Vladyko Evstafiy Yuryev of Poland and Alexander. © Chita and Krasnokamensk Eparchy

bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, since December 29, 1999 at the Chita department, since October 10, 2009 has the title - Chita and Krasnokamensky


He graduated from high school and served in the army. In 1974 he entered the Moscow Theological Seminary, then the Moscow Theological Academy, from which he graduated in 1981 with a PhD in Theology.

On December 4, 1980, he was tonsured a monk at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra; on January 4, 1981, he was ordained a hierodeacon; on March 27, 1982, a hieromonk.

  • in 1984 - elevated to the rank of abbot and sent to serve in the Moscow Danilov Monastery.
  • in January 1988 - he was sent as a builder and confessor to the Yaroslavl Tolga Monastery.
  • in May 1991 - appointed abbot of the Spaso-Yakovlevsky Monastery in Rostov.
  • April 24, 1994 - elevated to the rank of archimandrite.

On December 29, 1999, he was appointed Bishop of Chita and Transbaikal, episcopal consecration took place on January 30, 2000 at the Epiphany Cathedral in Moscow.

After the separation by the decision of the Holy Synod of October 10, 2009 from the Chita diocese of the independent Ulan-Ude and Buryat diocese, Bishop Evstafiy was determined to have the title of Chita and Krasnokamensky.


A wave of criticism from Bishop Eustace swept through the first years of his ministry at the Chita cathedra. It was caused by a ban on the ministry of the former Ulan-Ude Dean Archpriest Igor Arzumanov. The reason for this was a letter from a certain young man, "an orphan who had nailed to the church," containing an accusation of the dean of pedophilia. As an independent investigation by Ulan-Ude journalists showed, the letter turned out to be a fake and was fabricated by envious people of a priest who was popular among parishioners.

In 2009, the policy of Bishop Evstafiy regarding the priesthood of the Chita diocese again became the subject of criticism. Decree of the ruling bishop on the ban on the service of the archpriest

On November 12, the newspaper “Alexandrovsky Voice of Labor” published an article “Disinfection or Love? May our land not be scorched! But the publication was preceded by a completely detective story. 3 days before the publication, the text of the article was stolen from the newspaper and was vigorously discussed in the diocesan administration! - the author of the topic reports about the local diocese.


Today, November 4th, is a holiday Holy Mother of God- in honor of the Kazan Icon Mother of God. I came to the Liturgy Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ, of which I have been a parishioner for about twenty years, and did not recognize him. He was completely different, but not outwardly - but in spirit, in the inner atmosphere. There was such a strange feeling that I came home, and new people live and host there, whom I do not know and who do not know me. And new priests headed by Vladyka Eustace, and new faces in the icon shop to replace those expelled, and new parishioners. However, there are no new parishioners - there are parishioners of other churches who came here after the priests transferred to the cathedral from other churches. What is this? There are parishioners, but no parish? Was it fragmented, dispersed, destroyed overnight?
A church parish is a community that has been formed in each particular church over many years. In fact, this is a family with its own strict hierarchy headed by the rector. Our family was formed more than twenty years ago, when the cathedral was being revived. The family multiplied, grew stronger, brought up and raised children through the Sunday parish school. For one reason or another, the abbots changed, but everyone who came again respected the work of their predecessors and increased their achievements. Together we raised the temple - and it flourished before our eyes. How we rejoiced at the new iconostasis, the new dome with the cross, the new house where the refectory and Sunday school were located... With tears in our eyes, we listened to the sermons of our priests, who called us to a pure life, led to the salvation of the soul, asking the Lord to forgive our sins. In a word, we lived the Christian life, satisfied that we could introduce our children and grandchildren to it.
When we learned that we would soon have our own master, we were delighted. We love our Metropolitan Evlogy of Vladimir and Suzdal, we always meet him with reverence at our place - and he endows us with affection and love. And now we will have our own master - and we will love him, we will help him, we will find in him a good shepherd, with whom it will be easier to go to God.
Archbishop of Alexander and Yuryev-Polsky Evstafiy arrived to us with his entourage this summer. There was talk among the church people about the unfavorable situation in the Chita diocese, from where Vladyka was transferred. “We'll wait and see,” we said, not attaching any importance to these rumors.
Several months have passed. Weeping is heard everywhere. Discord, disorder, gossip reign everywhere. The situation is rapidly developing according to the "Chita scenario", where for several years dozens of priests were banned from serving without trial or investigation, and the rest were subjected to constant shuffling, where most parishes were ruined, where the director Sunday school was unexpectedly and innocently dismissed and anathematized, where an atmosphere of threats, reprisals, denunciations reigned, where the Orthodox Church was discredited so that it was almost empty.
The same thing is happening to us. In just a couple of months, there was a split into two camps: some look at what is happening with bewilderment and pain, others sing the glory of the “great prayer book”. I don’t know where they got it from that he was “great”, probably they pray with him. But every Christian knows that the result of prayer should be peace, peace, creation, joy, and we have destruction, anger, gossip: just a little bit more and we will grapple with each other and become enemies.
Was destroyed first parochial school Cathedral, from the pulpit called defective. In her room is now equipped with the office of the lord. But the point is not that there is not enough space. The terrible truth is that behind all this is seen an attempt to destroy the Church from within under plausible pretexts. For example, it is said that the school was not destroyed at all, but will safely move to another place - to the premises of school No. 3. Lie. It will be a different school, it is just getting ready to open, but no one knows what it will be like. But has anything good ever been built on the site of destruction?
As in the Chita diocese, a shuffling of priests has also begun in our country. But it’s not without reason that the ever-memorable His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II pointed out that it is unacceptable to transfer priests from place to place, thereby destroying the community, tearing the flock from the pastor. After all Christian life through community activities.
With the arrival of Vladyka and his retinue, we learned that we are an illiterate "village", that all of them are deprived of God's grace, which now needs to be restored, that everyone is in delusion and requires improvement in all areas. Therefore, our "wild, ignorant" souls will be subject to disinfection through religious processions. However, isn't it strange that Vladyka Evstafiy calls the processions such an inappropriate word for a Christian as "disinfection"?
And we, the "Papuans", believed that processions of the cross are a prayer feat for the glory of God. And with what joy we always greeted the processions that came to us with miraculous icons of the Most Holy Theotokos and the saints, and with what love and reverence they joined them! Yes, we are sinful people, but we grieve, we pray to the Lord to help us cleanse our hearts so that we can receive at least a spark of Divine Love. Don't make idiots out of us: we know that God is Love. We saw it in the eyes of Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia, who visited us more than once. We felt it in Diveevo when we walked along the Canal of the Most Holy Theotokos, where we Reverend Seraphim healed our souls. Finally, we live in the very heart of Russia, next to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, under prayer protection St. Sergius Radonezh. We have fertile places: there are several ancient monasteries around us, in which the relics of saints reside. We know that love is not moralizing, but courageous mercy. Yes, we need cleansing, but not disinfection. "Dichlorvos", of course, is a powerful remedy, but after it there is not purity, but a lifeless, scorched space. We need a Shepherd, not a disinfectant.
It is no coincidence that one of the Chita priests who suffered from the arbitrariness of the bishop writes to us: “I can sympathize with your situation. We must fight for the Church, for the good organization of diocesan and parish life. Here after Eustathius is like scorched earth. So hold on, don't give up. God help!”.
For nine years, as Chita residents write on the Internet, they “wept into the pillow” and prayed to the Lord to deliver them from this suffocating “disinfection”, from the authoritarian regime in the diocese. They complain about the "non-canonical actions of Bishop Eustathius, the complete arbitrariness in relation to serving priests, the policy of separation, setting priests against each other, exorbitant fees from parishes, the impoverishment and plight of the clergy of the diocese." They testify that “at the moment all strong parishes have been ruined”, that “active, respected and competent priests are banned (and this is more than half of the entire clergy of the diocese!)”, that “an atmosphere of denunciations, gossip has developed and is maintained in the diocese, and also threats and open blackmail on the part of the bishop" that "the priesthood has been persecuted and suppressed." They warn us that “the difficulty lies in the fact that everything looks good from the outside, and only the believers know the situation from the inside”, who are “afraid not only of the bishop, but also of each other”, they lament that in such a purposefully built atmosphere, “the weak in spirit break down, lose faith”, that “many young people and intellectuals have left the Church”. One of the priests admits that in the current situation there is also their fault: “We often indulge the licentiousness of the highest church dignitaries. Moreover, our church grandmothers contribute to this with their subservience (for some bishops, it’s just like God!). And also universal disunity, especially priestly, when no one stands up for the persecuted, everyone hides in their corners. And also, let's add, falsely understood humility, and also opportunism, flattery, walking over the heads of others!
The prayers of the Chita residents were heard. Now, by the permission of God, the test is before us. A test of our faith and our integrity. We are too greedy for external "piety" and easily fall into the hook of spiritual substitutions, forgetting that all answers must be sought in the Gospel, which teaches that "God is Love." And our loyalty to Christ lies not in the number of religious processions, but in the ability to “shed blood for our friends”, in the ability to love and mercy.
Today our test is to protect our priests, who themselves cannot do this due to addiction. It lies in the fact that we should not be separated, but united in the defense of our parishes. Staying away from the current unhealthy situation, betraying yesterday's mentors and friends, participating in gossip, denunciations, we betray the Church. This is exactly the case when our conscience calls us to act, when our Christian duty is to speak the truth openly and call a spade a spade. Yes, they can take away the premises of the temple from us, but they will not be able to excommunicate us from the Church if we are faithful to God.
Newspaper "Alexandrovsky Voice of Labor", No. 46, November 12, 2014

Details can be found on the Chita forum in the topic "What is happening in the Chita diocese" (

Bishop of Nizhny Tagil and Nevyansk Innokenty (Yakovlev) - former secretary of the Vladimir diocesan administration, member of the Union of Artists of Russia, graphic artist and photographer, who is well remembered by Vladimir cultural figures

Photo by the press service of the Russian Orthodox Church

On May 14, in the historic building of the Synod on the Senate Square in St. Petersburg, under the chairmanship of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill Orthodox Church. A number of issues were considered at the event, in particular, the spiritual fathers approved the "Concept of the activities of the diocesan missionary department", discussed the issue of celebrating the 1030th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia. In addition, a number of important personnel issues were resolved. One of them concerned the Vladimir Metropolis.

As follows from the minutes of the meeting, the Holy Synod discussed "the state of affairs in the Diocese of Alexander", as a result of which a new head of this division of the Vladimir Metropolis was appointed.

Recall that the unified diocese of Vladimir was divided into three constituent parts in July 2013. The new Vladimir Metropolis included the Vladimir, Murom and Alexander eparchies.

The Diocese of Alexandrov and Yuryev-Polish, divided into 5 deaneries, was formed by the decision of the Holy Synod of July 16, 2013. It unites parishes within the administrative boundaries of Aleksandrovsky, Kirzhachsky, Kolchuginsky and Yuryev-Polsky districts of the Vladimir region. The administration of the diocese is located in Aleksandrov, the cathedral is the Alexander Church in honor of the Nativity of Christ.

Archbishop Evstafiy

Since July 16, 2013, the diocese has been temporarily ruled by Metropolitan Evlogii of Vladimir. On May 30, 2014, by the decision of the Synod, Archbishop Evstafiy (in the world Evgeny Evdokimov) was appointed to the Alexander See. Prior to that, he headed the Chita and Krasnokamensk eparchies. Bishop Evstafiy's tough policy towards the priesthood of Eastern Siberia, as they say in open sources, has repeatedly become the subject of public criticism. According to some reports, during his service in the Chita diocese, Evstafiy banned more than 50 people from the priesthood. Deacon Andrei Kuraev, according to some media reports, called Bishop Evstafiy "Stalin in a cassock" on LiveJournal.

At the time of the service of Archbishop Evstafiy in Aleksandrov, the clergy, local and regional authorities, the Legislative Assembly of the Vladimir Region, supervisory authorities, residents of the city of Aleksandrov, and the public movement "The Essence of Time" were involved.

In October 2014, representatives of the Alexandrov diocese came to the deputies of the district council with a proposal to build in Alexandrov next to the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ Orthodox center, which includes a school, a library and a monument to Alexander Nevsky. The construction of these facilities was hampered by another monument - the fighters of the revolution of 1905-1907 (popular name - "Woman with a Flag") on Sovetskaya Square, erected in 1987. Local deputies voted for the transfer of the monument, but the Alexandrov community stood up for its defense. Activists organized a collection of signatures for the cancellation of the deputy's decision with an appeal addressed to the Governor of the Vladimir Region Svetlana Orlova. Almost simultaneously, the deaneries of the Alexandrov and Yuryev-Polsky eparchies began under another appeal to Governor Orlova with a request to assist in the construction of an Orthodox center in Alexandrov and the demolition of a monument to the fighters of the 1905 revolution.

The scandal had to be extinguished at the level of the leadership of the Vladimir region. As a result, the "Woman with a Flag" remained in its place, the construction of the Orthodox center was not started.

At a meeting of the Holy Synod on May 14, Archbishop Evstafiy of Alexander and Yuryev-Polsky was "retired." The stated reason is the state of health. Gratitude was expressed to the archbishop "for the archpastoral labors incurred in the Alexander diocese." The Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra was determined as the place of stay of Evstafiy at rest.

The Synod appointed Bishop of Nizhny Tagil and Nevyansk Innokenty (Yakovlev) as the new Bishop of Alexander and Yuryev-Polsky.

Most of the life of Bishop Innokenty is connected with Vladimir region. Yakov Yakovlevich Yakovlev was born (as he was called in the world) in 1947 in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk in a military family, he graduated from the Novosibirsk Architectural Institute, where he later taught. In 1975 he was admitted to the Union of Artists of Russia, after which he began to professionally engage in fine arts, participating in all-Union, republican and international exhibitions. In the 80s, he helped decorate the churches of the Novosibirsk diocese as an architect and icon painter.

Vladimir Yakovlev moved to in 1983. In 1992, after the death of his wife, he was ordained a deacon and then a priest. On September 1, 1992, he was appointed chairman of the construction and economic department at the Vladimir Diocesan Administration and a member of the Vladimir Diocesan Council.

May 1, 1993 Yakov Yakovlev was appointed senior priest of the Holy Dormition Knyaginin convent of the city of Vladimir, on August 22, 1995 - secretary of the Vladimir diocesan administration. On April 13, 1997, the clergyman was tonsured a monk with the name Innokenty, on April 12, 1998 he was elevated to the rank of abbot, on December 21, 2005 he was appointed abbot of the Alexander Monastery in the city of Suzdal and dean of the monasteries of Suzdal district while retaining the duties of secretary of the diocesan administration. On March 19, 2007 he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite.

A new period in the life of Innokenty began in 2011, when he was appointed Bishop of Nizhny Tagil and Serov.

Vladimir cultural figures remember Innokenty well as a creative and sensible person with whom it was possible to conduct a dialogue and find a common language on a variety of, including acute, issues.

That's why I see that suddenly comments on the topic of more than three years ago began to "crumble" to me -. Well, for example:
"Return him to us in Chita!!! Without him, we were orphaned. For everyone, he had either a kind word or a look filled with such love! Health to you, dear Vladyka Evstafiy and patience! We LOVE you very much!!!"

"God be your judge, For slandering the Lord!!!"

“For some reason, you yourself, Father Philip, didn’t want to stay in Chita? You didn’t want to help Vladyka raise the Chita Diocese out of nothing .... They covered themselves with a sick grandmother. poison an elderly person. It does not do you credit. Your old age is not far off either. What can you brag about???"

I'm at a loss. What is it that they suddenly began to recall this topic, which has long gone to the archive? ... It turns out that the point is today's decision of the Holy Synod:

Frankly, I have prayed in the past for this to happen. AT last years I completely forgot about the archbishop, I had already stopped praying. And then, it turns out that God, after all, heard the prayers of both mine and many others, whom the bishop managed to drink blood when he was the administrator of the Chita diocese.
In my case, I left there on time and got off very lightly, only out of the corner of my eye catching that totalitarianism and the emerging cult of the personality of the bishop, which then brought terror to the entire clergy, without exaggeration. Yes, compared to many of today's bishops who extort the last money from the parishes, he then undoubtedly won in the eyes of many people. At first I myself trusted him, deciding to remain in the diocese after I received from the previous bishop. Innokenty's leave certificate, which he decided not to use, and continued to serve under the new bishop. He looked then quite nice, such a prayer book, a sensible almost old man. And then gradually the atmosphere began to change. Perplexities accumulated, questions multiplied, and sometimes I even asked myself questions: what is happening and where are we swimming !? It was 2001, quite a long time before many current readers, for example, of the Achilles portal, began to openly express their thoughts about, for example.
In my case, this was one of the most acute disappointments in the ministers during my stay in the church environment. After that, I stopped believing in bishops in principle. And he taught me this bishop. Evstafiy, he was the first who dispelled the illusions that had been before about those who fall into this environment. In which, of course, there are pleasant exceptions, but in general they only confirm the rule. Of course, he was not measured the way he measured his subordinates. This is simply a “retirement”, where the adoring women of the bishop will have an unhindered opportunity to visit him.

until February 3, 2013 - Bishop
until October 10, 2009 - Bishop of Chita and Transbaikal January 30, 2000 - May 30, 2014 Election: December 29, 1999 Predecessor: Innokenty (Vasiliev);
Vadim (Lazebny) (high school) Successor: Vladimir (Samokhin) Name at birth: Evdokimov Evgeny Vladimirovich Birth: Nov. 1(1951-11-01 ) (67 years old)
Kaltasy village, Bashkortostan Taking holy orders: January 4, 1981 Acceptance of monasticism: December 4, 1980 Episcopal consecration: January 30, 2000 Awards:

Archbishop Evstafiy(in the world - Evgeny Vladimirovich Evdokimov; November 1, Kaltasy village, Bashkir ASSR) - Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, Archbishop of Alexander and Yuryev-Polsky.


He graduated from high school and served in the army. In 1974 he entered the Moscow Theological Seminary, then the Moscow Theological Academy, from which he graduated in 1981 with a PhD in Theology.


On December 27, 2000, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church decided “Temporary archpastoral care for the flock of the Chinese Autonomous Orthodox Church living in the Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia of the People's Republic of China, to be entrusted to Bishop of Chita and Transbaikal Evstafiy in coordination with the Department of External church connections Moscow Patriarchate".

After the separation by the decision of the Holy Synod of October 10, 2009 from the Chita diocese of the independent Ulan-Ude and Buryat diocese, Bishop Evstafiy was determined to have the title of Chita and Krasnokamensky.

February 3, 2013, on the 35th week after Pentecost, before the start of the second day of work of the Sanctified Bishops' Council Bishop of Chita and Krasnokamensky Evstafiy of the Russian Orthodox Church was elevated to the rank of archbishop.

On May 30, 2014, he was appointed Archbishop of Alexander and Yuryev-Polsky by the Holy Synod.


In 2006, Bishop Eustathius banned Fr. Sergiy Taratukhin for recognizing Mikhail Khodorkovsky as a political prisoner and, on this basis, refusing to consecrate the administrative building of the colony in Krasnokamensk, in which the entrepreneur was serving his sentence.


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  • on the official website of the Moscow Patriarchate.
  • in the Encyclopedia of Transbaikalia.

An excerpt characterizing Eustathius (Evdokimov)

Prince Vasily fulfilled the promise given at the evening at Anna Pavlovna's to Princess Drubetskaya, who asked him about her only son Boris. He was reported to the sovereign, and, unlike others, he was transferred to the guards of the Semenovsky regiment as an ensign. But Boris was never appointed adjutant or under Kutuzov, despite all the troubles and intrigues of Anna Mikhailovna. Shortly after Anna Pavlovna's evening, Anna Mikhailovna returned to Moscow, directly to her wealthy relatives, the Rostovs, with whom she stayed in Moscow and with whom her adored Borenka, who had just been promoted to the army and immediately transferred to the guards warrant officers, was brought up and lived for years. The guards had already left Petersburg on August 10, and the son, who had remained in Moscow for uniforms, was supposed to catch up with her on the road to Radzivilov.
The Rostovs had Natalia's birthday girl, mother and younger daughter. In the morning, without ceasing, trains drove up and drove off, bringing congratulators to the large, well-known house of Countess Rostova on Povarskaya, all over Moscow. The countess with her beautiful eldest daughter and the guests, who did not cease to replace one another, were sitting in the drawing room.
The countess was a woman with an oriental type of thin face, about forty-five years old, apparently exhausted by her children, of whom she had twelve people. The slowness of her movements and speech, which came from the weakness of her strength, gave her a significant air that inspired respect. Princess Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya, like a domestic person, was sitting right there, helping in the matter of receiving and engaging in conversation with the guests. The youth were in the back rooms, not finding it necessary to participate in receiving visits. The count met and saw off the guests, inviting everyone to dinner.
“I am very, very grateful to you, ma chere or mon cher [my dear or my dear] (ma chere or mon cher he spoke to everyone without exception, without the slightest nuance, both above and below him to people standing) for himself and for dear birthday girls . Look, come and have dinner. You offend me, mon cher. I sincerely ask you on behalf of the whole family, ma chere. These words, with the same expression on his full, cheerful and clean-shaven face, and with the same firm handshake and repeated short bows, he spoke to everyone without exception or change. After seeing off one guest, the count returned to the one or the other who were still in the drawing room; pulling up chairs and with the air of a man who loves and knows how to live, with his legs valiantly apart and his hands on his knees, he swayed significantly, offered guesses about the weather, consulted about health, sometimes in Russian, sometimes in very bad, but self-confident French, and again with the air of a tired but firm man in the performance of his duties, he went to see him off, adjusting the rare White hair on his bald head, and again called for dinner. Sometimes, returning from the hall, he would go through the flower room and the waiter's room into a large marble hall, where a table was set for eighty couverts, and, looking at the waiters, who wore silver and porcelain, arranged tables and unfolded damask tablecloths, called Dmitry Vasilyevich, a nobleman, to him, engaged in all his affairs, and said: “Well, well, Mitenka, see that everything is fine. So, so, - he said, looking with pleasure at the huge spreading table. - The main thing is serving. That's it ... ”And he left, sighing smugly, again into the living room.
- Marya Lvovna Karagina with her daughter! the huge countess, the outgoing footman, reported in a bass voice as he entered the drawing-room door.
The Countess thought for a moment and sniffed from a golden snuffbox with a portrait of her husband.
“These visits tortured me,” she said. - Well, I'll take her last. Very stiff. Ask, - she said to the footman in a sad voice, as if saying: "well, finish it off!"
A tall, stout, proud-looking lady with a chubby, smiling daughter, rustling her dresses, entered the living room.
“Chere comtesse, il y a si longtemps… elle a ete alitee la pauvre enfant… au bal des Razoumowsky… et la comtesse Apraksine… j"ai ete si heureuse…” [Dear Countess, how long ago… she should have been in bed, poor a child... at the Razumovskys' ball... and Countess Apraksina... was so happy...] animated female voices were heard, interrupting one another and merging with the noise of dresses and moving chairs. , say: "Je suis bien charmee; la sante de maman ... et la comtesse Apraksine" [I am in awe; mother's health ... and Countess Apraksina] and, again making noise with dresses, go into the hall, put on a fur coat or cloak and leave. The conversation turned about the main city news of that time - about the illness of the famous rich man and handsome man of Catherine's time, the old Count Bezukhy and about his illegitimate son Pierre, who behaved so indecently at the evening at Anna Pavlovna Scherer.
“I am very sorry for the poor count,” said the guest, “his health is already so bad, and now this chagrin from his son, this will kill him!”
- What? the countess asked, as if not knowing what the guest was talking about, although she had already heard the reason for Count Bezukhy's grief fifteen times already.
- That's the current upbringing! While still abroad,” the guest said, “this young man was left to his own devices, and now in St. Petersburg, they say, he has done such horrors that he and the police have been expelled from there.
- Tell! said the Countess.
“He chose his acquaintances badly,” intervened Princess Anna Mikhailovna. - The son of Prince Vasily, he and one Dolokhov, they say, God knows what they were doing. And both were hurt. Dolokhov was demoted to the soldiers, and Bezukhoy's son was sent to Moscow. Anatol Kuragin - that father somehow hushed up. But they were sent out from St. Petersburg.
“What the hell did they do?” the countess asked.
“These are perfect robbers, especially Dolokhov,” said the guest. - He is the son of Marya Ivanovna Dolokhova, such a respectable lady, and what? You can imagine: the three of them got a bear somewhere, put it in a carriage with them and took it to the actresses. The police came to take them down. They caught the guard and tied him back to back to the bear and let the bear into the Moika; the bear swims, and the quarter on it.
- Good, ma chere, the figure of the quarterly, - the count shouted, dying with laughter.
- Oh, what a horror! What's there to laugh at, Count?
But the ladies involuntarily laughed themselves.
“They rescued this unfortunate man by force,” continued the guest. - And this is the son of Count Kirill Vladimirovich Bezukhov, who is so cleverly amused! she added. - And they said that he was so well educated and smart. That's all the upbringing abroad has brought. I hope that no one will accept him here, despite his wealth. I wanted to introduce him. I resolutely refused: I have daughters.