How to increase your finances what good luck. How to attract good luck in business: conspiracies, practical recommendations and features

Now many are thinking about how to attract good luck and money to the house. The most famous doctrine correct location objects in the house - feng shui. But, in addition to oriental techniques, there are other techniques for organizing the situation in the house, which attracts good luck and money.

Few people know that money and good luck are attracted to the house by 7 items that complement and reinforce each other. To reveal the useful qualities of these things, it is enough to place them in a certain way in the apartment.


First of all, this product is responsible for well-being, does not allow money to “leak” from the house. These abilities are inherent in the very structure of honey, making it viscous.

You can enhance its properties by attracting wealth.

How to unleash the power of honey:

  • Buy flower honey collected from different plants. Only fresh, non-candied and non-fermented product will do.
  • Do a general cleaning and sweep dust and cobwebs from all available corners.
  • Take a clean brush, an open jar of honey and stand on the threshold. Instead of the whole jar, you can take a lid if there is a lot of honey left on it.
  • Go around the whole apartment clockwise, dripping a little honey into each corner with a brush (you also need to go around the room clockwise). Do not touch the floor or baseboard with the brush, let the honey drain itself. If you can’t get to the corner, you can drip next to it - opposite the cabinet or chest of drawers standing in this corner.
  • At the end of the “sprinkling” of the dwelling, place a jar of honey in the center of the table. Until the product is candied, all family members should eat it.
  • Rhinestone

    Quartz is considered to be the "TV" of the planet, seeing and showing everything that happened on Earth. Like honey, the crystal attracts money and monetary luck, but is not responsible for saving funds, but for turning a risky situation in favor of the owner.

    As a witness to all events, the stone knows what a person’s decision can lead to and does not allow a losing trade to be made. Rock crystal helps businessmen, private entrepreneurs.

    How to unlock the power of rock crystal

    The stone does not need an additional ritual - put it on the windowsill, on the sunny or brightest side of the apartment. But in order for the rock crystal to quickly tune in to the new owner and begin to actively attract money and good luck, you can tell him every day about plans, dreams related to winning or business.

    bowl filled with water

    With the help, many rituals are performed for various purposes, and as a talisman for material well-being, it effectively attracts money and good luck to the house, which complements the possibilities of honey and rock crystal.

    It's all about the crystal lattice of water - this is a kind of matrix on which you can write (say) anything you like, including attracting money and good luck to the house.

    How to unleash the power of water

    • Buy a beautiful bowl that will serve as a "home" for the future amulet. You can not take a vase or a jug - the container must have a wide neck. You can choose any material, except for wood and plastic. Place the bowl in the northern or western part of the apartment.
    • If possible, fill the container with spring water. Store-bought non-carbonated mineral water is also suitable. You can also pour liquid from the tap, but it must first be cleaned:
  1. filter in a conventional filter - purification by earth;
  2. freeze in the freezer or in the winter on the balcony - cleansing with water;
  3. defrost on the stove - purification by fire;
  4. boil, covered with a lid - air purification.
  • Periodically, water should be added to the thicket, do not keep the container half empty.

A ball of red thread

As a talisman, the red ball is responsible for health, but it is also often used in order to attract good luck and money.

The scarlet thread preserves and restores strength, which helps to better concentrate on work and therefore, although indirectly, it affects earnings.

How to unleash the power of the ball

  • Buy a ball of natural wool with yellow or copper-colored coins. The desired tone of the threads is pure red.
  • At home, unwind the ball and wind the resulting thread around a wooden stick. A clean wooden spoon will do.
  • Keep the ball in the bedroom and do not cut the thread from it unnecessarily.

These are "perfect" red shades, without impurities of other colors. In the light, the thread should cast orange-red (like the first color on the left). The reflection of raspberry indicates an admixture of a blue tone.


To make sure that there is always the right amount in the wallet, and there is plenty of money in the house and good luck, coins with a yellow or red tint (preferably copper ones) will help.

Coins are the physical materialization of the energy of money, and therefore they are so often used in various monetary rituals and rituals.

How to unleash the power of coins

  • Find 12 coins of the desired shade and any denomination. They must be in circulation in your country.
  • During the full moon, lay the coins on the windowsill so that the light of the moon falls on them.
  • Sew a red cotton bag. Coins should fit freely in it. The bag is tied with a thread from a red ball.
  • Place the coin pouch in your jewelry box.
  • Every six months the coins are recharged by the light full moon. If moonlight does not fall on any window sill of the apartment, and a month is not visible from the windows, put the coins in the same room where there is a bowl of water.

Aspen rod

The amulet in the form of a small aspen twig does not attract good luck and money to the house, but it helps to get rid of the problems that already exist in the house. Its action is complemented by talismans for protection from misfortunes.

How to unleash the power of a twig

  • Buy a sickle or knife with a wood, bone, or metal handle.
  • Purchase tree food (organic liquid).
  • Find a healthy, non-withered aspen. Pour fertilizer under the root and cut a thin branch 10-20 cm long.
  • At home, wrap the rod in a white cotton cloth and place it on a shelf in the bathroom or toilet.


The amulet nail will also not help you attract money and good luck to the house, but it effectively protects the house from misfortunes, which complements the action of the aspen branch talisman.

When hammering a nail, mentally imagine how you drive in, imprint reliable armor and protection from all misfortunes, sorrows and troubles into your house.

How to unleash the power of the nail

  • Take a new nail - with a wide hat, long. Clean and rust free.
  • Hammer it into the jamb of the door to the kitchen, preferably up to the hat. If there is no door in the kitchen, a jamb above the entrance to the apartment will do. The nail can be hammered in at an angle if it is too long to fit straight into the joint.
  • If hammering a nail on the hat did not work, do not hang anything on it.
  • You can disguise the amulet from prying eyes by hanging a clock or a picture above it.

Friends, now you know how to attract money and luck into the house with the help of ordinary at first glance things and objects. Remember that they do not work individually, but only in full ammunition, as they say, in a large and friendly company 🙂

May money luck always go with you through life!


Every person has the ability to influence the flow of subtle energies, this has been known for a long time. Attracting money and luck to yourself is quite simple. Today we will talk about the most effective ways and proven methods of influencing monetary energy and the energy of good luck. With this information, you will be able to independently attract good luck and luck, prosperity and wealth, as well as save and increase money.

How to attract money and good luck to the house: TOP - 4 conspiracies to attract money

A conspiracy is a powerful technique of energy impact, known since ancient times. It has been scientifically proven that words spoken aloud can cause certain physical states and influence ongoing events. Therefore, reading magic spells, conspiracies and formulas is not in vain considered effective way lure money, abundance and prosperity.

Thursday Salt Conspiracy for Wealth

It is customary to harvest Thursday salt on Pure (Holy, Great) Thursday. It is believed that this salt has special properties, carries a strong energy and magical charge. A conspiracy for good luck and wealth can also be pronounced with ordinary salt, but with Thursday its strength will only increase.

Instruction! Pour three tablespoons of charged salt into a small bag, tie it, put it in a wallet with money. Then say the words of the conspiracy 7 times: “The business (your name) will begin, the business (your name) will converge, my business will grow with money, let them, this money, not end, key, lock.”

Conspiracy for well-being on the new moon

Conspiracies to attract financial luck on the new moon can be read both in the first hours, when the moon is not yet visible in the sky, and looking at the growing moon in the first 1-2 days after the onset of a new cycle.

Instruction! Take 12 kopecks (coins) and place them in your right palm. Turning to the young month, repeat the words of the conspiracy 7 times: “Let the money multiply and fall on my hands (your name), now, for centuries and for all times, amen!”

Conspiracy for prosperity on an odd day

Instruction! On any odd day at night, on the growing moon, say the following words on a golden coin or on a large bill: “Night, give me wealth (your name), as much as fish in water. Night, grow, moon grow, and bring wealth!

The plot must be pronounced 3 times, and then hide the spoken object in the east side of the house. After 12 days, take out the money and spend it to start a cash flow.

Conspiracy for good luck in the lottery and a big win

Ask anyone how to attract wealth quickly and you will be advised to buy a lottery ticket. But can you influence your luck in the draw? The answer is yes.

Psychic Tip: before you read the plot for a lottery ticket, get rid of negative thoughts, let go of discomfort, and focus on your desire. Imagine how the combination you need is formed: you receive congratulations, hold cash in your hands, or see the amount on the card.

Instruction! Take a lottery ticket and say the following words on Thursday or Sunday: “The numbers for the win converged, and happiness came to me, brought prosperity, so be it!”

How to attract luck and money to yourself - folk signs

Belief in signs is associated with the ability to observe and notice the most non-obvious connections. If you are used to paying attention to the signs of the Universe, you should know that attention is selective.

If you tune in to the positive, then luck will definitely not keep you waiting, and there will always be more good signs. And following the tips below, you can attract good luck and material well-being in the same way as our ancestors did.

A coin under the threshold so that money flows

A silver coin under the threshold will help attract money to the family. Every time you enter the house, stepping over the threshold, say:

"I go home and the money is with me."

Charity attracts money

It has long been noticed that “the hand of the giver grows rich”, so give alms more often, help those in need. Give easily and selflessly: this state is energetically charged. It provokes an increase in cash flow, forcing the money to return to you a hundredfold.

How to save money with signs

I will briefly dwell on what actions in Everyday life can affect your wealth. Folk wisdom says: to save your money, you need to carefully store it and treat it with respect.

Here are some tips on what you should and should not do in everyday life so that the money does not “flow away”.

  • Do not transfer money from hand to hand to avoid the negative effects of energy exchange.
  • Do not lend money to friends and try not to borrow money yourself: it "clogs" the energy channels, interfering with the circulation of positive, monetary energy.
  • Don't talk about your income and remember that money loves silence.
  • Money loves order. Decide where to store your money. A piggy bank is for small coins, a wallet is for current expenses, a secluded place is for large sums.
  • Keep all wallets and leave at least one coin in them.
  • Money loves an account. Count your money regularly, the more accurate, the better.

Advice: try to observe for yourself how money behaves, and deduce for yourself your own signs.

“Somehow, in my childhood, I heard from my grandmother that money comes to her on Thursdays. I remembered and also began to observe: on what days do money come to me? For me, that day is Tuesday. In gratitude, on this day, I also pay more attention to money: I put things in order, lay out banknotes, watch films about the rich and successful, and conduct simple rituals.

How to Attract Wealth and Luck with the Power of Thought

A powerful help on the way to happy life are our settings. Until now, no one knows how consciousness affects reality. But a lot has been said about the close connection between the way we think and what happens to us.

Are you going to attract money and good luck? Esotericism and the psychology of wealth will help you, or rather, those methods and examples that the whole world is already talking about. I will focus on the most effective ones that work absolutely everywhere: in the family, in business, in trade, at work.

The Millionaire Mind is All or Nothing

Why did millionaires once become millionaires? The fact is that material well-being is always attracted to kindred energy.. In most cases, the rich and successful have a lot of money, because they themselves radiate a special state associated with confidence and an active intention to do something.

The millionaire mindset is always thinking in a positive and active way. But passive expectation, anger, envy, condemnation, shifting responsibility and the eternal search for someone to blame are signs of a person mentally programmed for poverty.

The main problem is the so-called "blocks": negative associations, inability to desire, fear of failure. To overcome these difficulties, you will have to work hard on your own worldview.

To become a "millionaire", you must first feel like one: start to enjoy money, from communicating with wealthy and wealthy people, allow yourself to desire more and better, be able to turn desire into intention, not be afraid to act.

Here special techniques can be of great help, which I will discuss below.

Affirmation - setting the mind

Speak aloud as often as possible various positive formulas. Gradually, your attitude will begin to change, and the subconscious mind will accept and assimilate the meaning of repeating formulas.

Important rule: speak only in the present tense, and always in the same wording.

Examples of affirmations for money and luck:"I am a rich and successful person." "I attract money." "I'm happy, I'm lucky." "My business is profitable."

Visualization - attract events

Mentally “scroll”, imagine in detail the desired state or event as if it is already being experienced by you. This technique allows you to more accurately determine what you want, analyze your emotions and feelings.

From mental contact with the desired you will experience happiness and pleasure, and a positive “signal” will be sent to the Universe that you are ready to receive it!

Example. If you really want to buy an apartment for yourself, try to imagine that you are already standing on the threshold and holding a bunch of keys in your hands. Imagine in as much detail as possible what you will see when you go inside: the number of rooms, which side the windows face, layout, decoration. Perhaps you will see the color scheme, lighting and furnishings.

Focus on your feelings: impatience, joy, delight, a desire to touch the leather upholstery of a chair or open a window overlooking the avenue? Relive your feelings over and over again, visualizing what you want as regularly as you can.

Meditation - Money Angel

Spiritual practices in general help to get rid of negative factors that have become entrenched in our minds, cleanse the aura and strengthen energy. Meditation is another way to discover money channel, since it is she who makes thinking flexible, expands the horizons of perception, eliminates blocks and mental patterns.

The essence of meditation is maximum concentration of attention on a certain state of consciousness. This exercise is not obtained immediately and requires regular practice! Before trying this trick, make sure you won't be disturbed.

1. Stage of preparation.

Create a relaxing atmosphere around you: subdued light, quiet, monotonous music, essential oils or aroma oils, candles. Take a comfortable position, relax and try to clear your mind of thoughts. Focus on your breathing, concentrating on each inhalation and exhalation, not allowing thoughts to interfere with this process.

2. Stage of meditation.

Can choose any of the meditations you know and start exercising. I suggest you try the "Money Angel" meditation, known from one of the books of the doctor of science and the eminent theosophist Robert Stone. It is suitable for the most critical cases when you need to survive a black streak or urgently need a certain amount of money.

Exercise! Close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Now you have to meet your own higher self. Invite him into your room, hug and say: "I love you." Then ask your Higher Self to call your Guardian Angel into this room.

Wait for it to appear and say, "thank you for helping me in the past." Contact your Angel and tell him why you need money so urgently and how much. Let the Angel listen to you. Then once again thank them both, and opening your eyes, return to reality.

Money magic: what will help attract money, luck and prosperity

In this section, I will talk about money "magnets" that allow you to attract money to the family, and talismans for good luck and prosperity.

Talismans, amulets and magnets

Money is always looking for related energy. Various items that seem at first glance to be ordinary knick-knacks may have huge force and even give an instant effect with the help of magic. I will tell you about powerful talismans that are easy to find (in a gift shop, a talisman and amulets shop, or an online store).

Scraper spoon - raking in money for ourselves

This spoon has been a symbol of abundance and "full life" since ancient times. Often it is made of precious metals - this only enhances its magical properties.

The zagrebushka as a talisman acts immediately after a simple ritual is performed on it.

Ritual! Dip it in salt water overnight, and wash it in running water in the morning. Then speak the spoon and place it in the compartment of the wallet with large bills.

The words of the conspiracy to zagrebushka:“All obstacles to happiness - I drive away, wealth and luck with a rake - I rake in!”

Purse mouse - money talisman + amulet

The Money Mouse is a legendary talisman with a very interesting history. The mouse is a symbol of the city of Myshkin, from where its fame came. small a mouse figurine made of stone or metal is placed in a wallet to attract money and protect the owner from unnecessary expenses and financial failures.

Activation! In order for the mouse to begin to act as a talisman and amulet, speak to it: “Mouse - sit in your wallet, money with her - run!”

Money funnel - manage the flow of energy

Magic rites and rituals, amulets, talismans and amulets are called a money funnel. They are named so because operating principle: the funnel regulates the flow of heavenly and earthly energies, thanks to which luck and money themselves find their way to you.

Talisman "money funnel" can be made of precious wood, natural stone. Inflicted runic signs charge it magic power. As a rule, amulets are sold uncharged, so the money funnel must also be charged.

Important! If there are runes on the amulet, you need to turn directly to rune magic. Recommendations for activating the amulet are best requested from the manufacturer of the product.

Patchouli oil to enhance the effect

Well-being and prosperity can attract certain smells, so various essential oils are often used in money magic. Patchouli is a permanent attribute magical rituals- is a powerful bait for money.

Usage! Patchouli oil can be used to attract money and good luck. different ways . A few drops will help enhance the effect money amulet. Meditation with an aroma lamp or candles with the addition of fragrant oil is very helpful.

Rituals and rituals at home

These simple secrets folk ways attract financial well-being- perhaps the most famous. Checking their effectiveness is easy and simple, and the necessary attributes can be found in any store if you don’t have them at home.

Bay leaf in the wallet - a popular talisman for money

Turn Lavrushka into a real one money talisman which can be carried in a wallet. Choose a beautiful, even Bay leaf and perform a simple activation ceremony.

Activation! Treat the leaf with patchouli essential oil (a couple of drops are enough), wrap it in a natural green fabric and tie it with a red thread. Leave the talisman "charged" on the window at night. In the morning, untie and burn the thread and fabric, and put the sheet in your wallet.

Red shorts on a chandelier - money in the house

Are you familiar with the expression "magic of everyday life"? This funny way to attract money is the most striking example of this. It is borrowed from the "smoron" - the modern school of positive thinking.

Red symbolizes strength and energy, in the people often means wealth and prosperity. Underwear is a sacred attribute, and carries a strong charge of the owner's personal energy. The chandelier is often located in the center of the room, which is very important for the distribution of energy.

Hanging red underpants on a chandelier means expecting the fulfillment of your most secret desires. So that the result is not long in coming, it is very important to do everything right.

Rite! Wash new red shorts with laundry soap to clean the energy of the item. Wear them for one day, then wash again, dry, and proceed with the ritual. Throw your panties on the chandelier with your foot, while saying the words: “panties on the chandelier - money to the house.” Periodically remove them and "charge" them again so that the energy does not disappear.

Green candle - a powerful spell for money

Green color symbolizes money; for a magical rite with a candle, it is better to take a green candle. An ordinary stearin or paraffin candle is suitable, preference should be given to a thick one - these burn longer.

On the growing moon, light a candle and focus your attention on the flame. Then repeat the spell until you feel the power of what was said: “The power of this candle, harmonious and healing, becomes my power. Cash flows into my life. I attract money like a magnet. I am open to money, I feel and perceive the power and energy of money. Around me is light, it keeps me in all my undertakings. Let it be as I have said, according to my word." Let the candle burn out.


Mandala is a complex symmetrical geometric structure that communicates beauty, harmony and order.. To attract money and good luck with the help of a mandala, work with ready-made templates, or create a money mandala yourself.

Important! Mandala work is always meditative. Tune in, think about your well-being and do not allow negative thoughts.

To attract money effective mandalas"Money Well", "Cash Flow Unlock" or "Financial Independence". Use gold, red and green colors symbolizing wealth and abundance.


Mantra is a special spell in Sanskrit, the recitation of mantras is a kind of spiritual practice. It has a powerful resonant effect on the mind, it is a tool for transforming reality.

A powerful tool for attracting money is mantra Ganesh Shanaram. Its meaning is in an appeal to Ganesha - the god of wisdom and prosperity - with a request to send good luck and remove life's obstacles: "Vakratunda Mahakaya Surya Koti Samprabha Nirvighanam Kurumedeva Sarva Karishu Sarvada."

You can listen to the mantra in a recording or recite it yourself. The music accompanying the text of the mantra should not interfere with concentration.


People often underestimate numbers, considering them to be something insignificant. Who would think of looking at the numbers on banknotes or bus tickets, and even more so, looking for some hints and clues in them? Do not rush to conclusions, it is better to think about how deeply the numbers have penetrated our lives.

Numerology, or the magic of numbers, will help you figure out with what power are you able to attract wealth what needs to be done to make financial affairs go better, and what numbers contribute to the activation of cash flow.

To start calculate your financial code . To calculate it, follow the algorithm in the example below.

Let's say your date of birth is May 15, 1975.

  • Collapse your birth number to a single digit by adding the numbers: 1+5=6.
  • Roll up the month of birth in the same way: 0+5=5.
  • Collapse the year of birth: 1+9+7+5=22, 2+2=4.
  • Add up the numbers you got earlier and collapse the result: 6+5+4=15, 1+5=6.
  • Write down the resulting 4 digits in a row: day, month, year, and the number of their sum: 6546.

These 4 digits will be your personal luck code. See what effect this combination of numbers has on your life.

Now let's find out which numbers carry the energy of money. Monetary numbers in numerology: 3, 6, 8. The reverse effect is given by numbers 1, 2 and 7. The remaining numbers can be called neutral (4 and 5), they do not attract wealth, but do not mean loss or risk of losing money.

Analyze your financial code. In the example, the numbers 6546 symbolize good luck in money matters.

Advice: if you urgently need money, use the magic of numbers and draw a magic square to attract money. Draw it on a banknote and carry it with you like a talisman.

draw square 3x3 cells and start filling it with numbers, starting from the top row, from left to right. Let's take the same date of birth as in the example above.

To the front row write the numbers of your day, month and year of birth in a collapsed form.

Second row filled in in accordance with the table of alphanumeric correspondences. Enter the folded numbers of each of the letters of your first name, patronymic and last name.

Third row: the first number is determined by the sign of the zodiac (the number of the sign without folding), then the number of the sign by Eastern calendar. The last digit is the code of your main desire, which is best expressed in one word. Collapse the numbers of each letter and put the ninth number.

Prayers and psalms

You can influence the energy of money with sacred words, sacred meaning. Reading prayers and psalms is hardly suitable for every day, but this method gives an enhanced effect due to personal faith.

Doesn't have of great importance who or what you believe in. The main thing is to sincerely wish yourself and your loved ones success and prosperity.

For example, Hawaiian hooponopono prayer(translated as “correct a mistake”) is compiled on the basis of the principles of correspondence between thinking and reality, the responsibility of a person for his actions. The words of the prayer are an appeal to money, in which respect, love, gratitude and a request for forgiveness are expressed.


Runes are an ancient alphabet used by the peoples of Northern Europe. Traditionally, the word "runes" is associated with magic, and this is no coincidence.

According to experienced magicians, the rune is not just a symbol. This is energy, force, law, something inaccessible to human perception.

Each rune has eigenvalue . For example, Rune fehu is responsible for finances and is a symbol of material well-being.

It is better to entrust work with rune signs (inscription, activation) to a professional. Amulets and talismans with this rune contribute to the activation of cash flow.


Mudras are a set of sacred gestures that affect the physical and emotional state of the practitioner..

Certain positions of the hands and fingers folded in mudra help in a variety of ways. life situations. Wise to attract financial luck will help you get out of the crisis and financial stagnation, attract the energy of prosperity. You can perform mudras daily, but for each of them it is better to follow separate recommendations.

Mudras that will help to establish financial affairs: "Start" - to get out of a difficult financial situation. "Balancing" - for a breakthrough in business. "Acceptance" - for the stability of the financial flow, and others.

Signs and symbols

I will tell you about another magical tool - these are secret signs and symbols, or sigils. Their style is somewhat reminiscent of a seal, and usually contains several characters.. Collectively, they denote the main intention, the main goal of the magician, the visual concentration of his desire.

The process of creating a sigil is very exciting. Write your desire in a specific wording and shorten it by crossing out all the repeating letters. Rearrange the letters so that the magic formula - the basis of the sigil - becomes more harmonious. Then rearrange the letters into a visual formula.

Important! Working on the sigil consistently brings the intention of the person to the unconscious level. Therefore the inscribed sigil should "lose your mind", that is, forget for a while and try not to think about your desire.


Tattoo is an eternal seal on the human body. She will accompany all his life and become part of him. A tattoo should be treated with caution, but if you still decide, carefully study the meaning of the symbol that you are going to “stuff” yourself.

Try to choose the symbol closest to you.

A popular figure eight tattoo on the wrist can have different meanings. For example, a tattoo can represent the Arabic numeral 8 - a monetary number, or symbolize good luck, stability and harmony.

Important! With special attention and caution treat sketches that contain signs you do not understand (runes, staves - magic formulas or spells in an unknown language).


You can attract what you want with the help of various pictures that you will look at every day. A well-chosen screen saver for your phone or computer screen can work as a powerful means of attracting financial well-being if it visualizes your desire or evokes positive, “money” associations.

An excellent effect is given by printed pictures collected on the so-called "wish board". Looking at them creates a certain mood, prompts you to think about what you want, sets your mind to look for opportunities or "hints" that the Universe sends.

Use pictures of your dreams as well as pictures from magical signs and symbols that will concentrate the energy of wealth and direct it into your life.


Natural stones are physical carriers of certain energies.. The amazing properties of stones were discussed in ancient times, and the ability of some to attract money turned them into real talismans for enrichment.

Scroll! Stones that attract wealth, success in business, prosperity, creative realization: chrysoprase, chrysolite, chrysoberyl, citrine, rhodonite, carnelian, garnet, black tourmaline, golden topaz.

A stone chosen according to the carrier’s zodiac sign is more likely to help him get rich and fulfill himself in life in one way or another.


The impact on the energy points of the body is found in many practices. Tapping them to attract money will help amplify weak energy vibrations, so that you will be “heard” by your body, and “money blocks” will begin to break down.

The maximum effect of this exercise is achieved in conjunction with the repetition of affirmations.

Important! Tapping should be rhythmic, but meditative, not affecting the pace of speech.

Main points of influence:

  • edge of the palm;
  • the bridge of the nose at the base of the eyebrows;
  • outer corner of the eye;
  • under the pupil at the base of the orbit;
  • philtrum (between nose and upper lip)
  • dimple on the chin;
  • clavicle;
  • armpit (10 cm below);
  • crown.

incense aromas

The smells of certain essential oils literally “awaken” the energy of money. The strength of the effect is complemented by the impact on the consciousness and physical well-being of a person, which is very important when performing rituals, at meditation sessions, in everyday routine.

Direct assignment of broadcast patchouli oil- attracting wealth, money literally "goes" to this smell. Some oils have an indirect effect.

For example, cinnamon increases efficiency and harmonizes the creative process, while nutmeg promises success in gambling. Cedar influences the emotional sphere and resonates with nobility in intentions, setting you up for good luck and success in business.


Observe what color objects most often appear in magical rites? As a rule, this green, gold, orange, metallic, silver and shades of brown.

According to Feng Shui, each of the 5 elements has its own color. Money attracts the elements of Earth and Metal, and, accordingly, colors: yellow (bright, apricot and gold), brown, tan, yellow green, lemon, ocher, white and shades of white (lunar, clear, pinkish white, ivory, silvery white, jade, gray and metallic colors.

Attracting Money and Good Luck in Feng Shui: Top 3 Rules

In matters of material well-being, one cannot do without Feng Shui methods. They are aimed at the correct development of space and the distribution of objects in order to achieve harmony. Some feng shui secrets give an instant effect, as they have a powerful effect on the flow of subtle energies.

Choose the right wallet

Let the money go to your wallet, as if to your home. Some simple rules feng shui help you choose the perfect wallet.

  • Wallet shape should be such that the banknotes in it do not “bend”, but fit entirely.
  • Give preference to a wallet natural materials such as leather or textiles.
  • Wallet execution quality must match the item in which you are going to store a lot of money (especially if you choose a red wallet). Smooth and neat finish and noble restraint in design is the best option.
  • Wallet color according to Feng Shui, it is selected according to the monetary element. Use the colors of the elements of earth and metal, and try to avoid the colors of the elements of water (black, black with a sheen of red, blue and cornflower blue, purple, blue, blue-violet, blue, ultramarine, lilac).
  • green wallet according to many experts attracts money. According to Feng Shui, it symbolizes growth and renewal, allows you to activate and strengthen the flow of money energy.
  • Charge your new wallet by putting money magnets in it. For example, a one dollar bill in a wallet is considered an effective talisman. But few people know that it is not enough just to put it in your wallet: you need to fold the dollar into a triangle.

Plant a money tree

Good for attracting money arborescens, the leaves of which resemble coins. Place a living tree in your home in a special sector responsible for wealth. Remember to take care of your tree regularly.

Red ribbons and coins tied to the branches act like an antenna- thanks to them, the energy of money will find the shortest path to your home.

You can make your own money tree using Chinese coins or feng shui coins with a hole in the center instead of leaves.

Get a manicure for good luck and money

It may seem strange, but feng shui rules work everywhere. Too many factors affect financial well-being.
“Even something as small as the color of your nail polish can make a big difference in a deal.”- said my friend, the owner of a large business.

Manicure is regularly done by most women. Many do not even suspect that their addictions can somehow affect the quality of life.

Money manicure is a must-try for every woman who loves drawings on her nails. It will suit more conservative natures, if follow the most basic guidelines .

  • Do a manicure in a good mood, do not allow negative thoughts, especially those related to money.
  • Get your nails done in the area where you work or make financial decisions.
  • Choose the decor in accordance with the monetary symbolism, and choose the color based on the element corresponding to you.
  • Focus on the fingers of your right hand: the big one is responsible for success in business, the little finger is for harmony in all areas of life.

The laws of luck and luck - the basis of the foundations

And finally, I will share with you the secret fundamentals that are important to know for everyone who wants to embark on the path of well-being and prosperity.

Our thoughts and our actions are the substratum for all the changes that will happen to us in the future. Remember these laws , they contain deep wisdom, knowing which, you will become a completely happy person.

Law 1 - about the old and the new

Before you invite something new into your life, get rid of the old. This law applies to all areas of life, from wardrobe to deep existential experiences.

Law 2 - the importance of thoughts

Thoughts affect what happens just as much as actions. You can't attract luck if you don't believe in it.

Law 3 - on two fields

“If anyone asks you to go one race with him, go two races with him.”(the field is a measure of great distances in Rus').

Always do a little more than necessary. Give your best a little more than they ask, but not to the detriment of yourself. This sends a request to the Universe for additional energy. If you manage it wisely, you will win much more.


Of course, there is no universal recipe for wealth and good luck. If you are seriously thinking about how to positively change your life, you should hardly expect that a horseradish root put in a wallet or a coin spelled on the full moon will quickly solve all your problems.

These methods work only in conjunction with your mood and intention, emotions and desires, and always resonate with how you act and transform your world.

Sincerely, Mashuta Klencheva ( magazine expert).

All people strive for material enrichment. After all, the presence of money opens up many opportunities in all areas of life. If we have finances, we can improve our health, have a pleasant vacation, please loved ones with the right gifts, etc. In the hope of earning and keeping money, many work hard, save, and someone resorts to illegal actions. m.

However, not everyone can collect the desired amount. What is the reason for such injustice, when money flows in a stream into one house, and eternally empty wallets in another? The main condition for enrichment is a complete restructuring of consciousness. To do this, you need to learn to think about finances as if you already have them. Avoid phrases about the lack of money, do not say out loud such word forms:

  • I'm poor.

  • I will never be able to afford it.

  • For me, it's incredibly expensive.

We furnish a home.

To make sure your financial situation matches your needs, start with a general house cleaning. Money loves perfect order. If you do not maintain cleanliness in the room, finances, even if they appear, will soon disappear. When scattered things and dusty corners with cobwebs appear in the rooms, material expenses increase rapidly. The hallway should be spacious and comfortable. To do this, you need to carefully hang things in the closet, put shoes on a special shelf. If a mirror hangs in the hallway, clean it more often. And before entering the apartment, put a beautiful doormat, and under it any coin.

Things that you do not use for a long time, it is better to remove from the living quarters. And old or torn things should be thrown into the trash. Also, do not store in the house a chipped or broken dishes, cups, dotted with cracks. The refrigerator and stove should always look perfectly clean. They are symbols of the home. When you wipe furniture, imagine that all your debts and financial obligations go away with the dust. Remember that material goods do not become guests of houses with broken furniture, leaking faucets and mold.

To attract money into your home, take out the trash regularly. And you need to do this not in the evening, but during the day. Try not to leave trash overnight, as this can lead to unforeseen expenses. Periodic airing of the room is considered a faithful assistant in attracting wealth. Fresh air followed by aromatization will play a huge role in improving financial condition. Money loves rooms filled with scents of mint, orange, basil, cinnamon and rosemary. Putting things in order in the dining room will require special attention from you.

The dining table should always be clean. It would be better to cover it with a beautiful tablecloth. At the same time, it should be without holes and patches. An original, neat tablecloth with rich embroidery will attract a lot of money to your home. The effect will be stronger if you put a large bill in the middle of the table. In no case do not put empty cups, bottles, jars, vases on the tablecloth, do not put hats and keys. Sweep away crumbs only with a rag or brush.

Keeping money at home

If you don’t know how to attract money and good luck to your house, learn not only to earn money, but also to properly store supplies. With each salary, try to save either a certain amount or a percentage of the money received. Even if you get a meager amount, be sure to put it in a piggy bank. It is these deferred finances that will always be in the house that will become a kind of magnet for additional income.

When you put money in a secret place, think about the purpose for which you save it and how you will feel when your dream comes true. You should not use a wallet to store money at home. For this, a natural wood box or a bright envelope is better suited. The box should be made in the style that you like. It is better to hide it in the southeastern part of the room, it is responsible for the wealth in the house. If you are raising money for multiple purposes, keep it in separate envelopes or boxes.

It is very important to understand and often remind yourself that finances are accumulated for certain needs and are inviolable. In case of emergency, you can take a small amount, but as soon as possible, it should be returned to the place. A good way to attract material wealth to the house is to store a large bill without exchanging it for a year, or even longer. In this way, she attracts more and more to you and more money. Next to such a bill, it’s nice to put a pot with a money tree.

For everyone who is interested in how to attract money using Feng Shui, there are a number of rules that should be followed. For example, an office should be equipped in the southeastern part of the house, which is responsible for the wealth and well-being of the owner. Decorate the room located in this zone in blue-green colors, furnish with wooden objects. It will be very useful to decorate furniture and walls with an original floral ornament.

The more natural materials will be present in the room, the more powerful will be the monetary energy formed in it. Pictures with a wooden mill will help improve well-being. On the walls it is worth hanging several such images. Arrange tubs with fresh flowers above the walls. And in the corner, install a round aquarium or a small fountain. When choosing these accessories, consider the size of the room. Aquarium or fountain should look harmonious.

Waterfalls in paintings, photographs or in a fountain should not be stormy. A small stream directed to any point in the room, except for the exit, is enough. The workplace near the computer will be favorably decorated with Chinese coins tied with a red thread. Also in the wealth zone it is worth placing special feng shui symbols that can attract money. For these purposes, the figurine of the Chinese god Caishen-e, who is responsible for stable financial situation. This is an ordinary old man sitting on a tiger.

The best place for a figurine is behind a chair or armchair in the office. Figurines of dragons, turtles, phoenixes, three-legged toads on a handful of gold coins will also be effective. A model of a sailing ship will bring money and good luck to the house. At the same time, its bow should “look” at the center of the dwelling. The best place for him will be the hallway. At the entrance to the house, he will personify the ease with which money will arrive in your abode.

Folk omens.

For a long time there have been signs of how to attract money to a house. Our ancestors knew what rules to follow in order to gain wealth:

  • It is better to repay debts in the morning on a waning moon. If you took a large bill, then it is worth giving small ones.

  • You need to stretch the money to the seller right hand, and take the change with the left.

  • Borrowing is allowed on any day of the week except Tuesday.

  • After sunset, you should not count money, give it to someone or ask for a loan.

  • The foam that formed on the tea should be drunk immediately.

  • When giving alms, try not to touch the beggar with your hand.

  • Before dinner, be sure to eat a crust of salted bread.

  • In the house you can not whistle and sit on the table. These actions greatly scare away money.

  • At night, part of the savings must necessarily lie under the tablecloth.

  • If you cut your nails on Tuesdays or Fridays, luck will visit your home more often.

  • The broom in the house should always stand up with a whisk.

There are signs for the New Year.

On New Year's Eve, a woman should be in new tights and underwear. It is worth paying attention to the hairstyle. Hair should be beautifully styled, while such styling should be done for the first time. During the festive feast, it is advisable to try seven different dishes. And on Christmas Eve, be sure to donate money to the church. For financial luck, buy a needle on Monday but don't use it until Thursday. And on Thursday, thread a thread through it and stick a needle into the clothes that you often wear.

Visiting guests is a great way to bring money into your home. Immediately after leaving strangers shake out the tablecloth outside. Soon your financial situation will improve. A lot of recommendations have been written about how to attract money right now at home. But there are few truly effective ones. Do not waste time, take all the small coins, and without counting, put them in a piggy bank. But it will be even more effective to lay them out in the corners of the entire apartment. Arrange the bills in your wallet from largest to smallest. If your savings are held in different currencies, don't put them together.

Well attracts money to the house semolina. To improve your well-being, lay a path of cereal from the bank to your home. Only the bank needs to choose a reliable one that has been operating for more than one year. You can also ask for money from an ATM. To do this, lightly pat on it and repeat three times: "Give money." This way will help you get rich and have fun: draw dollar symbols on your heels. For the best result, this should be done not with a pen or marker, but with nail polish.


There are many opinions about the optimal size and color of the wallet to attract finance. The experience of most rich people determines what a wallet should be like in order to have prosperity in the house. First, it has to look chic. Do not spare money to charge him with the energy of prosperity. A cheap wallet will never be full, as it radiates the energy of poverty itself. If you are unable to buy an expensive wallet, pick up a similar one at an average price.

The main thing is that it should look respectable, be functional and evoke thoughts of wealth. Banknotes feel good in a spacious wallet. Even the largest of them should lie straight, without bending. As for the optimal color, it is best to choose black, brown, yellow, gold or silver. Such a wallet will not only save savings, but also significantly increase them. But blue, green and blue are the colors of water. They contribute to the rapid emptying of the wallet without significant further income.

Wallets made of suede, leather or fabric well pass money energy. Avoid artificial materials that do not carry a financial charge (polyethylene and its derivatives). They block the paths through which material prosperity comes. It is very important to have a pocket mirror in your wallet. To increase profits, this is an indispensable accessory. I reflect bills, it, as it were, doubles their face value. The amount in the wallet automatically receives a command to increase every day.

What to put in your wallet to attract money and good luck to the house?

Usually, in order to attract money, three Chinese coins tied with a thread should lie in the wallet. Specialized stores sell ready-made bundles, but it would be better if you purchase coins and thread separately. While saying how much you love money, tie three coins together yourself. Feng Shui advises to put in your wallet a small card with a picture of a bunch of grapes, a mint leaf or green tea. These symbols have the ability to improve the financial situation of their owner. Beans and cinnamon attract and keep money in the wallet.

One dollar bill has a huge energy to attract finance. Hexograms and runes hidden in one of the wallet compartments will also help to preserve and increase wealth. To get rich, you can use proven folk remedy: put a small piece of horseradish root in the money storage place. He will collect material energy in large quantities. For these purposes, it is better to use a root dug out on your own, and not bought at the market. A sprig of heather in your wallet will also come in handy.


Here is another good way to attract money and good luck to your home: forgiveness meditation. Clearly imagine those people who once offended you. Mentally forgive each of them. This attitude will save you from the negative energy that repels financial income. In the same way, forgive yourself. From now on, your vocabulary should never contain such phrases: “I will never forgive myself for this”, “This is the punishment for my mistakes”, “I am to blame for all my troubles”. If resentment lurks inside you, your subconscious mind itself finds a way to punish you. One of them is blocking the receipt of material values.

By forgiving yourself and your offenders, you open the way for the enrichment of your home. The universe takes all your thoughts and words absolutely seriously. Therefore, a positive mood and good attitude to others attract to you not only wealth, but also other benefits (health, good luck). Use affirmations (phrases that affect the subconscious mind) more often. For example, “I will soon become rich”, “I attract money to me”, “I will have everything I want”. Thus, our financial situation depends only on ourselves. Therefore, before becoming rich, it is worth changing your mind, your life and your attitude towards money. If you are not happy with your financial condition, but want to try to attract money into your life, follow five simple rules:

  1. Maintain a positive image of money at all times. You must love them. Forget about the negative stereotypes that have been instilled in you since childhood.

  2. Clearly define your life goals and estimate how much money will be needed to implement them. Keep in mind that nature itself can accumulate the necessary amounts.

  3. Plan your income and expenses. Remember that all the rich knew how much finance they would need, even before receiving material wealth.

  4. Every time money comes to you, say thank you.

  5. Dream, imagine the possibility of you having large sums. Think about what you will buy, where you will go, what new opportunities will be available to you.

Although happiness is not at all about money, many people try to find a better job or wear amulets that attract wealth. From this we can conclude that signs made of paper and metal really have great power. Many of the problems of mankind are solved with the help of money, so it is not surprising that most people are interested in how to attract money and good luck to themselves.

The opinion of psychologists: changing attitudes

Unfortunately, to raise money with magical amulets and conspiracies are not obtained by everyone. Accordingly, the world's population is divided into two types of people - rich and poor. For the first, money is a means to ensure a comfortable life, the opportunity not to deny yourself anything. For others, finance is a way of survival. This is not the fault of fate. Rather, the former make more efforts and do not despair if something does not work out, while the second type of people quickly let go of their hands and, accordingly, there is simply no result.

Psychologists believe that any event that occurred in a person's life was pre-programmed in the head. Everything that happens around has a direct relationship with the desires, beliefs, aspirations and even delusions of the person himself.

In the thoughts of the poor, the question often arises of how to attract wealth and live without knowing the need. But he does not fight the belief that money is evil, and big money is even more evil. He has a stereotype imposed from childhood that being rich is a troublesome, dishonest, shameful and even dangerous business.

When it comes to talking about money, people with this attitude begin to feel fear and guilt. On a subconscious level, they try to avoid sources that can enrich them. If a poor person is given a large sum, he will try to get rid of it in a short time, but the money spent will not bring him any benefit.

It is worth noting that the matter here is not only in attitudes at the psychological level. Many professional financiers and economists do not earn the desired funds, although they are all aware of the sources of passive income that can bring great profits. Only in isolated cases they manage to achieve their goal in a short time. What is the reason? It turns out that knowledge alone is not enough. To get rich, you must always believe in luck and be able to manage finances.

Scientists conducted a test on human behavior in stressful situations, in which lucky people and losers took part. As a result, it turned out that the former always remain calm even in the most hopeless situations, while the latter can start to panic for no apparent reason.

It is difficult for a person who regularly diverts his attention to anxieties and stresses to catch the moment when luck smiles. Instead of acting and then reaping the rewards, the loser complains about life and misses the chance given by fate.

Psychologists recommend that such people first of all work on themselves, and only then strive for financial well-being and a bright road to the future. It has been proven many times that man himself is the blacksmith of his own destiny. Only he can change himself and his life for the better.

Secrets of Attracting Success

Simple rules that need to be adopted by everyone who dreams of a happy life will help to attract success to yourself. Their observance will in a short time to achieve significant success in self-improvement:

If you completely change your thinking, social circle, learn to value your work and time, love yourself, then the path to financial well-being will be opened in a short time.

But do not think that wealth will fall from the sky. In the first stages, it is necessary to free up energy channels for prosperity in the future. Everything is in the hands of man. The main thing is to realize that feelings, thoughts and actions can have magical power. All other methods are an addition that will not be valid without observing the basic rules and changes in the person himself.

Magic Methods

You can start using additional methods only after all 7 basic rules are implemented. A sprout needs to be watered in order for it to grow, the situation is the same with luck and financial well-being. The main thing is to act decisively.

Golden Rule

Money comes to those who firmly believe in their unlimited power - this is the rule. You need to love and thank them for the fact that they did the honor and came to the house. Such a positive attitude towards money promotes the opening of energy gateways of prosperity. Do not think about other people's finances, so you can drive yourself into a dead end.

You need to regularly think about the desired well-being. It is even recommended to create a clear image of him, imagining what the car, house and furnishings will be like in the near future. The "picture of the future" should be constantly scrolled in your own head. This will cause the target to start moving towards the person.

money prayer

Often people at strong desire to achieve something, they turn to the forces from above for help. You can try to ask to attract money and good luck, because lack of money prevents a person from living without sadness, getting along with the outside world and himself. To ask for help with prayers, you need not sin.

Religion holds that discouragement is also a sin, as it leads to poverty.

There are a large number of prayers to various saints to attract money. But prayers with an appeal to Christ, the Mother of God, as well as the prayer of Seraphim of Sarov and the Blessed are considered the best. Any of them will help a believing person who is in a difficult financial situation to gain faith in tomorrow.

feng shui traditions

Feng Shui is called the ancient Chinese doctrine of harmony. According to him, well-being, health and luck have a direct relationship with qi energy. Energy flows are inside a person and in his environment. to a person you need to use energy sources for your own good:

Conducting ceremonies

There are rituals that help to gain material well-being. All of them are united by a common focus - respect for money. symbolic actions, which should be done regularly:

  1. You need to regularly count the money in your wallet. No wonder they say that money loves an account. It will also help control costs.
  2. Donation has a positive effect on material wealth. It has always been believed among the people that the giving hand will never be empty, therefore it is recommended to regularly donate a certain amount to those in need.
  3. You can’t overestimate your income by showing off to others, but it’s also not recommended to show off.
  4. Any new activity aimed at generating income should begin in the phase of the growing moon.
  5. Banknotes in the wallet must be facing the owner.

Amulets and talismans

People want to get wealth in a short time, so they believe in talismans and amulets aimed at attracting money. These talismans include:

  1. 3 Chinese coins on a red thread. This symbol of the power of money must be carried in the wallet at all times.
  2. Businessmen who deal with risks are advised to place an elephant figurine in their office. When making a risky transaction, you need to stroke the elephant's trunk.
  3. Toad with coins in his mouth. An Eastern legend says that a greedy and evil toad was caught by the Buddha, and as punishment, she had to secretly appear in people's houses and spit out coins from gold.
  4. 3 turtles of small size indicate the presence of triple luck.

Using Mantras

A mantra is a conspiracy aimed at the positive influence of energy flows both inside a person and from outside. Mantra consists of special sound combinations, with magical powers. Their focus is wealth for the pronouncing person.

The most popular and effective mantra for attracting financial well-being is as follows: “Om-lakshmi-vigansri-kamala-dhairigan-swaha”. These sounds with a magical effect must be pronounced every morning for 30 days.

There are many more ways to attract money and good luck. Their person must always choose on their own.

But it is important to remember that water does not flow under a lying stone. If you just read prayers, mantras, furnish the house according to Feng Shui and force it with amulets, but do nothing, you should not expect material wealth. First of all, you need to change yourself and only then use additional ways to attract wealth and good luck.

The sudden crisis in the country makes many people more and more often resort to looking for additional income. As soon as the situation with finances in the house becomes more precarious, we plan expenses more carefully, do not allow ourselves excesses, try not to borrow. But what to do if you don’t get additional economic education, no one appoints a deputy director and no one shines an accidental inheritance from great-grandmothers from the state of Alabama. But psychologists and leading astrologers recommend a lot of advice, how to attract money to a house, and be sure to use them in everyday life to increase your well-being.

How to become rich for sure

Our ancestors also looked for ways to attract material well-being. Many signs that have come down to our times now seem to us absurd and completely ineffective. For example, they suggested putting a bumblebee in a grandmother's chest or carrying a water meter beetle in a jacket pocket every day.

And yet, in an effort to increase the number of banknotes in their wallet, even the most notorious skeptics often carefully study all the rituals that are somehow connected with money. Any wedding ceremony, for example, necessarily includes the process of shedding the spouses with trifles. This promises them a comfortable and prosperous life.

What to listen to

Many of the signs that the Universe itself sends us are actually valid and effective. It is important to read and recognize them correctly. Check out the most common hints of financial luck.

Signal Decryption
Suddenly itchy left hand Wait for the receipt of funds.

To achieve greater effect, tap on a wooden surface or simply clap your hands.

A houseplant suddenly bloomed
  • Wealth is almost already on the threshold of your home.
  • The only condition - do not rearrange the flower to another place.
Found a coin, gold or a horseshoe
  • Good luck and luck in money will accompany you if you immediately say goodbye to the find.
  • Spend the coin in the store, take the gold to the pawnshop, and hide the horseshoe away without showing anyone.
Found a four-leaf clover As in the case of the horseshoe, the find must be removed from prying eyes.
Butterfly, ladybug or a bat flew in through the window
  • In no case should you kill sudden visitors.
  • Just keep the window open.
  • Guests will leave your home, leaving behind wealth and profit.
"Gift" on clothes from a bird Many people know that there is no need to get annoyed about this.
  • This sign is the surest chance to expect replenishment of financial well-being in the near future.

How to attract finance

But what if there is no desire to sit and wait for handouts from our Universe? You can try to attract success in money yourself. There are many different options for this.

As attributes for these purposes, figurines of oriental gods, talismans, special aromas or just pets are used. To scale family budget has risen to the highest bar, any remedy will be very helpful.

Rustling banknotes are a delicate thing that requires special treatment. So what needs to be done so that cash is always in your pockets, how to attract money into the house.

Listen to folk wisdom, which recommends how to behave and not frighten off wealth:

  • Paper bills should not be wrinkled, crumpled or torn. Treat them with the utmost respect.
  • Periodically count all the cash you have in your home. But do not do it at night, as well-being will leave after the day has passed.
  • Never count how much other people earn, do not envy them.
  • Give alms with the words: "The hand of the giver will never fail."
  • Always offer food to a hungry person.
  • Change cannot be donated. Beliefs say that in this case, poverty will turn to face you.
  • Give banknotes with your right hand, and take it with your left.
  • If you are asked for a loan on Monday or with a growing moon, refuse.
  • Give, also, waiting for the full moon to pass.
  • The loan should be issued when the month is young.
  • Manicure or pedicure on Tuesday and Friday guarantees financial income.

How not to frighten off monetary well-being

How to make prosperity settle in your house for a long time.

There are a number of methods that scare away the well-being and prosperity of the family, but there are also those that lure money luck and luck. It is important to study them all in order to take advantage of the right advice at the right time.

How to lure money What Repels Finance - The Laws of Poverty
  • The broom should always be placed upside down.
  • The original solution will be the acquired souvenir, which is hung above the front door.
  • Clean up your home.
  • Get rid of unnecessary things, broken plates or cups, old clothes.
  • Part of the space will be freed up for new acquisitions.
  • Dining table covered with a new, beautiful tablecloth.
  • Place a large bill under the tablecloth. This must be done 3 days before the full moon. After the money can be spent.
  • Money tree and other house plants.
  • Things of defiant bright, red color.
  • Empty dishes left on the table, and bottles are highly undesirable.
  • Cleaning up after sunset. It is also not recommended to take out the garbage outside the house at this time.
  • Wash the debris left on the table without a rag, with the help of your hand.
  • It is better to carefully collect the tablecloth and shake off the crumbs on the street.
  • You can't sit on the table.
  • Keeping money in the hallway.
  • At the same time as the water flowing from broken taps, finances can run away.
  • A toilet lid accidentally left open.
  • Whistle in the house

If you want prosperity in your house to be not a guest, but a permanent resident, you need to create special living conditions for it. Only in this case, you will no longer wonder how to attract money to the house.

How to lure luck in money with the help of things, animals, plants

You yourself love beautiful images, create a certain comfort in the home of banknotes, then they will absolutely not want to leave you.

This can be done using special attributes, ordinary plants or even animals.

Attribute How to use
Figurines and images
Tua Pe Kong
  • These are eastern deities that have a certain influence on material wealth.
  • If you familiarize yourself with the recommendations of Feng Shui, then they should be placed in the southeast corner of your home.
  • It is he who is responsible for wealth.
  • This indian god, which is endowed with the head of an elephant.
  • He will take care of prosperity in your home.
  • But in order to keep the money, do not forget to occasionally scratch his tummy.
Slavic brownies Their images will keep your family from misfortune, attract finance and stability, monitor the constant replenishment of your cash chests.
green candles
  • More suitable for romantic natures.
  • They are able to maintain financial prosperity at the proper level, special emphasis is placed on color, green is preferred.
Wheat, buckwheat, rice or corn A few grains of one of the listed cereals in your wallet regulates financial flows in the right direction.
Beans, horseradish
  • Positively affect wealth and stability.
  • Horseradish is a money talisman that should be dug, dried and placed in a closet.
Chestnut, cloves, mustard Sew bags, place one of the ingredients there and store to attract money.
Cinnamon, mint, ginger, patchouli The aroma of these plants has a beneficial effect on stable cash flows.
  • There is a whole ceremony in China that uses rice to attract wealth into the home.
  • To carry it out, it is poured into a bowl and thrown every day. lunar month coins.
  • At the same time, you need to focus on the fact that there will be as much cash as grains of rice.
Live helpers
  • It has always been believed that cats are better than other animals to have a positive impact on the financial situation in the family.
  • Particular preference is given to black or gray.
Sparrows, doves
  • Be sure to feed hungry birds, especially in winter.
  • They will thank you by bringing you money.
Frog The most ideal super-financier of different nations.
  • The toad has always been a symbol of prosperity.
  • It is absolutely not necessary to start a live one, take a figurine and put it on a new bill.
Wallet An important role is played by the color of your purse.
  • It is better if it is red, black, gold or brown. The wallet should not be shabby and shabby.
  • Do not store paper money and small things together in it.
  • To do this, use special compartments.
  • Make sure paper money is placed face out.
Box made of natural materials The cash that is stored in the house must lie in a certain place.
  • Get a special chest or box.
  • Do not forget to throw a lucky money, which will attract additional financial flows.

How to find your lucky money

It is believed that for each of us there is a special, successful banknote that will take care of how to attract money to the house.

Most often these include the following:

  • Has the number seven in the number, repeated several times,
  • The number contains the date of birth,
  • Matching initials and series,
  • Previously forgotten in clothes, and subsequently found.

Many take the usual hundred rubles, put them in a shirt in a certain way, which implies receiving protection from unexpected investments.

Not all signs and superstitions have come to us from time immemorial. Some have already been invented.

  • Modern myth-makers came up with the idea of ​​​​drawing euro or dollar signs on a patch. So they try to win over foreign exchange earnings. So far, however, there are no prerequisites for considering this sign as valid. More close to the truth is another creation of modern society.
  • The received salary should spend the whole night in the house to the last penny.

This is a completely justified offer, which does not allow excessive spending. And, therefore, it is still worth taking a closer look at the beliefs proposed by the peoples, most likely we will see in them a reasonable grain that increases money in a single family.

How to attract good luck and money to the house conspiracy is the most effective way

Most likely, each of us had a bewilderment about the fact that we put too much effort, but we don’t feel the result that would suit us in terms of money.

In this situation, one should turn to magic, which represents many rites and rituals to attract wealth. But do not forget that they are effective only in case of sincere faith.

Magic rituals to increase financial well-being

Think about it and check for yourself.

The name of the ritual Necessary things How to conduct How does it work
  • A handful of change
  • Holy water
  • special mood
  • Clear priorities
  • Creativity and fantasy
  • Wait until the moon is in its waxing phase.
  • Clean your home of unnecessary rubbish first. Pay special attention to the corners.
  • The corners in your apartment should not be crowded with anything, this contributes to the stagnation of energy.
  • Early in the morning, before sunrise, whisper special words over the coins, and then over the water in which you place your change (below).
  • Then wash all the floors in the apartment with it, imagining that you are washing away the negative, and beckoning the money supply to you. b
  • When the magical manipulations are completed, the water is poured under a tree in the yard, and the money is hidden in a secluded place, wrapped in a white handkerchief. Stored for one month, then can be used in other rituals.
It all depends on the intentions and true faith of the performer.

You must invest as much as possible of your strength and skill in the actions you have taken.

Be clear about what you really want.

This does not mean at all that the next day you will find a treasure or a money bag under the bed. Perhaps you will be offered a higher position that will help you assert yourself financially.

A conspiracy for money and good luck to read on a coin

Read a conspiracy for good luck in life

Conspiracy on coins in water to conduct a reading ritual (3 times)

Powerful rituals for financial well-being
Attracting all the forces of the asking kind
  • New black handkerchief
  • green candle
  • tea saucer
  • 7 coins
One of the most powerful rituals on how to attract money to the house.

How to conduct:

  • Wait for the first days after the new moon.
  • At the time of the magical actions, you should be wearing a nightgown without buttons.
  • Sit at a table on which a scarf is spread out, a saucer with coins is placed.
  • Light a candle and move it in the direction of the clock hands above the money, saying the words of the ceremony.
  • Then the money must be buried at the crossroads.
  • At the same time, you need to whisper: “Damn the fee, I’m rich in gold!”
  • You should go home without looking back.
  • Thus, you pay for the fact that the paths of financial well-being open before you.
The waxing moon gives you an additional opportunity to earn your performed ritual. Most often, in just a few days, you will observe an improvement in well-being and an increase in cash receipts.

Spend it in the lunar cycles, but not more than once, only then will its work be more correct.

Whispering over coins (7 times)

Mirror money spell

What will be required:

  • New mirrors - 2 pcs
  • 3 coins
  • green candle
  • white candle

How to perform a ritual

Before the ceremony, you need to light a white candle, read the well-known prayer Our Father on it.

  • Position it on the left and do not extinguish throughout the process.
  • New mirrors that were not previously in use are placed one opposite the other, and coins are placed between them and a green candle with certain words is lit (given below).
  • Check that the mirrors reflect all the objects located.
  • Read the plot (given below), carefully focusing on the purpose of the ceremony.

What to do with the attributes after the actions taken:

  • light a candle stub at a service in the church (repeating three times: “As they read a prayer for the health of the Lord three times, so the money arrives in my bins! Truly!”),
  • put the mirrors in a secret place, using only for subsequent magical rituals,
  • always have coins with you.

It is useful to have money amulets:

When to perform money rituals

If you feel that your life has become stagnant, you need to change something drastically, then be sure to try all of these actions. The effect of them is quite long and is able to persist for several cycles of the moon. This method is simple and quickly helps to achieve the goal. Apart from cash flows that will pour into your family, you will still find peace and happiness in your personal life.

Prayer for money when lighting a candle (green)

Say this hex over things (40 times)

What not to do - so as not to frighten off money

Carrying out magical actions, never forget about the material essence of our thoughts and words.

  • In no case do not complain about the lack of finances, poverty and a beggarly state.
  • You yourself can focus your mind on achieving a positive end result in the form of inexhaustible financial flows that will bring you stability and prosperity.
  • Everything depends entirely on faith and willingness to try all methods and means to attract wealth.

It will definitely catch up with you, you'll see.

Reconsider your life guidelines, change your habits and preferences, and you will be surprised to suddenly discover that unusual things will begin to happen to you. Learn to manage finances wisely, constantly improve. Rich people are never lazy and do a lot of work. When studying information on how to attract money to a house, remember that you should not rely solely on "manna from heaven." A little effort, and you will get what you really deserve with your hard work.

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