Small tattoo constellation Sagittarius. Sagittarius tattoo

Tattoos are popular among young people today and not only. But how do you find the right one and not regret your decision later? Many opt for a horoscope sketch. In this article, you will learn about the tattoo for the zodiac sign Sagittarius.

The constellation Sagittarius endows its wards with many positive qualities, these include love of freedom and free thinking, honesty, nobility and sincerity.

Sagittarius often gets a tattoo at a young age. He is not afraid to stand out from other people, he is ready to take risks. At the same time, the choice of a sketch, as a rule, is approached thoroughly, thinking over its symbolism for a long time.

The meaning of tattoos


One of the most common tattoo designs is the centaur. Half man, half horse. It symbolizes the combination:

  • strength, pride and independence of the horse;
  • and the wisdom of man.

Such tattoo fit rather for . The image will emphasize courage, readiness for adventure, the spirit of freedom and ardor of character. Look at the photos of centaurs, they are amazing, aren't they?

Bow and arrows

The next tattoo sketch is a bow with arrows or just arrows. This option is suitable for girls, and not just for the stronger sex.

Symbol zodiac sign Sagittarius is an arrow pointing forward and upward. Each representative of the sign is a person aspiring upward, to new ideas, dreams, achievements. The archer aims his arrow at distant targets - so distant that those around him often do not even dare to dream about them.

Sagittarius sees a guiding star in the distance and directs his arrows towards it. Often no one believes in his success, except himself. But the Archer knows that the impossible is possible...

Below you will see photos of Sagittarius tattoos.

The name of the zodiac sign

A popular tattoo for Sagittarius is also the Latin name of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Often it is accompanied by additional elements, such as an arrow or flames. Do you remember that Fire is the element of Sagittarius?

The word Sagittarius can be inscribed both horizontally and vertically. It depends on the location of the tattoo.


Another option is a salamander tattoo, which is considered a talisman for Sagittarians. This is an amazing and mysterious creature. Alchemists were convinced that she lives in Fire and feeds on it.

The salamander is a small lizard found among the flames. In heraldry, it means bravery and courage.

Many Sagittarians are fascinated by this talisman. Salamander brings luck to archers, protects them in business and adventures, gives energy. This sketch is suitable for both men and girls.

Choosing the right place for a tattoo

If you have decided on the pattern, now you have to choose appropriate place for stuffing. The Sagittarius tattoo can be both large - on the entire back, and compact.

On the human body, this zodiac sign is responsible for the hips. Therefore, it will be good and symbolic to get a tattoo on the thigh. Of course, it should not be too large, so as not to look tasteless.

Girls are more likely to prefer to get a tattoo on their shoulder - here it will look cute and aesthetically pleasing. For example, an image of a bow with arrows or a small salamander is suitable.

For men who want a large tattoo, it is recommended to place it on the back or on the shoulder. But before making such a decision, it does not hurt to think it over carefully. Will a large tattoo get bored in a month or two? How will it be perceived by visitors in the gym or in the pool?

For girls who prefer not to advertise their tattoos in front of unfamiliar people, secluded places of the body are suitable - for example, the stomach, especially its lower part or buttocks, coccyx.

Tattoo colors

Tattoo color has great importance. Many choose monochrome sketches. This good decision. However, I suggest considering other color combinations.

  • If the elements of Fire are depicted, then it is logical to make them red or orange. These colors emphasize the active and energetic character of Sagittarius, his dynamism and strength.
  • To emphasize the philosophical perception of the world, it is recommended to add to the sketch violet or blue color, which also belong to the constellation Sagittarius. By the way, purple also indicates spirituality.
  • The other color of Sagittarius is sky blue . It symbolizes the distant spaces where the archer aims his arrows. Suitable for travelers, as well as all Sagittarians who strive for something far and bright. This color also means the purity of the soul and thoughts.

When choosing a color for a tattoo, focus primarily on natural colors. For example, you should not depict the body of a centaur in blue or red.

Thus, a tattoo for the Sagittarius zodiac sign is one of the ways to express your individuality and emphasize your freedom-loving character. A tattoo can become a talisman that will protect you and give you energy. But before you fill it, think about whether you really want it.

Astrological symbols are often used for self-identification and expression of a person's character traits. It is believed that the zodiac constellations help a person develop and find himself in life. Most often, tattoos with zodiac signs are made by people who want to get an answer to an important life question or realize their abilities.

beautiful tattoo

The Sagittarius tattoo, in addition to the main meaning and belonging to the zodiac circle, also indicates the bright character traits and features of the owner's nature. The designation is an arrow. This is the direction, movement and activity of a person, his development and dynamics.

Astrologically, this is the most understandable sign. The Sagittarius tattoo may include additional symbols or be combined with other plots, but most often it is depicted with its native element.

The arrow in fiery tongues is a symbol of the movement and constant development of man. This is freedom in all manifestations and creativity. It is believed that such a tattoo cleanses from bad thoughts and helps to choose the right direction and type of activity in life.

In the esoteric plan, the Sagittarius tattoo not only cleanses from bad thoughts, but also removes energy holes in a person’s aura, cleanses him of the mistakes made in past lives.

Popular symbols

A tattoo can not only carry certain information, but also look quite impressive. In the form of a centaur with a stretched arrow, the symbol is often found, it is performed in a colored background and with the addition of elements to decorate the picture. The centaur is considered a talisman that protects against bad people and events, and the arrow - the direction and the specified target.

A Sagittarius tattoo can also be laconic using only the main attribute and a pointer. Expressions in the form of a constellation on a dark background and combinations with more popular plots are also often used.

The size of the tattoo and its appearance depends on the selected sketch and the area of ​​drawing. Masters advise making small tattoos on the hands, and depicting large motifs with a beautiful plot on the forearm or back.

Places of application

Unlike other variants of symbols, astrologers do not recommend applying a zodiac tattoo above the back, since this supposedly negatively affects a person’s well-being and can also affect his life.

A strong part of people born under this sign is the legs. This is where you need to fill your character. But it must be an astrological mark. If we are talking about artistic performance using a beautiful drawing, then the place of application can be any, depending on the wishes of the person.

Sagittarius sign tattoos are depicted on the forearm or upper back. It symbolizes success in business and determination. To attract success in the desired area, you can depict your desire on a tattoo, this will help you achieve the desired result faster.

A tattoo on the lower part of the arm or on the legs symbolizes movement and activity, provides opportunities for the manifestation of one's strengths and talents. The tattoo of the zodiac sign Sagittarius is considered powerful in terms of energy, so doing it better people who were actually born under this sign.

Color and features of choice

Masters advise not to choose many shades or colors for small primitive tattoos. This can distort the meaning of the symbol and significantly affect appearance Images. If we are talking about a beautiful artistic execution of a complex motif depicting different elements and details, then here you can combine different shades to convey the beauty of the picture.

As for the symbols for men and women, there are no special differences. Both in the first and in the second option, monotonous or color pictures with different locations can be selected. Plots with an astrological image of the zodiac constellation or only with drawing the contours of an arrow are considered more feminine.

For men, tattoos with a complex plot and additional elements on the surface will be more relevant. It could be a centaur or an arrow on fire. The background in a tattoo is considered a kind of activator of the symbol.

Style and meaning

Although modern tattoo art includes many different concepts and directions, realism is in the first place in terms of expression and creation of beautiful scenes. Sagittarius zodiac tattoos are especially colorful and bright in this interpretation with the use of additional elements.

It will be beautiful to perform in the Celtic style with the addition of ornate plots and rich bright lines. Such additions will help to convey the exact meaning of the drawing and enhance its effect on the human disposition. A tattoo can convey the duality of meaning and reveal the character of a person through the chosen plot. Applying the elements of the horoscope to the body allows the owner of the tattoo to activate himself as much as possible in life and find his own path.

What does any tattoo mean? That's right - not only aesthetic preferences and favorite stories, but also those qualities of character that a person wants to convey to others. You need to know what these qualities are, so as not to run into unnecessary problems after applying the image. And you need to think about this even at the time of selecting sketches.

Sagittarius on the human body demonstrates that he:

  • independent by nature;
  • vitally active (excellent both male and female quality!);
  • seeks to communicate and improve;
  • can become an excellent master in any business;
  • but at the same time he is not too diligent and does not tolerate routine, monotony;
  • cheerful, but does not accept any familiarity.

Sagittarius image features

At present, the following principles have developed for the correct drawing up of an archer's tattoo, which should be taken into account by both guys and girls:

Horse archer in culture

Sagittarius originally appeared in ancient Greek mythology and culture, budding off the image of the Centaur. He was endowed with the ability to look simultaneously into the past and into the future. It was believed that this creature is both passionate, energetic (peppy), but also easily adaptable to the most difficult circumstances and very resourceful. All meanings of the archer, as we see, remain relevant even in the 21st century.

And on the body

Sagittarius in the form of small drawings (photo) of the classic format looks perfect on the feet and wrists, on the neck. It is better to give shoulders, chest and back for more serious and large-scale sketches of him, otherwise the image will be “lost”, its effect both in aesthetic terms and in terms of influence on fate will be much less than expected.

Astrologers recommend applying images of Sagittarians to the lower half of the body, where they achieve the greatest impact. Alternatively, just a symbolic replacement can be stuffed on the back in the form of a pair of large wings. You can also combine archer's stuffing with burning arrow's stuffing. These recommendations will help both girls and guys choose beautiful option archer without encountering problems.

The Sagittarius zodiac sign tattoo is quite common not only among people born under this constellation. The centaur - the mythical animal with which the sign is associated - symbolizes fortitude, determination and craving for freedom. However, a tattoo with such an image has other meanings.

Sagittarius tattoo: horoscope and astrology

Sagittarius is the ninth sign in the zodiac. Its patron is the strong planet Jupiter, and the element is fire. Astrologers claim that these patrons directly affect people born from November 23 to December 20. So, these are purposeful travelers, open to the world and new acquaintances. A tattoo with the sign of an archer can emphasize these character traits or simply hint to others at the date of birth of the owner of the drawing.

Jupiter and fire are quite strong patrons, so a zodiac tattoo will become a reliable protector from bad luck, a talisman and a talisman. She will give determination, fearlessness and faith in one's strength, will help in a difficult moment to make the right choice.

The Sagittarius sign in tattoos and astrology looks like an arrow pointing up. Often, a stylized or real image of a centaur, an inscription in foreign languages ​​\u200b\u200bwith the name of the zodiac, a constellation and other tattoo options are also stuffed.

What does a sagittarius tattoo mean?

Sagittarians are usually open and active people, and just quite interesting personalities. The centaur combines the strength of a horse and the wisdom of a man. A tattoo with an archer is often stuffed by lovers of creativity, in this case it indicates a philosopher, teacher, patron and reliable companion in life. The Sagittarius man is inquisitive, active and passionate, interested in everything around him and combines physical and mental strength. For other people, the Sagittarius sign tattoo will become a kind of hint that they have a strong and versatile personality in front of them.

A sketch with an archer can also mean a willingness to fight for a place in the sun, the inner strength of a person. Bow and arrows indicate that a person can stand up for himself, but at the same time he will not rush into battle in vain or be the first to call someone to battle.

Tattoo zodiac sign Sagittarius will become a real talisman for a person. It will protect against narcissism, help you focus on problems, but at the same time not take them to heart. Such a drawing protects against mistakes in business and people, makes you immediately take on important things, and not rejoice at past successes.

Occasionally, the centaur is depicted with two faces, when one of them is directed forward and the other backward. This means that the Sagittarius is both focused on the past and on the future, he knows how to admit his mistakes and plan the next steps.

The meaning of the Sagittarius tattoo may be different. Sometimes the drawing embodies the power of the centaur, his inner fire and the struggle between good and evil. The tattoo can also symbolize passion.

How to choose a place for a tattoo in the form of an archer?

Unlike most other zodiac signs, a tattoo with the Sagittarius symbol is not recommended to be filled above the waist. It is believed that a strong part of people born under this sign is the legs. If you get a tattoo on the upper body, then luck may turn away from a person, disappointments will be attracted and the influence of negative qualities (a tendency to laziness, naivety) on fate will increase. From the photo of the tattoo, the sign of the archer shows that most often it is stuffed on the lower part of the thigh. Also, the sketch can be placed on another part of the legs, on the coccyx or even on the buttock. It is important that the arrow of the centaur be directed in right side, up.

The place for the Sagittarius constellation tattoo is chosen according to the same principle, however, “violation” of these rules is much more common. People stuff the constellation on the shoulder, neck, under the collarbone. Of the suitable options, you can select the placement of the sketch on the foot or on the thigh.

Colors for the picture of the archer tattoo

The centaur is usually stuffed in its natural shades: flesh, black, brown. To enhance the influence of the zodiac on your life, gain strength and courage, you can decorate the Sagittarius tattoo pattern with fiery tones, red, orange, and yellow are well suited. If, on the contrary, you want to balance your positive and negative traits, use neutral shades. According to astrologers, purple, pale blue are well suited for the sketch. The Taurus constellation tattoo is usually depicted in black.

Sagittarius tattoos for men and girls

The meaning of a Sagittarius tattoo is the same for both girls and guys. Often it is even difficult to notice the difference between male and female sketches. The Sagittarius symbol is quite universal, a neat black arrow looks interesting on both a girl and a guy.

As for larger ideas, there is still some regularity here. Men's tattoos the archer is usually more aggressive, the centaur muscles are better drawn, and the bow and arrows look more massive. In addition, the size of the tattoo is also larger. Sagittarius tattoos for men are often reminiscent of illustrations from books with myths, the centaur looks strong and rather aggressive, often complemented by a flame of fire, a graphic image of Jupiter.

Women turn to such elements less often, preferring to portray the centaur as somewhat fantasy and even fabulous. Sagittarius tattoo for girls usually symbolizes the desire for freedom and independence, creative nature. Therefore, it is not uncommon to decorate a sketch with flowers, graphic frames, and space elements.

Sagittarius - zodiac constellation elements of Fire. People born under the sign of Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21) are active, open and independent. They love to travel, but are often vain. The symbol of the sign is an arrow. And the symbolic image is a centaur shooting from a bow.

Such tattoos emphasize the character of a person, personal qualities. Any image on the body in the form of a zodiac symbol can enhance the positive qualities inherent in the sign, and slightly weaken the negative aspects.

In ancient times, astrologers considered Sagittarius to be mutants, believing that the activity of the sign refers to opportunists. In some cultures, it is customary to depict Sagittarius as a rider on a white horse. The image of the centaur is also ambiguous. Sometimes it has two faces looking in different directions. It symbolizes the past and the future. In the art of tattooing, both schematic images and three-dimensional images can be used. Tattoos with elements of fire (the elements of the sign) and Jupiter, the patron planet, look harmonious.

Esotericists believe that only one position of the bow and arrow is a talisman that can bring good luck. The arrow must always be pointing up to the right. In a different position, symbolism can carry a negative effect, reinforcing the negative qualities of character.

Places of application, features of the tattoo

In order for the image to serve as a talisman and amulet, you need to correctly position the tattoo. The best place to apply is the lower thigh. You can also have a tattoo on the buttocks and on the feet. It is important to maintain the correct direction of the arrow.

Sagittarius tattoo brings the owner success in reaching new heights, financial stability, career growth. She is able to double luck and reduce influence. negative qualities this sign is laziness and vanity.

Who suits the Sagittarius tattoo

Sagittarius tattoo is suitable for both women and men. It is especially popular with those born under this constellation. People who want to double their luck, gain material wealth and achieve their goals can also apply the symbolism of this sign to decorate their own body, while the rules remain unchanged.

Such symbols will allow girls not to be exchanged for fleeting sexual adventures, to bring success in creating a strong union. Men - to properly dispose of their sexual energy.

And those around the Sagittarius tattoo will appreciate the talent and painstaking work of the salon artist.

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