family, you will get seriously ill, you will suffer some kind of tangible loss.
Why did cauliflower dream in a dream - to a cold.

Autumn dream book
To dream of planting cabbage seedlings in the garden - a big profit awaits.

Spring dream book
Dream Interpretation: what a head of cabbage is dreaming of - it will be a difficult and confusing matter.

Summer dream book
I dreamed of sauerkraut - there will be worries about the family.

Eastern female dream book
Why does a woman dream of cabbage - not good dream- failures, problems in the business sphere, in personal life.
Young immature cabbage is dreaming - infidelity of spouses, distrust in love.
Cut a head of cabbage in a dream - your extravagance will lead to bankruptcy.

Small Velesov dream book

  • Why dream of white cabbage - the larger the head of cabbage, the more serious the disease will be.
  • Dream Interpretation: huge cabbage - the disease will be fatal.
  • Why dream of heads of fresh cabbage - to trouble, loss, trouble because of some woman.
  • To dream: to plant cabbage in the garden - get the news.
  • To see in a dream: cut cabbage in the garden - to gossip, unseemly conversations.
  • Eat cabbage in a dream, which means - get a gift / / to boredom, sadness.
  • I dreamed of salted cabbage - salting cabbage in a dream means deceit, betrayal.
  • I dreamed of cutting cabbage - to surprise.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

  • I dreamed of cabbage what it means - vegetating through life, a waste of time, look in vain for the truth.
  • I dreamed of a cabbage head - difficulties, obstacles.
  • I dreamed of eating a head of fresh cabbage - poverty, a waste of time.
  • If you had a dream "cabbage in the garden", then you will receive news soon, and guests will arrive completely suddenly.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

  • I had a dream about cabbage - complications in the family, grief and various troubles will begin.
  • Dream Interpretation, to see in a dream: cut cabbage from the garden to what - hurt a person close to you, greatly upset.
  • Dream: cabbage head fell to the floor and rolled - there will be no trust, spiritual closeness, spiritual contact with the child.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Dream Interpretation Tarot
Dream Interpretation: what does cabbage mean - you have to engage in self-sacrifice for the sake of someone.

Jewish dream book of Azar
Dream Interpretation: why fresh cabbage is dreaming - to troubles and illnesses.

Generalized dream book

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams "cabbage" - illness, loss, loss.
  • Why dream of chopped cabbage - to melancholy, sadness.
  • Sleep: to plant cabbage in a dream - you have settled down in life favorably.
  • I dreamed of "cabbage, eat fresh" - to a hard life, poverty.
  • Why dream of many cut cabbages in a bag - scandals and problems will begin in the family.

In conclusion, I would like to say once again that the dream of Cabbage is an ambiguous dream and it is interpreted in different ways, based on the one who had a dream about cabbage and what he did with it in a dream. For example, a woman dreams of cabbage 100 for pregnancy. But the girl will become pregnant if she sees that she is eating cabbage in a dream. Unfortunately, not all dream books give an interpretation of this dream. For example, Vanga's dream book does not say anything about cabbage, and cabbage in a dream according to Islam and cabbage according to a Muslim dream book have no explanation.

What does the dream about sauerkraut mean? Why is this wonderful appetizer dreaming - for good or bad events in life? Dream Interpretations agree that cabbage, of course, dreams of money. But options are possible here: such a dream can portend not only profit, but also loss. There are other meanings of sleep: it all depends on the situation and the general mood. Many authors are convinced that cabbage is a positive vegetable, it speaks not only of prosperity, but also of peace of mind.

Sauerkraut in a dream often speaks of the beginning of a calm, beautiful romance. A romantic relationship awaits you, not overshadowed by any quarrels. If you are single, then a juicy, sour vitamin snack portends the beginning of an interesting relationship.

If you already have a couple, then such a dream says that in the near future a period of complete mutual understanding awaits you. This meaning is especially true if in a dream you eat cabbage or see it on the festive table.

For a woman to see sauerkraut in a dream - to a good, promising acquaintance. If a woman dreams that she eats this healthy snack with appetite, then this may well portend an early pregnancy.

What happens if you add carrots?

What do different additives to sauerkraut say? The authors of dream books believe that in a dream every detail has its own meaning. For example, finely chopped carrots as a supplement speaks of excellent health. Of course, carrots are a real storehouse of vitamins, besides, they have a pleasant taste and color. Our subconscious often uses it as a symbol of good health.

Sometimes in a dream you can see cabbage with berries - for example, with cranberries. Berries look beautiful and appetizing, their sign is fun, prosperity.

There are also bad dreams: if you eat or just see cabbage with lemon on the table, then this may indicate a serious illness of a loved one.

Selling or cooking

If you act in swarms of a sauerkraut seller, then the symbol is quite transparent: you will quarrel with the person who was your buyer in a dream. If you don’t remember exactly who the pickles were sold to, then it will not be possible to predict and prevent the conflict, it will happen at the most unexpected time. Knowing this, try to at least soften the situation a little: in no case do not allow yourself harsh statements, be more careful in your actions.

If you yourself act as a snack buyer, then this is also not a good sign: most likely, you will have to face jealousy from your loved one. Jealousy will be completely groundless and will lead to unpleasant consequences for you. Buying cabbage in the market has a different meaning - meeting an old friend.

Cooking sauerkraut, at first glance, a good dream. However, dream books warn: this may be a sign of a family quarrel. Try to be calm and accommodating in order to at least mitigate the consequences of a potential conflict.

Do you see in a dream how someone else is picking cabbage? This portends an unpleasant situation: one of your friends will need financial aid and he will contact you.

The situation when you treat your friends with cabbage portends serious expenses. And vice versa, a dream that someone treats you with pickles speaks of a cash gift or significant profit. You can rejoice, dream books are convinced.

What pickles in various containers say

From the point of view of dream interpreters, the meaning of sleep depends on the dishes in which you see cabbage. All previous options were correct when it comes to a regular bowl or plate. Another thing is to see sauerkraut in a jar, barrel or other container.

For example, sauerkraut in a glass jar portends changes in your life. If the bank is clean, shiny - your life prospects have a positive meaning. If the "presentation" of the jar is not the most successful, your life in the future may present you with big unpleasant surprises.

Seeing cabbage in a saucepan is an expensive purchase. If the pan is old, flaky, then the purchase will not lead to anything good. Losses are also possible.

Cabbage from a barrel is a great symbol, it speaks of a fun holiday in good company. But a plastic bucket portends betrayal or deceit.

What does it mean if the snack is stale?

Stale food is a negative sign. In the case of sauerkraut, this statement is also true. If you buy sour cabbage, this indicates problems at work. You see a jar with a fermented snack inside, which means that in life you will become a victim of gossip.

In general, stale cabbage can also speak of family troubles and financial losses associated with some kind of conflict.

What does Miller's dream book predict?

The authoritative author of dream books, Miller, believed that the dream of sauerkraut decorating the dining table speaks of good things: prosperity in the family, peace and mutual understanding. Your well-being is now very strong, you have nothing to fear. Expect only good news from life!

Sauerkraut according to Freud

A dream about cabbage, dreamed by a pregnant woman, speaks of good childbirth and health. Freud also regarded cabbage as a symbol of wasted time. You may be disappointed (especially if you saw a large amount of cabbage in a dream). If the amount of cabbage is not very large, then the dream may indicate the successful implementation of your intentions.

A complete description of the dream on the topic: "If you dream of sauerkraut" with an interpretation from astrologers for people.

If you dreamed of sauerkraut in a dream, then when interpreting such a dream, you need to remember as many details as possible. An important role is played not only by what you did with her, but also by her appearance. Dream books are advised to pay special attention to the freshness of cabbage and the sensations that were experienced in a dream.

To understand what sauerkraut is dreaming of, it is recommended to compare sleep descriptions from several sources. Some of them provide general explanations, others are more detailed.

Analysis for different dream books

The interpretation of the meaning of sauerkraut in a dream may differ depending on the source. Some dream books consider the appearance of such a sign in a dream to be a messenger of bad news, while others pay special attention to the quality of the workpiece. With some details, sauerkraut can be not only a good symbol, but also portend cardinal changes in life for the better.

    Dream Interpretation Feng Shui

    Particular attention is paid to the one who sees sauerkraut in a dream. For not married man such a sign indicates the emergence of a desire to marry his beloved, for a married man - to an invitation to attend a wedding, for a sick person - to recovery, eating or offering sauerkraut to someone - to poor health or quarrels with loved ones.

    Dream interpretation of the 21st century

    Associates sauerkraut with upcoming chores. If a girl does the harvesting, then in the near future a pleasant surprise may await her, adding salt to the cabbage portends deceit and gossip, if there is a lot of sauerkraut in a dream, then memories may flood over you that will cause mental suffering and can cause depression for a long time .

    Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

    Counts sauerkraut a good sign. If in a dream you make your own harvesting, then within a short period of time you will have the opportunity to fulfill an old dream, if in a dream you watch someone chop and salt cabbage, then your debts will soon be returned to you.

    Dream Interpretation Longo

    Sauerkraut in a dream also portends a favorable period in real life . You can start new things, embody ideas that for some reason could not come true before, favorable changes can occur within the first week after the dream.

    Miller's dream book

    Considers sauerkraut to be a bad omen, regardless of additional details. Any presence of a blank in a dream is considered a symbol of quarrels, anxiety, bad news and deceit, an unfavorable period in real life can drag on for a long time, so you should be patient and learn self-control.

    Wangi's Dream Interpretation

    This dream book considers sauerkraut a good sign. If you treat someone with a blank, then in the near future you need to pay attention to your expenses and try not to spend money on unnecessary things, receive a treat in the form of sauerkraut - to profit or a new source of income, eat sauerkraut in large quantities and feel pleasure - to replenish the family.

    Dream Interpretation of the Soothsayer Mary

    Gives sauerkraut a positive interpretation, but only if the preparation looked attractive or was tasty. Dirty containers, worms and bugs, mold, bitter or too salty taste indicate the risk of trouble in real life.

    Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

    What you do with sauerkraut plays an important role. If you eat it with pleasure, then in the near future you will have a favorable period in life., but if you salt it, then financial expenses, communication with hypocrites are possible, and you are surrounded by intrigues, gossip and conspiracies.

    Freud's dream book

    Associates sauerkraut with the intimate sphere. The use of a blank portends a problem in the intimate sphere, and its independent preparation is a good sign and symbol of strengthening existing relationships, if such a dream occurs during a quarrel with the other half, then in the near future you will not only make peace, but also become much closer to each other.

    Family dream book

    This dream book considers sauerkraut to be a bad sign. If in a dream you chop and salt it yourself, then there is a possibility of quarrels with family members, but if you eat sauerkraut and enjoy its taste, then reconciliation will happen quickly and there is a high probability of receiving a gift.

    Chinese dream book

    For a woman to see sauerkraut in a dream - to quarrels. The details of the dream do not matter, the dream points to you as a source of conflict to save good relations with people around you, you need to learn to restrain your emotions, avoid critical remarks about others and not respond to provocations of people with a scandalous reputation.

    Dream interpretation of Rommel

    Associates the presence of sauerkraut in a dream with deceit and hypocrisy. If in a dream you chop cabbage and salt it, then the exposure of a liar may come as a complete surprise to you, someone from your inner circle will turn out to be a traitor.

What did you do with her in your dream?

When interpreting a dream in which sauerkraut was present, it is important to remember the maximum number of small details. Some situations may seem fantastic, but even such signs have their own meaning. For example, in real life it is difficult to imagine that a person would sell cabbage with worms or mold and even eat it or treat friends.

  • If in a dream you yourself salted cabbage, then such a dream portends emotional experiences.. It is important to take into account your own emotions during this process, if you experienced joy, then bad changes will not happen, if you have anxiety or anger in real life, the experiences will be similar.
  • Some sources link the process of fermenting cabbage to the reputation of the person doing it.. If the process is carried out by another person, then in the near future it may be surrounded by constant conflicts, if you yourself pickle cabbage, then you yourself will be the source of quarrels.
  • If you bought or sold sauerkraut with worms, then in real life you are surrounded by envious people and ill-wishers. You constantly become the object of gossip and conspiracies, in the near future there is a risk of deception and loss.
  • Selling good quality sauerkraut is considered a bad sign. Such a dream indicates an unfavorable period in life, if you sold cabbage to someone you know, then a serious conflict may arise between you in real life.
  • Buying sauerkraut portends some problems in your personal life.. In relations with the second half, unreasonable jealousy, quarrels without obvious reasons may arise, in order to prevent conflicts, it is necessary to exercise restraint and try not to respond to provocations.
  • If in the process of fermenting cabbage you added lemon to it, then such a sign indicates the risk of diseases in real life. The more lemon juice gets into the workpiece, the more dangerous the disease will be.
  • A bad sign is a treat in a dream with sauerkraut of one of the relatives or acquaintances, in real life there is a possibility of a quarrel with this person.
  • Eating sauerkraut with pleasure in a dream portends fun and joyful events. Such a dream is of particular importance for young girls, for them a dream portends a long-awaited pregnancy.
  • Buying stale sauerkraut at the market portends career problems. Maybe something will get in the way new position or you will not cope with the tasks set, which can have an extremely negative impact on relations with colleagues and superiors.

Salted and in a jar

If sauerkraut dreamed in a jar in a dream, then you need to remember its appearance and all related details. The more attractive and appetizing the blank looks, the more favorable the presence of such a sign in a dream is considered. The cleanliness of the container also plays an important role. If the cabbage was fresh, and there were cracks, dirt or rust on the jar, then such a symbol would not be considered good.

The nuances of dream interpretation:

  • Stale cabbage in a jar portends numerous trials in real life, the next period will require maximum patience, restraint and composure from you.
  • If carrots or cranberries were present in a jar of sauerkraut, then in the near future a joyful event or an invitation to a fun event awaits you, lemon slices change the interpretation in the opposite direction.
  • Salted cabbage in a plastic jar is a sign of deceit. The traitor may be the closest relative or friend.
  • Beetles in a jar of sauerkraut indicate the presence of gossip around you in real life. The more insects there are in the container, the more ill-wishers in your life who spread false and unpleasant rumors.
  • Fresh sauerkraut in a clean and transparent jar is a symbol of change for the better.. The time has come for the implementation of long-conceived ideas.
  • The size of a can of cabbage indicates the scale of upcoming events.. A bad or good sign is a blank in a dream, it must be determined by the additional details of the dream.

Sauerkraut is most often associated with bad news and quarrels in dream books, but some situations that occur in a dream can drastically change this meaning. When looking for an interpretation, it is necessary to take into account your gender, marital status, as well as some circumstances that occurred on the eve of such a dream.

If dream books portend failure, then in the near future you should try to control your emotions. Due to increased vigilance, some troubles can be avoided.

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Sauerkraut is not only a tasty product, but also a healthy one. It is very rich in vitamin C, which makes its presence on the dinner table just an indispensable tool in the fight against colds, especially in winter. It is cooked with carrots, cranberries, herbs - every housewife has her own recipe! Both adults and children love it! They love her so much that sometimes they even see her in a dream. Why this is a dream is not difficult to guess: cabbage is “cabbage”, that is, money! And here are all the details of the dream: sauerkraut is dreaming of loss or profit - this is well known to the dream book! Let's also find out what we can expect from the coming day, if the day before we dreamed of sauerkraut!

delicious snack

To see sauerkraut on your table - to family well-being predicts Miller's dream book.

It is a dream that you are eating sauerkraut - a dream promises lonely people the beginning of a love affair, and for family people - joyful minutes spent with their soulmate.

Sauerkraut with carrots - for good health, with cranberries or other berries - for fun and prosperity, with lemon - for the illness of a relative or friend.

If a girl in a dream with a huge appetite eats a huge amount of sauerkraut - to replenish the family, Vanga's dream book promises.

Treating a friend with a pickled snack in a dream - to spend a large amount of money, they treat you - to making a solid profit.

Buy, sell, ferment...

I had a dream in which you sell sauerkraut - if you remember the specific person to whom you sold the snack - to a quarrel with this person in reality, if you don’t remember anyone - the conflict will happen at the most inopportune moment, the Lunar Dream Book warns, be careful in your statements and deeds.

Buying cabbage in a store - to jealousy on the part of a loved one, in the market - to a meeting with an old friend.

If you dreamed that you were fermenting cabbage on your own, the Eastern Dream Book warns you: be more accommodating with your family in the near future, otherwise quarrels and misunderstandings cannot be avoided.

It is a dream that another person is fermenting cabbage - very soon a friend or relative will need financial assistance, be prepared that they will come to you to borrow money.

Jars, flasks and saucepans

Seeing a fermented vegetable in a jar - big changes are foreseen in your life. Life changes depend on how the product looked: beautiful - everything will be fine with you, had an unmarketable appearance - get ready to strain a little to prevent minor troubles from turning into big problems.

A beautiful new pot with sauerkraut is a sign of acquiring something necessary and expensive, but an old or dirty dishes- to losses.

Trying sauerkraut in the market from a barrel in a dream is a pleasant pastime, oddly enough, but this dream can mean going to the bathhouse.

Fu, what a mess!

Buying stale peroxide cabbage - to quarrels and troubles at work, your enemies may want to put you in an awkward position. Be attentive to the little things, the dream book warns.

To see that worms crawl in a jar of sauerkraut - to gossip and gossip.

I dreamed that you bought a missing product in the market from a seller you know - to deceit, the Eastern Dream Book warns.

What does the dream about sauerkraut mean? Why is this wonderful appetizer dreaming - for good or bad events in life? Dream Interpretations agree that cabbage, of course, dreams of money. But options are possible here: such a dream can portend not only profit, but also loss. There are other meanings of sleep: it all depends on the situation and the general mood. Many authors are convinced that cabbage is a positive vegetable, it speaks not only of prosperity, but also of peace of mind.

Appetizing snack on the table

Sauerkraut in a dream often speaks of the beginning of a calm, beautiful romance. A romantic relationship awaits you, not overshadowed by any quarrels. If you are single, then a juicy, sour vitamin snack portends the beginning of an interesting relationship.

If you already have a couple, then such a dream says that in the near future a period of complete mutual understanding awaits you. This meaning is especially true if in a dream you eat cabbage or see it on the festive table.

For a woman to see sauerkraut in a dream - to a good, promising acquaintance. If a woman dreams that she eats this healthy snack with appetite, then this may well portend an early pregnancy.

What happens if you add carrots?

What do different additives to sauerkraut say? The authors of dream books believe that in a dream every detail has its own meaning. For example, finely chopped carrots as a supplement speaks of excellent health. Of course, carrots are a real storehouse of vitamins, besides, they have a pleasant taste and color. Our subconscious often uses it as a symbol of good health.

Sometimes in a dream you can see cabbage with berries - for example, with cranberries. Berries look beautiful and appetizing, their sign is fun, prosperity.

There are also bad dreams: if you eat or just see cabbage with lemon on the table, then this may indicate a serious illness of a loved one.

Selling or cooking

If you act in swarms of a sauerkraut seller, then the symbol is quite transparent: you will quarrel with the person who was your buyer in a dream. If you don’t remember exactly who the pickles were sold to, then it will not be possible to predict and prevent the conflict, it will happen at the most unexpected time. Knowing this, try to at least soften the situation a little: in no case do not allow yourself harsh statements, be more careful in your actions.

If you yourself act as a snack buyer, then this is also not a good sign: most likely, you will have to face jealousy from your loved one. Jealousy will be completely groundless and will lead to unpleasant consequences for you. Buying cabbage in the market has a different meaning - meeting an old friend.

Cooking sauerkraut, at first glance, a good dream. However, dream books warn: this may be a sign of a family quarrel. Try to be calm and accommodating in order to at least mitigate the consequences of a potential conflict.

Do you see in a dream how someone else is picking cabbage? This portends an unpleasant situation: one of your friends will need financial assistance, and he will turn to you.

The situation when you treat your friends with cabbage portends serious expenses. And vice versa, a dream that someone treats you with pickles speaks of a cash gift or significant profit. You can rejoice, dream books are convinced.

What pickles in various containers say

From the point of view of dream interpreters, the meaning of sleep depends on the dishes in which you see cabbage. All previous options were correct when it comes to a regular bowl or plate. Another thing is to see sauerkraut in a jar, barrel or other container.

For example, sauerkraut in a glass jar portends changes in your life. If the bank is clean, shiny - your life prospects have a positive meaning. If the "presentation" of the jar is not the most successful, your life in the future may present you with big unpleasant surprises.

Seeing cabbage in a saucepan is an expensive purchase. If the pan is old, flaky, then the purchase will not lead to anything good. Losses are also possible.

Cabbage from a barrel is a great symbol, it speaks of a fun holiday in good company. But a plastic bucket portends betrayal or deceit.

What does it mean if the snack is stale?

Stale food is a negative sign. In the case of sauerkraut, this statement is also true. If you buy sour cabbage, this indicates problems at work. You see a jar with a fermented snack inside, which means that in life you will become a victim of gossip.

In general, stale cabbage can also speak of family troubles and financial losses associated with some kind of conflict.

What does Miller's dream book predict?

The authoritative author of dream books, Miller, believed that the dream of sauerkraut decorating the dining table speaks of good things: prosperity in the family, peace and mutual understanding. Your well-being is now very strong, you have nothing to fear. Expect only good news from life!

Sauerkraut according to Freud

A dream about cabbage, dreamed by a pregnant woman, speaks of good childbirth and health. Freud also regarded cabbage as a symbol of wasted time. You may be disappointed (especially if you saw a large amount of cabbage in a dream). If the amount of cabbage is not very large, then the dream may indicate the successful implementation of your intentions.

Cabbage is associated with gardening and fertility., many different dishes are prepared from this vegetable. But the meaning of such a dream can be very different. Sauerkraut can mean getting rich soon, big changes in life and solving pressing problems. Remember all the small details and look into the dream book.

If you dreamed of sauerkraut in a bucket?

Sauerkraut in a bucket - this is a good sign, especially if the bucket is new and beautiful. This dream portends a quick enrichment and a speedy solution to the most pressing issues.

But if the bucket is old and dirty, then such a dream portends a difficulty in business, numerous losses and waste.

Dream where the bucket was made of plastic, warns that you may be a victim of fraud. It can also mean fake friends or betrayal by loved ones. In your dream, cabbage was unsympathetic and it seems tasteless in appearance, such a dream portends the collapse of hopes for completing the case due to insurmountable circumstances.

What does cabbage in a jar mean?

If you dreamed of sauerkraut, and she was in the bank, this is a symbol of big changes in your life. What they will be depends on how the product looked.

An attractive and appetizing cabbage symbolizes a change for the better, and a cabbage that has a bad and unpleasant appearance portends a deterioration. financial situation and worsening relationships with colleagues.

If worms or bugs crawl in the jar, such a dream portends that dirty rumors will be spread against you by your envious people in real life. The size of the jar affects the degree of positive or negative events associated with sleep.

Sauerkraut - what does it mean for a girl?

If a young girl saw in a dream how she eats sauerkraut, such a dream promises her a quick marriage.

But if she bought sauerkraut, then this dream portends her a complication or even a break in relations with a young man due to the jealousy of one of the parties.

Young girl sauerkraut in a dream, such a dream prophesies that a favorable period has come for conceiving a child. If she sells a product, then this means that a pleasant surprise awaits her in life.

Cabbage with carrots or berries - such a dream for girls means that a new romance is visible on the horizon, which can develop into a serious relationship.

What to expect from such dreams for a woman?

A woman saw sauerkraut in a bucket or pan in a dream- such a dream portends her well-being and family peace.

And if the cabbage is in a jar, then this promises her changes in the very near future, and so swift that it will take your breath away. Buying cabbage in the market or in the store portends family quarrels and problems at work.

If the cabbage is spoiled or tasteless, then this promises disappointment or an unpleasant surprise from loved ones. If a pregnant woman saw cabbage in a dream, then such a dream for her means the birth of a healthy

will pass easily.

Big dream book - interpretation of sleep with cabbage

Sauerkraut in a dream the sign is mostly positive with a few exceptions.

Cabbage in a clean jar - such a dream means a radical change in life. And if the bank is dirty, then the changes will be for the worse.

cabbage in a bucket means well-being and prosperity. And cabbage in a saucepan portends a successful outcome of the work begun and a victory over all enemies. Cabbage with cranberries symbolizes many wonderful events in life, or good news from afar. Buy cabbage in a dream means that in real life waste, losses and petty losses await.

What does the modern dream book say?

Seeing sauerkraut in a dream - a favorable sign in the vast majority of cases. Seeing cabbage in a big jar means making big profits in real life, and if the bank is small, then the profit will be corresponding.

Selling sauerkraut about a dream means that in life they are tormented in making an important decision. Cabbage in a dream was in a barrel or pan, then it means well-being and prosperity.

If the container where the cabbage is dirty, then this is a negative sign, it portends major losses, waste, numerous quarrels and scandals in life. If the cabbage looks unappetizing, then this promises a series of unpleasant events associated with gossip and rumors.

What is the interpretation of the dream book of the soothsayer Mary?

Sauerkraut in a dream usually has a positive connotation. Seeing a large pot and a bucket of cabbage in a dream means that big profits and prosperity await you in reality.

But if these containers are dirty and the cabbage looks unpleasant, then this is a bad sign, it portends major troubles, family quarrels and losses.

Sauerkraut in a clean jar, such a dream promises pleasant and very rapid changes. If the jar is dirty, then it promises bad times. Cabbage with carrots in a dream portends a stormy romance.

Selling cabbage - such a dream promises acceptance right decision in reality, as a result, quick enrichment.

White dream book - why dream of sauerkraut?

If you dreamed of sauerkraut in a barrel, then such a dream means that in life you will receive profit, successful completion of affairs and other pleasant things. Cabbage in a clean jar is a symbol of change. Cabbage in a dirty jar portends a deterioration in business, possible quarrels and scandals in the family.

Selling sauerkraut in a dream means looking for your own path in life. Buying it means extra spending and unnecessary expenses in real life. sell cabbage means that the dreamer will soon make the right decision.

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Every dream has its own interpretation. If you dreamed of sauerkraut, you should understand the meaning of what you saw and take measures to avoid negative consequences. Studying the transcripts of dreams will prepare you for changes in life.

General interpretation

Such dreams promise profit and a stable income.

Harvesting vegetables in large quantities, buying, slicing, pickling - a harbinger of a prosperous life.

If you dreamed of sauerkraut, according to the dream book, this warns of debts that will be difficult to pay off. A dream in which a salted vegetable lies on a plate predicts losses, loss of property, a lover, illness of relatives. If you see in a dream how a person picks a vegetable in a field, pleasant surprises await him.

If salting was dreamed, the sleeper is inherent in confidence in tomorrow He is dedicated to work, plans life. With this dream, fate says that all ideas will come true.

Cutting a head of cabbage in the garden predicts that a woman or a man will receive an inheritance. If the fortuneteller suspects that his lover has committed treason, the troubles will be resolved on their own.


Each vision has its own meaning for a sleeping person.

Harvesting rotten cabbage

If you dreamed of harvesting a rotten vegetable, the quality of life decreased. Salting fresh cabbage in a jar leads to change. The interpretation of marinka indicates the ability to fulfill a long-standing desire. The prediction comes true within a week.

eating a vegetable

If you dream of eating sauerkraut, this portends the following:

  • unexpected monetary reward, winnings;
  • for a woman - getting help in business from an influential person;
  • respect and recognition due to the high-quality implementation of an important project.

Eating a vegetable in a dream promises the arrival of pleasant guests. After that, the following events will occur:

  • serious losses;
  • diseases of relatives;
  • financial losses due to unsuccessful investments.

Buying and selling

If you buy a vegetable in a dream, you should prepare for changes:

  • parting with a lover;
  • difficult divorce;
  • job loss, dismissal;
  • betrayal of friends.

Selling sauerkraut leads to wonderful changes in life, business success. In a dream in which a child is going to buy a vegetable, fate indicates the loss of his things.


If a person dreamed of sauerkraut, this is a warning about a meeting with a stranger who should not be trusted. If there are air bubbles in the jar, the sleeper is fond of a pleasant business, it will soon bring financial profit.

To ferment a vegetable in a jar in a dream for a friend or relative - to a true friend who is ready to help in a difficult financial situation. Vision also portends success in business. Shredding a head of cabbage for pickling becomes a harbinger of the husband's great jealousy, which can lead to a break in relations.

Other meanings

A vegetable laid out in jars is a great dream that portends pleasant changes in personal and family life, meeting a lover, having children.

If pickled cabbage dreamed of a sick person, you should expect a speedy correction. Lemon juice or fruit slices in combination with a vegetable on a dish portend the development of the disease. Treating a vegetable promises quarrels. Pickles in large volumes notify that a person’s thoughts are occupied with the past. Cut heads with rot inside portend disappointment in relationships with children; you should not place high hopes on them.

For men

Seeing sauerkraut in a man's dream portends the following:

  • success in business, the implementation of profitable projects;
  • sauerkraut in a dream of a married man - waiting for an invitation to the marriage of a loved one;
  • a dream for unmarried people testifies to the sincerity of feelings for a beloved.

Men of different age categories are able to see such dreams before establishing a connection with an old acquaintance. When you see sauerkraut in a dream, you should expect true love with a friend after a long friendship.

For women

If a woman dreamed of sauerkraut, white and cauliflower, the dream book predicts the following:

  • girls - marriage bonds;
  • recently married - news of pregnancy;
  • married for a long time - a pleasant event.

Why dream of Cabbage (Dream Interpretation, Interpretation of Dreams)

Why dream Cabbage dream book, interpretation of sleep

What is Cabbage dreaming about. Miller's dream book.


The dream interpretation says that it is possible to see sauerkraut before various events in life. The study of interpretations will allow you to understand the predictions, to be ready for changes.
