The influence of the name on compatibility. Fortune telling for love compatibility by name Fortune telling for compatibility by name

Personal life excites an adult and a teenager. Love is strength, advantage, sometimes hard work. Souls tired of betrayal, skeptics and romantics are drawn to her. Is compatibility of characters important for love? As soon as passionate love passes, problems appear that the couple did not think about during the bouquet and flower period.

Love is strength, advantage, and even hard work. Fortune-telling will help prevent suffering and pain of separation at the very beginning of a relationship.

Fortune telling by name and surname for the compatibility of lovers is an opportunity to prevent suffering and pain of separation at the very beginning of a relationship. How do you know if you are a match for each other?

Why do we need fortune-telling for compatibility?

Fortune-telling, predicting the future by hand or Tarot cards worried people how much the earth revolves.

For skeptics, forecasts for the future seem ridiculous, believers are sinful, and people with open views of the world are happy for any help, even inexplicable and otherworldly.

Who should guess? If a person has a question or a situation arises that cannot be solved by the usual methods, then the answer is positive - you can and even need to guess. No one forces anyone to believe in a prediction. The matter is purely personal, how to perceive the information received.

Fortune-telling on the compatibility of the names of lovers is especially popular, because you really want to know the future of new relationships. It is impossible to call the received forecast accurate, but as a hint, a marker, what you should pay attention to right now, fortune-telling will do.

Various Internet resources are full of online predictions. One click and the screen appears detailed description in what the couple will converge. Online fortune-telling shows dangerous moments that open up in the future when the couple moves to a new level. You can find out compatibility at home without accessing the Internet. Ingenuity, courage and openness to everything new will help to realize the plan.

The principle of divination on paper

You don't have to be a magician to predict hereditary witch. It is also not necessary to study esotericism for decades. Quick home divination belongs to a special part of magic. Safe, affordable and takes just a few minutes. To determine compatibility, you will need:

  • a plain sheet of paper;
  • pen.

For divination, you only need a piece of paper and a pen

There are only two attributes that can be found in any home. Before starting the experiment, you should make sure that no one will disturb you during an interesting activity.

It is best to find a secluded, quiet room and carve out half an hour without calls, messages. Concentrating on one single desire, you need to let go of anxiety.

A tense, loaded with his own problems, a person does not see beyond his own nose. People say that important matters should be approached with a calm soul and a pure mind. When the questioner feels peaceful, you can begin to draw a sheet of paper.

How to guess

The sequence of further actions:

  1. On a piece of paper write your full name, surname and patronymic. All letters must fit on one line.
  2. If any letters are repeated in the name or patronymic, they are not written again. Repeated letters are signed under those already written in the first line.
  3. The second stage is carried out according to a similar principle. The full name, surname and patronymic of the chosen one is signed.
  4. You need to enter a numeric code. To do this, a number is written under each column of letters, which corresponds to the number of a particular letter. If "A" or "B" (any letter) was duplicated in the full name, then the code will be 0 if the letter has more than once met its code 1.
  5. The resulting numbers are added up (summed up until a simple single-digit number is obtained).

The result obtained is the degree of compatibility on a 10-point scale. If there is no desire to fiddle with numbers for a long time, you can try other types of fortune-telling.

Compatibility on playing cards

It will hardly be possible to find a deck of Tarot cards lying around at home, and it will not be difficult to buy new playing ones. Instead of playing the fool or playing solitaire, you can find out how compatible partners are.

Playing cards will help you find out your compatibility with your partner

Before divination, you should concentrate on an exciting question, then mix the cards well. The girl needs to say the name of the chosen one several times, remove the deck with her left hand. Next, the number of letters in the name of the beloved is counted. The resulting number will correspond to the number of stacks of cards on the table.

The cards are laid out alternately from left to right. The pile on which the last card fell will help predict the future. The required number of stacks is formed from it. The action is repeated until there are several cards left. The cards are revealed suit up. If two identical suits fall out, they will answer the question of interest:

  • Two aces. In a couple, the young man is sincerely in love and idolizes the chosen one.
  • Two kings. A beloved man is glad to meet a girl, he likes her behavior and character.
  • Ladies duet. It is impossible to believe the chosen one at 100%. A man is unsure of his own feelings. He either deceives the girl, or he does not know what he wants.
  • Both cards are jacks. Harmony and prosperity awaits the couple.
  • 2 tens. A sign of a little excitement on the part of the guy, but this is not love, but rather a fleeting hobby.
  • Two nines. The combination of playing cards promises indifference on the part of a man. There will be no love in the couple, the only option is feelings without reciprocity on the part of the young man.
  • Two eights. Symbols of upcoming quarrels that will be constant in a pair.
  • Duplicate sevens. Difficulties that will arise on the way of lovers are surmountable if there is a desire on the part of the girl and the guy to be together.
  • Two sixes. The lowest suits of the deck promise obstacles that can be overcome together.

Two sixes promise obstacles that can be overcome together.

If there are no double cards in the layout, then the last remaining character is deciphered.

Compatibility Chart

You can find out how lovers match each other from the drawn up schedule. If geometry lessons are not a problem for a long time, you won’t need special knowledge to build axes. For fortune-telling, a sheet of paper is useful (it is advisable to take a sheet from a notebook lined in a cage) and a pen.

The first line contains the full name of the girl, and below it the full name of the guy. Letter checking starts from the bottom line. If any letter is repeated in the name, surname or patronymic, then it is boldly crossed out. Then you should go to the first line. The last step is to check the remaining letters in two lines.

A graph is drawn up with two axes with a single reference point. To work out the lines, it is best to choose two pens different color otherwise it will be easy to get confused. From the starting point, a line of the girl's name is drawn: if the letter is not repeated, then the line moves diagonally by one cell, and if it is duplicated, the graph rises vertically.

When the name of the first line is finished, draw a graph corresponding to the guy. At the end of the compatibility of two people, you don’t even have to guess, because the intersection of multi-colored lines will speak for itself. Fortune telling of this type is not a final decision, so if you get a bad schedule, you should not despair.

According to the results

The compatibility of names, dates of birth and zodiac signs is what worries mainly the fair sex. For men, addiction to fortune-telling of this kind does not threaten. Looking into the future is a desire that embodies the essence of female nature. Curiosity, interest and mystery.

I don’t want to waste time on a person who is unworthy of attention or a person with whom a harmonious union does not work out. The simplest fortune-telling on paper will help to check compatibility, playing cards or by the digital code of the date of birth. Try your luck and not be afraid of the consequences - safe divination is available to everyone.

Each name and title contains a vibration range, characterized by a certain energy. The coincidence of energy characteristics creates points of contact, the commonality on the basis of which you can build harmonious relationships.

Therefore, from ancient times, names were given great importance, especially if it concerned marital relations - after all, people had to live together for most of their lives. Fortune-telling for compatibility by name and surname is still popular in our time. How to make a calculation? Numerology comes to the rescue.

The frequency of divorce and rupture of relationships between once loving people acquired a worldwide scope. Official statistics sum up a disappointing result: almost every second married couple gets divorced. The same applies to unregistered relationships. What are the reasons? One of them lies in the mismatch of names.

Previously, the marriage couple was selected by matchmakers - folk psychologists and keepers of wedding secrets and traditions. IN modern century you can do without matchmakers, if you resort to the help of esotericism - to determine compatibility by numerological formulas. To do this, you do not need to know higher mathematics, you just need to be able to add numbers.

Calculation No. 1

To get the first idea of ​​​​compatibility with a partner, you need to write down the names, patronymics and surnames in a column. For example, like this:

K-O-L-O-S-O-V-A - Z-I-N-A-I-D-A - P-E-T-R-O-V-N-A
V-E—T-R-O-V —— V-A-L-E—R-I-Y — E-V-D-E-N-L-E-V-I-H

  1. Now you need to see how many identical vowels and consonants are in your names. In this example, the surnames have a common vowel "o".
  2. Next, we look at the vowel-consonant combination. Let's say in the first column we see a mismatch - "KV". The second and third columns also consist of a combination of consonants. In the fourth, fifth and sixth columns we see a harmonious combination of "OR", "SO", "OV".
  3. Next, we look at the match by the total number of letters in the initials. In our example, the initials of a woman are 23 letters, the initials of a man are 23 letters. This is a complete coincidence. The larger the numerical difference, the fewer matches.
  4. The first letter of the initials is also considered - a vowel or a consonant. In our example, the names and surnames of partners begin with consonants - this is a good indicator. But ideally, all the initial letters of the initials should match according to the vowel-consonant principle.
  5. Now we look at which letters most often coincide in names. The letter "o" occurs once in the initials of a man and 4 times in the initials of a woman - this is a good indicator. The letter "v" occurs once in the initials of a woman and 5 times in the initials of a man. Let's look at the rest of the letters in the same way. The more matches, the better the compatibility.

Numerologists believe that the presence of even one of the points of coincidence indicates the possibility of a strong relationship. If there are no matches in any parameter, the couple will quickly part or will exist in constant conflicts.

According to this calculation, you can determine who will be the head of the family. This is the one with more vowels in the initials. In our case, there are 11 vowels in the initials of a woman, 9 in the initials of a man. Accordingly, the woman will have the right to vote. These are unwritten rules of communication that operate automatically.

Calculation No. 2

Now let's do another calculation, which is based on the numerical vibrations of each letter. To do this, we use a table.

If the result is a two-digit number, you need to add the two numbers and get a single-digit number. The same goes for the person's last name.

The meaning of the numbers

Unit- the number of a leader and even a dictator. These are brave people who do not allow any influence from outside. They make their own decisions and listen little to the opinions of others. When you try to put pressure on them, they actively resist.

These people have natural insight, it is almost impossible to deceive them - they read a person, as if from a book. They strive to be in control of absolutely everything. life situations and behavior of the people around. Until the end of their days, they remain young at heart, and the ebullient activity does not fade for a second.

deuce— the number of diplomats and psychologists. You can always negotiate with this person and find a compromise solution. Twos know how to listen to the opinions of others and can extinguish any conflict at the very beginning. These people are endowed with compassion for others, always ready to help.

In addition to these qualities, deuces are endowed with a sense of humor, which helps them survive difficult circumstances. However, sometimes inappropriate humor or a playful remark can play a cruel joke with them if they are directed towards another person - not everyone is able to adequately perceive criticism, albeit in a playful form. Nevertheless, deuces are always the soul of the company and love to be friends with everyone.

Troika- the number of romantics and dreamers. Their motto is: beauty will save the world. These people know how to feel the taste of life and find a reason for pleasure in everything. They surround themselves with beautiful things, know how to enjoy even the most insignificant pleasures. They have a creative approach to life, a kind character and a willingness to give a helping hand. Often these properties are used by all and sundry. These are optimists who never give up. Threes are always turned to in difficult times to get a boost of good spirits. However, it is impossible to help the whole world, people with a triple in their names should know about it.

Four- the number of regularity and stability. These people adhere to the established daily routine, always act according to a verified plan, you can completely rely on them. Fours are conservative in their perception of the world, do not like change and try to follow traditions instead of romantic excitement.

They achieve well-being through hard, painstaking work, they dislike lazy and frivolous people. Fours loves bosses, appreciates conscientiousness and responsibility. These are honest and open people who do not tolerate hypocrisy and double standards. Fours always judge a person by their actions, and not by beautiful phrases and sayings - they are difficult to confuse.

Fours never leave to chance, rather than rushing and fruitfully acting on a pre-designed strategy. Rationality and moderation exclude accidents and unforeseen circumstances from their lives. However, they also have a drawback - envy of risky people.

Fives They are pioneers and pioneers. They cannot be called adventurers, but the thirst for something new leads to unknown distances. Fidgets and travelers, inquisitive and addicted - the fives are ready to rush to anywhere in the world to search for new experiences. They always come out dry from the water and are not afraid of difficulties. The disadvantage of fives is irascibility and excessive love of freedom.

Sixes have a high sense of responsibility and try to help everyone at once. These are people of honor who are not able to prevaricate and seek their own benefit. They have an innate sense of justice and never stoop to fraud and adventurism. IN family life sixes demonstrate the qualities of devoted and reliable spouses.

They are hospitable and helpful, patient and tactful, good conversationalists and smart leaders. A distinctive feature of sixes is that they allow people to express their own point of view and never impose their own. These are humanists with high moral principles who are forgiving and forgiving.

Sevens characterized by an immoderate desire to bring everything to perfection. These people know how to choose friends and do not reveal their souls to the first person they meet. During their lives, they can be in several marriages, as the desire for the ideal haunts. Sevens can only be held by a mysterious person with a rich inner world and values.

A distinctive quality of the seven is the constant change of ideals, which negatively affects marital relations - there is no constancy. The secrecy and silence of the seven can confuse any person, as this is perceived as arrogant neglect. However, no one can keep your secret for years like a seven. Also, sevens are prone to hoaxes, the ability to see the hidden side of things.

eights focused on the material side of life and see the meaning only in this. A comfortable home, an expensive car - this is the goal and priorities of people with the number 8 in their name. They are able to turn any idea into a profitable business. These are talented business leaders who are distinguished by a tough approach to their subordinates. Eights know how to achieve their goals and already after thirty years they have a significant fortune that they have earned by their own labor.

These are honest, purposeful people who do not tolerate duplicity and double rules of the game. They hate cunning and flattery, categorically break off relations with such individuals. However, the eights also have negative features - this is an immoderate thirst for hoarding. The pursuit of fortune can play a trick on them.

Nine is the number of success. These people can reach heights in any field where their skills and abilities are in demand. They are able to go through life with a song even in the most difficult times. These are dreamers, sometimes causing bewilderment among others. Sometimes a penchant for illusions can play a trick on them, and you need to be prepared for this. For example, nines can even give their lives in the name of some fantastic idea.


Can numerological calculations be completely trusted? This is a matter of personal preference, but you still need to find out about compatibility options. Couples that are incompatible in numerology also get along, it’s just that their union is constantly tested for strength and endurance. It is much easier for compatible people to build harmonious and happy relationships than for incompatible people.

The main numbers of the name are the Number of Destiny, the Number of the Soul and the Number of Appearance. That is, opportunities, desires and image, "image". Compatibility assessment based on the totality of these indicators is a rather complicated task that requires a careful and serious approach. To ignore a clear discrepancy in any of these parameters is to make a mistake that can have extremely negative consequences.

Name Spell Compatibility

The compatibility assessment by spelling the name is preferred by those who are important to get an idea of ​​​​all levels of the partner's personality: physical, mental, emotional and intuitive; those who can see in the inherent qualities not so much the "equipment" necessary to perform certain functions, but the potential that implies development and improvement.

The knowledge gained allows these people to create relationships that go far beyond purely intergender ones. They become not only spouses, but also mentors, guardians, creating conditions for the partner's personality to be revealed in full and in all possible ways. This is the key to gaining the highest moral satisfaction, which far "outweighs" the so-called "simple worldly joys." And the result of this approach is the emergence of an exceptionally close spiritual connection, genuine intimacy.

Who doesn’t want to surround themselves with people who feel good and comfortable next to them? When it comes to romantic feelings, this desire becomes especially acute. Information about the compatibility of names - yours and the chosen one or the chosen one - will help you find out the prospects for relationships. And if there are no applicants for a place in the heart yet, it will facilitate the search for love. However, the name compatibility test is useful not only in the romantic sphere.

For whom and how is the online name compatibility test useful?

  • Knowing name compatibility is useful for those who are building relationships or looking for love.
  • It is useful for new parents choosing a name for a newborn to check the options for compatibility with their names.
  • Knowing how compatible you are by name with colleagues or boss will not interfere with building working relationships.

Online Name Compatibility Tests:

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Meaning of numbers | Numerology