The light of the soul going out is a crossword puzzle. The light of the soul is a special energy

SOUL LIGHT is a SPECIAL ENERGY,which radiates loving person, this energy cannot be seen with physical vision, but it can be felt. Feel the Love, kindness coming from him.

A bright person attracts people with his warmth and cordiality.

Next to him we become cleaner, better.

The look of a bright person is affectionate, understanding, the eyes radiate a soft Light!

But sometimes it doesn’t even matter what a bright person does, what he says, the important thing is that when he appears, an atmosphere of Love, tranquility and peace is formed.

Such a person has learned to love the world, people without conditions, his heart has become a source of Love.

There are many such people!

Look for them, try to be near them. When light Souls unite, they acquire the power that can do a lot!

What to do if on life path did you guys meet a dark person?

And why did people start talking about him - "dark"?

How did he close the Light of his Soul, why doesn't it glow?

The Light of the Soul is very easy to close. One has only to get angry, offended, fall into despondency, and your Light immediately dims.

If a person cannot enter into a good mood, continues to get angry, offended, carry negative energies into space, then he has a risk of becoming a carrier of dark, negative energies.

As a rule, dark people feel very bad at heart, it seems to them that everyone turns away from them, they think that no one loves them, they suffer, become hardened.

Only a bright Soul can help such people, which will surround them with warmth, kindness, love, and understanding. It will tell you the mistakes that they made in life, and help them find the strength to change themselves.

Learn to see in a person under the husk of anger, rejection, selfishness the Light of his pure Soul!

Turn only to this Light and you will see what miracles will happen around you!

Parable "The Light of the Soul"

Why do they say about some people that they have a bright soul, and about others that they have a dark one, - the daughter asked, - after all, insoul the person cannot be seen. People can pretend.

Mother replied:

When you meet a person with a bright soul, it becomes light for you. If you feel any heartache, then next to such a person it subsides. Such a person will strengthen faith in God, faith in yourself, you feel quiet joy and hope for happiness, you want to love everyone and do good.

And if a person seems to be saying everything correctly, but I feel bad from his correctness? Hands down and life seems somehow hopeless? Does this mean that a person is hypocritical and angry?

No, daughter. This means that the soul of this person lacks light. That this person is unhappy, and communicating with you unconsciously shares his misfortune with you.

And what should I do then?

Shine for this person. And the more effort you make to shine, the more light will be given to you! Remember, light is not only talk about Faith and God, light is a friendly Smile, Kind word, Support and Help.


"It's me," the body said to the soul,
Knocking on my chest with my hand, -
I managed to live the whole century with you -
With a weightless, ghostly such.
“No,” the soul said in response,
Radiating blue light,
It was I who found love and strength
Live earthly and valiant you.
© I. Zhavoronkov

We have become so distant from nature, from each other, that we often find it difficult to understand people, not to mention animals and plants. But once people had one language of communication and understood the whole the world. How did they communicate? Of course with the help of the Soul. It is the Soul that knows the common language understandable to everyone. The human soul can communicate with the collective souls of minerals, plants, individual souls of the elements and animals, and with the souls of people, regardless of language, nationality, religion and other differences. Souls communicate with the help of energies. Any energy, any vibration carries a huge amount of information - you just need to understand it. A person has the ability to perceive and transmit vibrations, again with the help of the Soul. A person can also transform energies into a different quality and, with the help of the Soul, can transfer them to any point in the Universe.

The Soul interacts with the Physical Body through energy centers (chakras). When a person is very down to earth, then his upper chakras do not work well and the connection with the Soul is also bad. In this case, a person does not hear the Soul, he goes through life, “paving the way with his head”, relying only on the Physical Body.

Upon spiritual awakening, these centers begin to actively participate in energy exchange with subtle plans, and the Soul enters deeper into a person's life, helping him solve earthly tasks. Other energy centers interact with other planes, each with its own. Gradually, more and more centers are included in the work, they can be involved not seven, but even more. And at some point, all the centers, these energy vortices, merge into a single energy system - the whole body becomes a single energy vortex. Every atom, every cell, every organ and the whole body of a person becomes one with the whole World and with his Soul.

On the Astral Plane, souls of different levels spiritual development are at a distance from each other (different vibrational levels). On Earth, people from different spiritual groups have the opportunity to communicate closely with each other, in their close relationships to connect all the planes of Being, then with such a merger, experience is transferred from one spiritual group to another.

In earthly life, a rather complicated picture arises: everything is mixed up, since all Souls belong to different groups. People, interacting with each other, create kinship on the earthly plane. It can be difficult to find agreement between those people who have gained a different experience and have different vibrations. They are different, they are "alien", it is felt, and sometimes it is very difficult for a person to accept another because of this. Even if he tries to find good sides in the actions of a person unpleasant to him, he fails to accept him “with all his heart”: he has other energies, he emits other impulses, he has a different experience. Reason can disguise feelings, upbringing can prescribe appropriate behavior, but the difference in energies will still affect.

So, limit yourself to superficial communication with such people, try not to deal with them? Many do just that, but life, for some reason, again and again confronts them in the most different situations. This is the great wisdom of God, who mixed everyone in this life and made him learn to accept people as they are and help others. It is necessary to know this in order to have an objective picture and not idealize people and not be mistaken, and not condemn. And the best help to others is self-development. By developing yourself, you help others in this as well. The principle “we are all One” works flawlessly!

Our soul lives in the Truth, although it does not remember it well. We need to help her remember, to realize herself in the present. You need to soar like birds, shine like suns, think beautifully, act fairly. The soul must not occasionally remember that it is Light, but be the Light that makes the Universe a beautiful flower, the like of which does not exist. Live now, today, in the present! Most often access to it closes the Ego. And then she is silent. Strive to talk to her: this will revive her, reassure her, and she, for her part, will strive for communication and will share her great wealth.

The highest spirituality lies in being in harmony with the Soul. Before starting each business, it is advisable to consult with her, and not just just hear her. This is what we need to strive for, this is what we need to go for. Soul Light! What wonderful, moving words! It's time for a person to understand that it is the light of his soul that is the best teacher and healer for him, friend! And we must do everything so that this light flows freely into our body and the world around us. You need to trust the Soul and learn to communicate with it. It's not easy, the mind has built too many different obstacles on the way to the Soul. The ego wants to retain power over a person and does not want to unite with the Soul. The ego is afraid of the Soul, because it wants truth, sincerity, purity. She is always like that and wants the same from a person. Therefore, there are so few of those who communicate directly with the Soul. Such people are called Enlightened, Saints. But now is a different time, and many can become like that: now the paths are open as never before.

Now every person sounds like a chord, and often the chord is inharmonious, because people are complex, inharmonious, impure. And you need to strive to sound one note! Such a sound occurs when doubts, fears, emotions go away, when there is purity and peace in the mind.

It doesn’t matter to the soul what car a person drives, what status he occupies in society, what awards he has, how many books he has written. It is important for her: whether she gets the necessary experience from life. The unity of a person with the Soul causes a state of sincere and deep joy. This is the surest indicator of the truth and holiness of a person. Souls receive the highest state of joy on Earth when they are in close connection with their soul mates. God creates only the perfect. If you think that God can create something impure, imperfect, you don't know God. And our task is to return the original state of purity, to add experience to it.

Rejoice in the perfection of everything that surrounds you. Smile, rejoice, and see only perfection - then what others call imperfection will not touch you.

Seek to be in touch with your soul as often as possible. It will help you show love, wisdom and intuition. All this will allow you to be more aware at every moment of time and accept best solutions. The path to the soul lies through communication at the level of intuition. Do not fuss in thoughts and deeds, be more often in joy, subtly communicate with the World.

Native Soul! You are Joy itself, You are Love itself, You are Knowledge itself! Let me manifest Your Splendor on Earth.
I desire to experience even deeper qualities of God in human form:
As a person, I develop, I reveal what
Who I really am, I become self-sufficient, I bring into harmony male and feminine energies I manifest the love of God.
I exist as a human and as God at the same time.
I understand that with my consciousness I cannot cover all Your plans and thoughts, and therefore I accept everything that You give me. But I am not a blind performer, I am Your conscious particle, I am Your co-creator.
I am grateful to You for life, for the desire to create it more beautiful and joyful and filled with bliss.
This is my aspiration too!
Thank You for Life, my Soul!

Light on the way

Everyone has Light on the Path. Notice him and follow him; strive for it, as for a beacon leading along the right path. The Light on the Path is the conscience, the inner judge, is the Teacher, the beacon leading in the darkness, is the guide to the Higher World, the World of Light. Take care of the Light on the Path and you will reach it!


To become purer is the task of everyone who has embarked on the Path. To become purer means to become lighter. The brightness of the light depends on the degree of purification of the membranes. Strive for the light in yourself, strive to pour your shortcomings into virtues! Strive to become better, lighter, brighter! Strive!

The light of your soul

The light of the soul comes from the light accumulated in the bodies that make it up. Numerous incarnations gather the light of the soul. Old accumulations come into a new incarnation in order to develop, conquering the light of higher energies. The degree of light of your soul will depend on the spiritual efforts that you make in life. Light is the work of the soul, heart and consciousness. The light will become brighter if it is used for good. Let the light of your soul work in life, let it shine on people, let it be a beacon for those who are in distress in the stormy waves of the ocean of life!

Light of the Heart

The light of the heart is the light of your essence, the heart illuminates it. The light is brighter, the fiery heart. The light of the heart is the light within you. Keep in touch with the Highest through your heart. The heart has its own voice, you can hear it if the heart glows enough. The heart has a hearing, it is with it that you hear the voice of the Teacher. The heart has vision, with which you can see phenomena that are inaccessible to the physical eye. The heart is a powerful apparatus of a human being. Kindle your heart on the fire of aspiration, and much will be revealed to you! The Light of the heart is the Light of Hierarchy, as it is the Light of love. Every living human heart has love in it. If the heart is pure, love flows naturally and colors human into the bright colors of love and happiness. But you don't often see such a pure heart. Usually human hearts suffer under the weight of darkness, under which the beautiful glow of human hearts fades. If people would believe that happiness is not in limitation, but in unity, not in taking, but in giving, not in stigmatization and condemnation, but in the soft light of compassion and tenderness of the heart, they would so easily be able to direct their efforts to achieve true human happiness both on earth and in "heaven". But people do not believe in such simple truths, persisting in the selfishness of appropriation and capture, creating suffering for themselves, from which their hearts cry, torn and dying under the yoke of darkness. We can take wonderful ideas into our brains, we can endlessly pour out wonderful formulas, but this will be no more than the noise of leaves that will be blown away by the wind in autumn. But when the heart comes to life, when the heart speaks, when its soft light streams into the world, then so many words are not required, and those few, but heartfelt ones, will touch the hearts of other people, from which heart energy will also flow, strengthening. Wonderful is the response of the human heart to the touch of love.

Get Lighter

To become lighter means to be cleansed of the filth of past dark layers. This is not easy, but it must be done, as this is the only way up, to the Light and to the Teacher, who is near and waiting. Purification can begin with everyday little things: every moment of the current day provides an opportunity for purification - do not miss a minute! Get rid of bad habits - condemnation, slander, lies, from not bright, gray, vain thoughts - from everything dark that hangs on you with fetters and weights, preventing you from flying to the Light. To become bright is the most important task. Through this all your achievements are possible. Strive upward - there is Light, there is Power! Reach up to Us, stretch with all your might - We will help!


The degree of a person's light is the degree of his progress in evolution. Man is commanded to be a light being. Light is one in the Universe, it is for everyone who is in it. There are many degrees, as many as there are spirits. The degrees depend on the evolutionary efforts of the spirit, on its accumulations, on the purity of its bodies, on the enlightenment of its consciousness. There are no two identical spirits in the Universe - all achievements in development are individual and unique. The brightness of the glow depends on the amount of light accumulated by a person. A certain brightness of the glow causes a magnetic reaction, and a small star begins to reach out to the great focus of light – the Hierarchy. The stronger and more irresistible the force of this gravity, the brighter the light burning in a person. The glow reaches its intensity, and there is a connection with the Focus. Now this flame will not go out and cannot be extinguished, because behind it is the fiery power of the Hierarchy. Reach out to Us, little lights, to the stronghold of Light in the Universe!


Conscience is our inner judge, whose voice always sounds, if you have not rejected it. Conscience is the voice of the spirit, that is spiritual man in us. Conscience will always point out what is good and what is bad. Conscience is the light of the Highest that could penetrate us. Do not reject the light of the Highest, and conscience will always be the guide in life.


Happiness is near, it enters our lives through the light in us. The more light, the more happiness it lets through. Accumulate light in your being, accumulate, displacing gray shadows of imperfections with it, and then happiness will flood us! Happiness is on the way. We are destined to be happy.

Shield of Love

The shield of love is a powerful weapon. You have to learn to have it. Inspire people with love, sympathy, goodwill. Not a shadow of irritation, not a shadow of discontent - and then you will have this shield! The shield of love is an attitude towards a person as a soul, struggling, developing, suffering. Shield means protection. Get the shield of love and you will become invulnerable!

Alice Bailey's book The Light of the Soul embodies for us the laws of transformation and the rules, methods, and means which, when followed, make a person "perfect as the Father in heaven is perfect."

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Suffice it to say that I am a Tibetan disciple to a certain extent, though that doesn't tell you much, for everyone is a disciple, from the mere aspirant to Christ Himself and beyond. I live in a physical body, like other people, on the border of Tibet and at times (from an exoteric point of view) lead a large group of Tibetan lamas when my other duties allow. Therefore, there were reports that I was the abbot of one of the lamaist monasteries. Those who are connected with me through the work of the Hierarchy (and all true disciples are connected through this work) know me by a different name and by a different work. Alice A. Bailey knows who I am and recognizes me by my two names.

I am your brother, I have traveled a little further along the Path than the average student, and therefore I bear a great responsibility. I am one of those who have won the right to a greater volume of Light than the aspirant who reads this book, and therefore I must serve as a transmitter of Light at any cost. I'm not old in terms of teachers, but I'm not young or inexperienced either. My job is to teach and spread the knowledge of the Ageless Wisdom wherever I find a response, and I have been doing this for many years. I also try to help Master Morya and Master Koot Hoomi whenever the opportunity arises, as I have been associated with Them and Their work for a long time. I have already told you a lot and at the same time I have not said anything that could induce you to the blind admiration and stupid devotion that emotional aspirants show towards the Guru and Master, since they are not yet capable of contact with Them. But they will not be able to achieve the desired contact until they transform emotional devotion into a desire to selflessly serve humanity, and not the Master.

The books I have written do not require recognition. They may or may not be considered accurate, true, and useful. It is up to you to ascertain their truth through right practice and the use of intuition. Neither I nor Alice A. Bailey are in the least interested in proclaiming these books as inspired writings or in being spoken of (breathlessly) as the work of one of the Masters. If they present the Truth in such a way that it consistently continues the teachings already sent to the world, if the information communicated raises inspiration and voluptuous service from the plane of the emotional to the plane of the mind (the plane on which the Teachers can be found), then they serve their purpose. If the teaching presented awakens the response of the enlightened mind working in the world and causes a flash of his intuition, then let this teaching be accepted. But not otherwise. If these statements are ultimately confirmed, or found to be true, when tested by the Law of Correspondences, then they are good and useful. But otherwise, let the student not recognize what was said.


From the point of Light that is in the Mind of God,

Let the Light stream into the minds of the people.

Let Light descend upon the Earth.

From the point of Love in the Heart of God,

Let Love flow into the hearts of people.

May Christ return to earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known,

Let the Purpose direct the small wills of people

The purpose, knowing which, the Teachers serve.

From the center of what we call the human race,

May the Plan of Love and Light come true,

And the door behind which evil will be sealed.

May Light and Love and Power restore

Plan on Earth.

“The above Invocation or Prayer belongs not to any person or group, but to all Humanity. The beauty and power of this Invocation lies in its simplicity and in its exposition of certain Fundamental Truths which all men naturally, by nature, share, namely: the truth of the existence of a fundamental Cognitive Being, We vaguely call Him God; the truth that driving force The universe is Love behind everything external; the truth that a great Individuality, called Christ by Christians, came to Earth and embodied this Love in a form that we can understand; the truth that both Love and Knowledge are the consequences of what is called the Will of God, and finally, that obvious truth that only through Humanity itself can the Divine Plan be carried out.

Alice A. Bailey


From the point of Light within the Mind of God

Let light stream forth into the minds of men.

Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God

Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.

May Christ return to Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known

Let purpose guide the little wills of men.

The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the center which we call the race of men

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

“The above Invocation or Prayer does not belong to any person or group but to all Humanity. The beauty and the strength of this Invocation lies in its simplicity, and in its expression of certain central truths which all men, innately and normally, accept – the truth of the existence of a basic Intelligence to Whom we vaguely give the name of God; the truth that behind all outer seeming, the motivating power of the universe is Love; the truth that a great Individuality came to earth, called by Christians, the Christ, and embodied that love so that we could understand; the truth that both love and intelligence are effects of what is called the Will of God; and finally the selfevident truth that only through humanity itself can the Divine Plan work out.”

Alice A. Bailey



"Before the Soul can see, inner harmony must be reached, and the bodily eyes must be closed forever to all illusion.

Before the Soul can hear, the image (Man) must become equally deaf to thunder and whisper, to the cries of roaring elephants and to the silvery buzz of a golden firefly.

Before the Soul can comprehend and remember, it must be united with the Silent Voice in the same way as the image according to which the clay was molded was connected with the mind of the sculptor.

For then the Soul will hear and remember.


The Science of Raja Yoga, or "The Royal Science of the Soul," as expounded by its first commentator, Patanjali, will eventually find its greatest application in the West. This will happen in view of the fact that, according to the law of cycles, the fifth root race (in its fifth sub-race) must inevitably reach its highest point. The indicated point in the evolution of the race is reached as a result of the correct use of the mind and its use by the Soul for the solution of group problems and the development of group consciousness on the physical plane.

Until now, the mind has either been prostituted for material purposes or deified. Through the science of Raja Yoga the mind will become known as the instrument of the Soul and the means by which the brain of the aspirant becomes enlightened and acquires that knowledge which belongs to the realm of the Soul.

According to the law of evolution, in view of the fact that the mind is the fifth principle, the fifth root-race must be intimately connected with it, and accordingly its fifth sub-race is stronger than any other. It will be useful for students to remember the following correspondences:

1. The fifth root race is the Aryan.

2. The fifth sub-race is Anglo-Saxon.

3. The fifth principle is manas or mind.

4. The fifth plane is mental.

5. The fifth ray is concrete knowledge.

Various Yogas were given to people as a means to reveal the human essence. In the first physical race, called the Lemurian, that Yoga which was effective for the practice of infant humanity was Hatha Yoga, the Yoga physical body; this Yoga led to the conscious mastery and manipulation of the various organs, muscles and members of the physical body. The adepts of that time faced the problem of teaching human beings, who were little more than animals, the purpose and use of various organs, so that people could consciously control them, as well as understand symbolic meaning human figure. Hence, in those early days, a human being reached the portal of initiation through the practice of Hatha Yoga. At that time, the acceptance of the third initiation, which resulted in the transformation of the personality, was the highest initiation that man was capable of attaining.

R - to dream