Avvakum (Davidenko), Archimandrite, Kremenchug and Lubensk diocese of the UOC-MP (born 1960). Kremenchug and Lubny diocese Kremenchug diocese

    Russian Orthodox Church Ukrainian Orthodox Church ... Wikipedia

    The Russian Orthodox Church includes dioceses of direct subordination in Russia, the Near Abroad, America and Europe, the Chinese and Japanese Autonomous Orthodox Churches, self-governing Ukrainian, Moldavian, Latvian, Estonian and Russian ... ... Wikipedia

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    The article presents brief relevant information about the dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate). All dioceses are listed by region in alphabetical order. The titles of the bishops coincide with the names of those headed by them ... ... Wikipedia

    IN Local Council All diocesan and vicar bishops participate (except those who have been retired and are under prohibition). In addition to them, from the dioceses one delegate is selected from white clergy, from monastics and from the laity. Total number… … Wikipedia

    The article provides brief up-to-date information about the dioceses of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church as part of the Moscow Patriarchate See also the article Dioceses of Ukraine Name of the diocese Founding Ruling bishop Territory of the Parishes of the Monasteries of the Deaneries ... ... Wikipedia

The priests of the Kremenchug diocese of the UOC-MP continue to provide spiritual support and financial assistance wax "ATO" in the suppression of the uprising in the Donbass. Aid is sent to the punishers in the Lugansk and Donetsk regions, the press service of the diocese reports. Recently, priest Nikolai Voron returned from a regular trip from the ATO zone. How informs Hromadske TV channel, local residents are not happy with the "peacekeepers" and, despite the fact that the destruction of the citizens of Ukraine is supported by individual clergymen of various jurisdictions, they do not want their arrival.

So, not only the Uniates, schismatics and Protestants, but also (the UOC-MP) supports a punitive operation against the population of Donbass. The military operation against the east of Ukraine, which did not support the bloody coup on the Maidan, turned into cruel repressions. Thousands of people died, houses and communications were destroyed, hundreds of thousands became refugees as a result of Kyiv's actions.

After the liberation of some regions, it turned out that the punishers shot, raped, and robbed the population. , in which local residents are buried, often with their hands tied behind their backs, with signs of torture. The nature of the bullet holes suggests that people were shot at point-blank range, as the Nazis did.

So, after the liberation of Ilovaisk, which considers millions of Russian-speaking residents of the east to be “separatists”. Arrests are made in the cities captured by the junta, people disappear without a trace, they are constantly walking.

Especially the civilian population suffers from the bombing of cities. More than 40 children died from artillery bombardments in the cities of Donbass, the exact number of civilians killed is already in the thousands. Of course, not everyone supports the ATO, but the official website of the Kremenchuk diocese organizes all possible assistance to the fighters: All help to help the soldiers of the Ukrainian army can bring help to any church of the parish. It is necessary to choose a term for thermobilization, goods of a trivial saving - conservation, tea, stew, condensed milk and more. Dyakuєmo usіm nebayduzhim! May the Lord bless you for good deeds in the name of peace in Ukraine!

(1960) Cleric of the Assumption Cathedral in Kremenchuk (Kremenchug and Lubny diocese of the UOC MP), publicist of the modernist direction, blogger, supporter of the autocephaly of the UOC, author of many articles on the autocephalous site "Orthodoxy in Ukraine", as well as on the schismatic site - "Religion in Ukraine", immoralist, blasphemer, blasphemer, ecumenist, radical church reformer, supporter of the introduction of musical instruments in worship, apologist for church homosexuality,

In 1978 became a novice Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, in 1980, together with others (before the Olympics), he was squeezed out by the police, left for the Poltava region, served with Bishop. Damaskin (Bodrogo), to whom in 1982 he was ordained a priest and sent to serve in Kremenchug (Kremenchug and Lubensk diocese of the UOC-MP), where he serves continuously in the Assumption Cathedral.

In 2007 wrote an article "BLESSED DOUBT ABOUT THE HOLY FIRE", in which he completely denies the miracle of the descent of the Holy Fire on Easter, citing in particular unverified and false arguments Bishop Porfiry (Uspensky)(recalling him among the saints), as well as comments from various people, including clergymen of little faith with Kuraevsky forum about what "fire burns" and even the Muslim Arab Al-Jahiz (died 869), who in his work "Book of Animals" gives a critical mention of the Holy Fire:

“The guardians of the temples did not cease to arrange various tricks for the people, such as the trick of the monks with the lamps of the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem (claiming) that the oil in their lamps is lit without fire at night on one holiday.”

Besides, In that work O. Habakkuk questions the actual location of Golgotha:

« actual location of Calvary is a subject of controversy. he writes.

At the conclusion of the article, how the conclusion represents everything in general God's miracles like some "myths and fairy tales":

Summing up all the votes, for and against, I realized: The fire from Jerusalem cannot be put forward as evidence of the fundamental dogmas, the truths of faith. They speculate as anyone wants. I also understood that with the Holy Fire, as a kind of unhealthy folk mythologizing, it’s time for us to stop being Orthodox ourselves, until instead of us its miracle began to be exposed by various heretics, atheists or politicians. Myths must be destroyed by ourselves. At least honestly - inside one's own consciousness, in order to be at odds with the factual history of the Church, one's own conscience, and also own soul. It must be understood: this is only the feast of the consecration of the Fire and nothing more. We must grow spiritually. The Holy Fire from Jerusalem should lose its fabulously wonderful frame in the minds and hearts of believers: that it miraculously ignites, that it allegedly does not burn, etc. Yes, we know and are in awe that this is light, a flame from the place most dear to us Christians - Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We, who are not able to travel to the Holy Places, lighting it with reverence in our lamps, in spirit join the great Shrine. We partake through this visible light, to the Divine Light, uncreated, invisible. For some reason, the closest thing to me is St. Gregory of Nyssa, who matured with intelligent eyes of the soul, the Intelligent Blessed Light. This is really high spirituality. Comprehension of the spirit, churching must be based on the Solid Foundation of Scripture, the firm and unshakable dogmas of the confession of the Orthodox Faith, on the philosophical and conceptual assimilation of the teachings of the book, and not on fabulously childish miracles that take the thoughts of children's minds into their work, as an escape from reality. I will not hide that living according to the Word, the Teaching, the Book is less interesting, but still more fundamental, more thorough and more confident. Because a utopia, a fairy tale, in itself, in the end, collapses and is suicidal. Because miracles, myths and fairy tales inexorably collapse as they grow up and time, only darkness, a suicidal emptiness remains. Miracles have long since destroyed many things in us, both among the clergy and among the laity, which is why our life does not go according to the Commandments of God, and the word often diverges from the deed. And this is an alarming sign that we do not believe in what we speak so eloquently from the ambos. And the thing is that the old ways of spirituality are really exhausted and obsolete. Humanity is now, if not at an impasse, then at some alarming crossroads. I will say that this is a danger worse than nihilism, atheism. The Lord, in encouragement to us believers in the Gospel, said: “Blessed are those who did not see and believed!!!”

December 2013 as part of the "Group of those who love Ukraine" clerics of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate advocated the victory of "Light over darkness", signing the appeal for European integration of Ukraine "Conquer evil with good", together with Fr. Andrey Dudchenko, Fr. Vitaly Eismont, Fr. Cyril (Govorun), Fr. Victor Palos, Fr. Vasily Chichak and others.

According to the signatories, the chiliastic victory of "Light over darkness" should be in the rapprochement with Christian Europe. With basic European values, which are Christian values ​​at their core. The appeal enumerates these European values: truth, justice, freedom, the value of every person, and also prescribes six "commandments of peaceful resistance", among which the last one stands out: Stop aggression. Siloviki and “titushki” are also your neighbors.

The appeal ends on a good demagogic upsurge:

The people go to the Maidan. On the other side of the barricades, power gathers people who, like all of us, suffer from the gluttony of those in power. Those brought against their will to the “anti-Maidans” are also our brothers and sisters. They just don't know who we really are. And that we are not their enemies. We are not against Donbass, Sevastopol, Lugansk or Odessa. We are together. We are not standing for the politicians who take to the stands. We are against all evil, untruth and violence. And when we are together, we are strong!


“NATURAL deviations, such as: homosexuality, hermaphroditism, androgyny, nymphomania - our SIMPLE religious dogmatic thought cannot cope with these complex issues today. Traditional sexophobia in religious societies in an increasingly complex world is evident. The primitivism of the monastic elders-confessors in this complex picture of the world is obvious... The Church and we in it, believers, must change our attitude towards sex... Now only in some fanatical marginal circles they speak of it as a demonic obsession... If only sex created children, then no one - not Michelangelo, not Leonardo da Vinci, not Vincent van Gogh - would be interested in him. Many of the geniuses did not have children ... The question is: will the Church allow, bless the operation to change, correct the sex, direct it to the right track? Sex is neutral in nature, but vital as a phenomenon, and with some prohibition initiatives you will not approach it ... "

« Homosexuality will win! Is it good or bad? We do not know. Homosexuality sooner or later, with violent quarrels, disputes and fights, will be accepted in the church… Homosexuality, of course, in the heat of righteous anger, should not be confused with pedophilia.”

«… The introduction of musical instruments in the liturgical practice of churches is one of the forms of missionary work of the future approaching people and youth in particular. And then we have already “re-sacralized” in our churches, smelled of incense ... Invite the group “Alisa” to our church and let them there from the salt, from the pulpit, something more humble, of course, they will play music and sing!? ... And, if think why not? Kenosis, the descent to the people, involves the most diverse types, not only condescension, but also the acceptance of the unpleasant in oneself. It turns out, according to the priest, that there should be a game of football with only one goal. That doesn't happen. And the youth will very soon see through us, the nature of the priests in the stadiums, which we have from avant-gardism - except for a cassock and a kamilavka, otherwise there is nothing in the middle. I repeat, the desacralization of the church is necessary, and one of its forms is the introduction of musical instruments into worship…”.

« The Church of Christ (Upts MP. Ugkts. Uapts, Upts Kp ... and others) is one. Therefore, the priests do not have any transition, they simply consider it necessary to pester them to serve in the community that is more trusted at the moment. And the churches are constantly divided among themselves. He recently broke the glek of Jerusalem and Antioch, so that due to the fact that the patriarchs did not share power and income, then everyone else should fall into an apocalyptic trance? I don't think it's worth it. Universal Church one, and you need to enter through the doors of the temple that are currently open and where worship is performed. This is how you need to think and you won’t make a mistake.”https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=621009334655170&set=a.181810201908421.42032.100002383280176&type=1&comment_id=621042607985176&offset=0&total_comments=38

« Man is biologically and psychologically programmed to divide, to split. You, human consciousness, society, always need two churches, at least two faiths, because the mind requires duality, trinity, plurality, objects of hatred, denial, censure, finally a scapegoat. Man is biologically split-conflict-dividing. You approve of this church, but not your foot in that one. That is false faith, they only go there lost souls you have nothing to do with them. You are in the right, saving faith! Those all the rest are unfaithful, not saving and dead, Satanists, servants of the devil, even almost not people.

“Always and in everything the question of “price” pops up. Ten dollars and the woman is furious. Ten thousand dollars - and she agrees. And don't laugh at her, it happens to ALL of us. Morality does not transform you. Life goes further than morality, it has a stronger attraction, therefore the deep core of the inner essence remains always unchanged. Morality only reaches that point, after which it tramples in confusion and disappears. EVERYONE has their own price. At moral person also has its price.

“From the time when the sad split of Christianity (west and east) arose, from then on desperate attempts to reunite the lost integrity have not ceased. How many of these unions were there at the church level? Oh my God! And at the state level, these very same initiatives, and at the level of individuals - can not be counted! A bunch of! Some people want to reunite, and some don't. No matter how you twist it, but there is more Christianity in the desire for the union than in its unwillingness, because in it there is a desire to literally fulfill the commandment of the Savior: “Let them all be one!” But, this really good desire is unfulfillable in our vast human society. In our psyche, as laid down by the Creator, multi-vector aspirations, unbridled aggressive poisonous energies are raging, making such a union impossible, both in the past and in the future. Therefore, you need to calm down and live for yourself in the awareness of the historical unity of all Christians, and enter the doors of that temple, which, at the moment, are open, and worship is going on there. In Ukraine, with its freedom of conscience, this is easier, but in Russia, the struggle against heterodoxy at the state level, I'm afraid, will throw Russia back into the wild Middle Ages, and all this struggle will end in nothing.

« There is no future behind long worship. The future belongs to a short, but sparklingly heartfelt prayer. Laconism is a talent, bright laconic worship is a doubly talent. Modern man, overloaded with a rich program of life, can no longer spend long hours of standing, not that time. A person now enters the temple, puts a candle, prays for about ten minutes and fifteen and leaves. You can't call them non-religious, but you can't force them to stand for long, and they are the majority. For a short but strong prayer it is possible to raise a light that illuminates the darkness of life and it can be darkened, made dim, lulled by a long, half-asleep standing-slumbering. Maybe there will be, in the future, there will undoubtedly be a return to the highly solemn crowded Vespers, when, as in Moscow of the 16th-18th centuries, almost the entire population of the city stood, but now, at the moment, it, this future is not visible ... "

In order to survive, in order to survive, we will most likely have to repeat experience of the Christian community in Western Europe. We must, we must bet more and more not for long daily services in empty churches, but for social service...

“We are sinking. But with grandiloquent speeches: “it is being reborn, it is being opened, it is being created”, we calm ourselves, as if we are saying that there would be no panic: “Everything is in order, we are going to the bottom.” What should we do in this situation. I repeat: take on board the experience of Western churches. We also have some of our own from the last century, the time of persecution. The Orthodox Church should pay more and more attention to social service, it is necessary to erase the lines between the clergy and the laity - the apostolate of the laity. Refuse the lushly colorful vestments, this stylized theater with expensive decorations. It's like a feast during a plague. This is no longer a sermon, this is an anti-preaching. It must be taken into account that the era of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich with his barms and solemnities has long since passed. Now self-respecting representatives of the governments of powerful, civilized countries prefer strict, no-nonsense protocol clothes. The Catholic Church since Pope John 23 has gone on simplification of both rituals and vestments. Dad's gold tiara with many diamonds was sawn up, sold and the funds went to orphanages. Unless the leaders of the backward African countries today still allow themselves feathers, pebbles and beads, but we must not become like them! How long will we imitate backwardness and primitivism? Let's start gradually, I say gradually, to get rid of childishness and pomp. AND! AND! - funds will appear for charity, for missionary work, not fake, internal, as it is now, but for real, international. After all, it is no secret to anyone that the lion's share of the money circulating in the Church goes to the exorbitantly expensive decoration of churches and vestments of the clergy - a theater with expensive scenery. If this situation continues, then no missionary work, no social service is worth talking about, except perhaps in terms of humor and anecdotes. We have long been figured out and understood, and journalists are greedily eyeing. That's where a tidbit of revealing information will be snatched off! The Church, they say, is Christian, but it does not smell of Christianity. In the Acts of the Apostles, after all, everyone reads, everyone is now literate, that Christians were one heart and one soul, one community and one property. And what do we see now? What a yawning abyss separates not only the clergy and the laity, but the clergy themselves are divided within themselves into higher and lower. When one looks at the rural and urban clergy, one involuntarily comes to mind the insidious thought of the impracticability in practice of the Christian idea itself as such. Leskovsky policeman said about the New Testament: “This book is dangerous for society because every word is true in it ... You see, people have read up to Christ!”

“It just so happened historically - the Christian Church, dominated by men, the male priesthood, separated from women male monasteries, men's communities, brotherhoods, will naturally be a hotbed of love (or at least veiled sympathies) between men. I will try to look into such tectonic faults, depths and abysses Holy Scripture and in particular the Gospels. I will look where ordinary human thought is afraid to penetrate, to look. The early Christian community itself was a male community. So, to be clearer and shorter: before we hate gays, let's look into the gospel... John 13:23"And one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved, lay at the breast of Jesus." John 13:25“John, falling on the breast of Jesus, said to Him: Lord! who is this?". John 19:26 Jesus, seeing the Mother and the disciple standing there, whom He loved, said to His Mother: Woman! behold, thy son. John 20:2 So, he runs and comes to Simon Peter and another disciple, whom Jesus loved, and says to them: They took the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they laid Him. John 21:7 Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter: This is the Lord. Simon Peter, hearing that it was the Lord, girded himself with his robe, for he was naked, and threw himself into the sea. John 21:20 Peter, turning, sees the disciple whom Jesus loved following him. The gospel emphasizes that the Savior had a specially distinguished favorite, who was even honored with a special closeness - to lie on the breasts of Christ. Although the Law is strict: “Do not lie with a man as with a woman: this is an abomination!” Leviticus 18:22. But, such an honor fell to the youngest, beardless and therefore sexy, loving, ardent young man John, as a sign of special affection he was even spared the death of martyrdom, which, following the example of the Teacher, the other apostles accepted. And how can this be reconciled with the theology of salvation, that the God of the Universe in the New Testament no longer has beloved and unloved nations, people, or disciples. He loves everyone providentially without giving preference to anyone. On this is based the economy of the salvation of the human race. On the equality of all people of the earth. Summing up everything we know about gay communities, if someone today went into a catering establishment: a cafe or a restaurant and saw a scene there, like a young man, not only hugging, but freely reclining on the chests of another young man, would immediately be indignant at a violation of public decorum and would call on men to take poses that are more chaste, in accordance with traditional society. Whatever you say, this is very, very obvious, I would say - a screaming manifestation of personal complexes and attractions, a clear exposure of the spiritual underground ... So, let's move on ... The Gospel of Thomas, although apocryphal, but really ancient Scripture, really circulating in the hands of the first Christians, conveys about the community of the disciples of Christ, as a purely rigid male community. We quote: "118. Simon Peter said to them: Let Mary leave us, for women are unworthy of life. Jesus said: Look, I will guide her to make her a man, so that she also becomes a living spirit like you men. For every woman who becomes a man will enter the kingdom of heaven.” The Gospel of Thomas. Gives us away, our Church and the refrain of our Orthodox Akathist: "Rejoice in John the Apostle, the confidante of Christ and the Theologian!" Don't believe? Take, read the akathist to John the Theologian ... So that we do not judge anyone severely, knowing the atmosphere of love understanding and compassion reigning in the apostolic community and not only in relation to harlots, but also young men... Christ loved and wanted to save everyone and everything ... so it is.


In fact, the question of the apostolic succession of opportunity and the conditions for its rupture in Orthodox ecclesiology is one of the most complex and confusing. As for the question of whether it is possible to transfer apostolic succession in ordination performed outside the Orthodox Church, it remains open to this day! Church history from the very beginning does not add clarity to this issue. So, for example, I Ecumenical Council(325) recognizes the validity of consecrations and the transmission of apostolic succession among the schismatic Novatians. At the same council, it was decided to accept Meletian heretics in their existing rank, including the schism teacher himself, Bishop. Meletia. And the Council of Carthage (411) decides to accept Donatist heretics without any discrimination at all and to share the chairs with them on an equal footing.You can also remember St. Mark of Ephesus, who, being an implacable opponent of the union, while taking part in the Ferrara-Florence Cathedral (1438-1445), nevertheless recognized the Catholic hierarchy. In addition, it is worth recalling that, despite the dogmatic differences or the presence of heresies, the Russian Orthodox Church recognizes the apostolic succession and the reality of ordinations, the reality of grace, for example, in the pre-Chalcedonian churches (in which the dogmas differ in the doctrine of the combination of two natures - divine and human - in Christ), in the Roman Catholic and in some Old Catholic churches - that is, in those societies that we must consider heretics and, based on the above statement, unconditionally refuse to recognize grace. Here, it will not be superfluous to recall the work of St. Philaret (Drozdov) of Moscow"On the Continuity of Episcopal Ordination in the Church of England", where he writes, in part, that Orthodox Christian with joy and love finds traces of grace outside of Orthodoxy. So everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, and as we used to think. In addition, let me remind you that dogmatic differences do not divide us at all with our Orthodox Ukrainian brothers, who are in schism…But what about the saints who received baptism and even ordination from heretics?Basil the Great and Cyril of Jerusalem - from the Arians, St. Anatoly Konstantipolsky - from the Monophysites. In the end, what about the saint revered by the Orthodox Church Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine A great one who, towards the end of his life, was baptized on his deathbed by the Arian Eusebius of Nicomedia, the radical and most active Arian leader? How dare we honor them as saints!? After all, they essentially did not receive the grace-filled Sacraments of the Church, and therefore, according to the Rules, they are not even members of the Church, let alone, God forbid, say, saints?

In the future, the universal Orthodox Church will face the question of unity, primacy, universality. Yes, the national churches really don't want this, with their petty chvars, strife, exaltation of the strong. These contemptuous jokes about the “Turkish Patriarch”, the “Turkish Church”, which are heard every now and then in conversations between our clergy, must be stopped.They reveal only our very low spirituality. If in the future the question of the survival of Orthodoxy in the world arises, the idea of ​​integrity, universality will still be strengthened. And these primitive jokes addressed to the Patriarch of Constantinople will only reveal in us ill-mannered, undisciplined children.

Live locally, but think universally! It seems to me that the Church is on the eve of a cleansing explosion. God forbid that he was traumatic for me ordinary people in our Church. "Look! If you beat the devil in a man, look out for God!” To paraphrase it, we can say: “If you beat the devil in a person, be careful not to hurt the person himself!” But, is it realistic to implement? After all, the Russian Church is just as local and also, let's remember, for a long, long time and stubbornly fought for its autocephaly.She was helped by historical storms and whirlwinds. I think the Ukrainian Church will be helped too...

UNION WITH ROME. From the time when the sad split of Christianity (west and east) arose, from then on desperate attempts to reunite the lost integrity have not ceased. How many of these unions were there at the church level? Oh my God! And at the state level, these very same initiatives, and at the level of individuals - can not be counted! A bunch of! Some people want to reunite, and some don't. Whatever one may say, there is more Christianity in the desire for a union than in its unwillingness, because in it there is a desire to literally fulfill the commandment of the Savior: “Let them all be one!” But, this really good desire is unfulfillable in our vast human society. In our psyche, as laid down by the Creator, multi-vector aspirations, unbridled aggressive poisonous energies are raging, making such a union impossible, both in the past and in the future. Therefore, you need to calm down and live for yourself in the awareness of the historical unity of all Christians, and enter the doors of that temple, which, at the moment, are open, and worship is going on there. In Ukraine, with its freedom of conscience, it’s easier for us, but in Russia the fight against heterodoxy at the state level, I'm afraid, will throw Russia back into the wild Middle Ages and all this struggle will end in nothing.

People, feeling that they are being used, no longer believe in all these “Russian worlds” and “Slavic values”. The unsettled Moscow "Third Rome" with the still standing and prosperous First Rome is perceived, especially after Popes of the 20th century with their really advanced reforms Catholic Church, like some kind of third-rate.

In a mind-blowing (in the literal sense) article “Religion and Ukrainianism. In memory of Metropolitan Theodosius (Dikun) of Poltava and Kremenchug” he materializes the phantoms of mass consciousness:

From some natural depths unknown to us, as from an archaic ocean of the unconscious, this feeling of self-identity, Ukrainianness, began to crystallize. The struggle for the right to be ourselves began to grow ... And this must be recognized as a matter of course. It is in every nation. And Patriarch Kirill will have to, in the end, to agree and release the Ukrainian Church, sooner or later, into independent navigation. The whole historical logic of the development of events, both in Russia and even more so in Ukraine, is pushing for this. The “development of events” here is understood, apparently, as a series of ideological dreams, of which one is especially insane and intrusive: I want to say a few words about the Ukrainians as a people not at all related to the Russian people. Common historical and ethnic roots exist - Kievan Rus, and it is stupid to dispute this. But the national question cannot be reduced to an ethnic question. A nation is a culturally transformed ethnic group, which has a special mental and spiritual warehouse, everyday life, mores and customs. However, the "culturally transformed ethnos", as is known from the history of the Third Reich, is only an obedient tool in the hands of the ideologists of nationalism, who want to Ukrainian church, the people, fighting for their language, for their church identity and their spiritual vocation, gravitated more and more towards the Ecumenical Patriarchate, linking their hopes to overcome the schism with historical Constantinople (Istanbul).


Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE".

Kremenchug and Lubny diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Official website: http://pravoslavie.pl.ua/

Established by the decision of the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church on November 14, 2007 on the territory of the western part of the Poltava region, being separated from the Poltava diocese.

Now the diocese unites parishes and monasteries in the western part of the Poltava region, which includes Globinsky, Grebenkovsky, Kozelshchinsky, Kremenchugsky, Lokhvitsky, Lubensky, Orzhitsky, Piryatinsky, Semenovsky, Khorolsky and Chernukhinsky districts, as well as the city of Kremenchug. Cathedral- Holy Dormition (Kremenchug).

Name change

Kremenchug and Khorolskaya 14.XI. 2007-8.V. 2008

Kremenchug and Lubny from 8.V. 2008



Monastery in honor of Christmas Holy Mother of God in the village Kozelshchina (female)

Monastery in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord in the village. Mgar (male)

Potocki skit in honor of Reverend Anthony and Theodosius of Kyiv in Dmitrovka (male)

Church media

newspaper "Orthodox Kremenchuk"

"Forget-me-not" magazine, Kremenchug Trinity Church

Used materials

"Kyiv. The Holy Synod expressed concern about the actions of the Romanian Patriarchate and elected two new bishops", 15.X.2007:


"A meeting of the Holy Synod of the UOC was held in Kyiv", 12.V.2008:


TREE - open Orthodox encyclopedia: http://drevo.pravbeseda.ru

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Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is the KREMENCHUG DIOCESE in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • DIOCESE in the Dictionary of Church Terms:
    (Greek region) - an ecclesiastical administrative unit, controlled by a bishop. Dioceses are divided into deaneries, consisting of several parishes. The borders of the dioceses, as a rule, ...
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Diocese (Greek region) - church-administrative unit. Dioceses are divided into deaneries, consisting of several parishes ...
    (Greek eparchia) in Orthodox churches, a church-administrative territorial unit headed by a bishop ...
    (Greek eparchia), an ecclesiastical-administrative territorial unit in the Orthodox, Catholic, Anglican churches headed by a bishop. In Kievan Rus, the division into E. was carried out ...
  • DIOCESE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    the name of a unit of civil-administrative division in the Greco-Roman Empire. Constantine the Great divided the empire into four prefectures, each of which was subdivided into several ...
  • DIOCESE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    and, well. In the Orthodox Church: district ruled by a bishop. Diocesan - pertaining to a diocese, dioceses. This is not my diocese (colloquial) - ...
  • DIOCESE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -i, f. Church-administrative territorial unit, controlled by a bishop. * This is already in another diocese (colloquial) - in someone else's. other management...
    KREMENCHUG MAGNETIC ANOMALY, in Ukraine, Poltava region. Discovered in 1928. Deposits of easily enriched magnetite quartzites (Gorishne-Plavninskoe, Lavrikovskoe, Eristovskoe, Belanovskoe) to depths. …
  • DIOCESE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    EPARCHY (Greek eparchia - rule, command), in Orthodoxy. churches of the church-adm. terr. unit headed by a bishop (bishop, archbishop, ...
  • DIOCESE in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    ? the name of a unit of civil-administrative division in the Greco-Roman Empire. Constantine the Great divided the empire into four prefectures, each subdivided into...
  • DIOCESE in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    epa "rkhiya, epa" rkhii, epa "rkhii, epa" rkhii, epa "rkhii, epa" rkhiya, epa "rkhiya, epa" rkhii, epa "rkhiya, epa" rkhii, epa "rkhiya, epa" rkhii, ...
  • DIOCESE in the Popular Explanatory-Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -and, well. In the Orthodox Church: a district governed by a bishop (bishop). [Pope] Adrian II, seeking to keep the Moravian lands under his control, created ...
  • DIOCESE in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    (gr. eparchia) church-administrative territorial ...
  • DIOCESE in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    [gr. eparchia] church-administrative territorial ...
  • DIOCESE in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    and. 1) Church-administrative territorial unit; district ruled by a bishop. 2) trans. unfold The field of activity located in smb. …
  • DIOCESE in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
    diocese, ...
  • DIOCESE in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • DIOCESE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    diocese, ...
  • DIOCESE in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
    a church-administrative territorial unit ruled by a bishop. This is no longer my e. (trans.: not my area, not in my jurisdiction; colloquial ...
  • DIOCESE in the Dahl Dictionary:
    female , Greek in general, the area under the control of the eparch husband. ruler; now a region, a region, ruled, for spiritual affairs, by a bishop; his department. …
    (Greek eparchia), in Orthodox churches, a church-administrative territorial unit headed by a bishop ...
  • DIOCESE in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    dioceses, (Greek eparchia) (church official). Church-administrative unit; district governed by...
  • DIOCESE in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    diocese 1) Church-administrative territorial unit; district ruled by a bishop. 2) trans. unfold The field of activity located in smb. …
  • DIOCESE in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
    and. 1. Church-administrative territorial unit; district ruled by a bishop. 2. trans. unfold A field of activity located in someone's ...
  • DIOCESE in the Big Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language:
    I Church-administrative territorial unit, governed by a bishop; district (in the Orthodox Church). II well. unfold Sphere or place...
  • DIOCESE OF TUROV in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Diocese of Turov and Mozyr of the Belarusian Exarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church. Address of the diocesan administration: Belarus, 247760, ...
  • TOBOL DIOCESE in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Tobolsk and Tyumen diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Diocesan administration: Russia, 626100, Tobolsk, Tyumen ...
  • ODESSA DIOCESE in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Odessa and Izmail diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Diocesan administration: Ukraine, 65023, Odessa, ...
  • LUTSK DIOCESE in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Lutsk and Volyn diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Diocesan administration: Ukraine, 43016, Volyn region, Lutsk ...
  • Kyiv DIOCESE in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Kiev diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Diocesan administration: Ukraine, 01015, Kyiv, st. January Uprising, 25, ...
  • BELGOROD DIOCESE in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Belgorod and Stary Oskol diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. Address: Russia, 308000, Belgorod, st. …
  • ALASKA DIOCESE in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Sitka, Anchorage and Alaska Diocese of the Orthodox Church in America. Diocesan Office: PO Box 210569, Anchorage …
  • in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • KREMENCHUG MAGNETIC ANOMALY in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    magnetic anomaly, a large iron ore region of the Ukrainian SSR, which is a continuation of the Krivoy Rog iron ore basin to the north (the northern part of the Krivoy Rog-Kremenchug iron ore band, about 45 ...
  • KREMENCHUG HPP in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Hydroelectric power station, a large hydroelectric power station on the Dnieper, above the city of Kremenchug. Power 625 MW (625 thousand kW). Average long-term electricity generation 1506 …
  • KREMENCHUG MAGNETIC ANOMALY in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    in Ukraine, Poltava region Identified in 1928. Deposits of easily enriched magnetite quartzites (Gorishne-Plavninskoye, Lavrikovskoye, Eristovskoye, Belanovskoye) to a depth of 500 m from ...
  • SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Attention, this article is not finished yet and contains only part of the necessary information. Serbian Orthodox Church - ...
  • POLTAVA DIOCESE in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Poltava and Mirgorod diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Diocesan administration: Ukraine, 36024, Poltava, ...
  • DIOCESE RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". List of dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church according to the current state Russia Moscow Abakan Anadyr Arkhangelsk Astrakhan Barnaul Belgorod ...
  • EULOGY (GUTCHENKO) in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Evlogy (Gutchenko) (born 1967), Bishop of Sumy and Akhtyrka, member of the Synodal Commission for Interaction with ...
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". A complete alphabetical list of the dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church Includes all independent and vicar departments that ...
  • in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Chronology of the Centuries: XX XXI XXII 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 ...
  • NOV. 1 in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". November 14 New Style November (Old Style) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 …
  • DNIEPER in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (ancient Greek Borisfen) a river in Vost. Europe, within Russian Federation, Belarus and Ukraine. 2201 km (3rd longest after the Volga ...
  • UKRAINIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Soviet Socialist Republic, Ukrainian SSR (Ukrainian Radianska Socialist Republic), Ukraine (Ukraine). I. General information The Ukrainian SSR was formed on December 25, 1917. With the creation of ...
  • THE USSR. UKRAINIAN SSR in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    The Soviet Socialist Republic of the Ukrainian SSR (Ukraine, Ukrainian SSR) is located in the southwest. European part of the USSR. It borders on the west with Poland and Czechoslovakia, ...
  • SVETLOVODSK in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    a city (since 1961) of regional subordination, the center of the Svetlovodsk district of the Kirovograd region of the Ukrainian SSR. Pier on the bank of the Kremenchug reservoir, 25 km from …
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