Pilgrimage tours: to the holy places of Russia. Top holy places in Russia Holy places in Russia

On the territory of the Earth there are zones where strong energy is concentrated. The whole earth is permeated with energy lines, at their intersection there are places of power. They are natural (the energy of reservoirs, mountains, a certain landscape), historical (significant events took place here, a splash of energy is felt to this day), religious (places of pilgrimage).

Getting into such a territory, a person feels the impact on an emotional and physical level. Since ancient times, people knew about such places and built temples, monasteries, pyramids on them. Places of power can be conditionally divided into those that give energy and those that take away.

When visiting places with strong energy, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • it is desirable to be accompanied by an experienced guide;
  • pay attention to any changes in the emotional background and physical well-being;
  • try to talk less

There are especially many places with powerful energy in large cities, with centuries of history. a huge city in which every house radiates the energy of time. The construction of Moscow took place on the principle of an expanding ring in the center of which is the Kremlin. This is the place where the birth of a powerful capital began. There are several points in Moscow where powerful energy is recorded.

Moscow Kremlin

On the Borovitsky hill, which is the junction of seven hills, the construction of the fortress was born. The ancients chose places for settlements in places of power. Many capitals were built on a hill, for example, Rome, Kyiv. The energy on the territory of the Kremlin is unusual. It attracts, tests people for strength and provides an opportunity for self-realization. It is no coincidence that thousands of people strive to come to the capital for self-affirmation. Only stubborn and hardworking achieve their goal. Many, frightened of difficulties, give up and return back.

There are special places on the territory of the Kremlin. Near the Tainitskaya tower there is a very ancient strong place - this is a powerful cleansing energy. If you stand among the trees that form a square, then those suffering from a cold will receive noticeable relief. Until the 18th century, opposite the Tainitskaya Tower, in the Moscow River, they made a Jordan for swimming in Epiphany, a large church holiday purification.

The Tainitskaya Tower served as the main function of the Kremlin's defense from the side of the river. Inside was a hidden well and a secret passage to the river. The presence of a spring and a noticeable location - everything indicates the presence of a place of power. Also, this tower is the oldest in the Kremlin. All places of power have dark and positive energy - these can be natural and man-made places. The latter can be attributed to the pyramids. The Borovitskaya tower was built in the form of a stepped pyramid. It was installed on the site of the old exit from the Kremlin on the western side.

Every traveler arriving in the capital tries to visit the main square. This is an open, crowded place where a powerful energy of power and well-being is released. Probably not by chance, from the parade on Red Square

soldiers left for the Patriotic War. There is a tradition on Red Square to make a wish. This can be done in several places. At the entrance, at the Resurrection Gate, there is a mark "zero kilometer" and the Execution Ground.

On the opposite side of the Kremlin there is another significant energy place. In the Alexander Garden you can recharge your batteries with positive ascending energy. If you go from Manezhnaya Square, along the wall and go through

red arch, you can see the rise of the mountain to the wall. Opposite in the grove is a strong place. Here is a positive energy that gives strength and charge of creative energy. The grotto in the garden is another place of positive energy. Borovitsky Hill is the territory of worship of Kupaila and Kupajlitsa, the patrons of love and marriage.

In the south-west of the capital, the right bank of the Moskva River passes into a hill, and then into a plain. The history of this area dates back to the first half of the 15th century, when these lands were bought by Grand Duchess Sophia. On this territory, on a chain of mountains, the village of Vorobyevo was located.

Then, for many years this place was intended for the summer residence of the Grand Dukes, and then, the kings. The oldest temple of the Life-Giving Trinity (1811) has been preserved here. In the middle of the last century, a university was built in the Sparrow Hills area.

On this territory there is an energy connection between Moscow State University, the Academy of Sciences and the Palace of Pioneers. The energy of these mountains helps to remove fears, insecurity, resentment. A good place to get healthy and get rid of bad habits. Those who decide to start life in a new way can also come here for help.

The Russian Academy of Sciences

The building of the Russian Academy of Sciences is distinguished by its monumentality; it was built in the style of scientific avant-garde. On the roof there is a structure that resembles a human brain from afar. The powerful energy is especially felt at the end of the day, at sunset. On the 22nd floor of the academy in the cafe there is a place of energy concentration. Astral energy is concentrated at this point.

State University

The main building of Moscow State University is located on a strong source of positive energy, although prisoners were involved in the construction. Young students made a positive start to the energy sector. From the university towards the river passes

the strongest channel of energy. Powerful and fresh energy is aimed at strengthening intellectual abilities, promotes rejuvenation. People come here to fill up with energy before making an important decision.

Palace of Pioneers

It is believed that he is on the same power channel as Moscow State University. There is the same positive energy here. It helps to get rid of stress, the burden of problems and worries, as well as those who have lost faith in themselves and want to find a way out of a confusing situation.

This museum-reserve is the most intriguing place in Moscow. Here is the Church of the Ascension of the Lord. It was erected in 1532 during the reign of Vasily III. The construction of the church is associated with the birth of the future Tsar Ivan the Terrible. On the day when Nicholas II abdicated the throne, the miraculous appearance of the icon of the Sovereign Mother of God happened.

This church is the cleanest in. In the reserve you can see the Voice ravine - this is an unusual, anomalous zone, time is lost here. There is a basalt boulder in the ravine that exudes strong energy. The second one is located on a hill located between the cemetery and the river. They come here to make a wish about the birth of a child, about his health.

More about visiting Kolomenskoye:

Since ancient times, ancient pagan settlements, hoards were considered strong places. In Tsaritsyno Park there is an old temple, and near it there is a hill with very powerful energy.

Previously, there was a sanctuary of the Vyatichi, where religious ceremonies were held. Later on this place was the place Black Dirt with healing springs and dirt. Near this place, there is a hill that emits strong energy.

This forest park strip is located between the Chertanovo and Yugo-Zapadnaya metro stations. This is the place of ancient pagan rites. Here you can energize.

This is the former summer residence of the Counts Sheremetevs, it is a cultural and historical monument of the 18th century. It was built on the territory of an old ritual glade. In this place, intuition is enhanced, it contributes to the creative possibilities of a person. Especially the energy is felt in the area of ​​​​the meadow. Also, the place of power is in the middle of the pond. If you feel powerless, a creative crisis has ripened, then here you will get a charge vitality find new ideas.

Near the Yauza River, downstream at a distance of about 500 m from the bridge of the Yaroslavl railway, there are burial mounds with ancient burials. Electrical appliances here behave unusually, a person's well-being can change dramatically.

Orthodox places

Many energy zones are located in the places of Orthodox churches and monasteries. Usually they were built in places with powerful energy, here for centuries there are places that have been prayed for over the years.

The square near the Yelokhovskaya Church is able to fill with energy, charge various amulets, amulets, etc. People come to the Donskoy Monastery to ask for health, to cleanse themselves. You can ask for what you need, the wish will come true.

In Stoleshnikov Lane there is the Church of Cosmas and Damian in Shubin, not far from the monument to Dolgoruky. The temple of the 14th century was erected on the site of a break in the earth's crust. This explains the powerful energy that develops the higher centers. Cracks are visible on the floor of the temple - these are places for the release of energy. Look carefully at the one to the right of the entrance to the hall.

Church of the Annunciation in Petrovsky Park Holy Mother of God. It was built in the middle of the 19th century at the expense of chamberlain A.D. Naryshkina in memory of her granddaughter, who died at the dacha in Petrovsky Park at the age of 13. The place of power is along the church fence.

The Epiphany Cathedral in Yelokhovo dates back to the beginning of the 18th century. There was originally a wooden, and then a stone church. Since 1943, the enthronement ceremony of the Moscow Patriarchs has been held in the temple. The relics of St. Alexis are stored here, delivered in 1947, which were brought from the destroyed Chudov Monastery. Here you can also see the tombs of Patriarchs Sergius (1867-1944) and Alexy II (1929-2008). Pilgrims from different cities come to the relics of the saints with requests and prayers.

The robbed and deceived come to the church of the Martyr John the Warrior on Yakimanka to pray. There is also an icon of Gury Samson and Aviv, patrons of family life.

Donskoy monastery was founded 400 years ago by the son of Ivan the Terrible Fyodor. This is a place that has been worshiped for centuries. You can cleanse yourself, ask for health and the fulfillment of desires.

New Jerusalem Monastery. The energy outlet is near the well. Further, to the left, in the church of Helena behind the altar down, there is an energy moat behind church wall. In this place you can get a surge of positive energy, feel the joy of life.

Pokrovsky Monastery is located near Taganskaya Square. It contains the relics of the blessed Matrona, who was blind and engaged in predictions of the future and healed the sick. Many pilgrims come here with requests for health. On the territory of the monastery there is a holy spring where you can take healing water with you.

It is located near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. If you have money problems, go to the bridge, leave them mentally. Go to the other side, all financial difficulties will be left behind. Before entering the temple, draw in your mind what you want to receive.

In the building of the Sokolovskaya station in the Yaroslavl direction, you can count on the fulfillment of a wish. There is a powerful energy funnel in this place.

Newlyweds come to the park, it is believed that the territory of the park helps to strengthen marriage unions. Centuries-old oaks grow near the ponds, one of which was planted by Peter I. These trees take away everything negative, diseases, and relieve depression. To do this, you need to carry out such a ritual: first touch the oak with both hands, and then hug it.

There is a birch there, similar to a bouquet, which, according to legend, was planted by Prince Golitsyn. The birch has two hollows. Tell your desire in one hollow. To avoid trouble, it is necessary to “inform” another hollow about this. Newlyweds come to one of the ponds, throw a coin into the water, wishing them a happy life together.

Places with negative energy

There are places with bad, dark energy. It is not recommended to stay here for a long time.

There was a bomb crater in this place. Bad energy.

On the site of the Ostankino tower, there used to be a village on the site of which there were the remains of people in the cemetery. Locality was named Ostankino. Not a good place for strong dark and negative energy.

Opposite the panorama of the Battle of Borodino there is a zone of power dark energy. On the territory of the avenue, there used to be a Dorogomilovsky tract on both sides, of which there were cemeteries: the old Jewish and the Old Believers.

Moscow Technological Institute

In this place, time behaves very strangely, failures are observed, and there is also a cleansing energy funnel. The same place is located in the agricultural academy. A person may experience headaches, dizziness. Lefortovo Park is another place of dark energy. A very bad place near the Military Hospital stop in Sokolniki Park. There is a dark circle there. This is a place with flattened grass in a circle that does not grow. The branches of the trees, directed towards the circle, are gnarled and diseased. This is a very negative place.

This is a very strong energy place. Negative, dark place. In the middle of the square beats from the ground bad energy. It is no coincidence that a lot of antisocial personalities, homeless people, gypsies, etc. are concentrated here. It is not recommended to live nearby and work.

Places of power in the suburbs

This unique source is located 70 km to the north. It got its name because, falling from the 30-meter height of the bank of the Vondini River, the water of the spring created the sound of a waterfall, which was heard far around. In 1992, the monks of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra arranged a place for pilgrims. Here you can swim in the spring water and collect with you.

The water is healing and the three streams of the spring are called Faith, Hope, Love. One helps with heart disease, the middle one - from the head, the left one - help with women's diseases. Steps made of wood lead up to these jets. These places are visited by many pilgrims. You can get there by transport, but it is better to do it on foot. After all, Sergius of Radonezh and his disciple lived on this territory. And they got here on foot. A walking route has been developed, which starts from the 90 kilometer platform of the Yaroslavl Railway.

The banks of the river radiate anomalous energy. Local areas have ancient history. There were settlements here as early as the 7th century BC. At the end of the 15th century, the icon of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to the Monk Kosmas of Yakhroma. A monastery and a church were built near these places.

At the foot of the mountain there is a stone that is considered healing, people come to it for healing. The glade and the whole surrounding area is a place of positive energy.

The Moscow region has places of power where unusual stones and boulders have been preserved. In the forests near Shatura is the famous Serpent Stone. According to one of the legends, it was the altar stone of the Fino-Ugric sanctuary. Nearby was a spring and a chapel, which were destroyed over the years. People come to the stone to ask for health and good luck.

In the village of Chelokhovo there is a stone of the Old Believers. The first missionaries came here with the icon of St. Nikita, who was then declared the protector of these places. Here is the key source and the temple is built. Subsequently, these places were inhabited by Old Believers. The source has disappeared, but pilgrims still come to the stone. They come here to ask for good luck. Around you can see a lot of colored ribbons tied on trees, symbolizing a wish.

In the Dmitrovsky district there is a Shutov stone. This is a gray quartzite that does not sink in water and can move on the ground by itself. The legend says that healing properties stones are especially suitable for pregnant women and children. To do this, the stone must be watered with spring water and the drops that flow down to collect. This water wipes the sore spots, you can take it orally. Why is the stone called Jesters? You can spend a lot of time looking for a stone.

In Shakhmatovo, in front of the estate of A. Blok, there is a boulder, which was brought here from the ravine during the life of the grandfather of the poet Beketov. On the stone you can see embossed Christian crosses, and coins in multiple crevices. The stone helps women. They ask for love, health, children. To do this, you need to sit in a recess on a stone and focus on your problem.

In the Dmitrovsky Kremlin there is a stone with a broken horseshoe. According to legend, Yuri Dolgoruky stumbled and broke a horseshoe when he was going to collect tribute. It is believed that the same horseshoe is in the stone. The newlyweds of Dmitrov come to this place and ask for children, happiness and love.

Every deeply religious person considers it his duty at least once in his life to make a pilgrimage and bow to religious shrines. For Orthodox Christians, such an opportunity will present itself during visits to churches and monasteries of the Golden Ring. The cities included in this route were founded many centuries ago, but to this day they have retained their beauty and grandeur. In addition, they still remain the spiritual heart of our Motherland.

A pilgrimage tour is not a simple sightseeing trip. Here comes to the fore spiritual rebirth a person, his soul, and therefore such trips do not provide for worldly entertainment.

Pilgrimage along the Golden Ring - the unity of spirituality and culture

· Khor Virap;

· Noravank;

· Geghard;

· Tatev Monastery;

· Gandzasar.

The religious tour will allow you to see the residence of the Catholicos, built in the 15th century, to enjoy the Orthodox beauties and the pacification of Armenia.

Pilgrimage tours to Serbia

The Christian religion in Serbia is very rich Orthodox churches, churches and shrines. Serbian monasteries have a deep history, and the mass baptism of Serbs is recorded in the chronicles at the beginning of the 7th century AD. will open to believers the unique history of the formation of Christianity over many centuries. After all, the history of Serbian Orthodoxy endured many splits, pressures from the Turks and Roman Catholics. At the moment, a religious trip to Serbia will allow you to feel the spiritual meaning in the territory of the cathedrals, get a lot of impressions for spiritual experience. The vague past and the formation of Christianity of the Serbs attracts many religious tourists. Therefore, many are already planning pilgrimage tours for 2019.

Pilgrimage tours to Greece

The Greek Orthodox religion is one of the most revered in the world. It was Greece that played an important role in the history of Christianity at a time when many believers were looking for shelter and shelter from the Ottoman Empire. If you get to know this country closer, then trips to holy places will allow you to see the rarest icons, temples, monasteries that have contributed to Christianity on a global level. Throughout history, Christianity in Greece has endured many raids, fires, holy relics many times passed from Orthodox to Muslims, to Catholics. But most of the shrines have been preserved and are now open for visiting by modern generations. The pilgrimage tour of the tour operator "Horizons" to Greece will reveal the high spiritual power of Christianity of the times and generations, which this country has carefully preserved.

Organization of trips to holy places

Travel time is planned taking into account the visit church services: everyone can defend the vigil, and at dawn attend the morning liturgy. Upon request, the faithful may be accompanied on their journey by a priest. Tour guides must meet special requirements:

  • pious behavior;
  • to belong to Orthodox faith;
  • deep understanding of the spiritual component of the pilgrimage.

It is very important to observe the rules of visiting temples and monasteries. First of all, this applies to clothing:

  • for women a headdress is mandatory: a scarf or scarf and a long skirt covering the knees. Clothing should be modest, discreet, shoulders and chest must be covered;
  • for men- also closed torso and shoulders. Jeans or trousers would also be appropriate. Wearing shorts and hats is considered inappropriate.

In addition, alcoholic beverages are not allowed. Try to refrain from profanity.

Pilgrimage to the holy places and shrines of the Golden Ring of Russia - strengthening faith and spirit

Such a trip will unite your family, strengthen faith through communication with the ministers of the church, and the magnificent architecture will touch the very depths of your heart.

In every corner of Russia there are historical places through which popular pilgrimage routes are not laid, but where there are ancient shrines, unique architectural monuments and beautiful nature. "Foma" publishes only 9 of these little-known and sometimes hard-to-reach places that are worth visiting during your summer vacation.

Trinity-Lykovo, Moscow

Troitse-Lykovo is a place with a unique landscape for Moscow. Surrounded by high-rise quarters of the metropolis, rural houses have been preserved near the banks of the Moskva River (and this is within the Moscow Ring Road!), And above, among the trees, there is an old temple. An amazing view opens from here: a river bend and behind it - the forest of Serebryany Bor Island, a popular vacation spot for Muscovites.

The beauty of nature and centuries-old history converged in Trinity-Lykovo. Since the time of Peter the Great, the main decoration of the village has been a temple in the name of Life-Giving Trinity. It was erected in 1690-1695 by the maternal relatives of Peter I, the Naryshkins, and is an outstanding work in the style of the Moscow, or "Naryshkin", baroque, one of the few that have survived to this day. Visitors called the church a “white swan” or “bride”, dressed in a lace outfit with a golden kokoshnik and admiring her reflection in the waters of the river.

In 1812, and then in Soviet times, the Trinity-Lykovo estate, the Trinity and Assumption churches were going through hard times. Temples were repeatedly robbed, destroyed, closed. Today, the temples have been restored, but the service in the Trinity Church is performed only once a year - on the Day of the Holy Trinity.

Travel features:

You can get from st. metro station "Schukinskaya" by bus number 640 to the stop. "St. Tvardovsky, then walk 7 minutes. or by bus number 137 to the stop. "Odintsovskaya street";
from st. metro station "Strogino" by bus number 652 to the stop. "St. Tvardovsky”, then walk 7 minutes;
by car - turn to Troitse-Lykovo at the 63rd kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road.

Dunilovo village, Ivanovo region

Patriarch Alexy II, who visited Dunilovo in 1993, called the village "the pearl of Russia". In the village, which early XIX centuries, the population was not inferior to the city of Kineshma and in which today there are no more than 600 people, there are a dozen ancient temples and 33 crosses shine.

This is a picturesque place on the banks of the Teza River, about 40 km from the city of Ivanovo. Once Dunilovo was a major trading point, where the roads from Suzdal, Shuya, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Kostroma were connected, large fairs were held. There are two women's monasteries in the village - the Annunciation and the Holy Assumption, and the oldest surviving church in Dunilovo is the Cathedral of the Annunciation built in 1675.

Travel features:

From the cities of Shuya and Ivanovo to Dunilov can be reached by bus. By car, Dunilovo can be reached along the Gorky highway through Vladimir, Ivanovo, Shuya.

Palekh, Ivanovo region

On a hill among forests and fields is the world-famous center of folk craft - Palekh.
Palekh icon painters became famous in pre-Petrine times. But after the revolution of 1917, the masters faced the need to preserve the tradition of icon painting and at the same time find new forms of realization of their creative potential. Then, using the old icon-painting style and technology, the craftsmen began to make miniatures known to everyone today depicting labor scenes, plowmen, peasants, women with sickles, etc.

As before, many icon-painting and art workshops and organizations are open in Palekh. And you can see a collection of thousands of Palekh works in the State Museum of Palekh Art. 1.5 thousand icons of the 14th-20th centuries, works of Western European painting of the 16th-18th centuries, more than three thousand works of lacquer miniatures, sculpture, graphics, early printed books, embroidered products, household items and ethnography are stored here. The museum also includes four memorial museums dedicated to outstanding artists and icon painters of Palekh: the House-Museum of Pavel Korin, the Museum-Workshop of Nikolai Dydykin, the House-Museum of Ivan Golikov and the Museum-Estate of Nikolai Zinoviev.

In the traditions of the Palekh school, the wall paintings of the temples of Palekh - the Exaltation of the Cross and Ilyinsky churches were also made. late XVIII century. Also not far from the village, in the village of Krasnoye, is the Holy Sign Church - the only church in the vicinity of Palekh that was not closed during the Soviet years.

Travel features:

Palekh can be reached by bus from the bus station in Ivanovo through Shuya, as well as by car along the Gorky highway through Vladimir, Ivanovo, Shuya.

There are guest houses and cafes in Palekh, so you can stay in the village for several days. In addition, in relative proximity to Palekh, there are two more important icon-painting centers - Kholuy and Mstera, which are also interesting to visit.

Sit-Pokrovskoye village, Yaroslavl region

On the picturesque bank of the Sit River rises the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos of the early 18th century - the main attraction of the village of Sit-Pokrovskoye. This is a classic example of the architecture of the Yaroslavl region. Currently, services are regularly held in the church and restoration work is underway.

And 20 km from Sit-Pokrovsky, at the beginning of summer, year after year, celebrations are held dedicated to the Battle of the City - one of the central events of the Mongol invasion of Russia. The battle ended in the defeat of the Russian troops, but at the same time significantly weakened the enemy's army and became one of the reasons for Batu's refusal to go to Novgorod.
The center of the celebrations is a high hill near the village of Lopatino, 20 km from Sit-Pokrovsky: a 12-meter white stone stele was erected here in memory of the dead soldiers and here, according to historians, the key event of the battle took place.

Travel features:

The village can be reached in different ways. For example, from Rybinsk you can take a train to the Shestikhino station, then by bus to the village of Breitovo, then by another bus to the village. Sit-Pokrovskoe.
By car, you need to go through Uglich, with. New Nekouz, Shestikhino and Breitovo.

The village is located near the Rybinsk reservoir, along the banks of which there are many recreation centers. 10 km from Sit-Pokrovsky is the village of Prozorovo, those who wish can stay for a few days in a guest house at the Church of the Archangel Michael.

Five oldest churches in Russia and the rock face of the Savior, Karachay-Cherkessia

The mountains North Caucasus conceal not only the beauty of nature, the purity of mountain rivers and the unique wealth of flora and fauna: in the early Middle Ages there were powerful state formations, the peoples of which adopted Christianity long before the baptism of Kievan Rus.

On the territory of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic there are five Christian churches built in the first millennium after the Nativity of Christ. Three temples, known as the North, Middle and South, have been preserved in Nizhny Arkhyz: in the Middle Ages, the Nizhne-Arkhyz settlement was located in the gorge of the Bolshoy Zelenchuk River. In addition, there are the ruins of 11 temples-chapels. Of the three Zelenchuk churches, only the Southern one holds regular services. Most likely, it was part of the estate of a wealthy Alanian family and was a house church.

On the other side of the river is the Face of the Savior written directly on the surface of the rock. At the foot of the Miceshta ridge, a temple was built in honor of Christ the Savior, and regular services are held there.
An hour and a half drive from Nizhne-Arkhyz-s-kogo settlement, at a distance of about 18 km from each other, there are two more temples of the same period. On Mount Shoana rises the Shoanin temple (presumably built in the 2nd half of the 10th - early 11th centuries).

On a rocky ledge above the valley of the Teberdinsky gorge stands the Sentinsky temple, built in 965. The fragments of the wall painting of the temple are the most extensive surviving fresco complex in Alanya.

Travel features:

Nearest airport: Mineralnye Vody. From the airport you need to get by city bus to the bus station, then by bus to the village of Zelenchukskaya. The nearest railway stations are: Nevinnomyssk, Mineralnye Vody, Kislovodsk, then you can also get to the village by bus.

Assistance to the pilgrims is provided by the Dean of the parishes of the Southern Karachay-Cherkess Church District, Archpriest Evgeny Subtelny. You can contact him by email: [email protected]

Temple-chapel of the Holy Martyr Warrior Victor of Damascus, Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island

On the very border with China, a 32-meter chapel rises, built in memory of the soldiers who died defending the Far Eastern borders of Russia and which has become a symbol of the inviolability of Russian borders in the Far East. There are regular religious processions prayers are served in the chapel. In 2005, during the construction of a new border line, the chapel was almost "cut" in two. However, they managed to save it from demolition: the Chinese side ceded several tens of meters to Russia.

In addition, Bolshoi Ussuriysky Island is a good place for recreation, camping and fishing. There are many lakes on the island, and in the summer people come here for the weekend with tents, motor boats and water skis.

Travel features:

Bolshoi Ussuriysky Island is located near Khabarovsk. You can get there via a road bridge or by boat. To get to the temple-chapel, you need to move inland.

Talab Islands, Pskov region

Most tourists, pilgrims, and those helping to revive the Talab Islands on Lake Pskov most often visit only the nearest of the three islands, Talabsk (the Soviet name is Zalit Island). A well-known elder, Archpriest Nikolai Guryanov, served on this island. Talabsk has always been the most populated island. True, today only one and a half hundred inhabitants live here permanently, although over the centuries the population of the islands has numbered at least four, or even six thousand people.

Only a few get to the distant island of Upper (the Soviet name is the island named after Belov). Meanwhile, he has interesting story! In the 15th century, Upper was an island of lake pirates from the Talab tribe. It was here that Dositheus, a disciple of St. Euphrosynus of Pskov, went. In the taiga strip of the island, he built a cell (now there is a memorial cross in its place) and began to communicate with his dangerous pirate neighbors. The righteousness of Dositheus changed the inhabitants of the island: they repented and stopped piracy. Most of the Talabs became artisans, merchants and fishermen, the most powerful and strong became warriors, and a few people became monks and, together with Dositheus, founded a monastery in honor of the Apostles Peter and Paul.

The Church of Peter and Paul, originally built by the Monk Dositheus and his disciples and then rebuilt several times, is the main asset of the island. Its oldest building is located underground: in cave temple former robbers, standing around the monk, took part in the service.

At all times, visitors to the Upper Island have admired the view of Lake Pskov, which was also called the sea (the opposite shore is not visible from here), from the high shore of the island. And on the tops of the fir trees you can see the nests of gray herons.

Travel features:

The rector of the Church of Peter and Paul, Priest Sergiy Demidov, creates all the conditions for pilgrims and travelers to spend several days on the Upper Island: a yard with guest houses and a refectory is reserved for visitors.

A bus runs from Pskov to the village of Bolshaya Tolba twice a day. From there they get to the islands by water(on a boat or boat), by prior arrangement with Father Sergiy by e-mail: [email protected]

Sura village, Arkhangelsk region

“Dear homeland, holy homeland, blessed Sura,” said the holy righteous John of Kronstadt about his small homeland. Father John did a lot for his village, where there were only two dilapidated wooden churches: he founded the stone St. Nicholas Cathedral and the St. John the Theologian Sura Monastery, and also established a village school and various industries. Even during the life of Father John, pilgrims from all over the country began to flock to the village.

Today, few people know about the homeland of the saint, but in June of this year, anniversary celebrations will be held in Sura associated with the 25th anniversary of the canonization of John of Kronstadt. The village will gather about 250 clergymen from the parishes of St. John, as well as representatives of orphanages, gymnasiums, brotherhoods, rehabilitation centers and other Orthodox organizations named after St. rights. John of Kronstadt in Russia and 19 foreign countries.

Travel features:

During the celebrations, pilgrims will be able to stay in a tent camp (you need to register in advance), and at other times, guest houses are open for pilgrims at the Sura Ioannovsky Convent.
The total length of the Arkhangelsk-Karpogory-Sura route by road is 369 km. The road surface is mostly sand and gravel, there will be three crossings on the way.

From Arkhangelsk you need to drive to the village of Svetly (142 km). Ferry crossing (or pontoon) across the river. Pinega (railway station Palenga). Further from the settlement of Svetly to the settlement of Yasny (101 km, one-way traffic with traveling pockets). Further from the item Clear in with. Sura (126 km). Ferry crossings across the river. Pinega (p. Yasny, p. Shuiga and p. Novolavela).

Holy Trinity Nicholas Monastery, Kirovsky District, Primorsky Territory

This is the oldest monastery in the Far East. And not far from the monastery there is a little-known and ecologically clean lake, on which the Komarov lotus grows - the flower-pearl of the Far East, listed in the Red Book. Especially for tourists, the shores of the lake are not equipped, so here you can watch lotuses in their natural environment.

The icon of the Holy Trinity is kept in the monastery, painted on a cut of a branch of the Mamvrian oak and donated to the monastery from the holy Mount Athos. In the Soviet years, the monastery was closed, and its territory became the property of the Shmakovsky military sanatorium: the temple of the Iverskaya Mother of God was turned into a club and a medical building, the temple-chapel of the Transfiguration of the Lord, located on the top of the hill, became an observation deck, the rector's house - an administrative building, and the cell part - a sports hall.

In 1995, the monastery began to revive, but most of the historical territory of the monastery was not returned (only the dilapidated church-chapel of the Transfiguration of the Lord was returned), and the monastery was located in the building of the former cattle yard. Today, there are 2 churches in the monastery, and the monastic brethren are about 20 people.

Travel features:

The monastery is located near the village of Shmakovka on the road to the urban-type settlement Gornye Klyuchi. In any sanatorium of the Mountain Keys, you can order an excursion tour to the lake.
From Vladivostok, you can get by train or train to the Ruzhino or Shmakovka station, then by bus or fixed-route taxi to the Shmakovka resort in the Gornye Klyuchi village. Also from Vladivostok or Ussuriysk you can get to Gornye Klyuchi by bus.

Orthodox holy places are highly valued for the fact that they can change the minds of people, help in solving spiritual problems. This is a historical heritage that must be preserved by all subsequent generations.

Throughout history in Russia, people have been respected who gave their lives for the glory of Christian faith. They were considered saints, and the places where they were buried radiated love even after the death of the person himself.

The energy of such places is fascinating, because visiting them, you are saturated with the power of the faith of the saint, whose relics belong to this earth. Sometimes the place itself has a special atmosphere that gives love and strengthens the faith of visitors and pilgrims. People come to the holy lands to read prayers, asking God to save their souls, and to draw inspiration for their faith.

Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra

Lavra is a large monastery of special status. There are two such monasteries in Orthodox Russia. One of them is the Holy Trinity Monastery, which received the status of Lavra in 1744.

This place is inextricably linked with one of the most significant figures in Orthodox Church- Sergius of Radonezh. The saint founded in 1337 the Orthodox monastery of the Holy Trinity. For centuries, holy books, knowledge, and experience have been collected there. During the intervention of the Poles, the monastery was fiercely defended. The invaders never managed to get it. At the same time, there was a miraculous appearance of St. Sergius, who founded this place.

Sergius during his lifetime was very smart and full of desire to carry his faith to the masses. He was for the enlightenment of people, therefore, after receiving the status of the Lavra, a school was opened at the monastery, which later became the Moscow Theological Academy. You can still get an education there. The training lasts for 5 years.

The monastery is still open. People from all over the country come to admire its beauty. It is a landmark and spiritual center throughout our country. It is worth visiting not only for a specific purpose, but simply to enjoy the views and draw spiritual strength. There you can pray in the Assumption or Trinity Cathedral.

Solovetsky archipelago of the White Sea

Solovki will help you find spiritual harmony and salvation from everyday problems. People have always considered this place to be something special because of its isolation from the rest of the world. The Arkhangelsk region is a place of cold, but Solovki is located in its uppermost part.

The Solovetsky archipelago is not just an attraction, because this place is under strict supervision. This is a museum-reserve, on the territory of which there is a monastery, built approximately in 1436 on the initiative of Savvaty of Solovetsky. A little later, after about 20 years, the first churches were built.

In the 17th century, the monastery survived the siege by the English troops. In the same century, there was the Solovetsky uprising against the will of the Moscow Patriarch. After that, for several centuries, political criminals were exiled to the Solovetsky Monastery. Now this place is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Religious status was restored in 1990. Since then, official services have been held in churches. The islands even have a hospital and educational institutions. All this is surrounded by massive walls. It is worth visiting this place because of its rich history and in order to experience the pleasures of living in seclusion, which the monks have enjoyed for almost 600 years. Such strict isolation will allow you to plunge into the world of monasticism with your head, learn all its features and feel like a hermit.

Diveevsky Monastery

It's already convent. It is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region. This is a great place because Orthodox world it is called the fourth Lot of the Holy Mother of God. These same destinies were defined in different ways:

  • the first was determined by lot, when it was decided where someone would go to preach the gospel. The Mother of God got Iberia;
  • The Mother of God also opened a second destiny during her lifetime after her ship was washed ashore on Mount Athos;
  • the third inheritance was acquired at the behest of the Virgin Mary, who appeared to the monk Anthony with a request. So there was Kiev-Pechersk Lavra;
  • fourth inheritance - Diveevsky monastery. In 1760, the spirit of the Virgin appeared to the nun Alexandra, who said that this place was ideal for her last refuge on Earth.

The woman founded a monastic community near the old wooden church in the village of Diveevo. In 1842, the Diveevo women's community merged with the Serafimovsky community. Later, the Trinity Church was built on this territory. After some time, the community received the status of a monastery. Now it also includes the Transfiguration Cathedral. It contains the relics of Martha of Diveevskaya and Blessed Paraskeva. During their lifetime, they were not just believing and honest nuns. Their prayers healed people and gave them hope for a brighter future.

Now a huge number of pilgrims from all over the country come to the Diveevsky Holy Trinity Monastery. It is said that even today this place heals spiritual and physical wounds, banishes negative thoughts.

Holy Vvedensky Island Monastery

Another convent that can easily be called a holy place that gives people salvation and enlightenment is Pokrovskaya insular desert. This place is located in Vladimir region, near the town of Pokrova. The monastery was built right on the Vyatka Lake, which later became known as Vvedensky.

The monastery began its history as a male monastery. The beginning was laid by two monks - Sergius and Timothy. They built a wooden chapel. Contrary to their wishes, people found out about them, after which the brethren grew so much that they were allowed to build their temple on the island. At the beginning of the 18th century, the brethren received the long-awaited status of a monastery. Sergius was appointed abbot.

In 1993, this place finally lost the status of a museum and became a monastery again, but only now for women. Now it is a courtyard of the Murom Holy Trinity Novodevichy Convent. Many people come from all over Russia to admire the beauty and seclusion of this famous holy place.

Optina Pustyn

Vvedenskaya Optina Pustyn is a male monastery of the highest status in the Orthodox world. This is a stauropegial monastery, which means that it was erected by the patriarch with his own hands. The monastery is subordinate only to the synod or to the patriarch of all Russia himself.

This highly spiritual place is located in the Kaluga region, near the city of Kozelsk. On the territory of the monastery there is a Cathedral of the Entrance into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos, dedicated to the great twelfth feast of the same name.

The exact date of the foundation of the monastery is unknown, but historians believe that the beginning of the spiritual life of this place was laid in the distant 14th century. The rector and founder then was a former robber who took monastic vows. At the beginning of the 17th century the monastery was plundered and ruined during the Time of Troubles. More than once this great and God-glorified place had to endure attacks. The monastery was repeatedly ruined, abolished, but since 1987 the Soviet government returned it to the Orthodox Church. A year later, the first service in many years was held. Now this place is the abode of many monks.

The relics of St. Anthony and Moses are kept on the territory of the monastery. They give people hope for the future. Many come to pray before them, asking the saints to pray to God for us. This place is still surrounded by mysteries and amazes with its grandeur the entire Orthodox world.

City of Kirillov

Somewhere in the Vologda region there is a small town called Kirillov. There is a men's monastery, which stands on the shore of Lake Siverskoye. After the Soviet regime and during it, the entire monastery with the adjacent territories was a museum. In 1997, the territory was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church. Monastic activity has resumed since 1998.

A lot of interesting things are connected with this place:

  • The monastery has existed since 1397. The founder is Kirill Belozersky;
  • around the monastery the settlement grew and became a whole city. Kirillov is still standing. Its population is approximately 7,000 people;
  • it was in this monastery that Ivan the Terrible was tonsured;
  • for almost all of history it has been the richest monastery and also one of the largest;
  • the relics of Cyril Belozersky are still on the territory of the monastery.

This place impresses with its cultural heritage. Many come here to pray in one of the temples. Some are simply interested in seeing the greatness of the monastery with their own eyes. Nobody leaves disappointed.

Orthodox holy places in Russia. Pilgrimage tours, churches, monuments and religious sites of Russia.

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  • Hot tours in Russia

Pilgrimage in itself is a very logical thing: you don't need to invent anything here, you just need to understand why and where a person wants to go. After all, a true pilgrimage is not just a round trip. The pilgrim not only and not so much travels in the usual sense of the word - he is co-present at some personal and necessary event only for him. It is necessary that the pilgrim feel that all his thoughts and aspirations coincide with the upcoming journey.

Practical points

As you know, the level of accommodation facilities in our country is very uneven, which directly affects the choice of hotels for pilgrimage tours in Russia. Most often they mean accommodation in inexpensive hotels. But sometimes it turns out that there simply aren’t any in the area: then either very expensive accommodation options remain, or lodging for the night in monasteries or in the “private sector”.

One of the most important practical points that must always be taken into account is the peculiarities of nutrition (observance of fasts, Wednesdays and Fridays) and the organization of the liturgy. As a rule, the time of travel is calculated so that pilgrims arrive at the place in the evening, can defend the vigil and spend the night. And in the morning - liturgy and departure. All programs are built in such a way that there will be one or two obligatory liturgies per trip.

Travel duration

In terms of duration, all pilgrimage tours in Russia can be divided into one-day tours (mostly in the Moscow region), "weekend tours" and multi-day trips - mainly from 3 to 7 days. The maximum number of days on a tour, as a rule, is no more than 12. Most often, these are either routes on a boat, or a pilgrimage to remote regions of Russia, when the journey takes quite a long time - for example, Yekaterinburg, Tobolsk and Altai.

A good pilgrimage route should be logical and complete. For example, if a pilgrim decides to visit holy places in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg or Tobolsk, it makes direct sense to go on a comprehensive journey, covering all the main shrines of the Urals.

Here is an example of such a route. Moving from Moscow to Tobolsk takes about two days, depending on the chosen train. Most often, it is planned to stop in Tobolsk for 2-3 days and see the nearby sights. Then - transfer to Yekaterinburg by bus or train and sightseeing around the city. In addition, from there it is not far to Perm, where the monastery of Belogorye is located - a kind of "Ural Athos". Thus, in one journey it is possible to unite the Holy places of the Northern and Central Urals, as well as to “attach” to it the entire path of the Royal Martyrs in the Urals and Siberia.

Where and when do they go

If we divide the pilgrimage tours on a regional basis, we can identify the directions to which pilgrims most often go. This is, first of all, the North-West and the Center of Russia, the most developed part of the country, which was still in the Middle Ages, at the time of the emergence of Christianity and its development in Russia. A lot of pilgrims go on a journey along the Golden Ring, Zadonsk (Lipetsk region), Kursk and Diveevo (Nizhny Novgorod region) and, of course, to the North-West region.

The North-West is not only Karelia (Valaam and Kizhi), but also Arkhangelsk (Solovki) and Vologda lands, Pskov and Veliky Novgorod. Pskov is interesting not only for the Pushkin Mountains and Pechora - besides them, many pilgrims visit the Talap Islands, where Father Nikolai Guryanov lived and served.

Most of the cities in Golden ring Russia are inextricably linked with the history of Orthodoxy in Russia: they contain many shrines, and almost every temple and monastery is an object of pilgrimage. The most visited cities are Alexandrov, Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov the Great, Yaroslavl, Uglich, Kostroma, Suzdal and Vladimir.

In addition, it should be noted such southern directions as Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar and Arkhyz - beyond recent times many monasteries were restored and opened there. Special place occupies Altai, pilgrimages there are inextricably linked with the study of the traditions of local residents.

Something the most auspicious time travel is difficult to select. In summer they go everywhere and for a longer time - from 3 to 7-12 days. In autumn and spring, as a rule, relatively short programs for 2-3 days are chosen. The only exceptions are major holidays: is it a weekend or not, of great importance does not have.

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A Brief Overview of the Holy Places of Orthodox Russia

All monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church have common principles for organizing monastic life. But it is also worth noting that each monastery has its own history and spiritual image. This is most clearly and vividly seen in the ancient monasteries - Kirillo-Belozersky (Vologda region), Valaam (Valaam), Pskov-Pechora (Pskov region), Holy Trinity-Sergius Lavra (Moscow region).

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery The monastery is located on Bolshoi Solovetsky Island in the White Sea, and hermitages and deserts are located on other islands of the archipelago. It was the geographical position that largely affected the history of development and the fate of the monastery. The monastery was a kind of border fortress: it withstood the siege of the Livonians, the Swedes and the British, and from the end of the 16th century it was also used as a place of exile. After its closure in 1920, there was a special purpose camp and prison.

Flying over Kolomna

The shrines of the monastery: the relics of the founders of the Solovetsky - Zosima, Savvaty and Herman (the gate church of the Annunciation), particles of the relics of many revered saints, the relics of St. Eleazar of Anzersky (Holy Trinity Anzersky Skete) and St. The feasts of the monastery: the Transfiguration of the Lord - August 19, the Monks Zosima, Savvaty and Herman - August 21, the Cathedral of the Solovetsky Saints - August 22, the Cathedral of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Solovetsky - August 23.


Monasteries: St. Danilov - part of the relics of the blessed prince Daniel of Moscow, Donskoy - the relics of Patriarch Tikhon, Zachatievsky - the icon of the Mother of God "Merciful", Novospassky - the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa", Svyato-Pokrovsky - the relics of the blessed matron of Moscow, Novodevichy - revered icons Mother of God of Smolensk and Tikhvin.

Shrines: the relics of the righteous Alexy of Moscow (Mechev) in the church of St. Nicholas on Maroseyka, the venerable "Kiev Cross" with particles of the relics of more than 300 saints in the temple Reverend Sergius Radonezhsky in Krapivniki.

Moscow region

Monasteries: Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Vysotsky Bogoroditsky in Serpukhov - miraculous icon Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice", Savvin-Storozhevsky in Zvenigorod - with the relics of the Monk Savva Storozhevsky, Joseph-Volotsky, Resurrection in New Jerusalem - with part of the relics of the martyr Tatiana.

Joseph-Volokolamsk Monastery

St. Petersburg

Monasteries: Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra - the relics of the noble prince Alexander Nevsky, St. John's - the relics of the righteous John of Kronstadt.

Shrines: the relics of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg in the chapel of Xenia of Petersburg at the Smolensk cemetery, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow with pennies" in the church in honor of this icon on the Zelenetsky Compound, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "The Sign" of Tsarskoye Selo in the academic church of the St. Petersburg Spiritual academy.

Other regions of Russia

Altai Territory: The Theotokos-Kazan (Korobeinikovsky) Monastery - the miraculous icon of the Mother of God.

Thank you for your help in preparing the material Yuri Akhmetovich Minulin (Pilgrimage Service "Radonezh")

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