Star Oracle is the only one in the world online. Fortune telling called "The Oracle of Fates

An oracle is a fortune-telling that has come to us from time immemorial. It is known as the Druid Oracle or Druid Tarot. The ancients believed that the world we live in represented only one level of being. In addition to it, there is another world - the world of energies, spirits and forces that guide us and help us, if we recognize their existence and accept their reality.

The oracle includes 33 cards, each depicting an animal representing a specific symbol. Divining with the help of the Oracle, you can discover what energies can help you better understand yourself, another person or the situation you are asking about. Remember that the Oracle does not predict the future. This divination offers insights and interpretations that can give you new insight into your life, people or events.

How to guess?

The oracle gives answers to a variety of questions. It is important that you feel calm before divination, because a subconscious connection is established between you and the Oracle, and your anxiety can be transferred to the Oracle, which will affect the results. online divination.

Ask the Oracle a question and move the cursor over the cards. Feeling their vibrations, select three cards and click "Show". Your cards will open and you will be shown their meaning. Oracle cards are laid out in order from top to bottom. The first of these denotes the dynamics, the impulse, the guiding idea or motive behind the situation. The second represents the situation at the level of emotions or relationships. The third card shows the situation on the physical or material level.

Everyone wants to know what the future holds for him. Often he is interested not only in the global, relating to life in general, but also in the solution of a specific issue. Controversial moments, situations when you don’t know what to make the right decision - the fortune-telling oracle of fate will cope with this task without any problems. This is a fast and reliable way to get an answer or a hint, and sometimes even an installation, what decision to make or what line of behavior to build.

Fortune telling called "Oracle of Fates"

We will talk below about what the oracle of fate is and how to ask for advice correctly in order to get reliable and correct results that can be deciphered.

Ask a question to the ball online


The essence of divination

Often, people are stopped from going to a fortune teller by the fear of the unknown. We don't know how it will go magical ritual– and it scares us. Everything starts to take its course, problems get worse, paint thickens and deliberately false decisions are made.

An online oracle (or magic ball) is a kind of divination method on the Internet, thanks to which you can look into the future and reveal all the “cards” without visiting specialists of this narrow profile.

This is a fairly convenient method, because it allows you to find out the question that has arisen here and now. All you need is to believe in the veracity of the result, concentrate and clearly articulate what interests you.

Benefits of online divination

There are several reasons why the Oracle is in high demand:

  • Availability. You do not need to break away from the usual rhythm of life, look for a good specialist and allocate a lot of time for travel. The problem can be solved on the spot, as it arises;
  • Prediction accuracy. As a rule, magic balls have a powerful energy force and are able to recreate a picture of life even through a computer monitor and suggest the right decision. But we draw your attention to the fact that the correctness and truthfulness of the information received largely depends on how the question is composed.
  • Confidentiality. Often we are afraid that the information obtained during fortune-telling may be told to third parties or, God forbid, to our relatives, friends or acquaintances. But the questions are sometimes quite scrupulous and delicate. For this reason, online fortune-telling is quite a convenient and profitable option. There are no third parties here, only you and the magic ball.
  • Often, before starting fortune-telling, fortune-tellers need to tell a background about themselves: “who am I?”, “What am I doing?” and finally, "what brings me here?". Many do not want to fully open up, devote to personal problems or secrets. stranger. The oracle will not ask you for a biography or a short review of your life, which is much more convenient.
  • Profitability. Tell me, how much should you pay a specialist who knows a lot about fortune telling? Sometimes the amounts are simply fabulous and unbearable for the average person. Some save up for weeks or even months to get an answer to a question, losing precious time in the process. As a rule, you can find Oracles on the Internet absolutely free.

As you can see for yourself, online divination using a magic ball is a profitable and reasonable option. But here's how to guess and ask questions, we'll figure it out below.

How to guess

Guessing is absolutely simple. You ask the magic ball a specific problem situation and the prospect of helping to resolve it, and it processes the information and issues an answer.

Sometimes the oracle's predictions are more like a hint. Here it is also important to correctly interpret his words, because sometimes their meaning is not obvious and ambiguous.

In order to understand what the magic ball meant when answering your question (if the answer "does not lie on the surface"), it is necessary:

  • Retire, calm down and sit in silence for a few minutes;
  • Slowly and thoughtfully read the conclusion of the oracle, paying attention to the little things;
  • Parse each specific phrase (if the meaning requires it or the answer is too complicated);
  • Mentally connect the answer with the question, while capturing the connection without overlaying your own life. That is, try to abstract and imagine that you are solving a complex arithmetic problem.
  • If the above does not help, we “impose” everything said on personal life and a specific situation, trying to understand what the magic ball could mean.

How to ask the right question

In order for the magic ball to correctly interpret your message, you must:

  • Clearly ask a question without a bunch of adjectives, commas and speech turns;
  • Avoid too short questions - otherwise you will get a "No" or "Yes" answer. But too long interrogative texts carry a minimum of meaning and energy and, as practice shows, they are the agony of a person, which will be difficult for the ball to make out. Therefore, you either simply will not get a solution, or it will be too chaotic and it will be quite difficult to decipher it.
  • Concentrate on the problem. Mentally describe the situation from which you would like to find a way out. Think over all the details, little things and try to sum up.
  • One clear sentence with a full semantic load is enough for the magic ball to suggest a really correct answer.

Online divination. FORTUNE ON SOLITAIRE "ORACLE OF FATE" (for 2-3 days)


Online fortune-telling


The Oracle of Fate is a simple, reliable and easily accessible way to find out about your future and solve your problems online.

Please note that asking the same question several times (even if you wanted to see a different answer) is not worth it.

And if the prediction from the magic ball was not received at all, do not worry. Perhaps you should rethink the question, formulate the problem more clearly and ask it later.

The only star oracle in the world is a universal way to get an answer to a question. Simple actions help to get a forecast in the form of a prediction in a short time from anywhere on the planet.

  • money, career;
  • Love, relationships;
  • health.

The principle of operation is primitive. You need to concentrate, ask a star oracle a question, press a button, read the result. Particular attention is paid to interpretation.

The prediction has an allegorical form. Not everything can be understood immediately, it takes time. The peculiarity of fortune-telling, its task is to make one think. Do not rush to conclusions, you need to think about the situation, consult with your relatives. The interpretation may require the intervention of an astrologer.

How to tune in and ask a question

The result of communication with the only stellar Oracle in the world is associated with the right attitude, the execution of instructions. For a specific answer, you must follow the rules of preparation:

  1. You can't guess too often. Do not rush when you accidentally find a way. A new way of divination must be studied, questions prepared. It is possible to carry out the ritual only with full readiness for the procedure, the consequences. Don't ask two in one day. Receiving an unsatisfactory response is a reason to postpone the appeal. Frequent repetitions of the operation tire the predictor - useless advice falls out.
  2. It requires a high degree of concentration on the problem during divination, a serious attitude. Otherwise, the result of the Oracle can lead to confusion, misperception of information, lost time. A long reflection on the problem alone, communication with the participants in the events will help. Each detail must have a clear shape, weight.
  3. It is necessary to clearly articulate, recreate the image in the subconscious. The problem should manifest itself through specific characters. They must be scrolled through in the head before starting work with the stellar Oracle.

If fortune-telling requires asking a question, you need to consider the form of submission. There should be a short, informative, meaningful sentence, showing a clear desire to know, to correct fate.

The search for a variant of the only correct text is made on paper. Enter into the line of the program, repeat aloud, achieving conciseness while maintaining the meaning.

If you need additional actions according to the instructions, do not neglect them. Affects the reliability of the prophecy of the stellar Oracle.

What can affect the reliability of the results

The Star Oracle is tuned not only to the future. Clarifies the past, ongoing situations. The veracity of the only predictor in the world is beyond doubt. You can check only in the course of life events.

If the answer looks erroneous, you should wait: the fortuneteller loses sight of something important. If time has passed, and no new thoughts have appeared, you need to take the process more seriously. The reliability of the prediction of the star oracle is affected by:

  • faith. Action without faith does not bring results. It also concerns divination. One can believe through the study of the principle of action;
  • desire, power. The stronger the desire to get an answer, the more certain the outcome will be. Wishes at all stages should be strong and open. The energy message from a person must be strong - a signal of the seriousness of the object's intentions. Help gypsy cards Tarot, coins, higher power;
  • mood, good intentions. Don't guess with bad mood, without a sincere desire to change life. Otherwise, the result will be confusing, the description text will seem false. If there is a problem at home, you should ask how to resolve it quickly. You should not turn to him when hidden evil remains inside the soul. A guide to action can only be received with kindness;
  • special preparation. Spontaneous appeal to the world's only stellar Oracle gives a chaotic answer. Requires a serious attitude to the process, special place, time. A secluded space is good. It is necessary to clear the mind, soul, ask a question.

A step-by-step approach will help to strengthen the reliability, simplicity of the prediction:

  1. Preparation. Left alone, you should remember the problem. Imagine the details associated with it visually, tactilely. You can ask after. At the peak of concentration, it is worth moving on to the next stage.
  2. Divination. It is necessary to perform the actions necessary to start: enter a question for the star Oracle, a number, select a card. Click on the button for getting the result, wait for the description.
  3. Analysis. The text of the prediction is read carefully, without haste. Suggestions are worth thinking about. Don't be in a hurry. It is important to understand that not all events have already happened, some were left without attention.

The rules will be adjusted in the right way, they will help to understand the interpretation.

Failure to follow the principles of divination is not the reason for obtaining an erroneous result. The only star Oracle will give the correct answer in closed form. The text cannot be understood without help, it will take additional time to decipher it.

Is it possible to change fate

Receiving the results of the divination of the stellar Oracle is associated with the desire to change life.

The fate of man is predetermined. The direction, the key turns of life are in her hands. The Star Oracle helps to see clearly, to determine the future path. It's not enough to just guess. It is required to perceive the prediction as the only tool. It will help to make decisions, start changes. The future in the world is being built through every moment in the present.

Sometimes you need to change not life or believe the Oracle, but the perception of situations. There are situations when people do not notice their own happiness. This is typical when:

  • betrayal of the native brings apprehension in feelings;
  • carried away by a fictitious love, he refuses to notice that a friend next to him is faithful to him;
  • the fortuneteller harbors false hopes, not realizing that his beloved is not needed.

People of such a warehouse should change their own attitude to life - they will redraw their fate.

How to read the star oracle on the cards

Maps help to contact the world's only stellar Oracle. Because of the need to purchase props, gain knowledge, it is worth seeking the help of a specialist. Choosing fortune telling online will help save time and money.

To get a reliable result will help simple steps. Necessary:

  1. Open page with divination in free time(in a secluded place, with a positive mood).
  2. Read, follow preparation instructions (if available).
  3. Click on the deck, choose cards from the deck, reaching concentration on the question.
  4. The result will be received after a second.

The dropped card describes the current alignment. In the electronic version of the divination of the stellar Oracle, a description in the form of text falls out. It should be read, analyzed without haste. The text often describes events hidden from the eyes. It is worth discussing with relatives and friends to exclude surprises and reveal other people's secrets.

A professional will help you avoid mistakes. He will study the situation comprehensively, correctly interpret the message of the supreme forces.

The Star Oracle is the only one in the world that broadcasts the wisdom of centuries, offers unexpected solutions. The method of applying the results is in the hands of the people themselves, which should be remembered when pressing the button to start fortune telling.

Star Oracle The only one in the world: reviews of those who decided to tell fortunes, and exposure of the popular instant fortune telling service. Online fortune-telling has become Lately are very common, but the Star Oracle is one of the first services. The most remarkable thing is that for many people the predictions really come true, and from time to time there are reviews in which real panic slips:

“I went to the website of the Astrocenter, asked the Star Oracle when my neighbor would die, who was noisy and annoying all the holidays. The answer came immediately, "Very soon." An hour later - a call at the door, an aunt from an ambulance is standing on the threshold, asking for help to carry a neighbor into the car. The next day, his wife came in and said that her husband had died on the way to the hospital. These are such terrible coincidences.

For Orthodox Christians, any fortune-telling is considered a sin, since there is an opinion that the demon responds even to a joke. Therefore, to use the site or not - let everyone decide. And yet, if we put aside mysticism, then the only one in the world online can guess the Star Oracle for free based on the context code. Everything works very simply - the site script tries to take into account the context of the message, and if it doesn’t find anything meaningful, it gives out a random phrase that can be interpreted in different ways. Roughly the same technique is used by fortune tellers. By the way, there is a version that even Vanga collected initial material about clients using an agent network of taxi drivers, hotel workers and ... special services.

Do the predictions of the Star Oracle come true? If you believe in them, then they may well come true. But it's better not to take the service seriously. By the way, this online divination sometimes really tells the truth. For example, to the question “When will Putin die?”, the site answered with humor: “It is quite possible that never.”

So, continuing to study reviews of the Star Oracle, the only one in the world of people, we come across the following:

“I had problems with money, I tried to get out of poverty for many years, I read different textbooks, but there was a feeling that it was simply destined to be poor, like parents. Having nothing to do, he asked the Oracle when I would get rich. He issued the phrase that you should not chase money, but rather mastery. The phrase is clearly from the database, and even with a grammatical error, but nevertheless, it was a good psychological advice. I went to courses, began to pay more attention to personal development.

“My girlfriend and I were having fun, went to the online fortune-telling site Star Oracle, asked if she should marry N. The site advised me to wait until everything cleared up. And what do you think? A month later, my lover stole the money, and hit the road to another city. So don’t trust online fortune-tellers after that.”

“I asked the site“ Should I fart under the nose of my beloved mother-in-law? ”, the answer came that perhaps not, the probability is very low. And in fact, I would hardly have dared to do so.

“The site causes, at times, a very strange feeling. For example, to questions about acquaintances, who likes me or not, the Oracle answered with almost 100% accuracy. And about the inner desires coincided.

Given the high percentage of coincidences, the Star Oracle The only one in the world is a very curious service, however, it hardly makes sense for believers to use it.

Fortune telling the Oracle of Fates makes it possible to get answers to exciting questions through magic. Following the recommendations of professional fortune tellers, observing the rules of divination is the key to obtaining a true prediction.

Medieval divination called the Oracle of Fates has survived to this day and has been transformed into a virtual divination.

The oracle of fate is a way to receive predictions for the future from higher powers. Divination allows:

  • to analyze the current situation;
  • find ways to solve problems;
  • make the right choice;
  • get an answer to a disturbing question;
  • get rid of fears regarding the future and caused by its uncertainty;
  • avoid danger;
  • get a hint from above on how to achieve a dream come true, find the path to happiness.

It is permissible to contact the Oracle of Destiny daily to receive forecasts for the coming day. You can ask any questions. They can relate to love, work, finances, destiny, present and future.

There are several types of receiving prophecies. You can guess virtually online or on Oracle cards. Specialized sites on the network offer varieties of this divination:

  • star oracle;
  • Solitaire Oracle of Fates;
  • Oracle - prophecy and divination;
  • divination on a magic ball.

The choice of a variety of virtual divination depends on personal preferences. All methods of divination by the Oracle of Fates are easy to perform. Provide accurate forecasts.

Divination instructions

Obtaining a true prediction is achieved by a competent formulation of the question. It shouldn't be obvious. Higher powers do not question what is known. Questions that require unambiguous results are undesirable. The oracle of fate can ignore them. Do not ask in a confused, flowery way, in a few sentences.

The right decision is a concise appeal to higher powers.

A clear question consisting of one simple sentence will produce a prediction with a high degree of accuracy.

Compliance with the rules of fortune-telling ensures the receipt of truthful forecasts:

  • when asking higher powers, they focus on a disturbing topic and the process of divination. A complete concentration of thoughts on the magical action is required;
  • appealing to the Oracle of the Fates is permissible no more than once a day;
  • the same thing twice during a divination session is not asked;
  • you can guess virtually at any time of the day. For cards, evening hours are preferred. It is performed by candlelight. It is desirable that the moon be visible in the sky;
  • having received a forecast, do not rush to conclusions. Its meaning is not immediately revealed. Prophecy is carefully considered, analyzed.

To cast spells on the Star variety online, follow the instructions:

  1. Go to the site with the fortune-telling Oracle of Fates.
  2. Ask a question by entering it in a special line.
  3. Click the "Ask me" button.
  4. Get an answer.

It is permissible to guess at the Star Oracle without asking a question. In the line of appeal to higher powers, the phrase "Tell me a fortune" is entered. Divination will give a prophecy by issuing a Tarot card, rune or Yijing hexagram. An interpretation will be written next to the symbol. Prophecy will help to understand any life situation.

To virtually charm the Oracle of Fates on Solitaire, perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Go to a site that offers a variety of fortune-telling.
  2. Mentally concentrate on an exciting situation, problem.
  3. Click on the "Get Prediction" button.
  4. In the picture “Your solitaire layout”, select 5 cards at random by clicking on them with the cursor.
  5. Get a prediction. After each click, a window will appear with the interpretation of the selected card.

Fortune telling on the Oracle of Fate online is feasible by following the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Go to the site with fortune telling. The monitor will display a circle divided into sectors with an arrow in the center. Each sector contains the answer.
  2. Mentally ask a question.
  3. Click on the "Get Response" button. The result is a prediction in the sector indicated by the stopped arrow.

Fortune telling on the Oracle of Fates virtually on a magic ball, following the sequence of actions:

  1. Go to a specialized fortune-telling site. There will be an image of a ball of predictions on the monitor.
  2. Ask a question of interest in your thoughts, clearly formulating it.
  3. Concentrate on the problem.
  4. Click on the image of the ball with the cursor or click on the "Guess" button.
  5. Read the prediction.

For those who are not an active user of the network and prefer card layouts, a fortune-telling called the Oracle of Fates using a deck is suitable.

The technique provides high quality results that are distinguished by truthfulness. The rules for scheduling are simple.

You can get a hint on the Oracle of Fates cards by following a number of rules:

  • a fortuneteller card is selected from the deck;
  • the deck is shuffled in a special way: they are shuffled, divided into 2 parts, shuffled again;
  • resort to divination on Fridays;
  • the deck must be individual (no one can touch it except the owner);
  • make a deal on fate in solitude (the presence of a cat is acceptable).

Divination does not require the experience of card layouts. The scheme of the Oracle of Fates is simple:

  1. Shuffle the deck, remove the top.
  2. They draw 2 cards each until a fortuneteller's card falls out in a pair. Her couple is put off.
  3. Repeat the manipulation twice.
  4. Read the interpretation of 3 received cards.

Rules for interpreting results

To obtain a positive result, it is necessary to follow the rules of divination by the Oracle of Fates, the ability to correctly interpret the answer.

A virtual kind of divination relieves the fortuneteller of the need to independently interpret the received predictions. The site will give a transcript of the result. A network user who resorted to a virtual technique needs to read the text with the prophecy. Professionals recommend thinking about it, analyzing the answer. Its meaning is not always clear. virtual divination on the Tarot gives advice that helps to find ways to solve the problem.

The receipt of a true prophecy is confirmed by a medieval legend. King Croesus wanted to know from the Oracle of Delphi whether he would win the war against the Persians. The sovereign received a prophecy that the war would wipe out a powerful empire from the face of the earth. He took the prediction as a positive answer. However, defeat awaited him. The empire, which disappeared due to defeat, was ruled by the king himself. The prophecy has come true.

The oracle of fate sometimes does not answer the questions asked. This means that the time to know your fate has not yet come. It will take patience. It will be possible to ask higher powers later, again resorting to fortune-telling. The hint will be received.

In card fortune-telling, interpretation does not require a book with interpretations. They are on the cards themselves.

Is it worth taking all the predictions seriously

People usually engage in divination if a difficult period has come in life or you need to find out the answer to a question of interest. Any answer would be helpful. Subject to the rules of divination, the Oracle of Fates gives true predictions. His magic is related to other world, which gives clues to the questioners. The universe itself is in a hurry to help a person at a difficult moment.

We should not forget that knowing the future with a 100% guarantee will not work. Life is changeable, it all depends on the decisions made by a person. If a fortuneteller received an unpleasant prediction for himself, this does not mean that one should fall into despair. Answers should be taken as a warning from above. You can mentally prepare for unpleasant events or try to prevent them.

The answer of the Oracle of Fates may not necessarily be true. Sometimes heaven simply does not want to lift the veil of secrecy and reveal future events to a person. Perhaps the fate of the fortuneteller is still being decided.

Among the wide variety of divination methods, fortune-telling called the Oracle of Fates is very popular with people. It is simple to perform. Available to everyone and you can use it absolutely free. Depending on the type of technique, the magical session will give a complete and detailed answer. It will help a person to make the right choice. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations of specialists in conducting fortune-telling and not to abuse the favor of the Higher powers.
