Is it possible to buy an icon in the church. Is it possible to give icons as a gift for a birthday, New Year: the opinion of the church

An icon is a “window to the heavenly world”, a particle of eternity. Modern people entangled in religious beliefs and dogmas, they are perplexed about the question: is it possible to give icons for birthdays and other holidays?

For some reason, the icon as a gift causes very conflicting feelings among citizens. Secular life is interrupted with the spiritual sphere, and such a merger gives rise to a lot of superstitions and illogical signs. Judge for yourself: zodiac signs, feng shui can be given, but icons are not? Where is the logic?

Of course, the faces of patron saints can be presented as a gift. The icon is the most sincere and bright gift, but it is not a banal piece of furniture, and it is very important that the birthday person understands this and thanks the depicted saint for his help in business and intercession.

Is it possible to give icons for a wedding, so to speak, “civil” or “secular”, taking place without the sacrament of the wedding? Of course you can. Priests say that an icon given from a pure heart brings happiness and protects the house from troubles. The holy image can eventually become a family heirloom, protected, preserved and passed down from generation to generation. This is how family traditions are born, which connect parents and children with an invisible thread of spiritual kinship.

When and why not to give icons?

  1. You should not give a holy image to an unfamiliar person, because he may adhere to a different religion or be an atheist. Icons are given with a feeling of deep faith and unquenchable love to relatives and friends.
  2. Icons are not a fashionable interior decoration, they are intended for prayers, so you should not give them to a person who is far from faith, who will not properly honor the gift received.
  3. You can’t give “homemade” icons, for example, personally embroidered with beads. But this prohibition is lifted if they are consecrated in the church.

An icon is the most penetrating and blessed gift, but by no means a tribute to fashion and not an attempt to pass for an original. It is given with faith, hope and love, and should take its rightful place in the home and heart of the recipient. An excellent alternative to a ready-made icon sold in a church shop will be a custom-made one. Perhaps later it will become a family heirloom. The main condition for such a gift is the sincere faith of the master and the donor.

Signs about icons

Signs stating that it is impossible to give icons appear due to ignorance Orthodox canons. For example, the well-known popular belief says that the gift of images of the faces of saints leads to a quarrel. Perhaps the roots of this "wisdom" come from a misinterpretation of the Bible. Indeed, in the commandments of the Savior it is said that it is impossible to give a shrine to sinful and unbelieving people. So a quotation from Holy Scripture became a household sign, declaring that "giving icons is a quarrel." But against the background of "obscurantism", expedient and reasonable arguments stand out, which should be guided in individual cases and life circumstances.

Because of the mass will accept, many people are simply afraid to give icons even to believing loved ones. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the superstitions that came to us from our ancestors carry a rational grain. Let's recall some of them.

  • During a disaster, icons are taken out of the house in the first place

This unspoken law is quite justified, because at the moment of danger or natural disaster, first of all, a person saves the most precious thing for himself. And for religious people the faces of saints, like other symbols of faith, have always remained one of the greatest values.

  • The one who finds the icon should consecrate it in the temple and only then bring it into the house

Pretty reasonable advice. Icons are a mandatory attribute of Orthodox funerals. Also, the sick are often reprimanded in front of them. No one knows in whose hands the shrine was earlier, and why it was left, so it is better to immediately take it to the church and consecrate it. If it is not possible to dispel the fears associated with the find, it can be left there, in the temple.

  • Cracked icon - a messenger of trouble

At any time, holy faces served as guides between higher powers and our world, and the incident associated with them was perceived as a sign. Therefore, the slightest external change in the icon, whether it be a sharp darkening of the coating, a crack, or, on the contrary, an extraordinary brightness of colors, is interpreted as a kind of message to people.

  • Icons are not allowed

On the images, as well as on other objects of spiritual themes ( holy books and scrolls), do not make any personal inscriptions. It defiles them. If you give an icon or a Gospel, give up the desire to leave a memorable text and your autograph on them.

  • Icons must not be hung

The icon hanging on the wall may fall, and as mentioned above, any case with its participation is considered significant. Falling is one of the worst. In addition, in order to hang an icon, a fastening is necessary, which, in turn, can damage its base.

An icon is not just an image of the face of saints, it is a shrine for an Orthodox person. Therefore, since time immemorial, the icon has been considered a significant and pious gift.

People close and dear to our hearts want to make a special gift that will accompany him throughout his life. Of course, no material objects are suitable for this, but the icon is exactly what you need.

There are many different superstitions among the people about giving icons. It is believed that a donated icon can bring trouble or a quarrel to the house. But every Orthodox person knows that superstitions are from the evil one, which means that they cannot be trusted. What does the church advise those who decide to present the icon as a gift?

The opinion of the church on the donation of icons

The tradition of giving icons has been around for a long time. Even our distant ancestors gave icons to each other, believing that such a gift would bring prosperity, health and happiness to the house. The image was placed in the so-called "red corner". Before him, prayers were offered with requests, or they thanked the Almighty for his help or mercy. It is believed that the icon, presented as a gift, becomes a real talisman for the family and the house in which it lives.

Giving an icon is a kind of tool for spreading faith among people, so the church is very positive about this. However, before giving an icon, you must understand that such a gift would be appropriate only for Orthodox people. If you know that a person is far from the church and superstitious, then your present will most likely not be welcome, and may be hostile.

According to priests, icons should be given only with pure thoughts.

The choice of an icon depends on the occasion and directly on the person to whom you want to give the image.

Is it possible to give icons on holidays?

You will show concern for a person if you present him with an icon as a gift, because this is a great shrine. Many are interested in whether it is possible to give icons on secular holidays or even without a special reason. Of course you can, but you must remember that the icon is given in order to pray before it, asking for help in business, family problems, etc. Therefore, be very responsible in choosing an image. Let's look at what icons can be given on a particular holiday.


On a birthday, it is customary to give personalized icons with the face of the Holy Patron. It is worth noting here that people called by names that are not in Orthodoxy receive a different name at baptism. So, for example, Lilya, at baptism, can receive the name Julia or any other Orthodox. Along with the name, at baptism, a patron saint is given, to whom they pray throughout their lives and ask for help in difficulties. Therefore, be sure to specify what name was given to a person at baptism. Also, for a birthday, it would be appropriate to give the icon of the "Guardian Angel".


To the great sacrament of the wedding, they give a wedding couple - "The Lord Almighty" and the image of the Most Holy Theotokos. Icons must be the same size. First, the parents bless the young with them, and then the priest in the temple. After the wedding, these icons are kept as a family value and passed on from generation to generation as a symbol of love, family well-being and happiness. If you are not the parents of the young, you can present the icon of Saints Peter and Fevronia as a gift. They are the patrons of the family. Before this image, they pray for family well-being and giving children.

Birth and baptism of children

Even our ancestors gave measured icons to the bride or baptism. In tsarist Russia, only representatives of the royal family. After the revolution, the tradition was forgotten, and only in our time it has not only been revived, but also acquired a mass character. The icon is called "measured" because its height must correspond to the growth of the child at birth. Such icons are painted only to order, which makes the gift especially valuable. It is believed that such an icon has a special power for the person to whom it was presented.

Wedding or wedding anniversaries

The best gift for a wedding or wedding anniversary is an icon. For this event, a family icon is ordered from the icon painter, on which the Patron Saints of all family members are depicted. An excellent gift would be the icon of the Mother of God "The Economist" or "Housekeeper". This image should be in every family; they pray before it for the well-being of the family.

Is it possible to give icons without a reason?

In addition to holidays, there may be situations in a person’s life when it is possible and even necessary to give an icon. Be sure to give an icon if you feel that a person needs protection or help from our Heavenly Patrons. In addition, icons are given before any significant event in life. For example, study, pregnancy or military service.

pregnant woman it would be appropriate to give the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Help in Childbirth". Before this icon, they pray for a safe and painless childbirth. To a woman who has recently given birth, present the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Mamming". Before her, they pray that the mother has enough milk to feed the baby.

Schoolboy or student, especially if study is difficult, be sure to give the image of the Blessed Mother of God"Addition of the mind" or the icon of "Sergius of Radonezh". It is desirable that the icon be small, as it is recommended to take it with you to study or exams.

The guy who goes to the army or give a serviceman the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary "The Sign", the icon of "Alexander Nevsky" or "George the Victorious".

health worker you can give the icon of "St. Panteleimon" or "St. Luke."

When choosing an icon as a gift, remember that each image has its own purpose, and people turn to each icon with different requests.

When should you not give icons?

Nevertheless, there are cases when it is not desirable to give icons. For example, you can not give an image to people of a different religion. What do you think, if you are presented with the Koran, will you, as an Orthodox person, appreciate such a gift?

Do not give an icon if you know that for a person it is nothing more than a picture.

Remember that an icon is a shrine that must be treated with reverence.

Before you give an icon ordered from an icon painter, be sure to consecrate it.

Signs and superstitions associated with the donation of icons

In general, all signs and superstitions come from our pagan ancestors. It was believed that you can accept icons only from relatives or, in extreme cases, benevolent people.

Our ancestors believed that through the icon the sorceress could cause damage. Illiterate people attributed their misfortunes to the icon that they were given. They tried to get rid of her. But since the icon cannot be thrown away, it was taken to the temple.

Today, there are practically no people left who believe in these "fairy tales". Everyone knows that it is impossible to cause any harm to a person through a shrine.

If you have a desire to donate an icon, and you do not know how to do it correctly, consult with a priest. He will tell you which icon to choose for a gift, based on the specific situation.

AT modern world people have different attitudes towards religion, therefore, before giving a person an icon, you need to find out exactly how he relates to this topic. If a person is a believer and the theme of God is not indifferent to him, then the face of a saint can be a good present.

Are icons given as gifts?

Since ancient times, when faith and the church were the main guidelines for a person in life, the tradition has been widespread to give each other. It was believed that such a present would give a person happiness, prosperity, and also bring peace and love to the house. The image of the saint was considered an excellent amulet against evil forces and extraneous negativity.

In order to find out whether it is possible to give icons, it is worth referring to the opinion of the church, which is considered the most objective and correct. The clergy consider such a present to be good, but only for a true Christian. You can give it not only to blood relatives, but also to friends, colleagues, superiors, etc.

Understanding whether it is possible to give icons as a gift, it is worth paying attention to the topic - which image should be chosen for such a purpose. Let's dwell on a few popular icons in more detail:

Many people are interested in whether you can give icons as a gift to a person who does not have them in the house. If he is a believer, then the present will be quite appropriate and it is best in this case to choose the image of the Savior and the Virgin. It is important to present a gift with a pure heart and good intentions. Remember that an icon is not a piece of decor or an accessory, but an opportunity to turn to the Higher Forces for help.

And finally, it is worth finding out whether it is possible to accept icons as a gift. If such a present caused only positive ones, and there were no negative thoughts, then be sure to thank the person for such a gift and place it at home.

My cousin gave me 3 icons and candles for home prayer. Icons: Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina; Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Elena (my name is Elena); and some other (I can’t make out) that protects the house from fire (bush).
Everything would be fine, but they were given to me by a person who, about 2 years ago and earlier, often insulted me, did dirty tricks to me, accused me of something that did not actually happen, and other bad deeds.
For a little over a year, everything seems to be fine, we communicate and do not swear. She strongly believes in God, attends church on Sundays, keeps fast, there are many icons in the apartment. I am not a strong believer, but I believe in God, baptized, of course, there are fewer icons.
I accepted the icons, although I was not very happy with this gift, because I'm afraid that the person cursed them, etc., passing through them only bad things to me. I am still afraid to hang them, as well as to use candles.
If I return the icons, she will be very offended. Yes, and I would hang them with pleasure if they were really given to me, so that all the best would accompany me.
What should I do, what is the best thing to do? Go to church and shine? Or should you not think about the bad?

not working at the moment

Dear Elena, according to church customs, giving icons is not prohibited in any way, and, moreover, it is superstition to talk about the fact that icons supposedly accepted as a gift can bring trouble with them. An icon cannot also be a "bearer of corruption" and in any way harm the one who prays before it. About how the Church relates to corruption and the evil eye, you can. As for your suspicions about who exactly gave these icons, I will call on you to be careful: our attitude towards loved ones should not be based on suspicions. Once within last year You are peacefully communicating with your cousin, while she is trying to lead a conscious and godly Christian life What are your suspicions based on? Only on unwillingness to forgive former grievances?

I believe that your relative, being church man already gave you consecrated icons. Nevertheless, nothing prevents you from asking her if this is so, and if not, then go to the nearest temple and ask her to consecrate these icons.

Recall also that icons are not just interior decoration. And the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos Burning bush"- first of all, it should stand at home so that we pray to the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, and not as a paganly understood amulet against fire. Although there is undoubtedly a lot of evidence of how the Mother of God saved people and entire houses through this icon from fire.The same applies to the icons of Saints Cyprian and Justina, as well as the icon of your patron saint - Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Helena. How nice it will be, if briefly, in your own words, but as often as possible you will turn to Mother of God: "Holy Mother of God save us!", to the saints: "Pray to God for me!" And then, perhaps, you will want to address them in the same way as the whole Church addresses with the words of prayers and hymns.

The icon is a “window to the heavenly world”, a particle of eternity.
Modern people entangled in religious
ideas and dogmas, are perplexed about the question:
Is it possible to give icons for birthdays and other holidays?

For some reason, the icon as a gift causes very conflicting feelings among citizens.
Secular life is interrupted with the spiritual sphere, and such a merger gives rise to a lot of superstitions and illogical signs.
Judge for yourself: zodiac signs, amulets , talismans Feng Shui can be given, but icons are not? Where is the logic?

Church opinion

Of course, the faces of patron saints can be presented as a gift.
The icon is the most sincere and bright gift, but it is not a banal piece of furniture, and it is very important that the birthday person understands this and thanks the depicted saint for his help in business and intercession.

Is it possible to give icons for a wedding, so to speak, “civil” or “secular”, taking place without the sacrament of the wedding?
Of course you can.
Priests say that an icon given from a pure heart brings happiness and protects the house from troubles.
The holy image can eventually become a family heirloom, protected, preserved and passed down from generation to generation.

This is how family traditions are born, which connect parents and children with an invisible thread of spiritual kinship.

When and why not to give icons?

1. You should not give a holy image to an unfamiliar person, because he may adhere to a different religion or be an atheist.
Icons are given with a feeling of deep faith and unquenchable love to relatives and friends.

2. Icons are not a fashionable interior decoration, they are intended for prayers, so you should not give them to a person who is far from faith, who will not properly honor the received gift.

3. You can not give "home" icons, for example, personally embroidered with beads. But this prohibition is lifted if they are consecrated in the church.

An icon is the most penetrating and blessed gift, but by no means a tribute to fashion and not an attempt to pass for an original.
It is given with faith, hope and love, and should take its rightful place in the home and heart of the recipient.
An excellent alternative to a ready-made icon sold in a church shop will be a custom-made one.
Perhaps later it will become a family heirloom.
The main condition for such a gift is the sincere faith of the master and the donor.

Signs about icons

Signs that say that icons cannot be given appear due to ignorance of Orthodox canons.
For example, a well-known popular belief says that the gift of images of the faces of saints leads to a quarrel.
Perhaps the roots of this "wisdom" come from a misinterpretation of the Bible.
Indeed, in the commandments of the Savior it is said that it is impossible to give a shrine to sinful and unbelieving people.

So a quotation from Holy Scripture became a household sign, declaring that "giving icons is a quarrel."
But against the background of "obscurantism", expedient and reasonable arguments stand out, which should be guided in individual cases and life circumstances.

Because of the mass will accept, many people are simply afraid to give icons even to believing loved ones.
Nevertheless, it should be noted that the superstitions that came to us from our ancestors carry a rational grain.
Let's recall some of them.

During a disaster, icons are taken out of the house in the first place

This unspoken law is quite justified, because at the moment of danger or natural disaster, first of all, a person saves the most precious thing for himself.
And for religious people, the faces of saints, like other symbols of faith, have always remained one of the greatest values.

The one who finds the icon should consecrate it in the temple and only then bring it into the house

Pretty reasonable advice.

Icons are a mandatory attribute of Orthodox funerals.
Also, the sick are often reprimanded in front of them.
No one knows in whose hands the shrine was earlier, and why it was left, so it is better to immediately take it to the church and consecrate it.
If it is not possible to dispel the fears associated with the find, it can be left there, in the temple.

Cracked icon - a messenger of trouble

At any time, the holy faces served as conductors between the higher powers and our world, and the incident associated with them was perceived as a sign. Therefore, the slightest external change in the icon, whether it be a sharp darkening of the coating, a crack, or, on the contrary, an extraordinary brightness of colors, is interpreted as a kind of message to people.

Icons are not allowed

On the images, as well as on other items of spiritual subjects (holy books and scrolls), no personal inscriptions are made.
It defiles them.
If you give an icon or a Gospel, give up the desire to leave a memorable text and your autograph on them.

Icons must not be hung

The icon hanging on the wall may fall, and as mentioned above, any case with its participation is considered significant.
Falling is one of the worst.
In addition, in order to hang an icon, a fastening is necessary, which, in turn, can damage its base.

Psychology of communication