Pfaff Viktor Frantsevich biography. National Mutual People Search Service

On August 9, 2015, the All-Church celebration and honoring of the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon took place, heavenly patron.

Early in the morning we gathered for worship in the Church of the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon at the Scientific Clinical Center of Russian Railways. He led the liturgy. Most of the sisters partook of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Addressing all those present from the pulpit, Vladyka urged the sisters to serve the people, not hoping for honor and rewards, imitating Saint Panteleimon in this.

After the service, Vladyka Mark came to the sisters’ celebratory tea party with the director of the Clinical Center, Viktor Frantsevich Pfaff, who was awarded that day on behalf of His Holiness Patriarch Cyril with the medal of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir. Vladyka once again especially greeted the sisters working in the Sisterhood. He expressed the hope that the sisters performing their duties in hospitals would not be disappointed, as the years passed, and would not leave their Christian ministry.

Honorary Citizen of Russia, musician and poet Stanislav Bartenev also came to the sisters for the holiday, who performed his own works included in the albums recent years. The concert turned out to be saturated with sublime and kind emotions and was dedicated to the sisters of mercy and love for their native Fatherland.

After the concert, the sisters had the opportunity to go together to the Tretyakov Gallery, where they were given an unforgettable tour of the halls of "Old Russian Art" with a story about icons. In the temple-museum of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi, the sisters were allowed to take pictures at the miraculous Vladimir icon Mother of God. The sisters fervently prayed to the Theotokos, asking for Her intercession and Merciful intercession before God.

The Pfaff family Good friends my parents. The initiator of the search was my mother Zhmurovskaya Natalya Grigoryevna, and since it is her birthday today, I wanted to please her and apply for a search this person with your help.
Pfaff Viktor Frantsevich. Linda's wife. Eldest daughter Olesya, son Andrey. Victor worked in 1992 in the 2nd Central Military Red Banner Hospital named after. P.V. Mandryki on the street. Lesnoy in Moscow.
Our last meeting was in 1992, we came to visit them in the village of Firsanovka, Moscow Region, at that time they were renting an apartment there.
I also know that in 1984 Viktor and Lida served in Afghanistan. Victor was a military surgeon, and Lida was a surgical nurse.
Since all of Viktor's relatives live in Germany, his immigration to this country is possible.
In fact, the whole story began back in Lithuania in the city of Kaunas, where my relatives, the military Krasov family, lived, the Pfaff family lived there at that moment (at that time, Viktor had another wife (not Lida), who did not wait for him with wars). Krasov Mikhail Yuryevich and Pfaff Viktor Frantsevich were called together to serve in Afghanistan, served there from 1984 to 1986, and continued to be friends with their families. This is how my parents met the Pfaffs through the Krasov family.

Central Clinical Hospital No. 1 will reorganize the bed fund for the development of specialized centers

Railway Healthcare sums up the results of the annual work on the creation of high-tech medical centers based on industry hospitals. The Central Clinical Hospital No. 1 of Russian Railways has made significant progress in implementing this program.

- Viktor Frantsevich, the creation of a high-tech center involves, first of all, equipping a medical institution with appropriate equipment. How is this issue resolved in TsKB No. 1?
- In 2007, our hospital, through the care of the Russian Railways Department of Health, received a lot of modern technological equipment under the investment program. So, for work on the main territory of the hospital (84 Volokolamsk Highway), a 64-slice computer tomograph was purchased, which allows, when preparing patients for operations, to clarify the topography of organs and their relative position with surrounding vessels.
A new magnetic resonance tomograph is currently being installed on the second territory (20, Chasovaya Street), and soon another high-tech device will appear there - an angiograph, which is necessary for diagnosing cardiovascular diseases. This will relieve doctors of the need to transport patients for angiographic examinations five kilometers to our main territory. An electrophysiological unit for the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmia and much more have been obtained.

- How does the creation of centers affect the financial and economic performance of the hospital?
- If we evaluate the indicators for 2007, then we earned 74 million rubles. more than a year earlier. But this is primarily due not to the development of high-tech centers, but to a number of extraordinary solutions aimed at reducing unproductive costs.
For example, we laid off all the janitors and more than a hundred cleaning nurses and entrusted the care of cleaning the hospital and general hospital premises to third-party organizations, especially since the service in Moscow is quite well developed in this regard. As a result, we have reduced the load on wages, taxes, sick leaves, in general, under the collective agreement, and we are saving significant funds.
In addition, the efficiency of using the bed fund has increased. In 2007, one bed worked for us on average 274 days, and not 240, as in 2006. However, this cannot yet be considered an achievement - according to the norms, a bed should be occupied 340 days a year. Although the failure to comply with the standard is partly due to the overhaul.
Now we are starting the restructuring of the bed fund in order to ensure the efficiency of each bed. And this is where the development of high-tech centers should play its role.
Take, for example, the spinal center. It performs more and more unique technological operations, up to the installation of cages - modern devices that ensure the stability of the patient's spine. The number of operations in this center has more than doubled compared to 2006, and the bed has worked - so far in the only one - 340 days a year. So in the coming year, the bed fund will be significantly expanded here.

- Earlier it was said that you will create a structure where patients of the spinal center will undergo rehabilitation. Will these plans come true?
– Just this year, we will begin the second part of the planned transformations in this center – providing rehabilitation treatment before and after surgery. Our immediate plans include the creation of a rehabilitation complex that will function inseparably with the department of vertebrology. There, patients will undergo preliminary examination and rehabilitation treatment. If this treatment does not help, the patient will be transferred to the operating bed - I note that staying on it is much more expensive - and after the operation he will return to the rehabilitation bed and undergo a course under the supervision of the same staff. With the introduction of such a technique, the efficiency of the spinal center in 2008 will increase even more.

– And how has the work of the cardiology center at your hospital changed?
- In the cardiology center for the year, work has been established on the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, the installation of pacemakers - temporary and permanent. The number of endovascular interventions on vessels has increased - not only the heart, but also the kidneys, lower extremities, and the carotid artery.
As part of the center in November last year, the department of anesthesiology and resuscitation of the cardioprofile for six beds was introduced and is functioning. That is, cardiac patients now go through a closed cycle: from the ambulance to the intensive care unit, then to the cardiology unit. If a heart rhythm disorder is diagnosed, he is given a pacemaker, if vascular stenosis, they are stented or ballooned.
Initially, we thought that we should complete the cycle up to coronary artery bypass grafting. I think that in 2008 we are quite capable of organizing this work. However, first it is necessary to collect statistics and determine how many railway workers need such operations. If this is a sufficiently significant contingent, we will also raise the issue of open heart surgery.

- By the way, a question that worries many of our readers: will assistance in high-tech centers of Russian Railways remain free for railway workers?
- Of course. Despite the transformation, the majority of our patients are still railroad workers, their families and industry retirees, for whom assistance is provided free of charge. It's just that the policy of the Russian Railways Department of Health is aimed at making this assistance more effective and health-saving.

- High-tech equipment without personnel with the appropriate qualifications will remain a "dead weight". How is this problem solved?
- We can say that now the equipment is taken from us for a specific specialist. If there is a need to master a new technique or methodology from scratch, then we train our personnel or attract highly qualified specialists from outside.
For example, last year there was an important replenishment in the urological center - we hired a candidate operating urologist medical sciences Vladimir Khvorov. With his arrival, the number of open operations on the genitourinary system has significantly increased.
Moreover, the company's health department has developed a concept for creating a scientific and educational center on the basis of our hospital, on the territory along Chasovaya Street. Its purpose is advanced training and postgraduate education of doctors who come to the medical institutions of the industry. It is also planned to create retraining courses for nurses.
There is also a clinic with 200 beds. It will include a therapeutic department, a cardiological, neurological, endocrinological, as well as a meteopathology department led by Professor Yuri Gurfinkel. His work, elucidating the effect of magnetic storms on the condition of weather-dependent patients, in particular those suffering from cardiovascular diseases, will finally acquire practical implementation.

– You mentioned the urological center. What are the prospects for its development?
– Here, the number of endourological interventions is growing, which are implemented in our hospital by the head of the center, Professor Oleg Teodorovich. With these manipulations, kidney stones are crushed into fine sand painlessly for patients using an adjustable laser beam.
The equipping of this center with other modern equipment has also moved off the dead center. The Department of Health, for example, bought a device for us to perform a bipolar transurethral resection - an operation on the prostate gland. Its peculiarity is that with the help of this device it is possible to operate on patients who have pacemakers installed.
Also, now we are planning to reorganize the operating room to transfer the urological operating room to it, which is still located in the old building. This will significantly expand its capabilities.

- In a word, this year TsKB No. 1 has a lot of work to do...
- Once the creation of high-tech centers has begun, it must be completed. The health of railway workers, as one of the main components of ensuring the safety of train traffic, acquires everything for Russian Railways greater value. It is logical that the company's Central Clinical Hospital should be "at the forefront" of the process.

Many of us lack the love, care and attention of relatives, friends and colleagues. But there are times when love - Divine and human - pours out on you in a huge stream or surrounds you with a cloud in which all sorrows and hardships drown.

I want to talk about the miraculous help of God and the Mother of God in our days and, of course, thank the Lord and His Most Pure Mother, as well as tens, hundreds of my benefactors for prayer and financial assistance.

When, on January 23 of this year, the Russian People's Line published my story about the power of Epiphany water and its role in the healing of my brother Oleg, who died 11 years ago, I still did not imagine the scale of the new trouble looming over us.

For 33 years of diabetes, my brother got used to many of its complications. But chronic renal failure knocked him out of the saddle, deprived him of his beloved job as a doctor, chained him to bed. Five days before the fire that broke out in my wooden house, I could not even imagine that hellfire would incinerate almost everything, but would not be able to overcome the power of Epiphany water, which I just told readers about. In the middle of the burnt-out kitchen, there still stands a surviving wooden table stuffed with plastic bottles of holy water. Moreover, everything that was nearby survived, including paper sheets with the text about Epiphany water. (a photo)

church brotherhood

Returning to Moscow in early February, where my sister Elena and I had brought my brother from Kharkov in a critical condition, I went to pray to the miraculous Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, which is the main shrine of the church-museum of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Tolmachi. The very first person who really (both morally and financially) helped us in Moscow was the rector of the church, Archpriest Nikolai Sokolov. I only managed to tell the priest in a few words about my brother’s illness and the fire, when he interrupted me in mid-sentence and left somewhere. When he returned, he handed me an envelope with money, which became the first tangible donation for the treatment of his brother. I did not count on any money at all - I only asked for advice from Father Nikolai on how to live on, what to do.

I singled out Archpriest Nikolai Sokolov among other priests during my very first trip to the World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations", which was held on the Greek island of Rhodes. I remember that on the plane after a tiring trip, I noticed how one priest carefully placed a pillow under the head of a fallen journalist. No one else did this, and Father Nikolai could not pass by. This is the kind of “cushion” of love and care Father Nikolai has now placed under my exhausted head, which is splitting from problems.

I heard more than once about help through prayers at the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. So the Queen of Heaven helped me too - through Father Nikolai and the cleric of the Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi, Priest Alexy Lymarev, who published a request for help to my brother and me on the temple website, for which I once again sincerely thank them.

The second church that posted a similar announcement on its website was the church in the name of St. Luke (Voyno-Yasenetsky), Archbishop of Crimea. The rector of this temple under construction in Yekaterinburg, priest Anatoly Kulikov, is now also praying for my brother and me. Thanks to him and everyone!

I would especially like to thank for the prayerful help and moral support of many employees Orthodox service assistance of "Mercy" and the Synodal Department for Church Charity and Social Service, chaired by Bishop Panteleimon (Shatov) of Orekhovo-Zuevsky, Vicar of the Moscow Diocese. I have long heard about the kindness and responsiveness of Vladyka Panteleimon (whom many still fell in love with as Archpriest Arkady Shatov), ​​but I was able to verify this personally after talking with him at the relics of the Holy Martyr Elizabeth Feodorovna in the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent of Mercy. Vladyka listened, and after some time sent on his own behalf a petition for help to my brother addressed to Minister of Health V.I. Skvortsova. True, the letter from the Ministry of Health was an ordinary reply, but Vladyka did everything in his power.

Priest Mikhail Zazvonov, widely known for his activities aimed at protecting the life of an unborn child, priest Alexander Belyaev, rector of the church of Theodore Stratilat in the village, are very worried about me and brother Oleg. Big Kolychevo near Kolomna, Hieromonk Seraphim (Petrovsky), who now serves in Kazakhstan, the rector of the Church of the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon at the Central Clinical Hospital No. 1 of Russian Railways Priest Sergiy Eliseev and the cleric of this temple Priest Sergei Beloborodov and many other priests.

Merciful Brotherhood

Fortunately, a huge number of people responded to our misfortune, which manifests the clear Providence of God. I call it the Cloud of Divine Love, which consists of many drops of people who have shown sincere sympathy and concern for the fate of a doctor from Kharkov they do not know.

But I was especially struck by Anna Vitalievna Gromova, Ph.D. in history, full member of the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society, chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Elisabeth-Sergius Educational Society Foundation, which was created at the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands in the village. Usovo. I did not tell Anna Vitalievna about my problems, but she herself called me in February on the eve of my brother Oleg's birthday and gave him gifts and about 100 thousand rubles for hemodialysis. I was struck then that the bell rang immediately as soon as I prayed to the holy martyr Tryphon at the icon with a part of his relics. It turned out that Anna Vitalievna's family also survived the fire, and now her father is seriously ill. Therefore, the reaction to our troubles on her part was so quick. Wonderful are Your works, Lord!

100 thousand for Victory Day!

But if I have known Anna Vitalievna Gromova for many years, then I did not know Anton P. at all until my house burned down. Once, having read about me on the Internet, he brought 10 thousand rubles directly to work. On May 9, I decided to congratulate Anton on Victory Day. Professor O.Yu. was born on this day. Atkov and the saint-surgeon Luka (Voyno-Yasenetsky), to whom I prayed in the hospital church. These two people are very helpful to my brother and me in his treatment. Having congratulated and thanked Oleg Yuryevich and his wonderful wife Evgenia Lvovna on the phone, I felt a desire to call Anton also, although I myself did not understand why it was him. After all, in those days, other people donated money to me.

The idea to call Anton at this particular time was instilled in me from above, now I have no doubt about it. After all, I could not imagine how the most ordinary call would end! What was my surprise when, literally half an hour or an hour after the conversation, Anton brought me to the hospital where my brother is being treated, an amount 10 times higher than his first donation!!! Without suspecting it, I went out to his car with the Holy Fire, which was recently delivered from Jerusalem to Moscow by a delegation from the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation. He did not expect this and was terribly glad. He handed me a plump envelope, saying that the money was honestly earned. As soon as Anton drove away from the gates of the hospital, the sky was lit up with stunningly beautiful fireworks. Of course, it was in honor of Victory Day. But it seemed to me that the Lord had arranged everything in such a way that the volleys of fireworks sounded just for Anton as a reward for his kind, sympathetic heart. I watched the fireworks, clutching the cherished envelope to my chest, prayed and cried from the unexpected generosity of Anton, whom I did not know, from the fact that such miracles happen not only somewhere with someone, but also with us. When I counted the money at home, I was shocked. (I experienced the first similar shock when Pavel, unknown to me, transferred exactly the same amount. According to Elena Trostnikova, he helps many people and always anonymously.)

I will remember this Victory Day for the rest of my life as the Day of Victory over my lack of faith, despondency and despair, because it seemed to me that my sister Elena and I would never be able to pay for my brother's treatment. And suddenly 100 thousand rubles, so necessary for us, literally fell from the sky! Later I asked Anton why he decided to help me. With his permission, I publish his story, sent by mail.

“It's an interesting story. In principle, it doesn’t take much time for me to help someone, but it turned out to be interesting. Recently, my salary was raised, and from time to time some money remains from the household and the needs of my relatives. Saving them is harmful, giving relatives beyond measure, well, at least not useful, which means that someone needs urgent help :))) I went that day to my wife's relatives, because. they got in trouble. I wanted to find out if they needed financial help. I just received the amount that I gave you. And before that, I prayed to the Mother of God and asked her to instruct me where to put this money. I’m going and I say: “Mother of God, enlighten me ...” And then a call with your congratulations. It was then that everything was decided. How much clearer guidance? Relatives in the end did not need anything. And I received something that I could not even think of - the Holy Fire. I was just delighted. What a consolation!

For a long time I lived in vanity. My wife and I tried to have children, we thought that we were slowly moving towards God. But they let down precious time: she - on her hobbies, I - on work and construction. Honestly, it’s amazing, but until recently I thought it was very right and good to go occasionally to Sunday service and build a nest for our mothers, wives and, possibly, children. But the Lord considered that this path was not beneficial for us, and our family began to fall apart. At first it was not obvious to me. Only in recent times I hope I've begun to understand at least something. Now I'm trying to get my wife out of that unbelief and the troubles she got into. This is probably the main driving force in our situation. I sincerely hope that in the future it will lead me to pure love for God. How sometimes you want to pray, not because close person in trouble, but because there is one more day when you can comprehend something, help someone, rejoice at something. Prayer is not a need, but a gratitude. In general, I repeat the path of all those who have encountered close lost people: patience and prayer in the hope that the Lord will enlighten and lead to Himself. The only question is: at what cost? When I experienced all this, I realized with surprise that neither I, nor the wife of an alcoholic, nor a relative of the patient, in fact, are any different. Surprising but true. For this reason, my world is now being built around the temple. This is what I breathe. It’s very scary to waste time on “drinking beer”, which you really want, or to work out some other garbage and not have time to do the most important thing for your loved ones.

All my life I read science fiction, then I somehow got tired of this garbage and began to read only reference books =), paradoxical as it may seem. Now I read spiritual literature. It is not useful to read other literature, you can miss something and not understand where the situation is moving - on a good path or on a bad one ... These books cannot be read like science fiction - diagonally, you need to think here. So much to read! And often there is simply no strength or the head does not understand. How amazing and diverse this world under the sun is, and what a pity that I had not read the rules of the game called “life” before. It's funny to realize that, having lived for so many years and becoming an expert in many things, I didn't become an expert in life issues :) I thought that everything would resolve itself. I really like to make surprises for others, to make something with my hands. In general, I am a man of the earth: I would like to do something. And rest, and pleasure, and it is useful to others. And, as they say: “But, Lord, whether we want it or not, save us!” Sincerely, A."

How merciful the Lord is, sending us not only sorrows and illnesses, but also such amazing people as all my benefactors. Thanks to them, I hope there will be enough money for my brother's treatment until God helps him receive free high-tech treatment under the MHI policy, which his brother recently received along with a temporary residence permit in the Moscow region.

Now I ask for prayers for help in finding a free dialysis place and a donor for a kidney transplant for my brother, as well as in solving my housing problem.

Hospital - temple - home ...

Since February 2013 I have been living in the hospital. No, I'm not treated here and I don't work. But in the evenings, security without a pass lets me into the territory of the Central Design Bureau No. 1 of Russian Railways, and without fear I walk along the dark alleys past hospital temple the holy healer and great martyr Panteleimon, where I constantly pray for the health of my brother, that he would believe and go into this temple himself to light a candle and ask God for help.

There is a particle of the healer's relics and his icon, as well as the icon of St. Luke, Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea, a world-famous surgeon. But the brother has no faith. A clear deterioration in his condition began when last autumn he took off his cross and stopped praying, having lost faith in the mercy of God. I can't do anything about it, because God doesn't force anyone to come to Himself. He just knocks on our hearts and waits. He doesn't rush anyone, but I'm in a hurry. I don't have the patience. I want everything at once - faith for my brother, his healing, the restoration of a burned-out house, and also personal happiness ... But I know that these are just dreams ... All the people around me suffer - someone is stronger, someone is less ... Our land - a vale of suffering, and happiness is the lot of a very few ...

But even in the midst of suffering, one must be able to rejoice in the little. For example, I am glad that my temporary home (a one-room apartment in a dormitory at the hospital) is just ideally located: a two-minute walk from the house on the right side of the temple, and on the left at the same distance - Central Clinical Hospital No. 1 of Russian Railways. All my spiritual and physical life now inextricably linked to the hospital. In the morning I go from the hospital to work, in the evening I go from work to the hospital to visit my brother, who occasionally comes to my hostel, where for the first two hours he comes to his senses after a short walk, then takes a shower and again comes to his senses from overwork. The usual things that we do without noticing require a lot of strength from him.

medical fraternity

Thanks to my brother's illness, I had the good fortune to meet the famous "children's doctor of the world", professor, public figure, director of the Research Institute of Emergency Children's Surgery and Traumatology, expert of the World Health Organization Leonid Mikhailovich Roshal. His contacts were given by Alla Nikolaevna Inkova, editor-in-chief of Medical Pravda, which now regularly publishes my articles on medicine and the Church. Having sent to the reception room L.M. Roshal's letter asking for help, I did not expect him to answer personally. But the famous doctor called me on my mobile and advised me to write a letter to the Minister of Health V.I. Skvortsova. They say she is a kind woman. But it is unlikely that she read my letter herself. Most likely, assistants answered for her, and the letter went from May 31 to July 1. In the letter - the usual replies, but on the merits of the request - not a word.

I want to note that the first to respond to our misfortune were wonderful doctors - Vice-President of Russian Railways, winner of several awards, Professor Oleg Yuryevich Atkov and his wife - Researcher All-Russian Research Institute of Eye Diseases of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Member of the Board of the Center of National Glory Evgeniya Lvovna Atkova. They not only helped to arrange for my brother to be treated at the Central Clinical Hospital No. 1 of Russian Railways, but also gave me, as a victim of a fire, the opportunity to live in a one-room apartment in a hostel on the territory of the hospital.

Also, from the bottom of my heart, I thank the director of the Central Design Bureau No. 1 of Russian Railways, Viktor Frantsevich Pfaff; head of the endocrinology center of the hospital, Honored Doctor of Russia Emma Anatolyevna Voichik; head of the endocrinology department Larisa Anatolyevna Rogova; professor-nephrologist Andrey Alekseevich Dmitriev; head of the hemodialysis department Olga Arkadievna Barskaya and other doctors.

But with all of them good attitude to a brother who needs a kidney transplant, no one will bear the costs of a citizen of Ukraine to pay for his treatment. The formation of a fistula and hospitalization during the first month cost us more than 200 thousand rubles. The brother is a citizen of Ukraine, and the fact that he was treated free of charge in a Moscow hospital from February 1 to February 20, 2013 is an undoubted miracle that the holy archbishop-surgeon Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky) arranged. He never charged anyone for treatment.

Knowing that I had no money, Father Nikolai Sokolov blessed me to seek help from the most different people and organizations, including the management of Russian Railways and the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation, which I did. I thank the President of the Foundation of St. Andrew the First-Called, Sergei Evgenievich Shcheblygin, who gave me financial assistance in the amount of almost four of my salaries.

I also say a huge thank you to the head of the Medical Brotherhood Foundation, Professor Grigory Efimovich Roitberg.

He is a doctor and knows the problems of doctors "from the inside". As a healthcare organizer and head of one of the most successful private clinics in Russia, he does everything to ensure that “small good deeds” flow into a powerful flow of assistance that will change the situation in Russian healthcare for the better. Life-saving doctors often find themselves in difficult situations themselves. The Medical Brotherhood Charitable Foundation was created by the Meditsina clinic to help medical workers in Russia. This is a unique charity project that brings together representatives of the medical community, patients, medical institutions and the best organizations in the country.

Elena Prikhodova, Executive Director of the Medical Brotherhood Charitable Foundation, transferred 136 thousand rubles allocated by the fund to the Central Clinical Hospital No. 1 of Russian Railways, which made it possible to partially pay for the treatment of his brother in the nephrology department of the hospital, where he was formed a fistula and since June 13, 2013 they have been doing it three times a week hemodialysis, and sometimes you have to do a puncture between dialysis, as a lot of fluid accumulates in the lungs. My brother has sharply limited the amount of liquid consumed, but it is treacherously formed in the body again and again, and no one can explain why ...

Each hemodialysis procedure costs 6,000 rubles. Bed - 2400 rubles per day + tests, examinations, studies, x-rays and doctor's consultations. In short, about 200 thousand rubles a month.

Journalistic Brotherhood

My brother and I would not have received such great help without the informational support of the numerous media outlets with which I cooperate and which wrote about my fire and the illness of my brother with diabetes.

I thank Anna Danilova (“Orthodoxy and the World”), the portal team, Nikolai Podosokorsky (“LiveJournal” by Nikolai Podosokorsky with many reposts), Igor Volgin (Dostoevsky Foundation website), Lika Sidelev (“”), Vladimir Legoyda, Vladimir Gurbolikov and Valery Posashko (magazine "Foma"; publications dated 03/15/13), Shoda Mulajanova (newspaper "Moskovskaya Pravda"), Missionary Center. Daniil Sysoeva, Tatyana Sokolovskaya (School of Joy website), Larisa Blinova (Russia in Colors website), Sergei Nidolov (Echo of Moscow radio), Anatoly Stepanov (Russian Folk Line), especially for the article “The Tale of how an archbishop-doctor and a doctor-cosmonaut save the life of a diabetic doctor”), Sergei Chesnokov (“Russia for Life” website dedicated to the “For Life” festival and the electronic newspaper “Bethlehem Glas”), “live journal” “In Defense of the Family, parents and children ", Evgenia Nikiforova (radio "Radonezh" :), Alexandra Khludentsova (newspaper "Orthodox Moscow" . 2013. No. 8. P. 11), site "The Sanctity of Motherhood", Alla Inkov (newspaper "Medical Truth". C 9-11), priest Alexy Lymarev (website of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Tolmachi), Olga Selivanov and many people unknown to me who reposted my request for help.

Thanks to publications in the media and social networks, it has already managed to raise about a million rubles. More than half of the amount goes to the treatment of his brother. It is necessary to save his life - to look for a kidney donor and a clinic where they could perform the operation. It’s too early to think about restoring a burned-out house…

Things as evidence of love

Every morning I open my eyes and say: “Lord, thank You for sorrows and joys! Thank you that my relatives are alive, that they put my brother in a good hospital, that You let my dilapidated house burn down. Perhaps you want to help me build a new beautiful cozy house for my daughter and me? Yes, Lord? Couldn’t you just deprive us of your corner and all your property?”

Property is a livelihood. Instead of my burnt clothes, I got a whole wardrobe of new ones. Getting dressed in the morning, I thank Yuliana Polyakova from Kharkov, Muscovites Larisa Kudyanova, Irina Nurchinskaya, Irina Chernenko, Natalya Andrushchenko, Natalia Yakimicheva, Lyubov Biryuleva, and also Margarita Vinogradova, who recently sent me a package with new clothes from Odessa, and many, many others …

I cook breakfast, rattling pans and plates, and every time I say “thank you” for the dishes and kitchen utensils to Natalia Balak. Opening the refrigerator donated by Oleg Karpushin, I also remember him with gratitude for the fact that he often helps me with the car - he takes my brother where I need to go ... Using cosmetics, I remember Natalya Lavrova with a kind word. Listening to CDs, I thank Nadezhda Dubinskaya. I remember Anya Ermachkova and Oksana Prikhodko, who brought me a gift from Yulia Podkustova - a brand new, brand new printer - brought straight to the hostel, tired after a working day. I thank Vladimir Nemychenkov for the blanket, clothes and bag from his daughter. Stroking the iron, I remember Anna Mordmillovich, who presented it ... Thanks to Valentina and Konstantin Chebotarev, Galina and Maria Bezruchenkov, the family of Nora Artinyan, Tatyana Leyteizina, Vladimir Mishchenko, Tatyana Golovanova, Daria Khobotkova, Tatyana Afanasyeva, Alexei Parshintsev, Alexander Gatilin and all the employees of the Andrey Foundation First-Called. But do you remember everyone who gave me something?

I even learned to thank officials. Without them, my brother would not have received a temporary residence permit for three years and a policy of compulsory health insurance. I thank the head of the Federal Migration Service for the Istra region, Sergey Anatolyevich Savilov, and his deputy, Yana Nikolaevna Kravchenko, for helping me get the coveted temporary residence permit immediately after the 50 days required by law. I thank Galina Sergeevna Utkina, Chairman of the Health Protection Committee of the Moscow Regional Duma, for her help.

It is a pity that so far, already having on hand compulsory medical insurance policy in the name of the brother, we continue to pay for his expensive treatment. I thank everyone who helps us financially and prayerfully: these are Russians from different cities and villages, Orthodox Azerbaijanis Fazil A-v from Ukraine and Fazil Irzabekov, author of amazing books about the Russian language, doctor from Serbia Ivan P e trovic, philologist from Italy Stefano Aloe, Georgian singer and head of the charity foundation "Talents of the World" David Gvinianidze, who is ready to hold a concert "Royal Tournament" to raise funds for the treatment of Ali Akhundov...

Natalia Narochnitskaya was one of the first to repost my request for help and, I think, the first to transfer 10 thousand rubles to my account ... What a pity that not a single media outlet will publish a list of all my donors. Yes, I don't know them all. Lyudmila Genrikhovna O. transferred 3000 rubles to us, Oleg Valeryevich S. - 2000 rubles. Someone sent 100 rubles, and Andrei Vladimirovich D. - 22,000 rubles! Thanks to all our benefactors, among whom I especially want to talk about Natasha - an example of perseverance and patience.

Natasha Voronitsyna

I met Natasha thanks to Sergey Nidolov, a person who is extremely indifferent to the problems of other people, who reposted my request for help as a fire victim and drew attention to my trouble of the blogosphere and the girls from Tugeza, as well as the Apostle project he is developing. This is how I met Olga Prokofieva and Natasha Voronitsyna, who were not only sensitive to my misfortune, but quickly became my new friends. It was Olya who informed me that Natasha had transferred my monthly salary to my brother Alik's treatment. I was shocked not so much because of the size of the transfer (Sergei Eliseev, Elena Lozhnikova, Sergei Maershin and others donated the same amounts to me), but because Natasha herself needs help, since she has been suffering from multiple sclerosis for 9 years . She cannot do without a nurse, cannot walk, get out of bed, walk, do the simplest things ...

When on June 29, despite the wild heat, we came to her in Pushkino, we found two nurses at once. Svetlana from Moldova, who lived in Natalia's house for four and a half months, handed over her ward Zinaida from Transnistria from hand to hand. Only the two of them were able to carry Natasha out into the yard in a wheelchair. God, how happy she was that she finally left the enclosed space and that for once she had guests!

We hugged like old acquaintances, as we have been communicating on Facebook for several months. Lying Natalia often comforts and encourages me, despondent and discouraged. While Natalia and I were talking about the eternal - about God, about the meaning of life and suffering, about the frailty of life and the need to endure sorrows with dignity, about St. fire, strung meat soaked in kefir on skewers. Vegetables, herbs and bright green dishes looked very nice on the table. Masha made delicious non-alcoholic drinks, Natasha's mother Olga Georgievna set the festive table, we lit candles, and Olya and Natasha happily blew soap bubbles, rejoicing like children. The evening was a success, although there was one sad circumstance that spoiled Natasha's mood (but let's not talk about sores!).

Natasha and I wrote a lot to each other about faith in God, about the difficult path to Him, about bitterness and resentment, about despondency and despair from the troubles that befell us. My brother Alik (Oleg in baptism) will not come to God in any way, not understanding why He punished him with diabetes at the age of six, why he does not answer his prayers and requests for help now, when he is 40 years old. Natasha is familiar with these questions, although she became ill as an adult. She filed a lawsuit against her employers who illegally fired her from the company to which she devoted a lot of time and energy. As a result of severe stress, she fell ill with multiple sclerosis, which is not treated. Natasha really needs our help - the most different. She really lacks communication - not on social networks or on Skype, but real - live - warm communication - eye to eye, when you can cry and laugh together, when a word of encouragement heals better than the most expensive drugs. Natasha invites everyone to her barbecue. It's very interesting with her. Come!

Among the benefactors I also want to name Anastasia Gacheva, Tatyana Golovanova, Svyatoslav Mozhey, Roman Solubev, Yuliana Polyakova, Tatyana Sokolovsky, Larisa Kudianova and her relatives, Irina Nurchinskaya, Tatyana Leiteizina, the family of Nora Artinyan, Galina and Maria Bezruchenkov, Valentina Chebotareva, Alexei Reutsky, Nadezhda Zaitseva, Tatyana Sinyaeva, Olga Chugueva, Marina Nikolskaya and other merciful people.

Please forgive me for not being able to list all the people who responded to our misfortune. Later I will tell about the help of researchers of Dostoevsky's work, volunteers, work colleagues, neighbors, friends ... My misfortune showed how generous Russia is for kind and sympathetic people. I don't know the names of most of the benefactors.

Orthodox Azerbaijani: “We are just performers…”

He asked not to be identified by his real name. Baptized in Orthodoxy as John, and in social network calls himself "I am the dust". And just a "wanderer" in this world. He sent 500 hryvnias to my brother, and in response to my gratitude he wrote: “Hello, Irina! I beg you - do not thank me, because the LORD excites the hearts of people, and we are just performers, the more you see from the name who I consider myself (without foolishness). I don’t remember which of the saints always greeted people: “CHRIST IS RISEN!” (except HOLY week). May your gratitude be to GOD!”

No matter how hard it is for me, I ALWAYS try to thank God, the Mother of God and all the saints. Whenever possible, I write the names of benefactors in notes about health! I pray for all of you - my friends and benefactors - at home and in church. Thank you for everything! Low bow to all! THANK GOD FOR EVERYTHING!

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