On the financial philosophy of the rich and the poor. The Philosophy of Poverty The Philosophy of Wealth and Poverty in Modern Russia

The Russian government suddenly showed itself on the human side. We did not notice how, but she took care of the homeless, whom they now want to legalize and, if possible, return to normal life. (The homeless will be offered to apply to resocialization centers and conclude an agreement with the authorities. They are promised to be granted all the rights that ordinary Russians have. In particular, temporary registration, after which they will be able to get a job, receive a pension and vote.)

The homeless are what started the history of the new Russia. There was freedom - there were "persons without a fixed place of residence and registration." In the USSR, they did not like to demonstrate the social bottom. The hypocrisy of the authorities, which brought the whole country to the limit. But the ocean receded - and we saw what was really happening. It was scary. For real. Therefore, we looked at the bottom through spread fingers. Many years. And didn't notice that our world had changed while we closed our eyes wide.

What is the worst day of your life?

When my wife died. She was attacked in our house. They killed her and my daughter.

What happened next?

I drank. Lost my job. Now I'm outside. I don't care.

There is a Facebook page - People of New York / Humans of New York. The photographer walks down the street, takes pictures of ordinary people, not fashionistas, not celebrities. And asks them questions: “What is the worst day of your life?” and “What is the best day of your life?”.

This homeless man whose wife died, he may have lied. Or maybe not.

People can end up on the street because of a terrible event in life, or maybe just like that. Personally, I have friends who are separated from outright vagrancy by an almost invisible line. They... do not want to say the word "go down." Here is something else. Life, you know, is often tiring. And people sometimes ask themselves: “Why am I fussing? Can I live without this or that?”

There are places to live in Moscow. Even in the center, due to paperwork, houses are empty. And there are different personalities. People live in basements. These may be Tajik janitors, or they may be artists.

The philosopher Diogenes, after all, lived in a barrel. There is a story about him: he often masturbated to women passing by. Women, of course, resented this. And one day he was asked: “Well, how can you? Aren't you ashamed?" And Diogenes sighed and answered: “Oh, if it were so easy to satisfy hunger ...”.

Hunger is easier these days. There was even such a movement in the USA - decent people were looking for food in the garbage. It was part of the downshifting that was just in its infancy. They thought that too much good food was being sent to the trash. Residents, restaurants, office workers spend more on food than they eat.

In Russia, until recently, train stations resembled post-apocalyptic films. In front of the entrance to Leningradsky, a frightening crowd of smelly, covered with ulcers, people who were no longer quite physically gathered, gathered.

It was scary. Not because the tramps looked dangerous - they seemed like such a collective portrait of Dorian Gray, a secret mirror of our society, which wants to look better than it is.

In those days, my friend had a neighbor who picked up the homeless on the street, brought them to her home, washed, fed, and changed clothes. She must have been a little crazy, but it's hard to judge her - she's blissful.

Now there are no homeless people at the stations. Homeless people, as they began to be called in new history. Before that there were scourges. From the word beach - beach. Beaches before the Olympics were sent 100 km from Moscow. There are almost none left in the city. In my Soviet childhood, I only remember bitter drunkards who set up brothels in their apartments or rooms, but were not vagabonds after all.

Now on Tverskaya there are pretty stone benches with Christmas trees, and a new type of vagabonds sit there. Completely European. That is, cleaner, even fashionable in a certain sense. It seems that they either improved their qualifications, or brought in foreign ones. Even their dogs have good kind muzzles.

From various organizations, mobile kitchens travel around the city, which distribute food to the poor. And first aid stations. The homeless can always get new clothes. It all happens imperceptibly, but it happens.

There are shelters. Mobile help. Rights protection. Rehabilitation of alcoholics and drug addicts.

There are people who care, like the St. Petersburg organization "Nochlezhka" - they, among other things, have achieved the abolition of the criminal article for vagrancy.

After all, it is clear that no prohibitions will prevent people from living the way they live. Some are vagrants on purpose, some by force of circumstances, but so far there are approximately 100 million homeless people in the world. And you can only make life easier for them. Make her more human.

The attitude of society towards the weak is very revealing. Only a frightened, desperate and embittered by life (even if not through his own fault) person will despise and condemn those who have fallen low.

Apparently, we have become kinder. Even some officials have become kinder. At least they think of the most vulnerable.

And it's amazing how humanism is needed for people. Until recently, it seemed that every man is for himself, that a person is a boor and a pig, and not so many years have passed since charitable foundations and organizations appeared in Russia, and some help the sick, others help the poor, others help victims of domestic violence, and gays and migrants.

For some reason, it seems to all of us that we live in a state where everything is wild and bad, but no. If people help people and spend almost all their thoughts and feelings on it, and now the results are clearly visible, then it's just incredibly cool.

In the end, among the "untouchables" are sometimes people like Charles Bukowski, who led, to put it mildly, a very unpretentious lifestyle. But he described it perfectly. So often we just look from the wrong angle. Or we don't watch at all. We refuse to even think that there is life where there are no criteria that we understand.

Not so long ago, the film "Into the Wild" was released, directed by Sean Penn. This is a biography young man, Christopher McCandless, who after university gave all the money to a charity and began hitchhiking. Chris had an idea to live without money, doing odd jobs (like a real bum) and just driving around the country. He, unfortunately, died during the "Odyssey to Alaska" - from exhaustion and cold. But he left a diary, according to which they made a book and made a movie.

To live in poverty and without a home is sometimes a misfortune and sometimes a philosophy. And sometimes both.

Sometimes the homeless are disgusting, that's for sure. But, to be honest, all people are disgusting sometimes.

1. Let a low-paid, but stable job

A person with the psychology of the poor, as a rule, chooses a low-paying, but stable job. In state institutions. Because the state will always provide. And if you go to a commercial organization, then there are risks of staying on the street after a while.

A person absolutely does not believe in his own strength and that his experience and knowledge will be in demand. In the end, this is what happens. He goes to a tedious, boring job, stops learning new things, turns sour and becomes useless to anyone. Instead of growing and developing.

2. Fear of change

Again, for the reason of being useless, a person with the psychology of the poor is afraid of change. The motto is better to have a little than to risk and possibly lose everything. People with the psychology of poverty will never open their own business, will not develop new market segments, will not go to get a second higher education at 40 and will never move to another city in search of a new life at 50!

3. Low self-esteem

A characteristic feature of people with the psychology of poverty. And where does high self-esteem come from if a person does not live, but vegetates - a gray uninteresting job, which is also scary to lose, the lack of vivid impressions in life, changes of places and reasonable risks. These are the factors that make you respect yourself for your efforts and opportunities.

A person with the psychology of the poor does not understand that wealth and good prospects are revealed to active people who are not afraid to take risks and start all over again.

4. Reluctance to be active

Obviously, in order to achieve something and get a good result, you need to constantly make efforts in this direction. For example, to consider offers of an interesting and highly paid job with a wider range of responsibilities compared to the previous place. And thus grow all the time.

A person with the psychology of poverty does not want and does not know how (because he has never tried) to be active - he is afraid to look for a new job, because he already thinks in advance that he will not be able to cope, does not earn extra money, because he is sure that nothing will work out and money is all the same will not. Man is passive, and therefore poor.

5. Everyone should

A person with the psychology of the poor is convinced that he should be adequately paid. Just because he does a good job. And his salary should be such that it is enough for everyday life, and for rest, and for children, and for himself. Forgetting at the same time that he himself agreed to work with low pay. And now he blames the mean-chef.

A person shifts responsibility from himself to others. What is the point of moving if nothing depends on me anyway? Do it - don't do it, but the result is the same - I won't get anything.

6. It's easier to be frugal

The poor spend their energy not on attracting, but on keeping. They spend hours shopping, comparing prices and shopping where it's cheaper. They write and go to various authorities, seeking a meager reduction in utility bills or one-time social assistance, which is hardly enough for one trip to the store. Instead of spending the same efforts effectively on earning money or finding a good job.

Take a look at yourself. Do you have any of the above qualities? And get rid of it urgently if something similar is found. Remember that your life and your well-being are only in your hands!

V.S. Pusko, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Political Science, Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman

Philosophy of wealth and poverty in modern Russia

It is quite obvious that in the conditions of market relations, economic factors have an increasing impact on human life and the social and natural environment surrounding it. All people, as a rule, are involved in the circle of economic concerns, constantly buying, consuming, producing, selling, exchanging products of industrial activity.
Economic relations in a civilized society are always formalized by legal acts. Among them, natural rights received by a person with his birth are put forward in one of the first places: the right to life, the right to freedom of work and occupation, the right to personal freedom, the right to marriage, the right to freedom of conscience; rights granted to the individual by society: the right to own property, the right to enter into contractual relations, the right to freedom economic activity, the right to a fair distribution of income, the right to the inviolability of the home.
Philosophical and economic analysis of the totality of the rights of citizens shows that they are based on concepts that are common both for the economy and for social philosophy, sociology. These include such concepts as freedom and coercion, wealth and poverty, rationality and choice, labor and alienation, desire and need, business ethics, economic culture, social and economic inequality 1 .
Particularly acute in modern Russia is the question of socio-economic inequality, which has taken a leading place in the entire system of social inequalities, has reached incomparably large proportions and continues to grow. Today we are talking not only about inequality in income and size of property, but also about huge differences in the quality of life, the nature and conditions of work, the level of education, medical care, general culture, and the availability of social benefits 2 .
One of the key indicators that determine the social health of society is the quality of life. The quality of life, as a rule, characterizes the degree of satisfaction of the material and cultural needs of people, the quality of food, the availability and comfort of housing, the availability and level of health care, education, the fashion and affordability of clothing, the structure of leisure, satisfaction with the nature and content of work, the state of the environment, the possibility of communication , the level of stressful situations.
Russian society lives in conditions of deepening material differentiation. The feeling of material loss, which has become an extremely noticeable feature of the mass consciousness, has become one of the main reasons for the persistence of pessimistic moods that characterize changes in the living conditions of citizens. According to the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 51.9% of the Russian population believes that the majority of people began to live worse than before the reforms launched in 1991 3 .
The transformational transformations of society, the transition to market relations, which changed the living conditions of people, had a decisive influence on the formation of ideas about the dominant values ​​of today's society. So, for example, if the assessment of the Soviet past is associated with such concepts as honesty, decency, diligence, then the current state of social relations is determined by the presence of wealth and the possession of power, work in the apparatus of officials. Today the social atmosphere is saturated mainly with the spirit of money.
Material interests and needs overshadowed not only knowledge, but also hard work, honesty, decency, responsiveness, spirituality, justice and much more. The spirit of consumerism and hoarding has supplanted or reduced to a minimum the former moral balances.
It has long been proven that the effectiveness of the development and activity of an individual depends not only on the objective need of society to realize one or another of its qualities, but also on the level of conditions conducive to self-development and self-realization of a person, on the effectiveness of the social mechanism that provides a certain degree of demand for knowledge, experience, professional training, creative abilities of the individual. The absence of a reliable social mechanism that ensures the realization of an objective social need directly in the activities of specific organizational structures leads to the fact that the manifestation of initiative and creativity is significantly hampered by the growth of consumerism, the illusion of easy enrichment (following the example of exaggerated financial pyramids), and dubious entrepreneurship.
The material stratification of Russian society objectively led to the emergence of a relatively small layer of rich people and a huge number of poor people. The overcoming of poverty has become one of the priorities of the state policy. The formulation of such a question is quite understandable, since poverty significantly affects all aspects of human life, and in its extreme form leads to the destruction of the individual.
The founder of classical political economy, A. Smith, in his work “Research on the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” distinguished between absolute and relative poverty. Absolute poverty exists when, he noted, the worker cannot provide the family with the level that is necessary for the reproduction of life. In a relative sense, poverty is a state in which a family lives without something that is considered unworthy to do without even a decent person of low rank. The reduction of poverty in society is connected with the dynamics of economic development: sustainable economic growth raises the standard of living of all classes and strata of society.
P.Zh.Proudhon considered the existence of poverty as a fundamental social law. In The Philosophy of Poverty, he noted that in pre-capitalist societies the level of well-being of the majority ordinary people is at a constant and rather low level - at the level of decent poverty. The development of capitalism, the spread of greed and the thirst for luxury led to an even greater stratification of society and the emergence of abnormal poverty - poverty and pauperism.
K. Marx, criticizing Proudhon's "Philosophy of Poverty", supported him in the sense that as industrial capitalism develops, the wealth of the few will grow and the poverty and misery of the majority of the rest will spread. Progress in the technical equipment of production will lead to unemployment, to the formation of an impoverished "surplus population". However, the real historical development of capitalism did not confirm the theory of impoverishment by K. Marx.
At the same time, even in the era of "industrial", "post-industrial" and "consumer society" the problem of poverty has not disappeared. Even in highly developed countries, the classic poor remain, living mainly on benefits. Along with them, the phenomenon of the “new poor” arose, the emergence of which is explained by interrelated processes of changing the nature of employment in modern societies and the modification of the old social contradiction between rich and poor within the framework of globalization. Wealth and poverty become functions of the global economic system. The rich exist side by side with the poor, and largely because of them. At the same time, there is a process of curtailing the institutions of social partnership between employers and employees, there is a reduction in labor activity in its traditional sense: a mass transition to work for several hours a week, on short-term contracts 4 .
What are the reasons for such a rapid material stratification of society in Russia in recent decades?
One of the main reasons is the peculiarity of privatization in Russia in the 90s, as a result of which conditions were created for the fabulous enrichment of a small group of people who, in a matter of years, acquired huge fortunes far from commercial means, but using established personal relationships with the government or with the family. who was at the top. As a result, the current level of income inequality among different groups of the population is striking in its size. Thus, if at the beginning of market reforms the incomes of 10 percent of the wealthiest citizens of Russia exceeded the incomes of 10 percent of the poorest of our fellow citizens by 4.5 times, then by 2008 the gap reached 17 times 5 . The top 10 percent of Russians receive almost half of the increase in cash income, while the poorest 10 percent account for only 3 percent of income. The richest oligarchs in Russia, who adorn the first lines of the ratings of billionaires, according to the domestic and foreign press are: Alisher Usmanov (S 18 billion 800 million), Vladimir Potanin (S 14 billion 500 million), Vagit Alekperov (S 13 billion 500 million), Mikhail Prokhorov (S 13 billion 200 million), Roman Abramovich (S 12 billion 200 million) 6 . Moreover, the process of property stratification continues. This trend is in clear contradiction with the situation in the industrialized countries, where the income gap between the richest and poorest citizens is narrowing.
Moreover, the layer of oligarchs that had developed in Russia was not satisfied with their position in the economy, but practically began to manage affairs in the state, formed economic, financial, foreign economic policy, appointed their people to command positions, and had a serious influence on legislative and rule-making processes 7 .
At the same time, it should be borne in mind that in these years another layer of new entrepreneurs was also formed, who gained significant fortunes not as a result of scandalous privatization, fraud in the markets, criminal collusion with government officials, but normal business conduct, processes of concentration and centralization of their capital.
The second important factor in the property stratification of the country's citizens was the fact that the predominant part of big businessmen invested their money not in production, but in the highly profitable extraction of energy resources and their export to other countries. The overflow of incomes of large oligarchs into industrial, agricultural, construction, and road production turned out to be negligible. In a number of natural monopolies, huge funds received in the form of income were directed to the construction of prestigious buildings, distributed among the top management personnel, spent on paying for grandiose banquets, holidays at expensive resorts, and were not allocated to replace obsolete equipment (in the same oil and gas producing industries), on the introduction of the latest technologies in production processes.
The tilt towards energy exports has created a paradoxical situation in the domestic consumption of gas and oil products. Thus, the country, which has a third of the world's gas reserves, ranks first in the world in terms of its production, is itself gasified by 62 percent. Incidentally, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and Poland bordering Russia are 95 percent gasified with Russian gas.
A serious danger to the development of the country is caused by the large-scale monopolization of a number of industries by established companies. For example, over 80 percent of oil is produced and over 75 percent is processed by five companies; 70 percent of air cargo turnover is carried out by four carriers; 90 percent of potash fertilizers are produced by two companies. The efforts of the federal antimonopoly service, which is fighting the trend of market monopolization, are not very successful.
A serious reason for the instability of economic development is the lack of transparency in the use of both funds allocated from the budget to various companies and those received in the course of financial activities. For example, at the end of 2007, Rosnanotech received more than $5 billion from the federal budget for the development and implementation of high-tech projects. However, in June 2008 they were placed as "temporarily free funds" on the deposits of eight banks, and not used for their intended purpose. While Russia's public external debt was gradually decreasing, in 2008 alone, external corporate debt increased rapidly and amounted to USD 488 billion at the end of the year. This has created a serious dependence of the country's economy on the inflow of funds from abroad, which is fraught with financial difficulties, especially in the context of the global crisis 9 .
The global financial situation has led the real sector of the Russian economy to feel an acute shortage of funds. The decision to transfer significant state allocations to the real sector of the economy was entrusted to more than a hundred commercial banks, which in turn received money from large state banks. To support these banks, the state has allocated 6.5 trillion. rubles, and 14 times less for improving the social security of the population. It soon turned out that state funds were converted into foreign currency by many banks and exported abroad. This situation has forced a policy of strict government diktat in relation to banks that receive public funds. The former President of the Russian Federation, D.A. Medvedev, especially pointed to this in his message to the Federal Assembly.
The so-called “flat” income tax scale has hardly justified itself. During its application, large-scale legalization of citizens' incomes actually did not occur. Moreover, the rate of growth in the personal fortunes of the richest Russians has many times exceeded the rate of growth in the taxes they pay. As E. Primakov rightly emphasizes in his book “The World without Russia?” in our country, with the introduction of a progressive scale of taxation, say up to 20 percent, it would be possible to generally exempt from income tax those who live below the officially defined poverty line 10 .
It should be noted that the fight against poverty in Russia, as a rule, is limited to small increases in pensions and public sector salaries. It does not lead to overcoming the difficult financial situation pensioners who receive only 25 percent of their salary in the form of pensions. In the country, about 35 percent of people are below or near the subsistence level, and these are families working with one or two children, or pensioners, and in agriculture, more than two-thirds of workers receive wages below the subsistence level. It should be noted that in recent times, in fact, immediately after Russia's accession to the WTO, prices for all energy carriers, for the most consumed foodstuffs by the bulk of the population - bread, cereals, milk, eggs, for travel in all modes of transport, for essential goods and services, for housing and communal services, moreover, some campaigns manage to get money for housing and communal services twice.
In a constantly changing situation, a clear merging of some civil servants with business, the heyday of corruption, which is turning into an epidemic, numerous segments of the population have not been able to adapt to the extremely confusing market elements. Many Russians, not having the appropriate state support, failed to adapt to the new conditions of life and slid beyond the brink of poverty and destitution, or joined the ranks of the poor.
AT this case adaptation is seen as social view interaction between the individual and society, during which the requirements and expectations of its participants are coordinated. At the same time, the most important component is the coordination of self-assessments and claims of the subject with his capabilities and with reality. social environment, that is, the process and result of the restructuring of the activity and behavior of the individual in response to the new requirements of the environment.
Modern social inequality is perceived as an evil and extremely undesirable phenomenon in society. Relations between the poor and the rich are interpreted as quite conflicting. A deep social rift leads to the preservation of tension between the polar parts of society. At the end of last year, the Arguments and Facts newspaper conducted an Internet survey among the population of our country. One question was asked: How do you feel about the oligarchs? 57 percent of the respondents have no special feelings for them, 33 percent despise them, 6 percent envy them, and 4 percent admire them. At the same time, according to sociologists, approximately 22 percent of adult Russians today express confidence that mutual understanding and cooperation is possible between the poor and the rich 11 .
From a sociological point of view, a fair society seems to be one in which the middle strata are numerous, the social distance between them and the upper strata is small, the level of population mobility is high, and the lower strata of the population constitute a minority of the members of society. This is what guarantees, if there is social protection for the weak, peace and social integration.
Given the depth of the gap between the poor and the rich, the huge suspicion of society towards wealth and business, financial and economic circles, it is apparently difficult to count on their complete trust and mutual understanding, but a compromise between poverty and wealth, subject to a number of fundamental conditions, is quite possible.
The most important condition for such a compromise in modern Russia is the transition to a socially oriented economy aimed at increasing the well-being of Russians. The promotion and gradual implementation of four national projects - on healthcare, education, housing construction and agricultural development - are aimed at raising the standard of living of the population. This can somehow reduce the dividing line between the poor and the rich in modern Russia.


Volkov Yu.G. Creativity: creativity versus imitation. M.: 2013. -430 p.
Glukhov V.V., Okrepilov V.V. Life quality management. St. Petersburg: 2008. -482 p.
Gorshkov M.K. Russian society as it is. M.: 2011. - 671 p.
Ziyatdinov F.G., Ziyatdinov A.R. State regulation of the quality of life in market conditions. Kazan, 2009. -204 p.
Kozyreva P.M. Poverty and wealth in a transforming society. Yearbook. Issue 7. M.: IS RAN. 2008. pp. 96-112.
Petukhov V.V. Social well-being of Russians // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2007. No. 6.
Primakov E.M. A world without Russia? What does political myopia lead to? M.: 2009. - 321 p.
Rzhanitsina L. A new stage of social policy in Russia // Vestn. Institute of Economics RAS, 2009. No. 1. pp. 35-52.
Sorochaikin A.N. Man in the system of socio-economic relations. Samara. 2007. - 196 p.

1 See details. Sorochaikin A.N. Man in the system of socio-economic relations. Samara, 2007. - 197 p.
2 See: Russia in a globalizing world: social aspects. - M.: ISEPN RAN, 2006
3 See: Kozyreva P.M. Poverty and wealth in a transforming society. In Book. Russia in reform. Yearbook. Issue 7. -M.: IS RAS. 2008, p.102.
4 See: Sorochaikin A.N. Man in the system of socio-economic relations. - Samara, 2007. 196 p.
5 See Primakov E.M. World without Russia? What does political myopia lead to? -M.: 2009, p. 133.
6 See: Arguments and Facts. 26.IX-2.X.2012. No. 39.
7 See: Primakov E.M. World without Russia? What does political myopia lead to? pp.101-104.
8 See: ibid., p. 122.
9 See: Primakov E.M. World without Russia? What does political myopia lead to? pp.124-127.
10 Primakov E.M. World without Russia? S. 134.
11 See: Argumenty i Fakty 2012, No. 39; Russia in reform. Yearbook. Issue 7. P. 117.

"It's all about the memory of generations and financial illiteracy"- this idea runs like a red thread through many trainings and books on the psychology of wealth. Many dream of winning the lottery, a sudden inheritance or other wealth, they say, "then I will live." But, even after winning a million, after a while they understand: everything returns to normal. And where the wealth melted is unknown. It's not about the amount of money, but about financial literacy, which no one teaches. If a person cannot distribute his financial flows, then no income will save him. Everything that earns will fly into the pipe.

It is right that the habit of managing money is laid in childhood. The child absorbs the values, the way of his family. Growing up, copies the behavior of adults. And at face value he takes the very common opinion that the rich are bad, dishonest, greedy and generally extremely unpleasant people. Therefore, modern workers choose to be "poor but honest" and instead of working on themselves, learning and self-development, they rush home at 18 o'clock, rejoice on Fridays and suffer on Mondays. And, of course, they blame the government, the boss, and careerist colleagues for their modest incomes, which interfere with promotion.

The formation of financial attitudes is influenced not only by the family, but by the history of the state, that is, the conditions in which the people live. If you analyze the events of the twentieth century in Russia, the picture becomes clearer. Who are our ancestors? Most are peasants. Practically impoverished hard workers with an already formed model of loss. And no one taught them financial literacy either.

Of course, there were also wealthy people of different classes. What happened to this class? Their wealth was expropriated and they themselves were exiled. Where? Particularly here, in the Far East. In these families, not only a culture of managing money was formed, but at the same time a fear of being rich. If you are rich, you will definitely lose everything. The heirs of such attitudes with a similar family history can work and earn, but instantly part with solid amounts of income, as if money burns their hands. And in St. Petersburg, for example, the older generation is frightened by the blockade, so they save everything they can. All this is evidence that culture and fears are passed on from generation to generation. In psychogenetics, this is called "inherited patterns of behavior."

However, at the end of this dark tunnel of installations and negative programs there is light - the brilliance of gold bars of the correct attitude towards money.

You can start getting rich at any age, if you decide that you definitely need to get rich, because money is only one of the 50 most important factors happiness.

The best start to financial literacy is a conscious approach to money.

Start budgeting to understand exactly where the money is “leaking”. Even a simple fixing of expenses significantly saves finances.

Why can't I get rich? Each of us asked ourselves this question at least once in our lives. It seems that there is work, and the salary is normal, and we live no worse than others, but there is always not enough money. What is money and how attitudes towards it are formed, we learned from the leading Khabarovsk experts on human souls.

"Get rich in joy!" - says the psychologist, author and host of the trainings "Where is my money" and "The image of money" Alena Naumova.

The topic of finance is one of the most frequently addressed to me. And I rarely met a person who would treat money exactly like pieces of paper. Everyone has their own image of money, their own story, often tragic.

Often those who are constantly in the process of enrichment, but have not reached the desired level of prosperity, apply. They already work at five jobs, open different businesses, invest something, save, look for sources of income, but everything ends the same way: businesses go bankrupt, the money invested burns out, deposits melt away somewhere. This is because money is here as an assigned cost. That is, "I'm worth a million or nothing." Self-esteem depends on the amount of wealth. But subconscious self-doubt just does not allow me to get rich, because inside there is a conviction that I am not worthy of it. This is where the concept comes from. "corridor of money"- this is an internal permission to live within certain financial boundaries. For example, “I can have a bouquet of lilies of the valley, but a trip to Dubai without credits and loans is impossible”. But why?

Because nothing comes from nowhere and goes nowhere. No matter how paradoxical it may seem, many have an internal prohibition on wealth out of love for their mother. For example, she or someone close from the family was poor, worked hard and fought for every piece of bread. Now their descendant simply cannot afford to bathe in luxury, for him this is tantamount to betrayal.

Many stories come from childhood, when the father left the family and the mother had to work hard to get the child out of poverty. And this experience runs like a dash-dotted line throughout life. For such people, the first million earned causes a feeling of “wow!”, The second is already expected, and the third brings stability. But they sadly discover that there is still no happiness. The fact is that with money I wanted to close that pain, that hole in my heart from what I experienced in childhood.

Another story is when a person is born into a wealthy family. He grows up with a healthy attitude towards money, according to the experience of his parents, he achieves financial stability. There are no money-related injuries here. But! There is a small trick: such a person will never achieve super results, he, in fact, has nothing to overcome in this matter, and you will not have to expect incredible breakthroughs from him either.

The more I deal with finance in my practice, the more I understand that our image of money is not at all the number of pieces of paper and zeros. It is, rather, satisfaction from the possession of material values.

When deciding to save money, it is important to understand why? From a psychological point of view, saving up for a rainy day is wrong. You are setting yourself up for the fact that this rainy day will someday come. Neurosis is guaranteed. Save up for joy - for a vacation, for a carefree life, for gifts to your loved ones, then your inner state will be conducive to wealth!

“The main thing is to understand the needs”
- the psychologist Danil Avdeev is sure.

Money in and of itself is neither good nor bad. They cannot make anyone happier or unhappier. Money can't feed you when you're hungry, and it can't keep you warm when you're lonely. Money is a resource that we all use. Our resources are our capabilities, strength and support in different situations. For example, the love of loved ones is also a resource from which we can draw strength. And any resource should be enough. If something is not enough for us, it causes a certain discomfort. We worry, worry, we need to make up for the missing at the subconscious level. And everyone sets for himself the norms, how much he needs. When all the resources of a person are at the proper level, he feels full.

It is important to understand that money does not satisfy any needs by itself, but it opens access to other good things. For example, "I'm hungry," therefore, "I need money to buy food." Someone starts to get confused and instead of "I need food", think: "I need money." But you don't eat them! It is important to understand your true needs, why do you need money?

Often, what you dream of buying with money is the comfort of anxiety, a sense of security. You can buy everyday comfort, but anxiety is inside, you can’t satisfy it with money. Man by nature is prone to distortions. The same food necessary condition survival. But not everyone and not always eat only to satisfy hunger. Many people are familiar with the problem of overeating or stress eating. So the attitude towards money can become a problem: it seems that they are always not enough. For example, there are quite normal men who are sure that their attractiveness is directly proportional to the size of their wallet. Their own importance grows with zeros in the account. Therefore, they try to earn as much as possible in order to please the girls and not be lonely. But here, too, there is a catch. Such a rich man, having met a girl, will always be tormented by doubts: was she attracted by my money or myself?

Another distortion is when money is sought to satisfy those needs that are not satisfied with money. For example, you are very tired, you need a rest, but instead of taking a vacation, you start working even harder to earn yourself a ticket to warm countries. This is absurd. It won't make you happier or give you strength.

Those cases when money seems to be slipping through your fingers are most likely connected not only with financial illiteracy, but also with the fact that a person spends excessively in an attempt to fill some kind of emptiness inside.

We all handle money differently. It is easier for someone to save, and for someone it is easier to earn more than to save in order to get rich. But the main thing is to figure out the goals, why do you need money? What do you want to buy with them? Thinking about this, you can reach a new level of relationship with yourself and with money!

"Money requires adult attitude" - insists the psychotherapist, head of the "Psychotherapeutic Center" Alexei Andreyanov.

Money is a serious thing, one might say, materialized labor. This is the time and effort spent on earning them, and in this sense, money is an absolute value, it would be strange to neglect them. Finances require an adult attitude, and this is possible only if you have a sufficient degree psychological development called differentiation. In a simple way, emotional maturity, the ability to share thoughts and feelings, to be independent of the opinions of other people: friendship is friendship, and money is apart. Normally, a person strives to separate money and personal relationships, distributes finances calmly and in an adult way, without interfering or somewhat holding compassion, pity and love. However, deviations from this norm are more common.

Many people are in "fusion" with their loved ones, friends, comrades, classmates. That is, in the first place they have feelings, and only then financial benefits. Because of this prioritization, for example, people are not comfortable taking money for their services, or they cannot refuse a loan request. And, as a rule, everything ends with the hardest traumatic experience: debts are not returned, and friendship is broken. In this regard, it is worth remembering: when you borrow someone, you let the person into your boundaries, allegorically speaking, you lend yourself. An adult in this complex issue calmly marks his boundaries. The following answer is also quite possible: “I treat you well, and it’s embarrassing for me to refuse you, but in this situation I won’t lend money. Do not be offended, please, our relationship is important to me.

The other extreme is complete coldness, when finances dominate, they become the only measure of happiness and success for a person. So, for example, with narcissistic personality disorder, it happens that friends, loved ones, social circle are chosen according to financial status. The main thing is success, and relationships with people are devalued. In such a system, one's own failures can be experienced as a complete collapse. And from a sense of one's own exclusivity, a person slides into another extreme - a sense of one's own humiliation.

In "big psychiatry" another pathology with a taste of money is well known. Depression - depression of mood often alternates with episodes of "mania". It happens with a slight increase emotional background people start making rash financial transactions. Make purchases that are disproportionate to the level of income, suddenly withdraw working capital from your own business or invest in a dubious business. A person in this state is not fully aware of himself. You are standing in front of you so cheerful, optimistic, satisfied, but he himself has just gone bankrupt or scored loans that cannot be paid off for a century.

The situations are different. Sometimes you can hear from people: “money is paper” or “colored candy wrappers”. The depreciation of money becomes a kind of protest. For example, against rich parents. By the way, in every second family where there is a polarity "power - submission", finances become a stumbling block. Previously, they earned a lot, now it’s not enough, a protracted lack of money, or a wife began to receive more than her husband. Money is a giant part of life, and both drama and joy unfold around it.

Some aspire to financial pyramids, believe in instant enrichment and bitcoins. Others are happy to be deceived, gaining loans, feeding themselves the illusion of having money. But the joy of the arrival of finance is replaced by the bitterness of monthly payments. Thoughts about repayments, long-term loans are often experienced as an endless burden.

You always need to soberly assess the risks and be prepared for the loss. At the start of any venture, ask yourself how much are you willing to give back? Money really loves the account and those who respect them and themselves. In general, money is an important thing, BUT not decisive. As practice shows, a person feels happy not when he is rich, but when he is in demand in his personal and professional life, respected by people.
And may the MONEY be with you!

Nadezhda Lavrinenko
Photo by Svetlana Tyutrina,
Anna Sinelnikova

Dear friends, hello! According to our blog readers survey, 75% of people are interested in the topic raising money into your life!

That is why we decided to write a series of articles on the topic of money. And today we will talk about an important component, without which attracting money into your life will not be possible! What is this?

This is the philosophy of poverty!

Poverty is a type of human thinking, such a picture of the world that has several persistent characteristics ...

1) There is a limited amount of money in the world, and if someone has it, then someone has less of it. That is, if I have little, then someone else has more. Accordingly, if I earn now, then I will earn at the expense of someone and someone will have less of them.

2) Money has never made anyone happy, because what more money, the corresponding more problems. And in order to have a lot of money in general, you need to become a bad person. Because good fair man- This is someone who, in principle, has little money.

3) If someone has money, why not me? That is, a poor person cannot sincerely rejoice at the success of other people. By default, they first cause indignation and envy in him. What is called envy is precisely the reflection of the poor man's reality. He believes that other people are not worthy to own this money. If he does not have money, then others are not worthy to have it. If someone has them, then it is unfair.

4) A person does not value his time, and as a result does not value the time of other people. Because the poor man puts money much higher than time. A person does not believe that he can use time in such a way as to earn more money. A person believes that he has a certain salary, for example, 15,000 rubles, and, accordingly, the right path for him is to buy cheap products, save money, do everything in such a way as to spend less. But in no case does he think about how to create some other sources of income for himself or do something else.

I have listed some of the elements that characterize a poor person. If you have found certain responses in yourself, then this is an alarm light. This means that you are in the trap of poverty. And I can immediately say good news - since this is only a picture of the world this person, that is, this is how you think, this means that it is amenable to correction. And each person can change it, correct it and become a richer person.

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>>> Soon we will share with you the information that will allow you to attract money into your life!<<<

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Psychosomatics (diseases from emotions)