Can you leave dirty knives, pots, or china overnight? Interpretation of a folk tale. Signs and superstitions: what not to do at night Why you can not leave dirty dishes in the sink

For a long time, the accumulation of dirty dishes was considered a very bad omen, promising illness and other troubles. From a practical point of view, this is not at all surprising. After all, pots and plates with leftover food are an excellent breeding ground for pathogens and a real magnet for home carriers of infections like mice and cockroaches.

Esotericists in this matter show solidarity with doctors, arguing that dirty dishes accumulate negative entities, negatively affecting the family atmosphere. So what, besides infectious diseases, does soiled knives, forks and plates threaten households with?

Interpretations by type of dishes

It turns out that dirty spoons left on the table have completely different problems than plates accumulated in the sink. What is the difference? Signs can accurately explain.

  • If you leave used cups on the table, then the hostess may face unpleasant gossip that undermines the reputation of a decent woman. Does an unmarried girl live in the house? She's in for a big fight with her boyfriend.
  • Dirty dishes that are not washed on time threaten the whole family with an unpleasant visitor who will bring gloomy news and negative energy into the house.
  • A soiled fork or spoon, forgotten on the dining table, will cause an evil lady with bad intentions to appear in the house. Do not be surprised later that dirty gossip will circulate about you among neighbors or colleagues.
  • It is especially dangerous to leave dirty knives. After all, any piercing and cutting object is always a source of potential danger. It can lead to conflicts and even fights. And you can also suffer significant material damage from thieves, scammers and just evil people.
  • Unwashed pots are also a very bad sign. After all, this dish symbolizes comfort and prosperity, so it is recommended to always keep it in perfect cleanliness. Otherwise, big financial losses await you: car theft, theft or breakdown of household appliances, unsuccessful transactions. Soot spots can cause a child’s illness or sad news.
  • Porcelain cups and saucers are "responsible" for personal life. A neglectful attitude to their purity guarantees an unsuccessful romance or betrayal of a spouse, and a single girl may have problems with marriage.

Who didn't wash the dishes?

Interpretations of signs depend not only on the type of dirty dishes, but also on who used them.

  • Is there an unwashed cup or plate of a married woman? Her husband's betrayal, children's illnesses and gossip lie in wait best friend. If she left the knife unwashed after cutting meat, she will have to survive the death of one of her close male relatives.
  • For a man, dirty cutlery promises business failure and financial loss, and for a bachelor, it also promises failure on the love front.
  • If a young guy is too lazy to wash the dishes behind him, then a grumpy and ugly woman will fall into his wife.
  • Especially many misfortunes await unmarried girl. Dirty dishes and pots promise her an old and ugly drunkard husband, a grumpy mother-in-law and constantly gossiping girlfriends.

All people know that it is impossible to leave unwashed dishes overnight, however, despite this rule, many of us systematically violate it. Therefore, it will be relevant to consider the question of why it is impossible to leave the dishes overnight.

Hygienic aspect

Despite the fact that we eat food from dishes that is harmless, and often useful for humans, it is strongly not recommended to leave it dirty after dinner, especially at night. The thing is that the remnants of food, which are probably present on the dishes, react with each other overnight, the process of decay begins. All this together, of course, leads to an unpleasant odor.

In addition, dried food is known to be very difficult to wash off. Yes, with the use of modern detergents, hot water, it is very difficult to wash such dishes by hand the next morning.

It is also important to understand that bacteria multiply in dirty dishes overnight, and even if you wash it to a visually clean state, it is quite possible that some microelements and microbes will remain on the surface.


In addition, the answer to the question of why it is impossible to leave unwashed dishes overnight can be a fairly common sign. Superstitious people claim that a systematic neglect of cleanliness, an unwillingness to wash dishes after dinner, can lead to monetary losses.

As people prone to superstition say, such actions can be perceived by the brownie as disrespect for him. Therefore, in the case of unwashed dishes, you can count on the occurrence of all sorts of troubles.

Of course, these are all ordinary superstitions, and the main aspect in this situation is that, first of all, dirty dishes left overnight are unhygienic and wrong. However, if you are among the superstitious people, such a sign will obviously not bother you, but will only help ensure that the dishes in your house will always be clean and will not expect “bathing procedures” only in the morning.

In addition, unwashed dishes left overnight are, after all, a terrible example for the younger generation. If there are small children in your house, they will not learn anything good from looking at such dishes. However, it also threatens with all sorts of diseases, because, as we noted above, during the night among the plates, cups, spoons and forks left to sour in the sink, microbes multiply that can affect the weakened, unformed immunity of the child.

Dirty dishes are a stumbling block for many families. Washing dishes is really a dubious pleasure and the “right” to wash the dishes is always very joyless. There are widespread jokes that, they say, a woman always washes the dishes after eating, and a man - before eating, but as you know, in every joke there is only a fraction of a joke. Why is it important to wash dishes immediately after eating and never leave them? dirty dishes in the sink?

Why should you never leave dirty dishes in the sink?

  • The first reason is superstitious. Sign experts say that unwashed dishes left overnight lead to almost inevitable discord not only between husband and wife, but also between absolutely all family members. In fact, there is a rational grain in this: after all, we understand that this discord occurs most often precisely on the basis of unwashed dishes.
  • The second reason is esoteric. Feng Shui experts echo superstition experts and say that dirty dishes left overnight in the sink can also lead to various troubles in the family, discord and quarrels.
  • The third reason, a little about comfort. The kitchen, in the sink of which a huge amount of unwashed dishes have accumulated, looks uncomfortable, unpleasant. As we know, this effect can be easily eliminated.
  • The fourth reason is completely objective. The main reason why you should never leave dirty dishes in the sink, not only overnight, but also for several hours, is completely objective. In addition to the fact that in this case, there is a chance to quarrel with other family members, the dishes themselves also deteriorate. Now, moreover, we are talking more about kitchen utensils, not tableware: cups and plates will somehow survive this moment. For example, cast iron and aluminum utensils are highly susceptible to corrosion, if cast iron utensils stay in water for a long time, they can become covered with unpleasant rust spots. If aluminum utensils stay in water for too long, then in the future, aluminum can begin to release substances that are quite harmful to human health, which, you see, is very undesirable. In addition, the longer dirty dishes remain dirty, the more difficult it will be to wash them in the future, the more problematic it will be to wash off certain contaminants, especially fat from pans, burnt areas on pots. Thus, you will have to use stronger, more abrasive detergents, as well as hard brushes, sometimes even metal ones. All this can lead to damage to the surface of the dishes, which entails not only negative aesthetic effects, but even the further impossibility of using such dishes. For example, damage to the surface of non-stick cookware is actually the reason for its ejection: after all, then the material under the non-stick coating will release harmful substances, the same applies to, for example, enamel cookware. The accumulated soot will require, perhaps, not only special equipment, but also the use of terrible folk methods cleaning, which will take time and effort. In general, leaving dirty dishes overnight is far from the best solution, especially since fresh dirt and food residues can be washed off quickly and with a minimum of detergents, with the most gentle sponges.

If for you washing dishes has become a real hard labor, then do not spare the money and get a dishwasher: it will greatly facilitate your life. However, do not forget that not all kitchen utensils can be washed in a dishwasher, for example, this is not the best idea for cast iron and some aluminum utensils.

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Of course, many have heard such a belief that dirty dishes should not be left at night. Parents always teach their children not to do this, but they cannot give a logical explanation for this. Most people simply interpret this belief in their own way, and many housewives simply come up with new history, in order to teach your children never to leave dirty dishes in the sink, and even more so at night. Why do many people think that this is due to mystical beliefs? Somehow, there must still be a rational explanation for this, which will clarify the situation, Why can't you leave dirty dishes overnight?

Folk signs that explain all the harm of dirty dishes

Previously, they said so in order to accustom a young married couple to order and cleanliness. Mothers-in-law have always insisted that dirty dishes at the hostess are in trouble. This belief was relevant in the past.

At the same time, parents urge to wash the dishes before going to bed and motivate this by the fact that all the evil spirits flock to the dirty dishes at midnight and can bring trouble for themselves. It is with the presence of evil spirits that strife and scandals begin in the family. But one belief was relevant and now has not lost its significance and it sounds like this: only a bad housewife who does not strive to make her home clean and tidy can have unwashed dishes. Of course, if the hostess does not take care of her housing and does not clean, then her marriage may soon fall apart too. Therefore, young housewives were always instilled with cleanliness and order, which play a very important role in a young family.

But it is also worth noting that for each nation, the explanation of such a concept had its own meanings, which were passed down from generation to generation. And in this way it turned out that in the current period of time there is simply no exact explanation for this phenomenon.

A rational version of the interpretation of such a belief

It must be said that there are not only mystical explanations for the presence of dirty dishes, but also a rational one. From the point of view of many people, it is precisely this that is correct in this case.

First of all, dirty dishes are the first carrier of various infections. At the moment when the dishes are in the sink, some food remains on it anyway, and over time they begin to rot and microbes appear. Such microbes multiply very quickly and remain in the sink.

Even after the dishes are safely washed, the germs do not disappear anywhere. They still remain in the sink or on the same washed dishes, but most of them settle on washcloths and rags. This process is not very pleasant, because subsequently all these microbes enter our body. Microbes are the first negative creatures that carry diseases of a different nature. It can be intestinal diseases, and indigestion and various infectious diseases.

Thus, we can conclude that leaving dirty dishes at night not only negatively affects a person in terms of otherworldly energy, but also in terms of hygiene, which directly affects the entire body as a whole. Here Why can't you wash the dishes in the evening?.

Of course, one may not believe such beliefs and explanations, but it is best to listen, because after all, if people have been talking about this and are talking about it, then this is the place to be.

There is a belief that it is impossible to leave dirty dishes overnight. Let's see why. First of all, it is unacceptable from an aesthetic point of view. This is not only ugly, but also extremely dangerous. Dirty dishes are incredibly attractive to pathogenic bacteria, which begin to actively multiply in it. If it is then poorly washed, then they will certainly enter the human body, with all the ensuing consequences. For this reason, we strongly demand from our children to wash a dirty plate and put it in a drying cabinet. Well, in order for a child to do this, we come up with various stories, such as Chukovsky's fairy tale "Fedorino's grief."

And yet, the main role here is played by beliefs that have come down to us from our ancestors. If the mother-in-law noticed unwashed dishes left for the night, then the young people received a beating from her. 'Cause it was incredible Bad sign associated with misfortune. Well, if you consider that in those distant times there was no water, no sewerage, no disinfectants in the house, then this could well have taken place.

This belief has not lost its power even today. It is believed that dirty dishes left in the sink at night attract pure strength to the bracket. Well, this can cause litter and scandals in the family. In addition, by the standing of the kitchen, one can judge the hostess herself. If dirty dishes are in the sink in the morning, then this indicates her negligence and carelessness. Well, to a bad hostess and the attitude is similar. If the house is a mess, then family relationships will suffer. Well, what kind of man likes dirt and unwashed dishes? This marriage has no future. For this reason, a young housewife must be sure to keep the house clean, and even more so not to leave dirty dishes overnight.

This belief has a completely logical explanation. We have already noted that dirty dishes left overnight are a source of infectious diseases. It is unnecessary to talk about the process of getting microbes there and their lightning-fast reproduction. With this, I think everything is clear. Hence the conclusion - the dishes need to be washed. If this is not done, then bacteria will appear not only on the plates, but also in the sink. Getting rid of them will be incredibly difficult. Even on a visually clean plate, they will be present. In this case, boiling and treating dishes with disinfectants is indispensable. If this is not done, then the bacteria can easily get inside our body, and cause intestinal disorders and allergic reactions.

The conclusion is simple - eat, wash the plate after you, and do not leave it dirty at night. This is in the interest of your own safety.

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