Chinese parable of good and evil. Parables about good and evil

Creativity has been known since ancient times, and it has always been used as a powerful means of education. The reason is that the stories underlying each parable for children are as close as possible to real life and therefore understandable to everyone. They also help to identify vices without direct condemnation of a particular person. Let's recall the most interesting of them and see how you can use them for educational purposes when communicating with children.

About bad and good

Two friends were walking through the desert. Tired of the long journey, they argued and one rashly slapped the other. The comrade endured pain and did not say anything in response to the offender. He just wrote in the sand: “Today I received a slap in the face from a friend.”

A few more days passed, and they were at the oasis. They began to bathe, and the one who received the slap almost drowned. The first comrade came to the rescue just in time. Then the second carved an inscription on a stone, saying that best friend saved him from death. Seeing this, the comrade asked him to explain his actions. And the second answered: “I made an inscription in the sand about the offense so that the wind would erase it faster. And about salvation - carved on a stone, so that you never forget about what happened.

This parable about friendship for children will help them understand that bad things cannot be stored in memory for a long time. But the good deeds of other people should never be forgotten. And one more thing - you need to cherish your friends, because in difficult times it is they who often find themselves next to a person.

About love for mother

Equally important are the relationships between family members. We often explain to children that they should show respect for their parents, take care of them. But parables for children like the one below will say everything better than any words.

An old man and three women were sitting by the well, and three boys were playing next to them. Here the first one says: "My son has such a voice that everyone will listen." The second one boasts: “But mine can show such figures - you’ll look at it.” And only the third is silent. The old man turns to her: “Why don’t you tell about your son?” And she replies: “Yes, there is nothing unusual about him.”

So the women took buckets full of water, and the old man got up with them. They hear: the first boy sings, the nightingale is flooded. The second one circles around them. And only the third one approached his mother, took the heavy buckets and carried them home. The first two women ask the old man: "Well, how do you like our sons?" And he replies: “Where are they? I see only one son."

These short parables for children, close to life and understandable to everyone, they will teach children to truly appreciate their parents and show the true value of family relationships.

Lie or tell the truth?

Continuing the theme, we can recall another wonderful story.

Three boys played in the forest and did not notice how evening had come. They were afraid that they would be punished at home, and began to think what to do. Should I tell my parents the truth or lie? And here's how it all turned out. The first came up with a story about a wolf that attacked him. His father would be afraid for him, he decided, and forgive him. But at that moment the forester came and said that they did not have any wolves. The second told his mother that he had come to visit his grandfather. Look - and he himself is on the threshold. Thus, the lies of the first and second boys were revealed, and as a result they were punished twice. First for being guilty, and then for lying. And only the third came home and told everything as it was. His mother made some noise and soon calmed down.

Such parables for children prepare them for the fact that lying only complicates the situation. Therefore, in any case, it is better not to come up with excuses and not to hide your guilt in the hope that everything will work out, but to immediately admit to a misconduct. This is the only way to maintain the trust of parents and not feel remorse.

About two wolves

It is equally important to teach the child to see the boundary between good and evil. These are two moral categories which will always accompany a person, and, possibly, fight in his soul. Among the large number of instructive stories on this topic, the most understandable and interesting for children is the parable of two wolves.

Once an inquisitive grandson asked his grandfather - the leader of the tribe:

Why do bad people appear?

To this the elder gave a wise answer. Here's what he said:

bad people not in the world. But in every person there are two sides: dark and light. The first is the desire for love, kindness, compassion, mutual understanding. The second symbolizes evil, selfishness, hatred, destruction. Like two wolves, they are constantly fighting each other.

Sure, the boy replied. - And which one of them wins?

It all depends on the person, - finished the grandfather. - The top is always won by the wolf that is fed more.

This parable about good and evil for children will make it clear that a person is responsible for much that happens in life. Therefore, it is necessary to consider all your actions. And wish others only what you wish for yourself.

Oh hedgehog

Another question that adults often ask is: "How to explain to a kid that you can't blindly trust everyone around you?" How to teach him to analyze the situation and only then make a decision? In this case, parables for young children, similar to this one, will come to the rescue.

Somehow a fox and a hedgehog met. And the redhead, licking her lips, advised her interlocutor to go to the hairdresser and make a fashionable hairstyle “under the turtle”. "Thorns are out of fashion these days," she added. The hedgehog was delighted with such care and set off. It's good that he met an owl along the way. Having learned where, why and on whose advice he was going, the bird said: “Do not forget to ask to be smeared with cucumber lotion and refreshed with carrot water.” "Why is that?" - did not understand the hedgehog. “And so that the fox eats you better.” So, thanks to the owl, the hero realized that not every piece of advice can be trusted. And yet - not every "good" word is sincere.

Who is stronger?

Often parables resemble folk tales, especially if the heroes are the forces of nature, endowed with human qualities. Here is one such example.

The wind and the sun argued which of them is stronger. Suddenly they see: a passer-by is walking. The wind says: "Now I will tear off his cloak." He blew with all his might, but the passer-by only wrapped himself more tightly in his clothes and continued on his way. Then the sun began to warm up. And the man first lowered his collar, then untied his belt, finally took off his cloak and threw it over his arm. This is how it happens in our life: you can achieve more with caress and warmth than with screams and force.

About the prodigal son

Now we quite often turn to the Bible and find in it answers to many moral questions. In this regard, it is necessary to especially note the parables cited in it and told by Jesus Christ. They will tell children about goodness and the need for forgiveness more than the long instructions of their parents.

Everyone knows the story of prodigal son who took his share of the inheritance from his father and left home. At first he led a cheerful, idle life. But the money soon ran out, and the young man was ready to eat even with the pigs. But he was driven from everywhere, as a terrible famine set in the country. And the sinful son of his father remembered. He decided to go home, repent and ask for a mercenary. But the father, seeing the returned son, was delighted. He raised him from his knees and ordered a feast. This offended the older brother, who said to his father: “I have been with you all my life, and you spared me even a kid. He squandered all his wealth, and you ordered that a fattened bull be slaughtered for him. To which the wise old man replied: “You are always with me, and everything that I have will go to you. You need to rejoice that your brother seemed to have died, and now he has come to life, disappeared and was found.

Problems? Everything is solved

Very instructive Orthodox parables for older children. Popular, for example, is the story of the miraculous rescue of a donkey. Here is its content.

A farmer's donkey fell into a well. The owner pushed. Then he thought: “The donkey is already old, and the well is dry. I will fill them with earth and solve two problems at once. I called my neighbors and they got to work. After a while, the peasant looked into the well and saw an interesting picture. The donkey threw the earth falling from above from its back and crushed it with its feet. Soon the well was full, and the animal was at the top.

This is how it happens in life. The Lord often sends us, as it seems at first glance, insurmountable trials. At such a moment, it is important not to despair and not give up. Then you can find a way out of any situation.

Five important rules

And in general, to become happy, you do not need much. Sometimes it is enough to follow a few simple rules that are understandable to the child. Here they are:

  • expel hatred from your heart and learn to forgive;
  • avoid unnecessarily unrest - more often they do not come true;
  • live simply and appreciate what you have;
  • give more to others;
  • expect less for yourself.

These wise sayings, on which many parables for children and adults are based, will teach you to be more tolerant of others and enjoy everyday life.

a wise man

In conclusion, I would like to turn to the text of another parable for children. It is about a traveler who settled in an unfamiliar village. The man was very fond of children and constantly made unusual toys for them. They are so beautiful that you will not find them at any fair. But they were all painfully fragile. The kid will play, and the toy, looking, has already broken. The child is crying, and the master is already giving him a new one, but even more fragile. The villagers asked the man why he was doing this. And the master replied: “Life is fleeting. Soon someone will give your child their heart. And it is very fragile. And I hope that my toys will teach your children to take care of this priceless gift.

So, any parable prepares the child for a meeting with our difficult life. Unobtrusively teaches to think about each of his actions, to correlate it with the moral norms accepted in society. It makes it clear that spiritual purity, stamina, readiness to overcome any adversity will help to pass life path with dignity.

Nothing that isn't true.

One day a blind man was sitting on the steps of a building with a hat at his feet and a sign that read: "I am blind, please help."
One person passed by and stopped. He saw an invalid who had only a few coins in his hat. He tossed him a couple of coins and, without his permission, wrote new words on the tablet. He left it to the blind man and left.
By the end of the day he returned and saw that the hat was full of coins. The blind man recognized him by his steps and asked if he was the man who had copied the tablet. The blind man also wanted to know what exactly he had written. He replied:
“Nothing that isn't true. I just wrote it a little differently.
He smiled and left.
The new inscription on the plate was: "It's spring now, but I can't see it."


A young man was riding in a shiny new Jaguar in a good mood, humming a tune. Suddenly he saw children sitting by the road. After he carefully drove around them, was about to pick up speed again, he suddenly heard a stone hit the car. The young man stopped the car, got out of it and, grabbing one of the boys by the scruff of the neck, began to shake him, shouting:
- The bastard! Why the hell did you throw a rock at my car! Do you know how much this car costs?!
“Excuse me, mister,” the boy replied. “It was not my intention to harm you or your machine. The fact is that my brother is disabled, he fell out of the wheelchair, but I cannot lift him, he is too heavy for me. For several hours we have been asking for help, but not a single car has stopped. I had no choice but to throw the stone, otherwise you wouldn't have stopped either.
The young man helped to seat the disabled person in a chair, trying to hold back tears and suppress a lump in his throat. Then he went to his car and saw a dent in the brand new shiny door left from the stone.
He drove this car for many years, and every time he said no to the mechanics to the offer to repair this dent in the door, because every time it reminded him that if you ignore the whisper, a stone will fly at you.

Can't save everyone

One day at high tide brought a lot of starfish. The tide came and a huge number of them began to dry in the sun.
The boy, walking along the shore, began to throw the stars into the sea so that they could continue their life journey.
A man approached him and asked:
Why are you doing this? It's just stupid! he shouted. — Look around! There are millions of starfish here, the shore is just dotted with them. Your attempts won't change anything!

The boy picked up the next starfish, thought for a moment, threw it into the sea and said:
- No, my attempts will change a lot ... for this star.

Junior rain chief

One day, two sailors set off on a journey around the world to find their destiny. They sailed to the island, where the leader of one of the tribes had two daughters. The eldest is beautiful, and the youngest is not very.
One of the sailors said to his friend:
- That's it, I found my happiness, I'm staying here and marrying the leader's daughter.
— Yes, you are right, the eldest daughter of the leader is a beauty, a clever one. You made the right choice - get married.
You don't understand me, friend! I am marrying the chief's youngest daughter.
- Are you crazy? She's like... not so much.
This is my decision and I will do it.

The friend sailed on in search of his happiness, and the groom went to woo. I must say that in the tribe it was customary to give cows for the bride. A good bride cost ten cows.
He drove ten cows and approached the leader.
“Chief, I want to marry your daughter and I give ten cows for her!”
- It's a good choice. My eldest daughter is beautiful, smart, and worth ten cows. I agree.
No, chief, you don't understand. I want to marry your youngest daughter.
- Are you joking? Can't you see, she's just so... not so good.
- I want to marry her.
- Okay, but how fair man I can't take ten cows, she's not worth it. I'll take three cows for her, no more.
— No, I want to pay exactly ten cows.
They merried.
Several years passed, and the wandering friend, already on his ship, decided to visit the remaining comrade and find out how his life is. Sailed, walks along the shore, and towards the woman of unearthly beauty.
He asked her how to find his friend. She showed. He comes and sees: his friend is sitting, the kids are running around.
- How are you?
- I'm happy.
This is where the beautiful woman comes in.
- Here, meet me. This is my wife.
- How? Are you married again?
No, it's still the same woman.
But how did it happen that she changed so much?
- You can ask her yourself.
A friend approached the woman and asked:
“Sorry for the faux pas, but I remember how you were… not really. What happened to make you so beautiful?
“I just realized one day that I was worth ten cows.

The Parable of the Nails

Once upon a time there was a very hot-tempered and unrestrained young man. And then one day his father gave him a bag of nails and punished him every time he could not restrain his anger, to drive one nail into a fence post.
On the first day, there were several dozen nails in the post. In another week, he learned to control his anger, and every day the number of nails driven into the pole began to decrease. The young man realized that it was easier to control his temper than to drive in nails.
At last the day came when he never once lost his composure. He told his father about this, and he said that this time, every day, when his son managed to restrain himself, he could pull one nail out of the post.
Time passed, and the day came when he could tell his father that not a single nail was left in the post. Then the father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence:
“You did a good job, but do you see how many holes there are in the pillar? He will never be the same again. When you say something evil to a person, he leaves the same scar as these holes. And no matter how many times you apologize after that, the scar will remain.

two angels

Two traveling angels stopped for the night in the house of a wealthy family. The family was inhospitable and did not want to leave the angels in the living room. Instead, they were laid to sleep in a cold basement. As they were making the bed, the elder angel saw a hole in the wall and patched it up. When junior angel saw it, then asked why. The elder replied:
“Things are not what they seem.

“Things are not what they seem,” the older angel replied. — When we were in the basement, I realized that there was a treasure with gold in the hole in the wall. His owner was rude and did not want to do good. I repaired the wall so that the treasure would not be found. As we slept in bed the next night, the angel of death came for the owner's wife. I gave him the cow.

Things are not what they seem. We never know everything. And even if you have faith, you still need to inspire confidence that everything that comes is in your favor. And you will understand this with time. Some people come into our lives and leave quickly, some become our friends and stay for a minute. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today…
The present is a gift. Life is magic, and the taste of every moment is unique!

The topic starts here "The best parables about the meaning of life"
Continuation of the topic here "The best historical parables"

Bonus for those who like short sketches with deep meaning.

The Parable of the Spoons

One day a good man was talking to God and asked him:
- Lord, I would like to know what Heaven is and what Hell is.

The Lord led him to two doors, opened one, and led the good man inside.
There was a huge round table in the middle of which was a huge bowl filled with food that smelled very delicious.
The kind man felt his mouth watering.
The people around the table looked sick and starving.They had spoons with long, long handles attached to their hands. They could get the cupfilled with food, and scoop up food, but since the handles of the spoons were too long, they could not bring them to their mouths.

The good man was shocked at the sight of their misfortune.
The Lord said, "You just saw Hell."

The Lord and the good man then went to the second door. The Lord opened it. The scene that the kind person saw was identical to the previous one. The same huge round table, the same giant thicket that made his mouth fill with saliva. The people around the table held the same very long-handled spoons.Only this time they looked full, happy, and deep in pleasant conversations with each other.
The good man said to the Lord, "I don't understand."

It's simple, - the Lord answered him, - these have learned to feed each other. And they only think about themselves.
Hell and Paradise are arranged in the same way. The difference is inside us .

great writer whose name, alas, was lost in the course of the years, read a magnificent text to the student audience, which led everyone to complete delight, close to ecstasy. Here it is necessary to make a tiny digression and make it clear that this writer was at that time a figure of the greatest scale, let's not be afraid to oversalt in epithets - a special iconic, almost messiah.

The students, not at all doubting the answer, asked:
- Who is the author of this divine text?

If I tell you that these stigmata were clearly visible in heaven, and I was only a diligent scribe who reproduced them on paper, you will tremble and reverently pray to these lines.
- If I say that at night in a dream the voice of God whispered softly in my ear, you will experience great reverence, but I do not think that you will kneel in tears and trembling.
- If I say that the author is one of you, you will probably fall into despondency and secretly begin to envy each other, and perhaps even hate.
- And if I tell you that the text was picked up by me in the mud from the hands of a beggar and a homeless person, you will probably laugh, and the sanctity of the text will melt like a ghostly morning fog ...

Parable: Two wolves

One day, a wise old Indian - the leader of the tribe was talking to his little grandson.

Why are there bad people? - asked his inquisitive grandson.

There are no bad people, - the leader answered. - In every person there are two halves - light and dark. The light side of the soul calls a person to love, kindness, responsiveness, peace, hope, sincerity. And the dark side personifies evil, selfishness, destruction, envy, lies, treason. It's like a fight between two wolves. Imagine that one wolf is light and the other is dark. Understand?

I understand, - said the kid, touched to the depths of his soul by the words of his grandfather. The boy thought for a while, and then asked: - But which wolf wins in the end?

The old Indian smiled faintly.

The wolf you feed always wins.

Parable: Two seeds

One day, the disciples came to the mentor and asked him: “Why do bad inclinations easily take possession of a person, and good inclinations are difficult and remain fragile in him?”

What will happen if a healthy seed is left in the sun, and a diseased seed is buried in the ground? - asked the old man.

The good seed that is left without soil will perish, and the bad seed will germinate, give a diseased sprout and a bad fruit, the disciples answered.

This is what people do: instead of secretly doing good deeds and deep in their souls to grow good seedlings, they put them on display and thereby destroy them. And people hide their shortcomings and sins so that others do not see them deep in their souls. There they grow and wound a person in the very heart.

Parable: Butterfly

In ancient times, there lived a wise man, to whom people came for advice. He helped everyone, people trusted him and greatly respected his age, life experience and wisdom. And then one day one envious person decided to disgrace the sage in the presence of many people. The envious and sly man came up with a whole plan on how to do this: “I will catch a butterfly and bring it to the sage in my closed palms, then I will ask him what he thinks is the butterfly in my hands alive or dead. If the sage says that I am alive, I will close my palms tightly, crush the butterfly and, opening my hands, I will say that our great sage was mistaken. If the sage says that the butterfly is dead, I will open my hands, the butterfly will fly out alive and unharmed and say that our great sage was mistaken. So did the envious man, caught the butterfly and went to the sage. When he asked the sage what kind of butterfly he had in his hands, the sage replied: "Everything is in your hands."

Parable: Two cities

One day a man was sitting near an oasis at the entrance to a Middle Eastern city. A young man approached him and asked:

I have never been here. What kind of people live in this city?

The old man answered him with a question:

And what kind of people were in the city from which you left?

They were selfish and evil people. However, that is why I gladly left there.

Here you will meet exactly the same, - the old man answered him.

After a while, another person approached the place and asked the same question:

I just arrived. Tell me, old man, what kind of people live in this city?

The old man replied the same:

And tell me, son, how did people behave in the city where you came from?

Oh, they were kind, hospitable and noble souls! I had many friends there and it was not easy for me to part with them.

You will find the same ones here,” the old man replied.

A merchant who was watering his camels nearby heard both conversations. And as soon as the second man left, he turned to the old man with a reproach:

Why did you give two people completely different answers to the same question?

Son, everyone carries their own world in their heart. Those who in the past did not find anything good in those parts from where they came from, will not find anything here. On the contrary, the one who had friends in another city will find true and devoted friends here too. For, you see, the people around us become for us what we find in them.

Parable: The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares

Jesus Christ said: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; while the people were asleep, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and left; when the grass sprang up and the fruit appeared, then the tares also appeared. When the servants of the householder came, they said to him: “Sir! Have you not sown good seed in your field? Why are there tares on it?” He said to them, "The enemy man has done this." And the servants said to him: “Do you want us to go and choose them?” But he said, “No, lest, when you pick up the tares, you pull up the wheat along with them; let both grow together until the harvest; and at harvest time I will say to the reapers, Gather first the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them; but put away the wheat in my barn.”

Tares are meadow plants and field weeds that are found along roads, on railway embankments.

Quote: Go your own way

One of the disciples asked the Buddha:

If someone hits me, what should I do?

If a dry branch falls on you from a tree and hits you, what will you do? he asked in reply:

What will i do? Same mere chance, a mere coincidence that I was under a tree when a branch fell from it, - said the student.

Then the Buddha remarked:

So do the same. Someone was mad, angry and hit you - It's like a branch from a tree fell on your head. Don't let it bother you, go your own way as if nothing happened.

Parable: Black dot

One day the sage gathered his disciples and showed them an ordinary sheet of paper, where he drew a small black dot. He asked them, "What do you see?" Everyone answered in unison that a black dot. The answer was not correct. The sage said, "Don't you see this white sheet of paper - it's so huge, bigger than this black dot!" This is how it is in life - we first see something bad in people, although there is much more good. And only a few see a "white sheet of paper" at once.

Parable: Nails

Once upon a time there was a very hot-tempered and unrestrained young man. And then one day his father gave him a bag of nails and punished him every time he could not restrain his anger, to drive one nail into a fence post.

On the first day, there were several dozen nails in the post. In the next week, he learned to control his anger, and every day the number of nails driven into the post began to decrease. The young man realized that it is easier to control his temperament than hammering nails. He told his father about this, and he said that from that day on, every time his son managed to restrain himself, he could pull one nail out of the post.

Time passed, and the day came when he could tell his father that not a single nail was left in the post. Then the father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence:

You did a good job, but do you see how many holes there are in the pillar? He will never be the same again. When you say something mean to a person, he gets the same scar as these holes. And no matter how many times you apologize after that, the scar will remain.

Parable: Fall

One student asked his Sufi teacher:

Teacher, what would you say if you knew about my fall?

- Get up!

– And next time?

- Get up again!

- And how long can this go on - everything falls and rises?

- Fall and get up while you're alive! After all, those who fell and did not rise are dead.

Proverbs about kindness

A good mother hen sees grain with one eye, and a kite with the other.

A good family will add intelligence - intelligence.

Hold on to the good, but turn away from the bad.

Good brotherhood is better than wealth.

A good deed is to speak the truth boldly.

A good deed praises itself.

God helps the good.

The owner is happy to have a good guest.

Do not repent of a good deed.

Good good memory.

Good for the good, but for the bad - a rib in half.

Help is not at a loss for a kind person.

To a kind person, every day is a holiday.

Kindness without reason is empty.

Good deeds are better than soft pie.

Good people die, but their deeds live on.

Good people die, but their deeds are not lost.

A good friend is better than a hundred relatives.

A good tailor cuts with a margin.

A good man will do better than an angry one.

A good person will live in good life.

A good person teaches good.

A kind person is better than a stone bridge.

A good person will come - as if he will bring light.

To be kind - to be kind and to be known.

Evil does not believe that there are good people.

And the dog remembers the good old.

Beauty until the evening, and kindness forever.

Beauty is taken away by years, kindness will not be taken away.

Whoever does good, evil does not harm him.

Who helps people, and his desires come true.

An affectionate word is like a spring day.

Dashing dashing, and good good.

There are good people in the world.

Don't look for beauty, look for kindness.

Do not rejoice at getting up early, rejoice at a good hour!

No matter what face, it would be a heart of gold.

Feel free to talk about a good deed.

Hurry up for a good deed, and the bad will come in time.

You will spend an hour in goodness - you will forget all grief.

Sayings about kindness

To pardon a thief - to destroy a good one.

Everyone is good, but not to everyone.

Good time - it's time to leave the table.

Good - good memory.

Good thief is all right.

A good dog does not bark at the wind.

Good hello and the cat is pleasant.

Good - good glory.

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

For a good man a hundred hands.

The world is not without good people.

On a good flower and a bee flies.

Not without good people.

Do not look lumpy - look in bulk.

Good is not sought from good.

The wolf took pity on the mare.

The world is not without good people.

Parable about kindness and politeness

Once a young man came to the Teacher and asked permission to study with him.

Why do you need it? - asked the master.

I want to become strong and invincible.

Then become it! Be kind to everyone, be polite and considerate. Kindness and courtesy will earn you the respect of others. Your spirit will become pure and kind, and therefore strong. Mindfulness will help you notice the most subtle changes, this will make it possible to avoid collisions, which means winning a duel without entering into it. If you learn how to avoid collisions, you will become invincible.

Because you have no one to fight.

The young man left, but a few years later he returned to the Teacher.

What do you need? asked the old master.

I came to inquire about your health and see if you need help...

And then the Teacher took him as a student.

Buddhist parable

One of the disciples asked the Buddha:

If someone hits me, what should I do?

If a dry branch falls on you from a tree and hits you, what will you do? he asked in reply:

What will i do? It's a mere accident, a mere coincidence that I was under a tree when a branch fell from it, - said the student.

Then the Buddha remarked:

So do the same. Someone was mad, angry and hit you - It's like a branch from a tree fell on your head. Don't let it bother you, go your own way as if nothing happened.

Sufi parable

One student asked his Sufi teacher:

Teacher, what would you say if you knew about my fall?

Get up!

And next time?

Get up again!

And how long can it go on - all fall and rise?

Fall and rise while you're alive! After all, those who fell and did not rise are dead.

Parable about friends

Two friends lived in Syracuse - Damon and Phintius. Damon was arrested for debt and sentenced to death.

Allow me to leave until the evening to arrange my household chores, - Damon asked the ruler of the city of Dionysius, - and Phintius will remain instead of me.

Dionysius laughed at such a naive trick, but agreed.

Evening approached, Phintius was already being led to his execution. But then, pushing his way through the crowd, Damon arrived in time:

I'm here, sorry for the delay.

Dionysius, seeing this, exclaimed:

You are forgiven! And I, please, let me be your friend!

Parable about kindness

Many years ago there lived a wise old man. Once, walking through the forest, he found a golden stone. Continuing on his way, the old man met a lost traveler and showed him the right path. And the traveler noticed the stone and could not look away - he saw such an expensive thing for the first time in his life. And then the elder gave him this stone. The Stranger continued on his way, knowing that if he sold this stone, he would receive so much money that he would live comfortably for the rest of his life. However, he returned a few days later. Finding the elder with difficulty, the wanderer returned the precious stone to him, while saying: “I thought about many things on the way. I know that this stone is worth a lot of money. But I've come to get it back because I expect to get something much more valuable from you. I really wanted to have the same kind soul who is able to give such valuable gifts.”

Who needs a person more - intelligence or kindness. Parable for children

The mind and goodness argued which of them people need more. They came to a house where two brothers lived. The brothers lived together and were famous for their friendship and diligence. Mind chose the older brother, and kindness chose the younger.

Then the elder brother thought and said:

It's time for us, brother, each to live with his own mind and have his own house.

The younger brother sighed, but agreed. Time has passed. The older brother was rich but lived alone. Too much of his mind noticed shortcomings in people, and he had neither friends nor a wife. The good brother, on the contrary, had a poor house, but friends and friends visited him every day. He helped everyone, and people sometimes took the last thing from him, without hesitation.

The mind and kindness understood that the life of the brothers was not better, but worse. They came to the sage and asked why it happened.

A mind without kindness is like a head without a heart. And kindness without mind is like a heart without a head, - the sage explained.

The mind and kindness returned to the brothers and persuaded them to live together again and help each other. Since then, everyone respects the brothers and says about them: "The smarter and kinder people are, the happier they live."

Parable about kindness

It is helpful for those working with children to keep the moral of this parable in mind:

There were two seriously ill people in the same room in the hospital. One lay at the window, and the bed of the other was located at the door.

- What can you see in the window? – once asked the one who was lying at the door.

- ABOUT! - revived the first. – I see the sky, clouds resembling small animals, a lake and a forest in the distance.

Every day, lying by the window, he told his neighbor about what was happening outside the window. He saw a boat, fishermen with a huge catch, children playing on the shore, young lovers holding hands and shining eyes staring at each other.

While he was watching all these amazing events outside the window, his neighbor was tormented by dull anger. It's not fair, he thought. For such merit, he was laid at the window, and not me, and I can only see the door with peeling paint, while he admires the view from the window.

One day, lying by the window, he coughed violently and began to choke. He tried to reach for the nurse's call button, but he didn't have the strength because he was shaking with a cough. The neighbor was watching. It didn't cost him anything to press his button, but he didn't. After a while, the first fell silent and stretched out on his bed. When they took him away, the neighbor asked the nurse to move him to the window. The nurse complied with the request of the patient, made his bed, helped him to lie down on the opposite bed, and, making sure that the patient was comfortable, went to the door. Suddenly she was stopped by the surprised exclamation of the patient:

- How so! This window overlooks a blank gray wall! But the one who died told me that he saw a forest, a lake, clouds, people… How could he see all this from this window?

The nurse smiled sadly.

He couldn't see anything at all; your late neighbor was blind.

“But why is he…?”

“He probably just wanted to cheer you up a little.

Aphorisms and quotes about kindness

There is an arrogance of kindness that has the appearance of malice. Friedrich Nietzsche

Being kind is noble. But showing others how to be kind is even nobler and less troublesome. Mark Twain

In a good deed there is always both kindness and strength for its accomplishment. Charles Louis Montesquieu

Great people are capable of great kindness. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

In the inner world of man, kindness is the sun. V. Hugo

Every good deed has its own reward. Alexandr Duma

The benefit of a good deed is that you used the opportunity to do it. Seneca

To the vile, both kindness and wisdom seem vile; dirt - only dirt to taste. William Shakespeare

Even politeness is offensive if it is overemphasized. Gracian

When you do good, be thankful for it. L.N. Tolstoy

Virtue in a person should have the property of a precious stone, which invariably retains its natural beauty, no matter what happens to it. Marcus Aurelius

Kindness is a quality, the excess of which does not harm. D. Galsworthy

Kindness is the only garment that never wears out. Henry David Thoreau

Kindness is what the deaf can hear and the blind can see. Mark Twain

Kindness is a language that the dumb can speak and the deaf can hear. P. bovy

Kindness will always prevail over beauty. Heinrich Heine

Kindness is for the soul what health is for the body: it is invisible when you own it, and it gives success in every business. L.N. Tolstoy

Kindness is better than beauty. Heinrich Heine

The kindness expressed to us by any person binds us to him. Jean Jacques Rousseau

Kindness, which does not have evil in itself, an egoistic beginning, is empty, sleepy kindness. Jacob Boehme

Kindness can often cause harm, so when you want to do good, think carefully. Hong Zicheng

The soul that has committed betrayal perceives any surprise as the beginning of retribution. F. Iskander

If you can teach a person goodness and don't do it, you lose a brother. Chinese wisdom

If you are consciously unkind to everyone, you will often be unconsciously cruel to many. D. Ruskin

Natural kindness is an exceptionally valuable quality. Samuel Johnson

Life evil people full of worries. D. Diderot

Evil, like a wave, hits the shore and comes back. G. Senkevich

Of all the virtues and virtues of the soul, the greatest virtue is kindness. F. Bacon

True humanity and kindness hide the bitter truth from loving eyes. Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury

As soon as we want to demonstrate virtue, it disappears. Kay

Who is good only in words, he is doubly unworthy. Publius Cyrus

Whoever does not have an exalted soul is not capable of kindness: only good nature is available to him. Nicolas-Sebastian Chamfort

Best in good deeds it is the desire to hide them. B. Pascal

A wise man is upset by his impotence to do the good that he desires, but is not upset that people do not know him or judge him falsely. Chinese wisdom

We know from experience how great is the difference between godliness and kindness. Blaise Pascal

Punishment does not bypass the villain - only sometimes gives him a reprieve. Publius Cyrus

It is impossible to do evil to others without doing it to yourself.

It is not enough to be kind, you must also be tactful. A.F. Amiel

Give the world the best that is in you, and the best that is in the world will return to you!

Try to be even a little kinder and you will see that you will not be able to commit a bad deed. Confucius

Try to be even a little kinder and you will see that you will not be able to commit a bad deed. Confucius

Above all, be kind; kindness disarms most people. Lacordaire

Contempt is a mask that hides insignificance, sometimes mental poverty: contempt is a sign of a lack of kindness, intelligence and understanding of people. Alphonse Daudet

The most beautiful music of the soul is kindness. Romain Rolland

Everything can be resisted, but not against kindness. J.-J. Rousseau

The joy that we bring to another captivates us by the fact that it not only does not fade, like any reflection, but returns to us even brighter. V. Hugo

Most The best way cheer yourself up is to cheer someone up. Mark Twain

No matter how much evil you see in life, you must not lose goodwill towards people. Ali Apsheroni

How much kindness is in a person, so much life is in him. Ralph Waldo Emerson

own soul grows and is purified only by the power of that kindness that exudes the heart of the one you meet. K. Antarova

The means of combating evil are sometimes worse than the evil itself. Publius Cyrus

Strange! A person is indignant at the evil that comes from outside, from others - that which he cannot eliminate, and does not fight with his own evil, although this is in his power. Marcus Aurelius

Since it is impossible to avoid the results of our actions, let's do good deeds. Buddha

It's so easy to be kind. You just need to imagine yourself in the place of another person before you start judging him. Marlene Dietrich

Just go astray from the path of good - and before you have time to come to your senses, you will get bogged down in evil. L.N. Tolstoy

For those who have not comprehended the science of good, any other science brings only harm. M. Montaigne

good kind person to be, not to seem. Ali Apsheroni

A person increases his happiness to the extent that he delivers it to others. Bentham

To believe in good, one must begin to do it. L.N. Tolstoy

This is not virtue, but only a deceptive cast and likeness of it, when we are brought to duty by the expectation of a reward. Cicero

I know of no other sign of superiority other than kindness. Ludwig van Beethoven

I will never regret doing a good deed. William Shakespeare

People passed on the most valuable experience through thousands of chronicles and stories. Gathering around the wisest person in the family, the children adopted the experience and wisdom of life. People all over the world tried to find a teacher or a sage who was able to instruct them. To date, the wisest parables have not lost their relevance and continue to help a person in a difficult situation for him to gain wisdom, peace and understanding of life.

What is a parable?

A parable is not just stories about life, but whole instructive stories that we inherited from our ancestors. The wisest parables were passed down from generation to generation, by word of mouth. Each parable is able to completely turn the mind of a person and teach him something new. There are no intricate plots in these stories. The parable can be understood and felt by absolutely everyone. Sometimes when making a decision, a person turns to the ancestral narrative for help and always finds all the answers.

Why are parables needed?

They are the most effective tool for learning and development. Such instructive stories can bring up spirituality in children and reveal to them all the laws of life and being. Regardless of the prescription, even the most ancient parable can be relevant in modern world. It may seem to some that parables are stupid and incomprehensible, but this does not mean that they are bad.

Perhaps the parable you have read does not suit you at all. Parables about life, wise parables, parables about good and evil - all this is a whole complex of instructive stories based on real events. And when a person plunges into his own problems, it is often the parables that become a ray of light at the end of the tunnel.

Parables about good and evil

The parable of good and evil will help to understand what these two concepts are. And what to choose for a person who stands at the crossroads of two strongest elements. Often a person thinks that in the modern world only evil wins, and good is absolutely not appreciated. To draw the right conclusions for yourself, you should turn to the ancient stories of the ancestors.

In ancient times, an old man decided to tell his grandson a very life story. Here she is.

In the life of every person there is a strong confrontation, similar to the war of two furious wolves. The first wolf carries destructive feelings such as anger, fear, hatred, jealousy, selfishness and lies. The second, on the contrary, brings good, peace, hope, love. The little boy became very interested in this story, and he hurried to ask his grandfather which wolf wins this difficult fight? The wise old man explained to his grandson that it is the wolf that the person himself feeds and cherishes that wins.

The moral of this parable is very simple: if a person himself tries to develop evil qualities in himself, then it is they who prevail. In fact, a person chooses how to be - evil or good. Parables about life are wise and philosophical. They help a person find a bright path.

All the evil done by a person remains with him, and the good given is returned to him.

One poor woman from India baked a couple of cakes every morning. She left one for the family, and gave the second to a random passerby. She left pastries on the windowsill, and everyone could just come and taste the cake. Leaving the cake, the woman began to pray for her son, who left his father's house in search of a new destiny. This went on for several months.

Soon she noticed that every morning a man with a hump comes and takes the cake from the windowsill. He often said to himself: “All the evil that you do remains with you forever, and the good comes back threefold,” and left. The woman did not hear the slightest kind words. Offended by the hunchback, the poor woman decided to teach him a lesson. She poured poison into the second cake, wishing to get rid of the ungrateful guest forever. But as soon as she began to carry the cake to the window, her hands trembled. She was unable to do so and threw the cake into the flames. Having prepared a new one, she carried it to the windowsill. As usual, the hunchback came and, having said his words, continued on his way.

Soon the woman knocked on the door, her son was standing on the threshold. The guy was very thin and dirty. He told his mother that he had almost reached the house, but was so exhausted that he collapsed from exhaustion. A hunchback passing by took pity on him and gave him a cake, and this helped the guy to reach the house. Hearing this, the mother's heart trembled.

This parable is about good, which clearly shows the laws of nature. People who do good always get good in return. And those who do evil are surrounded only by evil.

Parables about morality

The wisest parables always help a person to find the true path. The most interesting stories can not leave anyone indifferent. The parable of morality helps a person to feel the truth of being and his own spirituality. Here is one of them.

There was a tree near the road. It was dry and withered. At night, a thief was walking along the road, when he saw a tree, he got scared, thinking that the police had come for him. The child, passing next to the tree, trembled all over, he thought that this ghost was watching him. The young man, hurrying on a date, thought that the tree was his beloved. But in all cases, the tree was just a tree.

The moral of this parable is that everyone sees exactly what is inside him - a reflection of his own inner world.

And here is another parable on the subject.

One day the teacher gathered his students around him, took a sheet of paper and drew a small black dot on it. He asked the children to tell him what they saw. Without thinking twice, the students said that they see an ordinary black dot. To which the teacher said: “Don’t you notice the white sheet? After all, the dot is so small, and the white sheet is so big.”

The same thing happens in life: a person most often pays attention to bad moments. And the fact that in addition to this little blackness there are many more good moments, he does not see point-blank.

And finally, a very small, but no less weighty wisdom.

One student asked the sage what he would do if he knew about his fall? The sage, without thinking twice, replied that he would order him to get up again. And so on ad infinitum. After all, only the dead fall and do not rise.

Parables about life

The wisest parables about life help not only to know the hidden essence of being, but also to direct a person in the right direction, forcing him to think about the main thing.

The little kid, having lost his flock, got lost. Seeing this, a huge gray wolf chased after him. Turning to the wolf, the kid said: "Listen, wolf, I understand that I am your prey. But I don't want to just die, I want to dance. Play my pipe, and I'll dance." The wolf, without thinking twice, took the pipe and began to play, and the goat began to dance merrily. Hearing the music, the dogs rushed into the forest to save the kid and drove the wolf far, far away. The wolf, turning around, shouted to the goatling: "Fairly to me, there is nothing to turn from a hunter into a musician."

The frogs set off in search of a home after their swamp dried up. They came across a well. One, without thinking twice, jumped down, and the other said: "And if this well dries up, how will we jump out of there?"

The moral of this parable is that you can't get down to business without thinking.

About parents

This section of parables is the most instructive. Often people do not appreciate those who gave them life. The parable of parents will allow a person to rethink his attitude towards the closest people in his life.

One fine day, a little boy, returning from school, gave his mother a note from the teacher. The woman took a sheet of paper, began to read and burst into tears. Then she read the contents of the letter to her son. It said that the child is a real genius, that there are no teachers at school who could help develop his talent. Therefore, the boy was given home schooling. Many years later. After the death of the woman, the already adult son went through family archives and saw the letter. After reading it, he wept for several days. It was written there that the boy was recognized as mentally retarded. And they recommended that the mother take her child away from school. That child was Thomas Edison, and by the time the letter was read, he was already a famous inventor.

Wise Christian Parables

The wisest parables about Christian life help readers gain faith and inspiration.

One day an old man was walking through the hot desert and he was leading a blind old woman. They had no water or food. Suddenly, an oasis appears in front of them with a Garden of Eden, water and food. At the gate of the garden they are met by a nobleman. And he invites the old man to visit his paradise, only a blind old woman has no place in paradise. The old man did not listen and went away from the garden. Soon they came to an old hut. The owner of the house fed and watered the travelers and said: "This is your paradise, people are allowed into such a paradise who did not betray their own and did not leave to die."

Worldly parable

Wise everyday parables arose from the stories of ancestors who found instructive moments during ordinary household activities.

One loving couple moved to live in a new apartment. Each time, hanging up the linen, the woman exclaimed in surprise: “Lord, our neighbor does not know how to wash linen at all, her clothes are always gray, not like ours.” And so it was repeated constantly. The woman was surprised all the time and wanted to visit her neighbor and teach her how to do laundry. One morning, the woman exclaimed, "Honey! Look! She has learned to wash clothes. She has snow-white. She has finally learned to wash."
"You're wrong dear. I just cleaned the window."

In the world there are countless different parables. The wise parables of Omar Khayyam occupy an important niche among all the wisest centuries-old records. Their essence speaks of the greatest experience of the one who created them. There are also wise parables antiquity, parables in verse and prose, and others. In each parable, a person can find a truth that can change his worldview, make him laugh, wonder or cry.

The psychology of marriage