Fortune telling on needles for love and children: the most reliable ways. Fortune telling on a needle with a thread and an alphabet Divination alphabet and a needle

Often there is a need to know something in advance. Science, namely the principle of relativity and the basic postulates of quantum mechanics, does not yet allow us to do this. But magic is less categorical in this matter: you may well know the future. Good way for this - fortune-telling on a needle.

A simple and quick divination using a needle and thread will allow you to find out the answers to many questions related to children.

Guessing by a needle and thread, most often they ask about children. There are several types of divination for children, each of which has its own characteristics and requires compliance with certain rules. Divination is simple and quite fast.

Rules for divination on a needle

To spend correct divination with the help of a needle and thread, you need to properly prepare for fortune telling. Follow the rules:

  1. Day of the week. Women and men tell fortunes on a needle on different days. It is preferable for women to guess on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. Men - on Monday, Thursday and Friday. Avoid fortunetelling on Sunday and church holidays, especially if this is fortune-telling for a betrothed.
  2. Date of. Do not guess on those days of the month that are divided by seven, as well as on the third and fifth.
  3. Divination time. For divination, the most suitable time is evening or night. It must be dark, or at least twilight.
  4. Cloth. Spacious, comfortable clothing made from natural fabrics. Remove all jewelry, including belt, watch, hairpins.
  5. Makeup. No cosmetics. Especially if it's marriage.
  6. Concentration. Nobody should distract you. Turn off your phone. It is better to guess when there is no one in the house. Try to focus on the subject of your divination. If this is beyond your power, reschedule the divination for another day.
  7. Faith in divination. If you sincerely do not believe in fortune-telling for children, then the predictions will be incorrect.
  8. Place of divination. The workplace should be clean, the room should be fresh and not very hot.
  9. Other nuances. It is better to braid your hair in a braid (this is optional). It is preferable to guess on the floor. Avoid divination in the rain and on the new moon.

Fortune telling on a sewing needle and thread for children (method one)

Such divination with needles has become very widespread due to the fact that it is very simple and fairly accurate. In just a few steps, you will receive answers to the questions: "How many children will I have?", "What gender will my children be?".

Let's get started:

  1. Get a new needle or a needle with your energy (no one should touch it except you). In the first case, before divination, sew something with a needle or simply pass a small piece of fabric with a needle. So you charge it with your energy. A properly prepared needle is the key to accurate divination.
  2. Take a silk thread twenty to twenty-five centimeters long. The color of the thread is important: if you unmarried girl, then the thread should be white, if you are married (or were married), then you need to take a red thread.
  3. Before conducting fortune telling, turn off all electronics and open windows.

How to guess:

  1. Thread the needle so that the needle can move freely along the thread and oscillate. The thread should not be too thin so as not to break, or too thick so that the needle moves freely along it.
  2. Raise left hand chest level, palm up.
  3. Hold the needle and thread in your right hand.
  4. Gently, so as not to prick, lower the needle between the fingers: index and thumb. In this way, you additionally feed the needle with your energy. Repeat this action three times.
  5. Pull the needle out of the space between the fingers and bring it to the center of the palm.
  6. Ask the needle a question:

    "How many children will I have?"

  7. Remember the trajectory of the needle and the number of identical movements.
  8. If the needle moved in a circle, then you will have a daughter. If the pendulum moved back and forth (left-right, forward-backward), then wait for your son. If the needle never started moving, then you will not have children.
  9. The fortuneteller must count the number of all the described circles and oscillations - this will be the answer to the question about the number of children. Overwriting is strictly prohibited.

Keep in mind:

  • the sex of each child will follow the order: if the first movement of the needle is a swing, the firstborn is a boy, if the second movement is a circle, then the second will be a girl, and so on.
  • this divination does not take into account abortions or fetal fading.

It should be remembered: divination does not take into account the fading of the fetus or abortion!

Checking the predicted truth or not is not difficult enough, especially for already realized parents. It is enough just to compare the sex of already born children and guessed with a needle. If it matches, you can trust the needle without a doubt.

Divination for a child (method two)

This fortune-telling on strings allows you to answer questions about your children: both born and planned. In fact, you will need a bowl of water, two candles and a needle and thread. The ritual is performed at night.

Proceed as planned:

  1. Light candles at your workplace. Wait for them to burn for a couple of minutes.
  2. Place a bowl of water between the candles.
  3. Thread the thread (white or red) through the needle. Check if it "slides" freely along the thread.
  4. Speak these words over the water:

    “Voditsa, voditsa, why are you standing idle? Voditsa, voditsa, you tell me, charge this needle with your power.

  5. Then take a big one and index fingers end of the thread and dip the needle into the water.
  6. Pull out the needle after a few seconds.
  7. Repeat steps five to six two more times.
  8. Raise the needle above the palm of your left hand.
  9. Wait until the needle stops moving. We are talking about the horizontal and vertical plane.
  10. Ask a question that interests you, to which you can answer "yes" or "no". For example, “Should I buy my daughter a bike?”, “Will my son be calm?”, “Will my eldest daughter grow up to be an athlete?”, “Will the move positively affect the child?” and the like.
  11. Pay close attention to how the needle began to behave after the question.
  12. If she started walking in circles, then the answer to your question is "No." If you start moving forward, backward or left-right, then the answer to your question is: “Yes.” If the needle has not started to move, then everything is in your hands.

Fortune telling with a needle for children is quite simple, and therefore it can always be used in controversial situations. It will give a clear answer and help solve problems.

To achieve truthful answers, conducting this fortune-telling, you need to remember a few nuances:

  1. The water must be cold. It is best to freeze it prematurely and give it positive energy. Alternatively, you can read fairy tales to her or say good words to someone in front of her.
  2. The room must be perfectly clean. Wipe dust on all furniture, wipe floors, cornices, remove cobwebs, vacuum ... Do not forget to ventilate the room before starting the ceremony.
  3. No animals. If you have pets, keep them out of the room at least a day before the divination. Exception: cat.

Divination for marriage

Thinking about children, it would be nice to talk about the wedding. Divination with threads and a needle allows you to learn a little more about the father of your children. There are two variants of divination here.

First way

To guess, you need:

  • a vessel filled to the brim with water, it is better to choose a transparent container: made of glass or plastic;
  • pieces of paper with the names of potential candidates (it is not necessary to know these people);
  • needle;
  • silk red or white thread;
  • four candles.

For divination for marriage, you will need four candles

This is the rare case when divination takes place in the morning. Even before dawn, start fortune telling. On the night before fortune-telling, you need to prepare well.

  1. Attach pieces of paper with the names of potential candidates to the bowl along the edge, put the bowl near the sofa.
  2. Tie a thread on your right hand, and put the needle on the windowsill.
  3. Leave the window open at night.
  4. Waking up before sunrise, get up and transfer the vessel with water to the place where you will guess at the betrothed.
  5. Important: until the end of the ceremony, you can not talk.
  6. Place candles around the dish at the same distance. Keep symmetry in everything: the Universe loves order.
  7. Carefully break the thread at the wrist, insert its tip through the eye of the prepared needle left on the windowsill. Close your eyes and say:

    ““ Needle, needle, tell me: who sued me forever?” Then throw the needle exactly over the center of the bowl of water.

  8. Follow where the "eye" of the needle points. It is directed to a piece of paper with the name of the father of your children.

Second way

Divide one A4 sheet into small pieces of paper of the same size. On paper, write down any names that come to your mind, alphabetically. You can entrust this task to a friend. Then collect all the pieces of paper in a pile, put in a large bowl. Stir the contents with your hand. At night, put the dish on the windowsill by the open window.

Take a gypsy needle and stick it in her eye white thread. The thread should not be very thin, it is better to take the thread as thick as possible. Leave the needle and thread under the pillow you will sleep on.

Wake up at eight o'clock. Get up and pull out the needle that was saturated with your energy during the night. Go with her to the windowsill and randomly poke into a pile of leaves. The name written on the pierced piece of paper will be the name of the father of your children.


Very often we just need to know something in advance. One of the topics in demand in this regard is the topic of children. To learn everything about future children: gender, their number, character allows fortune-telling on pins and needles.

As with any ritual, when divination, certain rules must be followed. First of all, this concerns the time and day of the event, the place allotted for divination, clothing and appearance fortuneteller.

Divination with a needle and thread requires a minimum of time and money and gives an accurate result.

When considering the issue of children, the question of the father of the children is also important. Therefore, it is also advisable for fortunetellers to familiarize themselves with how to guess with a needle and thread for a betrothed.

We wish you good luck and happiness in the family!

Everyone knows what a needle is for and what to do with it. It prolongs the life of old things, and in capable hands it helps to bring new things into the world. However, that's not all she can do. A needle is also a powerful tool that will help you find out the future, find answers to questions, and even help make wishes come true.

Divination methods on a thread with a needle

There are 4 main methods of divination:

  1. in the name of the husband;
  2. on children;
  3. with a magic circle;
  4. for the fulfillment of a wish.

For fortune telling you will need:

The divination ritual is performed at dawn. On the evening before the divination, you need to prepare a basin of water. On small pieces of paper write any male names and attach them to the edge of the pelvis. Put the basin all night under the bed of a fortune-telling girl. Put the needle on the windowsill, the eye must be directed to the north. Tie a red thread on your right wrist and go to bed.

Wake up in the morning before sunrise and get the basin out from under the bed. It is very important to remain in the clothes that were worn at night and not to talk to anyone. Around the pelvis you need to arrange and light 4 candles. Then break the thread at the wrist and pull it through the eye of the needle. Approaching the basin, close your eyes and throw a thread with a needle into it. The name that the eye of the needle points to will be the name of the future husband.

Fortune telling on a needle and thread for children

This method will help you find out what gender and how many children will be in the family. For divination, you will need a needle and thread. The color of the thread must be white. Cut the thread to medium length and thread through the eye of the needle. left palm open, stretch in front of you and take away thumb to the side. Right hand by the thread, raise the needle above the left palm. After that, 3 times, “piercing” through the air with a movement, lower it between the thumb and palm. Starting from the wrist, draw a circle along the contour of the palm with a needle. Next, place the palm over the center and observe its movements.

The first child in the family will be a boy if the needle swings from side to side. Movement in a circle indicates a girl. To find out if there will be more children, the needle is again lowered between the thumb and palm, placed above the center and observed. The needle does not move - there will be no more children. If it moves, then the sex of the child is determined by the nature of the movement. You need to repeat divination until the needle stops showing. There will be as many children as the fortune-telling was repeated and the needle moved. It is worth paying attention that if the family already has children, then the needle will first point to them. In this way, you can immediately check how fortune-telling is true.

Divination with a needle and a magic circle

It should be immediately understood that this is fortune-telling with the involvement of otherworldly forces. Therefore, such a ritual should be taken seriously and not abused.

For the ritual, you will need a needle with a thread and a piece of paper. The thread should be silk and red. Thread the thread through the eye of the needle and tie a knot. How to tie it has great importance. The ends of the thread need to be aligned, and twisting them together, tie them into a knot. At this time, turn to otherworldly forces and ask for help in divination.

Draw a circle on paper. Write the alphabet along the outer edge of the circle. Enter the numbers inside the circle, as on the clock face. In the middle of the circle, write "Yes" and underline, write "No" at the bottom. Further, the fortuneteller sits down at the table and puts a magic circle drawn on paper in front of him. Holding the thread, put the needle with the point in the center of the circle, so that there is no strong tension between them.

Before starting fortune-telling, you can check how true the answers will be. To do this, you should first ask a few questions, the answers to which are obvious to the fortuneteller. For example, ask: “My name (say your name)?”; “Am I (say my age) years old?”; "Do I have a son (daughter)?" Answers should be considered in the yes/no box. If the needle points to the correct answers, then you can ask questions of interest. In addition to definitive answers such as yes/no, complex questions can be answered more specifically. The needle will spin and stop at the letters. These letters need to be remembered or written down, and then the resulting words - the answers - should be read.

At the end of fortune-telling, one must not forget to thank the spirits for their help and ask them to return to their world.

Fortune telling is carried out at night and always on the full moon. You need to prepare for it in the morning. In the morning, on the day of divination, take a glass and fill it clean water. Take a black thread in your hands, close your eyes and think about your desire. After that, completely lower it into the glass, and put the glass itself in a conspicuous place. Every time during the day, when the eye falls on the glass, remember the desire.

At night, light 3 candles around the glass. Get the thread from the bottom of the glass, thread it into the needle and tie 5 knots. You should pay attention to how to tie a knot on a thread with a needle. Connect the ends together and tie the first knot. Further, tie 4 more knots moving towards the needle. While tying, constantly think about your desire and imagine how it will come true. After that, take the thread by the extreme knot and hold it over the glass with an outstretched hand. Now, by the vibrations of the needle, you can determine whether a wish will come true or not.

If the needle fluctuates towards the fortuneteller, then the desire will certainly come true.

The movement of the needle parallel to the fortuneteller is a bad sign- the wish will not come true.

When the needle hung motionlessly in the air, the wish will come true, but not soon.

Divination with a needle and thread is very simple. They do not require special knowledge and skills. But still, you should not treat them lightly and superficially. When starting fortune-telling, it is important to pay attention to all the requirements and follow all the steps exactly: at what time to guess, what color of thread to take for fortune-telling, how to make a knot on a thread with a needle. Only in this case, fortune-telling will be accurate and safe.

Attention, only TODAY!

The emergence of fortune-telling is directly related to the desire of people to find out some facts from their future, past or present. People throughout the ages have tried to know their future. This is directly related to the occurrence of any circumstances in life, which (as many people think) fortune telling can help solve.

Divination with a needle and thread is one of the most common types of predictions. There is no exact date for the emergence of this type of magical rite, which is more common among the gypsies. In past times, for this unusual people, the use of various predictions and magic was considered a matter of Everyday life, a means of subsistence, and not something supernatural. Do not forget the fact that the gypsies carry out this ritual quite carefully, since they believe that it is the thread that is the link between the real world and otherworldly forces. To carry out the process itself, they prefer to use new needles, into which a red silk thread is threaded during the ceremony. Although at present, during this ceremony, the girls do not focus their attention on the color of the thread used.

Divination with a needle can be done in many ways, for example, divination by a needle with a circle. In the process of divination, you can use round-shaped cardboard (in this case the diameter can be the same as the diameter of an ordinary plate). On this circle, you need to write letters that can be arranged both in order and in a chaotic sequence. Then a needle is hung on a thread and a question of interest is asked. But we should not forget that at the very beginning of fortune-telling it is necessary to say a number of certain phrases. For example, “Spirit such and such, answer us the questions we are interested in and help us find solutions to certain issues!!!” and so on. It is also believed that before starting fortune-telling, girls should remove all jewelry and let their hair down.

Divination with a needle and thread can also be carried out using a circle without letters, divided into two equal honors. These parts can symbolize the answers "yes - no", "likes - does not like." In the process of such fortune-telling, it is necessary to clearly formulate the questions of interest, the possible answers to which are shown on the circle. But in order to verify the veracity of this method, it is advisable to first ask questions, the answers to which are already known. If the answers of the fortune-telling girl coincide with the answers indicated by the needle and thread, the fortune-telling is indeed true and you can continue the process and ask questions of interest.

Divination with a needle and thread at this time causes a lot of conflicting opinions. Some consider this ritual an entertaining game, others take it very seriously. For many girls who used this type of magic, predictions came true (for example, the wedding day, the name of the future husband, the gender of the unborn child). For some girls, the answers received during the ceremony were only partially realized, and for some, not a single answer at all coincided with the real one.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the theory that the movement of the needle in the process of divination depends not on the spirits that are called during the ritual (as many people think), but on the thoughts of the girl herself who conducts divination with needle and thread. This refers to the fact that during fortune-telling, a process of complete concentration of thoughts and consciousness takes place, as a result of which the movement of the thread and, accordingly, the needle in certain letters is observed. It is in this case that the girl receives the desired result, which subsequently becomes a reality.

One of the most common fortune-telling that allows you to get answers to any questions posed is a ritual with a saucer and an alphabetic circle. For accurate information, you need to call the spirit.

Divination on a saucer in 2020

There are many ways in New Year learn about the future and get answers to your questions. Various attributes are used for this: beans, books, needles, wax, hair, cards. Divination on a saucer with an alphabetic circle looks very much like a ritual. During it, participation will also be required.

For the ritual, they use the alphabet and a saucer with an arrow - these are the attributes of the spirit. He guides them and gives the exact answer. On a piece of paper, the answers "yes" and "no" are additionally indicated - this will help to avoid ambiguity and will not take your breath for a long time.

Divination with a saucer is similar to a simple pendulum using a needle and thread. It is also necessary for him to call the spirit, but he only gives answers to questions in the form of "yes" or "no". There is also a more complex form with an alphabetic circle.

For the ritual, you need to use plain paper or a wooden board. It is important to apply the alphabet in a circle, this will facilitate contact with the spirits. For added convenience, it is advised to write the words of greeting and farewell, as well as the numbers from 0 to 9.

The ritual does not guarantee a correct prediction if there is no good connection with the spirit or evil forces have come into contact. , will in any way oppose the performance of the ritual. Or confuse the fortuneteller by giving incorrect answers.

In order for alphabetical fortune-telling to be accurate, magicians are advised to ask a few questions, information about which is known and obvious. The danger of the ritual lies in the possibility of incurring trouble. Came from underworld evil spirit does not want to leave the space and decides to stay.

If you are not confident in your own abilities or do not have experience in communicating with the Higher Forces, use. Call on good spirits to help or the nearest deceased relative in the line.


The main attribute used in the ritual is a saucer. It is important that it be white and new. No one before you should use it. An important element of divination is paper with an alphabetic circle. The larger it is, the more convenient it is for the spirit to communicate with you.

How to prepare for divination in a circle:

  1. Draw a contrasting arrow on the saucer. After the ritual, no one will use the plate for its intended purpose, so you can use a permanent marker.
  2. Get together in a small company, tune in and not make noise. You can perform the ritual alone.
  3. It is necessary to turn off mobile phones and not use them to record the fortune-telling process.
  4. Each participant must prepare a list of questions in advance.
  5. Sit in corners or around a table.
  6. Choose a leader - he turns to the spirit, all the rest are waiting for his command.

It is impossible to interrupt the leader - the spirit can get confused and angry, become uncontrollable. Another important condition is that you need to choose in advance who you will call on and write down his name on paper. Dead close relatives or good spirits - helpers are suitable for this. You can't call angels or demons.


After all conditions are met, you must sit down at the table. Participants put their hands on the dish, the leader says an introductory phrase.

Spirit come! We call on the spirit (name)!

You need to say the words three times. There is also a special phrase to check for presence.

If the Higher Powers honored the fortune-tellers with their presence, the dish will begin to move. The arrow will turn towards the positive answer on the paper. If there is no reaction, the ritual is pointless to continue. You can try to call the spirit again, but you need to do it carefully, excessive perseverance will anger him.

If the spirit has come, and the answer about its presence has been received, you can start fortune-telling in a circle:

  1. The facilitator asks questions according to the list. Waits a few minutes, giving the Higher Power time to think.
  2. It is important to carefully observe the movement of the arrow and follow the letters. Near which it stops a little longer - those are combined into words.
  3. It is forbidden to remove your hands from the saucer or push it.

Sometimes the plate moves too fast, you need to choose one participant in the ceremony who will write down the information received. He does not need to hold a saucer.

Additional terms

In addition to the basic rules, there are some features that must also be observed. During the ceremony, it is important to open the window or window - the spirit will enter the room and leave unhindered.

All fortune-telling was previously performed only by candlelight - this is an optional condition, but part of the tradition. The same question cannot be asked several times in a row. did not answer - information is prohibited.

After all the answers have been received, the Higher Power can be released and thanked, always by name. If the spirit does not want to leave, read the prayer. During it, ask three angels by name to release you from his presence.

Try also online divination and tests.

Click on the name of fortune-telling or test to select

Divination with a needle

This ritual also requires the presence of several people at once. Fortune telling on a circle with a needle is carried out similarly to its variety with a saucer, but there are also distinctive features. Here, whatman paper with letters is also used as a response board, but a pendulum is used as an otherworldly conductor.

Divination with a needle and the alphabet requires preparation.

  1. Take a new needle. A red thread is threaded into it. The ends are aligned and tied in a knot.
  2. Place the wax candle in the center of the table.
  3. They take a drawing paper with a circle, letters and numbers.
  4. All fortunetellers sit at the table. One person is the leader, all other participants in the process.
  5. It is important to prepare all questions in advance on a separate sheet.
  6. Draw a pentagram inside a circle for divination with a needle.
  7. The point is placed in the center, the eye with the thread should be tilted to the side.

After all the preparatory measures are observed, the spirit is summoned. The phrases used are the same as in the saucer ritual.

The host asks questions, and everyone carefully observes which letters or numbers the needle and thread turned to, write down the answers. First you need to ask all the simple ones that can be answered unambiguously. And then move on to more complex issues.

You can make a circle from playing cards- and by their interpretation to determine the answer of the magical assistant. The values ​​are the same as in simple layouts.

After the ritual with the thread and needle of the spirit, you need to thank and let go. The candle is blown out and the prayer “Our Father” is read three times.


If you are new to divination with a needle or a circle and this is the first seance for you, take the advice of an experienced magician or abandon the ritual altogether. Otherwise, dangerous consequences cannot be avoided.

During such rituals, there is a risk that an embittered entity will come. An experienced magician will be able to recognize it and drive it away in time, a beginner will not succeed. The spirit will be able to harm physically or want to settle in the house forever.

Many who guess at a young age make the classic mistake of asking the entity to appear. Thus, an evil spirit easily penetrates the human world and remains here forever. The consequences of such a ritual are unpredictable and dangerous for all its participants.

Fortune telling on a needle and thread common ancient ritual, which has come down to our days from distant ancestors. They were convinced of the veracity of the method, which would provide an opportunity to learn about future events.

"Road of desires" - how to tell fortunes with a thread

One of the most popular divination with a needle and thread is the "Road of Desires". This method will even help change your life.

Take a long red thread - for 40 days you need to embroider a picture with it. While threading the eye of the needle, say your request out loud three times.

Do a single stitch in one day. In general, there will be 40 of them. If there is not enough thread for the whole picture, then the dream will not come true.

Important: having received a negative answer, it is impossible to make this wish again.

Otherwise, higher powers will refuse to give you truthful answers. The next day at the same time of day, do 2 stitches. It can be located nearby, above, on the ground - it doesn't matter. Manipulations are carried out for 40 days.

The more even and clear the stitches are, the easier it will be for you to reach your goal. If the picture is made inaccurately, if it is oblique, then it will be extremely difficult to achieve anything. It is also likely that things will not go the way you want them to.

When the picture is completed, you need to voice the dream again 4 times and bow to each side of the world. Keep the embroidered image with you until the dream comes true.

one of the most common divination is divination using the alphabet and a needle. As you know, these are very popular manipulations that are used during seances, divination with the help of a pendulum.

The ceremony can only be performed from 5 am to 6 pm. The ritual is forbidden to be carried out at night, during a period of illness, depression, loss of strength.

You can limit yourself to the simplest attributes (a needle and a thread on which it will hang, a piece of paper on which letters of the alphabet will be written in a circle). Also remember to write Yes on one side of the alphabet and No on the other.

In order to get the clearest possible answers, clean the needle beforehand. It can be carried several times by fire or dipped under running water. Before the ritual, be sure to ask the higher powers to allow you to open the veil of secrets and see what was previously hidden from you.

After that, you will need to check if the needle is working. To do this, you need to hang her up, wait until she stops hesitating and ask some simple question to which you know a clear answer. For example:

My name is Masha? I am 30 years old? I live in Sochi?

If the tool passed the previous test correctly and answered all the questions “yes” or “no” (it was drawn to the desired inscription on paper), this indicates that it is ready to work. Another test needs to be done next. Say a question:

What is my name?

If the attribute began to move from one letter to another, swinging in the air, correctly answered the question, then you can get to work.

Read alternative divination Yes-No.

Support is almost always needed for such divination. higher powers. That is why, starting to manipulate, say three times:

Spirit, appear, give me answers to questions, help me make the right decision, be my companion and helper.

Despite the fact that such manipulations cannot be done without the help of a spirit, this part of the rite can be risky, since an inexperienced magician is not always able to call on someone specific, and he has to be content with the helper who comes to him.

However, no one can say with complete certainty who exactly will contact you. However, there is a way to protect yourself. For example, you can combine rites and perform a ritual. In this case, you will call not just some kind of spirit from the other world, but specifically the soul of your deceased relative.

But practice is also required to successfully carry out such manipulations. Remember, such fortune-telling is not carried out alone, always in a company with other people. If the needle begins to randomly move from one letter to another, this may indicate that the spirit that has come is extremely angry and not ready to communicate with you.

In such a situation, it is necessary to apologize for the disturbance and release the magical assistant. Be sure to distribute responsibilities among the participants in the ritual. One person should ask questions, the other should write down the answers.

Only 5 questions can be answered. They are all asked in turn. You can announce the next one only after you have heard the question on the previous one. If you follow these rules, then protect yourself as much as possible.

All you need is a needle and thread to tell fortunes for children. There are many divination methods that will help you find out when you get pregnant, what the gender of your baby will be, and so on.

This method will help determine whether you will have a boy or a girl and how many babies there will be in total. The needle must be taken in the right palm. Keep a magical attribute on your weight, and place your left hand under the tip of the needle. In the distance between the thumb and the rest of the palm, quickly lower the needle three times.

Now you need to place the magic pendulum over the center of the palm and ask the question that worries you. If the instrument starts to move clockwise, this indicates that a girl will be born. When the needle swings from right to left, it warns of the birth of a boy.

If the attribute remains motionless, this indicates that you will not have offspring yet. After you have learned the necessary information, you can clean the needle again by lowering it three times between the thumb and the palm of your left hand. After that, ask a question about what will be the sex of the second baby.

If the needle responds, this indicates that you will have more than one baby and now you know the gender of each of them. If the attribute does not respond, this indicates that you will have only one child.

Fortune telling on a needle and thread is not difficult. To do this, you need to have only 2 magical attribute. Remember, such manipulations are not simple pampering, and the more you practice, the more likely it is that in the near future you will begin to predict not only your own, but someone else's fate absolutely accurately.

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