Theta Healing Cleansing. Theta Healing: What is it? Managed to get myself out of debt

The reunification of a person with the energy of the Creator awakens powerful healing abilities in him. By activating vitality, a person is healed at the physical and spiritual levels. Theta Healing meditation helps to connect to the Primary Source.

I worked as a programmer for a well-known firm for several years, but I could not rise higher in any way, but a new colleague who came just a month ago did it with ease. I decided to ask him about how he managed to do this.

As it turned out, a few years ago Petya could not climb the ladder of success either, but very soon everything changed. He began to practice the ThetaHealing meditation technique. Even then, he was absent-minded and inattentive, he thought only about the bad and did not think about self-development. After his ThetaHealing class, his thoughts changed, he stopped thinking about the bad and immediately noticed the first changes. I also decided to try, and now I will tell you what I managed to achieve.

Benefits of ThetaHealing Meditation Technique

This technique is based on setting the brain to emit waves of a certain range. Thanks to the research of scientists, several types of brain waves have been discovered:

  • alpha;
  • beta;
  • theta;
  • gamma;
  • delta.

Theta waves are responsible for the unconscious, they are activated during deep sleep, complete relaxation. In this state, it is possible to work with the subconscious, to which there is no access in ordinary life. Having learned to consciously enter this range and control it, a person is capable of healing itself. In addition, due to tuning to these waves, the transformation process is activated. Thanks to him, the practitioner opens up new opportunities:

  1. Creativity is shown.
  2. Improves memory.
  3. Intuition develops.
  4. Psychological problems are solved, the nervous system relaxes.
  5. The self-healing process starts.
  6. There are opportunities to work with destructive programs that are deep in the subconscious.
  7. Weed out negative thoughts.
  8. Healing takes place on the physical and spiritual levels.
  9. Experience lucid dreams.

Important! Entering a meditative state opens the heart and allows you to fill unconditional love Creator. The energy of love pervades every part of the body. This helps open the heart chakra.

Who will benefit most from this technique?

Tuning the brain to this range helps to get rid of all kinds of stress and anxiety. Therefore, it is especially effective:

  • in the treatment of neuroses;
  • in getting rid of complexes and uncertainty;
  • in liberation from phobias, uncontrollable fear;
  • in getting rid of depression, melancholy;

Thanks to the opening of the heart, trust in oneself, the world, the Supreme Creator, the Universe develops. In a state of trust and relaxation, you can ask for what you want, attract positive events and energies. The only limitation of this practice is the length of time. Every day you can spend no more than 1.5 -2 hours in this state. This is due to the fact that too long a state of deep relaxation is undesirable.

Advice! To quickly tune in to the desired range, practice is carried out in a room where no one interferes. The key to successful Theta meditation is awareness, so nothing should distract the practitioner's mind and senses.

morning meditation

To avoid daily stress and connect to healing energy flows, meditate in the morning. In the early morning most of the people are still asleep and the practitioner is not disturbed. At this time, there are still no worries and daily fuss. Therefore, ThetaHealing morning meditation is especially effective. Meditative technique:

  1. Take a comfortable position, close your eyes. Begin to breathe deeply, as you inhale imagine how pure white light enters the lungs. Exhale dark air, and with it restlessness and tension. On exhalation, pain and resentment leave the body. Feel the lightness of being.
  2. Ask the Creator to fill you with his unconditional love. A bright luminous stream of love penetrates the top of the head, passing through the whole body. The creative power relaxes every cell, every organ. The head, neck, chest, abdomen, hips are saturated with a healing pink color. Through the legs, he goes down, returning to Mother Earth.
  3. The Earth takes back the creative power of the Creator, and with it your fears, pain, past years. They leave you, leaving emptiness and peace.
  4. Now imagine yourself standing barefoot on the ground. Ask Mother Earth to fill you with her power. Pass the energy streams coming out of the earth through the feet to the top of the head. Having reached the sahasrara chakra, they go beyond the body, outer space, reach God himself. Express your love to Him.

After that, it is useful to think about plans for the day. Thank the Creator for future good events and for all the good things that happened in the past.

Meditation practice for healing

Theta Healing Meditation helps to harmonize the physical and spiritual levels. With the purification of consciousness, all blocks and clamps go away. The nervous system comes into balance. Technique :

  1. Take a comfortable position. Close your eyes. Start breathing deeply. Imagine that you are breathing through your forehead, eyes, neck, heart. When you inhale, clean air penetrates and cleanses every cell. On exhalation, pain comes out, relaxation sets in.
  2. Turn to the Universe and mentally connect to its energy flows. It is a pure green light that revives life on Earth. He is responsible for the growth of plants, renews nature with the onset of spring. This life-giving force is now sent to the part of your body that needs healing.
  3. Imagine a healing light enveloping an organ that feels pain or tension. Diseases are forced out of this organ, leaving in the form of dark thick smoke. All that remains is health and cleanliness.
  4. On some organ or part of the body, you will want to stay longer. Give him extra time and attention. This means that healing is especially needed here, there is a disease or blocks.
  5. Open your eyes, smile at the surrounding space and stretch.

This is the basic ThetaHealing meditation. It can be done both in the morning and in the evening before bed. It leads to tangible results if carried out daily.

Attracting Success and Prosperity

After healing the physical and mental levels, you can begin to visualize what you want. The easiest way to visualize is not specific goals, but insist on prosperity. ThetaHealing Abundance Meditation helps you open up new opportunities and bring into your life what you need most. Meditative technique:

  1. Take a comfortable and comfortable position for you. Close your eyes. Take a look inside each organ, each cell. Start breathing deeply. Inhale - a pleasant warmth is felt. Exhale - relaxation occurs.
  2. Imagine yourself rising high above the earth into outer space. From here you can see wonderful landscapes, natural relief on the surface of the planet Earth. You see countless rivers, waterfalls, deep seas. On land, an incredible amount of vegetation and animals.
  3. For everyone who lives on the planet, there is everything that he needs for life. There is no lack of resources, full abundance. Here you will find everything you need. You are part of this wonderful world. Trust him, stretch your palms high up. Mentally accept all the gifts that the Universe itself presents to you.

Thanks to the implementation of this technique, the installation of scarcity and limited resources leaves the subconscious mind. Opportunities and creativity open up. Now, having completed all the techniques, it's time to thank your loved one. Daily ThetaHealing meditation will bring harmony and peace to your life. Other effective meditations can be found on our website. Improve yourself, don't stop there. After all, now begins a new life, full of love and trust around the world.

Science has confirmed that negative thoughts and experiences adversely affect human health. To get rid of them and prevent them from appearing in the future, the Theta Healing technique is used. Many people who have learned this technique call it reality-changing meditation.

"Healing" in translation from English "healing", theta is one of the wave frequencies of the brain, on which consciousness is in a borderline state between sleep and reality. Theta Healing is a meditation method that allows you to use the hidden reserves of the brain for self-development, healing and solving deep psychological problems. It has been proven that during meditation, when the human brain is between sleep and wakefulness and reaches the level of theta waves, the impact on the subconscious is most effective. This state is ideal for learning and introducing arithmations into the mental field.

It is at the level of the subconscious that all the programs and attitudes that control the actions, deeds and basic reactions of a person in the conscious world are located. Entering the state of theta waves, a person's consciousness gradually moves through seven levels of being, or seven worlds, as the author of the methodology calls them, and through a prayer directed to the Creator of the World, transforms itself at all levels.

Vianna Stibal, the founder of ThetaHealing, was completely cured of bone cancer in 1995 thanks to this technique and has been helping people get rid of various problems ever since. She also writes books and draws wonderfully. Her technique has been improved over time and is now given to the maximum viable option- tumors are healed different types, hepatitis C, severe allergies and mental illness. He teaches all over the world, trying to convey the power of meditation to people and has certified followers in fourteen countries around the world.

Theta Hilling is considered one of the most powerful spiritual practices and is even taught in Tokyo, at the State Medical University.

ThetaHealing techniques will help:

  • Get rid of fears, phobias and obsessions that destroy the psyche;
  • Receive healing from diseases;
  • Learn selfless and unconditional love;
  • Find a soul mate (friend or marriage partner);
  • Reveal your purpose, talent and raise your potential to a high level;
  • Change and remove the stereotyped programs of consciousness in order to achieve a better quality of life.

An important aspect of practice

The only and most important condition for exposure is that a person really wants to change or deal with problems, for this muscle testing is used: if most of the muscles of the body are tense, the person subconsciously resists or denies what is happening, and if the body is soft, then he is ready for change.

The totality of thoughts, feelings and emotions over time tend to develop into a system of beliefs and principles that, rooted in the subconscious mind, can affect a person in two ways, bringing benefit or harm.

Basic technique

Before the session, you need to clearly formulate the reason for contacting the Creator, which aspect of your life you would like to influence and change. A clear wording with maximum details is very important, if there are several reasons, select the most important, paramount.

We sit down with a straight spine and feet pressed to the floor. Close your eyes and take several cycles of deep breathing, trying to pause between inhalations and exhalations. Attention is directed to the region of the heart, trying to imagine how energy is collected there in the form of a radiant pure glow or ball. Then imagine that this energy goes to the center of the earth and from there through the feet rises up the body to the top of the head. Your consciousness in this ball of light rises above the body, goes above the house, city, mainland and planet and passes through the Universe.

Beyond the edge of the Universe you will see a space of dull white color, changing to bright as you go further, a jelly-like space (called the plane of laws) with multi-colored flashes that constantly change color and then a shining crystal white light that fills all space. Dark spaces will come across between the levels, voids are the boundaries of the worlds, we boldly pass them and move on, focusing on pearl-white light with a blue tint, while trying to avoid spaces with a dark blue color so as not to fall into the zone of Magnetism. At the borders of this area there is a pinkish or lilac haze, or fog - we go there, this is the zone of Compassion, which leads to the right space.

It is worth noting that as you follow to this place, you should not be carried away by other objects - at the preliminary stages very attractive and bewitching images will appear, you do not need to look at them and delay progress, your goal is to get to the lilac fog as quickly as possible.

In this area, you can see that the pearly radiance has taken the form of a rectangle or window - this is the entrance to the Seventh plane of being, the Seventh world. Try to immerse yourself in this light as completely as possible, imagine that your whole body is saturated and dissolved in this radiance, washing it. The boundaries of the body and light are erased, you become one, enjoy this feeling for as long as possible. It's done! Take a full breath in and out and open your eyes.

There is no need to be afraid - the body will not dissolve, will not disappear, allow what is to happen and just enjoy. At this level, there are no material objects - everything has the form of energy, and if you come across material objects or even people - this is a signal that you need to move on - you are not there yet. On the Seventh level of existence, the Creator heals you on all planes, granting health to body and soul. Here you have the opportunity to create your future life by changing unnecessary aspects of existence.

A very good indicator is a tingling sensation at the top of your head, this is a sign that the Creator is busy with you, your cleansing. Many beginners believe that it is they who heal and change themselves by reaching the Seventh World - this is a delusion. You are just an outside observer of divine intervention, and the less interference from your ego, ambitions and wishes, the better and faster the desired will manifest. Learn humility, patience and most importantly Honesty to yourself.

In general, the very concept of Theta-healing is translated into Russian as theta-healing. And by healing in ThetaHealing, we mean not only the healing of some physical disease, but also the healing of all areas of life. Whether it's improving your financial situation or relationships with loved ones, or finding your life purpose, attracting a soul mate, or improving any other areas of life.

ThetaHealing was founded by Viana Stibal from the USA. Viana had intuitive abilities from birth and even conducted individual sessions for money, but she never engaged in treatment, until one day a difficult period began in her life. She began to have serious health problems, with her leg, and doctors diagnosed her with hip cancer. Her only option was to amputate her leg, and that would have given her a few more months to live. She made various attempts to heal, but it did not give results. And she decided that it was time to heal and stop hurting, it was time for her to heal herself. Viana always believed that God could heal any disease instantly and intuitively she felt that she already knew how to heal herself. Viana's answer came when she was at a picnic with her friends. Her aunt had a stomach ache, and she offered to scan it and see what was the reason. She received information that it was Giardia, and at that moment Viana decided to command that the disease leave her aunt's space. And Viana really watched the disease go away. In a few moments, her aunt felt much better and was able to get up and walk. Then Viana decided to try this method again, and the next day a man came to her with back pain. She did the same and the healing happened again. Viana couldn't believe it was so easy and decided to try it out on her leg. And it worked: her leg, which had already become a few centimeters shorter due to illness, instantly healed and took on a healthy appearance. The pain is also gone. Viana could not believe what had happened and tested her for strength all dayJ

After that, Viana turned to scientists for explanations of how she was healed and they found out that when she did this meditation or simply prayed to God, her brain worked on theta waves, which have long been known for their amazing properties.

Theta frequency is one of the 4 frequencies of our brain activity. In addition to this wave, our brain is constantly working on 3 others - delta, alpha and beta.

When we are solving a problem or talking, for example, our brain functions at the Beta frequency, when we are awake, our brain is predominantly in the Beta state.

If you sit in a chair, relax and close your eyes, your brain will switch to alpha waves. Alpha waves are characterized by a state of relaxation and peace. We also have an alpha state when we are awake but not focused on anything in particular. When we dream, we fantasize. Alpha waves are a kind of bridge between beta and theta waves, consciousness and subconsciousness.

When relaxation turns into a state of drowsiness, our brain switches to slower and more uniform waves - theta. Theta state is a state of deep relaxation and absolute calmness. When a person is under hypnosis, their brain functions at the theta frequency. Theta state opens access to the subconscious, theta waves control that part of our brain that is between the conscious and the unconscious. They are responsible for our memories and feelings, and also govern our beliefs and behavior. Theta state is a state of creativity, excitement, insight, inspiration, and sublimity. To better understand this state, imagine that you are standing on the top of a mountain and admiring all the beauty that is around you, and at that moment you simply understand that God exists. That's when your brain is on theta waves.

When we are deeply asleep, our brain begins to function at the delta frequency.

When our brain is at the theta frequency, we have the ability to heal. That is why the technique is called so.

After several cases of healing, a large number of people began to contact Viana to teach them this technique as well. And now this direction has become widespread in almost all countries of the world. And any person, regardless of religion and abilities, can master it. The only condition for a person to believe in the existence of God is higher mind, the Absolute or any other manifestation of the divine.

In order for the brain to switch to theta waves, Viana created a special meditation. Studies have shown that when a person sits down and sends his consciousness up, his brain automatically switches to alpha waves, and when he turns to God, his brain begins to function on theta waves. Today we will do this meditation.

What gives us being on theta waves?

The thing is, when we're on theta waves and witnessing healing, it shows up in physical reality. According to the theory of quantum physics, in order for something to exist, it must have a witness. That is why witnessing is one of the critical aspects in ThetaHealing. Still, people visualize for hours, but there is no result. Why is this happening?

The fact is that very often we have limiting beliefs and blocks that prevent us from getting what we want. For example, these may be such beliefs as "I am poor", "I am stupid" or "I should be punished". And with such beliefs, it will be difficult for a person to build relationships or find a high-paying job, or create a profitable business, etc.

And ThetaHealing is known for working with these limiting beliefs. In theta state, we gain the ability to change our limiting beliefs into positive ones.

Where do these limiting beliefs come from?

There are 4 levels where our beliefs are recorded and stored:

  1. Root - these beliefs we acquire during our lives. This is what we were taught and what we perceived as children about the perception of life. For example, if a child was told in childhood, why are you so stupid and unlucky with us. He may perceive these beliefs as truth and it will be difficult for him to realize and achieve success.
  2. Genetic - inherited from our ancestors and exist in us in the form of genetic memory. For example, there may be problems with money, if your ancestor was dispossessed, you may get the conviction that no matter how much you earn, everything will be taken away from you anyway. Or if one of the ancestors took a vow of celibacy, it may be difficult for you to build your personal life.
  3. Historical - beliefs are stored at the level of the collective unconscious. If in the area in which a person lives, many people believe in something, then it becomes part of the collective unconscious. IN different countries may have their own collective beliefs. Let's think about what these beliefs are in Russia? 2 problems — fools and roads. Past life beliefs are also stored here, if you believe in them.
  4. The level of the soul is the beliefs with which we come into our lives, our soul has certain goals and tasks that it came to fulfill, this is the deepest level of beliefs, they have become part of us.

Many may ask why look for these limiting beliefs at all? Why can't you go into a theta state and replace them all at once? The fact is that for the subconscious there are no such concepts as bad and good beliefs, all beliefs serve something or served in the past. This may sound a little strange, but it's true. For example, it can be beneficial for young children to be ill, because in this way they receive the care and attention of their parents. Some person may benefit from the belief "I depend on my husband, children, government, etc." This relieves him of the burden of responsibility. Everything that happens to us has a reason, and ThetaHealing helps us find that reason.

ThetaHealing (ThetaHealing) is a special method that allows you to stay in a certain meditative state to be cleansed at the emotional, spiritual and physical levels. People who have health problems or are in a state of disharmony can turn to him and get what they want.

The phrase itself is actually translated as "healing" ("healing") and "higher state of consciousness", referred to by the term "theta". Almost immediately from the moment this teaching was created, disputes arose: does this method really help or is it a banal fraud? Is it possible that this is just for the entire sect? One way or another, theta-healing deserves attention and detailed consideration.

Who was "born" the method

Vianna's amazing abilities manifested themselves from the very early years. She has a special gift - to see as if through a person. Thanks to this, she manages to consider human diseases even when official medicine is not yet able to do this.

How did the woman come to ThetaHealing?

In 1995, Vianna fell ill with a serious illness - she was diagnosed with hip cancer. The bones corroded by oncology caused her incredible torment, but she decided not to give up and fight the disease. The healer took up an in-depth study of Taoism, naturopathy and massage, which eventually led her to the invention of a new technique. Plunging into a special meditative state, she was able to significantly improve her condition. Working out daily, Vianna Stibal completely healed . Then she promised herself that she would definitely share this technique with the world. And she kept her promise. The healer began to regularly give lectures and courses, to acquaint everyone with theta-healing. She also publishes books on her healing method so that those in need can learn on their own.

Thousands of people around the world have been able to master the Theta Healing technique and heal even from serious ailments.

Theta Healing - the essence of the method

Theta Healing is a method of meditation and thinking, consisting in unconditional faith in the Creator or Creator representing the infinite source of love. The teaching is based on sincere faith. If you accept and radiate love, then you can achieve the goal - the fulfillment of desire (recovery, achieving harmony in the family, mutual understanding with others, etc.).

Simply put, need to think positively . Maybe someone does not believe in such a statement, but think about it: after all, it has long been proven that bad thoughts, anger, resentment and other negative emotions poison us from the inside worsen physical and psychological health. Theta Healing aims to help a person get rid of bad thoughts, cope with fears and internal limitations.

The method works in a complex way, therefore it allows:

  • heal the body, mind and soul;
  • eliminate stereotypes and change beliefs that interfere with a fulfilling life;
  • meet a partner with whom there will be spiritual harmony;
  • start thinking positively, enjoy every day you live;
  • become free from worries and fears;
  • unleash your creative potential, develop unique abilities, find your purpose.

As it becomes clear, everyone can get what he needs from ThetaHealing. That is why this method has a large number of followers from a variety of social strata and specialties, people of different beliefs and views, different nationalities and traditions.

Basis of action

We have dealt with the very essence of theta-healing. Now we know what to expect from this method, what result to expect. But what is at its core? What explains its effectiveness? Oddly enough, quantum physics comes to the rescue. She is able to explain what happens in the process of meditation.

When a person meditates, he is immersed in a special state. Remember how you go to bed, almost fell asleep, but not quite yet. When the transitional period of deep relaxation sets in, so-called theta waves predominate in the brain. They form in the right hemisphere. It is believed that it is at this moment that qualitative changes begin to occur on the border of consciousness and subconsciousness. . A person can reveal paranormal and previously unseen abilities. They help to reveal the potential, activate the healing process, save a person from mental and psycho-emotional problems.

The easiest way to achieve this state is for creative people who easily open up to something new. The rest will take some time to practice. Perhaps music that can activate brain theta frequencies will help.

Theta state - what is its use?

Now let's look at the benefits of being in theta state. If you meditate regularly and activate theta waves, you can achieve significant results:

  • There is healing of the body and soul.
  • The process of recovery from physical and spiritual illnesses is much faster.
  • Thanks to deep relaxation, a person gets rid of, depression recedes.
  • The meditator becomes more sensual, widely cognizes the emotional coloring of various events. Many note that before the practice of ThetaHealing, they were as if clamped internally, and their emotional sphere was blocked.
  • Stress provokes an excessive release of adrenaline and cortisol, which negatively affect the body in excessive amounts. Theta state provokes the production of hormones that have a positive effect on the state of all organs and immunity. A person becomes more resistant to diseases.
  • In fact, the brain "trains". This enhances intuition, thanks to which thetahealing practitioners are able to “see” not only with sight, but also with feelings. It helps a lot in all areas of life.
  • The state of "stupor" is eliminated, which prevents people from opening up, realizing themselves. If we consider this state from the point of view of physics, then the amplification of beta waves is to blame. During meditation, theta waves begin to predominate, giving inspiration and removing the “block”.
  • You can establish a connection between the physical and astral body. This gives a feeling of infinite happiness, harmony, peace, order.
  • The ability to learn is greatly improved. Theta state allows you to open the consciousness and subconscious almost to the maximum, due to which the process of assimilation of information improves by 300%. This is in the hands of people who want to learn languages, master various sciences, etc. as quickly and efficiently as possible.
  • Strengthens long-term memory. A person not only assimilates information better. All material is stored for a long period and, if necessary, is quickly retrieved.
  • The meditator gets the opportunity to change himself, get rid of unwanted stereotypes and patterns of behavior that interfere with his life. The type of thinking completely changes, negative attitudes are eliminated.
  • A connection with the surrounding reality is being established, a person reaches mutual understanding with people, learns not to respond to insignificant stimuli.
  • A practitioner of Theta Healing will be able to get rid of all phobias. He will become self-confident, will not be afraid public speaking that will allow you to achieve success in certain areas of educational or professional activity.

In order to comprehend ThetaHealing, you do not need anything other than sincere faith and a willingness to change. Everything you need is available to everyone.

Scientific base

When the effectiveness of the ThetaHealing technique has already been proven repeatedly and completely different people, Vianna Stibal turned to scientists to find a scientific reason for the phenomenon of healing. And then experiment was carried out, the results of which were very interesting.

For the duration of the meditation session, Vianna was connected to an electroencephalograph and recorded brain waves. Then it was revealed that the brain worked in a special theta rhythm. It is characteristic only for a state of complete relaxation. It is at this moment that the interaction with the healing power of the Creator takes place. Thus, it was confirmed that thetahealing meditation is not self-deception, but a scientifically confirmed state..

How is the session going?

When a person is ready to try ThetaHealing, he usually asks: "What does the session look like?". This interest is fully justified, as he wants to know what to be prepared for. At the very least, you need to understand that meditation should be carried out in the presence and under the vigilant control of a medium. This is only at first. Over time, the session can be carried out independently.

It all starts with the fact that a person talks about his problem. The healer listens attentively and asks drowning questions. He needs this in order to understand what kind of situation he is dealing with. Do not confuse ThetaHealing with psychological counseling. The questions are completely different, as are the ways of working.

When the healer is ready, he asks if it is possible to enter the person's physical space. As the theta healer asks questions, he receives the necessary information from the Creator himself and helps his client to realize the root attitudes - beliefs that prevent him from becoming happy.

The most important thing that a person needs is believe in the effectiveness of the method. Many of those who turned to ThetaHealing, he helped. But if a skeptic who wants to prove the inconsistency of this technique takes up this matter, he will not be able to help. By the way, the position of not only the client, but also the theta healer is important. He must also sincerely believe that he can change the state of the person who turned to him. In general, the theta healing method is an effective interaction between the healer and the client.

Theta Healing Tools

The teaching involves the use of various practices, techniques and tools that are aimed at obtaining the proper result.

"Digging" is a technique for finding destructive beliefs. The medium asks clarifying questions and finds out at what level they are roots of the problem.

Belief Replacement is another tool used by the healer. He helps a person replace a destructive belief with a positive one. But, before this, the medium must ask permission from the client.

"Loading Feelings" In fact, the theta healer teaches his client about feelings. which are necessary for him to achieve a sense of happiness. "Loading" occurs not only on the physical, but also at the neuronal and cellular level.

In Theta Healing, there is a concept of attracting a soul mate. Many of those who turn to this teaching want to find love. And Theta Healing can help with that. What needs to be done for this? First of all, a person must determine the four main character traits that his soul mate should have. It also defines your basic qualities and what kind of relationship you mean. This will allow the heart to tell in which case the choice will be correct.

The technique of attracting a soul mate will help not only those who are in search of a new acquaintance. She helps to establish a harmonious relationship with her current partner.

Where to start

In order to start mastering the practice of thetahealing, you need to prepare. The very first thing to do is create the necessary atmosphere in the place where the sessions will take place. Since meditation involves complete immersion in a special state, a person should not be distracted by anything. Neither sounds, nor smells, nor even extra furniture should interfere with relaxation.

So, when you're ready to start practicing, take a comfortable position. Close your eyes, don't think about anything. Try to get into your subconscious to start looking for the roots of your problems, your negative beliefs. When you are sufficiently immersed in a state of complete relaxation, theta waves will begin to predominate in the brain. This will indicate that you are ready to work out the reasons for your dissatisfaction, to free yourself from aggression and complexes that interfere with your happiness.

Those who practice ThetaHealing and have been able to achieve great success say: this technique is easy to learn.. But, you need to regularly set aside time for meditation and sincerely believe in a positive result. In order to avoid common mistakes in the practice of Theta Healing, it is advisable to study the recommendations of advanced mediums and Vianna Stibal herself.

Negativity of Persuasion and Healing from Anger

The Healing Master helps to reveal the destructive belief of a person that prevents self-fulfillment, healing or fulfillment of any other desire. When this belief is revealed, the master reaches the Seventh Plane of Being and performs all necessary actions in order to replace the negative with the positive. It often happens that changes occur instantly.

According to ThetaHealing, all of a person's beliefs are written down. on four levels:

  • Base. These include programs formed in early childhood and through education. This is an experience that is passed on to us from parents, relatives, educators, teachers.
  • Genetic. These are beliefs formed throughout the life of mankind. These are programs handed down to us from our ancestors. Many of them are not destructive, but helped people survive, give a sense of security. But, now some of the beliefs that previously saved the lives of the ancestors, in modern world only interfere.
  • Historical. IN this case we are talking about beliefs formed as a result of trauma experienced in past incarnations. This indicates that the ThetaHealing teaching accepts the theory of reincarnation. If in past lives there were some contracts, oaths, vows, promises, then even with death they do not go anywhere, but are transferred to the next life. For example, in past life the man was a monk and took a vow of poverty. In later lives, he may have financial problems.
  • Soul level. This the deepest level, formed on the basis of our own programs and the experience that our soul has acquired (including in parallel realities).

There are various techniques that open access to the basic and genetic level of beliefs. But, only theta-healing allows you to "get" to the levels of the historical and the Soul. Very it is important not only to rid a person of unnecessary beliefs, but to teach him to live without them . It will be hard for him, because his being is closely intertwined with this energy. Because of this, negative beliefs can return over time.

All the programs and beliefs that lie in the subconscious can be identified with the help of muscle testing. At its core, it is similar to a lie detector and has been known to the world for a long time. This test is based on the knowledge that every thought, feeling or experience is energy stored in the body's cells.

Theta Healing Training

Anyone can start mastering ThetaHealing. There are no restrictions. It doesn’t matter at all whether there is any experience in other spiritual practices, what age of the client, education, profession, physical form, etc. It’s simple: only sincere desire. Anyone, absolutely anyone, can improve their financial situation, meet a loved one, say goodbye to an illness, or achieve some other goal.

Anyone who owns some other healing techniques can rise to a whole new level.

There are different thetahealing courses. Each of them has a specific goal:

  • "Basic Meditation" or "Basic Course". It will help you to know yourself better, build harmonious relationships with others and loved ones, develop intuition and creativity, improve health and become active.
  • "Advanced Course". Suitable for those who have already learned the basics of theta-healing and are ready to conquer new heights of their subconscious.
  • "Deep excavations". It will help to deal with destructive beliefs in detail and get rid of them.
  • "A Manifestation of Abundance". This course aims to carefully work through those beliefs that prevent you from achieving financial well-being.
  • "Divine Schedule" It will help a person to determine his true destiny, to reveal his creative potential and abilities, to become happy.
  • "Children of the Rainbow" Aimed at the development of intuitive and creative abilities.
  • "The Game of Life". Helps business people get even more value out of their business.
  • "Intuitive Anatomy". Designed for those who wish to comprehend the science of effective interaction with their body.
  • "Plans of Life". It will reveal the secrets of the structure of the Universe, teach you how to interact with it.

The experience gained in the courses will help change your life. It is also recommended to read the works of the creator of the doctrine Vianna Stibal.

Who needs ThetaHealing

If you do not know if you need training in ThetaHealing, then think: are you happy? Are you happy with everything in life? It’s great if you sincerely enjoy every day and enjoy life. But, unfortunately, there are not so many such people. Someone is worried about problems in relationships with loved ones or others, someone needs healing from a physical illness or psychological disorder, and someone needs serious help in improving their financial situation. There are many reasons why a person cannot call himself 100% happy.

So, Theta Healing courses are for those who have:

  • there are diseases of a bodily, psychological or spiritual nature;
  • can't find yours life purpose or "a place in the sun";
  • feels that changes in life are incredibly frightening to him;
  • blames himself for all his problems;
  • experiences predominantly negative emotions;
  • cannot set a goal;
  • believes that he has enough knowledge about the world around him and himself.

Now you know that by reaching the theta state, you will learn how to control energy flows. This makes it possible to influence both the physical and spiritual state.

In order to feel happy, you need to feel satisfied in life. It is achieved with the help of complete harmony of the seven chakras with the brain, thoughts and desires.

It is important that the process of meditation should be learned from someone who has sufficient knowledge and experience in this area. In the case of a careless and inconsistent approach, you can only harm yourself.

What are the reviews about Theta Healing

Theta healing is spoken about in different ways. Those who sincerely believe in the effectiveness of the method and patiently continue to meditate achieve excellent results. That is what the practitioners of the teaching are talking about.

But, there are those who speak negatively about theta-healing and call it a scam. The key problem in this case is the lack of faith. But this is the foundation. Whatever direction we take, it will not bring the desired effect if there is no faith.

There is much more to be said about ThetaHealing. Let him have both positive and negative reviews, we can say for sure: this method is unique. Its great advantage is its accessibility to everyone. Anyone can do meditation.

It is worth remembering that theta-healing is, first of all, an opportunity to get rid of the “mess” in the head and soul, to achieve complete harmony.

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