What controls a person - spirit, soul, body or mind? A person is a body, mind and spirit. What the mind, body and soul, is responsible for.

Most of humanity is deeply convinced that a living person has a soul, but a robot cannot possess it. However, none of the believers can intelligibly state what is hidden under this belief. One thing is known: the soul is an intangible concept! religious people claim that after physical death, she flies to heaven if a person sought to behave righteously. Or she is sent to hell if a person sinned and at the same time did not repent at all for his impious deeds.

What comes first - mind or matter?

At the very beginning of the last century, the greatest inventor Nikola Tesla, taking his knowledge from space, expressed a profound idea that the brain is nothing more than a receiving substance. The activity of the brain has not yet been investigated by official science. The dilemma about the primacy of spirit or matter has been fruitlessly pursued for centuries. Officially, there are two ideas about consciousness.

In the case when the spirit is the definition of living matter, it is secondary. However, in the cosmic sense, the spirit is the Higher Mind that creates matter. The energy-informational structure, which has an unimaginable scale, embraces the whole. Therefore, it is important to answer the question of whether the spirit of a person lies in his brain or in the Higher Mind. If you think that under the spirit the work of the human brain is supposed, then everything is simple, but if this is the activity of the Higher Mind, the situation is worse.

Proceeding from the fact that the unconscious is the past of evolution, the Higher Mind is its future! The latter is our standard, never-sleeping awareness! The riddle is to find the eternal in the temporal. Boundless - in the finite. And the all-encompassing fullness of what is happening - even in the darkest particle of existence!

Reflection of man in the universe

Every person is a reflection of the Universe! This is a kind of microcosm that adheres to the same laws and stores the same energy. The physical shell of a person is the ultimate carrier of other subtle bodies. The asexual so-called ethereal shell of a person is a giant system of flows that energetically feeds physical body. This process is closely connected with the influence of the cosmos, and the lower essence is equated with the animal world.


If a being is capable of introspection, self-criticism and compares itself with others, such a new awareness is already mental. The mind has three essences: lower, middle and higher. They, in turn, are based on instinct, intellect, intuition. The acquisition of a mental shell gives him the qualities that distinguish him from the animal world. This is reflection and intelligence! Only when a person discovers the Higher Reason in himself, he comprehends the essence of what is happening through sudden insight. A person has the ability to compassion and love. The manifestation of these aspects is characteristic of the human soul.

What is a monad?

However, there is an even higher manifestation called the monad. Throughout life, it remains in a subconscious state, but all of humanity has it. It is immortal! Our attitude works simultaneously in three directions. In the physical plane, it is expressed exclusively in deeds and actions. In the astral manifestation, these are emotions. From the point of view of mentality, consciousness is expressed even in thoughts. However, consciousness cannot awaken without a material shell.

The physical level of a person is based on five sense organs that read the necessary information from the subtle vibrations of everything that exists. People are the most complex systems, consisting of physical, emotional, mental, and sometimes spiritual principles. In man, first of all, the animal nature predominates. However, the humanity of the present is more reasonable and often intuitive. Therefore, now the manifestation of animal instincts is limited exclusively to emergency situations.

Starting stage of development

People who are at a low stage of development are deprived of will. The intellectual level gives a choice. At times there are people whose intellect seems to have a connection with the Higher Mind. These are often preachers who experience a state of unity and harmony with everything that exists.

The cultivation of the middle essence has nothing to do with spirituality. At a low stage of development, people are devoid of will. However, the painful state of inner choice dictated to us by the Universal Mind can radically change life. However, the constant impact of a disparate intellect will never lead to comprehension of the essence of the universe. The formation of spirituality requires the destruction of such an obstacle as the intellect.

Probably, our mind is not yet able to radically change the nature of man. Life is wary of stamps and systems invented by our minds. It is extremely complex and literally oversaturated with secret possibilities. She never accepted even the most positive constructions. One gets the impression that life, as if endowed with some kind of perverting essence, disfigures and pollutes any creative zeal, and even immaculate love!

Supreme Mind, soul, body

The connection of any individual with the Higher Mind occurs with the help of the soul. The human body is interconnected with the soul. In addition, she is able to live individually, getting rid of her physical shell. The soul is often rewarded with a memory with its inherent traits, it is said that it can store memories of a previous life. In fact, the soul has nothing of the kind. It is only a grain of the Higher Mind, establishing the relationship between it and man. If we believe that the Higher Mind is immortal, then human soul forever!

The concept of good and evil

As evidence, listen to the statements of our preachers, which seem contradictory. After all, everyone can say that he heard harmony in them, but only in personal perception. At all times and everywhere, with the death of the Teacher and his primary followers, everything is destroyed, vulgarized and simply disappears.

Eastern philosophy assures that the Higher Mind (Spirit) and matter have two opposite sides. They are the basis of dualism not only in nature, but also in human consciousness, manifesting themselves in the form of good or evil. The only true solution for those who are persecuted by death and weakened by evil is not to avoid problems. To find in the very center of evil is the source of the divine! Savagery and darkness are not initially driven beyond the limits, but are rebuilt at the lower levels of development.

Predestination of Karma

For modern man the concept of fate is closely interconnected with unchanging fate. Some people even have an unshakable opinion, expressed in a banal phrase: "Apparently, this is my fate." It is usually resorted to by people escaping from reality. Human life is an endless series of individual actions and deeds.

Karma is a set of actions carried out by a person. The effectiveness of these actions indicates the formation of human character.

In ancient times, they believed that dreams do not just arise, they must be invested in our consciousness. higher power light or darkness! To distinguish between good and evil, you need to clearly understand what the outcome of the chosen path can be. It has long been considered impossible to renounce a dream. A person was automatically ranked among the evil forces, because by this act he worsened the future of his descendants.

When you are unable to control your actions, God's judgment is already being passed on you. Now there are only individual tasks, and higher powers require quick, but right decisions! A person who is being judged is unworthy of creating his own living space. Unfortunately, the fate of such a person is expressed in constant inner repentance, which gives rise to vague and dysfunctional energies.

You should never learn from the experience of people who have a dysfunctional life. It is important to clearly distinguish the spatial impact on a person. In addition, it is important to understand whether a person is able to independently manage the situation or whether she has been directing him for a long time.

Secret knowledge of our forefathers

Some scientists unjustifiably consider our forefathers to be savages. They carried the secrets of the Higher Mind and possessed inexplicable fortitude. Making sense ancient man differs significantly from modern understanding based on materialism, logic and perceived facts. Our predecessors managed to learn the secrets of matter, master parallel dimensions and get incredible opportunities.

Among the secret knowledge, miraculously preserved with the help of priests or figures similar to them, there are those that are closely connected with a source that came from afar. Secret knowledge has always been considered. Firstly, people who come into contact with it are contactees with the Higher Mind.

Secondly, such a person is able to realize that real life has a significant difference from the one that is located on the surface. And people notice only their needs. Where did knowledge come from, you ask? Probably from neighboring worlds or planets. However, this is a separate topic for discussion. Let's just talk about the degree of difference between these knowledge.

The emergence of secret knowledge?

Thinking about some secret knowledge cannot but push certain historical events. Especially - which happened, most likely due to the collision of some large celestial body with planet Earth. For example, the ancient Maya were familiar with the design of the wheel and did not know iron. However, they were familiar with the periodicity of the circulation of heavenly bodies.

How did they know this? Surely these are the imprints that the Pure Mind and previous civilizations left for them. The ancients were familiar not only with the shape of the Earth, but also with its dimensions. Whatever it was, the level of their knowledge is incredibly high! And this makes us think about the fact that our civilization is definitely not the first. It remains only to unravel why civilizations perished, and not to make their mistakes...

Golden age

Also in Ancient Egypt there was a separate caste of priests who controlled the pharaohs themselves. In support of this, the Sumerian texts and the stone Book of Power, which tell about the Anunnaki, have been preserved. They descended from paradise and were perceived as gods, carrying the Universal Mind to humanity.

Illuminati and Freemasons

The truth about the Illuminati is carefully hidden from the uninitiated. Over the centuries, the name of the ancient Mystic Association has changed endlessly. In addition, almost all presidents, kings, as well as official religions are subordinate to it. Medieval inquisitors knowingly destroyed scientists and people endowed with superpowers.

All processes in the history of mankind are led by a secret power containing an indestructible hierarchy. For greater certainty, it is enough to examine a dollar bill that has an identifying Masonic symbol as all-seeing eye crowning the pyramid.

The Association used great minds as a universal tool. Among them are Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, Leonardo da Vinci. It is believed that the Illuminati have a completely different consciousness, which to many seems completely inexplicable.

Dolphins and a parallel world

However, sometimes the Higher Mind reveals secrets, and nature presents its inexplicable puzzles. Take, for example, dolphins, which are our direct brothers in mind and intellect! First of all, science is at a loss about the structure of the brain and nervous system of dolphins, which are better formed than those of humans. The fact that the language of dolphins dwarfs the human language in its diversity is an undeniable sensation! At the same time, each dolphin has an individual voice that has a characteristic shade, as well as a way of speaking and a way of thinking.

Undoubtedly, among all living creatures that live on planet Earth, only one creature is able to think - this is a man! The Higher Mind will get in touch with anyone. This does not depend on his religion at all, the main thing is that a person is sincerely thirsty and searching! However, paradoxically, astronomers sometimes record signals in outer space that are similar to the whistle of a dolphin. And it may happen that people unreasonably seek out relatives in mind somewhere in the distant expanses of the Universe.

In search of nearby worlds

Perhaps you should pay attention to the parallel worlds that are nearby? For example, right under our feet there are ant cities. What about bee cities? Why not other worlds? It is possible that dolphins no longer need living standards and all that we understand by cultural benefits. Most likely, the intelligence of dolphins is not able to understand those creatures that often act ruthlessly towards other creatures. The Dolphin Society is a real parallel world!

Contactees with alien intelligence

Only in Russia alone, about 7 thousand contactees were recorded, who entered into communication with some invisible entities. Contactees with the Higher Intelligence have come up with an outlandish name for their telepathic connections - channeling.

According to the media, the most famous class is the contact with aliens. The endless disputes caused by stories about meetings with them have been going on since the time when information began to become widespread. There are so many contactees that it is already necessary to introduce a new specialty and pay them a salary! Unfortunately, a person of the present is practically unable to independently analyze the information received.

Contactees with the Higher Mind

The statements of other contactees are no less curious. For them, faith in the Supreme Mind is above all in this life! However, this category has acquired a less global distribution than the previous one. For this type of contactees, physical, spiritual and energy development is extremely important. Thanks to these criteria, the probability of entering into a relationship, the art of deciphering the message, the ability to correctly state its essence, and, most importantly, to correctly establish who actually prompts the emergence of contact is determined. Often, instead of light entities, contact is made dark forces. Accordingly, their goals are caused by far from humane thoughts!

Some contactees need a special technique to communicate with the Higher Mind. The rest are convinced that the Higher Cosmic Mind is initially ready to share its power and stock of knowledge with people. All that is required of humanity is just to meet him halfway! There is an opinion that all our thoughts, intentions, hopes and feelings fall into an unknown energy zone. Here they live, guided by laws unknown to us. Moreover, in response to our thoughts, they can bring both good and evil, affecting everyone in different ways. Therefore, it is extremely important what our thoughts are filled with.

Personal Letter to God

If you do not know prayers or suitable words, use any ancient text or compose a personal message. Humans are universal biological creatures! We are all capable of emitting and receiving subtle signals! The moment we are properly attuned, we can experience a moment of insight and pure happiness. Because the Mind of the Worlds predetermined everyone to be in harmony with everything that exists.

In particular, with the invisible world inhabited by all-encompassing Universal Forces, invariably trying to come to our aid! You just need to sincerely ask! For starters, you must have a clear mind! Concentrate on what you are saying. Leave any thoughts, especially negative ones. Now relax and communicate with the great and powerful force directly! And be sure that over time this connection will only grow stronger and secret knowledge will become available to you!

zetas:« Man and his soul Are these two different objects? Do they think to death separately or as a whole? - This different objects , because the the soul does not die, but human body dies. During the incarnation soul fills the body And communicates with this physical body who owns mind created by the physical brain. In most cases, even before death, the soul already leaves the body, which is why those returning from a state of clinical death remember that they saw their body below them on the operating table or on the highway.

souls are born, evolve and grow just like in your physical world, plants and animals develop from a seed, from a single cell. The soul communicates with the mind by biochemical means, causing a biochemical effect.Chakras do exist. Although there are many human names for what is perceived as biophysical connection with the soul. When the essence is embodied, then what you call the soul merges with physical body, spreading through all its parts .

Auras exist, and some people are able to see them. Auras have nothing to do with the spirit , but are radiation or a by-product of the human body, like an oven in which a temperature of 36.6 degrees Celsius is maintained. Some human healers use their own aura and the patient's aura to heal. When the auras touch, they influence each other using feedback from the body.. This way is actually one person can breathe life into another by changing the aura of the sick person with his own, absorbing part of the sick aura, using his strength and energy reserves to help the sick person.

"Body, mind and soul may become unbalanced. It is, in a way, a tug-of-war between different parts of a person. The body, which has an ancient origin, wants to live simply focusing on bodily comfort - shelter, food, rest and sex. body really cannot be ignored without consequences. His demands are constant and clear. Intelligence that has been superimposed on the human body by genetic engineering, has its own life where he is driven by curiosity and obsessions. That the mind takes on a life of its own can be seen if an intelligent and curious person is given a puzzle to solve. He will ignore the demands of defecation and urination, hunger, sleep until he solves the puzzle. Mind and body can work together, and often do, but sometimes they can pull in opposite directions.

Now as regards embodied spirit. This is another center can sometimes act in harmony with the body as, for example, in a situation where a person wants to have contact with another person of the opposite sex, when both of them feel sexual desire. Spirit can also sometimes act according to reason when the desire to be in the service of others manifests itself along with the possibility of exploration. Soul dominates over the body, If only the soul is not so immature that it lives its own first embodiment.

But body, mind and spirit can pull in different directions , thereby involving the body in disease. medicine man can streamline the interaction of the mind and spirit in the body, basically talking with the mind and spirit of the patient and helping to restore balance. This is a non-verbal consultation on the mental and spiritual levels. Because the medicine man can be in contact with higher beings , then they can help him in these actions, and the medicine man essentially gives the Call to the Service-to-Others. The medicine man convinces the parts of the patient to adapt to each other so that the mind and spirit more effectively take into account the needs of each other and the needs of the body.

"The soul adapts itself to the density in which it incarnates, andcan affect the human body . Genetics is just chemistry. The soul influences growth and developmentthrough the chemistry. The soul communicates with the mind by biochemical means, causing a biochemical effect. The soul can only talk to the mindif the mind is ready to receive a message from her. If the biochemical pathways for the concept that the spirit wants to convey are not yet present in the mind, the spirit can only speak withemotions. Thus, people feel that they have lived before, but have no explanation for this concept. Therefore, if they are not ready to support the concept of past lives, they will not be open to unfolding this spiritual memory.

The connection Soul-Body-Mind is also a mystery for us. We understand that the soul enjoys incarnations, fully inhabiting the physical body, and seems to have the functions of the heart and mind, just like the physical body. But the structure of the soul, the matter of souls, is not something we experiment with or dissect. Thus, apart from describing the properties and abilities of the matter of the soul, we cannot explain how it manages it.”

for lovely ladies: 11 simple exercises for body development at home:

Their favorite technique is the suggestion of seemingly “irrefutable” truths about the need to pave the way to happiness from a young age, pushing those who are weaker with their elbows ...

The choice of proposed behavioral patterns is small: either climb over your heads to the top of the social ladder, or turn to the side of the road and sign your own worthlessness.

Pendulums purposefully drive both the mind and the soul into far-fetched postulates, which is not at all easy to get out of without outside help. A person turns into a puppet, ready to unquestioningly fulfill someone else's will.

A more agile mind quickly learns to shut up the soul and prefers to talk down to it. Her already quiet voice becomes absolutely inaudible, dissolving in the growing rumble of the mind, striving to imitate the pendulums that captured it in everything.

The mind tries to limit the impulses of the soul in everything: it’s impossible and that’s impossible, but we simply can’t afford it ... All dreams are killed in the bud.

And it does not matter that the soul would not mind waiting. Reason categorically will convince her of the fundamental impossibility of getting what she wants. Most often, the soul has to put up with the arbitrariness of the mind and, reluctantly, bury childhood dreams ...

The mind has no idea how to achieve truly meaningful goals, because not everything in this world can be fit into a logical and understandable framework. don't care about logic. His task is to silently fulfill orders, supported by the unity of mind and soul.

The time has come to stop perceiving the logic of the mind as an indisputable truth. There are a lot of things that are inexplicable from the point of view of common sense, which are no less real than a washcloth and an oak broom in a bath.

Video about the unity of soul and mind (according to V. Zeland):

Spirit - masculine principle, will and personal vertical. The spirit makes the soul high, spiritualizes the mind and body. The spirit is often understood only as the will (“gathered up the spirit”), but the will only helps a person not to bend. and directs it upward - the spirit ^.

The soul is a living, feminine part of the space of a person's inner life. What makes us (and our mind) - warm, and on our body breathing, alive. The soul gives energy to life. These are inner feelings, desires, impulses...

Mind is intellectual content. Synonym for "head", close "conscious". Left in my head - remembered, remembered. Improved mind - pure and full - Mind. Mindless is a fool. The mind, passed into the body, gives skills, skill. The union of mind and soul is the intelligent soul. The right mind must be enriched with cordial solicitude, but the line of the heart must also be supplemented by the line of the mind.

Body - skills, the unconscious, the physiological basis of mental life and intellectual searches. "Remained in the body" - a skill has been developed or fixed as a persistent, long-term functional bodily change. For example, an anchor or a clamp.

Who defines whom

It seems that this largely depends on the level of development of the individual. The less developed the personality, the more genes determine the body, the body determines the soul, and the soul determines the mind. The more the personality develops, the more the mind enlightens the soul, the soul is friends with the body, the mind and soul stand for the body, and a new gene pool accumulates in the body. See also personality structure

Interaction of soul, body, mind and spirit in human life

Spirit - masculine principle, will and personal vertical. The soul is the maternal principle, the source of vitality and warmth, the personal horizontal. The mind is the helper of the spirit, if the spirit is weak, the servant of the soul. The body is the child they raise.


I look at yogurt during breakfast: it seems delicious, the soul asks. I opened it, started to eat - I feel that it is no longer going, I overeat, the body protests. The mind makes a decision: enough is enough, we will save the yogurt for lunch. Gathering his courage, he got up from the table.

It seems that 90% of people live primarily with their bodies. The body is their master, the soul and mind are their servants, we remember the spirit only when we are reminded, and then out of fear.

Joan of Arc lived in spirit. Sofia Kovalevskaya - mind. Educated girls live with their souls, completely ill-bred girls live with their bodies. Basically, when a girl talks about her soul, she talks about her body. "I want variety in my life" - sort of like about her spiritual aspirations, in fact - about the habits of her body. Those who live by their sensations and feelings - live by their soul, that is, the free life of the body, the higher life of the body. Congenital and acquired fears, natural biological instincts (sexual, reproduction) and reflexes (reflex of novelty) - this is the lower life of the body, there is little or almost no soul.

There are four types of internal and external energy, the harmony of which can make you successful - Body, Mind, Soul, Spirit.


When you play sports, you are in good physical shape, you feel like a confident person. People who neglect physical development thus violate the harmony of the body and mind, which was instilled in a person at birth. The child, having barely learned to walk, begins to move tirelessly - runs, jumps, somersaults, climbs trees.

This contributes to the development intellect. The influence of physical activity on the activity of the cerebral cortex has long been proven. Any sports exercises, even the simplest ones, stimulate the thought process. Do not forget to take care of your physical condition, the spiritual state depends on it.

Watch your body if you like
for the mind to work properly.
René Lecarte


The possibilities of human reason are limitless. Develop memory, intellectual abilities. Your mind is a tool with which you can realize your wildest dreams. Remember that your abilities determine your opportunities, including in terms of a career.

We can say that any person, no matter how
no matter how brilliant he was, during his life
uses no more than one billionth part
the possibilities that his brain provides him.
Nikolai Lubinin*

* Nikolai Dubinin(1906-1998) - Soviet geneticist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Dubinin's area of ​​scientific interest was general and evolutionary genetics. Author of a classic textbook on genetics for students of biological specialties of universities.


Parents love their children and work to educate them. By and large, they are not interested in work, but in order for their children to be able to get an education. This parental love. She makes them work. And of course, every parent wants their child to develop their talents.

If a man loves a woman, then he is ready to risk his life for her, he is ready to do whatever she wants. This is the power of the soul - love. When a person loves, he is ready to move mountains. Inspiration leads to amazing results.

You know that in difficult times, in an era of change, it is women who adapt faster than men. Their maternal instinct makes them do it. Unlike women, men are too rational, they get depressed, guided by outdated information. The man says: "It can't be like that, it's never happened before." And while men adapt, women begin to succeed. Even those men who have achieved impressive results are often indebted to these women who were next to them and who inspired them. A woman can simply say, "Honey, what do you think if you do it like this?" She gives an idea, and he is already starting to analyze, think, why not do it like that. And then he pretends to think of everything himself.

There is one secret. Any man who has achieved success, even if someone else prompted him and helped him, still says that he did everything himself. He considers any success his success, rejoices in it, and this helps to be more self-confident. If a woman succeeds, then she believes that this is an accident.


Spirit manifests itself in the harmony of three forces (or energies). Some people say: “I am developing spiritually, improving. Why do I need money, material things do not interest me. I am above it all." But how can you build a house without a foundation? The same is true here - how can one develop spiritually if the body is not in order? Our body is material, it has its own needs. Our spiritual mood depends on the physical condition. not without reason folk wisdom reads: "In healthy body- a healthy mind.

The strength of the spirit is manifested when you have already thought everything through and made a specific decision. You are set to win, do not intend to give up, despite all the obstacles. And it is on the strength of the spirit that your future depends.

Four types of internal energy attract four types of external energy.

Psychosomatics (diseases from emotions)