Beautiful phrases about love in Latin. Tattoo in Latin: aphorisms and quotes about love

Argumentum ad absurdum.

"Proof of absurdity."

Contumeliam nec ingenuus fert, nec fortis facit.

“An honest person does not tolerate insult, but a courageous person does not inflict it.”

Repetitio est mater studiorum.

"Repetition is the mother of learning."

Damant, quod non intellectual.

"They judge because they don't understand."

"From the heart."

O sancta simplicitas.

"Oh, holy simplicity."

Audire ignoti quom imperant soleo non auscultare.

“I am ready to listen to stupidity, but I will not obey.”

Ad impossibilia lex non cogit.

"The law does not require the impossible."

Latrante uno latrat stati met alter canis.

“When one dog barks, another immediately barks.”

Amicus plato, sed magis amica veritas.

"Plato is my friend but the truth is dearer."

Natura non nisi parendo vincitur.

"Nature is conquered only by obeying it."

Omne ignotum pro magnifico.

"Everything unknown seems grand."

Benefacta male locata malefacta arbitror.

“Blessings rendered to the unworthy, I consider atrocities.”

Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit.

“Love, like a tear, is born from the eyes, falls on the heart.”

"With good intentions."

Cujusvis hominis est errare; nullius, nisi insipientis in errore perseverare.

"Each person is prone to error, but only a fool is prone to persist in error."

De gustibus non disputandum est.

"Tastes could not be discussed."

Condition sine qua non.

"Required condition."

Consuetudo est altera natura.

"Habit is second nature."

Carum quod rarum.

"Expensive is what is rare."

Accipere quid ut justitiam facias, non est tam accipere quam extorquere.

"The acceptance of remuneration for the administration of justice is not so much acceptance as extortion."

Aut vincere, aut mori.

"Either win or die."

Aequitas enim lucet per se.

"Justice shines on its own."

Citius, altius, fortius.

"Faster, higher, stronger."

Facile omnes, cum valemus, recta consilia aegrotis damus.

“All of us, when healthy, easily give advice to the sick.”

Beatitudo non est virtutis praemium, sed ipsa virtus.

"Happiness is not a reward for valor, but is itself valor."

Audi, multa, loquere pauca.

"Listen a lot, talk a little."

Divide et impera.

"Divide and rule."

Veterrimus homini optimus amicus est.

"The oldest friend is the best."

Homo homini lupus est.

"Man is a wolf to man."

De mortuis aut bene, aut nihil.

"About the dead or good, or nothing."

Bonis quod bene fit haud perit.

"What is done for good people is never done in vain."

Vestis virum reddit.

“Clothes make the man, clothes make the man.”

Deus ipse se fecit.

"God created himself."

Vivere est cogitare.

"To live is to think."

"Good luck!"

Fac fideli sis fidelis.

"Be loyal to the one who is loyal to you."

Antiquus amor cancer est.

"Old love is not forgotten."

Vox p?puli vox D?i.

"The voice of the people is the voice of God."

Consumor aliis inserviendo.

“Serving others, I waste myself; shining on others, I burn myself.

Calamitas virtutis occasio.

"Disaster is the touchstone of valor."

Dura lex, sed lex.

"The law is strong, but it's law."

Vir excelso animo.

"A man of exalted soul."

Aditum nocendi perfido praestat fides.

"Trust given to the treacherous allows him to harm."

Corruptio optimi pessima.

"The worst fall is the fall of the purest."

Dura lex, sed lex.

"The law is harsh, but it is the law."

Quotes in Latin with translation

“With agreement, small things grow; with discord, even great things fall into decay.”

Bene qui latuit, bene vixit.

"The one who lived imperceptibly lived well."

Facta sunt potentiora verbis.

"Acts are stronger than words."

Veni, vidi, vici.

"I came, I saw, I conquered."

Consensu omnium.

"By common consent."

Vir bonus semper tiro.

"A decent person is always a simpleton."

Scire leges non hoc est verba earum tenere, sed vim ac potestatem.

"Knowledge of the laws is not to remember their words, but to understand their meaning."

Melius est nomen bonum quam magnae divitiae.

"A good name is better than great wealth."

Castigo te non quod odio habeam, sed quod amem.

“I punish you not because I hate you, but because I love you.”

Amor non est medicabilis herbis.

"There is no cure for love."

Vox emissa volat; litera scripta manet.

What is said disappears, what is written remains.

"Memento Mori."

Deffuncti injuria ne afficiantur.

"The offense of the dead is beyond the jurisdiction."

Absentem laedit, qui cum ebrio litigat.

"He who argues with the drunk, he fights with the absent."

Bis dat, qui cito dat

“The one who gives quickly gives twice.”

Quod non alphabet principium, non alphabet finem.

"What has no beginning has no end."

Errare humanum est.

"Humans tend to make mistakes."

Memoria est signatarum rerum in mente vestigium.

"Memory is the trace of things fixed in thought."

Facilis descensus averni.

"The ease of descending into the underworld."

Poeta nascitur non fit.

"Poets are born, not made."

Audi, vide, size.

"Listen, look, shut up."

Si vis pacem parabellum.

"If you want peace, prepare for war."

Alitur vitium vivitque tegendo.

"By concealment, vice is nourished and sustained."

Ex parvis saepe magnarum rerum momenta pendent.

“The outcome of big cases often depends on small things.”

Haurit aquam cribro, qui discere vult sine libro.

"He who wants to learn without a book draws water with a sieve."

Concordia parvae res crescunt, discordia maximae dilabuntur.

“When there is agreement, small things grow; when there is disagreement, great things are destroyed.”

Descensus averno facilis est.

“Easy is the way to hell.” Latin phrases still attract young men and women. There is something alluring in these words and letters, some kind of mysterious meaning. Each quote has its own story, its own author, its own time. Just think about the words: "Feci quod potui, faciant meliora potentes"; this phrase means - "I did everything I could, whoever can, let him do better" and refers to ancient Roman times, when the consuls chose their successors. Or: "Aliis inserviendo consumor", which means - "serving others I waste myself"; the meaning of this inscription was self-sacrifice, they wrote it under a candle. She also met in many old editions and collections of various symbols.

Tattoo inscriptions in Latin, it seems, will never go out of style. Agree, there is something mystical in the language spoken by one of the most ancient cultures. And since the 1st century AD, many European settlements have already communicated through it. Unfortunately, today the Latin language is considered completely dead, but the great phrases in it are still in great demand and respect. Many people choose some kind of inscription in Latin for a tattoo. Most often these are philosophical, love and family themes.

Today it is difficult to translate the required inscription for a tattoo on your own, but many resources have been created on the Internet for this. However, as you yourself understand, you should not completely trust them. Check the translation in more than one source before applying the words to the body. Many people act quite reasonably, using long-established and proven phrases in Latin. It is a mistake to think that this narrows down your choices. There are so many Latin phrases that you may have difficulty with the final definition. continues to collect all the most interesting for you. Our today's selection is completely devoted to tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation.

Motivational tattoo inscriptions in Latin

Latin is great for phrases that motivate and inspire a person to do something. It was spoken by the great commanders and rulers of Rome, it was in that era that many well-known sayings were born. Here are some of them:

  • non ducor duco - I am not a follower, I lead myself.
  • semper ad meliora - moving only forward is the best solution.
  • dum vita est, spes est - as long as I breathe, I hope.
  • Recordare quia ego Dominus - remember that you must live.
  • Sed anima plus est quam manere - life is more than just being on this earth.
  • Ille vincit qui se vincit - He who can defeat himself wins.
  • Faber est quisque fortunae suae - each person is the creator of his own destiny.
  • Qui estis - be who you are.
  • Nunc aut numquam - now or never.
  • Dicere non audeamus - Have the courage to say no.
  • Rectum, quia honestum est - do what you think is right, because it is right.
  • Te obtinuit amittere duobus proeliis vincere - before you win the main battle, you must sacrifice the previous ones.
  • Aut vincere, aut mori - either win or die.
  • Certum voto pete finem - set yourself only achievable goals (i.e. do not fly in the clouds).
  • Facta sunt potentiora verbis - actions are stronger than words.
  • Nunquam retrorsum, semper ingrediendum - not one step back, always forward.
Tattoo inscriptions Latin with translation: on the wrist

Love tattoo inscriptions in Latin

As the Romans themselves said, even the Gods are subject to love. None can do without it Living being on the planet. Love gives someone a feeling of euphoria and joy, someone pain and suffering. Many seek to perpetuate their feelings, whatever they are, on their body. Here are some of them:

  • Amantes sunt amentes - lovers are mad.
  • Amor etiam deos tangit - even the gods are subject to love.
  • Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit - love, like a tear, is born from the eyes, falls on the heart.
  • Castigo te non quod odio habeam, sed quod amem - I punish you not because I hate you, but because I love you.
  • Felix, qui quod amat, defendere fortiter audit - happy is the one who boldly takes what he loves under his protection.
  • Finis vitae, sed non amoris - life ends, but not love.
  • In venere semper certat dolor et gaudium - pain and joy always compete in love.
  • nunc scio quid sit amor - now I know what love means.
  • omnia vincit amor - love overcomes all obstacles.
  • si vis amari ama - if you want to be loved, love yourself.
  • Amor gignit amorem - love begets love.
  • Una in perpetuum - together forever.
  • Tecum vivere amem, tecum obeam libens - I want to live and die with you.
  • Tuus perdite sodalis amans - forever your loving half.
  • Numquam te amare desistam - I will never stop loving you.
  • Amor meus amplior quam verba est - my love is more than words.
  • ecum vivere amem, tecum obeam libens - with you I would like to live, with you I would like to die.
  • Sine amore, nihil est vita - life is meaningless without love.
  • Mea vita et anima es - you are my life and soul.

Philosophical tattoo inscriptions in Latin

A lot of things in life require reflection. Life is not an easy thing. Each person strives to somehow realize himself, achieving his goals through many obstacles. Some believe that life is a thorny path, someone - that this path is very short. These reflections were not alien to the ancient philosophers. It is thanks to them that today we have many beautiful Latin phrases on eternal philosophical topics that make you think. Here are some of them:

  • Vitam diligere. Amabit te - love life, it will love you back.
  • De vita nusquam abruptis - never regret.
  • Tolle quod dat vitam - take what life offers you.
  • Video faciem optimism vitam specula - I look at life only with optimism.
  • Vita difficile est. Te potest esse difficilius - life is cruel, but you can be tougher.
  • Non quae libri vita docet - life teaches what is not written in books.
  • Populus, populi ad vitam resurgit - people come, people go, but life goes on.
  • Vita multas tempestates sedat aliqua - life is striped.
  • Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat - every hour hurts, the last one kills.
  • Perigrinatio est vita - life is a journey.

In past articles on the topic of tattoos with translation, we have already given examples of the most original ideas. Today, such options have not escaped our attention. I would especially like to highlight the tattoo inscription (Latin with translation) in the form of three circles crossed among themselves, resembling Infinity sign. More than one Latin phrase will fit on such a tattoo. For some, this can be a real lifesaver.

: on the back

Also, for those who want to place more text on their body, we can offer this option. Latin lines always look very attractive on the shoulder blade. This design is suitable for both boys and girls. Think Angelina Jolie.

Tattoo inscriptions Latin with translation : on the shoulder blade

Among the representatives of the strong half, inscriptions on the chest are very popular. Here is one such example.

Tattoo inscriptions Latin with translation : on the chest

Girls can decorate their inscription with various elements, heart, bird, flower. While men most often prefer a strict and in some cases "hard" design.

Tattoo inscriptions Latin with translation : on the foot with a butterfly

Tattoo inscriptions Latin with translation : on the foot with a bird

Tattoo inscriptions Latin with translation : On the hand

Cloth, jewelry, hairstyles, manicure, makeup decorate a person, give an aesthetic and unusual look. You can make yourself stand out from the crowd in any of these ways. But it can also be inscriptions of tattoos in Latin - with and without translation. Such a mark will not only decorate the body, but can also change fate. But in what direction? It's up to the owner to decide!

Fashion direction - lettering

Tattoos have been loved by people for a long time. They can be tiny and inconspicuous, delicate and refined, and can cover up to 90% of the body. Dragons, tigers, hieroglyphs on the body are already relics of the past. Tattoo inscriptions in Latin are gaining more and more popularity. It is better to familiarize yourself with the translation thoroughly. After all, these letters will show off on the body for the rest of their lives.

Before you go to the tattoo parlor, think carefully about the meaning of the inscription. The most popular tattoo is the name of the child. But if you decide to apply the initials of your soulmate - think again! Everything is fleeting and changeable! And removing a tattoo is much more difficult and expensive than getting one.

Quotations of philosophers and poets are very popular. The master or the Internet will tell you a variety of inscriptions for tattoos in Latin with the translation "about love". But you can come up with phrases on your own, show originality. Then you definitely will not see a clone of your tattoo on someone else's body.

Zones and arrangement of letters

Both girls and men adorn their bodies with words and phrases. Beautiful creatures usually choose elegant thin fonts and complement them with small drawings and images. Most popular zones:

  • wrist;
  • ribs;
  • small of the back;
  • foot;
  • buttock.

Basically, girls choose love themes, complemented by flowers, stars, angels. This is a classic. Tattoo inscriptions in Latin with the translation "about love" - ​​the most popular request from tattoo artists!

But men are more concise: a standard font without lyrical digressions. Favorite strong floor zones:

  • breast;
  • shoulder area;
  • hands;
  • shin;

Men prefer to put tattoo inscriptions in Latin on these places. They are very careful with the translation. Sometimes they even turn to narrow language specialists so as not to be mistaken.

Be extremely vigilant and do not trust your fate to self-taught people from the network. When choosing a tattoo inscription in Latin with a translation, the photo shown by the master will help you decide faster. But the meaning is better to check with a specialist.

Language selection

Every language is beautiful in its own way. Having come up with the essence of the inscription, it is already easier to choose a language. Many prefer It is an ancient mysterious language, at the moment no one speaks it. Terms are used in medicine, spells. This is the whole charm and charm. The statements of ancient thinkers and scientists who spoke the Latin dialect have deep meaning. But you can translate into this wonderful language any phrase you like.

Doctors and persons liable for military service prefer this particular language. Study the phrases below. So it will be easier to choose a tattoo sketch. Inscriptions in Latin, translation attached to them:

  • Audaces fortuna juvat - happiness is the companion of the brave.
  • Cave - be careful.
  • Ab absurdo is a way to prove it.
  • Ab actu ad potentiam - from the real to the possible.
  • Ab imo pectore - from the heart, sincerely.
  • Ab origine - from the source.
  • Homo liber is a free person.
  • In hak spe viva - I live with one hope.
  • Supremum vale is the last parting word.
  • Vale et me ama - love me and goodbye.
  • Procul negotees - no negative (problems).
  • Silentium - silence

Such inscriptions for tattoos in Latin with translation are quite common. Dream up a little and come up with something of your own, intimate.

Phrase selection rules

First you need to decide whether it will be only text or a small drawing, which the phrase explains. Short sayings or names are especially popular. The inscriptions can be divided into groups:

  • personal information. Significant dates, initials, names of relatives or country of residence;
  • philosophical quotes expressed by ancient scientists and thinkers sayings. A phrase close to you in spirit associated with a profession or lifestyle;
  • translation of any text into Latin;
  • modern popular expressions, aphorisms, lines from favorite songs and poems;
  • slogans. Usually fans of sports games, members of patriotic clubs, military personnel, zealous fans of singers and actors, fans of political figures resort to these types of tattoos;
  • lines from the works of the classics, quatrains from favorite poets.

Seriously approach the choice of the inscription! No one succeeds in removing a tattoo without traces, even if there are the most modern means and devices!

Priceless gift - life

Inscriptions for tattoos in Latin with a translation about parents occupy special place. In any salon there is a separate folder that contains phrases and sketches dedicated to these people. After all, fixing the memory of them for the rest of your life, not only in your heart, but also on your body, is a manifestation of deep respect. Inscriptions about mom are more popular and relevant. She devoted her whole life to raising a child, did not sleep at night and supported in all endeavors.

The font in which the word "mother" is written is elegant and thin, it conveys all the tenderness and love of her child. In most cases, such tattoos are done by girls. But dad is also often mentioned on girlish body parts. Comic inscriptions are now in fashion - “Daddy's Princess” or “Daddy's happiness”.

Men also pay tribute to their parents. Fonts are rougher, bolder, but usually enclosed in a heart or framed by a branch of flowers. Tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation bring a share of sentimentality to the male world.

Parents often forbid young boys and girls from decorating their bodies in such a cardinal way as a tattoo. Therefore, they go to the trick and mention their parents in the inscriptions. The hearts of moms and dads melt from such attention, and the scandal can be avoided!

Family - there is nothing more precious in the world

The inscriptions about the family are also very relevant. These can be various phrases about unity and love for relatives. often found on the backs and necks of tattoo lovers. The surname, stuffed with a beautiful, “curly” font, looks very original.

Such inscriptions become a kind of talisman for good luck! If a person is away from the family, such a tattoo warms the soul and brings back pleasant memories of loved ones. This is not pathos and a fashion trend, but a thin thread that connects native hearts.

Color game

Colored tattoos look more attractive and modern. Of course, lovers of the classics prefer to make inscriptions on the body in black and brown. But diluting the composition with bright accents will not hurt, it will only improve general form. Scientists conducted a small study and found out how the colors involved in tattoos affect a person:

  • green - associated with fertility, stability, tranquility. The color of summer and vegetation. It harmonizes well with red and brown hues;
  • yellow - not suitable for every skin color, it looks good on swarthy people. A playful, joyful, cheerful person will choose this color. It seems to attract good luck and good mood;
  • blue - only people who are satisfied with their lives decide to add blue to their tattoo. The color of nobility and self-confidence. Blue color in combination with black blotches gives a stunning effect;
  • red - leadership and patronage. Bold and passionate personalities give preference to him. Color raises the strength of the spirit, as if it gives impetus to new achievements. Be sure to use at least a drop of this color in the composition. The inscriptions in red are a signal. The meaning of the phrase should be inviting and memorable! With this color, the masters recommend highlighting inscriptions for tattoos in Latin with a translation about love.

Everything for beautiful creatures

In pursuit of fashion and beauty, women are ready for anything. A new trend, inscriptions of tattoos in Latin with a translation for girls, delight them. This is where you can stand out from the crowd and show your individuality!

Girls are storming tattoo parlors in search of new inscriptions and beautiful fonts. Author's works are quite expensive, but this does not stop any of them.

Incredulous girls even begin to learn Latin in order to get the most out of their new tattoo. This combination of useful and pleasant is very pleasing. With a little insight into the ancient and mysterious language, girls can think of beautiful phrases that look great on beautiful bodies. After all, huge images only spoil the original beauty, and a small neat inscription on the wrist or in the intimate area gives charm and originality!

At the height of fame

Inscriptions on fingers and hands are very popular. Just a few unusual ones give a breathtaking effect and a reason to start a conversation with a beauty!

The most favorite inscriptions for tattoos in Latin with translation for girls:

  • Magna res est amor - love is the greatest feeling.
  • Dictum - Factum - said - I will do it.
  • Est quaedam flere voluptas - there is a share of pleasure in tears.
  • Ab origine - from the source.
  • Ex voto - a promise.
  • Haec fac ut felix vivas - do things and happiness will come.
  • Memento quod es homo - always remember that you are a person.
  • Omnia mea mecum porto - always have everything with you.
  • Sic itur ad astra - this is the way to the stars.
  • Sic volo - I want it that way.
  • Virginity is a luxury - virginity is a true luxury.
  • Vita sene libertate nlhil - life without freedom has no meaning.
  • Vivere militare est - life is an eternal struggle.

Such inscriptions of tattoos in Latin with translation for girls can be found in any salon.

Tattoo and society

They began to apply images and inscriptions on the body, but some still criticize and have a negative attitude towards this art. The myth that a tattoo refers a person to the criminal world has long been dispelled. But still society is divided into those who are for and those who are against.

The desire to decorate the body of a tattoo arises for various reasons:

  • self-affirmation, a way to stand out from the gray mass;
  • belonging to a certain group, religion;
  • the world of crime - special ranks, positions, statuses;
  • self-doubt and self-doubt;

Many get tattoos simply out of interest and under the influence of a fleeting impulse. Psychologists recommend doing henna first. Get used to it, take a closer look at it and understand whether you really need it or not!

Quality of work

Gone are the days when tattoos were pricked in basements with dirty tools and homemade paints, causing terrible pain. Now the industry in this area does not stand still. Quality materials, comfortable interiors. Experienced masters will provide a choice of tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation, sketches. No need to invent anything, just contact a specialist.

Skin care after visiting the salon

Here's a dream come true, and the tattoo flaunts on the body! Now you need to properly and carefully care for her. Even after visiting the best salon in the city, you can get infected. How to take care of a new tattoo?

  • after a few hours, you can remove the bandage that the master applied;
  • gently wash the tattoo with warm soapy water, but do not dry;
  • apply with light movements;
  • the following week, before showering, apply a thick layer of baby cream to the tattoo to protect it from water;
  • tanning is prohibited;
  • scratching, touching, picking off the crusts - it is impossible;
  • alcohol and coffee go on vacation for a month;
  • no physical activity and pool;
  • do not glue or bandage.

For the rest of your life, you need to keep the body in good physical shape so that the image or inscription does not end up on sagging skin and cellulite!

Tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation can be found on forums and special sites. But it is better to consult with a specialist. Otherwise, the phrase may mean completely different from what the original source told you. There are many such cases. Be careful and vigilant!

Each body is beautiful and unusual in its own way. And if you decide to supplement it with a tattoo - think it over to the smallest detail!

For you, we have collected the most popular inscriptions in latin for tattoo with the translation. Here you will find quotes from great thinkers and figures, legendary sayings, as well as explanations of where they originated.
Come to our salon for free consultation and we will introduce you to an even more complete library of quotes in Latin. On the site you can see photos of tattoo inscriptions not only in Latin, but also in other, very different languages.

Amor omnia vincit.
Everything wins love.

Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit.
Love, like a tear, is born from the eyes, falls on the heart.

Antiquus amor cancer est.
Old love is not forgotten.

Audi, multa, loquere pauca.
Listen a lot, talk a little.

Audi, vide, size.
Listen, look and be silent.

Audire ignoti quom imperant soleo non auscultare.
I am ready to listen to stupidity, but I will not obey.

Aut viam inveniam, aut faciam.
Either I'll find a way, or I'll make it myself.

Aut vincere, aut mori.
Either win or die.

Aut caesar, aut nihil.
Or Caesar, or nothing.
Cogito, ergo sum.
I think, therefore I am.
(The position from which the French philosopher and mathematician Descartes tried to build a system of philosophy, free from elements of faith and based entirely on the activity of the mind. Rene Descartes, "Principles of Philosophy", I, 7, 9.)

Conscientia mille testes.
Conscience is a thousand witnesses.
(Latin proverb)

Consultor homini tempus utilissimus.
Time is the most useful adviser to a person.

Corrige praeteritum, praesens rege, cerne futurum.
Fix the past, manage the present, foresee the future.

Cui ridet Fortuna, eum ignorat Femida.
To whom Fortune smiles, Themis does not notice.

Cujusvis hominis est errare; nullius, nisi insipientis in errore perseverare.
Every person is prone to err, but only a fool can persevere in error.

Cum vitia present, paccat qui recte facit.
When vices flourish, those who live honestly suffer.

Dum spiro, spero!
While I breathe I hope!

Dum spiro, amo atque credo.
As long as I breathe, I love and believe.

Etiam innocentes cogit mentiri dolor.
Pain makes even the innocent lie.
(Publius, "Sentences")

Ex nihilo nihil fit.
Nothing comes from nothing.

Ex malis eligere minima.
Choose the least of the evils.

Ex ungue leonem.
You can recognize a lion by its claws.

Ex ungua leonem cognoscimus, ex auribus asinum.
We recognize a lion by its claws, and a donkey by its ears.

Experientia est optima magistra.
Experience is the best teacher.

Festina lente.
Hurry up slowly.

Fide, sed cui fidas, vide.
Be vigilant; trust, but watch who you trust.

Fidelis et forfis.
Loyal and brave.

Finis vitae, sed non amoris.
Life ends, but not love.

flagrant delicto.
At the crime scene, red-handed.

Fors omnia versas.
Blind chance changes everything (the will of blind chance).

Fortes fortuna adjuvat.
Fate helps the brave.

Fortiter in re, suaviter in modo.
Firm in action, soft in handling.
(Stubbornly achieve the goal, acting gently.)

Fortunam citius reperis, quam retineas.
Happiness is easier to find than to keep.

Fortunam suam quisque parat.
Everyone finds his own destiny.

Fructus temporum.
The fruit of time.

Fuge, late, tace.
Run, hide, shut up.

Fugit irrevocabile tempus.
Irrevocable time is running.

Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto.
I am human, and nothing human is alien to me.

In aeternum.
Forever, forever.

Daemon Deus!
In Demon God!

In dubio abstine.
Refrain when in doubt.

Infandum renovare dolorem.
To resurrect terrible (literally: "unspeakable") pain
(that is, to talk about the sad past).
(Virgil, Aeneid)

Infelicissimum genus infortunii est fuisse felicem.
The greatest misfortune is to be happy in the past.

Doubt is half of wisdom.

In pace.
Peace, peace.

Incedo per ignes.
I walk through the fire.

Incertus animus dimidium sapientiae est.
Doubt is half of wisdom.

Injuriam facilius facias guam feras.
Easy to offend, harder to endure.

In me omnis spes mihi est.
All my hope is in myself.

In memory.
In memory.

In pace leones, in proelio cervi.
In times of peace, lions; in battle, deer.
(Tertullian, "On the wreath")

Inter arma silent leges.
When weapons rattle, the laws are silent.

Inter parietes.
Within four walls.

In tyrrannos.
Against tyrants.

In vino veritas.
The truth is in wine.
(Compare Pliny the Elder: "It is customary to attribute guilt to truthfulness.")

In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas.
Truth is in wine, health is in water.

In vitium ducit culpae fuga.
The desire to avoid a mistake involves another.
(Horace, "The Science of Poetry")

In venere semper certat dolor et gaudium.
In love, pain and joy always compete.

Ira furor brevis est.
Anger is a momentary insanity.
(Horace, "Messages")

Ira initium insaniae est.
Anger is the beginning of madness.

Lupus non mordet lupum.
The wolf will not bite the wolf.

Lupus pilum mutat, non mentem.
The wolf changes his coat, not his nature.

Manus manum lavat.
The hand washes the hand.
(A proverb that goes back to the Greek comedian Epicharmus.)

Mea mihi conscientia pluris est quam omnium sermo.
My conscience is more important to me than all gossip.

Mea vita et anima es.
You are my life and soul.

Melius est nomen bonum quam magnae divitiae.
A good name is better than great wealth.

meliora spero.
Hoping for the best.

Mens sana in corpore sano.
In a healthy body healthy mind.

Nunquam retrorsum, semper ingrediendum.
Not one step back, always forward.

Nusquam sunt, qui ubique sunt.
Nowhere there are those who are everywhere.

Omnia fluunt, omnia mutantur.
Everything flows, everything changes.

Omnia mors aequat.
Death equalizes everything.

Omnia praeclara rara.
Everything beautiful is rare.

Omnia, quae volo, adipiscar.
I get everything I want.

Omnia vincit amor et nos cedamus amori.
Love conquers everything, and we submit to love.

Optimi consiliarii mortui.
The best advisors are dead.

Optimum medicamentum quies est.
The best medicine is peace.
(Medical aphorism, authored by the Roman physician Aulus Cornelius Celsus.)

Per risum multum debes cognoscere stultum.
By frequent laughter you should recognize a fool.
(Medieval proverb.)

Perigrinatio est vita.
Life is a journey.

Persona grata.
Desirable person or trustworthy person.

Petite, et dabitur vobis; quaerite et invenietis; pulsate, et aperietur vobis.
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. (Matt. 7:7)

Primus interpares.
First among equals.
(A formula characterizing the position of a monarch in a feudal state.)

Quo quisque sapientior est, eo solet esse modestior.
The smarter a person is, the more modest he is usually.

Quod cito fit, cito perit.
What is soon done, soon falls apart.

Quomodo fabula, sic vita; non quam diu, sed quam bene acta sit refert.
Life is like a play in a theatre; what matters is not how long it lasts, but how well it is played.

Respue quod non es.
Drop what is not you.

Scio me nihil scire.
I know that I know nothing.
(Latin translation of the loosely interpreted words of Socrates. Cf. Russian. Learn a century, you will die a fool.)

Sed semel insanivimus omnes.
One day we all go crazy.

Semper mors subest.
Death is always near.

Sequere Deum.
Follow the will of God.

Si etiam omnes, ego non.
Even if everything, then not me.
(i.e. Even if everyone will, I won't)

Si vis amari, ama.
If you want to be loved, love.

Si vis pacem, para bellum.
If you want peace, prepare for war.
(Source - Vegetius. Also compare Cicero: "If we want to use the world, we have to fight" and Cornelius Nepos: "The world is created by war.")

Sibi imperare maximum imperium est.
The highest power is power over yourself.

Similis simili gaudet.
Like rejoices in like.

Sic itur ad astra.
This is how they go to the stars.

Sol lucet omnibus.
The sun shines on everyone.

Terra incognita.
unknown land
(trans. something completely unknown or inaccessible area on ancient geographical maps, unexplored parts of the earth's surface were designated as such).

Tertium non datur.
There is no third; there is no third.
(In formal logic, this is how one of the four laws of thinking is formulated - the law of the excluded middle. According to this law, if two diametrically opposed positions are given, of which one affirms something, and the other, on the contrary, denies, then there will be a third, middle judgment between them can not.)

Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito!
Do not submit to trouble, but boldly go towards it!

Ubi nihil vales, ibi nihil velis.
Where you are not capable of anything, you should not want anything.

Ut ameris, amabilis esto.
To be loved, be worthy of love.

Utatur motu animi qui uti ratione non potest.
Whoever cannot follow the dictates of the mind, let him follow the movements of the soul.

Varietas dellectat.
Variety is fun.

Verae amititiae sempiternae sunt.
True friendship is eternal.

Vivamus atque amemus.
Let's live and love.

Vi veri vniversum vivus vici.
I conquered the universe by the power of truth during my lifetime.

Vivere est agere.
To live means to act.

Vivere est vincere.
To live means to win.

Aphorisms, phrases and quotes in Latin will always be popular in the context male tattoo rations. It is known that Latin is the most ancient language that has survived to this day, from which it exudes wisdom, mystery and depth. Looking at the sketches of tattoos in Latin with a translation for men, you can understand that they have the same characteristics as the language itself.

Depending on the semantic message, location, style of execution of the tattoo, inscriptions in Latin can contain both 2-3 words, and make up whole sentences. The theme of the inscription should resonate with the character, image of a man, and also correspond to his principles and priorities. You can learn more about this from the article below, as well as view the most interesting and popular sketches.

You can depict a tattoo inscription in all sorts of ways interesting ways and fonts, for example, in a curved form, in the form of a pattern or ornament. But the most important criterion that a man should designate for himself is the theme of the inscription. It can be a tattoo about love, friendship, family, God, as well as various philosophical sayings.

About love

The most popular topic for most men who want to get a tattoo in the form of an inscription is love. What is in the soul is usually transmitted in Latin, depicting beautiful quotes and aphorisms in different parts body. The most popular inscriptions about love in Latin are as follows:

Te amo es mecum- I love you, be with me;

Una vita, unus amor- one Love - one Life;

Fac fideli sis fidelis- be faithful to the one who is faithful to you;

Amor non est medicabilis herbis- there is no cure for love;

Mea vita et anima es You are my life and soul.

About friendship

Friends are close people who share life's litigation or happiness. IN modern world it is difficult to find a friend, which is why the value of friendship is so high, and hence more and more tattoos appear with inscriptions in Latin on this topic. For example:

Aliis inserviendo consumer- serving others I waste myself;

magna res est amicitia- friendship is a great thing;

Homo hominis amicus est- man is friend to man;

Amicos res secundae parant, adversae probant- happiness creates friends, misfortune tests them;

Ignoscito saepe alteri, nunquam tibi Forgive others often, never yourself.

Latin words for tattoo

Lettering tattoos with meaning do not always require large text and scale. In fact, you can convey a deep message with a tattoo with just one word. And if it is in Latin, it will give it even more wisdom, depth and mystery. Inscription words in Latin can be as follows:

Amor- I love;

Credo- I believe;

miles- warrior;

dux- leader;

Familia- family.

Philosophical sayings

In 80% of sketches of men's tattoo inscriptions in Latin, philosophical sayings are used, since the nature of the language itself, as well as the depth and beauty of the meaning of such quotes, are conducive to this. You can verify this if you look at examples of philosophical sayings in Latin:

Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit- love, like a tear, is born from the eyes, falls on the heart;

Ars longa, vita brevis- art is durable, but life is short (Hippocrates);

Cibi condimentum est fame- Hunger is the best seasoning for food;

Corrige praeteritum, praesens rege, cerne futurum- correct the past, manage the present, foresee the future;

Cui ridet Fortuna, eum ignorat Femida- to whom Fortune smiles, Themis does not notice.

About family

The most important goal of every adult is to create and maintain a family, and you can express devotion and love to the family with the help of beautiful tattoos inscriptions in the popular Latin language. For example:

Proximi Mei, Meum Fundamentum- my family is my everything;

Familia Supra Omnia- family first;

Bonum caput family- respectable head of the family;

Mea familia - patria– my family is my state;

Franger pro familia- tear for the family.

About life

The most endless stream of philosophical sayings, aphorisms and quotations concerns human life and being. You can convey love and desire for life, happiness with the help of tattoo inscriptions, for example:

Aetate fruere, mobili cursu fugit- enjoy life, it is so fleeting;

Ad infinitum- to infinity;

Aut vincere, aut mori- either win or die;

Aut viam inveniam, aut faciam- either I will find a road, or I will pave it myself;

Adversa fortuna- bad rock.

About God, religious inscriptions

Religion is another important choice of every person, which men tend to talk about or express prejudice and devotion with the help of tattoo inscriptions in Latin. Most often, religious inscriptions suggest the following text:

Angelus meus semper mecum est- my angel is always with me;

Salva et serva- bless and save;

Deus solus me iudicare potest- only God can Judge Me;

sub alis angeli- under the wing of an angel;

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Motivational Phrases

To overcome laziness, self-doubt, fears and doubts, many men get inscription tattoos with a motivating message. Bright examples of sketches:

Viam supervadet vadens- the road will be mastered by the walking one;

Numquam cede- never give up;

Impossibilia non sunt- nothing is impossible;

Totus mundus ante pedes meos- the whole world at my feet;

Vel caelus mihi limes non est Even the sky is not the limit.

Why do tattoos in Latin?

Latin is a language that has been able to maintain its original state until today. The language is officially adopted and used in the Vatican and among Catholics. And although it is not used anywhere in the colloquial genre, its popularity in the context of tattoos goes through the roof. To explain it is simple:

  1. Phrases, words, or quotes in Latin offer deep meaning to the tattoo wearer, and the language will help change lives, according to the "work" of the tattoo.
  2. A tattoo in Latin looks elegant and mysterious not only for the owner himself, but also for the surrounding gaze. In addition, few people can translate the words, which means that the tattoo will remain a big intrigue.
  3. Latin harmoniously combines with different tattoos, creating a complete composition. It will suit any character, religious symbol, animals, birds, plants, various objects on the tattoo.

Expert opinion

Viola Madison

Tattoo artist, 8 years experience

Only the greatest minds of mankind, scientists, physicians, researchers, historians, have always owned the Latin language. From here it becomes clear respect and tribute to phrases and quotes in Latin.

What places do men often tattoo with inscriptions in Latin?

Where the chosen sketch of the tattoo inscription in Latin will be located is an important choice, as it can affect the meaning and emotional message of the tattoo.


On the shoulders, a man can apply any phrases and quotes in Latin relating to faith, love, family.


The tattoo on the forearm will often fall into the field of view of the surrounding people, therefore, personal and deep meaning is rarely invested in them. Usually it is a demonstration of faith, principles, positions.

Wrist tattoo

Small inscription tattoos are applied to the wrist, as long phrases can be poorly viewed and distorted. One word will look perfect.

Tattoos on the palm, on the hand and fingers

A tattoo with a personal text is stuffed on the palm of your hand, motivating phrases can be stuffed on the hands and fingers, since the hands are the most active and influential part of the body.

Tattoo sleeve

Sleeves are tattoos that cover the entire arm up and down, so in addition to the inscription, there will be a whole composition here. The semantic message of the picture and the inscription on the hand should be intertwined.


A tattoo inscription in Latin can be on the neck if a man strives for changes and a new life with the help of such a wearable pattern.


On the chest, tattoos should imply a purely personal character. Here you can put phrases that will make men lucky, turn Fortune to face him, save from darkness and evil.


On the side, a man puts a non-trivial tattoo inscription, it can relate to religion, devotion to God, love and loyalty to one woman or family.


On the thigh, inscriptions are appropriate regarding love, passion, family, family ties and friendship. But the religious text is forbidden to fill here.


This zone is suitable for tattooing long phrases on a large scale. Therefore, the inscription can be in the form of a quote, a philosophical saying, religious views and prejudice.

shoulder blade

In this part of the body, the energy center is concentrated, which is responsible for the ego, ambitions and needs of a man. Therefore, here you can fill a religious text that protects from temptations and weaknesses, motivating phrases for a push.


On the legs of the tattoo, inscriptions in Latin can relate to motivation and movement forward, so a text is applied here that gives strength, good luck, and determination. Religious tattoos on the legs are depicted extremely rarely.

Are there any recommendations for applying a tattoo with inscriptions in Latin?

In order for the tattoo to become your faithful companion in life, and its text, manner of execution and meaning have not lost their relevance, ask yourself some important questions at the planning stage.

  1. What values ​​do you prioritize in your life?
  2. What is your goal - family, career, love, friendship?
  3. Is there in your life important events that you want to always remember?
  4. Does the Latin correspond to the character and emotional message of the inscription?
  5. On what part of the body do you want to wear a tattoo inscription?

Are there any tattoos on your body - inscriptions?


How to choose a sketch of a tattoo in relation to a place on the body?

To select a sketch to the right place on the body, you can rely on the principle of proportionality and proportionality. It is as follows:

  • long phrases on a large scale can be applied to the back, chest, sides and arms;
  • medium-sized text will harmoniously look on the hips, legs, shoulders, shoulder blades of a man;
  • short sayings or inscriptions in one word are suitable for palms, fingers, hands and wrists.

Important! If you are choosing a tattoo and its location on the body, think about how often the tattoo will have to be hidden in a work or formal setting. The pain threshold can also affect the choice of a site on the body, since everywhere the sensitivity to pain is different.

Styles and colors for a tattoo with inscriptions in Latin

Many different styles are used for inscriptions in Latin, but most often these are the following options:

Trash polka

Graphic arts


Black work


Brutal men with a restrained character and conservative outlook on life will suit tattoos in black and white. Color sketches are more often preferred by creative people and young expressive guys.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

You can get guarantees of a high-quality result and safe work only in a tattoo parlor with a license and experienced craftsmen. Turning to untested places and dilettantes in the pursuit of saving waste, men are faced with injuries, infections and unattractive tattoos.


A tattoo with an inscription in Latin is the most frequent choice of men today. Popularity Latin due to the fact that the language is the most ancient and is accessible only to smart people. The inscriptions may suggest love, religious, motivating or other connotations, depending on the priorities and values ​​​​of the owner. It is important to choose the right place on the body for the desired sketch.

Psychology of love and love