Rites of the Old Believers. Old Believers - difference from Orthodox Rules for visiting cemeteries for Old Believers

Many people ask the question: “Who are the Old Believers, and how do they differ from Orthodox believers?”. People interpret Old Believers in different ways, equating it now to a religion, now to a variety of sects.

Let's try to understand this extremely interesting topic.

Old Believers - who are they

Old Believers arose in the 17th century as a protest against changes in old church customs and traditions. A split began after the reforms of Patriarch Nikon, who introduced innovations in church books and the church way of life. All those who did not accept the changes and worked to preserve the old traditions were anathematized and persecuted.

The large community of Old Believers soon split into separate branches that did not recognize the sacraments and traditions of the Orthodox Church and often had different views on faith.

Avoiding persecution, the Old Believers fled to uninhabited places, populating the North of Russia, the Volga region, Siberia, settled in Turkey, Romania, Poland, China, reached Bolivia and even Australia.

Customs and traditions of the Old Believers

The current way of life of the Old Believers practically does not differ from that used by their grandfathers and great-grandfathers several centuries ago. In such families, history and traditions are honored, passing from generation to generation. Children are taught to honor their parents, brought up in strictness and obedience, so that in the future they become a reliable support.

From a very early age, sons and daughters are taught to work, which the Old Believers hold in high esteem. You have to work a lot: the Old Believers try not to buy food in the store, so they grow vegetables and fruits in their gardens, keep cattle in perfect cleanliness, and do a lot for the house with their own hands.

They don't like to talk about their lives strangers, and even have separate dishes for those who come into the community "from outside".

To clean the house, use only clean water from a consecrated well or spring. The bath is considered an unclean place, so the cross must be removed before the procedure, and when they enter the house after the steam room, they must wash clean water.

The Old Believers pay great attention to the sacrament of baptism. They try to christen the baby within a few days after his birth. The name is chosen strictly according to the calendar, and for a boy - within eight days after birth, and for a girl - in the range of eight days before and after birth.

All attributes used in baptism are kept for some time in running water so that they become clean. Parents are not allowed to be christened. If mom or dad witnesses the ceremony, then this is a bad sign that threatens divorce.

As for wedding traditions, relatives up to the eighth knee and relatives “by the cross” do not have the right to go down the aisle. Weddings are not played on Tuesday and Thursday. After marriage, a woman constantly wears a shashmura headdress; appearing in public without it is considered a great sin.

The Old Believers do not wear mourning. According to customs, the body of the deceased is washed not by relatives, but by people chosen by the community: a man is washed by a man, a woman by a woman. The body is placed in a wooden coffin, at the bottom of which lies shavings. Instead of a cover - a sheet. At the wake, the deceased is not commemorated with alcohol, and his things are distributed to the needy as alms.

Are there Old Believers in Russia today

In Russia today there are hundreds of settlements in which Russian Old Believers live.

Despite different currents and branches, they all continue the life and way of life of their ancestors, carefully preserve traditions, raise children in the spirit of morality and ambition.

What is the cross of the Old Believers

In church rituals and services, the Old Believers use an eight-pointed cross, on which there is no image of the Crucifixion. In addition to the horizontal bar, there are two more on the symbol.

The upper one depicts a tablet on the cross where Jesus Christ was crucified, the lower one implies a kind of "scales" that measures human sins.

How the Old Believers are baptized

In Orthodoxy, it is customary to make the sign of the cross with three fingers - with three fingers, symbolizing the unity of the Holy Trinity.

The Old Believers are baptized with two fingers, as was customary in Rus', saying “Alleluia” twice and adding “Glory to Thee, God.”

For worship, they put on special clothes: men put on a shirt or a kosovorotka, women - a sundress and a scarf. During the service, the Old Believers cross their arms over their chests as a sign of humility before the Almighty and release prostrations.

Where are the settlements of the Old Believers

In addition to those who remained in Russia after Nikon's reforms, the Old Believers who have long lived in exile outside of Russia continue to return to the country. They, as before, honor their traditions, breed livestock, cultivate land, raise children.

Many people took advantage of the resettlement program to the Far East, where there are many fertile lands and there is an opportunity to build a strong economy. A few years ago, Old Believers from South America returned to Primorye thanks to the same voluntary resettlement program.

There are villages in Siberia and the Urals where Old Believer communities are firmly established. There are many places on the map of Russia where the Old Believers flourish.

Why were the Old Believers called Bespopovtsy?

The split of the Old Believers formed two separate branches - priesthood and priestlessness. Unlike the Old Believers-priests, who, after the split, recognized church hierarchy and all the sacraments, the Old Believers-bespriests began to deny the priesthood in all its manifestations and recognized only two sacraments - Baptism and Confession.

There are Old Believer movements that also do not deny the sacraments of Marriage. According to the Bespopovites, the Antichrist has reigned in the world, and all modern clergy is heresy, from which there is no sense.

What is the Bible of the Old Believers

The Old Believers believe that the Bible and the Old Testament in their modern interpretation are distorted and do not carry the original information that should carry the truth.

In their prayers they use the Bible, which was used before Nikon's reform. Prayer books of those times have survived to this day. They are carefully studied and used in worship.

What is the difference between Old Believers and Orthodox Christians

The main difference is this:

  1. Orthodox believers recognize the rites and sacraments of the Orthodox Church and believe in its teachings. Old Believers consider the old pre-reform texts to be true Holy books without acknowledging the changes.
  2. The Old Believers wear eight-pointed crosses with the inscription "King of Glory", they do not have an image of the Crucifixion, cross themselves with two fingers, bow to the ground. In Orthodoxy, three fingers are accepted, crosses have four and six ends, they mainly bow from the waist.
  3. The Orthodox rosaries are 33 beads, the Old Believers use the so-called ladders, consisting of 109 knots.
  4. The Old Believers baptize people three times, completely immersing them in water. In Orthodoxy, a person is poured with water and partially immersed.
  5. In Orthodoxy, the name "Jesus" is written with a double vowel "and", the Old Believers are faithful to the traditions and write it as "Jesus".
  6. There are more than ten discrepancies in the Symbol of Faith of the Orthodox and Old Believers.
  7. The Old Believers prefer copper and tin icons to wooden ones.


A tree can be judged by its fruits. The purpose of the Church is to lead its spiritual children to salvation, and it is possible to evaluate its fruits, the result of its labors, by the gifts that its children have acquired.

And the fruits Orthodox Church- this is a host of Holy martyrs, saints, priests, prayer books and other wondrous Pleasers of God. The names of our Saints are known not only to the Orthodox, but also to the Old Believers, and even to non-church people.

The responsible and sad duty of seeing off their loved ones on their last journey is inevitable for every Christian. The result of earthly life is always death - this is “the gate that opens the soul to the Kingdom of Heaven”, and for the soul this is a “great triumph”. Relatives and friends are supposed to perform all the rites according to the rules of the Holy Church, sending up their prayers to our Lord Jesus Christ and His saints, remembering that prayer and alms are the only things necessary for the soul of the deceased.

Among the Old Believers-bezpriests of the Old Orthodox Pomeranian Church there are traditions and customs of commemoration of the dead, associated with the absence of the priesthood. Many ceremonies are not described in books and have come down to our days only in the oral presentation of the abbots and tutors. Due to the historical and territorial features of the location and existence of bezpopovtsy communities for several centuries in some regions, the rites of burial and commemoration of the dead may not coincide with the traditions of others.

About the last questioning and parting words of the dying

According to the custom of the Old Believers-bezpriests, Christians who are dying should receive the last parting word in afterlife from his spiritual father. However, it often happens that spiritual father cannot be present at this moment, so any Christian can say the last parting word to the dying.

  • Would you like to communicate something important, to express your last will?
  • Do you have a desire to confess any previously unrepentant sin?
  • Is there any resentment left in your soul against someone close to you?

Since the time for performing prayer singing is usually limited, the rank of its follow-up is shorter than that of an ordinary prayer service. It should be noted that there are two Canons on the Exodus of the Soul: one was written by St. Andrew of Crete; the second canon is the work of St. John of Euchait. Both of these canons are read as if from the perspective of a dying person. If there is no time at all to read both canons, then only the first can be read. The main content of the troparia of these canons is a request for God's help and prayerful intercession. Holy Mother of God in difficult moments of parting of the soul with the body. Saint Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria, writes about this difficult moment:

On the one hand, the heavenly forces will appear before you, on the other hand, the powers of darkness, evil rulers of the world, air publicans, torturers and exposers of our deeds ...

The order of reading the canon on the exodus of the soul

According to the usual seven-bow beginning (“God is merciful” and further), we read:

For the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us (bow).

Amen. Trisagion and according to our Father, until Come, let us worship.

Psalm 50 - " Have mercy on me God...»

Prayer of Jesus. Amen.

Canon tone 6. Song 1. Irmos. As if Israel walked on dry land, in the footsteps of the abyss, seeing the persecutor of Pharaoh being drowned, singing a song of victory to God.

Chorus: Merciful Lord, have mercy on me a sinful (th) servant (th) of Your (th) (with a bow)

Come, gather together, all who are pious in life. And mourn the souls of the estranged glory of God, and who worked as a cold demon with all diligence.

Chorus (without bows). Now is the time of my whole belly, like the smoke of the past. And the rest of the Angels appeared before me, sending messages from God, seeking my wretched soul unmercifully.

Chorus.Behold, a multitude of crafty spirits appear, holding the writing of my sins, and calling out boldly, seeking my humble soul.

Bogorodichen. Chant of the Mother of God: Most Holy Lady Theotokos, save me a sinful (th) servant (th) of Your (th) (with a bow).Others to whom I will cry, who will accept my weeping from illness, and sighing of the heart; only you are the only most pure hope of Christians, and all sinners.

About body washing

The body of the deceased is washed in honor of his future resurrection and standing before the Lord in purity and purity. The custom of washing the dead is already mentioned in the book of the Acts of the Apostles, where one of the first Christian women, Saint Tabitha, a disciple of the holy Apostle Peter, “was full of good deeds and did many alms. It happened in those days that she fell ill and died. They washed her and laid her in the upper room” (Acts 9:20-21).

In Christian homes, ablution is performed on the floor or on a bench, using a clean cloth bedding or sheet. A Christian should also wash a Christian (preferably of the same sex as the deceased), who, before washing, lays the bow of seven and is blessed by the mentor, those present or in front of the icons of the Lord. At the same time, the deceased should lie with his head to the east, i.e. to icons.

The deceased is washed without soap, with warm water, which is in a clean small bowl. If possible, instead of ordinary glass or metal utensils, it is necessary to use a wooden or pumpkin (or other similar vegetable fruit), hollowed out inside and representing a kind of utensil. Also, a clean cloth or sponge is used. In this case, water should not fall on the floor or on the clothes of the person washing. The vessel and cloth after washing the body of the deceased should be burned or buried, water is poured into a strange place.

First, the face is lightly washed (thrice) from the hand of the one who washes. Then a cloth or sponge is dipped in a bowl of water and carefully squeezed over it. Washing the body of the deceased begins with right side heads, after which the cloth is again dipped in water and squeezed. The one who washes the body must unceasingly pray: "" or the prayer to Jesus. Washed like this left-hand side heads. Then, removing the clothes from the deceased down (through the legs) to the waist (or cut them if it is impossible to remove them), wipe the right side of the body and, again wetting and squeezing the rag, the left side of the body.

Then the deceased begins to dress. First, a new pectoral cross and underwear and a belt are put on (see description below), and a clean bedding is placed under the part of the already washed body, while trying to ensure that it and clean clothes do not come into contact with dirty ones. Then they take off the remaining clothes (also through the legs) and wash (in the sequence: right, left side) parts of the body below the waist and legs, and put on further.

After washing and dressing, the one who washes should put down the beginning and say goodbye to the deceased: “ Slave (a) of God (I) (name of the rivers) Forgive me, for Christ's sake, and the Lord will forgive you."

About clothing for the dead

The main meaning of preparing the deceased for burial comes down to the fact that he has completed his earthly journey before people and now he will have a meeting with the Lord. Therefore, prayer clothes are put on the deceased, and a prayer pose is given to the body. According to the customs of the Old Believers, it is forbidden to dress the deceased in secular costumes and tie ties. Believers have a tradition - to collect death clothes in advance, while still alive. In many communities, the parishioners sew the death garments, each for himself, by hand.

pectoral cross must be new. In an exceptional case, they put on the same cross that was on the deceased during his lifetime. It is rinsed with clean water and the gaitan is changed - a rope, a ribbon

Exists ancient tradition, according to which a person preparing for death prepares in advance for his burial a special pectoral cross - the so-called "cypress" (wooden). Cypress crosses were worn on the body by monks and nuns who were tonsured into the great schema, i.e. during life, completely renounced from earthly life and the outside world. It is better to use a wooden cross for another reason: just as the body of the deceased is subject to decay, so everything in the grave must decay over time so that it will not be desecrated during excavations in the future.

Underwear for men is a shirt of traditional Russian cut (in the form of a kosovorotka), for women - a long shirt with long sleeves. Linen should be new and light, made of natural fabric (linen or cotton). The underwear that is customary to wear during life should not be worn. A belt is girded over the shirt of the deceased - both men and women.

Men wear a dark prayer robe (caftan, azyam), women wear a long sundress. Socks (stockings for women) and slippers are put on the feet. Braided bast shoes or knitted footprints are better so that there is no rubber sole.

For the dead girls, one braid is woven (weaving up), for women - two braids (weaving down) and placed on the crown. First, a cap is put on the head or a scarf is tied up, and on top is a white plain scarf, the ends of which are not tied in a knot, but simply straightened and laid one behind the other from left to right.

Until the position in the coffin, the body is laid on a bench or on knocked down boards laid on stools covered with linen. The body should lie with the head to the east, i.e. to the icons, and facing west (the coffin is also installed until the funeral).

The mouth of the deceased must be closed, eyes closed. Hands are folded crosswise on the chest, in the way that is customary during worship - the right hand over the left. The fingers of the right should depict the sign of the cross. A white (light) ladder is inserted into the fingers of the left hand, and under the same left palm the deceased is placed a white handkerchief.

The body of the deceased is covered with a light cover as evidence that he is under the protection of Christ and the Most Pure Mother of God. On top of the cover, an icon (an image of a cross or an image of the Most Holy Theotokos) is placed to the hands as a sign of the faith of Jesus Christ, who has died in the God-Man.

The forehead of the deceased is decorated with a chaplet with the inscription of the prayer: “ Holy God, Holy Strong, Holy Immortals, have mercy on us”and three images of a cross with passions. The chaplet symbolizes the crown that the holy Apostle Paul spoke of: “And now a crown of righteousness is being prepared for me, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give me on that day; and not only to me, but to all who love his appearing” (2 Tim. 4:8).

When placed in a coffin, a shroud is put on the deceased, which is a long (in the growth of the deceased) and wide canvas, folded in half in length and stitched on top. The coffin, if possible, should be made of clean boards, not painted - clean sawdust, dry grass or straw are placed in it.

A small pillow is placed under the head, usually stuffed with dry grass, most often thyme, or, as it is popularly called, “Bogorodskaya grass”, or sawdust.

It is unacceptable to put foreign objects (books, icons, hair, etc.) into the coffin.

Funeral troparion

Rest, Lord, the soul of His deceased servant (name of the rivers) (bow).

Elika in this life, like a man, have sinned.

You are like a Humanitarian God, forgive him and have mercy (bow).

Deliver eternal torment (bow).

Teach a communicant to the kingdom of heaven (bow).

And create useful things for our souls (bow).

The rank of position in the coffin

At the beginning of the arrival, the mentor takes a censer (katsei), censes the holy icons and the cross on the deceased. After that, he begins to incense the deceased from four sides, starting from the head with a funeral troparion: “ Peace Lord...", then on the right side: " And Eliko in this life ...", from legs: " And deliver eternal torment ..". And, turning to the icons, incenses the cross of the Lord: And to our souls...».

Then prayer begins with the singing of funeral troparia of the fourth tone, after which “Lord have mercy” is sung (40 times). Then the dismissal is pronounced and the singers sing: “ Amen. The servant (e) of God (her) who has passed away (is) (the name of the rivers), we are creating a position for him (her) in the grave.(At this time, people prepared in advance reverently put the deceased in a coffin). Everlasting memory. Everlasting memory. Everlasting memory". The mentor censes the coffin with the body of the deceased from four sides three times as described above.

Then a funeral troparion is laid (three times) and a waste began (seven bows).

Reading the psalter for the dead

Having placed the body of the deceased in the coffin, the Christians present begin to read the psalter with a special funeral saying according to the following rite:

Incoming began.

“For the prayers of our holy fathers…»

Amen. From " Holy God..." By " Come worship...»

Psalm 90 " Alive to the help of the Most High ...» Glory, and now. Hallelujah (thrice), Lord have mercy (thrice).

Troparion: " Even the depths of wisdom ..."(once). Glory, and now You have a city and a haven ...».

Psalm 50 " Have mercy on me God...»

Glory now. Alleluia (three times). Lord, have mercy (three times).

Funeral troparion " Rest, Lord…”with five bows, once).

B next "Glory" kathisma.

After reading all 20 kathismas and 10 prophetic songs, the canon is read for the one who died:

Prayer of Jesus

Amen. Irmos: " Water passed…».

According to the 3rd ode of the canon it reads:

Funeral troparion " Peace Lord...(with five bows, once).

« Lord have mercy" (three times). Glory now.

Sedalen " Peace, our Savior ...» Glory and now.

Bogorodichen " From Virgo...».

According to the 6th ode of the canon:

Funeral troparion " Peace Lord...» ( with five bows, once).

« Lord have mercy" (three times). Glory now.

Kondak " Peace with saints...» and ikos « You are one...».

After the 9th canon:

« Worth eating…» ( with a bow to the earth).

Trisagion, according to our Father.

Prayer of Jesus.

Amen. Tropari " With the spirits of the righteous...», « In your rest...».

Glory " You are God...».

And now " One Pure...».

Funeral troparion "Peace, Lord ..." ( with five bows, once).

« Lord have mercy» 40 times.

Glory now. " The most honest...» ( with a bow).

« In the name of the Lord..

« For prayers...»

Amen. Prayer Remember Lord God...».

« The most honest…» ( with a bow).

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (waist bow ).

And now, and forever, and forever and ever, amen (waist bow).

Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord bless (waist bow).

Release for the deceased.

Amen. Servant of God reposed (name of the rivers): Eternal memory. Everlasting memory. Everlasting memory.

Funeral troparion: " Peace Lord...» ( three times with 15 bows).

Then the reading of the psalter begins again as described above: For prayers..." And so on.

Farewell to the deceased

The mentor, and then the singers and all those who pray while singing the stichera “for a kiss” say goodbye to the deceased as follows:

« God, be merciful to me a sinner”(bow in front of the icon).

“Create me, O Lord, and have mercy on me”(bow in front of the icon).

Then, turning to the deceased, they make three bows to the earth without the sign of the cross with the words:

"Servant (a) of God (ia) (name of the rivers), forgive me for Christ's sake, and the Lord will forgive you."

“Servant (a) of God (ia) (name of the rivers), when you come to the Throne of God, pray for me a sinner (her), and the Most Holy Lady Theotokos will pray for you.”

“Servant (a) of God (ia) (name of the rivers), we bless Christ for the sake of it, and the Lord will bless you.”

Then, having been blessed by the mentor: Father, bless Christ for the sake of”And crossing themselves, they kiss the foot of the Cross or the lower right corner of the icon lying on the persekh (chest) of the deceased, and the rim on the forehead.

After they bow to the earth with the sign of the cross in front of the icons: « Without a number of sins, Lord, have mercy and forgive us the sinner (th)».

Saying goodbye to the mentor: Father, forgive me for Christ's sake, - and among themselves and depart from the tomb.

After the singing is over, the stichera “for kissing” the icon lying on the head of the deceased is removed in order to prevent it from being kissed by non-believers and accidental loss. Also, kissing the deceased by non-believers should not be allowed - they can only bow to him with the words: “ Servant of God (name of the rivers), forgive me for Christ's sake».

When the body of the deceased is taken out of the house or from the church, it is sung many times “ Holy God...” until the coffin is installed in the car or they approach the cemetery fence.

When carrying out the coffin, they carry it in front on a shroud Life-Giving Cross, then a lid and a coffin. Next comes the mentor with the censer, the singers and all the mourners. When they enter the cemetery fence, the singers sing stichera of the 6th tone “Z more silent than me...". Then Psalm 23 is read " The Lord's land is...". At this time, the mentor covers the deceased with a shroud with a prayer " Holy God..."or Isusova. Then they serve the lid of the coffin, hold it over the coffin and incense the deceased. Then the coffin is closed. Before lowering it into the grave, the teacher incenses it three times on four sides.

To the singing of the troparion Zinuvshi earth ...» The body is buried: the coffin is lowered into the grave. By " Eternal memory"The mentor pours earth on the coffin crosswise three times with the words:" All from the earth and all to the earth you send, Lord, the soul of your servant (s) of yours (her) (the name of the rivers), he (s) is welcome, peace with the saints» ( thrice). And all the brethren pour three handfuls of earth into the grave with the prayer of Jesus or " Holy God...". After that, the funeral troparion is read three times, with 15 prostrations.

Arrangement of the graves of the Old Believers-bezpriests

The Orthodox religion does not allow the burning of the bodies of the dead, but only their burial according to the words of the Lord God: “You were taken from the earth and go again to the earth.” It is also desirable that Christian burials be located separately from heretical ones. The grave in Christian cemeteries should be oriented along the east-west line. The coffin is set with its feet to the east and a tomb cross is set at the feet.

It is not supposed to put iron and stone crosses and monuments on the graves according to the Jewish and Armenian custom, but only wooden crosses from species that are not subject to rapid decay (oak, birch, pine, etc.). If, due to the prescription of time, one cross has to be replaced by another, then the first one must be burned or buried here. Crosses must be made for all Church rules, observing all the established proportions. When installing the cross, you need to orient the horizontal bars along the north-south line.

A worthy memory for the deceased Christian is to commemorate him on the day of his death and the day of the angel, care for the grave and visit it on the days of parental weeks, but in no case on holidays (Easter, Trinity, Sunday and Saturday evening, as well as on other days, when there is a service in the Church).

A Christian visiting a cemetery should prayerfully approach the burial place of loved ones, bow down with a funeral troparion. Therefore, tablets with the surname and dates of life are recommended to be placed on the back side or below the last crossbar. Photos are not supposed to be attached to the cross.

mortuary lithium

This short prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Lady Theotokos for the reposed Orthodox Christians. It is appropriate to pray this litia always, except for the days of holidays and Great Lent, but on allowed Saturdays, in a cathedral, together and alone, for all Orthodox Christians who have died in piety, who have lived pleasingly in the world.

Parish bows with the publican's prayer.

For the prayers of the Holy Fathers...

Troparion, voice 2. Remember, Lord, that Thy servants are good, and if you have sinned in this life, forgive me. No one is without sin, only You can give rest to the departed.

Troparion, tone 8. Even with the depths of wisdom, Humane, the whole system, and giving for the benefit of all, the only Creator, peace, Lord, the soul of His servants who have died, I put hope in Thee, the Creator and Builder and our God.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Kontakion, tone 8. Rest with the saints, Christ, the soul of His servant, where there is no Sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but eternal life.(They burn kutia or graves).

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Bogorodichen. You are the city and the refuge of the Imam, and the prayer book is favorable, to the God born from You, the Mother of God, the undiscovered faithful salvation.

Litany: Lord, have mercy (40 times). Glory now.

« The most honest…» ( waist bow).

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit ( waist bow).

And now, and forever, and forever and ever, amen ( waist bow).

Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord bless ( waist bow).

Release for the deceased.

Amen. The reposed servant of God (the name of the rivers), we also create remembrance of them. Everlasting memory. Everlasting memory. Everlasting memory. At this time, censing is performed.

Funeral troparion: " Peace Lord...(Three times with 15 bows).

Initial offerings.

Regulations of the 1st All-Russian Council (1909) on the burial and commemoration of the dead

Answer. From 12 o'clock on the night of death.

Question. Is it possible to sing a funeral and make a commemoration for Christians who died in peace, without having time to repent, and who died without repentance, with a shaved beard or shaved head?

Answer. Whoever communicates with heretics by faith and accepts death without repentance, then it is not worthy to sing a burial over him or make a remembrance. For Christians who died without repentance, with a shaved beard, who did not recognize barbering as a sin, burials should not be sung. At the same time, for Christians who are in military service, shaved under duress or due to illness, an exception should be made and burial should be sung and commemorated. If a repentant barber dies shortly after repentance, then such a one should be buried and commemorated.

Question. Is it possible to sing a funeral and create for Christians who did not die by their own death (suicides, from wine, killed in the analysis, at the crime scene, etc.)?

Answer. Such should not be buried or remembered.

Question. Is it possible to sing a funeral and work for Christians who died without repentance accidental death(drowned, killed)

Answer. Such should be buried and commemorated.

Question. Is it possible to pray for the dead strife, proud and other enemies of the Church?

Answer. For the dead, if they have not reconciled and repented, it is impossible to pray. For the living must.

Question. Is it possible to sing a funeral and commemorate a Christian who lived in a heretical house, and in the same house to take a memorial dinner?

Answer. Can.

Question. Is it possible to pray for the dead, who recognized adulterous marriages as legal?

Answer. It is possible, if only they repented of it before their death.

Question. Is it possible to pray for a non-believer who wished to be baptized and endured the rule, but died before baptism?

Answer. Leave it in the fate of God.

Question. Is it possible to commemorate an infant who was rebaptized and buried in a heretical church?

Answer. Impossible.

Answer. Reading the psalter for the dead during the fasts of the year is not forbidden by Scripture and therefore can be allowed.

Question. Is it necessary to have a wheat kutia and how to hallow it, and is it possible to perform a memorial service without a kutia, and how many candles should be placed over a kutia?

Answer. Kutia should be from wheat, with dissolved honey, consecrated by incense. It is impossible to perform a memorial service without a kutia. Candles to supply four ecumenical and one at private requiems.

memorial dinner

By church tradition after the service of the “burial rite” and the “requiem”, the worshipers are served a memorial dinner.

Before the funeral dinner, the usual prayer: “ Our Father…”, and through the prayer of Jesusova they read the funeral troparion three times, with fifteen bows.

Before the start of the meal, the hostess invites the worshipers to the table with the words: “ Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us».

Mentor: " Amen».

Hostess: " Eat for Christ”(the same is repeated before taking each dish).

Crossing themselves three times with the words: Rest, Lord, the soul of the deceased (s) servant (s) of His (her) (name of the rivers)"Before the memorial dinner, Christians eat kutia three spoonfuls with the words:" Blessed is the consolation of your servant (e) (name of the rivers). Eternal rest, eternal rest, eternal memory».

It is desirable that the memorial dinner was "fish". On fast days, all products are supplied, except for meat. In the post - according to the charter. On memorial dinner excessive abundance is not needed, and according to ancient traditions, it should consist of three dishes (dishes). It is strictly forbidden to put alcohol on the memorial table.

The traditional funeral dinner consists of four obligatory components - bread, salt, water, kutia (boiled wheat with honey). They are always put on the table first. Then fish pies (if possible according to the Rule), or with cabbage, pancakes, chicken noodles or fish soup, or a simple soup (depending on what is possible on this day according to the Rule, but always without meat, and in some communities also without potatoes), sweet pies, compote. Then the hostess goes around the sun to those present at dinner, starting with the mentor, and distributes alms to everyone (usually cereals, fruits, pies, towels, money - all in one package). Then jelly is served ("pribelochny" - based on sourdough from oats, not from potato starch).

Some mentors at dinner first eat a piece of bread sprinkled with salt and drink a spoonful of water from a wooden cup, then take a spoonful of kutia. At present, many have already forgotten the order of the traditional funeral dinner, the sequence of dishes and ingredients.

During the funeral dinner, it is forbidden to talk at the table. Remembrance should be held quietly, with prayer. It is better if during the memorial dinner one of the readers, having been blessed, will read the "Altar", that is, the teaching from the teaching books. Thus, a reverent atmosphere will be maintained at the table.

At the end of dinner, the hostess says: The servants of Christ ate for the glory of God».

The instructor says: Amen". And, having crossed themselves three times, everyone gets up from the table.

At the memorial dinner, it is sung in voice 6 “ Glory now...», « Sodetel and Creator, Builder, Redeemer, weaken, let go of Christ God, and have mercy on his (her) soul, whenever you want to test it. Then have mercy, O Merciful One, and receive his (her) soul, Lord, secret and secret", Further " Worthy… with bows to the waist and so on.

Behind last years the fashion for healthy lifestyle life. All more people in the world, including in Russia, they try to live correctly. And someone has to survive in unusual conditions for them, literally extreme. One thing unites all people - the desire to live well in any prevailing conditions, the effort to connect with nature, to become spiritually more developed person. Many nations turn to the help of their ancestors. To this day, some rites and rituals have survived almost unchanged. The experience of previous generations remains relevant to this day.

We'll talk about the Old Believers. Who are these people, what was special about them, what can we learn from them? Read the article further. The Old Believers not only lived on Russian soil in Ancient Times, they brought a lot to our culture, traditions, carried their faith, had their own principles and ideals.

The experience that came to our generation from the Old Believers can be called truly unique and very important and necessary. Despite all the difficulties, the difficulties of the Old Believers were able to survive. They tried to lead a normal life, not to need anything (as far as possible). They were tested for strength, both natural conditions, cataclysms, and wars, political turmoil. Problems have always existed. But a lot also depends on the person himself, how he treats them, perceives everything.

It is a pity that not so many facts and information have been preserved about the Old Believers. Much has been lost over time. Some scientists (and even ordinary people) believe that the Old Believers are weak people who did not strive for anything, but only tried to adapt to the circumstances, to survive in the conditions given to them. Others believe that the Old Believers contributed a lot to the history of Russian culture. They worshiped the ancient gods, did everything right, brought the positive to the masses, set the people in a good mood. So who are the Old Believers, what rites and rituals did they use? What has survived to this day, and how can it be applied to people now?

What features (distinctive features) did the Old Believers have

The Old Believers had many distinctive features. They performed a lot of different ancient rituals. It is impossible to cover everything in one article, let's focus on the basic concepts.

The Old Believers had one, correct and true faith - the faith of their ancestors. They passed it on from generation to generation, did not break the rules, strictly followed them. By joint efforts they preserved and carried this position through thousands of years, preserved it. When they are serving, the Old Believers fold their hands on their chests, and do not cross themselves. They also bow to their deities several times. Everything must be done at the same time (synchronously). Each person is called to watch how he behaves during the church service.

One of the main features of the Old Believers was considered an eight-pointed cross. The outfits in which the Old Believers served were appropriate. It must be the old Russian style. There should be no crucifixion on the cross. A true, real Old Believer does not perceive the world as the main thing, the only thing that exists. He feels somewhat detached, lives more in his inner world than in society. Everything worldly for the Old Believer is not important, not the main thing, evil spirits, nothing else.

The rituals of the Old Believers have some peculiarities. Let's look at them in more detail. The Old Believers led their lives and lived according to ancient books. They really believed in scriptures, constantly read them, studied information, communicated with their ancestors, adopted a lot from them. Some traditions were passed down only from one generation to another, from older to younger.

Families were patriarchy. The only thing that was possible. The man was considered the main one in the family, his opinion was listened to, the head was respected, appreciated and understood. As the man says, so be it. The woman followed her husband. Wives had to obey their husbands, they had no right to argue with them. The man was considered the breadwinner and the main one, and the woman's fate was life, the birth and upbringing of children, the preservation of the family hearth, housekeeping. In general, everything that a normal woman should do. Not to fight, but to create. Now many men also adhere to this position. In their families, they play a dominant role.

What else distinguished the Old Believers

The Old Believers did not have the right to shave, so they all went with beards. They didn't smoke, they didn't fight. You can’t hear any swearing from the Old Believer! The boys wore blouses, and already mature men wore caftans. Women of the Old Believers should be dressed in a sundress, a headscarf is required. And no makeup! Ribbons tied into hair different colors, that was the decoration. No elastic bands, bows and other attributes.

The families of the Old Believers were large, there were many children. Them with early years accustomed to physical labor, obligated to obey and honor their parents. All children respected their elders and had no right to disobedience. Having reached the age of seven, the child already went to church, kept a fast, stood services. It was considered mandatory. This is how it is done in every family. Children studied writing, learned to read, it was obligatory to learn the Old Slavonic language.

Many (yes, almost all) Old Believers used in Everyday life amulets and talismans. These included: a cross, dishes (certain), a rosary, a ladder, books. Prayer and the name were also considered amulets, only verbal. Everyone kept the post. It was believed that it was he who helped to connect the body and soul. Be sure the Old Believers protected themselves from unnecessary people, strangers, sometimes evil. IN modern life Of course, this is very difficult to do, even impossible. After all, every day, for various reasons, you have to get acquainted and communicate with completely different people. It is difficult to retire, to move away from society is impossible at all.

How did the Old Believers go through the rite of baptism?

Baptism is a great holy rite. It implies the immersion of a person in water, and the third time must be complete (completely immerse the body in water). The rite of baptism was carefully prepared in advance. The baby would have a belt and a cross. There should be no other clothing. The cross protected from the evil eye, damage, protected from evil people, evil spirits. It was impossible to shoot him during his life.

The parents, or the grandmother who took delivery, had the right to put a cross on the child. The rite of baptism began already when the cross was put on the baby. The one who did this was considered the godfather or mother of this child.

All eight days after the rite of baptism of a child (person) it was impossible to wash. It is necessary that the body “accept this rite”, not to wash anything off of itself. The name was chosen carefully, based on Christmas time. They just didn't call anyone that. Be sure to look at which Saint's holiday is closer to the baby's birthday. Girls were called a week before or after birth, based on the calendar. And the boys after baptism (by the same principle).

Burial of the Old Believers

This rite is also very important. After all, a person goes to another world. Immediately after death, the body must be washed, you can not hesitate even a minute. This had to be done quickly, to cleanse the body of earthly sins. The coffins were made special. On the “last journey” they were sure to see off with an Orthodox prayer.

Behind Lately big number our compatriots became more and more interested in healthy lifestyles, as well as survival in unusual, close to extreme, conditions. They all have one thing in common - the desire to learn how to live in harmony with nature, while improving spiritually. It is for this reason that many seek help from the experience of their ancestors, which has not lost its relevance for many thousands of years.

We are talking about the Old Believers. Who is this? People who not only settled the modern lands of the Russian Federation thousands of years ago, but also brought language and faith. The experience of the Old Believers without a twinge of conscience can be called unique. These people were able to preserve their culture and faith, despite the most difficult tests of natural conditions, political influxes.

Unfortunately, not much is known about the Old Believers. Someone claims it simple people who do not even have a primitive education, and their main goal is to adhere to the old ways of doing business. Others claim that these are pagans who still worship the gods. ancient world. We offer to find out who the Old Believers are, and what rituals they use.

Features of the Old Believers

Old Believers have a lot of rituals. It is not possible to cover them all in one article. We will only mention the most important aspects.

Old Believers recognize one single faith - their ancestors. They have been trying to keep this faith for many thousands of years, applying a lot of strength. The Old Believer overshadows himself with the sign of the cross in 2 fingers. During the service, the Old Believers fold their hands on their chests in the form of a cross, making prostrations. All actions during the ceremony must be performed by all participants synchronously.

The main feature of the faith of the Old Believers is the eight-pointed cross. It is customary to wear an outfit made in the old Russian style for service. The pectoral cross of the Old Believer does not have a crucifix.

It has been noticed that the true Old Believer is detached from the world around him, and everything worldly is evil spirits, in his opinion.

The rituals of the Old Believers have a lot of features. Let's consider some of them.

The tradition of life and life of the Old Believers is regulated in accordance with the books. Some of the traditions are passed down from the older generation to the younger ones. In families, men have undeniable power. Women submit and obey men. The wife only gives birth and runs the household, brings up the child, the husband is the breadwinner.

The main sin of the Old Believer is to shave his beard, swear, smoke!

The outfit of an old believer in age is a caftan, while guys and boys wear blouses. Women and girls wear sundresses, while the use of cosmetics is excluded, the head must be covered with a scarf. To decorate the hair, weaving from different ribbons is used.

As a rule, the family of the Old Believer is large. The upbringing of children consists in honoring faith and parents; from an early age, children are taught to work. Children observe fasting and prayers from the age of 7. Children master writing and reading, learn the Old Slavonic language, which allows them to read old books.

In the life of an Old Believer, there are several special systems of amulets that can protect them for the Last Judgment support health. The main material amulets are dishes, a rosary, books, a cross, a ladder. But verbal amulets - a name and a prayer. Fasting is recognized by the Old Believers as the subordination of the body to his soul.

The main feature of the Old Believers is not to change the foundations of their being, only in modern world Protecting yourself from others, unfortunately, is not always possible.

The rite of baptism of the Old Believers

This rite provides for a three-fold immersion of a person in water, each of them must be complete. During baptism, the baby is put on a belt and a cross. The latter is not only a symbol of faith, but also a guard against evil spirits. It is for this reason that all children should wear it, even if they have not yet gone through the process of baptism.

The cross must be worn by the parents or the grandmother who took birth. The ceremony begins from the moment the cross is thrown. Whoever put it on has the same responsibility as the godparents.

Over the next 8 days, a person who has passed the rite of baptism should not wash, change clothes. The main feature of the rite is the naming of the name. He is chosen in accordance with the calendar. Girls a week after or before birth, and boys in accordance with the day of the rite of baptism. As for the choice of a patron for a child, it was the saint whose name was chosen.

The burial rite of the Old Believers

If the death of a person happened, then he was washed without delay, not for a minute. This procedure characterized the process of cleansing from sins. It needed to be washed fairly quickly.

At this time, a prayer was read, which contributed to the protection of the deceased from evil spirits. A person was buried in a special coffin - a deck combed out of a large deck. Some coffins were made during a person's lifetime.

Conspiracies of the Old Believers for a successful and rich existence

It is worth performing the ceremony taking into account the phase of the growing moon, at exactly 12 o'clock at night. On the table you need to put the Bible and the prayer book. Be sure to light a candle (brown, which you need to buy in the church). Say the words of the conspiracy:

“I am your servant of the Lord, name. I have three sheets to Jesus Christ. One of them was written by the hand of Mark, the second - by Nikita the Martyr, and another one - by Mary the Mother of God. In these three sheets of inscription, which burn with a flame, they give me, name, luxury and wealth. Amen".

After you read these ritual words, you need to open the Bible. The page must be chosen at random. Read the first eight lines. Then take the prayer book and read the prayer. Then blow out the candle and place it near the icons. Remove books from the table.

Here is another effective rite to attract money. You need to do it in the morning at dawn. First you need to write on a sheet the amount of money that will be needed to achieve the goals of the speaker. The amount must be supported by an inscription for which it is required. Then you need to crumple the paper and burn it. Drip the ashes in the yard under the tree that you liked the most. It is worth saying the following words:

“Virgin Mary, I ask for mercy on me, a slave with many of your sins, name. I ask for help to fulfill my goals, the embodiment of my idea, which we only know together. Our word is a real strong knot, no one can untie it. Amen".

we decided to give some important thoughts about the rules and practice of praying in the ROCA for those who are in the Church and outside of its fence.

Prayer around the head

The pious tradition of ordering prayers for this or that occasion has been inherent in Orthodox Christians for centuries, but recently such additional services do not happen on Rogozhsky as often as before.

Despite the fact that the service adds about an hour and a half to the already long Sunday service, there are always many who want to join and write notes about health (there are no prayers for the repose).

Vladyka Cornelius himself leads the prayers, and often he is also their organizer. For example, during fasts, especially Great, he announces prayers almost every Sunday.

Lenten, organized on the initiative of Metropolitan Kornily

In addition to worldly concerns, the biggest drawback of the established practice in Moscow is the lack of information about such prayers in advance. The most active parishioners hear about the plans through word of mouth in the morning, and some hear about the plans after Vladyka's sermon. To what saint and for what reason the divine service will take place - usually immediately acquires mutually exclusive versions ... As a result, not all those present at the Liturgy know that immediately after the service there will be a good opportunity to pray purely for their relatives, which means that you should not rush to leave the church.

Sermon by Metropolitan Kornily after a prayer service with a wish to pray more fervently for peace on Earth

Holy Father Paisios the Great, pray to God for us!

IN this case the reason for the delay turned out to be very serious: a prayer service was ordered to the reverend Paisius the Great who has grace from God to ease the afterlife of Orthodox Christians who have died without repentance. They especially pray to him for those who were baptized in Orthodox faith, but for one reason or another, he is removed from attending divine services and confession.

A large image of the Monk Paisios the Great adorns the vault of the northern facade

Pray for the enlightenment of truants

A cursory survey of those present in the temple showed that people are well aware of all kinds of prohibitions and restrictions on persons whom we have the right to indicate in notes on health and repose, but not everyone remembers their “rights”. We now remind readers of the "Old Believer Thought": in the Church there is a legal way of praying for those who do not go to church.

Council of the Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church, held on February 4-5, 2015, reminded in his decision about the ancient patristic practice, according to which the Old Believers are not forbidden to perform prayers for health, including those who are heterodox and excommunicated. In addition to home prayer, custom-made prayers are intended for this.

ABOUT church prayer for the heterodox and excommunicated

8.1. Do not forbid the clergy to perform prayers for the health of the heterodox and excommunicated, guided by the admonition of the Apostle Paul: “I ask you to make prayers, petitions, prayers, thanksgiving for all people, for kings and for all those in authority, in order to lead us a quiet and serene life in all piety and purity, for this is good and pleasing to our Savior God, who wants all people to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim. 2:1-4); as well as the interpretation of St. John Chrysostom: “Do not be afraid to pray for the pagans; and He (God) wants it. Just be afraid to curse others. Because He doesn't want it. And if it is necessary to pray for the pagans, then obviously for heretics, because it is necessary to pray for all people, and not to persecute them ”(The Creation of St. John Chrysostom. Interpretation of the 1st Epistle to Timothy of the Apostle Paul. Conversation 6, volume 11, p. 659).

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