What is house stone. Forgotten gods of the ancient Slavs

(kutny god) is the domestic spirit of the Slavs, the mythological master and patron of the house. It contributes to the well-being of the family, children and households in Everyday life, monitors the economy, the state of the house, animals. It can even interfere in people's relationships with each other, love or hate someone living at home. Each brownie has its own disposition, its own quirks and features. Our ancestors tried to establish contact with Domov - they invited him to a new house when they moved, they revered him on special days.

What does a real brownie look like?

The Slavs believed that Domovoy was the ancestor of the family. The very appearance of the Brownie, as people imagined him, and sometimes saw him, according to the bylichki, reflected this.

At the sister's dots, they will descend from the story, he sees: in red boots, in a red fur coat, the old men are descending. The beard is narrow, long.

In general, Domovoy was also considered the main owner of the dwelling, which is why they said that he could take on the appearance of the head of the family or his most senior member. Domovoi often have wives, who are called Domovoi. They also believed that Domakhs are Brownies in a female manifestation, spirits-mistresses of houses where only women live.

How does Brownie appear in a house or apartment?

Our ancestors believed that Brownie lives in every house. There are brownies in the apartments. The brownie in the house is most often invisible, and appears only in front of some important event usually in the evening or at night. Then people will know what a real brownie looks like.

I sit, I press my back to the stove. Such a small peasant came in, a little from the floor, and said: "In three days the war will end." The war ended three days later.

But more often this household spirit is not seen, but its presence is felt: it can stroke a person on the arm or on the head, sometimes lean on and crush during sleep. It was rumored that such attacks by Domovoy portend the future.

It sometimes happens, if naked, naked like a person, it presses for bad things, and if it’s furry, like a cat, it presses for good.

Sometimes it was advised to ask the Brownie directly: whether his appearance was good or bad. The spirit can be quite aggressive - pinching until bruises, and if such bruises are very painful, then this is also unfortunately. If the Brownie especially loves one of the family members or pets, he braids peculiar “pigtails” in his hair or wool - tangles that cannot be combed out. The animals that he liked, he cherishes and cherishes, the same ones that did not belong to the court begin to wither and get sick. In apartments and houses, Brownie is also manifested by the fact that it makes various sounds and noises. The one who heard them, too, by their nature can judge future events in the family.

You won’t find photos showing how Brownies or Domakhs look like, but we can fully imagine them from the stories. Sometimes this is a double of the owner or hostess, one of the acquaintances and relatives. Sometimes they see a little old man, bearded, covered with wool. Moreover, it was believed that the richer the economy, the more furry Domovoy. They often transform into small wild or domestic animals: weasels, dogs, cats, snakes. But in any form, the Brownie's coat matches the hair color of the owner of the house.

Where does Domovoy live?

The brownie lives in the red corner, on the stove, at the threshold, in the attic, in the underground - in a word, where he wants and where he will not be disturbed. Often he is seen in outbuildings: a barn, a barn, sometimes even in a bathhouse. They didn’t put anything in the places where, as they believed, the Brownie lived, they didn’t go there themselves, otherwise you can feel a strong oppression at night or get sick.

When is Domovoy honored?

Domovoy has a special holiday: Winter Kudesy who mark 28 January. Then this household spirit is treated with porridge to appease, otherwise it can play pranks.

Brownie is one of the many spirits of Slavic myths and beliefs. Now, when interest in the traditions and customs of antiquity is growing, old stories and stories come to life again in our minds. Ancestors believed that everything in nature around us has its own soul, its own character. And knowing this fills life with a special meaning.

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Brownie - in Slavic mythology a kind house spirit that lives in every home. Basically, brownies are considered the souls of the previous owners, but there are also stray ones. Brownie is a kind spirit, diligent host, helping a friendly family. Sometimes he is mischievous and naughty, if he doesn’t like something. All house spirits (Dvorovoy, Ovinny, Banny, etc.) serve him, and if you do not get along with the house spirits, then there will be no life. The spirits of the ancestors were also honored under a different name "churila" or "shur". In the event of any trouble, in the old days they said: “Chur, protect me,” referring to the brownie as well.

The brownie is left in a secluded corner, on the cuff, - porridge, in the chicken coop they hang a “uronic” stone with a hole (for chicken god) and say: “Owner-father, take our porridge! And eat pies, take care of our house! Domovoy is also called "Dobrozhil", "Dobrohot" and even (in the Vologda Oblast) "Breadwinner". In the Russian North, he is called "Susedkom", "Batanushkom". If he does not get along with the owner, then he is called "nekoshny".

The brownie usually settled down to live underground, under the stove. He was presented as a little old man, similar in face to the head of the family. By his liking, he is an eternal troublemaker, grouchy, but caring and kind. People tried to maintain good relations with Domovoi, take care of him as an honored guest, and then he helped keep the house in order and warned of impending misfortune. Moving from house to house, Domovoy was always invited to move with his family with the help of a conspiracy.
The construction of the house was performed for the ancient Slavs deepest meaning, after all, a person at the same time was likened to the Gods who created the Universe. Here is how, for example, the trees were selected. The creaky ones were not suitable, because the soul of a tortured person cries in them, those dried up in the vine were not suitable - they do not vitality, which means people in the house will get sick. Cutting down trees, the pagan Slav blamed the tree souls driven out of the trunks, while he himself fasted for a long time and performed cleansing rites. But ancient slav still, he was not completely sure that the cut down trees would not begin to take revenge on him, and in order to protect himself, he made the so-called “construction sacrifices”. The skull of a horse or a bull was buried under the red (eastern) corner of the house, in which carved statues of the gods were placed, and later icons. And from the soul of the slain animal, the Brownie actually arose.

In the Slavic mythological tradition, it was believed that brownies obey God Yarila and his father, Veles.
He was also often presented as a person, on the same face as the owner of the house, or as a small old man with a face covered with white wool, etc. Closely associated with the well-being of the house, especially with cattle: from his attitude, benevolent or hostile, livestock health. Some of the rites related to Domovoi could previously be associated with the "cattle god" Veles, and with the disappearance of his cult, they were transferred to Domovoy. An indirect argument in favor of this assumption is the belief that a married woman who “shone her hair” (showing her hair to a stranger) aroused Domovoy's wrath - cf. data on the connection of Veles (Volos) with beliefs about hair. There were two types of Domovoys - a housewife (cf. the mention of a demon-horseman in the medieval “Word of St. Basil”), who lived in a house, usually in the corner behind the stove, where it was necessary to throw garbage so that “the Brownie would not be transferred” (also called dobrozhil, well-wisher, breadwinner, neighbor), and a courtyard, often torturing animals (Domovoy generally often approached evil spirits). According to popular beliefs, Brownie could turn into a cat, dog, cow, sometimes a snake, rat or frog. Brownies could be people who died without communion. Sacrifices for Domovoy (some food, etc.) were brought to the barn, where he could live. By analogy with the names of the female spirit of the house (maruha, kikimora), it is assumed that ancient name The brownie could be Mara. Similar beliefs about the spirits of the house existed among the Western Slavs and many other peoples.

The older brother stood out from the orphaned family and decided to build a hut for himself. He chose a habitable place for construction. The forest was cut down with “hut help”; a hundred logs - a hundred pomochen to cut down and take out each log. With a dozen axes, they managed to knock down the forest in late autumn, when the tree was not in the juice, and they took the logs along the first pass: the work was easier, and the horses broke less. The carpenters undertook to “cut down the gb and set it up. hut”, and if the owner manages with the money this time, then “dress up” it, i.e. to make all the interior decoration available to an ax and a scraper. The carpenters crept up, reliable children, from the near neighborhood, from time immemorial they have been engaged in this craft and have managed to become famous for distant detours. They prayed for the sunrise, drank the "hand" and started tyapach from early dawn until late.

When they laid the two lower logs - the first two crowns so that where the log lay butt, they piled it on top, the owner came, brought vodka: they drank "stowing". Under the front, holy corner, at the request of the owners, they buried a coin for wealth, and the carpenters themselves - a piece of incense for holiness. Let them not think bad things about them, from woman’s nonsense, and don’t talk that they know evil spirits and can arrange it so that a house for living becomes uncomfortable.

The transition to a new hut or “inlets”, housewarming is an especially terrible time and a dangerous business. In a new place, it seems as if you need to be reborn in order to start a new hard life in the dark and groping. Burning pain lies on the heart, which does not feel (but wants to know) what to expect ahead: I would like good things when there is more bad around. First of all, an irresistible desire to tell fortunes suggests itself. For this, a rooster and a cat are allowed into the new hut. If trouble is destined to happen, then let it strike over them. Behind them, you can already safely enter with an icon and bread and salt, it is best on a full moon and always at night. At night, the cattle are driven to a new house. Happy days for housewarming are the twelfth holidays, and between them in particular the Entry into the Temple of the Mother of God.

Tempted by worldly experience, the housewives-women, placing the icon in a red corner, cut off one edge from a loaf of bread and put it under the stove. This is for that invisible owner, who is generally called a "house-home-eater". In the same places, where they completely believe the brownie and only sometimes, by a sinful deed, allow themselves to doubt, a very ancient custom is observed, which in other places has long been forgotten.
In some places (for example, in the Novgorod province, near Borovichi), the hostess of the house before dawn (so that no one could see) tries to run around the new hut naked three times, with a sentence: “I will put an iron fence near the yard, so that through this fence not a fierce beast he jumped, not a bastard crawled over, not a dashing man stepped over with his foot, and the forest grandfather did not look through him. And in order for this “lock” to be strong, the woman at the gate is also thrown head over heels up to three times and also with a memorized sentence wish, the main meaning of which expresses one cherished thought, so that “the family and the fetus in the new house will increase.”

The following legend is told about the origin of brownies. When the Lord, at the creation of the world, threw down on earth all the rebellious and evil heavenly power, which became proud and rebelled against its Creator, unclean spirits also fell on human habitations. At the same time, it is not known whether those who were kinder than the others got here, or it just so happened that, having settled closer to people, they settled down and went limp, but only these spirits did not become evil enemies, like water, goblin and other devils, but as if they were reborn: they turned into well-wishers and at the same time even ended up with the habits of people of a cheerful and playful disposition. Most of the peasants are so accustomed to them, so reconciled with them, that they do not agree to recognize the brownies as devils and consider them to be a special separate good breed.

No one dares to curse their name. Always and everyone speaks of them with obvious good nature and even tenderness. This is quite clearly expressed in all the stories and is confirmed by all the information received from the staff in response to programmatic questions on "Demonology" from different parts of Great Russia.
Each residential village hut certainly has one such invisible tenant, who is the guard not only of the building itself, but mainly of all living people: people, cattle, and birds.

He usually lives and is known not under his inborn name of “brownie”, which not everyone dares to pronounce out loud (partly out of respect for him, partly out of hidden fear of offending him with such a nickname) But they call him, for obvious and proven services, the name of “owner” and for the antiquity of the years of his life in Rus' - "grandfather" (* Talking about the brownie, most often they call him simply - "He" or "Himself", but even more often "Good-natured" and "Good-natured", and the Vologda province even "Breadwinner" Throughout the forest north of Russia, for his willing cohabitation with the Orthodox Russian people, the brownie is called “Susedok” and “Batanushk” (batan, either in the sense of a father, or a brother, that is, a brother) In the families of the Olonets Territory I call even with the honorary name "other half" In any case, he "homemade" and for the customs of housing in warmth and cold - "wen", for some everyday habits - "lizun" For the fact that he is all the same an invisible creature, indisputable and genuine "(neither spirit nor person), brownie, bypassing the real p his direct title, is also considered a “posten” (as well as “post-stei” - from the steppe or shadow), as a ghostly creature, a ghost. They sometimes call him “root-eared” because, unlike real people, he lacks one ear. As a special exception, they also call him “nekoshny” (nekoshny) in those cases only when he does not get along with the owners of the hut, although this nickname is more decent (and more often applied) to all other devils, for example, to water and flyers, but it does not fit in with the house spirit and, in fact, does not fit))

Since all this variety of names and nicknames testifies to the vitality of the domestic spirit and its closeness to human interests, to that extent it is both elusive and invulnerable. Rare can boast of having seen a brownie with his own eyes. Whoever says this is either deceived out of fear and good-naturedly misleading others, or deliberately lies to boast. It is impossible to see a dray, it is beyond the power of a person (in which the majority of knowledgeable people, who have been tempted by a long experience of life, are completely in agreement). his guesses only on the assumption that the brownie, like any invisible spirit with inhuman properties, is endowed with the ability to transform, taking on various guises and even, as if most willingly, the image of the owner of the house himself. Those who would like to see him are offered difficult tasks. He must put on, without fail on Easter night, a horse collar, cover himself with a harrow with teeth and sit between the horses, whom he especially loves, all night. They even say that if the brownie sees a person who is spying on him in this way, he arranges it so that the horses begin to hit the harrow with their backs and can beat the inquisitive to death. Only one thing is true and completely proven, that one can hear the voice of the brownie (and everyone without exception agrees on this), hear his quiet crying and muffled restrained groans, his soft and affectionate, and sometimes abruptly short and deaf voice in the form of fleeting answers, when skillful and quick-witted hosts have time to call out and will be able to ask her on suitable occasions. However, everyone who is smarter and more cautious does not try to see these spirits or talk to them, because if the ego succeeds, there will be no good. It can even be dangerous to fall ill. However, the brownie, due to his good disposition (to the head of the family - mainly and to other members - as an exception), has a cherished habit of leaning on his chest in a dream and pressing. Who wakes up and hurries to ask him "For better or worse?" - he will answer in a human voice, as if the wind rustled the leaves. Only those chosen and especially beloved managed to find out that he is shaggy, overgrown with soft hair, that even the palms of his hands are covered, exactly the same as those of a person, that he finally has superpositions, horns and a tail. Often, too, he strokes the sleepy ones with his soft paw, and then no questions are required - it is quite clear that this is good. He does not do evil to people, but, on the contrary, he even tries to warn against future misfortunes and temporary danger.

If from time to time he knocks at night in the hut, or fiddles with the stove, or rumbles in the crockery, then he does this simply out of boredom and, by the nature of his cheerful disposition, amuses himself. It has long been known to everyone that the brownie is generally a big prankster, a kind of joker, and where he settles down, he frolics carelessly and for no reason. He tickles the sleepy ones, and also leans on the young with his shaggy chest from idleness, for the sake of a joke. He fools around and disappears with such speed that there is no way to notice what kind he is (which, however, we managed to find out about the goblin, water and other spirits - genuine devils). In the Smolensk province (Dorogobuzh district) they saw a brownie in the form of a gray-haired old man, dressed in a white long shirt and with his head uncovered. In the province of Vladimir he is dressed in a roll of yellow cloth and always wears a large shaggy hat; the hair on his head and on his beard is long and matted. From near Penza they write that this old man is small, “like a stump or a log”, but with a large gray beard and clumsy. Anyone can see him on a dark night before the second rooster. In the same places, near Penza, he sometimes takes the form of a black cat or a bag of bread.

Settling for permanent residence in a residential and warm hut, the brownie takes root in it as an owner in such a way that it fully deserves the name given to him in some areas. If he notices an attempt on his beloved dwelling by a neighboring brownie, if, for example, he convicts him of stealing oats or hay from horses, he always enters into a fight and leads it with such bitterness, which is characteristic only of powerful undead, and not of weak human strength. But only sensitive people can hear this noise in the barns and stables and distinguish the fuss of the dray from the horses' trampling and the shying of stray rams.

Each brownie gets used to his hut to such a strong extent that it is difficult, almost impossible to evict or survive. The well-known prayers and ordinary methods are not enough for this. It is necessary to possess special attractive good properties of the soul, so that he would heed the prayers and would not recognize petting pleas for a hypocritical trick, and the offered gifts, indicated by custom and the advice of the healer, as a playful trick. If, when moving from an old crumbling hut to a newly rebuilt one, they fail to lure the old brownie, then he will not think about staying on the old ashes among the dust of ruins in a cold hut, despite his driven love for warm housing.

He will live in anguish and in the cold and in complete solitude, even without the neighborhood of mice and cockroaches, which, along with other tenants, manage to get over uninvited. Remaining, out of stubbornness, for personal reasons, or left behind due to the forgetfulness of his slow-witted owners, he prefers to suffer, languishing and bored, as did, by the way, that brownie whom the settlers forgot to invite with them to Siberia. He wept and groaned for a long time in an empty hut and could not be consoled. The same case was in the Oryol province. Here, after the fire of an entire village, the draymen were so bored that their cries and groans could be heard all night long. In order to somehow console them, the peasants were forced to hastily put together temporary huts, scatter slices of salted bread near them, and then invite brownies for temporary residence:
- The owner of the yard, go calmly, do not fight off your yard.

In the Chembarsky district of the Penza province, brownies are beckoned into a bag and transferred to a new ashes in it, and in Lyubimsky district (Yaroslavl province) they are lured with a pot of porridge, which is placed on a lid.

When choosing in the hut certain place for housing, the brownie is not picky: he lives behind the stove and under the hearth, settles under the threshold entrance doors, and in the hut, and on the ceiling, although they notice in him the greatest desire to spend time in cabbage rolls (plank rooms near the stove with a descent into the underground) and in closets. The wife of a brownie “domanya” (in some places, for example, in the Vladimir province, brownies are endowed with families) loves to live underground, and the peasants, when moving to a new hut, call her for a housewarming party and, saying: “House-brownie, come with me, lead and the housewife-mistress - as I can reward.

When the “neighbor” settles in the free air, for example, in the yard, then it is already called “yard”, although it hardly represents a separate spirit: this is the same “owner”, who has taken over the supervision of all family property. He is also not mixed with the bathhouses and bathhouses living in the baths (if he is female, they are called “hairy”), with the barns who settled on the threshing floors, etc. (see related articles). It's more and more ugly evil spirits: to the misfortune of people, they wound up, and it would be great happiness when they all disappeared from the face of the earth, but how to do without a brownie? Who will warn of the impending misfortune, who will say what color horses should be bought, what wool to choose cows so that they are kept for a long time? If they say that the cattle is “out of court”, then this means that a kind of capricious “yard owner” disliked it. Whoever knows how to listen and hears sensitively, the brownie himself will tell him in his own voice what kind of cattle to buy. Riding on an unloved horse, the brownie can turn it from a well-fed round horse into such a nag that the skin will hang like on a stick. In Melenki (Vladimir province), one householder hid in a manger and sat there as the brownie jumped off the dryer, went up to the horse and let's spit in her face, and shovel food from her with her left paw. The owner was frightened, and the brownie grumbled to himself, but in such a way that it is very audible:

- I would buy a filly stag, little white back!
They listened to it and bought it. And again, from under the manger, the owner saw how a brownie jumped off the dryer in a shaggy hat, in a yellow roll, went around the horse, examined it, and spoke:
- That's a horse! This one is worth feeding, otherwise I bought some kind of nag.
And the brownie began to stroke her, braided a braid on her mane and began to scoop up oats right under her muzzle.
In one village in Cherepovets Uyezd (Novgorod Gubernia), a brownie, leaning on a peasant at night and pressing on his chest and stomach, asked bluntly (and so angrily!):
Where is Serko? Bring him back home.
I had to go the very next morning to the village where the owner had sold the horse, and exchange. And they are happy about that: even with them, when they brought the horse into the yard, it snorted and balked, and the next morning they found it all covered in soap.
One owner pointedly asked the brownie what kind of wool to buy a horse, and the brownie answered him imperiously: “Though old, but roan,” etc.

There are horses "two-stranded" (the transition from the neck to the withers is bifurcated), they are not suitable for work: they serve only for the brownie. Anyone who finds out about this is in a hurry to sell such a horse for a song, because if it dies in the yard, then no matter how many horses you buy later, they will all rest (up to twelve), and it will no longer be possible to keep this cattle. That's just in this single case, every brownie; no matter how kind he is, he is unyielding, and in order to prevent his anger, they try to pull the stupefied horse not through the gate, but into a hole deliberately broken in the wall of the barn, although this does not always help.

Knowing about such misfortunes and not forgetting the leprosy and whims of the brownie, people developed common customs for all of Rus' when buying and selling horses and cattle, as well as when caring for them. When they buy a cow or a horse, then the rein from the bridle or the end of the rope is passed from floor to floor and wishes are said “ light hand". The buyer takes off his hat from his head and runs it from the head and neck, along the back and belly of the new purchase. And when the “new purchase” is taken home, then a sliver or a stick is picked up from under the feet along the road and driven. When they bring the cow into the yard, they throw this prod:

- Just as a sliver does not go to the old place, like a stick does not grieve and yearn for the same thing, so the bought animal would not remember the old owners and would not dry up for them. Then the “new purchase” is fed with a piece of bread, and they directly turn to the brownie and openly, in front of witnesses, bow in the stables in all four corners and ask: to drink, feed), caress and groom this new one, as experienced former ones.

From livestock, a good brownie transfers his worries to people. Most willingly, he tries to warn of misfortunes, so that skillful hosts have time to prepare for the meeting and avert attack from themselves in advance. People who are quick-witted in such cases understand without words those signs that he will give when he pleases. So, for example, if the crying of a brownie is heard, sometimes in the hut itself, then the deceased should be in the house. If the chimney on the roof plays a damper, there will be a court because of some business and resentment; wet the brownie at night - that person will get sick; pulls her hair - beware, wife: do not get involved in an argument with your husband, do not squabble with him, keep silent, otherwise he will surely beat him and it will be very painful. The brownie will rattle in the supply of dishes - handle the fire more carefully and keep a vigilant eye, do not light a spark, an unextinguished firebrand would not flare up, a big fire would not start, etc. The brownie cries and groans - to grief, but jumps to joy, plays songs, laughs; sometimes, playing along on the scallop, warns about the wedding in the family, etc.

Everyone knows very well that the brownie loves those families who live in complete harmony, and those owners who are zealous about their goodness, keep their yard in order and cleanliness. If one of these forgets, for example, knead the cows forage, give hay to the horses, then the brownie will take care of him. But he willingly helps the lazy and negligent to start the economy and tries to harm everything: he drives horses, tortures and beats cattle; he drives it into the corner of the manger, puts it upside down in a pile, litters the yard with manure, crushes it every night and throws the owner, the mistress and their children from the stove and beds onto the floor, etc. However, it is not difficult to make peace with an angry brownie - for this you just need to put snuff under the manger, for which he is a big hunter, or even make some kind of gift, like multi-colored rags, an old penny with the image of Yegory on a horse, or just a crust of bread, cut off from an unopened loaf. However, sometimes it also happens that, while loving good owners, he torments the cattle, and whom he loves, he fell on him in a dream and in reality, not analyzing either day or night, but preferring, however, twilight. Whether the brownie wants to show up with sad or joyful news, or to joke and play pranks, he prefers in all such cases to take on the appearance of the owners themselves. Only (as some have managed to notice) he does not know how to hide his horse ears at the same time. In this image, the brownie is not averse to helping the workers, and treating another even with smoking tobacco, and preventing horse thieves, dressing up for this in the master's dress and walking around the yard all night with a pitchfork in his hands, etc. Near the city of Orel they say that once the brownies got so good for their beloved owners that they helped them in the field work, and one unfortunate owner was saved by setting him up for trade and giving him the opportunity to bargain with such success that everyone was surprised and envied. Another “domestic” extends his cares and love for his families to such an extent that he interferes with the secret sins of the spouses and, where he does not arrive in time, punishes the guilty one by leaning on him and strangling him every night. At the same time, since it is forbidden by God himself for all evil spirits to touch the human soul, having power over one body, the brownies do not miss the opportunity to use both slaps to pain and pinches to bruises. Before the guilty person, having gone to bed, will forget herself well, she will feel heaviness in her legs, and this heaviness will go up to the throat, and there it will begin to crush so hard that the bones will crack and it will take your breath away. In such cases, there is only one salvation - prayer, and even then you need to contrive, be able to gather your courage and have time to say aloud the very one that all unclean people do not like: “May God rise again” * (* In many remote places of the Kostroma province, and in Kaluga, the customs of hanging over the stalls of the stables and perches in the chicken coops of "chicken and horse gods" have been preserved. For horses, such a "god" was a special stone with a hole, or the neck of a jug.)

Is there a brownie: 3 legends about the origin of brownies, 3 of their incarnations, 7 signs that evil spirits live in your house, 5 ways to make friends with the landlord.

The image of a cute little man is familiar to us not only from the cartoon "Kuzya Brownie", but also from fairy tales, legends and even horror stories.

But does the brownie really exist or is it an artistic fiction that has become so tightly included in oral folk art?

It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally, despite the fact that there are people who claim to have met these household spirits in person. But let's try to understand the topic a little.

The legend about the spirits of the dwelling is not new and dates back to the pre-Christian period. With the adoption of Christianity, the attitude towards brownies changed a little, but the memory of them did not disappear without a trace. Many still believe that brownies exist.

Who is a brownie and does he really exist?

Our ancestors have always been very kind to their homes. It was built according to all the rules, adhering to certain rituals.

When the house was ready, they did not forget about its mythological owner - the brownie, who was coaxed to help with housekeeping, keep order, increase prosperity, look after children, etc.

Other names for the brownie are the baker, the owner, the lamb, the ruler and others.

No one even doubted that the brownie exists, despite the teachings of the church, that household spirits are the same demons and need to be disposed of by consecrating your home and hanging it with icons.

There were icons in the village houses, but few people believed that they interfere with the brownies, because people considered the bakers to be kind.

By the way, the legend about housewives refers mainly to rural folklore. Maybe because go and stock up on brownies, which would be enough for each city ​​apartment, and maybe because only in village houses there are large stoves, which are considered the dwelling of the house spirit.

Centuries passed, many myths were debunked, village houses were gasified, stoves were thrown out as unnecessary, the population moved en masse to cities that provided more opportunities for realization, but stories about brownies turned out to be tenacious and still excite the minds of both adults and children in an attempt to figure it out. whether these magical creatures really exist.

What are the legends about the origin of brownies

There are a lot of legends about the origin of brownies. The most popular of them confirms the divine origin of the lamb.

It is believed that there was no Hell before and all otherworldly forces lived in heaven. Then one of the angels - Satan - decided to rebel against God by gathering his own army.

The forces of good won, and as a punishment for their deeds, the Lord sent all the guilty underground. Thus, Hell was born.

But there were spirits that were less guilty than others. God took pity on them and decided to send them not to Hell, but to earth to serve people. So not only brownies appeared, but also goblin, mermaids, mavkas, water and other heroes of Slavic myths.

Some of them became evil and tried with all their might to harm people, while others, on the contrary, fell in love with the human race and tried to help him to the best of their ability. Brownies took second place.

There are other versions of the origin of brownies:

  1. People, but only ugly ones. Perhaps we have the same ancestors with brownies: Adam and Eve. It’s just that the brownies cannot live with us, but are forced to hide from human eyes because of their terrible appearance, but at the same time, being practically people, they cannot live away from us.
  2. Bundles of energy. According to a fairly common version, the brownie does not have physical body. It remains a clot of energy and the pole of this energy directly depends on the people who occupied a particular dwelling: if they were kind and did good deeds, the energy was positive, evil - their brownie also became a negative character.
  3. The spirit of a dead person. This version echoes European ghost stories that haunt family castles. It is believed that the restless soul of a deceased relative can become a brownie, which used to live in this house. Because of his sins or for some other reason, he could not go to another world and stayed at home to help his relatives as best he could.

Is there a brownie and what is known about him?

Perhaps, none of the characters of Slavic mythology was detailed like a brownie.

People who believe that he really exists, undertake to describe his appearance and even character based on the testimony of eyewitnesses.

What does the brownie look like, if it exists?

Since few people have actually seen the lamb, and those who have seen something could confuse the house spirit with some other otherworldly entity, there is no single description of the appearance of a brownie.

There are several popular versions of what a brownie looks like, if it exists:

  • Like a little person. Those who look like us can be less afraid. That is why the brownie is often portrayed as a small, well-knit grandfather, not at all scary, but very pretty. Well, just for you a fabulous dwarf who is not capable of being evil and cruel.
  • Like an animal. Anyone who does not believe that brownies are also people describes their appearance, similar to a strange animal: a small human-like creature overgrown with hair with sharp claws. Something like a cat with which he is friends.
  • A bundle of energy. This version does not boast accurate description, therefore, who knows what the brownie looks like: either as a shadow, or as a luminous silhouette. Fans of this legend agree on one thing: the lamb does not have a physical body, it exists in parallel with the world of people.

Decide for yourself what your brownie will look like if you have definitely decided that it exists.

Are there good and evil brownies?

Opinions also differ about the character that a brownie should have.

As I said, the priests are unequivocal in their verdict: this is an unclean force that needs to be disposed of as quickly as possible by consecrating the home. And even better - do not believe in anyone but God, then you will not have to meet with the housemates.

Ordinary people are mostly convinced that the brownie is not a good or evil creature. It, like a person, has different character traits and, depending on the atmosphere prevailing in the house, and the attitude of people towards it, it manifests one or another of its qualities. Exists in the world of good and evil at the same time.

If an atmosphere of joy and kindness reigns in your home, your brownie will become the same and begin to benefit:

  • protect the house from destruction, fire, thieves and other misfortunes;
  • create comfort;
  • warn of danger;
  • keep an eye on the cattle so that pestilence does not attack it;
  • put things in order;
  • increase wealth;
  • look after the kids, etc.

But if you are evil and envious people, there is constant swearing and squabbles in your house, then the brownie will gradually become an evil creature and begin to mischief. Or even leave your hut in search of more suitable housing and you will be left without a home patron.

Another reason why the baker becomes angry is insults addressed to him, doubts about whether he really exists, stupid jokes about him, ignoring the warnings of the brownie, etc.

That is, you yourself, by your neglect, lead to the fact that the power that lives in your home becomes evil. Everything can be fixed if you sincerely believe that the brownie exists, ask for forgiveness and feed him.

How to do it? Find out in the next section of the article.

How to determine if a brownie exists?

If everything is fine at your house, then why do you even need to know if the brownie actually exists? Believe that your home has a good patron, thank him and continue to live righteously.

You need to look for signs of otherworldly power in the house only when not everything is going well.

Signs that a brownie lives in your house

Despite the fact that a person is a fairly thick-skinned creature, he simply cannot fail to notice the third-party entity that lives next to him.

Sooner or later she will betray her presence. The main thing is not to be frightened at the same time, but to try to make friends with the house elf so that he helps you with household chores, and does not create obstacles.

There are several clear signs indicating that a house elf exists and lives in your hut or apartment:

  1. At night, with the onset of silence, you hear extraneous sounds - the creaking of doors, the tramp of small feet, puffing, grunting, etc.
  2. Even when you are completely alone in the house, it seems to you that someone is watching you, that there is something invisible at a close distance from you.
  3. The cat behaves strangely: hisses at an empty place, stares at something hidden from your eyes, plays with some invisible object.
  4. Things disappear, and then are in the most unexpected places. it
  5. Your baby (it is believed that children under 7 years old can see what adults cannot see) claims to have seen little man or some animal in the house. Take your child's fantasies seriously.
  6. Some of the electrical appliances turn on and off by themselves. This brownie hints to you that you need to check the equipment for serviceability so that trouble does not happen.
  7. You feel that someone is helping you with housework. That things that used to take much more time are now done faster and easier.

It is important not to confuse signs of a brownie in your home with paranoia. Do not invent something that does not exist, otherwise it will lead to sad consequences.

Just live in such a way that you are not ashamed of your life, maintain order in the house, create comfort, swear less with the household and the brownie will be so pleased that he will not scare you with his appearance, but at the same time will secretly protect your home.

How to check if there is a brownie in your house

How to make friends with a brownie, if it exists?

If you believe that the brownie exists, but at the same time he is unfavorable to you, does minor dirty tricks, bothers you at night, you can and should make friends with him.

Here's what you need to do to make friends with the brownie that exists in your house:

  • Say hello to him. For example, after waking up, you can say: “Good morning, master,” and when you come home: “Hello, brownie.”
  • Contact your homeowner for help. Brownies love to be helpful. They are sure that they understand the household where better people, therefore, favorably refer to the fact that they are asked for advice.
  • Praise him. Flattering phrases such as: “What would I do without your help?”, “How lucky I am that I have such a good one,” “You are the best brownie in the world,” and the like are pleasing to the ear of the house spirit.
  • Treat the brownie. It is believed that brownies love milk, sweets, pastries, and also red dessert wine. If you want to appease your ruler, leave him goodies for the night. By trial and error, you will understand what he likes the most.
  • Be extremely polite with the brownie. This creature cannot be scolded, even if it does some small dirty tricks, for example, hides your things or creates noise in the apartment. Address him respectfully with a request, not a demand.

There are many rituals on the network on how to call a brownie, but it’s better not to do this, especially for fun.

Why disturb otherworldly forces once again, especially if they do not disturb you.

If you need the help of a baker, then you can look for effective ritual, but it’s better to do it not on your own, but with the help of a psychic, because you don’t know how the evil spirit will behave, even if it’s so cute.

But most importantly - do not doubt whether there is a brownie. This offends the little household deity and prevents him from serving his home and his masters to the best of his ability.

Have you ever walked in your house for a long time and look for missing things, although you remember exactly where you left them and none of the household members could move, rearrange or throw them away? Why can't you fall asleep for a long time, although you really want to sleep? Or you hear extraneous sounds in your house, clearly indicating that these are not created by neighbors. Does it happen to you that you feel the presence of another person in your room, but you cannot see him? It is possible that a brownie lives in your house, who really wants you to pay attention to him.

The history of the appearance of brownies in our homes

Brownie - in Slavic mythology, house spirits. Many different spirits live in old houses. Some are the souls of the former owners, others are just stray spirits, usually harmless. Brownie is a kind spirit, he is a zealous owner, helping a friendly family. Sometimes he is mischievous, naughty, if he doesn’t like something. He braids the manes of the horses he loves, and harasses the unloved ones. All house spirits serve him, and if you do not get along with the house spirits, then there will be no life. The spirits of ancestors were also honored under a different name "churila" or "shur". In case of any trouble in the old days they said: "Chur, protect me"
And it’s especially trouble if there are navia in the house - the spirits of the hostile dead, or even ghouls who crawled from the cemetery. But sleep, the enemies are left alone at home, where they live "dzyads", brownies, good spirits of ancestors, patronizing their descendants. Therefore, the brownie is left in a secluded corner, on the stump, - porridge, in the chicken coop they hang a “uronic” stone with a hole (for the chicken god) and say: “Owner-father, take our porridge! And eat pies, take care of our house! Domovoy is also called "Dobrozhil", "Dobrohot" and even (in the Vologda Oblast) "Breadwinner". In the Russian North, he is called "Susedkom", "Batanushkom". If he does not get along with the owner, then he is called "nekoshny".
The construction of a house was filled with the deepest meaning for the ancient Slavs, because at the same time a person was likened to the Gods who created the Universe. Here is how, for example, the trees were selected. The creaky ones were not suitable, because the soul of a tortured person was crying in them, those dried in the vine were not suitable - they have no vitality, which means people in the house will get sick. Cutting down trees, the pagan Slav blamed the tree souls driven out of the trunks, while he himself fasted for a long time and performed cleansing rites. But the ancient Slav was still not completely sure that the cut down trees would not begin to take revenge on him, and in order to protect himself, he made the so-called "construction sacrifices". The skull of a horse or a bull was buried under the red (eastern) corner of the house, in which carved statues of the gods were placed, and later icons. And from the soul of the slain animal, the Brownie actually arose.
The brownie settled down to live underground, under the stove. He was presented as a little old man, similar in face to the head of the family. By his liking, he is an eternal troublemaker, grouchy, but caring and kind. People tried to maintain good relations with Domovoi, take care of him as an honored guest, and then he helped keep the house in order and warned of impending misfortune. Moving from house to house, Domovoy was always invited to move with his family with the help of a conspiracy.
In the Slavic mythological tradition, it was believed that brownies obey God Yarila and his father, Veles. He was also often presented as a person, on the same face as the owner of the house, or as a small old man with a face covered with white wool, etc. Closely associated with the well-being of the house, especially with cattle: from his attitude, benevolent or hostile, livestock health. Some of the rites related to Domovoi could previously be associated with the "cattle god" Veles, and with the disappearance of his cult, they were transferred to Domovoy. An indirect argument in favor of this assumption is the belief that a married woman who "shone her hair" (showing her hair to a stranger) aroused Domovoy's wrath - cf. data on the connection of Veles (Volos) with beliefs about hair. There were two types of Domovoys - a housewife (cf. the mention of a demon-harmonizer in the medieval "Word of St. Basil"), who lived in a house, usually in the corner behind the stove, where it was necessary to throw garbage so that "The brownie would not be transferred" (also called, and yard, often torturing animals (Domovoy generally often approached evil spirits). According to legend, Brownie could turn into a cat, dog, cow, sometimes a snake, rat or frog. Brownies could become people who died without communion. etc.) were brought to a barn where he could live. By analogy with the names of the female spirit of the house (marukha, kikimora), it is assumed that Mara could be the oldest name for Domovoy. Similar beliefs about the spirits of the house existed among the Western Slavs and many other peoples .

Where does Domovoy come from?

Do you think brownies are some kind of special house spirits? Brownies are people who left the earth, who during their lifetime had certain shortcomings in their appearance and some flaws in their character.
For example, they were too lazy or too active in their home, who could lie on the sofa for months or, on the contrary, could not sit idle for a minute.
Too passive or too active people, by their actions or inaction, violate the harmony of the surrounding space, which is why they are sent to work as brownies, so that they learn to feel the measure and act, creating and strengthening, and not destroying the harmony of the surrounding space.
A brownie can become a person who, during his lifetime, had the habit of unceremoniously interfering in the affairs of his loved ones or showed complete indifference to what was happening in his house, in the life of his relatives. The brownie program is associated with the Zodiac sign Cancer - the sign of the home, family, relatives. And often people born under the sign of Cancer become brownies, but this happens only when they do not cope with the task of their sign: they cannot establish family life, maintain a family hearth, or pay too much attention to family problems, or are not interested in them at all, break off relations with relatives.
Very many of those who became brownies lived in a bustle in their former appearance, often went on business trips, did not have their own home or very rarely visited it. The absence of someone at home does not always cause inconvenience to household members, but it is precisely those whose inattention to loved ones, to family problems that greatly violated the harmony of relations in this family, become brownies.
Often, brownies are those who did not marry for love and therefore could not enjoy family life and bring happiness to your half. In general, any of us can become a brownie if we have harmed our household for most of our lives. No wonder the people called brownies evil spirits. Brownie is the unclean soul of a person, and unclean because he spoiled the life of loved ones.
Any brownie is strongly influenced by the Cancer sign, which teaches us to value our home, take care of relatives, and take care of the well-being of the family. This is exactly what brownies do: they care about the well-being of the family they fall into, and about the energy well-being of the house. But after completing this program, they can become a person again, so as not to violate the laws of Cancer, to be excellent family men, to feel when and in what kind of participation their loved ones need. So become a brownie after physical death
This is not a punishment, but a blessing.
I think it will be difficult for many to accept the fact that brownies are people who have left their dense material body, although for our ancestors this was a matter of course. For example, in East Slavic mythology, the spirit of the house - the brownie - was presented in the form of a person, since the 13th century, folk crafts depicting a brownie with a human face and body have been preserved.
How long the soul of a person will work as a brownie depends on the number and degree of neglect of its shortcomings, but no more than 30 years - this is the maximum life of the brownie. 30 years is the cycle of Saturn, the planet that rules Capricorn opposite from Cancer. Brownies carry out a program corresponding to Cancer, but the path of evolution of Cancer is directed in the opposite direction from Capricorn. Capricorn, led by its ruler - strict Saturn - creates restrictions. For 30 years, Saturn passes through the entire Zodiac and returns to its previous point. So the brownie in 30 years should have time to correct his shortcomings and get the opportunity, leaving his post, to reincarnate in the human body. Even if the brownie was so lazy that for 30 years he did not cope with the task of self-correction, Saturn still will not allow him to remain a brownie for longer. And then the brownie will be embodied in the body of a person with those shortcomings that he did not have time to correct. If he does not correct them for a new human life, then after physical death he will again become a brownie.

The appearance of the brownie

Brownies, as already mentioned, are born not as babies, but as old people or adults; after birth, they can be shaggy, wrinkled. Our ancestors imagined a brownie in the form of an old man overgrown with wool. Ancient images of a brownie with the face of an adult man without any vegetation have been preserved. The brownie's body changes over time - from old age to youth. Appearance newborn brownie corresponds to those of his shortcomings, because of which he became such. If these shortcomings are insignificant, then the newborn brownie looks like a teenager, if they are serious, then he receives the body of an adult, if there are a lot of serious shortcomings, then the body of an animal-man, old, covered with wool. An old body means that this brownie will have to stay at his post for a long time, maybe all 30 years. A young body gives hope that this brownie will stay in his role much less than this period. However, it all depends on diligence, skill and quickness.
If, for example, brownies received an old body at birth, but do everything quickly, then they can overtake in their self-cultivation unhurried brothers who received a young body. The most active brownies and those who did not have too many shortcomings serve as brownies for five years, three years, sometimes only six months. Brownie can live any amount of time in the range from several months to 30 years. Unlike our human society, brownies will rather try to shorten their lives by trying to correct themselves rather than looking for ways to prolong life. The soul will be cleansed - and he will return to human society newborn baby.

Are there female brownies?

More often men become brownies, and only every sixth brownie is a woman. This means that men more often than women violate the harmony of their family. Women are closer, more understandable to lunar topics - everything related to home, family, relatives, so they are much less likely to violate the laws of the lunar sign Cancer, and it is precisely for the violation of these laws that people become brownies.
As a rule, brownie women settle in those houses where restless housewives live, who devote themselves entirely to caring for their husbands and children - after all, those women who became brownies were too preoccupied with problems, tried their best to solve these problems themselves , suppressing the will of both her husband and children. And now, having become brownies, these women see themselves in the mistresses of the house and understand their mistakes, which allows them to change.

How does a brownie choose a house?

Only those brownies who have minor shortcomings that can be easily corrected quickly, for example, in a few months, can choose a house for their service themselves. The rest are sent to those houses where the situation corresponds to their shortcomings: if human life the current brownie did not give a damn about the improvement of the house, the problems of his loved ones, the forces of nature will be sent to the house of the same lazy-indifferent people, and if, on the contrary, he overdoes it in these worries, the forces of nature will send him to the house of the same fanatic family man. Brownie women are sent to the houses of sacrificial women who look like them.

What does the brownie do?

Mystic! The brownie keeps the house clean. Unlike a person, he sees all the energy garbage scattered around the apartment, and this makes him very upset. The brownie gets dirty in it, his mood worsens.
Domovoi do not enter the bathroom at all. And in the countryside, completely different creatures live in the baths - banniki. Due to constant communication with the blackness, banniks become evil and dangerous. You spend a little longer in the bath than you need to, and instead of pleasant freshness, you feel empty and powerless.
When everything is in order in the house, clean and tidy, there is no energetic dirt, the brownie feels great. He loves such a master and helps him in every possible way.
The brownie keeps things safe.
In such a house, everything will work, dishes will not break and appliances will not break. He helps to find the missing things. To do this, you just need to ask him about it: "Owner-priest, help, tell me where this and that lies ..." He also watches over small children and prevents various troubles. The brownie will never allow a fire, an accident, theft, provided, of course, that he likes the owner.
The brownie can wake up the owner in the morning if he has important business. Can remind you of forgotten things. It can also clean small energy debris from the apartment.
He can’t cope with serious damage, but he can disperse a trifle. The brownie feels the approach of damage in advance. If, for example, an unkind person with black thoughts came to visit you, bringing with him a pile of blackness, envy, then the brownie begins to worry. If the owner of the apartment does not hear the whispers of the brownie, then the latter will do anything to attract attention. An unkind guest can break out of the hands of a mug and break, spill something on the tablecloth. Sometimes the dishes break at the owner himself - this is also a warning.
Unpleasant guests brownie tries to survive with all his might. He begins to choke them, put pressure on them. Such guests become uncomfortable with you - everything annoys them, they are stuffy, in the end they have one thought left - to leave your house faster. Even brownies are irritated by tobacco smoke. This smoke does not disappear anywhere, it settles on the furniture, in the corners of the apartment.

It is also worth remembering: if you clean your apartment energetically very often and very seriously, then it is possible that by your actions you will drive your brownie out of the house.
In general, if you get a strong brownie, then he can destroy the owner of the apartment or his property. And on the contrary, he will always remind a good owner before leaving the house: turn off the light, gas, water, iron, etc.
Usually the brownie sleeps somewhere under the ceiling. Yes, he can fly, and the force of gravity does not act on him. In his free time from sleep, he wanders around the apartment, goes about his business, plays with animals.
If the brownie disliked your cat, be sure that she will not last long in the house. If, on the contrary, he fell in love, he will play with her. Pay attention, sometimes your fluffy pet suddenly topples over on its back and starts waving its paws in the air. It is her brownie tickling. Sometimes a cat, while licking itself, will wake up and stare into the void, and looks as if following someone with a look. This invisible traveler is the brownie.
Domovoy should not be ashamed. Even though it's called male name, he looks at women indifferently. Sometimes a brownie can appear to people. This happens in two cases - either before a good event, or before a bad one. And then you can ask him: "For worse or for better?" The brownie will answer in a dull voice: "For worse!" or "To good!"
The brownie loves to appear to small children, who accept him as a big plush toy and fumble and play with him from the heart. Outwardly, the brownie looks like a furry little man (about 1 m tall) with a face that looks like the head of the family, but can also appear in other guises.
The brownie plays with children with pleasure, like with a cat or a dog. If the brownie loves to mess with your baby - this is good sign. He will not only play with him, but also protect him from minor troubles - matches, scissors, etc.

How to communicate with Domov?

First you need to know that you can talk aloud with the brownie. If your family perceives this normally, then it is possible in the presence of family members. Ask him to help with something, promise something tasty or toys.
If the brownie gets spoiled, then he should be scolded: “Such an adult grandfather and you play pranks. Oh no no no!". He will be ashamed and he will try to make amends.
Sometimes he should be given cereal, milk, sweets, cookies - every first day of the month.
All the food that was given to the brownie is then given to pets or any animals on the street, birds.
Porridge is removed the next day, and sweets are kept until the next first day.
It is necessary to determine for him a place where he would sleep, hide. Usually the brownie finds and equips such a place for himself, but sometimes he directly shows what he likes here - be indulgent. Never leave piercing and cutting objects on the table overnight: forks, knives, scissors; salt, pepper, garlic, onion - all this makes it very difficult for the brownie to fight against evil forces.
Although he is considered the cousin of the devil, he fights with his forces, protecting us. Let's not create obstacles for him in this useful work.
If you are unable to negotiate with the brownie, take a broom and, saying: “I sweep you out, a stranger, a harmful brownie, I drive you out” - mark the floors, looking into every corner with a broom. And so every day, except Friday, all week. I want to warn you, it's worth trying all the methods of influencing it, indicated here. And scold, and scold, and caress, and only if nothing comes of it, and he is really very angry, then kick him out, but remember, life is bad without a brownie.

What does the brownie like to play with?

Old beads, jewelry, mysticism, shiny buttons, old coins. Put all this in a beautiful box without a lid and tell the brownie that this is a gift for him, and put it in a secret place. No one should touch the box and its contents. The box can be sewn from postcards, glued together or taken ready-made and dressed up with all sorts of shiny pieces of paper, rain. Give money to your home. Usually it is five kopecks in one coin. It is placed in a hard-to-reach place in the house, often left between cracks in the floor. At this time, they say: "Grandfather brownie! Here's money for boots and seeds. I give it from my heart, I give it to you!"
You can address the brownie like this: “Grandfather”, “Grandfather-housekeeper”, “Owner-father”, “House-father”, “Sir-brownie”.
Observing all the fads, you will be surprised how much your life in the house has changed. Relationships became smoother, you began to feel better, more confident, calmer and, as a result of all this, became more successful.
When moving to a new house or apartment, do not forget to take your brownie with you.
Leaving the old apartment, say on the threshold: “My master, come with me,” or at night the master should invite him, setting him a treat - a slice of bread with salt and a cup of milk. They say: “Father, my master, my good brownie. I will give you new mansions, bright chambers. Come with me, without you there will be no happiness. They carry the brownie in a bag, where he is politely asked to climb. An ember or an awl, which should be put in a bag, becomes the material embodiment of the brownie. The brownie will not go with you without an invitation. And stay alone and abandoned. And with your brownie, well-being in a new place is guaranteed to you.
He can in real life appear in the form of a cat, therefore, when moving to a new place of residence, they let this animal in first, saying: “Here you are, the owner, a shaggy beast for rich housing.” If there is a stove in the house, she should bow 9 times, then bring the cat to the stove with the words: “Here you are, the owner, a shaggy beast for rich housing.”
Then make a pie. Knead the dough: 800 g flour, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons sugar, 200 g butter, 2 pinches of salt. Bake a bun. Do not touch the product for three days. After the specified period in the evening, set the table for the whole family, put an extra appliance and a glass. The elder in the house pours wine, cuts the bun. He divides one half for everyone, and puts the other half together with a glass on the table with the words: “Father brownie, love me, protect and take care of my good, accept my treat and drink wine from a full cup.” If after a day the wine is drunk, then add it again, saying the same words, if not, then ask the brownie to accept the treat in your own words 9 times.

Mysticism: Brownie brawl

Sometimes a brownie can choke at night, but you don’t need to be afraid, but try to ask: “For worse or for better?” The answer will follow immediately, as it warns of any changes in life.
Sometimes he will dislike the people living in this house. In this case, in the kitchen, in a secluded corner at sunset, leave a saucer with milk and a bakery product and sincerely ask for forgiveness from the house.
Do not forget to greet and say goodbye to the brownie, calling him respectfully "Master". Sometimes a brownie can reveal his name to you - this is a very positive sign.
Sometimes spoons, knives, watches, etc. disappear in the house. If you cannot find the missing thing, then stand in the corner of the room and turn to the brownie: “Brownie, brownie, play and give it back.” Look in each room separately.
If a small child does not sleep well at night and is naughty, before putting the child to bed, put a treat for the house and ask him: “Brownie, brownie! Calm down my child!"
For family holidays, do not forget to put a glass of wine on the brownie (do not offer vodka) and something tasty.
At the same time, say: "The owner-father, sir brownie, love me and perhaps accept my treat." Everyone clinks glasses with a glass of brownie.
If your family began to be haunted by troubles, troubles in life, quarrels and scandals became more frequent in the house, you need to establish contact with your brownie by holding next ritual:
Bread and salt are placed on the place you have chosen for the brownie and a cup of milk is placed with the words: “Neighbor-house-mate, a slave is coming to you, carrying his head low; do not torment him in vain, but make friends with him, make friends with him, and do an easy service. Here is a warm place for you and a small treat. After a day, remove the treat.
You can’t whistle in the house, since the brownie can’t stand the whistle, he can leave the house, sometimes right away.

How to attract a brownie if he was not in the house?

The absence of a brownie is immediately felt: sleep is disturbed, there is no peace in the soul, things break and deteriorate, animals do not take root, longing sets in and the desire to live disappears.
The ritual described above was how to pick up your brownie if you move to a new place of residence. If, having bought a house in a new building, you moved there from your parents (or in other cases when it is not possible to take the brownie with you), you can attract the brownie in the following way: at midnight (if you wear a cross, hang it on your back) put a glass on the table milk and a loaf of bread and say three times: "My master, come to my house, be always with me, here is your home. Batiushka, breadwinner, come to my new house to eat bread here, drink milk, and we will not know sorrow and grief . Amen." Leave the treat on the table for 3 days, and then, as a sign of love and respect, finish your bread and drink the milk left on the table. It’s a completely natural question - does a brownie live with you - you can easily resolve it, paying attention to how subtly the situation in the house has changed, how light and comfortable it has become, how longing is gradually passing. After that, thank him by putting a treat.
How often do you encounter the inhabitants of your house? I mean brownies, barbs and various spirits that start up in unfriendly houses. For me, this is a common occurrence. I calmly get along with my brownie, he is a good man, we get along with him. But there were also very unpleasant meetings with the inhabitants of the lower astral plane. Of course, it didn’t come to “assault”, but it’s very unpleasant when you feel an evil look on your head, and turning around you don’t see anyone behind you!

Do you think brownies are some kind of special house spirits? Brownies are people who left the earth, who during their lifetime had certain shortcomings in their appearance and some flaws in their character.

For example, they were too lazy or too active in their home, who could lie on the sofa for months or, on the contrary, could not sit idle for a minute.

Too passive or too active people, by their actions or inaction, violate the harmony of the surrounding space, which is why they are sent to work as brownies, so that they learn to feel the measure and act, creating and strengthening, and not destroying the harmony of the surrounding space.

A brownie can become a person who, during his lifetime, had the habit of unceremoniously interfering in the affairs of his loved ones or showed complete indifference to what was happening in his house, in the life of his relatives. The brownie program is associated with the Zodiac sign Cancer - the sign of home, family, relatives. And often people born under the sign of Cancer become brownies, but this happens only when they do not cope with the task of their sign: they cannot establish family life, maintain a family hearth, or pay too much attention to family problems, or are not interested in them at all, break off relations with relatives.

Very many of those who became brownies lived in a bustle in their former appearance, often went on business trips, did not have their own home or very rarely visited it. The absence of someone at home does not always cause inconvenience to household members, but it is precisely those whose inattention to loved ones, to family problems that greatly violated the harmony of relations in this family, become brownies.

Often, brownies are those who did not marry for love and therefore could not enjoy family life and bring happiness to their half. In general, any of us can become a brownie if we have harmed our household for most of our lives. No wonder the people called brownies evil spirits. Brownie is the unclean soul of a person, and unclean because he spoiled the life of loved ones.

Any brownie is strongly influenced by the Cancer sign, which teaches us to value our home, take care of relatives, and take care of the well-being of the family. This is exactly what brownies do: they care about the well-being of the family they fall into, and about the energy well-being of the house. But after completing this program, they can become a person again, so as not to violate the laws of Cancer, to be excellent family men, to feel when and in what kind of participation their loved ones need. So become a brownie after physical death
This is not a punishment, but a blessing.

I think it will be difficult for many to accept the fact that brownies are people who have left their dense material body, although for our ancestors this was a matter of course. For example, in East Slavic mythology, the spirit of the house - the brownie - was presented in the form of a person, since the 13th century, folk crafts depicting a brownie with a human face and body have been preserved.

How long the soul of a person will work as a brownie depends on the number and degree of neglect of its shortcomings, but no more than 30 years - this is the maximum life of the brownie. 30 years is the cycle of Saturn, the planet that rules Capricorn opposite Cancer. Brownies carry out a program corresponding to Cancer, but the path of evolution of Cancer is directed in the opposite direction from Capricorn. Capricorn, led by its ruler - strict Saturn - creates restrictions. For 30 years, Saturn passes through the entire Zodiac and returns to its previous point. So the brownie in 30 years should have time to correct his shortcomings and get the opportunity, leaving his post, to reincarnate in the human body. Even if the brownie was so lazy that for 30 years he did not cope with the task of self-correction, Saturn still will not allow him to remain a brownie for longer. And then the brownie will be embodied in the body of a person with those shortcomings that he did not have time to correct. If he does not correct them for a new human life, then after physical death he will again become a brownie.

Brownies, as already mentioned, are born not as babies, but as old people or adults; after birth, they can be shaggy, wrinkled. Our ancestors imagined a brownie in the form of an old man overgrown with wool. Ancient images of a brownie with the face of an adult man without any vegetation have been preserved. The brownie's body changes over time - from old age to youth. The appearance of the newborn brownie corresponds to those of his shortcomings, because of which he became such. If these shortcomings are insignificant, then the newborn brownie looks like a teenager, if they are serious, then he receives the body of an adult, if there are a lot of serious shortcomings, then the body of an animal-man, old, covered with hair. An old body means that this brownie will have to stay at his post for a long time, maybe all 30 years. A young body gives hope that this brownie will stay in his role much less than this period. However, it all depends on diligence, skill and quickness.

If, for example, brownies received an old body at birth, but do everything quickly, then they can overtake in their self-cultivation unhurried brothers who received a young body. The most active brownies and those who did not have too many shortcomings serve as brownies for five years, three years, sometimes only six months. Brownie can live any amount of time in the range from several months to 30 years. Unlike our human society, brownies will rather try to shorten their lives by trying to correct themselves rather than looking for ways to prolong life. The soul will be cleansed - and he will return to human society as a newborn child.

Are there female brownies?

More often men become brownies, and only every sixth brownie is a woman. This means that men more often than women violate the harmony of their family. Women are closer, more understandable to lunar topics - everything related to home, family, relatives, so they are much less likely to violate the laws of the lunar sign Cancer, and it is precisely for the violation of these laws that people become brownies.

As a rule, brownie women settle in those houses where restless housewives live, who devote themselves entirely to caring for their husbands and children - after all, those women who became brownies were too preoccupied with problems, tried their best to solve these problems themselves , suppressing the will of both her husband and children. And now, having become brownies, these women see themselves in the mistresses of the house and understand their mistakes, which allows them to change.

How does a brownie choose a house?

Only those brownies who have minor shortcomings that can be easily corrected quickly, for example, in a few months, can choose a house for their service themselves. The rest are sent to those houses where the situation corresponds to their shortcomings: if during a human life the current brownie did not give a damn about the improvement of the house, the problems of his loved ones, the forces of nature will be sent to the house of the same lazy-indifferent people, and if, on the contrary, he overdoes it in these worries, the forces of nature will direct him to the house of the same fanatic family man. Brownie women are sent to the houses of sacrificial women who look like them.

Psychological complexes